Thursday, November 2, 2017

Oncoming threat perception... are we ready ?

Oncoming threat perception... are we ready ?

Almost more than three weeks back... recurrent thoughts... that the the world's most dominant currency might get re-pegged or re-set... assailed my mental frame-work over a certain window of 3-4 days' time frame.

The implications of a currency reset are that every other currency in the world would need to be be reset or re-pegged, in tandem with the most dominant & robust currency at that instance of time.

This in-the-offings-world-event has grave strategic/ geo-strategic/ national security implications for every major and minor country around the entire global landscape.


This was rather an amazingly apprehensive set of pre or fore thoughts, coming from somewhere with quite some force.

Could NOT fathom why these thoughts came running back to me, whilst I was involved in some miscellaneous affairs that hardly had anything to do with them.

Now... around the fourth day of when these thoughts first started coming to me with force... I chanced across an article ( would NOT call this a chance encounter; but, at the same time this is no case of serendipity either ) on the website :

The article was the top most article and titled as "Gold Rush : ... "

Pretty well written.

And, displayed some sort of national security and strategic thinking on the part of the Russians; that our own policy makers ought to have displayed long back. Or, have they ?

Our policy makers :
The career IAS and IFS officers... in tandem with the preacher Captain; rather than the popularly elected Govt. of the day and the "powers that ARE".


Obviously elected ones; perhaps selected by the Captain using the EVM route ?

Of course, Captain plans to put a no-brainer stone, that is sans the requisite gray matter but profusely eloquent with the tongue and in spirit, on the Indian throne, and have his unbridled will and writ run the course ?


One can find this particular article and some related ones, similar context, online by typing in Internet search :

"Gold Rush"

Now... one can briefly parse the takeaways from this article -


The US of A is in the perpetual habit of imposing economic sanctions against any-which or every-which country it deems detrimental to its' very own well being. They have done this at each and every point of time - as we have seen over the last couple of decades.

Everytime, they make use of a ruse to impose their will on the world people, or a section thereof.

This is mostly done as part of an economic warfare agenda to severely impact/ cripple/ down-size/ corner a country's economy and therefore the GDP.

Of course, this also has an impact on the major trading partners of the economically or otherwise sanctioned country.

Russia has been facing the brunt of these economic sanctions over the past several years.

Even the ( plausibly ) artificially or deliberately lowered petroleum prices over the past few years' time frame have had the intended severe negative impact on the Russian economy ( but obviously failed to severely cripple the Russian economy, as was actually the actual intention ); though this has lowered the strain on our Indian economy owing to reduced hydrocarbons import baggage in terms of Forex payout from our coffers.

And, our current PM NaDa Modi had referred to this windfall savings in the Forex, owing to reduction in crude pricings, as a good omen accruable to his own good luck factor alone !!

Did some set of international powers allow him to comfortably settle down, past his win in May, 2014 ?

100 % seems likely and true.

At the same time, was their any notion of trying to destroy and bring to knee the Russian economy and their might ?

In effect, to make Russia a non-entity, in terms of its' international standing and strategic leverage on the world affairs.

Of course, Saudi Arabia - the perpetual US ally that heads the OPEC cartel, seems to be at the heart of this entire price fixing exercise.

So... by the easing of the oil pricing pressure on the Indian economy... indirectly the USA had made things easier for BJP... to comfortably settle down... post their win in May, 2014.

Now... as part of the economic sanctions ( or, for that matter on any other country. We must remember that post Pokharan... we were on the international sanctions list of the Americans for quite some time. )... if Russia is or were to be kept out of the SWIFT system of settlements ( wherein almost all the intra-country trade settlements are majorly done in terms of the dominant world currency - the US Dollar $ )...

Then there is a huge impact in the trading i.e. the export-import volumes. This gradually translates into a hit on the country's economy as well as the economy of the dominant trading partners.

This is...actually "Economic Warfare".

There is an exceptionally well written article on the website titled "From Anatolia... Turkey..." that alludes to this situation.

And, as to how, the Russians were well prepared this time, by diversifying their trading pattern and nature over the years, so as to NOT to fall into the US sanction's trap, yet ever again.

Of course, the dominant trading partners of Russia ( who have not been sanctioned ) can always find newer markets for their products to sell.

So... the USD $ dominated SWIFT system became a bottle-neck for the overall Russian well-being.

