Friday, December 23, 2016

On Demonetisation - Note-bandi plus Note-Badli - Part Three

On Demonetisation - Note-bandi plus Note-Badli - Part Three

Whilst the entire country is waiting for the currency demonetization process to end.

And... the central Govt. is highly concerned to rework the NPAs ( Non Performing Assets ) accumulated by the Banking system over the past 10-12 years. Especially, the majority of these NPAs accrue on loans doled out during the UPA-1 and UPA-2 terms. The quantum of these NPAs' could be something like INR 6-8 LAKH CRORES. According to what one hears in the media.

This accumulated NPA might be enough to tank any country's banking system and therefore the economy significantly, in due course of time.

So... in effect, perhaps, PM Modi did the best thing to correct the indulgences of the UPA-1 and UPA-2 is a question that can arise in anyone's mind ?

And... if that be the underlying root cause behind demonetisation... then do we believe that the current central Govt. might be right in taking the much required drastic action ?

Time will tell.

The concurrence of Trump winning on Nov 8th and PM Modi announcing demonetisation around the same date could be aptly significant.

What might have provoked the Capt. to get PM Modi into this stuff ( in case I am right on this ) prematurely, beats my reasoning.

If there is any remotest link... I am not able to decipher the same.

That aside...
when we talk of MAMMOTH SUMS OF MONEY... something like... lakhs of crores of black/ unaccounted money... let us consider the following peculiar case.

Few years back I heard a "saffron clad Guru Ji type" announcing on TV that he plans an INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORES mega temple complex in India.

<<< Can anyone imagine - INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORES mega temple complex in India. >>>

Let us elaborate on this... INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORES mega temple complex thing, further.

ALL... this is planned to be ostensibly public money. To be got... off from the Indian populace. Got from... thin air... actually !!

Pray... HOW ??

Actually... five or seven lakh of this Godman's... nay Guru Ji's devotees are already all prepared with "READY MONEY"... and... will contribute INR ONE CRORE EACH on getting the green signal from the Guru Ji. i.e. on the Gurus' call for ACTION !!

And... whereupon... there is this HUGE AMOUNT of... INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORES for the temple !! All 'THIS' money already 100 % in the hands of private devotees... now goes into the hands of the Godman and... practically to his... self-appointed coterie of "blessed near and dear ones" or temple trust(ees) !!

Now, just imagine...

AS AND WHEN... some set of very smart people get this HUGE amount of money and build the INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORE TEMPLE town... then ... a self appointed TEMPLE TRUST may appear from somewhere ( perhaps all of whom could be some Guru Ji's own - near and far family members, kinsmen, well-wishers, caste-men and near friends ) takes over... FOR ETERNITY.

I guesstimate that an investment of INR FIVE OR SEVEN LAKH CRORE on this MASSIVE temple infrastructure might go on to yield these guys an ANNUAL INCOME...actually NETT PROFIT of... at least INR TEN-FIFTEEN-THIRTY THOUSANDS CRORES and UPWARDS per annum as tourists and pilgrims, from all across the nation and the entire world, flock to this WONDER/ MARVEL of a temple town.

There might be a local temple town-ship coming up there. And, real estate prices sky-rocketing overnight. Garnering and mopping up another FIVE-SEVEN-TEN-TWENTY LAKH CRORES for the town-ship private developers, over the next 10-20 year's time !! And... almost all the local businesses owned by a specific set of inter-networked people. So... few smart set of guys get to mint... all the mullah. And... quite some 'maal' too.

Btw... few years back... heard on TV... that Guru Ji proclaiming that... INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORES !! are ready for contributions at a moment's notice. Out of... thin air !!



Now... does this sound like too much ?

That's 100 % correct.


this same type of "Guru type elements" had better invested this same amount of PUBLIC WEALTH in building... any/ all of these -

aaa) At least TWENTY to THIRTY to FORTY subsidised super-speciality WORLD-CLASS HOSPITALS ( @ INR THREE or FIVE or TEN THOUSAND CRORES EACH ) throughout the country. Perhaps in each of the Indian states.

So, that even our leaders DO NOT have to go overseas for medical treatments.

And... as such... lots of FOREX is saved to the country.

Also... we DO NOT waste precious FOREX on the, MOSTLY IMPORTED, allopathic pharma drugs and medical diagnostic equipments. Almost a majority of these imported pharma drugs have serious short/ long-term side effects... and their inorganic contents go on to clog the liver.


This list MIGHT also include... funding for MASSIVE R&D efforts on health-care, pharma, disease, disease-control, R&D and quest for wonder drugs, etc. !!






What about the elements of austerity or penance or sadhana in the lives of fake sanatana dharma gurus ? What to speak of their chelas / disciples ?

Question arises -

Not sure... if any of such people solve the problems of others or they end up solving their own problem... viz.  desire for massive wealth and loyalest people as their fiercest followers, herd-mentality-crowd ever-swelling at their feet, etc.

bbb) Create at least TEN super technical/ Engineering/ R&D institues of world class repute. In the country !!

Even at @ INR TEN to FIFTEEN THOUSAND CRORES apiece... these might go on to produce gems... DIAMONDS of alumni along the way. And... even one of these diamond alumni might go onto change the fate of the entire country... nay mankind.




WHY SO ?? !!

DO people like him and his kind think that ALL this is OK and normal ?? !! The way forward for our country and the country men ??

Or, making massive temple towns worth INR 5-10 lakh crores is a normal thing and the way forward for India ?

Do we expect that such religious / spiritual mentors gives us Indian people their own view-point... nay... 'gyaan', publicly... in this regards ?

What sayst ...  Sir ?




PLEASE DO... ASAP !! THAT MIGHT BE BEST. Much better than squeezing the Indian populace.


Alternate route for the likes of you...
I MOST humbly yet out-rightly suggest... why don't "the types of you" get ALL this money solely from the PANDA ( i.e. priestly class ) samaj abounding in all the Hindu holy spots/ temples around the country !!


For... is it NOT true that...
The PANDAs ( i.e. the priestly class ) are fleecing... extracting perhaps LAKHS of CRORES every year from the servile and superstitious Indian populace. In the name of - blind faith and trust. Sometimes/ majorily on outdated and obsolete rituals and karma-kands.

Herd mentality is the root cause.

Anyone... can see this rampant practice around most of our our major holy ( i.e. Teerth ) spots and temples. All... in the name of blind faith... the venerable Pandas armed with sweet tongue... entice or force on the populace - religious "this and that" rituals... and... people are enticed/ forced to... spill-over their pockets... and part with their hard-earned moneys, to these smart guys. This is going on since the past almost one-two thousand years. And, this is slowly... destroying the Sanatana Dharma.


As an aside -

I think... some Guru Ji's.. son had been lately ( some years back ) been in the news is MORE right !! I guess.

But... in the news... for ALL the wrong reasons.

And... can anyone imagine... these sort of people want to play with Indian wealth to the tune of INR 5-10 lakh crores ??

I cite this specific case as an example... an eye opener... for the masses.
Who ALL might be called upon to invest an amount of INR FIVE / SEVEN LAKH CRORES in mega temple complexes !!

If this is NOT questioned and the motive+motivation well understood - then tomorrow someone else might come up with an INR TEN or TWENTY LAKH CRORES TEMPLE PLAN in some other part of the country !!

This is way too much !

Demonetisation of currency notes is an opportunity to think back and reflect on the quantum of money we Indians waste ( which passes onto other hands thereby making them wealthy ) in terms of religious rituals, dogmas, blind faith, unnecessary karma-kands, etc.

Sometimes this question resounds again and again...
Shall majority of the Sanatana Dharmis convert religions to escape the classical priestly class tyranny and become a Sikh ?

And, go on to chant "Wahe Guru" and... BOLE SO ... !! SAT SRI A-KAAL !!

ccc) The entire country can be turned into 100 % organic, 100 % non-GMO with 90-100 % vedic humped cows giving best quality milk to almost a good part of the entire populace.

Bringing almost 120+ crores of people health, wealth and better quality of life !!

with this kind of money. And the evil pharma might be as good as near dead.

ddd) Spending... say... INR THREE to FOUR LAKH CRORES on defence R&D. And... much needed... internal defence design, development, prototyping, productions, etc.


Btw... the wish-list can be ALL endless.


Can anyone ?? ...

Explore the... COVERT GRAND idea/ reasoning/ intention/ motive/ motivation behind this MEGA design / plan ??

Some root cause analysis requires that one gets inside the head of this grand planner. And, analyse each and every thoughts.


And... to add...

I have nothing personal against any Guru, pseudo-Guru or Guru-types, even Guru Ghantals... or even any of the Panda-s and any and all members of the priestly class. Never had !!

I bow to all of them. And, am NOT here to judge any of these fellow human beings. Some of whom might proclaim themselves as God-incarnates or else their followers might do so on their behalf !!

In that case - let that be so - for the followers.


I am just making a point... non-chalantly ... what SOME set of the people DO or INTEND to do with ALL the PUBLIC money they might be commanding, indirectly.

Actually massive quantum of... ever trickling... pouring... flowing... Indian WEALTH !!

I guess... is it that these guys are there only for... laying hands on the... public money ?

By using quite some... old books... be a rook... and, using ALL the hook and/ or crook ?


And... our country has lots and lots of wealth... all scattered around.

And... there are plunderers on the prowl !! And... it is NOT so easy to discern these plunderers. All are clothed differently.

Each ones... ways and means... are different. Way too... different.


Not to forget...

Even... ISK...N ?? is into the BUSINESS of building MASSIVE/ MAMMOTH temples. Around the country... and the world.

