Friday, February 9, 2024

Modi Ki Guarantee

The entire country is demanding to vote via the means of ballot papers rather than thru' EVM - for the upcoming Lok Sabha 2024 polls.

The justifiable demand is for the usage of ballot papers for voting at any district level, state level and/ or national level polls... going forward.

Demand for - blanket ban on using the EVMs anywhere in the country.

I / We fully support and endorse such legitimate and valid demands and am in full support for such just and justifiable demands.

Expecting and humbly requesting the honorable PM Modi Ji to steadfastly announce for elections by means of ballot papers, henceforth.

I would request that the proclamation i.e the directive for using ballot papers must be made ASAP... say, within 24-48 hours ( in case it has ever to come, that is. )

"To be able to verifiably vote and choose the candidate of their choice." - this is the only guarantee the country expects from a two term PM and the establishment. I am sure this is going to strengthen the grass roots of democracy in the country. As well - make the country more robust with enhanced overall strength(s).

I am sure this legit demand is entirely doable and MUST need be done. viz. - voting by means of ballot papers.