Friday, February 9, 2024

Modi Ki Guarantee

The entire country is demanding to vote via the means of ballot papers rather than thru' EVM - for the upcoming Lok Sabha 2024 polls.

The justifiable demand is for the usage of ballot papers for voting at any district level, state level and/ or national level polls... going forward.

Demand for - blanket ban on using the EVMs anywhere in the country.

I / We fully support and endorse such legitimate and valid demands and am in full support for such just and justifiable demands.

Expecting and humbly requesting the honorable PM Modi Ji to steadfastly announce for elections by means of ballot papers, henceforth.

I would request that the proclamation i.e the directive for using ballot papers must be made ASAP... say, within 24-48 hours ( in case it has ever to come, that is. )

"To be able to verifiably vote and choose the candidate of their choice." - this is the only guarantee the country expects from a two term PM and the establishment. I am sure this is going to strengthen the grass roots of democracy in the country. As well - make the country more robust with enhanced overall strength(s).

I am sure this legit demand is entirely doable and MUST need be done. viz. - voting by means of ballot papers.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Chain Links and Actionable Items

 Chain Links and Actionable Items

I started piecing this blogger post almost two month back ( perhaps around mid March, 2019 ). By piecing… is meant that - rather than this same blogger post piece coming out in a singular flow of thoughts all put down and forth in a matter of few continuous hours… this same post is put across and added to… in bits and pieces to end up being eventually an elicited blogger post.


Tantamount fundamentally something akin to - joining of several handkerchiefs to form a towel… or stitching myriad towels together to make up a bed-sheet.

Alternatively identical to – framing a rudimentary backbone blogger post and adding muscle, mass, blood and a flow of life - ideas, questions, deductions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. into that very posts.


More oftentimes than not… blogger posts I never ever had any intentions of anytime writing forth… yet, few of these same must had to be put forth so as to derive and drive at a certain point which necessarily had to be made.

Now… the purpose of mentioning this salient point is to bring to the attention of everyone who ever chances across this specific blogger post - what might have had been the reactions of the several related personalities / people / actors who are or might be part of this entire blogger series… either covertly or by overt choice, from mid March 2019 till the publication of this blogger post and even earlier since the year 2014.

To reiterate… I undeniably do understand now that even whilst I type each individual letters of this blogger post… the same is relayed / transmitted in real-time to innumerable personnel of the security agencies around the world and perhaps viewed by them.

That security agencies would be - the American, the Western or NATO, 5-Eyes Consortium, 12-Eyes Consortium, Indian, etc. security agencies. Highly possible - perhaps even the Russians, as well !

The moot point remains that this same observation holds true probably for each and every person… or human being… around perhaps the entire world. Such is the scope of the capabilities of the global or the globalist controlled intelligence agencies.

This is my direct observation; and… which certainly cannot be wrong. Someone must ask Edward Snowden, who is parked in Moscow since the year 2013.


After my 6th of February, 2019 blogger posts that coarsely stated the most inhuman and draconian violation of my and my entire family’s privacy rights… by the Indian and as also the Western intelligence agencies.

I am sure the Americans sure do take serious note of my blogger posts. And, they must be bringing to notice any significant and serious issues to - all their affiliated respective wings / departments / organizations, etc.

So, on the 8th of February, 2019 we get a reaction from the Bay area - San Jose, California based Cisco Systems that had to do with primarily their Internet of Things ( IoT ) global rollout. Must read here –

Cisco System’s public posturing  -

“Cisco today issued a call to governments and citizens around the world to establish privacy as a fundamental human right in the digital economy.”

...“IoT, 5G, and AI promising to soon reshape how we interact with technology.”

…“Cisco is calling on the U.S. government to develop a US federal privacy law.

I do believe that Cisco System’s express disapproval might have been actually directed at the Indian intelligence agencies and the Indian government. Perhaps the American, as well.

Cisco System’s suspicion that their IoT based 5G capable AI encompassing security products and solutions are not misused in violating the sacred spaces of people by the security agencies. !!


Have the Cisco System’s executives ever wondered that the very IoT based system they have developed and deployed around the world has every chance to be used or misused against their very own sons and daughters, down the road ?


Point stated here is… each and every world citizen… you ALL must be please be aware of this same fact…

No individual may have any privacy left what-so-ever, in the eyes of the CATTY intelligence agencies that collaboratively span the entire globe. Perhaps, as part of the unfolding NWO regime, that has evolved to a pretty advanced stage !!

Almost everyone of consequence has his or her ”live life” archived in the mammoth data centers that act as colossal buckets of the continual information mop up of the global intelligence agency’s network. The data archives might have started several decades back. ( Suggest - Ask Edward Snowden for more on this. )

Of course, exception might be - until and unless one is a vagabond gypsy in the desert, tribal in the deep forests, entrenched in the deepest recesses and inaccessible heights of lofty mountains, etc.

Pointer to an after-thought:

I hope that Captain AV’s chemicals laden tanker does not undergo ‘metamorphosis’ to transform into a submarine ( running covertly underwater… in the high seas of the internet ). Though… the impression might be given that it plans to or might be in the process of finally running aground !!

Running aground… never happens with this Captain A V until and unless it is part of a certain ruse / game / stratagem on his part !!

Because, it is my observation that he and his mates have only one sole, singular agenda – to win by whatever means possible. By hook, crook, craft or… by whatever !!

<< ONE >>

Captain Ajit Vadakayil who blogs at or as also at certainly belongs to a certain subset from within the part and parcel of the Indian security establishment ( that certainly must include the IFS diplomats and think-tanks, intelligence agencies and the armed forces ) of the country. Anyone may deduce that from his numerous blogger posts.

Now, per my lack of factual on-the-grounds knowledge as to whether he belongs to a particular powerfully entrenched sub-set of the security establishment or is representative of the whole… that would be doubtful and debatable, for I am least aware on the same issue even after more than five years.

Based on my limited observation and perception - I logically deduce and believe that he might cater to a specific powerful subset of the whole of them community, rather than the entire lot of them.

Having stated the obvious background of those that could be part and parcel of Captain’s coterie viz. – majorly from the folds of the intelligence agencies and the armed forces… one cannot say or state that Captain AV is representative of the entire set of them all !! Can we ??

I suggest and do believe, based on my nascent understanding and observation - that might not be so !!

So… do we need to deduce as regards those specific set of social/ ethnic caste group/ religious groups, etc. people/ personnel/  officers, etc. who might NOT be part of his core team ?

For… that analysis might yield an insight to… who all officers/ personnel might constitute or might be affiliated to his core coterie or team.

This also implies that…  those that might NOT be represented in his core team/ coterie and might be technically ( for whatever underlying reasons ) be in his opposite team.

And, that might certainly be –

1) The Scheduled Caste ( SC ) and Scheduled Tribe ( SC ) People from across the entire country (constituting nearly 24 % of the overall population of the entire country ) -

Would not expect the SC and ST set of personnel to be extolling the virtues of Sanatana Dharma. The SC, ST folks have been perceived to be more inclined towards Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Kabir panth as espoused by Sant Kabir Dasa and Sant RaiDasa and their immortal teachings.

Again Captain AV perceptibly seems to have a low opinion on EVR Periyar Naicker Swamy, Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd and other such dalit personalities and icons.

Might that explain that he sort of bears a negative attitude towards the SC, ST folks for probably their inherent natural opposition to the upper or dominant castes that predominate at each and every hierarchy of the social order of Sanatana Dharma ??  And… perhaps that might have to do with their opposition to the chatur-varna system as practiced by the adherents of the Hindu Dharma ?

2) The Sikhs ( nearly constituting 1.7 % of the overall population of the country ) –

Since the Captain states and restates in his blog that all the medieval time Dasas are fake… which in turn implies that Sant Ravi Dasa ( or, Rai-Das ) and Sant Kabir Dasa never existed, per him.
But then, contrarily… we do know that all the ten Sikh Gurus were ( per my limited knowledge and understanding ) followers of Sant Kabir Dasa and other such Saints and Mahatmas. And, they were certainly not engaged in idol worship… but were always engaged in merging their consciousness over each and every breathe cycle with the perpetual thoughts of the Supreme God.

Their belief and preaching being centered around – “Ek Omkar Satnam…” !!

Any set of true Sikhs aligned with Captain AV would never agree with this truth exhuming which tells that all the medieval Dasas were fake creations. So… ostensibly this seems logical that Sikhs certainly might not be part of his core team.

3) Would not expect that Jains, Buddhists, Parsis and even perhaps Islamic personnel might be on his ‘active’, ‘core’ team ( who overall… are representative of nearly = 1 % + 2 % + 15 % = 18 % of the overall population of the country ).


When Captain AV states that King Ashoka was a fake creation… then in that process he is sort of rubbishing the history of the Mauryan kings. As also the following fact is totally disputed - the sons and daughters of the Mauryan King Ashoka - Mahinda and Sanghamitra went to Ceylon to spread and establish Buddhism as the state religion. Even today, the Sinhalese population is predominantly Buddhist.

A natural question arises – Why are there NO Jyotirlingas or ShaktiPeethas in the entire Ceylon ( now, Sri Lanka ) ? Whereas the Rakshas King Ravan was the most ardent worshipper and greatest devotee of Lord Shiva ??

Again… what of the lineage of the Rakshas king Vibhishana ? Are there people in Sri Lanka who proclaim that they are the descendants of King Vibhisana ? In that case - one would expect that they should be Vaishnavas or even Shaivites. How come that is not so, and almost the entire lots of the Sinhalese people are perhaps Buddhist ? So… did Sanghamitra and Mahinda convert the descendants of King Vibhishana to Buddhism ?

Possibly, if the Mughals had overran these locales then the Rajputs and the brahmins might have found some presence in the Ceylon territory. In which case – Buddhists might have been proffered two choices – either to convert to Islam ( by the force of sword ) or become a hindu ( the other remaining alternative ). Thereby, remaining forever in the social subjugation to the brahmin priests or the Islamic ( Syed, Sheikh, etc. ) Mullah?

Perhaps… Captain AV should have an open and “live debate” with one Professor Rajendra Prasad Singh ( Professor  at : Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, Bihar who is an ancient historian, research scholar and multi-linguist proficient in 95 languages, and practices Buddhism as his religion. ).


Professor Rajendra Prasad Singh writes extensively at - )


Again… when Captain AV talks about Asura ( and… Ahura Mazda in Iran ) and Al-Ah as the beej mantra for the Sahasrar Chakra… then it becomes totally confusing and one wonders whether this is his method of an overt outreach to the muslim people.

And the question arises - whether muslim personnel are also on board his core team ?

4) In light of #1 to #3… the question arises - what fractional representation of people out of the total Indian population, who are part of the Captain’s team… might be expected to use the blog platform for truth exhuming purposes and that too… on Sanatana Dharma ??

We may say that the core team of personnel forming his coterie… are simply NOT made up from the SC + ST + Sikhs + Buddhists + Jains + Hindu Maurya castes + Muslims = Almost, 24 % + 1.7 % + 18 % = 43.7 % of the population of the country !!

This leaves the remainder of 56.3 % of the country’s demographics that might predominantly make a cut or representation in his core team.

5) Again, one may anticipate that the low caste Hindus ( categorized as Shudra by the Brahmins ) or followers of Sanatana Dharma who might constitute another 44 % to 46 % of Indian population, might NOT be predominantly represented as part of Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s core team.

6) Now… this leaves almost ( 56.3 % minus 44 % to 46 % ) = 10 % to 12 % of the Indian upper or dominant caste/ class population from the folds of Hinduism that might find predominance in his core team or amongst his key personnel.

And… does this not look rather logical and practical.

In a similar context… while reading this following piece of article –

This talks of an Indian Mi-17 helicopter being erroneously shot down by our very own Indian air defence system ( that was sourced from or supplied by Israel ) on the 27th of February, 2019.

Notably… among the six dead air force officers and airmen – one may deduce from surnames that four to five of them are brahmins and only one is a Jat hindu.

The question therefore is – do the brahmins, rajputs and other such so called upper caste / savarna people predominate at the officer levels and the higher levels of the armed forces ?

And the answer might seem, undoubtedly, to be definitely - Yes !!



When talking of the erroneous shooting down of the Indian Mi-17 helicopter…

1)  Could plausibly be the case of the ( Israeli made ) Air Defence system malfunction !! Perhaps in the embedded microcode / firmware; wherein this particular Mi-17 Indian helicopter that was knocked out was perhaps ( say ) Russian origin,

Question arises : Why would the air defense system go berserk ? Would it be – by design or by defect ?

Is there any likelihood that an Israeli system might be intrinsically designed and fabricated to deem a Russian made aircraft as plausibly a potential enemy vessel ?

2) The possibility of a remotely initiated cyber hack by any malevolent third party must never be negated, at any stage.

Would not expect that Pakistanis to be good enough to effect that. That too on an Israeli made air defense system, considering that the Israelis are global specialists in the domain of IT security, cryptography, steganography, cipher code, etc. Reference – Rivest, Shamir, etc.

But then… we ought not forget that there are always those malevolent third party vested interest/ agents that have their military / aerospace / security related hardware to sell to third world developing countries.

3) At the instance when Indian national sentiment was desiring some harsh action against the supposed perpetrators of the Pulwama terror attack… this downing of the Indian helicopter might have been malevolently accomplished so as to make the Indian establishment nerves to become overtly over-frayed at the loss of precious Indian personnel and expensive resources.

And, there were chances that at the heat of the moment it might have been reasonably presumed and concluded by the Indian security establishment and political leadership, sans a firsthand thorough enquiry, that it was the ever bothersome Pakistanis that downed the Mi-17 helicopter.

Whereby… the chances of Indo-Pak war-mongering escalation would have certainly ratcheted up.

Question arises : Was that the real motive… on the part of any malevolent third party who might have been covertly involved in the downing of the Indian Mi-17 helicopter ?

Of course… meanwhile to this Indo-Pak tensions… the world would have been too busy to barely notice the screws being gradually ratcheted / tightened around the Venezuelan nation. As also… the same wrt Iran. And therefore massively impacting the global crude oil supply chain.

Again, some related news on the Mi-17 chopper crash –

1) IAF Mi-17 Crash Controversy: Who Stole The Black Box ?

2) Black Box of Mi-17 V-5 helicopter that crashed in Budgam on 27 February, had gone missing.


7) Captain Ajit Vadakayil claims that he belongs to Thiyya caste group of North Kerala.

And, if we visit the Thiyya MahaSabha web site of Malabar, Kerala… these Thiyya MahaSabha people claim that they are originating from Kyrgyzstan, Crete island, etc. and migrated to settle in the Malabar regions of the Western Ghat of Kerala.

Clearly… the Thiyya MahaSabha people are sort of implying that they originated from the Eurasian races ( if from the Crete island from the Mediterranean ). And, perhaps they are of Indo-Scythian stock… if they indeed originated and arose from the Kyrgyzstan, etc. Caucasian belts of central Asian areas.

Logically thinking… only a blackish or deep brownish race of people will refer to the fairer skinned Eurasians or Indo-Scythians of fairer complexion as… ‘white invader’… as has been the wont of Captain AV to repeat the same, way too often enough. But then, he seems to be doing the real opposite.

So… he seems to be somehow contradicting the Thiyya Mahasabha theory or factual claim on the racial origins as regards that of the Thiyyas of Malabar, Kerala… is the clear-cut impression one gets.

This clearly is at loggerheads as against what the Captain claims himself to be… which is… that he ( as a Thiyya ) belongs to a blackish or deep brownish stock or race of people ( logically speaking -  as opposed to the ‘white invader’ ).

Clearly… he has been observed to run down the Ezhavas of Kerala. And, who knows… perhaps even the Nadars as well ? ( Of which I am not sure. )

Now… had he claimed that he was basically from the Nadar stock of Kerala or Tamil Nadu… then it would have been understood that he is talking of the ‘white invader’. Possibly, he might NOT identify with the Nadar stock or race of people of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.


For those NOT in the know… the Nadars of Tamil Nadu and the hundreds of their innumerable tangential branches ( that numbers around 300 over the Indian subcontinent and the Asian regions, alone ) and globe… have been around since the last 40,000 to 60,000 years. And, they have their ancient history clearly written down and all real well stocked up.

Reference the Nadar society website at –

See the – “Detailed History” section at the web site.

Their ancient history is preserved on palm leaves and stored in the texts - Valamkaimaalai.

This may be stated in a nutshell – Haihey Kalar Kshatriya race of people are part and parcel of the Nadar race and vice versa, as well, may be equally said.

These same set of people made an important part of the Indus Valley Civilization ( ICV ).