Almost ALL of these temple complexes are built using the public money and soliciting MASSIVE donations on "this and that" head. Even the land is got for almost free from the Governments, often-times, at throw-away prices.

And... once the whole temple structure is ready... the same is promoted as a place of pilgrimmage/ a tourist spot/ an architectural marvel, etc. And... these HOLY tourist spots... go on to spin in ENDLESS wealth. That all keeps on piling up and ON... year after year. Almost...  to the tune of THOUSANDS of crores every year !!

Can anyone imagine... ALL of which public money... going into the hands of the private players/ hands in cahoots with a set of priestly class, who all have near monopoly in this entire business !!

And... these people use these public funds... nay WEALTH to build.. even more MAMMOTH temples. And... private temple-owned high-end properties.

What's the use of wasting HUGE amounts of money ( = WEALTH )  in temples ?? !!

All in the name of religion, dogmas, rituals and blind faith ??

Wherein only a close set of highly inter-networked people DO MAKE ALL the real 'maal' and the 'mullah' ??


The list can be an endless one.

And... SOME VIGILANTE journos can easily establish that this WHOLE business, is built around BLIND FAITH and herd mentality.

This includes even quite some retards who are basically unemployable guys... but go on to make a living @ astrology as a veneered astrologer. I had the misfortune of meeting many such folks. Some of these mangy folks... have their foot-print in destroying people by injecting them with either down-right fear ( Shani, Rahu, Ketu, Shani's SADE-SATI ) or complete complascence ( everything is all right/ great ) as regards the future.

Btw... I certainly admire the SIKHS for NOT believing in astrology.

Further ! let us tabulate...

The amount of money/ wealth the priestly class accumulates all over the country /world over a decade's time, into their personal coffers, might be something like -

@ ONE LAKH CRORES per YEAR = INR TEN LAKH CRORES over a decade's time frame !!

@ TWO LAKH CRORES per YEAR = INR TWENTY LAKH CRORES over a decade's time frame !!

@ THREE LAKH CRORES per YEAR = INR THIRTY LAKH CRORES over a decade's time frame !!

@ FOUR LAKH CRORES per YEAR = INR FORTY LAKH CRORES over a decade's time frame !!

ALL THIS IS 100 % possible and TRUE !! Truly stating !!

My own rough guesstimate on this is -

@ THREE to FIVE LAKH CRORES per YEAR = INR THIRTY to FIFTY LAKH CRORES over a decade's time frame !!

And... I am not considering the compounding factored into this.

Can a set of people TABULATE and QUANTIFY, PLEASE !!

As an eye opener !!

This is a MUCH NEEDED exercise. Some nosey set of journos... ought to get into this thoroughly.


This is an invited post. Invited invading privacy. My understanding is - of course the dalits and the so called low castes cannot be in a position to effect this. This is possible by the active backing of some of the smart political-minded guys. That I may clearly explain - per my perception and observation.

< EndOfPost >

On Demonetisation... Note-ban-di plus Note-Bad-li - Part Two

On Demonetisation... Note-ban-di plus Note-Bad-li - Part Three

The GoI invalidated currency worth ( nearly ) INR 15 lakh crores from the economy on the 8th of NOV, 2016. This is about 86 % - 87 % worth of the free float of currencies. The impacted currencies are the INR 500 and INR 1000 denominations alone.

Effectively 86 % - 87 % of the currencies have lost their existence. And the liquidity, initially, was impacted by that much amount.

The liquidity still remains... way far from healthy.


This entire stuff seems like a black swan event with massive implications in every which way for the country and the entire world.

So... a few contextual ideations follow -

(( ONE ))

The Indian population might be something around 128 crores.

Considering that a typical family might have ( on the average 4-6-8 members ).

Can we assume that this translates into a family unit size all across India ? , quantified as -

@ 4 members per family == 32 crore family units

@ 5 members per family == 25.6 crore family units

@ 6 members per family == 21 crore family units

@ 7 members per family == 18.3 crore family units

@ 8 members per family == 16 crore family units

Let's assume that we got approx. 24 crore family units ( @ 5 members per family ) in the country.

On the average if these 24 crore family units across the nation keep some paper based currency with them ( not in the banking system ) ON their person or in their premises, then -

@ INR 10,000/- per family unit => this is equivalent to INR 240,000/- CRORES with the entire population of the country.

@ INR 20,000/- per family unit => this is equivalent to INR 480,000/- CRORES with the entire population of the country.

@ INR 50,000/- per family unit => this is equivalent to INR 1,200,000/- CRORES with the entire population of the country.

So, what BALANCE stays with the banks and the banking system and the overall Govt. machinery is for everyone to make out.

Again - with 1 USD == INR 68 ( approx. ) presently.

INR 10,000 = USD 147
INR 20,000 = USD 294
INR 50,000 = USD 735

if we assume that each Indian family unit has USD 500 apiece ( = INR 34,000 ) on them ( out of the banking system ). Then actually the currency in the hand of all the Indian family units alone may be = INR 34,000 X 24 crores =  INR 8,16,000 crores ( nearly - INR Eight Lakh Crores ).

The balance stays with the RBI coffers, banking system, diverse Govt. organizations, private Organizations, enterprises, etc.

Now... any/ all of the "inter and intra-family unit" transactions contribute significantly towards the economic resilience and, therefore, the GDP of the entire nation. << NOTE and MARK THIS. >>

And... taking into account what lies with the RBI chests, banks, state/ centrally owned/ managed institutions/ organizations, financial institutions, mega corporations, enterprises and an array of entrepreneurs - one may easily make out what may be the quantum of the "free flowing currency" that may be going around.

Also this might throw quite some light on the extent of... fresh capital, loans, etc.

(( TWO ))

In general, apart from those having money deposited with the banks, people do keep ready cash with themselves. Just, in case. This is the norm since ages.

Additionally, people do keep sort of universally acceptable "readily convertible cash equivalent" with themselves in the form of... GOLD. Gold... as a store of value, mostly on their person. In the case of emergency - this can be easily redeemable, for easy cash, anywhere in the world.

In fact, the per head banking penetration across the country is really pathetic. The same holds for the number of installed ATMs across the country.

The quantum of cash that people keep with themselves depends on diverse factors. Too many to elaborate, fully, here. And could range from - wages, earnings, 'meant for regular weekly/ monthly/ quarterly expenses', contingency funds, windfall gains, life savings, widow pensions, etc. etc.

The quantum of money in terms of cash ( apart from those deposited in the banks ) that any individual, household / family unit or business unit, etc. keeps at any instance of time may vary from -

INR 100 ( say, for a beggar on the street ) to INR 1000s of CRORES ( for big corporate stalwarts ).

There are quite a few instances that some firms or people keep unaccounted money in the form of cash, with them, to the tune of thousands of crores.


The Govt. MUST legislate a fixed or variable celing wrt the quantam of "PAPER CASH" anyone can keep on his person/ premises.

Especially wrt the new form/ format/ scale of the "electronic cash" that is going to be espoused belows.

(( THREE ))

Whilst, at the same time it is quite possible that nearly 80 % ( = 103 crores ) or more of the population in this country barely meet their ends and somehow eke out their existence. And might have some paltry amount of cash on their person. What to speak of any access to the banking system. Most of these folks stay in the country-side i.e. majorily the rural areas.

Which all put together might not exceed INR 50,000 to 100,000 crore. ( @ INR 500/- or INR 1,000/- per person ).

For a family unit having five members this translates to... INR 2,500/- or INR 5,000/- per family unit.

Better still figure could be... @ INR 1,500/- or INR 2,000/- per person = might not exceed INR 150,000 to 200,000 crore.

In fact... actually... even this number... is actually a tall order for the BPL ( Below Poverty Line ) people in this country. Crores of who all live in abject poverty and barely meet or eke out their livelihood. Perhaps passing off as daily wage earners to meet their ends.

Note-ban-di + Note-bad-li might have destroyed innumerable such unskilled, semi-skilled, etc. daily/ weekly or seasonal wage earners and their families.

Was this factor factored in and its' impact or lack thereof understood by the authorities ? remains a moot question.

In the eastern part of the country - huge pool of migratory and seasonal laborers are all honing/ honed back to their home state. With no work for them - along with their families, eating on their insignificant life's savings. With no new work awaiting them. This is going to impact/ already impacting the local state Govt. and the state economy significantly.



Whilst... going gung ho on note-ban-di + note-bad-li - the GoI has completely failed to highlight and take into active account that majority of the populace in the country are illiterate. And... to be digitally literate is beyond the scope and capabilities of more than 90 % to 95 % of the population ( my guesstimate ) at this instance of time.

Effectively... in real technical terms ( based on the nuances of Information Technology Security )... this number may exceed GREATER THAN 99.9 % of the populace <<- VERY IMPORTANT NOTE HERE.

In a general sense...
do I suggest that out of ( approx. ) 24 crore or so households in the country... at max. 40-50 lakhs to up to 1 crore household may be digitally literate to some or greater extent. ( Some real rough extra-polations here ).

That may mean that, at best, NO GREATER THAN almost 3 - 5 crore people may be digitally literate to a reasonable extent at this point of time. This is... out of a figure of 128 crores.

(( FOUR ))


The REAL problem is TWO FOLDS -

1) Massive amount of money deposited or lying with the banks. In which case this results in potentially massive amounts of corruption, in the form of untenable and unrecoverable loans doled out to people/ institutes/ enterprises/ organizations by the banking officials. Almost a good part of which might not be easily recoverable. And, turns up as mammoth NPA on the banks's balance sheets.