Article chanced on the internet search would imply that the Russians have devised ways to break this restriction on their international trade.

Digression :

Notable point here -

Are not the Americans and the Russians strategic mission partners in their common sci-fi defence-related space missions and programmes ? Even... to this day. Irrespective of their hob-nobbings with each other.

To capture and rule the outer space ?

So... something seems out of place... out of context... here.

"Kuch to Chakkar hai" is incorrect.


"Kuch to bhaari ghan-Chakkar hai" i.e. something seems out of place... out of context... in the entire situation of the American-Russian covert strategic ties.

If for a moment, we stop thinking in terms of the inter country rivalry. And, shift focus onto the rush to get toe-hold, foot-hold onto the outer space and the resources therein... and development of and inhabiting the other planets in our solar system by setting up colonies or bases there. Even military bases.

We must think in terms of the solar system and more than that. i.e. a rush to rule the outer space and the entire planetary system.

Then, do we see that the Russians and the Americans are long standing allies, indeed, in this context ?

Those who might have insights would certainly know.

And... know better or best.

I mean - the Captain and mates.



Now this article "Gold Rush: ..." on highlighted the following facts -

A) As part of the national security/ strategic thinking, etc. the Russians have been carrying on with the gradual process of dissolving their Foreign Exchange holdings into any of the multiple : currency+ assets+ money classes; rather than let a stand-alone currency reserve primarily denominated in terms of the US Dollars, $ to remain as the major chunk of their FOREX holdings.

Perhaps as a heavy stone round the neck of a tireless swimmer.

This serves as a major risk mitigation exercise as far as their FOREX holdings goes as also in their regular trading patterns, in case the USD $, as a currency is given an unceremonious jerk by the cabal or some other party ( say the PRC or the Russia + PRC combo ).

So... the Russians have diluted major part of their currency reserves, earlier held in terms of the USD, $ to -

a) the Euros ( EU ), and

b) to some extent the Yuan ( If I am NOT mistaken then - PRC has enabled and ensured that the Yuan be backed/ traded/ exchanged for physical gold-backed-bonds now. And, this is one vitally important piece of info. ); &

c) at the same time the Russians have been putting a cap to their exposure or their nett holdings of the USD $ in their FOREX chest.

B) As part of the strategic initiatives... the Russian Central Bank has been amassing physical Gold over the past decade or more.

And, they intend to have nett physical gold holdings to the tune of some USD $ 500 Billions as part of their critical national security imperatives/ requirements.

In this context, it is important to note that the Chinese people have, at almost the same time, started accumulating physical gold over the past 10-15 years' time frame. Something to the tune of 900-950-1000 tonnes of gold is consumed annually by the Chinese people during their annual Chinese New Year festivities ( every year during the month of February ) wherein the Chinese folks gift each other gold items. Thereby, a flourishing market for gold was created in the Chinese mainland over the past 10-15 years.

So... over the past 10-15 years alone, PRC has imported no less than 15,000 tonnes of physical gold that now sits with the private citizens/ householders of the PRC. Apart from the gold that traditionally sits with the Chinese people.

C) As part of NOT putting ALL the eggs ( the entire FOREX makeup ) into one singular basket ( here, the USD $ holdings alone ) ... but then trying to mitigate the risk factor associated with the FOREX holdings by assiduously/ continually/ gradually converting the FOREX reserves into solid assets class.

Here... mainly in terms ever increasing/ incremental gold holdings with the Russian Central Bank,on an annualized basis.

Secondly... in ramping up their Euro nett holdings by more than 10%-15% within 1-2 years alone.

Thirdly... jacking up the Yuan holdings and trying to by-pass the USD $ and mortal dependence on the same, in intra-country trades.

And, they have done this with the PRC - in the Russian-PRC mutual trade. This effort diminishes and tries to restrict the continual flow of the USD $ in the world market for currencies.

Again, instead of buying US treasuries in terms of the fiat currency- the USD $ there is the better option of buying the PRC's Yuan bonds that are perhaps backed by physical gold - being a precious metal/ commodity that promises a store of eternal value, rather than a dummy piece of paper.

Fourthly... trying to denominate all their hydro-carbon ( petroleum and natural gas ) and defence related exports, imports, trades in the national currencies of the trading partner countries, on a mutual basis.