So, there seems to be divergence or contradiction in the inference… when a supposedly Indo-Scythian or a Mediterranean race descended person ( per the Thiyya Mahasabha website ) who could be ostensibly perhaps fair skinned… for unknown reasons, refers to himself as blackish or deep brownish race ( as in the case of Captain AV who oftentimes talks of the ‘White Invader’ ).

Nevertheless… one surely agrees that Captain AV may be certainly non-jewish stock / race Thiyya maestro, mastermind.

This deduction is based on - sensing his perceived overt acrimony/ hostility towards the Iyer brahmins of Tamil Nadu and the Nambudiris of Kerala.

Again… per my limited knowledge and understanding - the Nadars would never exhume truth on the so called Sanatana Dharma. Nor would the Ezhavas. So… how come a Thiyya Chief is doing this ?

For… the Nadars were known for burying their dead and were the ancient rulers of the entirety of the Jambu-Divapa or Bharat Varsha even before the jewish origin Brahmins ( per Megasthenes’s disclosure in his book Indica ) or any of the Indo-Sycthian ( the many so called savarna races / castes of today ) races set foot on this land. The Nadars were perhaps Jains and Buddhists predominantly, per my very limited knowledge.

Again… apparently the Haihey Kalar kshatriyas belonged to a subset or sub-sect or branch of the royal Nadars ( as opposed to or rather than the Indo-Sycthian races ). The vice versa also holds true, perhaps.


Kalar reminds that the native Myanmar ( or, Burmese ) people refer to the Rohingya Muslims as Kalars – who are supposedly of Indian descent.

Now… the Indian rulers ruled Burma and other such east Asian countries for several centuries.

Again, there are sure shot chances that these Rohingyas might have been Buddhist people before they gradually converted to Islam during the Medieval times.


8) Contrarilyin north India one would naturally expect the Brahmin caste people to exhume the so called truth on the Santana Dharma.

And… that’s what one may presume of Captain AV and his core team members, that they might predominantly be belonging to the brahmin folks and the associated dominant castes.

In that context some blog reader from North India might naturally expect the brahmins and their closely collaborating extraneous races embedded in the Indian demographics as some certain dominant castes… to aid in exhuming the truth on the Sanatana Dharma rather than any other myriad of low or medium order caste groups… from the blogger portals of Captain Ajit Vadakayil.

9) So, basically Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s blogger site could be aided and run by a set of pan India predominantly upper / dominant caste people that are firmly entrenched in the security establishment of the country - armed forces, the R&D Institutes and Organizations, police, intelligence agencies…

( that is the reason he states always that he is ‘watching’ and he and his mates ‘watches’ ) , etc.

Now… this set of dominant caste people might not make 8 % or 10 % of the population of the country… yet these people might be encroaching/ occupying upwards of 75 % to 90 % of the most choicest / sensitive / key positions in the - armed forces, police, intelligence agencies, Indian defence R&D establishment, judiciary, etc.

That might explain the Captain’s unbridled gung ho attitude. He sure knows that he and his entire network, calls the shots.

10) Flipside could be… the same site is indeed powered by Thiyya and other such caste groups. Since, he talks of Shudras… and Manusmriti etc. And, talks of Jews and crypto jews, etc.

And… this could be highly possible. Now, Thiyya caste people of Malabar, Kerala are involved in Coconut tree sap tapping… the fermented tap serves as sort of intoxicant liquor… that mainly serves as their source of livelihood.

In which context… there was a forced implementation of prohibition or Sharab-bandi in the state of Kerala ( as also in the state of Bihar ) that definitely resulted in the state excise revenue loss of no less than INR 12,000 – 16,000 crores per annum, which altogether vanished in thin air.

And, a covert network ( that was and is clearly seen in the state of Bihar; and perhaps there might have been similar situation prevailing in the state of Kerala, as well ) sprang up within no time… that ensured that liquor covertly overflowed in every nook and corner of the state at a premium pricing.

In that case when Captain AV laments that his chemical tanker is destroyed by a first time sailor or thirds engineer… there are probably sure shot chances that he might have been set up as also myselfobviously by the same set of some third party forces that are inimically inclined towards him as well as myself  ( perhaps an inherently inimical caste group or social faction ? ) !!

Putting this… pretty much plain and simple.

<< TWO >>

Few notable observations –

A) We have observed that Captain Ajit Vadakayil using the word Tsunami for the landslide victory of BJP led NDA, during the LS polls 2014. The same was widely used in the media… as sort of a clean sweep.

B) Again… Captain Ajit Vadakayil in a predominating manner directed through his blogger post that – “put the old goats to pasture”.

And… sure we saw the like of the elderly BJP stalwarts like – L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Yashwant Sinha, etc. sidelined in the top power echelons of BJP.

C) Captain Ajit Vadakayil had stated that after 800 years, the ancient Hindu people are breaking the bondages of slavery and regaining freedom once again !! This was… on the ascension of Narendra Damodar Das Modi to the throne of prime-minister-ship during May, 2014.

Now, the question arises… how come when the Hindutva-vadi party NDA-1 was in power during 1998-1999 and again during 1999-2004 under the leadership of the then brahmin PM - A B Vajpayee… this very situation or narration - of the Hindu race regaining true freedom after some 800 years, did not arise ?

How come the May, 2014 win and ascension by NaDa Modi is different to set it as an epochal event markedly over the last 800 years ?

From the looks of it… this certainly reeks of… giving false ego massage to predominantly the OBC caste / class people of the Indian nation; and specifically so of North India who might take great satisfaction in identifying with PM N D Modi as being one of their own lot... of being a backward caste OBC fellow.

PM Modi being a highly publicized OBC caste fellow… most of the rustic, uncouth people in North India might be given the staple diet that NarDam Modi belongs to a low caste background… like the majority of them all, who happen to be OBC as well as low caste in the social system/ hierarchy !!

That may not be true.

Both are technically flawed assumption – being a Modh Ghanchi Vaisya, PM NaDa Modi is no low caste.

Again, conversion to OBC status was a politically motivated move around early months of the year 2002, after he became the CM of Gujarat in October, 2001.

Apparently, looking at his last five years at the helm of leadership of NDA-2… he seems to have not done much for the numerically huge numbered OBC class folks… who had pretty huge expectations from him and who essentially saw him as belonging to one of their lot.

Curiously and ironically this same line of thinking ( real freedom for the Hindus after of 800 years and a Hindu sitting on Delhi throne ) I have observed to be espoused by retired Major General G D Bakshi.

Question arises –

Now… does this clearly imply that retired Major General G D Bakshi is on the same team and line of thinking as that of Captain Ajit Vadakayil ?

Cannot say. Maybe. Perhaps. Highly likely. Most probable.

Is that the reason he speaks the same tongue, tone and tenor as Captain Ajit Vadakayil, at times ?

I would think and guess… that is indeed so. Both are apparently heavily inclined towards BJP, RSS.

D) But then the Bakshi caste surname is a apparently used by and perhaps belonging to either of -

1) Mohyal Brahmins from the regions of Punjab, Jammu and Himachal Pradesh, or
( Mohyal Brahmin are actually similar to bhumihar caste from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. They are half-brahmin origin / race people. )

2) Bengali Kayastha, or

3) Jat Sikh,


I would expect and guesstimate that that retired Major General G D Bakshi is a Mohyal Brahmin hailing from either Punjab or Chandigarh or Jammu region.

Bakshi surname reminds me that the Gaur Saraswat Brahmin ( GSB ) BJP politician Arun Jaitley married his daughter to perhaps some Mohyal Brahmin lawyer in 2015; whose last name ended as Bakshi. 

Point alluded to here is… inexplicable unfounded and ungrounded exuberance on the part of certain sections as regards this… “restoration of true Hindu rule at the throne of Delhi after 800 years” finds sure shot resonance between retired Major General G D Bakshi and the blogger site of Captain Ajit Vadakayil !!

Apparently… why must we NOT deduce that a lot of brahmin folks are at the helm of or at the background of running Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s chemicals ( dangerous ) laden tanker aka his blogger post ??

( While the internet is obviously to be correlated to the sea. And, this one… my blog posts is on a catamaran err… cat… ’maran’ killer or perhaps – cat ‘a-maran’ un-killer tangent )

I think that seems most logically so !! And… might indeed be such ??

So… high degree of probability that Captain Ajit Vadakayil and his entire blogging crew might predominantly be a virtual front for pan Indian dominant caste folks, as well ( from the Hindi belt, I would see them as predominantly belonging to – brahmin, rajput, bhumihar, kayastha and khatri lot of people ).

apart from the brahmin and co-related dominant caste people from South India.

Stated another ways – would 100 % expect that the Buddhist Professor Rajendra Prasad Singh might infer this same Sanatana Dharma exhuming  coterie of Captain Ajit Vadakayil as  - those Indo-Iranians, Mediterraneans and the Indo-Scythian race people having origins in the ever expanding Aryavarta of yore.

( The reader is advised to undertake a thorough research into the the expansive evolution of the Aryavarta, spread over certain millenniums ).

Captain AV’s close coterie predominating his crew is perhaps greatly entrenched and embedded in the Indian security establishment from around the country – the armed forces, the defence establishment and intelligence agencies community.

Adding on the list of his crew… could be perhaps some set of those high-flying Thiyyas who now consider themselves as Indo-Scythians from Kyrgyzstan, etc. locales or the Mediterranean races from Crete isles, etc. as well ( per the Malabar, Kerala based Thiyya Mahasabha website ).

This remains, but, sort of a hypothesis and conjecture… sans the actual facts on the ground since I remain truly unaware of them, till date.

But then… the question arises –

Surely… do these predominant caste and class ( north Indian – brahmin, rajput, bhumihar, kayastha, etc. people ) and similar dominant caste personnel from the rest of India predominate our armed forces, police and intelligence agencies ?

Now… this certainly holds true of the intelligence agencies and the police.

Would certainly conjecture and deem as true… that the same might hold true for all the wings of the armed and para-military forces, as well, especially at the officers level.

In which case - how is it possible that armed forces, police, intelligence agencies, defence R&D establishment, etc. service personnel originating out of certain well entrenched segments of the Indian population groups that is nearly no more than 8 % to 11 % of the total from the folds of the Indian population group, and is able to predominantly dominate the entirety of the armed forces, the police and the intelligence agencies as senior most presiding officers ?

( The question arises - Captain’s blogger site might be having tacit and overt support of these majority factions ? The answer might be - Undoubtedly so !! )

If that indeed is the case then… this certainly might be a very uncomfortable and tricky situation for the other less represented Hindu, Sikh and Islamic castes and classes ?

Is it not so ?

And… why not ?

Especially, going forward… when-ever there is ever a military or police rule in India owing to any of –

emergency situation,

massive civilian unrest,


war-like conditions, etc.

…wherein the civil liberties are highly curtailed and total control passes to the senior placed officers of the armed forces, police and intelligence agencies, etc.

…then certain ‘other’ set of people belonging to the ‘other’ opposition camp who potentially pose or posed or might pose in the future… a challenge to a certain social hegemony… may be or certainly and easily could be targeted.

And, there are ample chances that these would-be or to-be targeted individuals might have been beforehand marked and identified.

And… there are chances that under the circumstances of thick plots, wide-spread confusion, ever-frayed nerves and tempers… wherein the visuals might be foggy and thus hazy… some same set of perceptibly “from the opposition camp” people could be selectively taken/ culled out, in a rather covertly widespread scale. This is a recurrent thought that confronts and assails.

And, why not so ??

Especially… when one notices that my entire family’s privacy has been most sacrilegiously violated… since the past five years…yet none of them remain aware as regards what they have been exposed to, save myself. This is an extremely serious matter, to ever let go.

Again, when considering that our deeply slumbering / inattentive / rooted out of reality / unaware of the extreme devious treacheries and dangers facing thm in the 21st century, etc. caste and sub-caste group people population ( related to Kalchuri Kalar, Kalwar, Kalal, etc. ) number no less than 15 crores and may actually exceed 20 crores in India.

1 crore = 10 million.

The intelligentsia from the folds of the majority population (  90 % to 95 % + ) of the country must seriously consider the implications of this extremely grave matter.

There must be some immediate course correction and reforms that is mandatorily required to potentially correct this anomaly in “proportionate representation”, in case some specific set of people… exceed a certain threshold in the overall Indian Security establishment.

Specifically… in this context, I am reminded that –

1) there was a news in print media, several months back, as regards potential Chinese incursion in the Leh and Ladakh or perhaps Himachal Pradesh area. The newspaper cited two senior armed forces commanders from those border regions; from their surnames it was clear that they both belonged to the brahmin caste !!

2) In an unforeseen anomaly we see that the current Chief Of Army Staff ( COAS ) Bipin Rawat was picked up from a junior position to head the Army.

Breaking the long established norm of seniority in selecting the COAS.

In a similar vein, on the 24th March, 2019 there came another news that the next Naval Chief is selected by the PM Modi led NDA-2 in the same manner, overlooking seniority.

The NDA-2 Govt has selected Karambir Singh as the next Naval Chief, bypassing the senior-most naval officer.

This is setting injudicious precedents. And portends highly detrimental to the morale of senior ranked officers. And, tells that insidious politics might have deeply creeped inside the working, thinking and the ranks of our armed forces.

I hope caste or religion considerations might not have been utilized against senior officers in bypassing them, during the current NDA-2 regime.

Whilst promoting someone who is a junior person, out of turn, and at the same time blocking someone else’s promotion at the expense of a senior officer is bound to affect the morale of the entirety of the armed forces fraternity. This malpractice must be disapproved and disallowed.

3) In another context… while reading this following piece of article –

This talks of an Indian Mi-17 helicopter being erroneously shot down by our own Indian air defence system ( that was supplied by Israel, perhaps) on the 27th of February, 2019.

Notably… among the six dead air force officers and airmen – one may deduce from surnames that four-five of them are brahmins and only one is a Jat hindu.

The question arises therefore – do the brahmins, rajputs and other such so called upper caste / savarna people predominate at the officer levels and the higher levels of the armed forces ?

And the answer might seem, undoubtedly, to be Yes !!

<< THREE >>

Perceived behavior of police, at the local level.

Since the beginning months of the year 2015… I have observed that perhaps almost each and every personnel from the police department ( whether they be in traffic police or even otherwise ) seemed to somehow recognize me by my face. This was perceived by me, even across different Indian neighboring states.

I could never fathom why that must be so, till date. I have no clue what secret knowledge they have been imparted that even though they can recognize my face ( that was palpably glean-able by me from the changed facial expressions that adorned their faces ) yet they never ever uttered a word to me.

Yet… different police personnel would react differently on coming face to face. The reactions were way too myriad to be easily comprehended.

But, let’s cite a few instances

A) Once I was approaching the vicinity of the local police station and suddenly a police officer ( perhaps brahmin caste ) came face to face to me. He saw me and sort of seemed to clearly recognize me by my face, given a certain change in his facial expression that was discernible, though we hardly knew each other. Then, he hesitated a split second and abruptly he turned his back and went away. That was rather puzzling/ intriguing.

I suspected that he tried avoiding eye contact with me and in the process acknowledging me and my very presence.

B) Some of the police personnel would not acknowledge having even seen me even though they might be recognizing me. This has been my observation.

C) A few police personnel… I have observed to have mixed reactions ranging from – smiling to themselves or their colleagues, sometimes laughing sideways, spitting sideways on some few occasions; yet on some other instances I have observed a few of them to be pretty much internally agitated,

D) On one occasion I was standing in front of the railways station road, in conversation with someone. Then, all of a sudden two police men arrived on a two-wheeler and stopped some distance away from where I stood. One of them was holding long ropes in his hand, like what they use for securing criminals/ prisoners/ under-trials…. after alighting from the two-wheeler…  he spake to someone nearby then both these people drove away.

Normally I would not take note of the entire matter… but mentioning the same here in this specific context… for the simple reason that whilst alighting from the two-wheeler the person with the rope eyed in my direction for a split second then went another way to talk to someone. I found this rather way too strange and perhaps a contrived Psy Op. This incidence was perhaps during the first half of the year 2015 !!

E) While this also remains true that many of the police personnel have shown me some courtesy while I traversed the traffic junctions… in the sense that they would re-regulate the traffic flow so that I had to wait the least time at the traffic junctions, if they found me stuck up near the traffic jams. This was observable a few years back. Not now, cut to today… they seem to care not.

F) On several occasions I have watched police personnel in close proximity around myself, whilst I waded through traffic / visited some place, etc.

G) On yet another occasion I was driving by on the road in front of the local police station. All of a sudden some fellow ( he was not in uniform; Yet, he could be a police personnel in plain clothes. ) who, when he saw or spotted me… he tried shouting and rushing towards myself as if he wanted to stop me.