( The problem is - the banking officials are never personally responsible for any loan going bad. This must change, and there must be accountability with those doling out loans. )

The same / similar situation we are witnessing now. Owing to the banking largesse doled out during the UPA terms spanning a decade.

Evidently... apart from the economy under-going roller-coaster ride... over the past 10-12 years time frame... in congruence to the international economic turmoil witnessed... and... again... that still remains to be witnessed.

There might be quite some dubious characters in the banking fraternity for sure. And- SOME of such ever knowledgeable banksters in cahoots with wily businessmen and greedy politicians know quite well - how, how much, when and where to pull the strings and to what extent. And all the concerned guys ( in quite some cases ) know quite well the extent of the gains and losses, over a period of time.

Evidently... the country has got massive banking NPAs to deal with. And... there seems to be no way out !!

2) Secondly, massive amount of money in the form of cash hoarded ( therefore - of stagnant nature ) by any of - individuals/ family units/ companies/ enterprises/ organizations, etc. poses a serious challenge to the overall economic well being and developmental agenda of the nation. Definitely impacts on the national security, as such.

( Developmental agendas... as envisaged and laid out by the planning and executive function of the Govt. ).

This impacts the overall liquidity situation. And... the stagnant cash sitting out of the banking system and out of the free monetary float of the nation-wide economic process is akin to stagnant water... which has the potential to create definite rot in the economic well being of the entire system.

In as much as these constrict and restrict the liquidity situation in the country. Which is bad for the economy.

The more the liquidity... the greater the chances that the factors of production ( of wealth ) may be ( to a greater extent ) aptly utilised for new wealth creation; therefore, accretion of the wealth of the nation to a ( much ) greater extent. This eventually translates into an ever expanding GDP. Translates into... greater opportunities and growth for all and sundry.

(( FIVE ))

CHALLENGE is... how to achieve that ?

Does the digitization of cash transactions leading to a completely cashless system ( as envisaged, planned and rolled out by the GoI ) solve this problem in any manner whatsoever ?

Hardly. Perhaps to some certain extent - definitely. But that might not be 100 % foolproof. For...

There is a massive risk element pertaining to cyber security involved. Which is exteremely dangerous indeed.

When we talk of cyber security... the latest is...
There is active talk and accusations of former first lady Hillary Clinton losing out owing to Russia induced mass hacking that led Trump to win the US presidential elections.

And... the Americans are way to ahead of us in terms of cyber security. Every which way. And, years ahead of us.

Any one can be set up, framed and proved guilty for any cyber misdemeanor that (s)he might have never been involved in.

His/ her life destroyed in the process.

Remember the "HeartBleed" flaw. Undoubtedly... there are front-doors and... there are back-doors.

And... again... most of the hardware, firmware, critical networking infra-structures back-bone required for all this cashless system that the Govt. plans to actively roll-out - are almost 100 % sourced from overseas markets.

Undoubtedly... there are front-doors and... there are back-doors in a vast majority of these imported wares. All of which might be beyond the knowledge, scope of understanding of our own native critical cyber security experts. Thereby evading their knowledge.

This is akin to having sentry at the bank's front door, whilst the back door remains open and unguarded, unknown to the front dooe sentry. The contrary situation might be true, as well.

I hope this point is noted. And well.

(( SIX ))

Importantly - most of the hardware for the infrastructure is surely to be sourced from overseas. And... these pose a severe form of national security risk... down the road. I think the Govt. must take that into due account.

Again... going cashless might involve massive amounts of (c)overt costs in terms of new(er) equipments to be procured / purchased. For... the whole end-to-end landscape. All which might be a tedious and extremely costly on the national import bill, on a year-to-year basis.


In effect a cashless economy, though desirable, is fraught with great/ greater/ greatest dangers. If things ever go wrong ( and there are chances that any hidden enemy country or a small group of highly skilled individuals of the STUXNET creator types can inflict incalculable losses to the economy by targeting the bare basics cyber infrastructure of the country. VERY IMPORTANT ) then it might be difficult to absorb the extent of the loss to / in the economy.

The only false positive that seems apparently plausible in all this is... the tax base might increase for the GoI, if the system goes cashless. This may be likely.

Frankly -
There could have been many other ways and means to achieve that.

Going full cashless all of a sudden is akin to - putting all ze eggs in one big basket. This must be a gradual process. Backed by strong IT security experts. Self manufactured hardware, firmware, networking gears and servers, etc. Highly secured military grade network directly and partly under a Cyber Command and Control of the Armed Forces.

Comprendo **Fatichar ( some random persons I think of ... in my mind ) !!

<< **Fatichar => phut-teacher => teacher gone phut i.e. running amok => Guru Ghantal >>

(( SEVEN ))

PROBABLE SOLUTION ( actually, one PART THEREOF. One major part of probably others to follow. )


let us consider here-withal an alternate means of keeping and dis-seminating cash in pretty much a cashless manner.

We consider the specific case of -

a) Fully personalized though freely exchangeable electronic cash ( 100 % usable and redeemable cash in the public domain ),

b) eCurrency or eCash denominations of the value ( say ) = INR 5,000/- , INR 10,000/- , INR 20,000/- , INR 25,000/- , INR 50,000/- , INR 100,000/-
all of which can be safely kept on the person and in the premises ( say ) even in the open. And, no burglar or dacoit ( = bandit ) can dare to snatch/ loot the same and take it away.

The reason for issuance of high valued e-cash is - this liberates the lower denomination currencies from hoarding at physical ( non-banking ) premises in terms of huge black money hoard. Generally ill-gotten gains piled up... are stagnant for several years and dampens the free flow of currency. And, this definitely impacts the quantum of the free flowing currency.

So, eCurrency may result in more and effective liquidity in the economy. Provided the Govt. puts a cap on the extent of paper cash one can keep, store and carry .

Results in greater transparency. Thereby Govt./ RBI/ the Banking System has greater clarity on the money supply chain.

It may NOT be ANYMORE easy for someone to amass INR 50/ 300/ 1000 crores in INR 10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations notes. Assuming that INR 500, INR 1000 and INR 2000 note denominations are all withdrawn by the GoI in the oncoming days.

c) Paper &/or plastics based e-Currency. Say - of the size of the banking traveller's cheque. Say postcard sized or envelope sized. Any of which can be safely kept or stacked in the shirt pocket. Mutiple coloured. Color coded based on denomination.

May be savings type or for regular business ( current account related ) transactions. And color coded accordingly.

May be plastic sheeted and securedly tamper-proofed and laminated at the point/ instance of issuance by the local bankster. The local banker gets the same e-cash from the RBI state or regional chest for disbursal to the customers.

d) The e-currency is TIED / PEGGED to one's mobile phone. In the backend Banking database. This is a TRANSACTIONS based e-cash. For transferring the money or even exchanging the same for lesser or greater denominated cash/ e-cash - one's 'linked' mobile phone MUST be MANDATORILY used for effecting any/ all the transactions.

More on this later.

e) The e-cash must be necessarily printed with ( say - a 10 digit number ) a machine-readable BAR code as also another unique ( say - a 10 digit number ) machine-readable QR code.

So we get a 10 + 10 = 20 digit unique serialization number for any denomination and piece of eCash.

Again there may be alphabetic or alphanumeric 3 or 5 units serial number on the e-cash.

f) The mobile transactions enabled eCash or eCurrency must have any/ all of the following electronic chips/ sub-systems/ systems on it -

1) RFID ( Radio Frequency ID ) tag

2) Zigbee or Bluetooth or some such NFC ( Near Field Communication ) highly secure comm. technology resident on the e-cash.

3) Some communication technology to link with the bare basics LINKED or COUPLED mobile phone ( ones already massively prevalent in the Indian scenario and scope ) may be there.

The bare basics mobile phone may have old style  GSM, GPRS, CDMA, 2G, etc. technologies. Again, solution/ services for the 3G, 4G, etc. technologies must also be catered to.

4) A remotely, wirelessly controllable, conditionally operable ON/ OFF GPS style ( using our own Indian GPS / GLONASS type system ) chip/ sub-system/ system that resides on the e-cash.

There MAY be TWO set of denominations of the e-cash. One without GPS ( Indian ) chip inbuilt. Others with resident GPS ( Indian ) system built in. This provides the exact geographical co-ordinates of the e-cash. And, this can track the eCash movement or actual location.

A customer can request any of these two flavors of e-Cash from the bank for keeping in his physical premises for use... as READY cash. Both varieties of eCurrency provide GREATEST security to the eCurrency owner against theft, looting, dacoity, etc.

Simultaneously, the Govt./ Security agencies/ bankster may provide the customer with GPS enabled e-cash to track the customer and the actual location of the e-Cash.

g) The customer taking hold of the e-cash from the bank must request the desired / a certainly denominated e-Cash from the bank.

The banking system ( this includes the RBI and the central Govt. ) must use the customer's unique identification credentials - like the Aadhar card number or the PAN number, etc. to internally generate a unique 10-12 digit serial number eCash linked ( internal use ) identification number for this customer.

Now, there may be two cases -
for multiple e-cash requests the bank may use the SAME unique "one-time-mapped serial number id" of the customer.

Else the banking system may generate A SET OF unique serial number ids for the customer ( all of which are mapped to his unique personal identification credentials ) for a set of requested e-cash.

Another ( much better or the best ) option is - whilst the moment the banker issues an e-cash then at the point of issuing the e-cash, the banker logs into the official system the unique identification credentials of the banking customer and thereby thus ties the unique customer identification number with the issued unique e-cash(es).