This ways... effectively bypassing the USD $ and the SWIFT trading platform for good.


Taking cues out of the Russian fore-thought and preparedness to defuse a national security crisis, in this context...


a) Have the Indian strategic thinkers and planners tried to at least copy the same approach that has been taken by the Russians; And... to a great extent by the PRC ?

b) What is the nature, context and makeup of our own Indian FOREX reserves that near USD $ 400 Billions as of today.

What is the diversity scale of the holdings ? i.e. how much diverse is it ?

So as to make it a wee bit more robust, lest some extraneous events or set of events tries to meddle/ tinker with the nett holdings, in any which ways ?

Have we put all the eggs in one basket ? i.e. the USD $ holdings alone.

Or, predominantly so ?

I hope and wish... that is, indeed, NOT the case.

Only treacherous/ treasonous/ traitors/ brain-dead/ pusillanimous people lacking fore-sight... at the helm of affairs might actually allow that to happen.

I hope and trust that, above indeed, is NOT the case.

For... such a situation might create weak spots in our engagements/ foreign policy initiatives/ national security imperatives... and inadvertently might cause an unwanted and uncalled for compromise on critical fronts. On a continual basis.

Is our FOREX reserves denominated in diverse currencies/ monies/ assets classes ?

This... in order to cushion any impact on the FOREX reserves, in case there is a global turbulence of any sorts, in that context ?

Has BJP or the UPA ensured this diversity ?

What about Guru Ji... the Captain... who can read even words out of anyone's mind ?

Yes... that's true. I have observed this scenario of the Captain's mind-reading skills.

Preacher Captain Ji as a.... 12-strand DNA maha-rishi ?? Maha meru ??

Any takers ?

Well ... I might buy that, but, for the moment.

c) I hope the stall-warts 'running the show' are NOT fondly hoping that in case of imminent or sudden emergency or emergency like situation, they will pull the gold out of the private citizen's coffers to prop up the forex reserves NET valuations.

This must be a strict NO NO.

I hope the BJP and RSS top honchos take caution.

Esp. the FM Jaitley, on this count.

d) In this context...

One is reminded that after the US-led consortium's Nuclear Deal with Iran... the economic sanctions against Iran had to be removed.

And, we had to pay the Iranians our outstanding bill for all the hydro-carbon imports we have had from Iran over the past several years. This ran into quite some USD $ billions.

And, it is said that the Iranians settled for physical gold for settlement. Rather than the US $ or the Euro or our own Indian currency - the INR.

This MUST serve as an eye opener. Of what we might be faced with if there is a turmoil/ manipulation/ spike/ collapse in the world-wide currency demand-supply paradigm/ scenario.

Any wise men around ? Apart from Guru Ji Captain... and mates ?

e) From one perspective...

One of the motives of the Chinese seems to be gradually offloading ( masquerading as strategic investments. And 'benevolent' too ) their Forex reserves ( mostly held in terms of the USD $ Treasury bonds, etc. ) to the participating countries of their much touted OBOR mega project scheme.

The proposed investments to be made by them ( say - in terms of the USD $ ) serves as a means of gradually offloading the USD $ mega load on their currency chest. Idea seems to be... to diversify.

Too much USD, $ going back to the US means that there won't be any more Quantitive Easings by the Fed.


And... inflation gradually spikes in the US... as the domestic savings and lending rates have to revised upwards. So... inflation is NOT exported to othere countries.

This is a thought that confronts.

Every few years we have a Pay Commission doing pay revision. That never happens in the USA.

And, the INR has moved from 1 INR = 1 USD $ to ... 1 USD $ = INR 65 levels.


Later on...
when it comes back to the annualized repayments time, PRC might encourage the purported OBOR beneficiaries to make payments in any other currency ( this includes the Yuan ) or to somehow buy back into their treasury Yuan bonds; rather than make back the payments in terms of the USD, $.

Thereby they may diffuse or off-load their USD, $ stakes in their FOREX.

So... whilst the mega USD $ 3-4 Trillions of the Forex held by the PRC obviously is an asset.

But then, is it a liability of sorts, as well ?



But, imagine what happens if tomorrow morning Russia backs the Rouble with Gold ?

Or, for that matter, the PRC decides to back the Yuan with physical gold. Actually, re-value the Yuan.

Do I suggest - all hell might break loose.

And... there might be a global meltdown.

