Saturday, September 30, 2017

On EVM, Revisted

On EVM, Revisted

<< ONE >>

This one post is... further to the previous elaborate post on the probable/ palpable/ 'for sure', etc. EVM malpractices thrust on the Indian populace... perhaps by Captain AV and mates ?

Apparently... it remains way too difficult... NOT to apprehend/ state that some set of a coterie of ultra smart guys ( from deep within the... 'deep state' i.e. the national security agencies ? ) do not/ would not/ might not be having the EVM master keys in their arsenal. And... that explains their MOJO.

And... this repeating thought that the sometimes... err. oftentimes... roguishly playful Captain and mates ELSE those in his opponent grouping... are having the key... is quite unnerving, though.


Delhi CM ArkKej chooses to remain silent on the EVM issue after having conclusively lost Punjab & Goa assembly elections... ostensibly owing to the EVM tinkering after-effects... as he has outrightly alleged.

As he has rightly pointed out... alright ?

Now... Delhi CM ArkKej is NOT making any further fuss/ news on this EVM fraud/ count.

Is he kept bogged down on other counts ? Apparently seems so.

Else... the likelihood of his being a covert fronts-man of the Captain ( an ace up Captain's sleeve... reserved for future engagements... post the Modi era )... might actually hold true.

Delhi CM ArkKej is avoiding the limelight since the past few months. Why ?

Almost 100 Days now... since he started the EVM fraud harp. Then an eerie silence. What's the catch ?


I suspect that Delhi CM ArkKej is positioned to be the next in line to challenge PM NaDa Modi after the INC's RahGan.

Is it that the Delhi CM ArkKej is positioned to come propped up by the year 2019 or certainly by the year 2024... and he is to be much more strengthened by the year 2024 to claim some central Govt. position ? a frequent thought that arises.

After... UPA1 ( 2004-2009 ) and UPA2 ( 2009-2014 ) ... we have NDA2 ( 2014 - ? )... not sure what we might have in 2019, though ?

But is the Delhi CM ArkKej's career graph sure to rise ?

I suggest... highly likely.


Whilst... expected would have been that...

Delhi CM ArkKej, of all the people in the public domain amongst the political parties, should and could have taken this possible EVM fraud up with the highest sincerity and priority... to have the matter conclusively resolved by the office of the honorable Chief Election Commissioner.

What prevents him from ever doing so ?

While one of his party MLAs ( Mr. Bhardwaj ) runs off to Botswana, to show the EVM vulnerability to the resident Govt. there.

What is the result that has been achieved by that singular sortie ?

Perhaps... we all are misled.

Is it that ArkKej has been somehow 'compromised' by the Captain AV and mates ? ( say - by using some 'historical' facts, figures, data, etc. preceding decades. )

Perhaps... 100 % likely... and most certain. After all... Captain AV has all the access to all the historical data.


Btw - My understanding of 'Captain' is that he and his endless stuff ganged atop the 'kum akal' tanker... is representative of a section of national security agencies and the armed forces.

Basically, a sub-set of them.

Or, is it that 'Captain' is actually representative of ALL inclusive of these cumulative groupings ??

I remain still in doubt as regards the superset part, sans the actual facts on the ground.



Even the BSP supremo hollered... EVM manipulation, post the UP elections. Somehow, she seems to have toned down and stopped on her rhetoric, after some initial hue and cry.

Is it that some... undercurrent agreement might have been mutually reached... as regards 2019 or 2024 elections between her and the 'Captain' and mates ?

By the way, her deputy in the BSP... the chieftain SC Mishra ( a Brahmin Devta ) seems to be her top advisor and her top aide.


Not sure if he alone is having his way and sway in the party ? Albeit covertly ?

For... he must be thoroughly conversant with all the nerves, veins and arteries of the BSP as a party body.

That includes the throttle points and the choke points, as well.


What stops all these guys like - the Delhi CM ArkKej and the BSP Supremo, etc. from stopping short of a conclusive action on this much touted EVM mal- practices ?

Seems like... these guys are NOT able to pursue the matter with the honorable Office of the Chief Election Commissioner.

Perhaps... phut teacher ( => a respectable and honorific teacher gone awry or phut ) 'Captain' and mates... apart from the GoI... advices the honorable CEC ?? Thereby providing some sort of strictures or directives ?

Highly likely.

But then... to what-ever extent ?

<< TWO >>

Dr Sub.Swa ( the BJP mega mouthpiece... and supposedly a TamBram think-tank leader ) had proposed, way back in 2009, to the Supreme Court... for the VVPAT system based paper-trails as a means of visual confirmation to the voter... that assuaged a voter that his/ her vote has been adequately registered in the EVM.

So... essentially the VVPAT system is supposed to put out a paper printed trail of the symbol of the political party... the voter has voted, by pressing the right button on the EVM panel.

The most urgent question to ask is... is this ACTUALLY to be deemed as sufficient ?

Dr Sub.Swa ( an ex-Economics professor from IIT, Delhi. But he is more of a veteran think-tank TamBram politician ) would have us believe that VVPAT system is sufficient and good to prevent the EVM malpractises.