I guess the second method is MOST apt. The best.

h) There may be different flavors of e-cash. One which generates an interest ( say @ 2 % - 3 % ) even if the same is kept at one's premise rather than be held by the bank. The e-cash may be part of the Bank's virtual cash pool. Though for the localized bank branch the e-cash is actually - disseminated and fragmented cash not particularly being held by the bank. Matter of fact, the entire banking system may consider the eCash as such.

Going this way, MUST the Govt. dilute the clerical low grade jobs at the bank ? Which add none of value addition, in general. Bland observation.

This way - the entire banking operations at a branch may be fragmented. Say a massive bank branch may better NEED to cut staff and operations by half, one third or one fourth - this entails greater banking efficiency and reach. This means more bank branches may spring up everywhere around, even in the country-side. After the bank's operational and staff expenses are cut significantly. Might mean more fresh ATMs installed around the country.

One of the key banking functions would THEN become "NOTE CHANGING" i.e. converting e-cash to cash or vice versa. Which even anyone around the nook and corner can effectively get into. Thereby earn INR 5/ 10/ 20/ 25/ 50 on per transactions basis. Thereby easily earning couple of hundred ruppees sitting at his/ her premises every day. This may add up nicely over a month.


Using of the issued out e-cash -
the bank may use the same "not in use" e-cash ( residing at the customer's premises. Customer holds eCash on account of any future or contingency usage ) for lending out money i.e. for giving out loans.

Example - Say a loan that seeks 100 units of e-cash of a certain denomination might make use of a piping queue, of the First In First Out ( FIFO ) type. This piped queue may have a capacity of 150 or 200 units.
Those eCash at the head of the queue get used. And these "used" eCash units earn an interest. Others do NOT. Say - 100 units earn an interest of 1.5 % - 2 % - 3 % . Whilst the other 50 or 100 units await their turn to earn an interest.

As and when any eCash unit by any customer is used up/ diluted ... i.e. the "used" unit vis-a-vis an active loan is actually used up by the end user ( holding the e-cash ) as parts of any transaction. This same unique e-cash is removed from the loan pool/ system. And another uniquely id-ed e-cash in the system, at the head of the queue, is enrolled in the "doled out loan pool by the bank" thereby earing interest = cash for the end user and the banking system, rather than sitting dud at his/ her premises.

Compare this smart and productive eCurrency to the other 'dud' cash or e-cash that generate nothing. And, sit at one's premises idle.

i) There may be smart-phones that may be able to scan the bar codes and the QR code and using secured transmissions and transactions the e-cash may be transferred to another user holding another mobile number.

The transfer ought to be a two step process - 1) physically exchanging hands, 2) Transferring the electronic ownership credentials of the eCash.

The transaction makes use of the serial numbers on the e-cash.

When we make use of bare basic mobile phones that are perhaps of circa 2000-2010 ( using 2G and GPRS ). Then in that case the eCash holder ( = owner ) has to use the printed serializations numbers ( 10 + 10 = 20 , say ) on the e-cash to consummate the electronic wireless transaction.

Simultaneously, ALSO making use of the recipient party's mobile phone number to whom the e-cash is desired to be transferred.

Say... some key steps could be -

1) One dials to a mobile gateway using one's registered mobile number

2) One keys in the barcoded serial number ( all digits printed below the bar code ), followed by

3) one keys in the QR code digits ( all digits printed below the QR code ), followed by

4) Keying in the recipient's mobile phone number, followed by

5) Further one may or must be prompted to key in a PIN to finalize the transaction.

6) Alternatively, one may be prompted to key in security digits from a hard-copy of a matrix/ grid - digits from specific ( row, column ). This secret hard copy of personalised matrix had been sent by the banking system to the customer earlier by courier, for safe keeping. The customer is now required to provide the ( row, column ) digits for completing the transaction.

Since, once the customer keys in a specific ( row, column ) based digits. After one time usage - the same ( row, column ) may NOT be sought again by the requesting /confirming system.

7) Lastly, the new owner of the eCash or eCurrency takes hold of the same from the last owner who transferred the money.

Is this system akin to 24 hours always ON banking sans banking hassles ?

j) There may be PIN ( Personal Idetification Numbers ) or a password to effect the e-Cash transaction.

The PIN may be a one time expirable PIN. May be re-set-able PIN.

Again... it may be part of a 21 X 21, 36 X 36, 50 X 50 or 100 X 100 or 128 X 128 or 256 X 256 matrix.

So... a transaction may demand to put in the PIN derived from - Row 99, Column 33. of the grid matrix.
Followed by Row 37, Column 255 ( say ).

That row or column may contain either 2, 3 or 4 digit randomly generated numbers. The same matrix is generated afresh by the Banking System and is distinct for each banking eCash customer.

Perhaps may be issued against each unit of eCash ? This might be too much. Better is - issue one matrix for a unique customer no matter how many eCash unit (s)he holds.

Now, to complete the transaction -
the customer looks up the harcopy matrix for the requested numbers... keys in the same...
This one time PIN/ password is to be sent over the air ONE TIME only. Then this row, column combo request is NEVER to be used again. The same is sent to a back-end database for query and verification of the transaction.

The one time to be used over the air digits ( all randomly generated for a customer ) are marked as USED now. Never used ever again. This maintains the security of the entire e-commerce or e-banking transaction.

Actually mobile-commerce or m-banking transactions.

(( EIGHT ))

The e-cash and cash put out by the RBI/ Banking System in the public domain MUST have a definitive period of existence = term of expiry.

Say - one banking user goes to the bank and requests an e-cash that has a validity of 2/ 5/ 15/ 30/ 45/ 60/ 90/ 180/ 365/ 1000 days alone. Again - the eCash may have a lifetime validity.

At the end of those many days. The e-cash becomes invalid. And, the same amount of money linked with the eCash or eCurrency may be reverted back to the customer's bank account. Thereby earning the customer higher interest rate.

The eCash customer pays some banking charges for the "secure" and "personalized" money / currency doled out to him/ her by the bank manager/ staffer.

The Bank Staffer issuing the eCash may use his personal seal/ signature to authenticate the eCash. A set of two-three banking staffers may effect this, this ensures greater security. And, shared responsibility while issuing eCash.

(( NINE ))

The USP of this entire eCurrency system espoused and briefly outlined is... at any instance of time... the Govt. / RBI/ the Banking System/ the Security Agencies, etc. can order a FULL and in-depth inquiry. With definitive logs being maintained at the district, state and national level for any all eCurrecny ever issued and their "ACTUAL" movement.

The banking paper-based logs MUST be kept at each and every instance of the eCash transactions.


(( TEN ))

The GoI MUST mull putting out customized color coded notes ( say red or orange ) that have a certain life span validity in the disturbed / terrorist infested AND impacted regions of the country ( whether that be Kashmir valley or the North Eastern States ). The currency notes must have markers that tells that the currency is to be predominantly or necessarily used in the disturbed region, alone. And, the normal Indian currency must be sparingly used or NOT be allowed to be used in the disturbed districts and adjacent areas. This helps in security management. Even to track the funding and channeled thereof, going to outlawed terror groups.

( Frankly - the cashless system as espoused by the GoI is most apt for such regions.)

Further the same currencies may have bar-codes as well as QR codes. And, a stack of such currencies MUST be machine readable.

Further - these currencies MUST lapse out over certain period of time. Say - one, two or three years. There may be an expiry date associated with the currency. Before which time the same must be redeemed or deposited in the banking system. There may be a grace period of a month or two on this expiry date.

Say - a customer deposits a bundle of currency notes ( of 100 ) in the bank, then the banking staffer must be able to put this bundle in a currency reader machine. And, this electro-mechanical currency counter + reader + tabulater machine MUST read each individual piece of currency id and the same data may be put in the interfaced computing system of the bank. Tagged against that specific customer.

The same process may be repeated whilst a bundle of currency is paid out to a suspect person. This enables in tracking his/ her expenditures and contacts, and the channels thereof.

This might prove in quite handy in many ways. For extrapolation.

(( ELEVEN ))

There is an URGENT need for a military grade hyper secure CYBER network infrastructure spanning the entire country. 100 % secured. Each district, city, town and village must be fully covered.

The same network must be manned, managed and administered by the best brains in the IT Systems and IT Security landscape. This is extremely vital.

There MUST be a separate Cyber Security Command and Control of the armed forces.

This wing of the armed forces ought to be more powerful than any wings of the armed forces, we might have seen till date. Utmost need of the hour.

To depend on others or extraneous forces to aid or facilitate on Cyber Security might be nothing short of foolhardiness.

< EndOfPost >

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Demonetisation aka Note-Bandi - Part 1

Demonetisation aka Note-Bandi - Part 1

A notably apt recollection -

Almost 2-3 decades back in some professional educational institute wherein fresh students from all across the country flocked to the learn the ropes of their trade...

They all had run into a common problem... real messy food served to them in the mess. And, this was getting on everyone's nerves... and health. So, a few dynamic smarties ganged up with some actionable plan... and... decided to do some rabble rousing... i.e. incited all the fellow mates ( just like the Captain and ALL his visibly invisible or 'vice versa' mates ). The net result was that these guys organized a massive bandh of the lecture halls and the hostel messes... for a single day. Boycotting classes and gheraoing the administrative block and the concerned college authorities. This whole drama commenced from morning to late into the night.

With the result that almost 400-500 students went without food for the entire day. By the time these students finished with the protest activity ( between 2100 to 2400 hours ) there was NO food to be had anywhere around. So, almost everyone went to bed... dejected, hungry and tired.

Since... the authorities yielded nothing substantive. It might have been... more of pep talk and promises galore.