Not understanding or realizing this persons motives, motivations, etc. I did not stop to question him for his behavior / reaction that came in a sudden burst. Rather, I had other pressing thoughts and work… so instead of stopping by to enquire him regards his rather puzzling reaction that was akin to wasting precious time… I kept driving on. This might have been during the first half of the year of 2015 !! This perhaps smacked of a puzzling ruse, in hind sight.

H) As was usually wont to, I had kept moving freely around my place, using different modes of transportation.

Over the past few years - I have curiously noticed that there have been instances of purported drives by traffic police, announced by them over certain days or stretched over certain days, as advertised in the local newspapers. Wherein they wanted two wheeler drivers to be necessarily wearing helmets to avoid heavy fines/ penalty during the to-be-then-impromptu-conducted traffic checks.


This looked rather strange. The questions that arose were –

1) was that somehow meant to dissuade a certain person ( say… myself ) from keeping off the roads sans a helmet ?

That effectively meant that if I had to go out riding a two wheeler, then I had to be necessarily wear a helmet. That made anyone ( say a traffic police personnel, etc. ) recognizing me, least likely.

2) Those very days… special-traffic-check-drives-by-the-traffic-police might have coincided with certain legal hearing that warranted some “wanted person’s” presence in the court rooms ??

Now… this is a question that truly confronts ??

Answer could certainly be – YES !!

Now… Who could plausibly be the wanted person ??... remains the question.

And, why must he or she be wanted for a legal process having plausibly a fixed or pre-determined outcome  that is sort of determined by the triumvirate of - Captain AV and his mates, the central and perhaps the state Government of the day and the Judicial luminaries ??


Yet… no matter the high pitched mind-games ever flowing through the print media and the TV news channels… I would have expected any remotest breach of law would have resulted in some sort of legal notice or action to have transpired. There was / has been perceptibly none that came to my notice.

And, this sort of psychologically seemed to establish the depressed caste lawyer’s view, whom I had consulted on a few occasions - that it’s all a figment of my imagination. Per him - since there is nothing substantive that serves as any of - credible evidence / stands up to facts / known knowledge / reason.

Again… the legal process sure has a certain ways and methods… and going by what I had stated… the government agencies would have been at my doorsteps or served me notice ? But… nothing of that sort ever happened. So… no need to get agitated but to keep cool.

<< FOUR >>

PSY-OP using the SAT team

( Was that meant for extra judicial encounter or forced disappearance ?? )

In my previous blogger posts, I have mentioned two instances wherein police and ( perhaps paramilitary personnel with SAT insignia / badges resting on their arms ) sort of approached and were near my presence; and were hanging around my person in close proximity.

Question arises

Does these incidences have anything to do with the armed forces rules and regulation … AFSPA ?? or, the Public Safety Act ( PSA ) of the state of J&K ?

If that be the case then Captain Ajit Vadakayil and all his partners ( perhaps, set up by his opponents ? ) do remain co-accused and the source and sink of the messages elicited and delivered, as well !!

Citing the two instances herein again –

1) This happened around the first week of December, 2014. I was visiting a nearby market area. While in the process of returning back. I had opened front door of the car and getting inside; that very moment only… a gypsy or jeep like vehicle stopped near me and there alighted almost 3-4 armed personnel wearing something like para-military fatigues ( since this was not the regular police uniform ). They lingered around my presence and the car for 5-15 seconds while I was in the process of getting into the driver’s seat.

Much puzzled and as an after-thought, I got down and talked to one of them who looked like a well built Nepali Thapa or perhaps someone from the north-eastern states or perhaps from the hilly areas; and who was talking on his mobile phone to someone… perhaps giving some feedback and/ or receiving some specific instructions. And I asked him few questions, but he simply smiled and gave me some cock and bull explanation.

The word SAT was sitting on the side-arms badge of one-two of these service personnel. I enquired about that as well. He told that they are specially trained for tackling illegal electricity connection and the disconnection drives thereof.

Something  he seemed to have cooked up !! Some bull explanation he likely gave !!

2) During the first week on February 2015, I had casually strolled to a nearby hall with open ground where the RSS chief was having a huge national level seminar / meeting.

Now… this was after BJP had somehow managed to form a coalition government and given all the last touches in entrenching itself at the helm of the Jharkhand state’s affairs, almost as recently as a month back, then. Clearly… a huge win for them to be able to somehow or the other form the Jharkhand government.

While standing in the midst of the ground and watching and listening to the large screen display wherein the RSS Chief was giving some sort of a pep talk nay “gyaan”… I find that around 3-4 police personnel place themselves closely near my person… something like 3-4 feet away. And, they too seem to be engaged in watching the huge screen. Then I saw a police or special security personnel on my left side some 4-5 feet away having the word SAT sitting on his armband.
On enquiring he told me that the word SAT stands for – ‘Special Action Team’.

After a few minutes of watching I felt uncomfortable being thus surrounded by police personnel on three sides –  left, right and back side. So, I relocated to sidelines and continued watching the huge screen showing live speech by Mohan Bhagwat. At which action… they did not react.

Now… both these instances were not mere chance events.

And… there is always the surest possibility that someone might have taken photos and even video-graphed the entire sequence of events.

Perhaps for the consumption of some “intended others” ??

That scenario remains highly probable !!

The intended others could very well have been my relative MLAs who were to be in the electoral fray ( as of early Dec, 2014 incident ) or already ( by the first week of Feb, 2015 incident ) were in the Jharkhand assembly as people representatives – BJP MLAs.

As also those same fellows… who had or might have set me up and perhaps needed some sort of propaganda tool to further some covert set of agenda.

That potential photography or video-graphy ( could always have been custom tailored or doctored for some set of intended purposes ) might have served as some sort of PSY OP ( Psychological Operation ) that was potentially designed to have multiple effects and results.

…On myself as well as on some set of people who could have been shown the picture/ video of the so called near ‘engagements’ with the SAT team.

For this remains practically true that a picture or video can be made to tell thousand tales !!


Was there any possibility that the underlying idea was to seek the possibility of staging an extra-judicial encounter ? Or, something akin to forced disappearance and/ or illegal detention ?

Who might have ordered that ? And, WHY ?

I certainly would want to know that. And, the people must, as well. Because, that same person(s) would certainly lead to the mastermind strategists.

Not sure why… but this same vital observation pops up again and again, and that is the reason sharing the same here.

People in the know of things may evaluate the intent, motive, motivations of those who have been running the entire gamut of the play… the game play… that is ostensibly coming from the Captain or perhaps alternatively emanating from those very folks that sit on his opposing team !!

<< FIVE >>

Perceived behavior of the Local politicians.

Now… observed this that… since the start of Q1, 2015… every time there was any of these events –

a) cross border firing or shelling across the Indo-Pakistan LoC , or

b) any terror attack in the state J & K, or

c) in case any personnel of the armed forces were martyred in the state of J & K or the LoC

d) Any minor or major disturbance in the Kashmir Valley that resulted in partial or full clamp down;

e) Stone pelting on the security forces; Major or massive separatist rally, etc

f) Terrorist activity; etc.

in the state of J&K,

… then the local politicians ( includes MLAs and MPs ) specifically belonging to BJP, RSS, etc. factions and specifically some other groups predominantly belonging to certain dominant castes segments were observed to be raising major hues and cries in the public domain.

These folks would often gang up and raise quite some ruckus, almost every now and then. Accompanied with any of –

- high pitched sloganeering,

- public protest or grievous marching,

- candle light vigil,

- candle light march,

- sit-outs at every nook and squares, etc.

These political people, ostensibly propelled nay catapulted any subtlest situation in the J&K to the very centre stage of the print media, news channels, etc.

With the clear cut intention to swamp out the thinking, the thought process and the worries of the common man… all of these were diverted towards the Kashmir imbroglio and their thinking, anxieties, worries, etc. were markedly embedded with the much over-hyped situation; every few days - now and then.

With Kashmir… came the most hotly debated and mother-of-all-problems-for-the-BJP-mother = mischievously ever-scheming-Pakistan… on a platter ( Yet, father of all the hidden political opportunities, in disguise, for them ? ).

And, with Pakistan… came the Hindu-Muslim divide / issue and some ever-so-orchestrated Hindu-Muslim riots.

With the Muslim issue came the deepest concern of the ever-rising Muslim population and the imminent threat of Gazwa-e-Hind, that was made out by the master Hindutva propagandists… to be only a few years away from realization or actualization !! ( What a joke !! )

And, some perceivably pre-organized Hindu-Muslim riots were observed again and again, across different parts of the country.

And, every now and then… some Marwari / Jain / big corporate houses owned media highlighted the entire matter in a rather very escalated manner, content and extent.

This was certainly aimed at a contrived creation of a certain public perception and a sense of massive public angst and outrage by ratcheting up the pent up public sentiments and emotions.

At most of the times one ruminated… this all looked certainly covertly politically motivated.

At the Jharkhand state level - the entire idea was potentially to psyche out my four MLA relatives ( 4+1 = 5 or 4+2=6 out of 81 MLAs !! Quite some numbers. Greater than 7 % or8 % of the total MLA numbers !! ) and even to serve as a meticulously planned psy-op on myself, as well.

There was so much high-pitched level - Main Stream Media ( print, as well as web URLs and TV based )  involvement into all this… so much so that… majority of the most pertinent developmental issues were mostly relegated to the back-burner.

This has been the rampant story for at least majority of 2015, 2016, 2017 and good part of 2018 !!

By devious deception… embedding notion was plausibly sold to the subconscious mind of the masses – that even if they have to eat mere bread and salt the NDA-2 headed by 56 inch chest size PM NaDa Modi and his government will teach Pakistan with befitting lesson and give a befitting reply – “Munh-Tod-Jawab” and “Ghar me ghus kar marega”.

The corporate owned media NEVER EVER raised the most pertinent question of the NDA-2 government led by PM Modi for having potentially failed in its governance/ administrative abilities/ duties to provide peace, security, stability, growth, etc. in the state of Jammu and Kashmir !!

The MSM experts never questioned the muscular Doval doctrine that seemed more like unleashing a vengeful policy ( Was that perhaps on the behalf of the exiled Kashmiri Pandits ?? ) on the people of the Kashmir valley !! The above was the impression any stoical observer would have arrived at.

The muscular Doval doctrine was certainly no responsible ways to administer or govern an already highly disturbed, strife torn, already devastated since decades… and a highly fragmented society and border state ( bordering an ever inimical nation - Pakistan ).

From my perspective - this whole muscular Doval doctrine seems like highly fishy and smacks of a covert underlying plot that had altogether different aims and objectives, as well, those possibly were perhaps –

1) establishment and perpetuity of political PSYCHOLOGICAL level hooks in the state of Jharkhand ( as also around the entire country ) and ensuring the continuity of the same; as also as

2) Having gotten a potentially self-designed alibi for a certain course of muscular policy in J&K…  the cascade of events and eventualities served as some sort of advance set of continual MSM narrative fodder… that perhaps served as a future political capital, to be redeemed perhaps… by any of the several ratcheted events taking place on an almost regular basis ( this could also include - false flag ones, as well ); as and at the cusp of the LS polls 2019.

Stating plainly.

But do we expect a mostly sold out media outlets/ channels, to throw light on this ?? Never !!

<< SIX >>

A) One of the Kayastha neighbor who certainly has access to several very senior IAS and IPS officers, owing to them being his near and far relatives… perhaps he might be having some access to the entirety of the pan India Kayastha caste lobby and high society. I did observe that he seemed to be in an upbeat mood and perhaps rejoicing something around the third week of the month of April 2015.

This curiously reminded me that almost a year had passed since the time of one of my response posts to Captain’s blogger site… which surely prompted one Sneh Chandel’s comment that was surely a giveaway of the entirety of the Captain’s ( in case if he is representative of the entire set of the “security establishment or system” ) or his opponent team’s oncoming or futuristic plot.

(  If Captain AV were a subset of the “system”; then his opposite team might have set him up as well as myself inclusive )

And, were perhaps Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s comments surely indicative of his extravagant exuberance in catching hold of a “game” or scapegoat ( in fact a purportedly sacrificial goat ) in myself ?

In this context, few set of thoughts throw up –

1) I sure believe that even if deleted… the comments on the google blogger system are surely retrievable. Google Inc. keeps the same forever in their data centres, and not for one year.

2) The thought arose that perhaps the Indian judicial process required that - if one had to file a counter case or a criminal complaint the same had to be done within a span of one year… and then / ostensibly so… because the proof of the same could be easily derived from the Captain’s blogger site.

3) This also reminded me that around and preceding that same time – Captain AV had mentioned regards two IPS brothers name ending in Srivastava ( one of them being posted in some central forces, perhaps CRPF at Kolkata ) and perhaps the other person became “the three month overseeing Captain or in-charge” of the Captain’s blogger site ? Was that the case ?

4) Question arises –

Did the then ‘Captain’ i.e. any government officer ( senior IPS ranked ) overseeing Captain’s blogger site… by the name of an IPS officer surname Srivastava ( who is a Kayastha caste person from any of the Hindi belt states ) ever implicated me in a false and fabricated case ? Actually… this being a logical question that throws up.

For… I have observed a certain local Kayastha political people representative to be rather involved in a ratcheted perception molding/ building activity on the J&K situation… over a period lasting years.

Again, this thought arises… that is it possible that some CBI IPS stalwart from the Kayastha caste could be handling the entire situation, apparently, if ever there were any. ( None that I am aware of till date )

Though I would never expect that the Kayastha government officers might be anyways involved, as such.

Yet, whilst not intending to ruffle any feathers… this same must be mentioned so that all the others in the know do take apt and prompt note of the same observations; and put the same in proper perspective.

B) Again… around that same time of early months of 2015… whilst I could have been under complete surveillance. Even my mobile conversations would have been heard in real-time as well as recorded by different intelligence agencies and the police.…

One Sunday morning I went to a limited scale religious function / gathering. There I see that this neighbor has also arrived.

Now… knowing very well that this neighbor is never associated with this religious organization – I immediately sensed that this person might have received a tip-off from someone he knows from the intelligence agency/ police that have been monitoring my mobile phone calls. And, for some unknown purpose or reasons that he himself knows best… this person has turned up at the religious function. Perhaps… to get a first hand knowledge or understanding of the things there ? And…relay the same to perhaps several others.

But, this co-incidence certainly looked unusual and fishy.

C) There was yet another occasion… around this same time period… one afternoon I had gone to a restaurant with family. And, all of a sudden one Kayastha person ( who certainly is part of the entire “loop” ) enters scene. He quietly seats himself some distance from us… and, if I am not mistaken - he keeps a close eye, in a rather subtle manner. I sense that he might have been tipped off as regards my actual location, based on my mobile phone. Highly probable. For… this was no mere coincidence.

Since this fellow is pretty well entrenched in the local and state level Kayastha lobby, I was not much surprised… when this fellow joined an opposition state level political party recently and then his pictures came up in a few local hoardings.

Power and the choicest postings the Kayastha officers had and continue to have, whilst the BJP stays in power at the state and central level. Now, in the next state assembly elections – when the BJP is expected to be certainly be thrown off the political landscape… this is like embedding one’s key people in the opposition camp for any and all oncoming opportunities.

Make hay whilst the sun shines… seems like the motto.

Why I state this is – I found these incidents highly unusual and portentously fishy. I am not able to make out much of the same… perhaps those in the know might !!

<< SEVEN >>

Senior IPS appointed as IG, Prisons.

Couple years back… an IPS officer was abruptly appointed as IG, Prisons in the state of Jharkhand by the BJP CM… and this looked like being part of a certain stratagem.

For I knew that the said IPS officer was a distant relative. And, my immediate guesstimate was - perhaps the same was initiated as some sort of placatory or soothing measure by the Jharkhand CM ( at the behest of the MHA or the Home Ministry and/ or surely the BJP Central leadership ) towards my budding ( rather than real stalwart ) politician relatives turned-MLAs and for the consumption of all and sundry.


Interpreting… ( What was covertly meant to be thus conveyed / expressed )

The message that was meant to be sent was… see… we sure are taking care.

Do you people see ??  It is for nothing that you people have been made BJP MLAs !!

And, just in case… if the need arises then that ‘accused’ person ( meaning - perhaps myself ? ) will be taken care of, even in that case if he ( means myself ) is “sent in” = rendered as an under-trial !!

OK !!


I saw and suspected this as some sort of coterie and closely collaborative effort by the HM Rajnath Singh, the Jharkhand CM Raghuwar Das, perhaps either the Captain ( ?? ) and his mates or his opposition team.

I also saw this as potentially some sort of immense PSY-OP on the mental frame of my relative MLAs ( who sure have been hooked in by BJP, RSS stalwarts ) who could be in the know of any ongoing affairs.

Again, the thought arises that… some judicial process ( Not that I have been aware of till date. ) could have been under-way that might have required or seen some sort of adverse interim verdict. In which eventuality those who had set me up would have been the enabler to either send me in as an under-trial prisoner or alternatively allowedly let me remain free ( as per their plethora of their overt and covert aims and objectives ).