I, like many many others, completely disagree. I would NOT expect that to be so. Hardly ever.

And... this is an end user view as a voter. Based on what I hae observed.

For... the fact remains that...
what the EVM system's EEPROM records in the memory is something the voter does not know and cannot ever discern or actually make out, at the moment of voting.

And... this EEPROM resident voting/ polled data has the potential to be sabotaged anytime and changed. By any number of means and methodologies. Any which moment...

And... many very learned people having huge expertise in the domain of IT Security, nano tech, semi-condutcor tech advances, Telecommunications, Networking, etc. have totally voiced their gravest concerns on this current practice by raising the red flag against this current practice.

Something... which they all point out as... actually inherently flawed. Therefore wrong.

Seems like the VVPAT might be an aide for misleading the masses ?

Something akin to a placebo effect... when we compare and contrast... having actually taking a dud pill versus or against having voted.

So... is it that the VVPAT seems like or might essentially be an eyewash to brazenly fool most of the public who have NIL knowledge and even basic understanding about the high tech advances in any/ all of -

- Wireless Communication technologies; Using... variable Elelctro magnetic Force Fields carrying differential quantaum of power varying with time.

- Nano Technology; Technology advances in Semiconductor industry; Esp. in low power requirements for ultra smart memory segments and self powered memory segment;

- Stand-alone sand grain sized computer systems; Eg. : K-2 Chip from Freescale Semiconductors ?

- Nano or micro circuitry covertly etched out on the PCB layout of the circuit board we may see on the EVM; the intent could be to effortlessly manipulate the EEPROM based data. Perhaps wirelessly rather than having a 'system within another system' do the trick.

- Not to forget mentioning that... any stored data in some special memory segments may be programmed at even atomic level ( as an off /on switch )... owing to the advances in storage technology.

etc., etc.

<< THREE >>

An additional problem with all the VVPAT print out trails might be/ is... that... barring any uniquely identifying id on each one of them... all these VVPAT print-outs might be/ are indistinguishable from each other ( of course - before the voted party symbols are printed on them during the course of voting ).

As none of them potentially carry any distinct mark, key, identity or unique numbering or pattern.

Or... do they ? I am NOT aware that they do.

And, in the case that they do...
then... that the same paper trail id 'uniqueness' info. is highly secured... and ought to be 'securely' audit-able at the poll counting/ results date.

In the case if this VVPAT paper trail id 'secured uniqueness' is NOT maintained. In that case...

... it is pretty much easy for anyone or a set of highly networked coterie ( Using any/ plausible combinations of - 'Saam', Daaam', 'Dand, Bhed', etc. ) to ENTIRELY replace the entire VVPAT trail ballot box with another similar replica, anytime after the voting is over ( Highest probability is : especially so... when this VVPAT ballot box is in transit to the storage location, after voting has concluded ) and replace the same with another one having a different set of the VVPAT paper trails.


Even if 2 % to 5 % of the VVPAT systems based ballot boxes are thoroughly replaced... then this might have serious implications for the entire voting process and the outcome thereof.


Only requirement for the potential WRONG-DOERS might be... one-to-one mapping wrt the actual NUMBER of votes polled is to be strictly maintained... by those in the 'know'... to bely any suspicions as regards any wrong doing what-so-ever.

Of course, the EVM's EEPROM MAY/ MUST be ( say - wirelessly or by whatever available means; like - the manipulation may have on-board elements or a hidden sub-sub-system within another sub-system, per the design. ) re-programmed to corroborate to the VVPAT-system based paper audit trail results.

Therefore... this corroborates with the EVM readout, for a specific ballot box, as regards the total number of votes polled... on the election results day... in the final audit.

Belying any iota of thoughts regarding any wrong doing.


So... there is a STRICT need for each of the VVPAT paper audit trail print-outs to be uniquely identifiable. And, this identity info MUST be kept secure. The EC must ensure that.

This may be effected by means of having each individual paper trail have a unique identification and/ or serialization number.

The same identification 'secure' info. MUST be securely maintained till the electioneering results are out.

These unique ids' must be selected in such a manner that it is NOT really all that easy and possible to easily replace the entire ballot box with an exactly similar ballot box containing a different set of polled VVPAT paper trails... that easily... any-times after the polling and till the counting takes place on the results day.

<< FOUR >>

Requirements... this ?

While a voter goes for voting at the polling booth... the voter must be provided with a uniquely identifiable voting TAG bearing a barcode or a QR code. This is to be kept secret.


A probable use case scenario follows -

Here... specially/ freshly minted INR 1/ 5/ 10 currency notes having unique serialization numbers, may be used.

Post the polling process - these same may be sent to the banks for disbursement to the general public, for regular usage as currency notes.

A currency bundle contains 100 crisp currency notes.

Punching Machines -
Let there be punching machines that punch out holes in different shapes and sizes... that may be used to punch holes in a bunch of currency notes. The shapes might be any of - star, square, rectangle, parallelogram, etc. - all coming in different sizes.