( It is another matter that the gherao = bandh yielded almost negligible tangible gains. If I recall correctly. )

But... did I say... all the rabble-roused and proactive souls went empty stomach to bed ?

Well NO !!

The coterie of smarties who were the master-mind behind the whole effort... towards the end of the day-long bandh or... after the tired students ( taking turns... sitting day long under the glaring sun ) dispersed late in the night; flocked together and huddled silently ( each one of these guys barging in unobserved one by one ) and had silent feast with the goodies they had purchased and stocked up well in advance. Anticipating that what a day-long impromptu-ly announced bandh ( plan hatched, action led, rabble-rousing enforced by them ) might entail, at the end of the day.

So... whilst almost the whole flock led by the smarties ( sans the smarties ) went to bed almost hungry... the smarties had some 'real' feast.

Now... IMPORTANT here -
It hardly matters whether the 'smarties' were... way to well... all gorged up... at the outset of the 'effort'... ELSE... at the end of the 'effort'... had feast.

This true incident serves as an eye opener and has great potential equivalence/ congruence as regards the BJP + RSS action on demon-eti-sati-on.

The former PM Dr M.M. Singh is 100 % correct in voicing the opinion of the suffering masses. And... his words actually describe the situation in true light. 100 % .

Is this breach of trust by the BJP + RSS on the nation ?

The answer seems like affirmative.

Few thought on... DEMONETISATION... ACTUALLY -

1) sounds like a 'surgical strike' on ALL the non-BJP and non-RSS entities. So that it takes them eons to recover. Considering that UP and Punjab elections are near hand. And it requires some real cash to fight any electoral polls. Without money... the opposition might be trounced.

2) This has, in effect, made hell the lives of almost 99 % + of the population. Some way or the other. People are silently suffering... in angst... with only faith in God and hope in the future.

3) Completely derailed the economy out of which it might take couple of years to recover.

4) Former PM Dr MM Singh voiced the concern that the economic growth might shrink by 2 % odd points. My gut instinct suggests that it might be way much worse off than that. Perhaps... in the negative territory already.

5) BJP and RSS and the smarties would NOT and NEVER harm their strategic interests. Whilst knowing that what potentially lies ahead. ( I understand that the Captain and his mates might have forced the PM to enforce note-bandh-i in such an unprepared manner. Why ? Why so much of hurry ? What's the take away for the Captain and mates ? )

6) The sole aim of this entire drive seems to be... going digital. Digital currency, e-wallet, plastic debit and credit cards, payment by/ thru' mobile phones ( m-commerce ).

These guys TOTALLY forget the economic losses accruing out of the cyber-crime in the e-commerce domain. That might run into several tens of billions of USD ... year after years. And... maybe spiral out of control over the oncoming decades. Esp. in a massive country like India. Where people are still struggling for basic amenities in life.

Is that not the reason that BJP chose the mission - "ghar-ghar sandash" ? ( Translates = toilet in every house ) .

Digital currency is like putting all the eggs in one basket... and potentially fraught with massive national security risks. And... all this might entail massive investments ( = FDI ) on a continual basis. On Hardware and software imports of expensive wares. That might be needed to be updated, replaced and / or upgraded almost every year or so. NOT REALLY REQUIRED and desirable.

The best course might have been to divide the risks aspects in different clusters... thereby randomly distributing the risk quotient = eggs in almost 9 - 12 baskets - at least. This might reduce the chances of wrong doing and be MORE apt risk mitigation measure. At the same time ensuring maximum tax accruals and minimum tax evasion. Btw... that itself requires innovative ideas by the GoI rather than broad-based digitization. An extremely risky proposition. Frankly. Ask any cyber security expert. Btw- we are NOT developed nations... and there is NIL need to compare vis-a-vis developed western countries.

< Our real worth is seen near the railway tracks... every day... in the morning hours... in the evening hours... well ... I guess 24 hours a day !! > Do NOT forget this - Captain and mates + BJP+ RSS .

Seems like the BJP + RSS DO NOT have that as the focal point of their drive on demonetisation. Mere big talks DO NOT yield tangible results.

7) There might be chances that Special Interest Groups ( SIGs ) and specific set of people groups who have a history of networking together and watching each other's back ( and their asses/ arses as well ) might have per-emptively tipped each other off in 100 % secrecy, much before the demon-eti-sati-on plan was conceived/ planned/ executed.

Whilst... the others... i.e. the fragmented lot of people who are usually in the dark are actually the ones... caught napping and are the NETT losers. < Reference - the College bandh. >


Few notable points...


There is monumental difference between - clap vs crap. On this note everyone may / must agree.

Now the BJP + RSS cumulative decision to scrap altogether INR 500 and INR 1000 Rupee notes in circulation on 8th November, 2016 sounded like a "monumentally great" and proactive decision by the central Govt. ... on the "face" value. A macho-istic bold step.

We might need to revisit the "real" value of this action and ramifications thereof.

My understanding tells that had the BJP + RSS unleashed massive liquidity in the market within a period of ( MAX )


Then... the transition might have been smooth. and the BJP + RSS demonetisation drive would have elicited...

CLAPS... CLAPS... and more... CLAPS.


the way things are going seems like CRAPPY. And, is tantamount to...

CRAP... CRAP... and potentially more CRAP on the way. ( I cannot help but think that this has Captain's signature all over this demon-i-sati-on thingy. )


Why did the 2.5 years young BJP + RSS Govt. did NOT print adequate currency notes during the former RBI Governor's tenure ? Say... they could have started in total secrecy some 8-9 months back ?

What compulsions prevented them from making such a choice ? Why ?

Factually... they seem to have started printing fresh currency notes after Mr Urjit Patel ( family member of the Ambanis ) took over as the RBI governor.


Why so hurry ?

Now the BJP + RSS says that they need 50 days. But going by the current currency notes printing rate... this takes at least 7-9 months. By the MOST conservative estimates.

This is NOT AT ALL acceptable.

This is NO lapse. Is this NOT tantamount to... criminal breach of trust... with the Indian masses ? Of which hardly 11-12 % ( = almost 14 crores out of 130 crores as-of-today) have voted in BJP to power. mE too !!


BJP leader Subramaniam Swamy ( a Tamil Brahmin aka TamBram ) led a crusade against the former RBI governor Mr Raghuram Rajan. After ousting Mr Rajan ... we get Mr Urjit Patel ( a family member of the Ambanis ).

And... presto... Demonetization starts. EL PRONTO...

The new INR 500 and INR 2000 have Mr Urjit Patel's signature.

Is it NOT curious that around the same time the CM of TN - JJ falls sick and is taken to ICU since the past one-two plus month.

So... JJ and her party AIDMK are NOT coming up clearly as regards the demon-etisation drive... as public would have expected.

Quite possibly... she would have been compelled to join hands with WB CM Ms Mamata Baerjee and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.

This most desirable polarization has NOT happened. JJ carries much weight and her pitching in might have entirely polarized in the opposition camp that is much divided and confused. And... the entire opposition is divided.

UP and Bihar leaderships seems like 100 % managed.

This is NOT acceptable.

And, bodes of unseen dangers for the country.

The former Congress union minister Mr P. Chidambaram alleges that... the Chief Economic Adviser of the GoI was totally kept in the dark as regards this whole effort. Thereby rendering this whole effort as an illegal activity.

Even the RBI rules were NOT adhered to whilst the BJP+RSS regime ordered printing of fresh currency notes.

Another - ILLEGAL and despotic act.


The BJP + RSS regime is trying to achieve results it might have achieved with minimum damage to the country men and the Indian economy. Whilst the BJP + RSS surgical strike ( aka demon-eti-sati-on ) might potentially try to pulverize the opposition parties and their potential long-term political financiers...

The moot point is... massive numbers of the people across the country are suffering. The entire economy has taken a mega hit.

This is akin to a mini emergency. Perhaps a dry run... sort of. Is there Captian's hidden hand in this ?

Looks like. Maybe. Perhaps.


What if... the Captain and mates decide to go for another surgical strike deep inside the PoK territory ? And... the ususal border/ cross-border low-scale conflict / skirmishes leads to some small-scale localized confrontation ( much aka Kargil con-flict )... so that this is hailed as a MAJOR victory = gain by the BJP + RSS think-tanks ?

As an offering ( = much tom-tomming and hyping up ) for the oncoming... UP, Punjab elections and the 2019 LS polls ?

This MUST not be discounted. esp. this month and the next. This thought repeats again ad again. So... putting forth here.

I am 100 % against the huge latency in provision of liquidity by the BJP + RSS regime.

A failure on their part. They MUST explain this to the nation.

BJP + RSS MUST explain why they chose for Mr Raghuram Rajan's ( an IIT-Delhi almnus ) exit to start off demonetisation in a much hurried manner ? Within a set of weeks' time ? Why NEED so much hurry ?

This is going against the country. Against the country's economy. Against the people of the country.

This is dangerous... Setting of dangerous precedent.


I 100 % support and side with former PM Dr MM Singh, Delhi CM Mr Arvind Kejriwal and the WB CM Ms Mamata Banerjee and the likes of them. And... in their protest against the impromptu demon-etisation imposed on the country-men and the resultant constrictions on the economy and our cumulative lives. This is 100 % wrong methodology, owing MAINLY to the latency involved. And the ensuing liquidity crunch.

Why the BJP + RSS could NOT wait to print enough cash over some 6 months period ?

This is dangerous. WAY TOO DANGEROUS !!

Let me repeat... m-commerce alone MUST NOT be the sole way forward.