Quite possible that some set of highly placed political people were bent on playing with my relative MLAs at the mental / psychological plane.  Sort of… unnerve them ?

Those set of people who might have or actually did set me up in any false and/ or fabricated frivolous case regards violation of any rules, laws, regulations, etc. ( that could be having origin in either – the civil, criminal or military domain laws/ rules/ regulations. I have next to nil idea, till date !! ) these set of closely collaborative guys never had me as their actual target.

If they ever had me in the target then the law enforcement agencies would have approached / accosted / served me notice long time back. First thing they would have done… they might or surely would have put me “in” as an under-trial prisoner or served me with some notice.

And… in the case that they put me inside or tried acting tough… then there was sure a 100 % certainty without any iota of doubt what-so-ever, that I would have called a lawyer and certainly filed a counter case on this 100 % conspiracy or ‘Shadyantra’. Hardly wasting any time doing that !!

And… I might be good enough to engage in some sort of heightened public awareness… that ends up in a Tsunami that eventually engulfs and brings out in the public domain… those who actually did set me up in the first place. And, they might be faced with the actual heat !!

The perpetrators of these vile and vicious games could be from the folds of either BJP or Congress or any other political parties as also serving and / or retired government servants affiliated to any of these parties.

And... that hardly matters.

<< EIGHT >>

Beginning the contrived witch hunting in broad daylight/ crusade ostensibly by the current BJP, RSS led NDA-2 Government… that had its’ sure-shot foundation during April-May, 2014 but which actually came to my knowledge and understanding… starting January/ February of 2015; after a span of almost nine months ( after April of 2014 ).

Meanwhile – the Indian security agencies ( The Police force officers are predominantly consisting of the dominant castes and also the SC, STs Officers to the tune of no less than / almost 90 % upwards. Whilst the nearly 54 % Hindu and other minority OBC castes and classes are very thinly represented and do not form a lobby leave alone a powerful one, by themselves… in the Indian security establishment ) had assailed me from countless sides by an assortment of serially played out mind games akin to psychological operations to gauge myself and my metal framework / outlook in every which manners. This is an undeniable fact !!

And, they tirelessly upped the ante against me in a psychological warfare ostensibly these closely-clubbed-people ( cutting across diverse powerful caste based lobbies ) launched at the mental frame and frame-work; and they happen to be expert in the same game at the expense of the state and the exchequer.

In this context I vividly recall one middle aged person in khadi attires appeared on-screen on RS TV or LS TV… and he threatened me with ‘torture’. This bespectacled person closely looked like the renowned lyricist Gulzar. He could be perhaps 55-65 years of age. I guesstimate that he could be a serving IPS officer in plain-clothes. Having made out his threat as regards ‘torture’ he gave out some unwanted gyaan.

I do recall that the very same night ( perhaps on the 14th of February, 2015 – Maha-Shivaratri ) or the very early morning the very next day ( i.e. on the 15th of February, 2015 ) I wrote a blogger post in response ( much puzzled by this vile threat !! ) to this person’s overt threat of ‘torture’.

Basically, this individual was threatening myself with potential arrest and subsequent torture on some pretty much cooked up charges and baseless assumptions.

I believe that undoubtedly… this entire game structure had to be coming from none other than the NSA Ajit Doval and his close co-operating mates engaged in endless shenanigans that had motives and motivations mainly for covert political gains, especially in the state of Jharkhand and the entirety of the Hindi belt.

On the very next day early morning, while watching the Rajya Sabha ( RS ) or Lok Sabha ( LS ) TV I saw this same person smiling from ear to ear. He had some papers ( perhaps a hard-copy of the blogger post I had written ) and a pencil or pen in his hand. And, was sort of acting judgmental in a pretty much authoritative manner. I simply watched his antics and a potentially staged drama unfurl.

My observations were –

This person ( perhaps an IPS officer in plain-clothes or an official in the MHA department under the HM Rajnath Singh ) was not in threatening mode the previous day.

Had I not responded to his vile threat by writing an immediate blogger response… this NDA-2 government had 100 % plans to had me arrested and to subject me to torture…

this I state with 100 % certainty… I could probably read the same intent in his eyes and his choice of words on the 14th Feb, 2015 evening.

One of the most important pointers to criminal conspiracy that had an undeniably political gain as - intent, motive and motivation.

This is perhaps / certainly coming from some set of dominant castes from BJP, RSS ( having close co-operation of similar castes in the opposition political parties ) after these coterie people have formed a coalition state government in the state of Jharkhand ( during end Dec, 2014 – early Jan, 2015 ) surely making use of myself as a cannon fodder, and as certainly a potential hook on these hapless relative MLAs whom they have used as no more than mere ladders.

This silence over these nine month period goes against them BJP, RSS leadership. And, tells of the deep complicity and a 100 % plot to frame me in false, frivolous and fabricated cases in case there were ever any ( not that I know of, till date ).

<< NINE >>

Around this time during early 2015… lots of cross border mortar shelling and firing were reportedly taking place across the Indo-Pak LoC and the border residents were taking shelter in underground vaults and on occasions they were relocated from the border areas to far off make-shift tents.

And the MSM and all the newspapers were filled up with endless coverage / stories on this count almost every day or every alternate days.

Perhaps around this time… one fine day I found a former IPS officer turned politician Dr Ajay Kumar of Congress party talking about and discussing the nuances and implications of the - Public Safety Act ( PSA ) law from the state of Jammu and Kashmir on some TV channel. This was surely a “live” broadcast.



Dr Ajay Kumar who is perhaps originally belonging to the Konkani belt… started off his political career being a Lok Sabha MP from Jamshedpur through the JVM party. Thereafter… he became the Congress party national level spokesperson. Thereafter, he became the Jharkhand state in-charge of the Congress party. I understand that this smart person is a Konkani or Mangalorean Kannadiga Bhandari origin married to someone from Bihari Bhumihar caste background.

And, that might explain Dr Ajay Kumar’s getting head-start into the folds of Jharkhand / Bihar politics and surprisingly rising rapidly through the folds of Congress party, owing to perhaps the overt and covert support of the well entrenched powerful Bhumihar lobby of Jharkhand, Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh.

Bhumihar caste reminds me that some Intelligence Bureau ( IB ) Chief - IPS Dineshwar Sharma who is originally from Bihar, was heavily involved in overseeing the intelligence operations, etc. in the state of J&K. And, perhaps formed a key part of the Ajit Doval team. Note - Sharma surname is either brahmin or bhumihar caste, in Bihar.

Again… this reminds me that a Bhumihar caste Major General ranked Army officer perhaps posted in J&K, who is related to my location, was decorated with some medals for perhaps some distinguished services few years back by the previous President on 26th January. Though I was happy to read the news in the local newspaper…yet there remained a curious inexplicable puzzlement at the genesis or the causative factors that might have landed him this decoration !!

Again, the surname Sharma reminds that one of the Director Generals ( DGs ) of BSF – some IPS with the surname Sharma raised some controversy /unrest while he was onstage in a RSS designated program; which saw very senior RSS functionaries sharing the stage with him.

Again, by Ajit Doval association comes to mind that ( perhaps a Tamil Brahmin - TamBram) one ex-diplomat - J Parthsarthy who was the Indian envoy in Islamabad, Pakistan during NDA-1. He was also involved in negotiations when the IC-814 was hijacked to Kandhar. ( More on this at the web site - )

This ex-diplomat turned TV specialist has been made the Chancellor of Jammu University and has been sitting tight in Jammu since the past few years, perhaps silently aiding and abetting and providing valuable inputs towards… the unfolding of the muscular Doval doctrine in the Kashmir valley.

Would not be surprised if ex-diplomat J Parthasarthy were… and still continue to be part of the core team of Ajit Doval along with IB based IPS Dineshwar Sharma.

It’s sure looks like Ajit Doval and his coterie have made lots and lots of strategic investment in the J&K conundrum.

When I suggest investment… then sure I do mean to imply that NSA Ajit Doval and his entire team had been looking forward to some net gain… a sure shot payoff.

We cannot decide or conclude what net effective gain accrued to the country or a particular political party or a certain ideology, can we ??

Perhaps… the overall ‘gain’ was not meant for the country, but potentially so for the NDA-2 coalition led by the BJP, RSS ideology… that too, at the cusp of LS 2019 polls ?? … is a question that unmistakably confronts !!

Now… BJP leaders – PM Modi’s and BS Yedurappa’s and Rajnath Singh’s and Amit Shah’s relentless propaganda on the Balakot surgical strike and in the context… bringing forth and making the “national security imperatives” to be the central theme of the LS pre-poll and ongoing polls core issue… establishes and definitely proves the intent, motive, motivation of the endless shenanigans a set of closely collaborative people have engaged in, over the past few years.

The proof of the pudding is in eating. Those who have gained or who intend to gain out of a certain mercurial situation - surely seem to be engaged in rabble rousing and are playing to the masses.

If one happens to be from within the folds of police or judiciary then one must know and understand this rather way too well that - any crime requires an intent, motive, motivation, etc. towards net gain or fulfillment of certain near term or future objectives.

Now… who has gained and is trying to gain yet again, out of a contrived situation is for everyone to see and infer !!

But then, someday the cookie sure is bound to crumble… and a canary nay… a set of canaries might sing. That remains in the offing… in the not too distant a future.

And… lots of people might fervently wish that they were never ever born to be in politics or had ever been Indian government servants… ever.

But then… that never saves them.

One has to pay for one’s Karma and reap the fruits during the course of several after-lives !!



Whilst, I was an audience in this apparently ‘live’ program aired on the PSA of J&K by Dr Ajay Kumar.

All of a sudden two Kashmiris who might probably be the border-side residents of the state of J&K appeared to join in the TV discussion.

The thought arose – these guys could be potential victims of the heavy cross border shelling that had lasted several days.

No sooner had they joined in the ‘live’ discussion… they started pointing fingers towards the TV screen as if watching and recognizing someone by face. I suspected that the ‘live beamed’ person could be myself and the NDA-2 government was sort of ‘beaming’ me up perhaps at the behest of Captain AV or perhaps Captain AV’s opposition team !!

At that time… I realized that it could be highly possible that my mug shot / photo might have been out in the public domain in some concocted narrative… perhaps over the social media or in some publication… this thought surely crossed my mind.

But then… why ? Who would do that ?

What story had been cooked ?? And… by whom ??

Who were these ostensibly criminal minded and intentioned perpetrators behind planting of any concocted stories ?

Again… I did not rule out the possibility of some sort of mind games or psy-operations by either the Captain and mates’ team or emanating from Captain’s opposition team !!

That seemed like the most plausible line of thought.

Question arose – what was the intent, motive, motivation for this activity ??

What takeaway… the covert master strategists had ??

Well… not to be anyways involved in meekly watching this Psy-Op like discussion that had practically nothing to do with myself, and the implications thereof… I switched TV channels and… moved on.

<< TEN >>

Sometime around end of 2014 or perhaps the beginning months of 2015 there was a program aired on some TV channel… that had to do with the real life experiences of the NSA Ajit Doval as an undercover officer in Pakistan as well as inside the Golden Temple, Amritsar.

In this TV program… major parts of which could have been pre-recorded. And, some certain part might have been ‘live’ TV feed as well…

I saw the NSA Ajit Doval talk about his experiences during his stay in Pakistan. Again… there was some focus as regards his covert entry into the Golden Temple, Amritsar in order to first-hand assess the ground situation of the holed up Khalistani terror activists.

In the process of recalling and recounting his experiences within the Golden Temple… Ajit Doval was stating that on the slightest of suspicions the suspect was killed or shot dead by the Khalistani terrorists who were holed up inside the Golden temple.

Whilst he was stating the overt procedural code of the Khalistani terrorists…

I recall seeing a frame all of a sudden ( not sure whether this was ‘live’ frame. Suspicion is that it was a live interjection on or within the same TV program by NSA Ajit Doval ) in which the subtle suggestion was made by him that -  even in the case of minimalist suspicion, as police officers… ( sort of untold was… in a veiled allegory ) they kill the suspect.

No questions are ever asked… they simply cull or take out the individual, as a norm / procedure.

That probably was a ’live’ message. Perhaps to psyche up the ‘intended audience’ ( most probably myself ) remains the moot question ?

I believe that my gut instinct is correct on this.

This was intended to send a message... to no one but myself… sort of – to psyche me up and watch the reaction thereof, from the ever-watching “small / tiny digital cat eyes” of the intelligence agencies.

<< ELEVEN >>

Please note that between April of 2014 till January of 2015 the BJP, RSS and the government were in deep sleeping mode.

Even the exulting or gleeful Captain Ajit Vadakayil and his mates might have been sleeping all this while.

Indeed… I saw a sleeping cat at his blogger website during second half of December, 2014 !!

WHY ??


This is highly loaded part.

Pregnant with massive implications and hidden mysteries, and indicates towards some covert plot… some sort of plethora of conspiracies, for sure.

Nevertheless, this pregnant period certainly saw massive undercover activities and power-plays that led to the birth of the BJP led coalition state-level government in the state of Jharkhand.

As also in the state of J&K.


Very important note –

Since the birth of the state of Jharkhand in the year 2000… mostly tribal leaders in association with OBC, EBC and muslim leaders have collectively held on to power at the state level.

Rarely would some dominant caste political figure get some pared down representation in the state ministry. These certain dominant caste guys had altogether ceased to be dominant figures, any longer.

Always… no matter which party won, a tribal origin person was always the Chief Minister in the state of Jharkhand.

This norm is broken for the first time in this extreme mineral rich state of the entire nation, during December, 2014.

Wherein, the BJP/ RSS combinations have put as Chief Minister, Sri Raghuwar Das who is basically external to Jharkhand and basically a teli caste OBC from Chhattisgarh.

In the process the BJP, RSS dominant castes laid and planted the seeds in the ground - for the Bihar assembly elections 2015. Futuristic carrots were shown for wooing the trading OBCs and the Vaishya castes and the Teli castes of… Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh. Notably - Teli caste are nearly 5 % to 7 % in Bihar and nearly 15 % to 18 % in the state of Chhattisgarh… and make for a major electoral base.

At the same time – the dominant castes who form the central stalwart core of the BJP and RSS have ensured that the rest of the Jharkhand OBCs who account for nearly 55 % of the state’s population are, in fact, rather kept marginalized from the real power structure. Who OBCs… apart from the Jharkhand CM… do not find any proportionate representation in the State Government ministry.

And, perhaps for the very first time after the formation of Jharkhand state, some pretty heavyweight dominant caste political leaders have been calling the shots in the state of Jharkhand. This has never happened earlier, since perhaps the year 2000.

Going by the number of cabinet ministers the dominant castes have got made from their own folds, in the state government, at the overall expense of other OBC, EBC MLAs.

Of course, these smart people have taken care that the tribal leaders are well represented in the ministry so that there is not an open revolt against the designs of BJP, RSS stalwarts.

To that effect they have appointed an ST member as the Speaker of the state assembly, in Dinesh Oraon.

Again… they have got one tribal lady from the adjoining state of Odisha as the governor of Jharkhand – in Draupadi Murmu.

They even got Ramnath Kovind who is a Koli SC caste from Kanpur, appointed as the Bihar Governor.

Later these BJP and RSS think-tanks got Ramnath Kovind elected as the President of India… at the cusp of the Gujarat assembly elections. So as to placate the politically relevant and dominant Koli OBC community that makes up almost 20 % of the Gujarat population. ( Alpesh Thakore being a prominent OBC Koli personality from Gujarat ).

So… some set of closely collaborative people have been apparently playing very sly and deceitful games… all along.

Of course… at the expense of some budding OBC politicians… my relative four MLAs, who certainly are seeming to be on some sort of hook !!

4 + 2 = 6 out of 81 = 7.41 % of total MLAs is quite a number for a specific caste or social group.

Still… none of these people get to become even petty ministers. Rather way too strange !!

Incidentally, a few years back… one BJP MLA out of the total of 6 ( of the sub-caste group ) is reportedly found dead under mysterious circumstances. The newspaper stories seem to suggest foul play. None-the-less, the matter is apparently made to go cold. And, in subsequent re-election the dead ( or, who knows - perhaps murdered ? ) MLA’s son is re-elected on BJP ticket.

These 4+2 = six MLAs have certainly been marginalized… and probably or rather… surely been used as ladders to reach the seats of power, by other dominant castes.

Quite possibly… might I have been used / utilized as some sort of cannon fodder !! ??


I believe that the birth of this BJP led coalition Jharkhand government began around the last week of December, 2014 and was finalized and a done deal on or around the 6th of January 2015 !!