So... the presiding officer at a polling booth takes a wad of currency notes randomly ( say 25/ 30/ 35/ 50, etc. Any numbers out of 100 ) punches them with a specific shaped punch. Or, perhaps two or more set of diversely shaped punches at different locations.

Now this action... helps set up a unique signature ( that might be hard to copy by an external party sans having a copy of the currency note, who might want to replace the entire VVPAT based ballot box ) for these set of 'uniquely punched wad of currency notes' that are specific to a polling booth &/or a ballot box.


It may not be easy for the ballot box containing the unique paper trails along with the tags... to be so easily replaced.

It MUST be stolen first... then only it may be replaceable.

Got the idea ??

On the results day... post the actual polled votes are counted. The uniquely punched currency notes must need be re-arranged in a serialized manner. And, by visual examination... anyone can safely discern that none of them have been replaced, or not.

This serves as perhaps a single step in a multi-pass security check, in aggregating the security aspects of the entire process in multiple stages. Something sort of a spread over.

In case of any wrong doing... if one looks through the punched holes... there certainly might be an obstruction to the unhindered view... through the punched holes. Some loss of alignment ?

This might easily establish/ confirm some sort of wrong doing/ manipulation/ fraud, etc. having taken place.

Corrective measures, as deemed necessary, may be undertaken, in such an eventuality.

Btw - All of the remaining or unused punched notes MUST necessarily be deposited in the ballot box by the electioneering presiding officials.


<< FIVE >>

we got ATM cards holder being given by banks in a certain plastics casing.

ATM card holder has two pockets... one in the front to keep the ATM/ the credit/ debit card... a similar card place-holder is to be found on the reverse side that may be used to keep the paper trail that we get from the banking ATM machines, post carrying out of a banking related transaction.

Now... in case one goes for voting...

The voter or the presiding officer at the polling booth/ station MUST keep the uniquely identifiable voting TAG at the polling booth in one of the card place-holder pockets.

After the voter has voted and gets hold of a VVPAT paper trail... then (s)he must fold ( to hide the symbol ) this 'unique and secure' VVPAT paper trail and place the unique VVPAT trail that (s)he got from the voting process in the reverse place holder.

Now... this combo ( of the uniquely punched currency tag and the folded VVPAT paper trail ) has to be dropped in the 'Ballot Box' that is kept for collecting all the legal votes.

The aggregates of these ( combo ) votes alone... goes on to account for the actual voting.

This way...

the EVM ballot box is essentially supposed to serve as NO MORE than an input device that interfaces to the VVPAT based system that serves as a PRINTER of the vote paper trail.

Essentially... VVPAT system is a... lame-duck printer... and... no more.

So... as an end voter... one can rest assured that his/ her vote is going to be counted and accounted for.


On the results day or the counting day... after the ballot box is opened... the VVPAT result is taken out from the collection of VVPAT paper trails straight away.

Again... later on or simultaneously... the uniquely identifiable voting tags ( say - the set of a wad of punched currency notes ) are collected and the same audited then and there only... for any potential (mis)matches i.e. malpractice/ fraud.

Say - an audit of 10 % to 20 % to 30 % of the total punched tags might be sufficient to verify that there has been no malpractices, what-so-ever.

This gives a conclusively effective/ correct result as regards the authenticity of the entire voting process.

In case of any mismatch... some corrective action like... a re-poll may be ordered.

This actually rules out many and most voting related or EVM malpractice in any form, format or scale... we have seen arising over the past 12-15 years' time frame since EVMs have been used ( perhaps since 2004 ? )


So, there is a definitive need for some corrective actions to address this serious issue of recurrent EVM malpractices and fraud.

Above, but, serves as an example.

There may be many more ways to implement a fail-safe system.

The think-tanks in the office of the CEC MUST define and design such a system.

<< SIX >>

There are almost 4,100 or so legislators ( MLAs ) around the entire country.

Again, there are almost 810 parliamentarians ( MPs ) in the country. This includes the members from the Lok Sabha as well as the Rajya Sabha.

A cumulative figure that nears almost 5,000 mark.

Out of these numbers, almost a little less than 25 % of these positions are reserved for the SC/ ST community.

In case of the 'to be' specially appointed RS members... some are eminent nominees, from diverse fields, as well.

Now... out of the remaining 75 % or 77 % of open seats... since the times we gained independence... some set of closely knit and highly networked people seem to be hell bent on hogging the entirety of the same. By any means what-so-ever.

Of course... there are ups and down in the fortune of political parties and politicians.

And, especially for those closely knit and highly networked set of elitist people the success rate, at electoral hustings and therefore at power grabbing, is much more higher than those that are a fragmented lot.

Or, those that are somehow kept fragmented using the principle of... "divide and rule... to conquer". ( How's that ? )

There may be serious threat situation of exclusion for others who are not well represented in the Indian 'deep state'; and the majority of the same positions are gobbled by the elitist set of closely knit people... since the times of "Akbar the Great". Specifically speaking in the context of the so called 'open' 75 % to 77 % seats.