The tourist season in Q4, 2016 and Q1, Q2, 2017 is going to take mega hit. The transportation sector is near grounded. The low, medium, large and small-scale industries are without money to pay the daily wages to the daily wage earners.

Manufacturing is greatly hit. So is agriculture. The paddy seeds that sold for INR 1300 /quintal in the sowing season are going for INR 900/ quintal. Still there were no buyers. Someone from WB told me the situation some ten days back. Same with the potato farming everywhere.

First and fore-most - BJP + RSS must explain the hurry ? Why did they NOT start printing notes in a secret military facility some ONE YEAR back ? Why ?

Who might have stopped them ?

With Mr Urjit Patel being a Ambani family member -how does BJP+ RSS explain the Reliance Zio plans and investments ? Is the common public posers I am NOT alone being faced with.

BJP + RSS MUST explain to the nation.

Glib talk and unbridled gung-ho propaganda using the MSM ( TV + newspapers ) does NOT pay up much, in the long term.

There might be price to pay for this. This is the general public perception.

< EndOfPost = EoP, Part 1 of ... >

Friday, October 7, 2016

WHO killed the C.A.T. and WHY ?

*** This post... like many such SIMILAR posts have been
*** written... as a protest against... violation of my privacy.
*** Though there is NO seriousness whilst writing this post.
*** Nevertheless this post may or may not be taken with all
*** the due seriousness.

Chanced on the news item... couple of weeks back... wherein the former DGP of Punjab- Mr Julius Ribiero... in a sort of... complaining tone laced within an accusation ( or, was it... vice versa ? ) ... stated... in one of his online articles that... the former head of CBI killed the cat !!

This... lets loose a chain of thoughts... in some certain context.

In that case, am I led to... guess that...
Mr J.R. might be brushing off Edward Snowden and some of his key revealations. Perhaps... did Mr JR expect that the all ubiquitous C.A.T. aka cat might last more !! Perhaps... going by the rather lax and... 'chalta hai' type Indian attitude/ standards.


WHEREAS, FACTUALLY SPEAKING... FROM MY PERSPECTIVE ( Anyone can ask Ed.Snowden or Jul.Assange, on this )

Not a problem, at all, in killing the C.A.T. = cat.

For... say...

IoT sensors, products, systems, sub-systems, tags, etc. might be... already on the way !! Jointly co-developed by few of those smartest SECTions of 'certain class of Indians' working in the M.I. Complexes overseas !!

Perhaps... these IoT technologies and products are refined and fine-tuned to Indian needs by now, over the last decade or so of its' co-development. Using best of the Indian brains as an active catalyst and ingredient.

The result of 'brain drain' actually !

Now... do people know that the smartest of the Nazi scientists ( in the thousands ) left Germany and got settled in the M.I. complexes of the USA. This was post WW2... btw, the prime objective of WW2 was the creation of the state of Israel, in the middle east.

And... quite some of the Indian Kings who supplied active manpower ( to fuel this WW2 war ) to the Britishers... have actually become the covert parters of the cabal... and therefore cabal's almost total control over 'black gold', the petro-currency and the underlying global economy this spawned. This thought is strong, ever again. For... nothing is given away, even manpower, for free.

Now... lots of the most cerebral Indians are deeply entrenched in the M.I. complexes of the USA, over the last 4-5 decades.

Seems like... going forward... these NRI guys along with the Indian top bureaucrats ( a pressure group that surely might actively compel the GoI for/ against anything/ everything ) might be deciding the fate of the country and the countless Indians... going forward. This might actually already be happening.

An adjunct part of the the Indian Govt.... actually...
...some of those pretty smart guys... those working and tinkering with the mostly unaudited book-keepings of the near exorbitant spendings of our national security agencies might show the dire need... maybe... that we are now required to... and... NEED to import USD 5-6 TRILLIONS of these 'now-much-needed-items-and-inventories' over a period of the next... 9-12-18 years' time-frame.

Since the 'cat', sadly for them... and... unfortunately, happens to be 'near' dead !!

This is... a recurring thought that re-visits me... again and again and again... !! Is a question... that must confronts others, as well.

Our defense minister, who ran to sign the LEMOA, knows way too... better.

How best to increase the head-count of this smartest 'SECTions of certain' Indians working in the USA ? Headcounts... many folds. Is another question that undoubtedly confronts one ?

Perhaps by... five to ten to... fifteen to twenty lakhs... combined together in India and the USA locations. Perhaps way too... more. Over the next few years alone.

All these privileged people might predominantly be - some specially selected people having some right connections !!

I, but, engage in some plain... actually some sensible extrapolation of the essence.

Indeed... above is a sort of a guesstimate !

Here... please do refer the link belows -


Some important questions... which MUST NOT be ignored...

Is it possible that... these swelling numbers of Indians working in ( esp. ) overseas tech, etc. industries might somehow force the GoI to abandon/ taper down/ go lax on, over a period of time, quite a lot of things, including -

- an independent foreign policy,

- an independent economic policy and... critical reforms in the entire system,

- principle of non-alignment.

...are a few questions that must confront all.

Again... do these ever increasing number of Indians working in mostly high tech industries become some sort of risk for the Indian Govt., going forward.

For... we might be forced to get into an extremely lop-sided GoI policies ?

For... any country might threaten to force them Indian guys to leave in hordes. All it takes... is simply a false flag... that uses/ wrongly implicates Indians. This, in turn, might be used to target the entire Indian community, in any such country/ place. This is a question the Indian think-tanks must be surely aware of.

In this context...
Is it that... some covert group of elitist Indian people have already chosen to (covertly) partner with the Western countries to unifiedly forge an unipolar world order ? Is a question that must confront the intelligent people around ?

In essence... does our defence preparedness gradually translates into... gradually passing (c)overtly onto the western/ American hands.

some of the elitist 'partnered' Indians based overseas actually calling the REAL shots ?? And... in that case... do the Indians at home get the idea that... it is actually the American call/ want/ desire ?? !!


1) Is it that the BJP and RSS are 100 % onboard the "pivot to Asia" strategy of the USA ?

Does the signing of LEMOA implies that ?

This question confronts. Esp. looking at the 'purported' leakage of the technical details of the Scorpene submarine deal.

Did this somehow entailed the NEED for the LEMOA memorandum aka memo ?


2) Again... are the Asian countries in a position to get into endless arms race ?

I think the current Philippines President has taken a pretty pragmatic stand, understanding the long term nuances, implications and cost of getting into an endless arms race and confrontation with PRC.

Here... this can be an endless list... !!


Coming back... to Mr Julius Ribiero...

Now... when I looked up in Wikipedia... as to who have been heading the CBI... in the recent past... ?

The last two CBI Director's names ( not sure, if the present one ) suggests to me that both these guys are IPS officers from Bihar.
And... their last name suggests that... perhaps both of them CBI directors potentially are perhaps Kayastha, by caste !!

Mentioning here...
Since I am trying linking the almost dead (?) 'cat' alluded by Mr JR... with that/ those in the Captain's circle ( and some of his 'cats' ) !! And... then possibly try to see if this potentially, any ways... pointers to... any potential one-to-one match... those that have been running... and gunning after me !!

In the process...
Preparing the requisite ground over the last almost 2.5 - 3 years time ? Btw... ever heard of this ? Ever ?

One can plainly see how Capt has been ratcheting up gradually and building propaganda... over the past 2-3 years. No one can deny this.

Important Observation / Note, in this context...

Do any people know why the 're-new-ed'-ly elected Bihar CM ( Su-Shaashan Babu ) is so friendly with some of the Kayastha IPS officers and bureaucrats from the state ??

What is the catch ?

Did any of these hyper-'networked' Kayastha officers had... any (in)direct role in his re-election success ??

Apart from the... Kayastha 'me-wanna-be-CM-too-actor-in-the-fray" who played 100 % spoil-sport for the BJP in Bihar assembly elections ?

Seems like that the Kayasthas covertly and overtly 100 % sided with Mr Nitish Kumar, is a thought that recurs again and again.

We may not discount the timely 'help' meted out by a BJP MP ( an ex-home secretary ) to Mr Nitish Kumar, during election times, thereby diluting the BJP image during pre-polls Bihar.


1. Is it possible that the CBI Chief- a Kayastha IPS officer from Bihar, might have started on the witch hunt against me ?

If that were the case... who told him to ? Who advised him so ? This is a question that resounds again and again.

Or... is it that he thought it wise to do so ?

Note, again -
Capt. has repeatedly stated that IPS officers ( name ending as... Srivastava = Kayastha caste ) are his close friends.

2. Now... who are those guys who have been... potentially taking the lead decisions, building the air, engaging in propaganda work, etc. - over the past 2.5 - 3.0 years' time ? Gradually ratcheting things up... basically aimed at... preparing the ground-work in the public domain, etc. with some underlying motive/ singular aim ?

Using massive propaganda machine at their disposal.

These same guys might try ensuring that they build the entire issue to such an extent... that there is NO ways of anyone implicated ( even falsely ) of getting out of it.

Apparently... these guys think that whilst guarding the country... they OWN the country.

Let the truth be said...
These guys cannot be having the largest issue to be forgotten... they are in fact my partners. They ( I mean the Capt. and mates ) asked for something ( and this is palpable )... and, they got it.

Now... they cannot use that against me.

Fact is... in which case... why NOT the laws be used against them ?

Have any of their family member's privacy been compromised... in this entire process ? Must it NOT be so ?

For... supposing that the Capt ( and mates were not of the uniformed kind ) then... it is 100 % likely that by now things might have been quite different.

Again... Capt. and mates are at the center of this entire campaign.