Whilst the seeds for the same might have been sown past April, 2014 months.

By which time, lots of independent and opposition party MLAs had been made to shift base to the BJP led coalition state government.

Before the polls and after the polls, thereby re-enforcing the newly sworn-in coalition government.

On or around the 7th of January, 2015 while watching RS or LS TV in the evening hours… I watched BJP politician Arun Jaitley come ‘live’ in a program.

Not sure if this was a ‘live’ mono-cast or broadcast ?

He seemed all elated and exuberant… with a triumphalism that adorned his face ( perhaps owing to the cumulative BJP’s leadership’s collective success in forming the coalition BJP government in the state of Jharkhand. As also in J&K. ) the possibility of which was actually rather tough enough for them.

Frankly… none of the political pundits expected BJP to form a state level government in Jharkhand. I never did… especially in Jharkhand during December, 2014.

In this perhaps ‘live broadcast’… lawyer-turned-politician Arun Jaitley talked about some blogger having written something on the internet… which he basically termed as akin to an ‘internal note’ which was seen by some external extremist ( I do not recall the exact word or terminology used by him ) element on the other side of the border and they being unhappy at reading this… resorted to abruptly firing shells or bullets ( or… something ?? ) that destroyed someone’s house. And, perhaps… someone might have been injured or killed in this cross-border shelling or firing. He further added that the local armed forces officer ( perhaps the Commanding Officer, CO ? ) overseeing that area, visited the victim family and provided some immediate relief to them.

This was lawyer-turned-politician Arun Jaitley’s disclosure of matter to a “plausible set of audience”… after nine months.

This same video must be undeniably reposited and archived in the Information and Broadcasting Minsitry’s ( I&B ) database. It is sure high time to revisit and play out / view / review the same video in all the national news channels.

Then… anyone may gauge the true implications of what I had / have been stating and maintaining all along.

Not sure whether this ‘live’ TV announcement from a small stage was a broadcast or a “mono-cast” ?

He further deliberately misled the audiences by adding that he believed that one of the bloggers in question was based overseas.

At the end of which… in a rather pretty mischievous manner the image of one of the supposed bloggers was splashed on the TV screen, at his direction. Though I half expected to see some faces. Although… I did not see any recognizable mug-shot displayed on-screen.


1) What sort of addiction these BJP, RSS stalwarts engage in… so that they have to stay pregnant with umpteen ideas, motives, motivations, game-plays, politicking, etc. for nearly nine months ( Between April, 2014 till January, 2015 ) before they vomit out ostensibly some cock and bull made up story ?

2) Who is the real master mind and his most plausible accomplices in this high stakes game ?

In this ‘live’ program… BJP politician Arun Jaitley having a winning air… is all smiles and he ostensibly tries to sneer at / deride the intended audience ( that’s myself )... whilst in the process of passing on this message.

Obviously this was a rather meticulously contrived plot.

Rolling out in the open, at that stage when the Jharkhand assembly polls got over and the BJP was able to form a coalition government in the state of Jharkhand.

3) What is the real possibility ( in the light of and context of Sneh Chandel’s and Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s overt reaction ) that someone who had, in the past or currently, been within the Indian establishment ( who might have actually sensed a golden opportunity ) had called up someone of his or her contacts across the border ? To cook up some game ?

And thereby, a sequence of calls and conversations might have to-and-fro taken place… resulting in someone from across the LoC being ordered to engage in cross border exchanges i.e. firing / shelling ?

I would definitely state :  that probability might be ONE or that is = 100 % chance !!


Frankly, the formation of coalition government headed by BJP in the most mineral rich state in India -  Jharkhand, has yielded pretty rich dividends to the entire sets of some closely collaborative set of the dominant caste fellows (cutting across party lines )… at the state level, regional level and the national level.

The cumulative gain accruable to certain set of people… might be quantified as something greater than INR tens of lakhs of crores.

Again… it allowed the BJP to strengthen image building and perception mongering at the regional level and the national level. And… perhaps this certainly allowed BJP and its’ allies a winning streak in other states, as well.

Ultimately, highly emboldened by the-then well entrenched position of the BJP government… the BJP ( and why not RSS too ?? ) leadership in their unbridled gung-ho attitude… allowed for the muscular rollout of the Demonetization of nearly 86 % of the total numbers of high denomination Indian Rupee currency notes during November, 2016.

I have precisely pointed out my take on the Demonetization in several earlier posts.

Herein… I intend clubbing the BJP, RSS decision leading to rollout of the Demonetization fiasco having been born out of… a sudden gush of adrenalin that flowed out and coursed their entire system, structure and thought processes… subsequent of installing a coalition government in the state of Jharkhand… by slyly using some MLAs as ladders… and people like myself as cannon fodder ?

Again this is important question / food for thought – had BJP party failed to win and form the state government in Jharkhand during December, 2014 and January of 2015… then this fact would have had serious significance and ramifications for BJP gaining ground in Bihar assembly polls during July, August of 2015.

And, that might have meant that being on a rather sticky wickets… there are 100 % chances that BJP, RSS leadership would never have dared to unleash the Demonetization that these guys rolled out during November of 2016 !!

There was simply no ways BJP, RSS would have got the courage to force the Indian economy and people to deepest throes and endless woes that indeed was… Demonetization !!

All… please take note !!

<< TWELVE >>

RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat visits my state and holds a national level conclave some few hundred meters from where I reside, during the first few days of the month of February, 2015.

While passing by that location… I visit the place where a live session is ongoing… since the hall is jam-packed so I stand outside watching him give a talk on large screen display.

A few tidbits from his talk ( I certainly do believe that someone might have informed him while he was giving his speech, that I was also present at the venue ) –

1) He says something from stage, which I recall having shared with my wife a few times, only a few days back. And… his statement certainly was no mere coincidence.

And, I immediately deduce and therefore know that what I talk in personal space… this filters out to this person and a lot of other people, as well.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat also added that RSS has such a vast underground network that they immediately get to know of things before even the police, administration and government come to know of the same.

This clearly implied ( in my personal view / viewpoint / inference ) that this person and his close associates are getting minutest feedbacks as regards myself and all my family members.

Why this unholy interest in others’ personal lives ?

2) One of the days the RSS program was going on… the newspapers quote him as having said something on – some people spreading ‘arajakta’ ( means anarchy ) in the social framework context, etc. without elaborating on the underlying story.

Now, why he would say that was pretty much loaded… and certainly implied at some sort of story behind it.

I had an eerie feeling about this point of view, after discovering only the previous week ( courtesy Suhasini Haidar, the daughter of Subramaniam Swamy, who is married to the son of Salman Khursid, a former diplomat and a senior Congress leader ) on the 31st of January, 2015 … that the NDA-2 government was beaming me ‘live’ on whatever pretext.

3) Out of this 2-3 day RSS program… One of those days the newspapers quoted the RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat as having said that - even dalits have become patriotic.

Oh, really !!

One contrary deduction out of that statement - one never knew that only brahmins are / were supposed to be patriotic !! Especially the Chitpawan lots !!

Now… why would RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat say that and what exactly he had in mind… I have commented on this in some previous post.

But this statement proved… that RSS ( that is mostly financed by Marwari and Gujarati and Sindhi banias and several pan India Corporate houses ) and headed by mostly brahmins at the very top echelons of power and position… and perhaps a set of other dominant / savarna castes… is certainly not meant for non-brahmins who mostly happen to be foot soldiers or holders of banners !!

Putting the same – plain and clear.

Within no more than 10-12 days of this RSS sponsored program… on the forthcoming fortnight of February, 2015… few things seemed to be unfolding or rolling out.

Not sure, if RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat and his team had visited the state to get the first hand feedback and set the ball rolling as regards the future course / ongoing line of action, as regards myself ?

Does this seem highly plausible and likely that the entire Nagpuri Sanghi coterie / stalwarts had been dictating the terms of the ensuing engagement vis-à-vis myself, and even so to this day ? I Would not be surprised at the same eventuality.

Now… when talking of RSS and Mohan Bhagwat I am reminded that my maternal grandmother’s three younger brothers were freedom fighters during the British Raj. And, they wasted their lives to get this country freedom from the Britishers. Perhaps the eldest one amongst them who was most prominent had joined the Jana Sangh… and at one time was considered even more senior and well entrenched than Mohan Bhagwat in the Hindutva circles ( I was told thus. Well… I do not know much in this context… but heard this from one of his sons. )

Knowing this… I am appalled at the utter shamelessness and opportunism of the likes of Mohan Bhagwat and all his close associates at RSS in allowing myself and family members to be most thoroughly utilized, in an ostensibly politically laden game.

My understanding remains clear - either BJP, RSS has the full support and co-operation of Captain Ajit Vadakayil or else the team that is opposed to Captain AV is aiding and assisting BJP, RSS.


I use such strong word with an intention…

For it is anyone’s understanding that - nothing happens in BJP, RSS ruled states and even in New Delhi… without the tacit consent of the Sangha ( RSS ) and the collusion of the Nagpur coterie stalwarts that is mostly headed by brahmins, and some other savarna dominant castes as accompanying minions.

The sort of politicking the RSS, BJP have done over the past five years… speaks truly and unmistakably about their underlying principles and character. This is clearly discernible by the nine month sleepily pregnant utter silence. And… lays or exposes the same almost threadbare. May be glean-able by those who are truly able to perceive the same… others may be blind or close their eyes and act blind.

My understanding remains pretty much clear – it is the central Govt. that dictates and decides everything.

And, NDA-2 government headed by PM Modi is certainly controlled, managed and directed by the RSS coterie from Nagpur.

Therefore… BJP and RSS leadership stand answerable… and the onus is on them to prove their non-complicity, in dealing with myself, and their actual role in all the Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s game.



At the cusp of the 2014 LS polls… while the anti-incumbency was running high against the Congress led UPA regime that ruled between 2004-2014… and during which decade… almost every few months there were some mammoth scams coming to light ( whether – 2G, Coal gate, Common-Wealth, Augusta Westland, etc. etc. )

At the height of this anti-incumbency… the Congress party had come out with a pre LS polls 2014 manifesto promising –

1) reservations in the private sector to the reserved category ( SC, ST, OBC, PD ) people,

2) Free or at perhaps a nominal token amount - food grains disbursement to poor people every month.

 … as part of their pre-polls election manifesto.

Sensing this as some sort of populist gimmick to lure in and fool the masses… just to garner the votes… I had written out a blogger post weeks preceding the LS polls 2014… opposing the Congress party’s pre-polls manifesto… in a post titled “Trust Deficit”.

In this post I had expressed clear cut anxiety at the scams and the 2014 pre-poll promises of the Congress party… naturally expressed out of the general feeling of lack of trust in their promises making and implementation thereof.

Coupled with strong anti-incumbency majority people had serious reservations against Congress winning yet again in the oncoming 2014 polls to form UPA-3.

Again… there was lack of trust in the perceived maturity level of Rahul Gandhi to lead the nation as PM… that was more born out of apprehension of a winning UPA-3.

In which blogger post… I had raised serious doubts and questions as regards this Congress party’s pre-polls promise of free or else at marginal or a token amount, food-grains disbursal scheme to the masses.

In the absence of a valid publicly known food security policy of the central government ( that was led by the Congress coalition of the UPA ).

What I expressed was - deep anxiety as regards or in context to the food security program as part of our national security - wherein, the general masses and unaware people like us do not know whether the country truly has enough stockpiles of food-grains to last us through at least several years of a mix of monsoon failure/ war/ famine, etc.

Now… I do recall Captain Ajit Vadakayil potentially raising a flag over usage of certain word / idea wherein I had expressed the apprehension of great number of people at the bottom of the pyramid ( low levels ) idling around… lazing with no need to necessarily work to earn a livelihood… and in the process adding to the population load of the country by freely procreating off-springs.

That was… in the eventuality of the formation of a Congress led government, yet again… which might provide people with free food-grains/ rations thereby rendering them lazy.

I recall subsequently making a correction to that post so that this does not offend anyone, in particular.


1) Several years back… had chanced on some info. that the entirety of the weather and climate records of the last several decades ( perhaps / almost all of it ) of the USA and perhaps the North America including Canada ( may not include Mexico ) have been sold to some globalist private party and these records no longer remain in the public domain,

2) There have been massive spurt in the activities of weather engineering and manipulation thereof. Wherein the weather and climate pattern of any specific country/ region/ entire continents/ over the seas and oceans may be made to undergo subtle or sudden change.

In the case of India… any such weather/climate sabotage may adversely affect the monsoon and that could result in sequential monsoon and / or crop failures… spread over multiple years… resulting in successive droughts followed by famines.

That situation certainly poses a food security problem of massive proportions. Added would be certain escalation in unemployment figures and the inflation rate.

3) Again, by the means of Geo-engineering and plausibly tinkering with the ionospheres’ properties… the weather and the entire climatic pattern can be made to be changed on a temporary or semi-permanent basis… plausibly by means of HAARP or similar technologies.

That may probably be used to cause earthquakes, heavy rainfall to cause massive flooding, droughts, etc.

Again, around several world communities there have been reports of chemically seeding the environment by usage of nano particles... that show up in the food chain… ending in human bodies as toxic metals lodged in the liver, etc. organs.

Yet again, by tinkering with the ionospheres’ properties that results in a part of the ionosphere to serve as some sort of a ‘lens’ for the Solar radiation… falling and focused over a certain terrestrial plane… earthquakes, massive tornadoes, heavy rains, atmospheric depressions,  etc. may be artificially caused in a particular region.

4) Again… El Nino etc. effects could be born out of some such manmade weather manipulation activities’ and the resultant side effects.

5) Massive world-wide planned expansion of the GMO seeds, food-grains and crop would have made the native farmers solely dependent on the global monopolists in this domain like – Monsanto, Cargill, Pepsi Co., etc. We cannot say that GMO food is non-toxic !!

And… there always remains the possibility that during times of artificially induced droughts / famines… the prices of these GMO seeds, food-grains and crops as also the associated insecticides, pesticides and the fertilizers could be artificially ratcheted upwards to extract out massive profits from the countries around the globe.

Effectively - that could have made the national economies of several countries depleted of enormous amount of wealth.

This risk/ danger and the probability thereof, still might remain true.

Again, in the same or yet another post I had derided the Congress party pre-polls reservation system manifesto; from a certain specific point of view.

Of course, that also intently done with the intent of refuting the Congress party’s pre-polls manifesto that promised reservations in the private sector, in the case that they were voted back to power.

At the same time in another half of the same post I had laid bare the hypocrisy of the US’ Prez Barack Obama government’s pursuance of an utter chaotic foreign policy. Policies his administration had unfolded in Syria, Libya, Arabian spring revolutions, etc. and thence on… threatened a war in Ukraine, with the Russians. With NATO forces piling on the Ukrainian-Russian border, for mind games and some potential show down.

That could have potentially plunged the world in World War – III… ending in a certain nuclear Armageddon… that could have entirely wiped out life from planet earth.

Whilst high intensity war ravaged the border areas of Donbass, etc. of Ukraine there was a high degree of probability that any false flag operation in the Ukraine territory ( by a malignant third party ) might have been the source of a certain spurt in conflagration between the two countries - Russia and Ukraine ( which war was partly financed and backed by the Western countries, including the NATO coalition ).

Threat perception repetitively suggested of a potentially orchestrated false flag… that had every chance of targeting a Soviet era nuclear power plant in Ukraine. That might have had a rather devastating effect on the entire region.

Not to forget that till date - the deadliest nuclear disaster had taken place in Chernobyl, that is also located in the Ukraine territory.

So… any such remotest WWIII possibilities had to be nipped in the bud. And, so… a call for peace had to be made via the medium of that blogger post. Do not see any reason as to why the Americans might be miffed at that blogger post !! That was rather… a frank statement of facts on the ground. The same opinion is held by countless people around the entire globe.

Over the past few years I have heard the words – ‘sedition’, ‘free speech’, Sec. IT-66A, Sec. 124-A freely used around a lot.

And, sometimes I wonder whether this same specific post that talked of ‘trust deficit’ was potentially used to book me under some false complaint/ case ?

Now… if any Government servant has actually done so then obviously this was a motivated action by the set of government officials who collaboratively acted as such, perhapss at the behest of the government of the day.

If that be true then – I do believe and allege that the set of such government servants ( whether from the folds of police or judiciary ) must be part of a larger conspiracy - political conspiracy.

As also the conspiracy to invade each and every member of my family’s privacy ( from bedroom to bathroom ) !! To put the same across – succinctly !!

Again…  this multifaceted conspiracy portends of a stratagem to massively reduce the number of under-trials that were booked under IT Sec-66A.

The entire setup might smack of a plot to get the same IT Act rescinded by the Supreme Court judgment. That annulment of the law… had probably been an outcome of close co-operation and consensus between the law enforcement agencies ( police and the judicial system at the highest level ) and the central government of the day.