And... is that the reason that we see certain communities, castes and caste groupings, regional groupings and outfits, etc. finding more prominence than others even in the entire political process ?

As an example -
In the state of Gujarat... the Patidars or Patels accounting for hardly 6 % to 10 % of the population ( or is it more ? ) send almost 50 MLAs to the state legislative assembly. Again... the Patels' representation is to the tune of almost 20 MPs in the Parliament ( LS alone ).

Again... in the current Bihar legislative assembly... the Yadavs account for almost 25 % ( nearly 55-58 MLAs ) of the entire strength of the assembly seats ( that is almost = 243 ). Though their nett population is almost 16 % of Bihar population. And, no more.

Similarily, the Brahmins and Rajputs account for more than twice or thrice the parliamentary and legislative seats, in total, in comparison to their entire population across India. This goes on to strengthen their effective hold and sway over many of the states as also the nation.

This is way too much for some sections of society are... overtly represented... at the expense of others.


Whilst in the case of Kalchuri and their affiliated clans/ branches, etc. the entire population throughout the country might be hovering around ... NO LESS than 8 % to 10 % to 12 % to 15 % out of nearly 128 crores ( i.e. in the range of 11 - 14 - 20 + crores ? TWENTY PLUS CRORES IS ACTUALLY RIGHT ) !!

But then... being NOT politically conscious and active... and highly fragmented... they hardly account for even 20 MPs. The cumulative MLA count may hardly cross 100, throughout the country.

Such is the lop-sided scheme of things.

This MUST be rectified.

And... we got smarties well ensconced in the Indian 'deep state' who want their run to continue till eternity.


Having stated that...

Al least... people MUST be able to be assured that their voting is accounted for. Rather than some 'agencies' led by a rougish 'topi-wala' deciding who wins or who is made to lose based on their line of thinking.

And... that is one of the side reasons for writing this post.

Those, who have the beginner's advantage won't so easily relinquish the same. No matter what.

That remains the root of almost all our problems.

It is high time... to solve or resolve this perennial issue/ problem.

< EoP >

Critical,Important tabulASSion Issues & Logs

Critical tabulASSion Issues & Logs

INTENT : Written with the intent of inviting a suo moto cognizance from the likes of the honorable ex-Chief Justice Shri J. S.Khekhar of the Supreme Court. Who, I humbly request, takes Prima Facie cognizance of the matter presented herewithal. For pursuance of this vital matter, as I see things. And are.

All the points may be standalone ones. Though a few could be related, carrying some underlying narrative.

<< ONE : Critical Observations >>


Requirements of a criminal (in)activity, have their source in -

A) Underlying notion of GAIN/ PROFIT from any act/ activity/ event/ violation/ violence, etc.

At the same time - causing LOSS of anykind to someone or a set of people, as an underlying notion.

B) Any underlying INTENT or a set of the same... or part thereof,

C) Driving set of MOTIVE(S),

D) Any/ all under-current of MOTIVATION(S).

E) Contrivations... to arrive at ( some set of pre-defined &/ or loosely defined or clearly defined or undefined or undefinable gains )/ objectives/ agendas/ endpoints/ plots/ mischiefs, etc.

F) Volitional intent/ motive/ motivation to... basically (c)overtly - harm/ damage/ degrade/ bring dishonour, etc. to... chosen other(s).

Any/ all of these may be marked by a clear display or underplay of seamless stratagem. Endless games, mind-games, deception, decoy, etc.

Now... clearly... in any specific context... ( including mine and Captain's communication exchanges ) who all are into any &/ or all of these may be plausibly/ obviously clear to a neutral/ stoical/ non-partisan observer.


In my specific context -

The most important question to ask ought to be...  Do I suspect that... Did anyone set me up ?

I believe - YES !!

Undoubtedly seems like... 100 % TRUE !!



Who ? Or, who ALL might be those set of people... who might have set me up ?

Clearly... stated...
there seems to be gain/ profit angle "from the perspective" of those who might have set me up or have helped set me up; Or, who, actually did set me up.

Hardly matters whether any of them/ these folks be part and parcel of - police, judiciary component, the secret services/ security agencies, the armed forces &/or the political elementals.

Whether the "active set" of those "involved" folks are in active service or retired, does NOT make much of a difference.

And... in case if there was/ has been... any Bihar/ Jharkhand/ Eastern UP based complaints lodged in reference to any of my previous ( posted till April or May or June of 2014 ) blogger posts or messages... then the complaints, I BELIEVE AND DO HEREBY ALLEGE, must be construed as belonging to a larger stratagem/ game by a set of those in authority. They could be part of the ruling party &/ or those in the uniform.

Any of such complaints must be construed... most certainly... as part of the contrivations of any underlying plot.


That does not imply that any complaints emanating from the rest of the country might be any the less suspect.

And... shall remain at no less footing, otherwise.

This so...
Esp. in the context of Captain AV's repeated (c)overt threat ( in the past ) to pull anyone in endless court cases spanning decades... actually lifetime.