Further... at best he gets some rules and laws changed by some SC decree to get himself ( and all his mates )  free of the 'joint' accusations/ charges ( that might have had the potential to 'destroy' his tanker/ blogging ).

But I want ALL the sensible, reasonable, erudite and highly pragmatic and intelligent beings in the country and across ALL the nations to... ( WHY NOT to ) wonder...

Was this whole campaign NOT started off/ instituted with the underlying agenda for getting some laws redesigned and re-framed ?

Again... importantly... the prime concern for undertrials problems remains un-resolved for, Capt and mates. I am not sure whom these guys use again to get the legislative and the judiciary to reframe those laws. Btw... ArKej was NOT useful to Capt. and mates.

As an aside...
If I were a stone on the throne... in one shot I might have answered and addressed this pressing issue.


While these questions confront me... and... I might have potent reasons to believe so !!

I guess... quite a lots of knowledgeable people do know... as regards the likely facts, as they really are.

Basically... who is building this entire momentum... and a gradual back-ground over the past 2-3 years... and... I am way too sure that...

...this ain't a THIYYA spun web !! 100 % sure of this. Let me REPEAT this as many times as might be actually required !!

I know Bihar people better. And... their networking skills with any other of their kinsmen. Esp. in the BiMaRu states and then, of course... similar DNA people... spread across the rest of India !!

Why am I being so overt in mentioning all this... ? Just trying to connect... some dots.

In this regards...
I was much puzzled by the appearance of a certain (male) Mr. Sahai S. ( Sahai sur-name => Kayastha from Bihar. This person looked way too similar to the Captain ) and a (female) Ms R. Nair ( from Kerala )... who were gloatingly 'watching' me... as if having good fun. And... apparently the thought occured to me that these guys might be the REAL steward or part there-of... of the Captain's tanker/ blog. And... am I inclined to trust this hunch ?

Or, perhaps part of those who have set me up ? Are questions that confront me. And, my answer is... perhaps... maybe.


Since this happened to be a recurrent thought. I thought of mentioning this, out of context.




This is for the COAS... Indian Army.

Few days back, read in the newspapers...

Very strange that the present COAS has filed in the SC that a former COAS tried to scuttle his career !! And... this news was in the context of... when the current COAS found that yet another very senior Army officer had found himself 'on the wrong side' of a former COAS. This former COAS, the current COAS has reasons to believe, overtly tried to... sort of... to scuttle his career, too.

Now... this happens to be an enormously grave charge !!


Had the former COAS succeeded in his vain and futile attempt ( if the charges are true ? )... then I understand that the current COAS might NOT have been any-ways the COAS.

And... apparently true that if BJP &/or the RSS had the choice and any chance then it is 100 % likely that they might have out-of-turn-promoted someone else to be the current COAS.

And... I recall that a Kayastha ( currently BJP union minister ) from Bihar had opposed the appointment of the COAS... till the 2014 LS elections were over. Why ?

Btw- Whom he or his coterie wanted/ preferred/ had in mind to be the next COAS ?

Alternatively... what the BJP and RSS top brass had in mind ?

People... take note and... make note of this. This is rather... serious matter.

Just making a subtle but rather... an extremeley IMPORTANT point... how things run in India !!



Is this NOT strange that the Kayasthas always side with the 'suryavanshi' rajputs ?

Apparently... this reminded me ...
the caste groupings... Rajputs and Kayasthas have too well knit synergistic bondings right since the beginning of the Mughal hey days of ( the Not so great !! ) Akbar !!  Mostly so... at the expense of the other people.

Ask anyone... of those ever affected... and they might agree/ tell the tale.

Again... spread of the Mughal rule in India implies...
Is that the reason... we DO NOT see these guys much in the North East areas, southern parts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, Bhutan, Sri Lanka ( Northern and eastern regions ), perhaps Bangladesh too, etc. areas - since the Mughals COULD NEVER make base there ?

Again... the Mughals / Islamic rulers were NOT able to have major influence in Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, southern Sri Lanka, etc. locales. Almost all Buddhist regions, till date.

Does this implies that the priestly class ( = brahmins ) and Sanatan Dharma were re-established in only the areas of active - Mughal/ Islamic conquest/ rule ?

Is that the reason that Sanatana Dharma was not re-established in Buddhist countries not conquered by the Mughals ?

Else... who knows rajputs might have been entrenched there, as well ?

And, that could certainly have materialised the Kayasthas as well, down the line. As part of the Mughal/ Islamic rule.



the priestly class ( i.e. the brahmins ) and the 'suryavanshi' rajputs have the perpetual tendency to scratch each other's back !! Historically... this allowed the priestly class to make quite some 'maal' and the 'suryavanshi' rajputs to clinch on to the power structure. Scratch each other's back. During the course of the Mughal rule.

Even... to this day... if there is NOT ANY mutual rivalry or clash of interests, then these guys are seen to (c)overtly gang up against any remotest potential opposition. In order to nip the same in the bud. Esp. in the political arena.


So... almost all the major parts of India is witness to... a certain set of people groups - brahmins-rajputs-kayasthas ... majorly... at the expense of 96 % + approx. of the remaining others !! in the majority of those areas that had predominantly a... Mughal + rajput ( riding on their back is... was actually always the priestly class... rooting for taking over the masses, at the villages level ) ruling alliance.

( Why I write so. I will tell. )

Is it that... the priestly class was able to penetrate and found new grounds, on the back of the Islamic conquests in India ? Right since the 8th-10th-12th century AD.

This might explain that... we do not see them in great parts of Sri Lanka, Burma, Bhutan, Tibet, Myanmar, Vietnam, etc. Which all nations, continue to be Buddhist nations. Since... Islam... and the Mughals never ever reached there.

Is this... way too clearly understood ?? Way... too well ??

And... does this potentially imply that MOST ## of the north, east, west Indian folks in the priestly class may be 'inducted people' ? And... of rather a later day origin. Rather than very ancient origin !! As the Captain repeatedly has claimed ?

## : Now... MOST... does not mean ALL !! Most may mean... say... something like... 90-95 % ( a guesstimate ).

Btw... our household karma-kanda priest used to tell... that he originally hailed from Germany.

Satyam vadami !


Btw... some ostensibly power-drunk guys in the system... who are playing and fooling around with me... so think that they.. and their family's honor remain safe ( = intact ) forever ?

These people MUST NOT be under any sort of DELUSION. What you ALL dish out... certainly gets back to you... and... surely... with compound interest !!


So... I advice ALL to go ahead with your ( long chalked out ) plan/ agenda wrt me. The sooner... the better.

They might have this in mind that... at the 'nick of time'... they will get the Govt. to change some 'old' British-time rules/ laws. Thereby... they might proclaim that they saved me ( thereby... in fact... saving themselves ?? ) !! Not true !! They and their family members... await divine retribution. It is... on the way !! And... going to come... !!

Is... all... I can say.

Btw... as I have categorically mentioned earlier... all this is... actually 100 % politically motivated.

Looking at... the way...

- couple of my kinsmen have left other parties and were inducted in BJP... is it possible that this might have led to a 'stable' BJP Govt. in the state of Jharkhand ?

- And, not to forget... some of the kinsmen have had IT raids.

- Others might be facing false police cases. etc.



Now... Kayastha IPS officers... or, civil servants or those in the armed forces ( say- BSF, Army ) reminds me, that...

Kayasthas, as a close-knit/ woven caste group ( similar to the priestly class aka brahmins ) are known for their elaborate and rather massive and intricately-woven intra-caste & inter-caste networking skills !! Inherent skills that have been honed and fine-tuned pretty well, over the last several hundred of years ( of... Islamic/ Mughal/ British rule ) !!

Kayasthas have an intricate web- spread across their kinsmen in... all sorts of Govt., etc. jobs. All through the country... and world-wide !!

Some of the Kayastha guys are known to abound in all sorts of Govt. positions in all the Govt. departments in India, as well as abroad. Mostly achieved... via the civil services exams.

Reminds me of... the Captain and his incessant rant regards... tabulassion.

Kayasthas, gradually entrenched themselves once... the re-entrenched Mughal ruler ( the... NOT so great !! ) Akbar introduced... the mansabdari system as part of his lands PLUS revenue reforms.

The Mughal empire was re-entrenched in India... by a spate of matrimonial alliances Akbar & Sons & Grand-Sons had... with quite some of the 'local' Hindu Kings.

And... I guess that... since those times of the Mughal rule and even later... all through the British rule... and as also in independent India ( circa Aug, 1947 ) ... the Kayastha caste/ class had... and continued to have a monopoly in any & all of the Indian kingdoms's / fiefdoms'/ princely state's governance.

At almost ALL the levels... whether be it - villages, town, city, state, country, etc.

They even had their own language and script... called as Kaithi... to pen down all the official/ Govt. records.
Especially - land records and almost all the official communications.

Even to this day, almost all the land records in the north Indian states of Bihar (+Jharkhand), Uttar-Pradesh (+ Uttarkhand), West Bengal, Madhya-Pradesh(+ Chattis-Garh), Delhi, etc. are in Kaithi... which no one else ( apart from the Kayasthas alone ) can read, decipher or tabulate !!

As, all these were written in the Kaithi script !! This... someone was telling. Till... the end of the British rule in 1947 and... even much much later.... this system remained in place !!

In this context-
Would NOT be surprised if a similarily- 100 % similar situation were existing in other parts of the country... i.e. say... in Andhra-Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil-Nadu as well ? and even so... in the current Bangladesh and Pakistan regions ( In which case there might be certainly... Muslim Kayasthas, still pretty much well entrenched, in all these places ) ??