And, had any government agency approached me ever with a notice in this context…  I certainly might  have mulled filing a counter-case or complaint alleging nothing less than a criminal as well as a political conspiracy.

In the case that government officials / authorities had approached me then… then it might have been obviously forthcoming from my end.

Because in a pre-polls/ on the cusp of LS polls 2014… this sort of anti Congress party manifesto post or message had to be naturally coming from lakhs of people around the country, such were the sentiments then.

So… if ever there was any government official acting against that specific post then he or she did so with surely a mala-fide intent that had to do with ulterior criminal as well as a political conspiracy.

And, in that scenario I would certainly like to book a counter case on these same government officials ( whether they be from the folds of police or judiciary ) for the wrongful booking of a false and frivolous case for violation of any Indian law.

That specific blogger post had nothing to do with “freedom of speech” or even the violation of the IT Act section - IT-66A… rather it was anxiety in the context of national security questions… which only a truly treasonous and treacherous sort of government servant(s) may miss out, altogether.

And, that would mean that if any police case was booked… the same was done with mala-fide intent and perhaps with some key set of socio-political and political objectives, whereby utilizing me as an unsuspecting bait of sorts.

Repeating and re-iterating yet again – if I had been ever approached by any Government official as regards the same or similar post… then certainly I would have filed a counter case potentially indicative of criminal and political conspiracy against myself and my entire family members… violative of our privacies.

This is an extremely bad mal-practice of the highest abhorrent order.

I might have proved and established the same charges.

Question arises –

If questions, reeking with anxiety, regards the food security of the nation are raised by any member of civil society / the general masses... how come that is ever tantamount to sedition ( in case I had been booked for that post ) ?

How come this is violation of any Indian law ?

Same holds true for opposing the Congress manifesto promising reservations in the private sector. Then - it was more like opposing the Congress party and their manifesto rather than the reservations in private domain !! – putting plain and simple.

In which case… there is much more than meets the eye.
Probably that needs to be dug up… and dug up well. The guilty people must be brought to book.

Why I write this pointer is… recently I chanced across the news that a lawyer turned Congress leader Kapil Sibal was opining as regards doing away with the British time ( nearly  160 years old ) sedition laws in the country.


Now… I have nil idea what or who he had in mind. Perhaps, he had the JNU episode and Kanhaiya Kumar in mind who is a vocal anti-BJP and anti-Modi personality.

On the flip side… I might be at the end of a potential hook… owing to political /criminal / police/ judiciary nexus between political parties.

In case if any government official has ever booked me under British time sedition laws…

Then (s)he and the general masses must be aware or be made aware that during the British period the ordinary policemen were provided with wooden canes to manage crowd and people. And, some of them were provided with now legacy fire-arms.

Cut to today… in the 21st century… where very high tech crimes are committed almost every day. And… even the terrorists have AK-47, hand grenades, RDX explosives, rocket launchers, etc in their arsenals… nowhere the police and para-military personnel are given legacy British time weaponry to fight such enemies. Or, do we give them such obsolete weapons and canes and send them in Naxal prone areas or even in the disturbed North Eastern Territories or the Kashmir Valley to fight the extremist, terrorist elements ??

Shall the Indian people elect such a government who does actually that !!

In that case – all the police / paramilitary / armed forces might revolt against the government order. Else, they might resign from their services and go sit at home. Truly assessing !!

Again, the cyber domain has come up… which is extremely potent arena of capital or combat.

Again – under the pretext of such obsolete 160 years old sedition laws… the intelligence department of police may be able to watch an individual and his entire family in real-time, if they are to book a person under such British time sedition laws !! Let there be no mistake and misconception about that. The police /intelligence agencies can easily watch anyone in each and every single nook and corner of anyone’s residence or premises !!

That real-time watching ( at the behest of the government ) was NOT possible during the British times, when the Britishers framed those laws to safeguard their British Empire. It was actually an Imperial law !!

Now… if in case any police case had been filed against that blogger post… then I believe and tell outright that the same was done with 100 % mala-fide intent, motive and motivation.

The government officials engaged in the same act… must be booked for politico-criminal intent, motive and motivations and they MUST be thoroughly investigated and interrogated for the same actions. They could likely be linked to some political party or criminal elements.

I might want to file a counter case on these personnel, for such blatantly frivolous trespass of powers vested with them. Let there be no mistake on this count.

This is very very serious matter. The police cannot start watching individuals and their entire families, on the pretext of obsolete laws that is meant to be on their law books but not actually meant for real usage.

Knowing that our Hindu or the entire Indian society is highly fragmented on strong caste and class lobby lines. And, most of the times… because of an underlying sense of enmity and adversity between different caste factions… frivolous cases are filed and innocent people and their families are endlessly harassed and destroyed.

This must be taken note of… !!



1) Sedition must necessarily mean knowingly acting provenly against the nation or brazenly against the interests of the nation ( that is - DESH DROH ).

Of course, during British times… it meant acting against the British establishment or the pseudo puppet / fronts Government that were aligned with the Britishers - any of the princely states, Jagirdars, Zamindars, etc was termed as i.e. RAJDROH.

2) Now… in a democratic republic ( PRAJA-TANTRA ) in case the same British time clause and interpretation have been put against ( say ) myself in the given blogger post context that had to do with ‘trust deficit’ in the Congress party - then the same act MUST be construed as nothing short of a willful criminal act by the government servants and political authorities engaged in such action and activities, and nothing less.

And… these set of people must be booked for the same action and they must be duly brought to justice.


Again… during the month of March/ April, 2014 Captain Ajit Vadakayil started an online campaign against the movie star Aamir Khan.

And… Captain cajoled his ardent and devoted blogger followers to post messages against Aamir Khan at the Times of India wall.

He persisted with his campaign against this actor… exhorting his blog readers and followers to make posts at the Times of India website wall.

After several days of his persistence and insistence on the same topic… I also volunteered to make a post, as a show of solidarity, loyalty to the Captain. After all his blog posts used to be highly informative.

But then, instead of writing at the Times of India website message box… I wrote a blogger post ( that was akin to a layered cake with cherry on top ) at my own site and shared the link of that piece ( of cake ) at Captain AV’s blogger site’s message box.

That way I intended to retain… at least some control over the article I posted at my blogger site - as to whether I wanted to keep it or perhaps remove the same after Captain, his mates and those that are habituated to read his blogger posts and message box had duly read it.

Obviously, the Captain read the same and several people who frequented or visited his blogger site message box might have read the post at the link shared by myself, as well.

And so, when the message by one Sneh Chandel was posted on the 23rd or 24th of April, 2014 ( Something like… “Ha ha… one is fooled but knows not that one is fooled” etc. )

I immediately sensed and suspected that some sort of immense mischief might be coming my way. ( Being fooled is akin to… giving the thought or idea of being falsely set up !! )

And… I had an immediate gut instinct that I might inadvertently have allowed myself to walk into some sort of insidious trap, set up in a rather pretty much deceitful manner. In hindsight…. this certainly looked like an intricately laid out setup.

And, this implied that either Sneh Chandel was part of the coterie or immediate team of Captain Ajit Vadakayil and knew of his endless games / shenanigans.

Alternatively, there is also this possibility that – this remains highly likely that Sneh Chandel was actually from an opposite team to that of Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s team.

That specific message by one Sneh Chandel was deleted and removed by Captain Ajit Vadakayil.

( The details about the same message I have already mentioned in one of previous blogger posts, citing apt details from my tabulASSion logs. )

But then, either Captain Ajit Vadakayil ( or, who-so-ever was the then 3-month tenure Captain of his blogger site ) made a MISTAKE in posting this message on his blogger site.

Else there remains the remote possibility that he wanted to ensure that perhaps I had read the same message. Thereby deriving some notion… serving as a tip-off prelude that was sort of supposed to psychologically ready me for his massive onslaught of… plethora of ( mind ) games.


But… this latter scenario does not seem more likely.

The former is what is TRUE – Captain Vadakayil indeed made the mistake in allowing for the posting of Sneh Chandel’s message.

And, yet again - even in the act of deleting and destroying the same message.

Whilst he mistakenly again or those that are certainly on his opposite team carried on a relentless and immense psychological campaign to nail me down !!

Interpreting - plain and clear.


Subsequently, sensing some potentiality of unknown mischief at the reaction of one Sneh Chandel ( who must be rajput and belonging to the rajput lobby )… I had removed that blogger post from my web-site.

( That also meant that the purpose of my post was served, whereby anyways I had been able to honor the promise made to Captain AV. )

At which I recall that Captain Ajit Vadakayil excitedly chuckled in his comments section message… something like… “See… he has removed ( or, taken down ) the post” !!

The tone and tenor of Captain’s words suggested that he was emphatically elated bordering on exhilaration.

This clearly suggested to me then… and implied that some sort of fishy shenanigans/ play-out might be expected, going forward, as suggested by one Sneh Chandel.

This “escaped” message by him… immediately belied my utmost trust on Captain Ajit Vadakayil‘s blogger site and the brand of ethics he plausibly preached and practiced. Especially in the context of his dealings with all his loyal blog followers.

And, raised a flag as regards the nature of his morality… with the question being thrown up… were  

1) this person and/ or the set of ( perhaps retired ) people running this blogger site – trustworthy and/ or dependable ?

2) Are his loyal and mostly innocuous blog followers insulated from their views and opinions as well, for satisfying the Captain’s demands of ego ?

Whereby they could run the risk of being falsely set up by him or perhaps by those that are opposed or inimical to him / his team ?

And, from that time ( recalling… either the 23rd or the 24th or the 25th of April, 2014 ) onwards… I had this enduring suspicion / unwarranted hunch / an unfounded concern that… a fast one might be pulled up… on me. Any times… going forward.

In which case…

I expected and had this line of thinking ( after April, 2014 ) that… if I were ever to  be falsely set up, going forward, then the person or set of people who-so-ever comes up first in this context, in my line of sight… would be those people who surely / might have set me up ( being somehow affiliated to one Sneh Chandel ).

But then… what transpires is…

Politician Arun Jaitley came up on, around the 7th of January, 2015… after NINE months of pregnant silence.

And… NSA Ajit Doval perhaps, too.

And, yet again… when the then defence minister Manohar Parrikar unfurled a national flag on a hundred feet high mast pole at the outskirts of the state capital Ranchi… this unusual action caught my eyes.


Strangely… similar hundred feet high mast pole hoisting the national flag was sought to be put up at Begusarai, Bihar which happens to be Bhumihar caste stronghold. This piece of news came up in the print media several months or almost an year back.

The moot question arose - what might have any Bhumihar caste person from Begusarai achieved and why would the BJP’s nationalist wave see such a move at Begusarai ?


But when I read a few years back, in the local news-paper ( perhaps the bottom part of the second last or fourth last page ) a news clipping that had to do with the then defence minister Manohar Parrikar and in which the words Tabulassion were used by him, perhaps or perhaps in the same context of the news article. Again, in the same ( perhaps ) planted news story was ( perhaps ) stated by him that he / they would engage in - “Kaanta se kaanta nikalega” i.e. that means - using one thorn for the purpose of removing another thorn.

I inferred the same as… perhaps I was expected to take cudgels up against the Captain AV and his mates and fight it out with him and his entire team !!

This implied that there was sure shot possibility of a crafty design / setup to seek out one’s enemies… and mutually engage them... that might ensure mutually assured destruction for them !!

That, sort of implied that Captain and his team might not be part of the BJP, RSS core team.

Now… this appeared contradictory…for I had always perceived or anticipated that Captain AV to be part of the BJP team or covertly aligned to them and the RSS core. And, there were perhaps mostly brahmins on his team. And probably that explained his numerous truth exhumations and fact dishing blogger posts on the Sanatana Dharma.

But then… one thing was apparently clear… Arun Jaitley and Ajit Doval and Manohar Parrikar were on the same teamand these troika of “brahmin devtas” perhaps appeared on stage/ screen with the intended lure to engage me; whereas I had been sort of expecting some rajput guy affiliated to using the surname Chandel or perhaps some Malyali Thiyya guy to potentially turn up… as part of the subsequent rollout of the line of action… emanating from the Captain AV’s blogger post message by Sneh Chandel !!

Clearly… the set of people who gains… ought to be the ones who might have set me up !!

Plain, simple and clear.

Of course… it took the BJP, RSS think-tanks more than NINE months for their brand of pregnant games to finally show up during the month of January, February of 2015 !!

Now… sans any government official ever approaching me with any summon/ notice etc. ..  can this be deduced that if I was ever hooked or booked by any government servant ( who could be from either or any of – police, military, para-military, civil administration, judiciary, etc. ) on this count… then the same were meant to be used as hook for other base purposes as well – a set or slew of base political, socio-political, reducing the number of under-trials, etc. agendas. To put the same bluntly.

And, certainly to decrease the load of under-trials on account of the IT Section-66-A.

That probable under-trials numbers arising out of violation of IT-66 A might be in lakhs… since the same act was annulled by the Supreme Court.

Perhaps, looking at the load on the exchequer/ prison system by the wanton usage of such loosely framed laws… that contributed to massively increasing the number of under trials in the prison system, across the country.


Recalling the then defence minister Manohar Parrikar’s gloatingful musings in the local newspaper – that talked of tabulASSion as also “Kaante se Kannta nikalo”.

( That’s… Remove a thorn using another thorn. And, thereafter… cast them both aside. )

Seems like suggestive of the fact that Manohar Parrikar ( a Konkani GSB ) somehow wanted that I either  fight it out with Captain Ajit Vadakayil ( who claims that he is a Thiyya caste person ) and his team mates or his opposite team !!

There are two mutually exclusive scenarios here, which suggests that –

A) either Captain Ajit Vadakayil ( in case he is representative of a limited faction of the armed forces and intelligence agencies, etc. rather than the whole ) was, in fact, set up by his opposing set of forces ( say… perhaps represented by or representative of the person or handle named as - Sneh Chandel ) that actually did set me up, as well.

And… frankly that might look likely.

B) Alternatively… Captain Ajit Vadakayil and his mates and associates ( in case he is representative of the entirety i.e. the entirety of the factions of the armed forces and intelligence agencies, etc. ) themselves have set me up. And that might mean that – Sneh Chandel might be his close pal / accomplice. In which case he and his mates are in close-co-operation and collusion with the BJP, RSS.

Owing to whatever reasons that he may ascribe to any of - his faulty calculation / cascading mind games/ Annulment of Section IT- 66 A as also ( again… this could be also highly possible play out ) Annulment of Section IT- 124 A  ( that is… perhaps related to sedition charges )… as an aid to reduce the number of under-trials in prison.

Then again… some coterie set of closely collaborating smarties ( cutting across political parties, police, armed forces, intelligence agencies, judiciary, etc. ) perhaps use this as a bait for using myself as a cannon fodder for hooking onto my budding politician relatives… whereby ensuring BJP’s government formation in the state of Jharkhand all too easy.

Whereas the fact remains that it was not at all that easy going for BJP in the year 2014especially as regards state government formation in Jharkhand.

Factually those set of the smarties people who actually hooked me up as a bait… might/ surely have made windfall gains ( visible as well as invisible ) that could be tantamount to several lakhs of crores. And… nothing less.

The way one Iooks at things… and the way others look at and calculate stuff/ gainful scenario/ net gains, etc. may tend to diverge… and may remain variable.

Few loaded posers –

By the way - annulment of IT Sec. 66-A led to how much reduction in the number of under trials around the entire country, over the past 3-4 years ?


Highly possible - this could have been an action item of Captain Ajit Vadakayil and his mates… to strike at those very laws thereby reduce the number of under-trials around the country.


Perhaps 5-6 lakhs since the annulment, over the past 3-4 years, around the entire country ??

Who knows – an RTI might reveal the actual figures to be a huge number in excess of 5 lakhs ?

Some contextual to the government exchequer, savings calculations follow -

Five lakh under-trial prisoners receiving daily government rationing expenses of upto INR 125/- for an year is tantamount to ( This… does not includes the fixed cost of manning the prisons by the police men, electricity cost, judicial cost overlay and administrative expenditure burden on the exchequer, etc. on a per under-trial basis )

= INR 500,000 X 125 X 365 /-  = INR 2,281.25 crores per annum !!


If this figure of five lakh under-trial ( over the past almost four years ) sounds a tad too much ( whereas this could be a generous number ) then consider the following example –

Sushashan Babu Nitish Kumar made Maha-Gath-Bandhan or the Grand Coalition in Bihar and came back a third time as the Bihar CM during the Q3 of 2015.

Then he implemented total liquor prohibition or Sharab-bandi in the state of Bihar beginning from the 1st of April, 2016.