<< TWO : CAUTION - >>

This specific post uses some of these terms in a specific and focused context. Terms like -

a) believe,
b) suspect,
c) recurring thoughts,
d) allege,
e) Statistical probability or chance for an event/ occurrence, etc.


The same all terms must be inferred, if anywhere used within this post, in the same specific context and none other than that.

<< THREE : CONCLUDE ? ... DO WE ? >>

Based on the following info. provided by the retired chemical tankers Captain Ajit Vadakayil who has been blogging at the URLs - &/ or -

1) The Air India flight carrying Dr Homi Jehangir Bhabha was "missiled out of the sky" over the Alps in the year 1965 or about.

One can safely infer that Captain AV is having the insight of either the military intelligence ( MI ) or the foreign wing of the Indian intelligence agency - RAW. In fact - BOTH; shall we conclude ?

In fact I often thought so !!

2) Based on Captain AV's copious "REVEALATIONS'... any casual blog reader may safely assume that he is part and parcel of the national intelligence agencies' community, the policing agencies, the para-military and the armed forces.

Without any doubt.

Perhaps ... is he representative of a small subset of them all... rather than their entirety... is the moot question ?

One may be inclined to surmise...
Perhaps his group constitutes a motley sub-set group majorly made out of Kerala, TN, AP, Goa and Karnataka state service personnel... this cannot and must not be negated ?


This is... based on his intent to portray Lord Ayyappa as the ninth avatar of Lord Vishnu. At the same time rubbishing the widely held belief that Lord Buddha was the ninth avatar of Lord Vishnu.

And... thereby somehow implicitly propagating the idea that Buddha and Buddhism had nothing, at all, to do with Hinduism.

Digression :

Fact of the matter is... the so called Hinduism or Santana Dharma almost CANNABALISED Buddhism in this land, over the last/ past 1000-1200 years or so... esp. after Adi ShankarAcharya started off with his "Shankar Diga-Vijaya".

Here 'Diga' is NOT day or to be confused with sight; it implies the "vast expanse of lands... all abounding around"... that had the need to be thoroughly conquered... all the forms, formats and scales.

Vijay => Victory.

: End Of Digression

Btw - Lord Ayyappa is referred to as "Dash-Veer" in some Shashta Stotram I chanced on some years back, and used to read.

Like wise... Lord Hanuman is actually a Maha-Veer.

They are NOT even PARAM Veer... if anyone gets what I mean.

Yet... we have a living legendary PVC holder Sardar Subedar ( Not sure if he happens to be Major now ? ) Bana Singh... clinched the PVC off... the Siachen glaciers.

See... Captain AV always has an ace up the sleeve against...  even deities ( or, Gods ) and human-beings-turned-Gods.


3) In early 2016... Captain AV sounds out a warning that... we ( Indians ) sure do know... how to win WW-III; in case the same is thurst on us.

This public disclosure clearly establishes that 'Guru Ji' teacher and preacher Captain AV is some sort of decoy/ representative of the armed forces.

The nation's security and strategic think-tank, basically.

Some small subset grouping or the entirety of them ? I still remain in doubt.


Btw - seems like did we have had a strategic tie-up with the Americans in the defence sector during the UPA regime ?

Say... almost 10 years back ? What is the scope and context of that... eludes the Indian public's awareness, conscience, specific context and memory.

Perhaps the GoI failed in delivering that message to the Indian public ?

Plausibly so.

Take note... Chief.

4) Whilst Captain AV is sounding out key policy decisions like Paris COP21... one can safely conclude that the Indian Foreign Services ( IFS ) officials ( = diplomats ) and staffers have to listen to what Captain AV endlessly rakes out... on and off his blogger site.

Again... even if any of them and their family members happen to be Kabir-panthi... they have to still bear with the snide comments as regards Tulsi and Kabir.

Phut teacher Captain AV and mates sure have the MOJO. I conclusively suggest that the MOJO => the EVM keys.

5) Captain AV's concern and seeking some sort of resolution for the sake/ case of under-trials establishes that... he seems all likely to be representative of... the entire nation's police fraternity.

Considering all the aspects of his blog contents... one can easily assume that this blogger - Captain AV... is some sort of Govt. of India initiated covert setup in the public domain ( i.e. the blogger ) or some sub-set or super-set of some Special Interest Group ( SIG ) GoI officials.


Looking at the terms and terminologies used by Captain AV... one is bound to interpret a coterie of retired guys from a sub-set of the above mentioned agencies/ personnel.

Most importantly...
why the Indian judiciary chooses to remain silent on the choicest of his provocations/ incitements, etc. in the public domain... belies my understanding and baffles me no end.

It is next to impossible that senior members of the Judiciary ( as a leg of the our democratic setup ) would not be knowing about the blogger contents of Captain AV.

Plus... Captain AV states that he has presidential assigned special powers to take anyone on/ off the sea ( i.e. the internet ? ) !!

What powers ?

Is Captain AV implying that the former and the current President gave the national security agencies the powers to...

peek / peep into every Indian household using some pretext or the other ?

Or, is it, that these guys do NOT need any context to do so ?