Even... the national debt of the USA is certainly going to be re-assessed and fixed yet again to another level.

All the major world currencies might need to be be re-pegged and re-adjusted, once again. And, certainly things might be quite turbulent/ volatile for quite a while before they tend to settle down.


In one of the posts I have tried to calculate the amount of physical gold that has been siphoned abroad by the EIC/ the Britishers over the past couple of centuries... from our country.

This is at the rate of almost 200 tonnes per day for almost 200 year's of British rule.

As per Captain AV this is almost equivalent to USD $ 300 TRILLIONS ! And, no less.

I recall this as around 7.2 - 7.4 Million metric tonnes of physical gold, as per derivations in one of my post almost 1-2 years' back.

Say... that works out to around about 70-75 Lakh metric tonnes of gold !!

Quite a figure.

Who believes this ?

There is an eye-opening article on the website  - / titled "From Demonetisation to DeAurization".

This is an extremely well written article by the team at

Sounds like quite prescient of things... and times... to come.

The same article also concurs that the EIC/ the Britishers have frisked off almost 7.4 million metric tonnes of physical gold from the country during the almost 200 years' of imperial British rule.

Whilst at the same time almost 14+ million ( = 1.4 crores ) tonnes of physical gold STILL remain in our country.


And, the banksters/ cabal plans to have a dream run to mop this up, as well, as part of their overt and covert agenda !

Siphon off the same... to their subterranean vaults under Bank of England.

All located in France, Switzerland and London ?

Seems likely the overall plan... under whatever guise ?


Lets' engage in some tabulASSion efforts here...

Few datum -

a) 1 USD $ = INR 65 currently ( say )

So, INR 1 = USD $ 1/65

And, INR 1 crore = INR 10,000,000 = USD $ (1/65) x 10,000,000 = USD $ 153,846/- ... (1)

USD $ 1 Million = USD $ 1,000,000 = INR 65 x 1,000,000 = INR 65,000,000/- = INR Six and a Half Crores.

So, USD $ 1 Billion = USD $ 1000 Millions = USD $ 1,000,000,000 = INR 65,000,000/- x 1000 =

= INR 6,500/- Crores ... (2)

Therefore, USD $ 100 Billions = INR 6,500/- Crores x 100 = INR 650,000/- Crores ... (3)

b) Physical Gold in the Indian Bullion market sells at around = INR 30,000/- per 10 grams.

So, 1 kg of Gold is worth = INR 3,000,000/- ( = INR Thirty lakhs )

Therefore, 1 metric tonne of Gold is worth = INR 3,000,000/- x 1000 = INR 3,000,000,000/- = INR 300 crores.

c) From #a and #b...

In case we want to hold physical gold worth USD $ 100 Billions then... we MUST have the following amount of gold in the physical possession of our central banks -

= INR 650,000/- Crores / INR 300 crores per tonne = 650,000/300 metric tonnes = 2,166.67 metric tonnes of gold.

d) In effect... our entire FOREX reserve of around USD $ 380-400 Billions ( say - USD $ 400 Billions ) is equivalent to = 4 x 2,166.67 metric tonnes of physical Gold.

= 8,666.67 metric tonnes of physical pure Gold.

e) And... the Russian quest to accumulate physical Gold to the tune of USD $ 500 might be tantamount to = 10,833.35 metric tonnes of gold, as per today's valuations.

This is NO great feat, to be had.

Once this high water mark accumulation is reached... one can only guess what happens next ?


But we do know that our annual Gold imports top almost 900-950 odd metric tonnes.

Apart from this numbers... there is a distinct possibility of smuggled gold entering the Indian landscape/ markets through the routes of Dubai, Singapore, cross borders from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. routes.

This smuggled gold may NOT be less than another 500-600 metric tonnes.

In effect, taking the nett annual inflow of Gold into the Indian landscape to around 1,400 - 1,500 metric tonnes.

Over a decade's time frame this is equivalet to = 14,000 - 15,000 metric tonnage.

a) In today's circumstances... 15,000 metric tonnes of physical gold is equivalent to = 15,000 metric tonnes / 2,166.67 metric tonnes for USD $ 100 Billions = USD $ 692 Billions in terms of currency evaluations.

b) Again, 25,000 metric tonnes of physical gold might be worth something like = 25,000/2,166.67 of USD $ 100 Billions = USD $ 1,153.8 Billions

Looking at the pace of the Russian Gold accumulations as well as what the PRC is continually driving at...