That liquor prohibition or Sharab-bandi resulted in the revenue loss to the Bihar state treasury of no less than INR 10,000 - 12,000 crores per annum.

That would mean - a net cumulative loss of roughly INR 50,000 to 70,000 crores in terms of plausible Bihar state excise revenue collections during his entire tenure, over the five-year period.

Ironically, it is indeed way too absurd that… during his previous two terms as Bihar CM he made it a policy pointer to increase the excise revenue collection the core of his fiscal policies and governance. Which saw the number of licensed government liquor outlets jump more than ten folds… to every nook and corner villages of the state, over the period of his previous rule between 2005 - 2015.

From the licensed outlet numbers that were 400-600 around 2004… the licensed outlets number increased to around 6,000 as of 2015 !!

But, owing to Sushashan Babu Nitish Kumar’s liquor prohibition laws or Sharab-bandi the Bihar police and the courts have to deal with nearly 1.6 lakhs people as under-trials who have been in the violation of the Bihar prohibition laws, over the past three years alone.

So… nearly 1.6 lakh under-trials are teeming in the Bihar prison system. Most of i.e. greater than 90 % those booked for violation of the prohibition laws are SC, STs and OBCs under-trials, it was reported !!


reportedly or allegedly a covert network has sprang overnight throughout the state of Bihar and liquor is freely available in the underground market… where it sells at a heavy premium… just a phone call away… at one’s door steps… if one knows the network.

The net effect is the Bihar state exchequer loss of excise revenue of almost INR 10,000 to 12,000 crore per annum is replaced by an illegal covert network that is raking in… no less than INR 20,000 to 30,000 crores per annum.

All this money is going to private parties that constitute a closely co-operating, collaborative nexus / network of sorts.

Since the contraband liquor items illicitly smuggled from neighboring and distant states, into Bihar sells at heavy premium. Also, lot of people have illicitly started manufacturing spurious liquor in remote locations and then supplying the same around the entirety of state.

This is Sushashan Babu Nitish Kumar’s brand and style of running the Bihar state government and the finances thereof… the once… wannabe PM of India !!

The point sought to be made is - in a nutshell… the estimate of nearly five lakh people ( potential under-trials ) escaping the dragnet of IT Sec 66-A is not an inflated estimation. Rather it might be a generous one on the lower side, at the all India level and scope.



BJP was able to form the government in the state of Jharkhand during December, 2014. This went on to reinforce BJP, RSS at the regional level. Therefore, effectively at the national level, as well.

Before the polls actually commenced… BJP was able to lure in some winnable politicians or sitting / former MLAs of the opposition parties to its’ camp.

After the polls… six winning legislators ( out of a total of eight ) of Jharkhand Vikas Morcha ( JVM ) MLAs were lured over to BJP’s fold.

One JVM MLA ( AmBa ) who crossed over to BJP but was a first time legislator from a reserved constituency ( SC ) was made a heavy weight minister in the Raghuwar Das cabinet. Holding at least five or six portfolios. This is one vital observation.

Again… I had trashed via a blogger post PM Modi’s announcement of the Bihar Special package ( to the tune of INR 1.25 lakh crores ) during the pre-polls phase of the Bihar state assembly elections ( sometime during July or August of 2015 ) and duly compared and contrasted the same to the planned Ahmadabad-Mumbai bullet train project.

Subsequent to which… a couple of ministerial portfolios that were vested with the Jharkhand CM Sri Raghuwar Das were duly transferred to already pre-existing heavyweight dominant caste cabinet ministers. I recall... some ministerial portfolios went to - Randhir Singh and CP Singh.

I construed the same as implying and conclusively establishing that whilst in the eventuality that… had I been ever booked, hooked in a pretty much any false, frivolous and fabricated case(s)… then the likelihood or probability of myself being used as some sort of cannon fodder in order to net one or a few of my relatives… who were eventually to be elected as BJP MLAs… was 100 %.

And… who all relative MLAs served and still do serve as some sort of muted opponents-turned-docile-allies-in-the-same-camp.


That’s akin to silenced opponents/ opposition... turned followers, by some sort of hook ?

Question arises – Who provided these plausible hooks to BJP, RSS ?

The fact remains that – who all might or certainly would have been budding politicians/ MLAs in the opposition camp are part of the same BJP camp and perhaps… having a hook nay handcuff that basically highly limits their movement and political desires/ aspirations/ vacillations/ risk-taking-political-adventures, etc.

Now… that seems rather a dicey situation to be in, for them.



Now… there are five dominant and pretty deeply entrenched caste and/ or class wise lobbies in the North Indian states of Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar-Pradesh, Madhya-Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, etc. And they are –

A) Since the past several centuries we have the Rajput and Kayastha lobby since the heydays of the Mughal empire; harking back to the early days and period of Akbar’s reign.

Rajput and Kayastha lobby have got deeply entrenched in almost all the North Indian regions over the past several centuries, over the Mughal rule.

And… of course these people continued staying rather much well entrenched during the British period as well.

And, again after we gained independence in 1947… they have gradually continued to deeply embed and entrench themselves in all the facets of government and governance – as in administration, judiciary, bureaucracy, armed forces, police, intelligence departments, as politicians and political leaders, etc.

B) Similarly, over the past several centuries ( encompassing the period of Mughal and British rule and even after we gained independence ) the brahmin caste people have deeply entrenched themselves in a similar manner / fashion… especially in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, etc. actually all over the Indian landscape.

Similarly… the bhumihar ( that is… half brahmin caste ) have fortified themselves and these people have deeply entrenched themselves in a similar manner/ fashion… especially in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, etc.

#A and #B altogether constitute no greater than 6 % of the population of the state of Jharkhand and roughly around 12 % in the state of Bihar. But, they remain potently entrenched in the entire system.

C) The SC/ ST lobby has come up owing to the benefits of reservation and political representation, since the year 1930 AD. Dr B R Ambedkar even made a provision for them in the Indian constitution.

Wherein these SC / ST folks have been getting reservations in direct proportion to their exact numerical population strength in all the respective states.

SC, ST Reservations at the central level :

they get 15 % for the SC + 7.5 % for the ST people… accounting for a total of 22.5 % of the total all India positions in any Government announced competitive exams and services.

And, accordingly as well… they get reservation as per the effective proportion of their population - in the political representations in the state legislative assemblies and at the central level in the Lok Sabha, as well.

#C implies that the SC / STs being nearly 36 % in the state of Jharkhand have a strong representation at every government department level and as also in terms of political representation.

D) Everyone knows that Congress, BJP and RSS have been historically… prominently controlled majorly by the dominant castes as mentioned in #A and #B ( brahmin, bhumihar, rajput, etc.) in the Hindi Heartland… i.e. the North Indian states of - Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, etc.

Again… these dominant caste people sure do take along the #C i.e. the SC, ST people… as these SC, ST people get a huge representation in proportion to their actual numbers in all the diverse governmental departments as also in all the state level assemblies and the Lok Sabha, as well.

That leaves the nearly > 54 % OBC castes, classes and clans out of the actual power spectrum, at the state as well as national level. And, the international level, as well.


Take a recent instance –

the Kalchuri Kalwars / Jayaswals are said to have nearly a population of up to three crores in the state of Uttar Pradesh… yet in the 80 odd Lok Sabha seats… the BJP has not given ticket to any Kalwars or Jayaswal caste person or even the OBC Vaishya caste people !! Most of the BJP Lok Sabha tickets in the UP have gone to rajputs and brahmins… that is grossly disproportionate to their actual population proportion. Even, similar stats are there for Congress party that has fielded only one candidate in UP; and NIL in Bihar, Jharkhand, MP, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, HP, etc.

BJP has not given tickets to any person from this caste group in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, J&K, North Eastern States, etc. states where their total population might easily exceed 90 to 120 million or greater than 9 to 12  crores !! Yet these people mostly blindly vote for BJP candidates !!


So… based on the facts and data as presented above… one can easily determine and conclude that all these five lobbies ( brahmin, rajput, bhumihar, kayastha and SC/ST lobbies ) might have surely reached some sort of mutual understanding in the context of the state level ( especially Jharkhand ) and national level politics. In which case – they gang up and decide the winning party. Rather than the reverse case. This same thing we might see unfolding during the aftermath of the LS Polls 2019

This is what the OBCs need to thoroughly understand and understand rather well.

And, this clear cut mutual collaboration might have seen the concessions or rewarding of nearly 5-6 cabinet ministerial portfolio to a reserved constituency ( SC ) minister ( AmBa ).. and this clearly establishes the fact ( from a layman’s observation ) that the dominant upper caste lobby has pretty deep tie up with the SC/ ST lobby.

Whereby the much fragmented OBCs castes are again and again befooled !!

E) And, this same can seen in the power play by the Brahmin + SC + Muslim interplay/ lobby that seams up as BSP led by the Supremo Mayawati and Satish Chandra Mishra, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Brahmin+Harijan+Adivasi+Muslim ( = BHAM )

BSP supremo Mayawati and Satish Chandra Mishra are much covertly and overtly supported by others as well.

In this context one must look up ( revisit all his facebook posts over the past several months ) as to how one Congress politician Amaresh Misra ( The script-writer or story teller of some movie Bullet Raja; who intends fighting from Kausarganj, UP on a Congress ticket ) is relentlessly and tirelessly bringing brahmins and muslims and SC, STs together… at the grassroots level.

Now… most importantly… please note…

This covert forging of ( Brahmin+Harijan+Adivasi+Muslim = BHAM ) bonds might see that the brahmin lobby covertly ditches BJP ( Especially in those constituencies where there is no BJP brahmin candidate standing. )

Else… in the case there is any BSP candidate that has come up and has a good chance of winning the election. And, this BSP candidate might be either a SC, ST Brahmin or Muslim… predominantly and the pan India Brahmin lobby might try to prop up support for Mayawati as the PM candidate, in government formation in the aftermath of LS polls 2019 !!
Since, she is guided by her deputy Satish Chandra Mishra in almost all matters.

Other option would be to get the BSP supremo support a Congress nominated brahmin candidate for the post of Prime minister ship.

One sure does get this impression that the brahmin lobby along with the SC, ST and perhaps the Muslim lobby may surely want to push Mayawati as the next PM of India… ( Since she might be more pliable… with hidden hooks on her… than dealing with PM NaDa Modi; who anyways has delivered ample load of goodies for the brahmin brigade. ) they rest assured that the central cabinet secretariat will be teeming with their own brahmin folks and those appointed and perpetually managed by the BSP controller Satish Chandra Mishra.

So whether Modi is the next PM or Mayawati or some Congress supported brahmin politician from a regional party or any of the Yadav chieftains… the brahmins somehow or the other have to necessarily control the maximum numbers of cabinet secretariats… that truly remains the real power centre of India !!

So… heads the brahmins win… and tails others lose ( thereby ensuring that… only the brahmins win ) !! scenario might surely be enacted.

Of course, the ever helpful EVMs are sure there to pick and choose the layout of the winning candidates !! Perhaps, Captain AV and his team or his opposing team might be involved in that these days. That’s the reason he does not care if even a stone is put on India’s throne !! That means that he is taking the Demonetization on himself, as well as GST rollout !!

Btw – the PSU BEL and some other PSU that provides the EVM are managed at the highest levels by the Brahmin leadership. As proclaimed by the blog recently. After which blogger piece, perhaps… the same blog was taken down !!

F) Ironically the OBCs form around 56 % of the population of the state of Jharkhand. They are divided and fragmented into almost 100 odd or caste / sub-caste groups.

That makes it difficult for them to come under a single umbrella.

If the OBCs, MBCs, EBCs ever are able to come under a single umbrella… then the real growth story of Bharat may truly start !!


Ever since my online interactions ( thru’ blogger messaging ) with Captain Ajit Vadakayil during the months of March-April, 2014 I had been apprehending something to get back and hit me.

This was anticipated and perceived by a set of these messages exchanges –

1) Sneh Chandel’s message during the second fortnight of April, 2014 , which I have alluded to earlier with date and time, in an earlier post;

2) Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s chuckle as regards a certain blogger post being removed / taken down by myself

( in the process he somehow seemed to forget that the very same post was elicited / demanded by him; rather than being written by myself as any act of volitional choice ),

3) Captain’s narrating the story that when he took over the reigns of a new tanker as Captain and joined the services… then he relates the story of the previous Captain who became all nervous wreck and was hooted out of the Captain’s position by all the onboard crews.


Question arises –

Was that because Captain AV mistakenly allowed Sneh Chandel’s message to display ?? and as also, again

For commenting on my post… look he has removed the post !! ?? Little realizing that he had cajoled / coaxed the post out of several of his unsuspecting and innocuous blog readers.

Apparently – Yes !!


Ostensibly owing to… some third or the fourth engineer having done “something” to the previous Captain of the Chemical tanker… whereby the Chief Engineer became a nervous wreck and was booed / hooted out of the ship, by the entire crew.

4) Based on #3 Captain calls out again and again to the third or the fourth engineer to return back to the ship… “and… we shall be friends”.

This was… sort of a subtle, veiled or perhaps an overt warning.

But then, Sneh Chandel’s messaging alerted me that something fishy might unfold in the oncoming times.

And then, I wrote the n-State tabulASSion blogger post and decided to escape the Captain’s ship, being a free bird. Rather than stay his captive.

Based on all these, I had a persistent gut feeling that continued much during the rest of the remaining months of 2014… that something tantamount to a highly orchestrated plot / mischief might come back and hit me with full force.

And, there was always this basic presumption and premise I had made ( as a simple thumb rule )…

1) that the person or the set of people who turns up first in full view, in the same context, might be those who actually did set me up.

2) As also – those who falsely set me up must be actually the net beneficiary ( any or all the form, format and scale ) of this entire plot.

And the net contextual gainers are representative of all those who sure may play some mischief or actually did set me up.

A) Now… BJP senior politician Arun Jaitely turns up on / around the evening of 7th of January, 2015 !! On the day or the second day when BJP finally patched up a loose coalition in the formation of Jharkhand state govt.

Thereby / whereby BJP, RSS getting overtly powerful in the regional and national level.

Rest remains no brainer !!

B) Again… one gets this strong feeling again and again that over the last five years of NDA-2 rule… the BJP lead coalition has tirelessly and purposefully followed a muscular policy in the state of J&K.

That policy been popularly nomenclatured as the Doval Doctrine.

That muscular Doval Doctrine clearly spelled out as –

a) dealing very tough with any and all sort of insurgents / insurgency emanating out from the Kashmir Valley,

b) Ratcheting up the heat / fight in the border out-posts and civilian locations across the LoC… with heavy firing and shelling in the border areas, resulting in huge loss of human lives and that of livestock in the border region. That often frayed the Pakistani nerves with the result that they often reciprocated with full force; as also vice versa might hold true, as well.

And… this went off and on…over the past five years of NDA-2 rule.

Now… who started the firing and shelling was never ever established. Each side often always blamed the other side for initiating the action.

c) No talks with the Kashmiri separatists factions, the Hurriyat, etc.

d) No talks with Pakistan on any issue; including Kashmir issue.

e) Perhaps… in line with the hardline Doval doctrine… marginalizing Pakistan in the SAARC.


In the same process NSA Ajit Doval and the current Indian government policy have fully compromised and put a stoppage to the progress of the Iran-Pakistan-India, IPI gas pipeline.

That has resulted in NDA-2 led by PM Modi seeking to establish almost 12 nuclear reactors for power generation in the country, rather than gas or coal fired plants for electricity generation, at a huge cost to the nation that definitely will have a huge impact on the electricity pricing per unit. Ref – Dabhol power plant.

Very funny that the PM Modi led government recently signed an agreement with the Western Corporations / countries, in the midst of the heat of the LS polls 2019, wherein almost everyone missed the vital news !!


The unintended outcome of the muscular Doval doctrine has been – these set of policies have greatly alienated the resident Kashmiri youth…with the result that for the first time over the last two decades… the local Kashmiri youth have heavily taken to become armed insurgents themselves… by increasingly taking up guns against our Indian security forces and by openly rising against the Indian establishment.

This muscular Doval doctrine has made the obligatory need by the Pakistani ISI to send in ever-flowing stream of Pakistani infiltrators into the Indian Kashmiri territory, as sort of redundant. Repeating yet again - the result of the Doval doctrine has been… now the roguish Pakistani elements do not have to send that many cross border infiltrators or terrorists in the Kashmir valley to carry on the unholy agenda of “bleeding India by thousand cuts”. As, these extremist elements / insurgents are home grown now !!

The local Kashmiri youth is so much fed up by the incessant usage of coercive force ( as per the muscular Doval doctrine ) by the Indian security forces that they are taking to the path of militancy by increasing numbers.

All this has been the utter failure of the muscular Doval doctrine… that preached and practiced an approach to the entire issue, with a heavy and hard hand on the separatists and protesters.