Plain, wishing so... suffices for them to breach anyone's privacy.

By setting up and framing innocent people ?

Indulging in endless mind-games... after ensnaring people who have NIL chance of escaping the devious and intricately laid out dragnet.

And... knowing the massive surveillance scope and really inhuman powers the security agencies enjoy over the totally hapless Indian masses.

Whilst the masses remain blissfully unaware of the actual depth and scope of the surveillance activities of the security agencies, and their contextual capabilities, right inside anyone's premises or households.


Never seen or heard of that, in my entire life.

I can safely state that 99.9 % of the Indian population might be at a risk of getting entrapped by this Guru Ji teacher cum preacher Captain AV and his mates... were the ignoramuses to be guided/ directed/ misled/ incited/ provoked/ etc. by the choice of words/ ideas/ etc. to write something on his blog or the blog's message board. Even by sharing some thoughts/ ideas/ messages, etc.

Even if anyone were to use the self same cues/ ideations got from Captain AV's blog site to write/ ideate some place else.

Even... to take nuggets of the Captain's "Gyaan" and showering the same choice of words someplace else; in a different setup and context.

Tantamount to 100 % inviting trouble. Big time.



Not everyone knows the delicate nuances of the endless Indian laws ( pre-dating to the British times ) and the masses, by and large, do NOT have any knowledgeable leverage on the voluminous constitutional matters. In fact, very few people do.

Majority of the people might get fooled and perhaps entrapped by Captain AV and his mates'... provocateur behavior.


Btw -
The best form of defence ( in case one is innocent &/or right ) is being on the righteous side... on the side/ path of truth or 'Satya'.

Power drunk people, or a set thereof, may wilfully ( some confirmed deranged criminal minded morons ? ) erroneously poser that it is inherent in offence.

Factually... another view states that... that might be... amongst the worst form of defense.

May/ must go to hell... such people and their posterity... once these folks are deprived of their trappings and the uniform they are /have been/ had been enjoying.

The Raj Yoga of those in power shall come to end within a certain span of time. Even the powers of those donning the uniform or serving in GoI positions shall come to lapse once they retire or their term lapses.

Then... or even much before that... WHO saves these folks from the 'divine justice' that awaits them. At least I pointer to the fact that they must, but once, ponder to this grave reality someday soon. Sooner the better.

Then... the current coterie will be gone. Some other set of people will be in power. Some other set shall be donning ne uniforms.

And... the newer set shall be... writing and using another set of rules... and... running the show.

At least... ever think about your families... even extended ones.



As an aside... what I thought of this individual Captain AV as a whole... somehow brought out my own line/ alternate line/ media-implied-line of thinking on... Dewang Mehta, KedarNath targedy, MH370, etc.

All these thought( -ful or -less ) offerings  that I did make... can be perceptibly gleaned from the varying media reports as also from the internet. One does NOT need to have access to classified or top secret data or plausibly wrongful propaganda articles or data on the internet.

Most importantly... Again...
I saw and still do see NIL problem with any of my blog posts or messages posted to the Captain AV, especially from any social, law enforcement or legal aspects... especially till the Q2 of the year 2014. Even later on till this date.

Never did. Else I would not be writing very many of these posts.

All the same - most of my posts have a basis. Probably emanating from a sure shot belief that someone has had his foot in my ass ( => my router and computer ).

That plausibly meant that my computer could have been misused for any purpose, unknown to me what-so-ever.

Meant that a certain set of people DO NOT or MAY NOT have the best intentions and desires wrt myself and my well being.

After, 31st January, 2015... quite a few of these posts are in defiance to the "invasion of privacy" of myself and my family members.


It is another matter...
that... if someone is to be maliciously framed up owing to some (c)overt base machinations and objectives... then... even any popular Hindu Gods and Goddesses ( deities ) may NOT be safe; especially so in the context of the Indian CPC and CRPC - the Indian penal code that was laid out by the East India Company ( EIC ) on behalf of the Britishers to rule us... enslave us Indians.


And... if the same ( = malicious frame up or games ) has been done with me... then it MUST be viewed as tantamount to... most criminal mis-conduct; that was not only forced on me but the entire family members.



URGENT REQUEST - to the honourable Chief Justice of India ( Shri J. S. Khekhar ). Hardly matters if the CJI is about to retire or already retired !

Knowing that none of Captain or his mate's privacy has been anytime violated, in the context of my blog posts and messages to the Captain; or even vice versa.

Even when Captain AV states that he has special powers and privileges... flowing from the President of India.

This means that he has not been treated as an accomplice or a co-accused ( in the case that there is ever any complaint against myself ) ?


This MUST be construed as extremely serious offense by those involved in the same - the highest judiciary.

Requesting the honorable CJI Shri JS Khekhar to take suo moto cognizance of this above offense...

Prima Facie -
The cognizance must be taken in lieu of this most immoral transigence of the "privacy rights" of the entire family and the extended family.

This certainly reeks of a massive setup/ game by some certain national security agencies. Of course, headed by an IPS officer.