All this...
Since the past FIVE centuries of... the MOST treacherous of Mughal and vilinous British misrule ...and mammoth plunder and pillage the Indian people were ever faced with.

I sometimes wonder that... was it Akbar... or... any of his heirs or off-springs ( born off the matrimonial alliances with the Hindu princesses in the Mughal harem ) might NOT had, indeed, passed on to the Kayasthas... the Kaithi script ??

Or, sometimes I think... was this script developed and perfected by Akbar's Kayastha minister Birbal and passed on to all... the fellow Kayasthas ? After all- amatya Birbal was quite a master mind, of sorts.

Or... was it that the Mughals had in-house developed the Kaithi script, from where-ever they came from, and passed on this script to their newly appointed local/ regional/ kingdom administrators.

Just... a few passing thoughts.

Be... your own judge !! Can the Captain... exhume truth, on this ?

Point to take note !!


when I have to make out the sort of people ( ironically... all these guys happen to be co-accused, per se ) who might majorly constitute the Captain's team on his... perhaps oval table... who might have majorly decided to set me up... as a pretext... for... ( perhaps )... say...

1) some... good fun... after all these guys might NEVER be personally affected; This is what these people understand; or,

2) perhaps to teach a lesson to Indian masses regarding the finer aspects and nuances of... what might consitute good/ bad items on the internet... wrt the 'laws of the land', from the Govt.'s perspective... in the context of online postings !! or,

3) Some key people on this team or else... the majority on the team potentially intended to use me as the most apt bait... to fight out the cause of -

a) the undertrial prisoners ( I guess... they should have bowed... and asked me, and...  I might have 'brain-stormed' and... given them a clue on how to provide 'food-for-thought' to the Govt. that solves this undertrial problem issue... in one shot... all within a matter of... at most a few months !! High degree of probability of effecting this. ), or,

b) Some sections of the IT Act ,

c) To expurge and... expunge some sections of IPC or CRPC ?

Be... your own judge !!

The point is... no legal authorities ever approached me, till date. So... do I get the impression that... if the Govt. ( or any adjunct Govt Agency ) has ever filed a complaint then some day... the GoI might sit on it. This is a question that confronts.

Else... going by the extent of Capt.'s web... real lives are being lost... he certainly/ sure has certain aces up his sleeves. I am sure he has all the four aces. As... perhaps Namboodiri brahmins majorly constitute his closest mates ?

after reading the NIA initial findings as reported in the newspaper... that seemed to suggest that Pathankot and Uri attacks had some insider elements assisting the outsider terrorists ( All... Pakistanis in Uri and at Pathankot ). Same apprehension was put forth by the NIA.

Seems like... the 'cabal' has deeply penetrated on either side. They want to see us get into endless arms race.

Not at all desirable.

Is this NOT time that the GoI looks at plausible traitors in uniform ? And, primarily addressing the 'chinks in the armor' ?

Military action, initiated by either side, might lead to endless arms race.


Allowing an excuse for the Punjabi Sunni muslims who dominate the army, ISI and the Govt. to sit on the... Han Chinese lap... so that the Punjabi Sunni muslims somehow or the other maintain their vice-like grip over the state of Pakistan. This allows them Punjabi Sunni muslims to rule over the Sindhis, Shias, Ahmedias, Pashtuns, Afridis, Balochs, Hindus, Sikhs, etc. ... almost everyone in Pakistan.

Meanwhile... this allows their avowed counter-parts in India, riding at the helm... ... to cozy up and relax norms wrt to other countries ( say - USA )... mainly to expand their reach, resources and power.

Is it possible that the Punjabi Sunni muslims ruling Pakistan... are some break-away faction of the erstwhile Mughal rule that saw its' last in 1857 ( Bahadur Shah Jafar being the last Mughal ruler of undivided India ) ?

But... 90 years later ( in 1947 )... the actual Mughal descendants get to rule... over Pakistan.

Meanwhile the... Hindu guys who mostly gained during the reign of the ( not so great ) Mughals... get the remainder of India in their possession ? Over the last 60-70 years rule.

This question repeats again and again.

Hardly matters... that the nations of India and Pakistan are at war.

The truth is... if in Pakistan... if it were to occur that...

AAA) the Punjabi sunni muslim dominance were threateened or altogether finished, overnight. AND again...

BBB) In India the Brahmins, Rajputs and Kayasthas ( as a unified group. Include the Syed and Shaiks also in this grouping. I guess they have the same origin as the priestly class ) are made to cede power to the resurgent likes of others.


There MUST be NIL iota of doubt that these same guys... viz. ... the Punjabi sunni muslims @ Pakistan and - all the Brahmins ( Includes the Syeds and Shaikhs @@ muslims as well ), certain class of Rajputs, all Kayasthas ( as a unified group ) were to lose their vice like grip over the Indian country... then these VERY set of dominant people across the border MIGHT WANT that India and Pakistan MUST unite as one.

In which case... I am NOT sure as to how the Sikhs might like this proposal. For... the Sikhs suffered heavily in 1947 and yet again to a lesser extent... in 1984.

Note : @@ : The Hurriyat is infested with the Syeds. And Kashmiri Pandits turned Muslims.

Anyone... if... you do NOT believe me...
Ok please go and ask Sriman Markandeya Katju Saheb, the ex-judge of the SC.

He is the best man. And... a Kashmiri pandit, too. And... a learned SC judge, as well.

Anyone has any answers. Please throw light.

I am just telling and revealing the bare-bones of the things... as they are. And... have been.


Fact remains that...

if the Yadavs... Laloo and Mulayam are anywhere near power... it is owing to Muslim support alone.

See the contradiction... in India.

Btw... it is time the BJP, RSS and Capt ( and mates ) explain to me things.

I am sure they have been explaining things their own way.... over the last 2-3 years, 100 % at my expense.

Is this the sort of games... this guy and mates are accustomed to playing.

You guys will fragment the country on new lines !! <- Take Note.

Btw... is it that you guys plan to get onboard the USA ( say - NATO ) whilst Pakistani Punjabii sunni guys hop on to the Chinese band-wagon. Both make hay... at the expense of the remainder of the populace ?

Is that the game plan ?

Be your judge. I just throw a dart, at best.

I might never have done so. But, few people have been messing with me. And... the matter is far from over from their perspective. Mine too.

4) Perhaps some/ all of these guys believe that they only heard of and know of a certain Lt Col Ralph Peters. And... what-ever his 'gungo-ho' ideations and inclinations and action plans are for the MidEeast and Pakistan region !!

And... this must NOT be the domain of any person that constitutes the... general masses. So... does it seem likely that many of these desi 'so-called' top brains... get their decidedly 'top-secret' kicks\ hunches\ ideas\ strategies from the likes of... Mr Ral.Pet lines of thought... and his ideations ??

Seems absolutely likely !!

And... seems likely that... if any lay person happens to unwittingly allude to the potential for carrying out of the same line of thinking and strategies in the ( near ) Asian space.... then this becomes a great offence ?? !!  Is it to be so ??

5) If... any Indian ( like me ) has concerns... owing to certain 'open-domain' UC, Berkeley research project on the possibility or potential of a certain... 'law and order situation' or civil-war in India.

Is that... a problem... in case... I do NOT see that in isolation... but I club the same to the food security of the country and the ( potentially failing ) monsoons ?? !!

Can anyone say... if they have had a problem ?

OR, IS IT... THAT...
these are to be domains of those in the babu-dom ( esp.- all sorts of... IAS, IPS and IFS officers )... some or many of whom might have made their place via the civil services, owing to THAT sort of tabulassion that the Captain often alludes to.

Perhaps... such tabulassion-ed people might be firmly entrenched... definitely... even in the armed forces of our country, as well.

100 % probable.

Else...what about... blatant nepotism ? For example - see the case of gross nepotism @ NTRO ( Refer the Wiki pages ) !! And... the purchase of hundreds of crores of wares that lie as junk. ( Refer the wiki pages ).


What about those who cracked Civil Services exams and got to become- IAS, IPS, IFS officers whilst taking up, as their main subjects- a) any Indian or English languages/ literature, b) Geography, c) History, etc. ?

All... highly scoring subjects.

Has anyone noted how come some of these and others as well... TABULASSIONED folks get so much high marks in the interview stage ?? !! Which potentially makes all THE ze difference ?

All the... jolly well... ze difference ??

Talking of... are there chances that there is the case of... some pretty smart set of people deciding that... "We scratch each other's back !! "  here ?? Esepcially during the interview phase of the Indian civil services ?

in this context... this time around... are there any chances that the Dalits might be elated... to see a Dalit girl topping the civil services exams ?? !! For the very first time.

Well... this might actually impress them dalits.

Let this be an item of request ( via this post )...
Can the UPSC, GoI tell on its website the total marks scored by all the successful candidates in the Civil Services exams, specifically in... the interview stage ??

This requisition to- UPSC, GoI is... for... all the selected candidates ranked in the top- 10, 50, 100, 250 and/ or 500-700-900 out of... all the successful candidates.


Intrusion in my and my family's privacy... IS AN ACT OF WAR.

This is 100 % true... this is NOT going to go unpunished. No matter who-ever might be the perpetrators. Hardly matters if these guys happen to be - gods, demi-gods, human-beings or monsters/ devils ( = danav ).

Place and time might unknowns. Make no mistake.

So... whilst you seem to be so well... and powerful... let me see further what all aces you all people have up your sleeves.

This country did not gain independence... so that some set of intricately networked people call the shots... for-ever... and... perpetually.

Seems like...

There might be a turning point... for the better.

For... some set of people ( on board the Capt's ship ) have proved their real worth.

< EndOfPost >