Has our own Govt. and policy makers tried to accumulate the Gold i.e. the Gold Holdings that lie with our Central Bank ?


Knowing how spineless and easily bend-able the 'powers-that-be' possibly could be, when they tend to buckle under the western pressurization tactics.

One is inclined to believe that we are in bad shape, in this entire context.


In this context one might have recently chanced on one pretty well written piece of article on by one Mr Shanmuganathan NagaSundaram dated the 6th of Oct, 2017.

We MUST have to analyze this article to a certain extent -

a) The author refers to the almost 560 or 570 metric tonnes of physical gold that was lying with our RBI, that have been leased by the former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan to the IMF.

Knowing quite well that it took Germany almost FOUR years to get back their physical gold of no more than 300 metric tonnes that was lying with the US Federal Reserve ( In one of their vaults. Btw the vault at Fort Knox at Texas is rumored to be empty. Is that so ?). German gold lying with the US since World War Two times ( from around 1945 )

So... where do we Indians stand... in case we want the gold back at some near date ?

When, we might be urgently needing the same.

This belies our cumulative understanding.

This is an extremely critical point raised by the author of the article.

b) One is reminded that post the Great Depression of 1929-1933... the US Govt. made holding of the physical gold illegal for the US citizens.

The Americans had to part off with their gold holdings to the US Govt. of the day.

I recall that later the same gold was pegged to the USD $ as a currency.

And, some months down the line... the gold that people held priced at USD $ 'X' per ounce was re-priced by the Govt. at USD 4 'X' per ounce. Almost 3 or 4 fold increase in the asset worth !

c) The cabal plans the same trick in the Indian sub-continent. On some pretext or the other.

De-dollarization bull. This. And, that. All the global initiatives, games, etc. are all pretexts to get the Indian gold out.

To state clearly, precisely and succinctly.

Perhaps get the Indian Govt. to use some sort of patriotic chants/ rabble rousing/ catastrophic scenario, etc. to declare the possession of gold illegal for the Indian citizens ?

Do we see that in the offing ?

Citing some sort of national emergency or exigencies ?

Forcefully gather as much of the physical gold as possible into the RBI vaults.

The need might be for 10,000 tonnes of gold ( worth around USD $ 450 Billions, at best )

But then, the circumstances would give the leverage to go after all the physical gold going around the country. Even those lying beneath the ground, in secret vaults, as part of some historical fabled treasure.

Under temple treasures and vaults, etc.

The mop up might be lakhs of tonnes of physical gold.

Quite an amount, might vanish from our land, forever.

And... it is easier for international players to dictate the Govt. of the day by some mere arm twisting... specific set of key people at the helm... rather than dealing with the Indian masses.


There must be a risk mitigation plan to beat any such perceived plot. Captain MUST be ready for this.

And... the best way to ensure this might be that the GoI gradually translates a good portion of its' FOREX holdings into physical gold.

Something to the tune of almost USD $ 400-500 Billions would be highly desirable.

This gives us some leverage to juggle around a bit with our economic growth, in case of a mega turbulence that lasts for 3-6 quarters.

Importantly... this provides for some sort of robustness to the economy and our economic growth story to remain intact.

As also provides for some iota of bulwark against any oscillations in the currency valuations in the international market, in case of any currency reset.

Esp. vis-a-vis gold or some such rare universal commodity.

In these context...
The crypto currencies might tank. They have next to NIL scope in legitimate international trade.

Especially so... in times of great turbulence.


As a measure to safe-guard the physical gold holdings of the Indian populace against illegally moving out of the same from the country, by any Govt. of the day or any official acting on its' behalf...

The think-tanks must come out with a very comprehensive scheme in advance, in this regards.

Wherein those Indian citizens/ Organizations/ Institutes/ Corporations/ Companies/ Enterprises, etc. that volunteer their gold to the GoI coffers ( were the need ever to arise in future ) are made a permanent stake-holders in the Indian economy... to the extent of the physical gold submitted by them to the GoI coffers.

There must be ways and means to streamline this entire process of seeking or confiscating gold from the public, in case that were ever to take place.

The entire effort must never be a mindless one.