I most humbly REQUEST for the same to the honorable ex-Chief Justice of India - Shri J. S. Khekhar to take su moto cognizance of the mentioned palpable offense committed by those in uniform/ authority/ office/ political parties in power, etc.

This looks like a PRIMA FACIE case of political, criminal frame up.

Potentially having massive gains for some... and losses for others... involved, as part of the entire TAKEAWAY.




There are popular sayings -

"Steel cuts steel" and "Iron cuts iron."

Again... "Diamond alone is used for cutting of diamonds."

Similarly... some recent defence minister got ecstatic and exclaimed... "Kaante se kaanta nikalo." ( Kaanta/ Kaante => thorn; prick )

In a similar fashion might have I used or mimicked the Captain's "extravagant rhetoric"... akin to throwing darts in the darkness of the sea ( i.e. internet; from my perspective. ) (un)knowingly ? In order to -

A) Bring attention to the 64-BALA tabulASSion undertaken by me; post my take on the KedarNath tragedy.


64-BALA n-State, n-Count tabulASSion -

Prima Facie...

clearly pointers to the fact that my computer and router were apparently critcally compromised and undoubtedly in some external control.

Perhaps surely had been hacked a few times ?

This is apparently serious and a severe criminal misconduct.

Prima Facie...
This gross criminal mis-conduct... merits all the nuances of the IT Act to be unleashed on the perpetrators.

Including police case like - "Amanat me Khayanat" must have been/ be slapped on unknown criminal-mindset individuals ( hardly matters if they are or were in uniform &/ or boots )... based on my previous blog post as regards 64-Bala n-State, n-Count TabulASSion.

Have the authorities done that ?

Hardly matters whether perpetrators are or were wearing uniforms; and they had special permits / permissions/privileges, etc. coming from the GoI or the President of India.


Knowing that my cat-a-maran of a blog's presence remains like a speck in the vastness of the sea i.e. the internet.

Prima Facie...

Perhaps some undue out-of-sync comments ( that does not quite gel with one's long-standing inherent nature. ASK ANYONE WHO KNOWS 'THIS SUBJECT'. ) might be attributable to... and be deemed as a veiled SOS message... to seek attention/ focus ??

... that a set of 'unknown externals or perhaps identifiable ? set of people' are playing around having put their foot in my ass... I mean 'potentially' having illicit control and command over my router and my computer system.

Tantamount to ... distress call out.

Prima Facie... Having hacked my computer system multiple times ?

Now... this was a very serious situation to be into... and there were clear cut dangers that... this situation might certainly could have been used by the perpetrators for committing any cyber crime of the gravest possible order.

Anyone of which cyber crimes ( never committed by this 'subject', but by an unknown/ third malicious party ) might land one ( => myself ) behind the bars, for 5-10-40-80 years or even for life. Even... bring the charges of treason and may be used to frame up and... thereby... prove anyone a traitor.

Let this be understood.

Prima Facie...

Since late Q3 of 2013 and through-out the Q4 of 2013.... had been... apprehensive of the unknown... any day, any time any moment. As also during Q1, Q2 of 2014 and later on.

Under those circumstances ( while one faces repeated intrusive attacks on one's computer system and router ) it is quite easy to lose nerves and become highly sensitive and jumpy.

Talking of a certainly frayed nerves... here... and loss of peace of mind... and health... leading to break-down of the body's natural metabolic function to process and digest food and thereby disruptive of the bodily harmonic and harmonal balance. Even... impacting key hormone levels.

This remains a key fact.


And, frankly... some three years back... there was no cyber cell in the entire district I happen to reside. Not in almost all the districts of the entire state there were cyber cells. I believe that even the state capital lacked a cyber cell.

( To personally go to a nearby police cyber security cell... and inquire there about this gentleman Captain AV was an option that was thus eluded. )

And perhaps, even the state capital lacked any fully functional police cyber outpost; or perhaps had... barely one functional police cyber outpost... remains doubtful.


Say - manned by even some half-baked police personnel having barely the requisite grasp on the nuances of IT Security and Computer Forensics or Network Forensics ?

What to talk of highly skilled IT personnel in the police department.


Such was/ is the state of affairs... perhaps in my state and even around the country.

B) After coming out with an alternate opinion/ view-point on the KedarNath tragedy.

I did immediately... sensed that this free 'opinion-Ating' does not belong to my cup.

And... perhaps I did made a mistake in providing an alternate line/ thought on this great man-made tragedy !

And sure... I do need to be on guard ?

But... wrt what ? And... wrt to whom ? And... for how long ?

These umpteen questions were not to be easily answered.

Knowing very well that reading and gleaning something on/ off the web ( which could be true or pure propaganda stuff/ material ) and even nonchalantly sharing the same to some third person may invite the spooky guys to focus full attention onto you. And... this is a fact I am aware of.

I have known of this fact since... the year 2001. Experienced this first hand during September, 2001.

Was there any NIL chance that certain intel agencies might be NOT willing to miss out on the source of a certain line on the KedarNath tragedy ?