The cascading loss of precious human lives ( whether they were armed forces personnel or the local Kashmiri people ) from the strife torn state of J&K and a plethora of such news… filled up the news of the print media and the MSM TV news channels… almost on a continual basis… over the past several years.

This clearly implies that the muscular policy as defined, dictated and carried out by the NSA Ajit Doval on behalf of the NDA-2 led Modi government… had completely failed the interests, the ideals and policies of the Indian nation.

Again… it has always been my personal observation based on pragmatic line of thinking on this entire escalated matter, that highly likely that the meticulously planned and executed BJP, RSS policy born out of the muscular Doval doctrine ( conversely we may suggest that the muscular Doval doctrine bore that hallmark or stamp ? ) highly roiled up and escalated and exacerbated the ground situation in the state of J&K.

And, highly probable that the same muscular Doval doctrine were actually intrinsically designed to serve perhaps or most probably as –

1) probably as an (un)intended mental pressure akin to a persistent psychological noose on my relative MLAs, in Jharkhand.

That psychological operation also played with the minds of the rest of the political, etc. aspirants / elements ( especially belonging to caste groups – Kalwar, Kalar, Kalal, etc. ) in the state of Jharkhand as also all of them political leaders, around the entire country.

That massively ratcheted regularly ongoing propaganda anyways would have taken care of all the similar kinsmen / caste-men in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh predominantly.

Muscular Doval doctrine definitely worked towards… some sort of public perception molding and building.

Again… the endless sordid crescendo in MSM, web based, print media, etc. propaganda… might certainly have aided and abetted the popular perceptions and potentially aggravated the sense of some guilt feeling… that someone somewhere from their own lot ( implying – myself ) had made some sort of mistake.


Here… I wish my kinsmen MLAs and a huge number of Indian populace had been keenly reading and closely following Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s blogger posts and the messages.

Then, they might have surely sensed and come to know that all this was a ratcheted setup… having some underlying intent, motive, motivation.

And… probably run by some set of closely collaborating individuals from across diverse background spectrum – armed forces, intelligence agencies, politicians, police, judiciary, media, MSM, Human Right Activists, etc.

Certainly 100 % so.


This psychological manipulation itself might have been or surely was intended to serve as a hook to manage the politicians / MLAs and to put an unholy curb on their - any / all / deviant / exploratory / unbridled political aspirations.

And, this comes out rather pretty clearly; and well established by the ensuing set of events.

2) Again… the situational persistence in the Kashmir valley and the maintenance of the “on-the-ground” aggravated status quo might certainly have served as some sort of meticulously orchestrated narrative…

…latching on to the “national security considerations” in the public perception and memory.

That were sought to be kept afresh and deeply embedded in the psyche of the Indian ( read – predominantly Hindu ) voting masses… at least till the cusp of LS Polls 2019.

Above is… perceptively deciphering the intent, motive, motivations… of the NDA-2 muscular policies in the state of J&K … as may be truly perceived by anyone ( in light of the background of Sneh Chandel’s statement-of-intent as also that of Captain Ajit Vadakayil’s comments ).

And… this basically sums up the untold core and putative or presumed ( that’s rather a personal viewpoint ) origin and drive of the muscular Doval Doctrine. OK !!

Apparently… NSA Ajit Doval seems to be part of the close coterie of politician Arun Jaitley.

This reminds me that NSA Ajit Doval is much associated and involved with the New Delhi based geo-strategic, geo-political, etc. think-tank – The Vivekananda Foundation. Lot of key politicians, retired armed forces officers, etc. are part and parcel of this motley crowd at Vivekananda Foundation.

Again… the former defence minister Manohar Parrikar might have hinted at some collective covert intention by usage of the terminology Tabulassion with the Kaante se kaanta nikalega affirmation ( that was attributed to him in a local newspaper ).

Which potentially implied that probably some set of political think-tanks planned to perhaps pit myself against Captain Ajit Vadakayil and his team ? ( in case Captain belonged to a subset rather than the whole of the security establishment. And, that might mean that his team was opposite the BJP, RSS core team. ) or perhaps his opposition team ?

These three brahmin chieftains –

Arun Jaitley,

Ajit Doval, and

Probably ( the now deceased ) Manohar Parrikar ( based on my gleanings from a potential message attributed to him, in a local newspaper )

…seemed to be on some sort of common framework having some underlying political AGENDA !!

That muscular NSA Ajit Doval policy saw a major escalation in the theatre of J&K… that resulted in a relatively higher count of body bag of jawans that have been martyred and coming back home over these past five years. The number of deaths / casualties and disabilities of the armed forces personnel have unreasonably soared during the NDA-2 regime.

Again… there were spike in the cross border infiltrations with a spurt in majority of such of those infiltrators getting into the Kashmir valley, being terminated in counter insurgency operations by the Indian security apparatus.

Again… the number of local Kashmiri residents that got killed in counter insurgency operations reached new highs. Lots of the local Kashmiri residents lost their lives.

And eyes too, owing to the indiscriminate usage of pellet guns, whilst they were involved in the increasing incidences of stone pelting at the security forces.

All in all – the muscular Doval doctrine must need be thoroughly examined for its’ exact overt and covert – intent, motive, motivations and derived results in context to my blogger posts and the politicking in the states of Jharkhand, Bihar, UP, MP, Chhattisgarh, etc.


Ongoing Invasion of Privacy.

Audio, visual media trial by beaming me live to probably thousands or lakhs of people… that had continued since most part of the year 2014 till perhaps the Q1 of 2015 !!

In case anyone gets the idea / understanding that I would not be aware or come to know… well I sure have noted the same.

The moot question is - Why ?

Who authorized this ostensibly illicit activity ? Why beam me up without my tacit consent, what-so-ever ?

Neither the GoI nor any of the Indian security agencies have any moral or judicial right or reason to do so !!

Again, beaming me live has continued… even after the Q1 of 2015… as making up sort of some other game and a set of pretty diverse narratives and the play-out, thence on !!

This is crass hypocrisy being played out by the GoI, headed by PM Modi NDA-2.

<< TWENTY >>

Four result oriented action groups ( AGs ) may come up and question, analyze, brain storm, see through, etc. and lay threadbare the muscular Doval Doctrine for any / all ( overt and covert ) potential - motive, intent, intentions, stratagems, lapses, willful violations, etc.

And… the contextual close proximity and nexus amongst Arun Jaitley ( in light of his mono-cast or perhaps broadcast message on/ around the 7th of January, 2015 ), NSA Ajit Doval and Manohar Parrikar ( in light of the newspaper article attributed to him, that appeared in a local newspaper ).


Recently read an article by one Nitin Gokhale @

wherein he claimed having been invited by Manohar Parrikar.

And, even wines and dined with the then defence minister with two of the defence ministers’ long-term close political aides.

I do believe and hereby suggest that the ex-defence minister’s long term political aides… ( rather than maybe ) MUST be conversant or aware of any the-then pertinent political matters. And, might possibly spill some beans, in this context.


These following diverse result oriented action groups ( AGs ) may be formed from

1) The young and underage victims of Kashmir over the past five years. As also, affected women and elderly people must take note of this.

And… persist in carrying out a root cause analysis of the basis of the muscular Doval doctrine, in the Kashmir valley. Demand the same.

2) The immediate family members of those Security Personnel martyred and maimed / disabled… must take cognizance of my observations here and all the earlier posts. And, independently pursue a certain line of action on this matter resulting in a Judicial investigation.

Question that must be asked and clearly answered – Did the muscular Doval doctrine had an underlying intent/ motive/ motivation and pay-offs at the state ( Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, etc. states ), regional and /or the national level politics ?

For… my gut instinct and observation affirms the very same.

3) Those people ( primarily made up of three sub-set - relatives, immediate neighbors and friends ) who have ever lost a near and/ or dear one in the state of J&K… on whatever pretext – must take clear note of what has been stated in this blogger post and the previous posts;

4) A broad-based and expansive numbers of the retired armed forces / security personnel  ( having the covert support of serving personnel ) that have been posted or might still be posted in the state of J&K – please take note of what could ostensibly be a political conspiracy backed by a definitive criminal intent.

5)The muscular Doval doctrine and the underlying plot/ stratagem, etc.  thereof must be thoroughly understood and investigated by a most thorough Judicial probe.

6) Both the video recordings Ajit Dovals’ TV program as also Arun Jaitley’s 7th January, 2015 ( mono-cast or  perhaps ) broadcast alluded here… must be revisited from the governmental archives from the I&B ministry.

When, the myriad affected parties watch this… then one truly comprehends the basis of what is suspected, believed, stated and alleged in this and many of my previous posts.


If and only if I had or have been ( perhaps still now ) booked under any violations of any sorts of laws ( be that – civil, criminal, military or originating from the armed forces or from the Election Commission, etc. ) for any of the online messages and posts before the year 2015 using this blogger id AND in case the same had been alluded by the lawyer turned BJP politician Arun Jaitley on his 7th of January, 2015 TV broadcast…

Then there remains a great chance ( I do believe and allege on this ) that politician Arun Jaitley might certainly be part of the game or plot that implicated myself in ANY false and frivolous case ( of civil, criminal; police or military, para-military origin ).

In which case – the same belief and allegation ( a most serious matter for due thorough investigation ) holds true for NSA Ajit Doval.

Again… the late defence minister Manohar Parrikar’s close aides must be questioned for the suspicion that his media reported observations ( tabulassion + Kannta se kaanta nikalega ) naturally raise !!


On the 6th of February I wrote a set of blogger posts. Especially the on the Demonetization issue.

Around the 9th of February ( perhaps - plus or minus one day ) I read in the local newspaper that NSA Ajit Doval is supposed to visit my location on some frivolous pretext on / around the 21st of the same month.

I found this news unusual and highly dubious that NSA Ajit Doval planned coming to my exact locale on pretty much some frivolous pretext.

That rather seemed more of an excuse. I immediately sensed that this person sure had myself in his mind.  And, the purported visit was actually meant to get me out ( This was early February, 2019 ) … perhaps pushing me into some pre-organized media glare that had to necessarily serve or be served with some pre-concocted or freshly concocted narrative suiting the political needs and exigencies of the moment, for his ruling party and his closely collusive coterie.

The thought arose that if this NSA AjDo comes to my location… then this person sure must have plans / agenda apart from flushing me out into the public domain... to some sure shot political advantage.

Now… the sort of high decibel narrative strung around the Kashmir situation over the past five years required that the continuity of that entire loop had to reach some sort of starting point… from where this entire orchestrated narration started some 4-5 years back.

And… the endless games and shenanigans that pervaded all the forms, formats and scale of the diverse propaganda mediums that were relentlessly spewing out a certain narrative on the Kashmir situation… that script surely required ( when almost all the political hob-nobbings, power plays, cross overs, etc. taking place for the LS polls were at a rather mature level ) that the possibility that there could be some orchestrated spectacular event / fire-works at this stage… ostensibly aimed at shifting the focus onto me in some manner or the other, could certainly never be ruled out.

As also deriving / providing / leaving scope for further or future action… that yielded sure shot political mileage for the ruling dispensation; especially a certain coterie or Special Interest Group ( SIG ) elementals.

I had almost read that… in the air !!

So… I suspected and anticipated that if NSA Ajit Doval had planned to take me out in the public domain then the sort of massive psychological pre-propaganda leading to the same… had to find some sort of start or culmination point.

And, that certainly required some sort of ‘flash’ or “flash point” that might have necessitated some sort of overt and covert pointing of fingers.

Now… the thought of occurrence of a ‘flash’ or “flash point” would imply that some sort of escalation or outrageous act takes place, way all too suddenly, in the Kashmir sphere or context.

In the back of my head… the dire suspicion of play-out of some such activity… perhaps a contrived act was certainly playing out. And… that is the reason… I had sort of fully suspected and anticipated some unusual and out of the turn event that shook and twisted the entire ongoing narrative, at the cusp of the LS polls 2019.

Especially, looking at the stream of seeded narratives in the public domain; via the MSM over the past five years of the muscular Doval doctrine.

So… when I made a post on the 14th of February around the afternoon time. It is worth-while noting that within a window of few hours, the Pulwama terror attack was effected.

And… I had fully suspected that Pulwama terror act as a contrived event right from the very start. That means – I have always taken this to be some sort of false flag event. Believe so !!

Ironically, a lot of political big shots have expressed apprehension about the security failure or lapse that somehow allowed the Pulwama terror to materialize.

I do believe that politicians from these regional parties might agree - Raj Thackeray ( MNS ), Ram Gopal Yadav ( SP ), Mamta Bannerjee ( TMC ), Pawan Kalyan, etc.

So…  is it possible that NSA Ajit Doval’s planned visit might have been having the element of perhaps covertly orchestrating some perception building, molding activity against myself, at the local level ? Turn the local populace against myself ?

Something that entailed local level politicking and on-the-grounds reports from the police and intel agencies. Perhaps, hold a close door session with them BJP, RSS stalwarts along with long time BJP politicians and RSS diehard veterans… all this was pretty much possible and on his cards.

Well…nothing may be ruled out !!

Curiously, after the Pulwama terror act… when the entire nations’ focus was on the security lapse or failure. And… express questions were raised about the failure of NSA Ajit Doval that might have left him no room and rendered him cornered… he might have been forced to drop the entire plan of visiting my locale and perhaps might have been compelled to change track and any possible plans wrt myself.

He had too much on his table.

And… using a set of blogger posts… I suspect that I might have turned the political apple cart upside down. So, any further games or machinations were not to be forth-coming that easily. Time to lick wounds ?

Within a month or three, since February… the ongoing 5-year running script I had fully suspected… would seek to blow up in a contrived play out anytime… I put quite some water on that entire play out !! That’s a true assessment !!

I do sense… that the efforts sure did bear some fruit.

I am 100 % sure that it had monumental effect.

Never had any intentions to write blog; yet I am cornered and forced to do so !!

And… have we not seen the same much highly propagandized muscular policy… in case of the Uri surgical strikes in perhaps August or September, 2016… preceding the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections during January-February, 2017.


Captain AV started a stage-managed campaign against myself that had two recurring themes, viz. –

A) Bull’s eye.

He’d been claiming all along that someone’s been “throwing darts in the dark… and later going about and creating concentric rings around where one of the darts hit the target, and thereby claiming Bull’s Eye”.

This was an ostensibly contrived and critical observation ( that reeked of being critical and caustic ) having potentially a covert agenda, intent, motive, motivation, etc. perhaps arising out of a certain miscalculation or judgment on his and / or his team’s part. And, that’s what seems apparently true to my limited observation and perception of things that really were.

I clarified the entire pseudo-allegation (was it ever actually supposed to be a compliment ? ) with some logical, practical, methodical, technology-driven observation on the entire issue through few of the posts. The last one being, if I recall correctly, on the 25th of January, 2017.( In hindsight – I believe that I should not have clarified on this issue. Should have let allegations be… mere allegations. Or… believe as you all want to or are wont to !! )

In hindsight, I believe that Captain AV was more focused on the dream part and since he could read words ( say – cockpit ) out of my mind – he went on with unwarranted primary focus on that aspect and the overall thing ( which did never had much relevance or significance from my perspective. Other than establishing yet again, what I chanced across on the web searches as also my strong hunch on the entire issue backed by certain probable theories. Devoid of the same… the dream part was 100 % dud = completely meaningless and sans any foundational true value. ).

Which focus and undue entanglement was of course, unnecessary and uncalled for.

B) Captain AV makes insinuation and hollers and cries… black mamba. Referring to himself as King Cobra.

I clarified the issue based on base facts on the ground that were actually subjective to the entire matter.

In a nutshell – that did not prevent Captain and his entire team ( or, perhaps his opponent’s team ) to conduct a media trial on me.

He and his mates perhaps tried each and every trick in the trade in order to gauge and rebrand me in every which ways. Whilst… all this process was going on… I had remained oblivious of the entire issue and in my utter ignorance was part of or subjected to a plethora of psychological evaluations in every which manners.

This was totally uncalled for and the severest breach of anyone’s privacy and personal space.

This certain body of people ( represented by a person ) and members on his team or his opposite team have been keeping a naked eye on each and every person who is part of my family and ( perhaps ) even close family friends.

Perhaps, prepared and still preparing an extensive dossier for archiving with the intel agencies.


If, only I knew the scope of their cumulative reach and expansive powers… I sure would have chosen to be deaf, dumb and blind and would have never gotten to holler “All IS not well” !!

Knowing the true extent of their penetrative reach, access, powers, etc. … they sure seem like having indulged in criminal misconduct to nab countless unsuspecting and ignorant people ( like myself ?? ) .

The universal laws of cause and effect ( = Karma ) takes over.


< EndOfPost >