There must be categorization of these gold holdings for different set of the volunteering stake holders who might want to expose their physical gold holdings to varying degree of risks. Something like -

a) Solid Stake - The GoI must have to return back the physical gold and as when desired by the stake holder. Of course there ought to be a cost for this categorisation. With quite some caveats.

b) Liquid Stake - The same physical gold may be moved outside the country to settle trade scores, in times of great need or extreme urgency. This must constitute no more than 5 % to 10 % of the total official gold holdings by the GoI.

c) Currency Stake - The same solid gold reserve may be used to back the Indian currency, the INR.

etc. etc.

Just giving some loose pointers.


There seems to a common thread amongst the following -

a) Edward Snowden's revealations as regards the extent of NSA world wide spying activities; around the June of the year 2013.

b) Article on the website - titled "From Demonetisation to DeAurization".

c) One pretty well written piece of article on by one Mr Shan NagaSundaram dated the 6th of Oct, 2017 on the matters of currency, gold and money.

d) On the website - . The article was the top most article and titled as "Gold Rush : ... "

#b & #c tells of an impending situation in the offing. But does NOT offer a conclusive solution. Do they ?

It is like readying the masses psychologically for something that is already there or perhaps in the offing ( so as to have no choice but to gradually accept it as part of life ); else to provide a seed thought and prepare the public in advance as regards what might be in the anvil, next. Perhaps... at some point... down the line.

The think-tanks MUST think of smart solutions to get out of this - mind conditioning in advance.

SWOT analysis is required here.




1) According to Shan Nagasundaram's article on dated the 6th Oct, 2017, former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan leased out around 570 tonnes of the country's gold to the IMF.

It is doubtful whether the gold ever comes back.

Now, is that the core reason that Raghuram Rajan is given active consideration for the position of the next Federal Reserve Chief ?

In case he gets to become the next Fed Chief, then how all the patriotic Indians must take this positioning of Raghuram Rajan as thus ?

What might be the impact of this on our country and country men ?

Knowing that Raguram Rajan carries vital information about the country's economy ad the overall well being.

Some of these details MUST be thoroughly mulled over.

2) The cabal, NSA and the Captain and mates can watch me in real time.

They can watch me type this article in real time.

They can watch the individual letters being typed, as I punch on the key-board.

Now, most of my articles takes weeks and months to write.

I tend to write in bits and pieces.

Adding here... editing and making changes there... sometimes rolling back a section to put forth another set of thoughts.

So... instead of a clear and tedious readable flow... the contents of the post are numbered.

For... writing ain't my cup of tea... phut teacher Captain aided with his own set of equally unmatched mates... has dragged me into all this way too tedious stuff.


I started writing this specific article on the 27th of Oct, last Friday.

Seems like... the very same day the USA put sanctions on a set of quite many of the Russian defence and high tech R&D establishments that have close and historical ties with our Indian defence establishment,since the past several decades.

( An article by the ex-diplomat Sri M. K. BhadraKumar on the India Punch Line Blog, refers to that. )

This certainly is NO case of some chance co-incidence.

Seems like... the probability of this specific post/ article being put forth by me and preceding their future actions ( here... in this context... the economic sanctioning or blockade. Initiating economic warfare. ) spurred the Americans into some sort of premature action ?

... is a question that definitely confronts me.

And... seems likely the truth rather than some conjecture.

But, I guess this premature act might go on to beat their underlying intent/ motive/ motivations.


For the majority of the Indians, I firmly believe that the Russians are more dependable than the Americans, in every which ways.

At least the Russians have never meddled in the internal affairs of our country ever and try to dictate their writ on us.

For the majority of the Indians ( I suggest that these numbers to be in excess of 95 % - 98 % - 99 % )... our ties with Russia are critical for the well being of the entire set of people; the country as such.

We MUST NEVER sacrifice our tried and tested ties with Russia against newer, unreliable partners. Some of these wannabe-partners ( meToo types )... who might use us as a pawn in their geo-strategic games; of which they seem to understand and eternally believe that they remain the grand masters.

Why so ?

Cause they might have a covert truck with some "deep state" or Special Interest Group ( SIG ) coterie which is deeply and firmly entreched in the India establishmet.

The rest... must be wary of this fact.

Please Reference -

An article on the or that came in the month of June... Something about the Russian President Putin's warning to the Indian PM NaDa Modi.
This seems like too real.

Too true.

< EoP >