The chances that the 'source' of 'that line' on the KedarNath tragedy ( => myself ) ... would be most eagerly sought by the spooky guys... never really left my mental frame.


Fact remains that... recurrent thought arose... that... they'll have a keen eye onto this... "who gave this HAARP line" person... for life ?


In retrospect... irrespective of the consequences... I will certainly repeat the same again... in the future, as well.

Given... the repetitive momentum with which a set of thoughts came back to me... again and again and again... in the context of the KedarNath tragedy.

Again... if anything incongruent comes to my notice... I might as well high-light the same... somehow.

And... that is highly likely.


Prima Facie...

C) Anticipating some potential miss-Chief.

So... as a potential risk mitigation actvity... ( actually quite a naive job... here )

That... there was only NO way out... and what remained was to go along, as usual... and continue with noting down the tabulASSion incidents in my logs. Each of those incidents always incited me.

And... thus arose... continual anxiety... awaiting some massive miss-Chief to hit mE face... at some unknown future date.

Courtesy... perhaps Captain and mates ? Or, NSA ?


As an aside...

Phut teachers... nay Guru Ghantaal types won't understand this tabulASSion.

Like VAMP-ire-s they want to suck on the sweet blood of their non-alert innocent victims ?

Well... was I alert to some certain extent ?

Perhaps so. We shall see.


Prima Facie...

Since the past almost round-about 2.75 - 3.00 years...

How come that the insurgencies in the Kashmir valley and cross border infiltration at the LoC in the state of J&K, etc. occupies the national media centre stage... often huge front lines... whereas contrarily the head counts accruing to the naxal insurgencies in the entirety of naxal belts and the massive north east operations do not make any similar bandwidth news or headlines or the ongoing narrative  ?

Why ?

How come ?

What's the catch ?

There seems to be a definitive plot that seems likely to be a highly contrived one... at creating a public opinion and perception as regards the flareup in the Kashmir valley !!

Importantly... a stoical assessment repeats the recurrent thought that tells that the entire J&K disturbance/ situation looks like a ratcheted set of contrivations.

Akin to... some sort of tightening or loosensing the nuts and bolts as per some covert/ desired/ desirable 'the-then' narrative... suiting the exigencies of the moment.

Especially so... over the past three years' time frame.

Why so ??

What might have been/ be the underlying intent, motive and motivations... if any ?

I guess the recently retd. General Dalbir Singh Suhag MUST be having a pretty good understanding of this entire situation.

Frankly... ex-General Shri Dalbir Singh Suhag rose on the ranks to became the General of the India Army, because a certain political party, that is now in power, could NOT make their desired call. Else... highly likely... that like we have witnessed in the recent past... he might surely and definitely would have been surpassed / super ceded by a junior officer for the top post of the Indian Army. For sure.

Indeed, it sure must have been a moment of immense pride for him, his family, his regiment, his state, this country, etc. that he rose through the ranks to command the Indian Army.

It's been time... that ex-General Shri Dalbir Singh Suhag gives voice to his knowledge and opinions; laying aside his Indian Army backgrounds aside, for a moment. He needs to be just and impartial.

He MUST provide his gleanings, derived out of his long innings with the Indian Army, with the right set of motive and motivations; without wronging anyone in particular.

Calling a spade a spade, during the process, he must be unmindful of the Captain and mates and phut teacher Captain's hooks.

So... that any base politicking by political elementals ( cutting across party lines ) and certain game plays rampantly indulged in by some certain Special Interest Groups ( SIGs ) in the National Security agencies / secret services ( all encompassive ) and even some of them in the armed forces and the para-military... are 100 % neutralized.

And... this sort of... serves are as precedent against any mis-guided engagements by 'the set of these folks' with anyone in the political establishment of the country.

These guys MUST be emasculated... at least once... thereby rendering their stratagem thread-bare.

And... their adrenalin levels as well as the estrogen levels MUST need be curtailed/ leveled off/ normalized. Perhaps... some testosterone levels too.

This is a MUST.

Expecting a copy of, especially, this post ( and all the previous posts ) to be forwarded to ex-General Dalbir Singh Suhag.


Per RTI figures or research reports and articles ( reference Aakar Patel article on some web site. Perhaps . And again... the India Today magazine article few months back. )

The casualties in the J&K are around 3000+ for the year. This includes the civilian as well as the police and para-military figures, all inclusive.

The same casualties figure for the NAXALITE-related headcount approximates to about 4,500.

Yet AGAIN... whereas for the North Eastern insurgencies the figure is round-about 6,000 casualties approximately, for the last year.

So... effectively the north eastern regions are seeing almost double the killings/ deaths compared to what is being witnessed in the state of J&K.

This speaks volumes about the comparative situation on the ground in the J&K, naxal belt and the massively troubled north eastern states ( apparently ).

But then... why Jammu and Kashmir insurgency tops the list of the overt media created hype... over the past three years... ever since PM NaDa Modi came to power ?

What's the catch ? And... Who explains this ?


ex-General of the Indian Army V. K. Singh referred the media by the term "presstitutes" and NO one had the gall or balls to take him to court or issue him any notice or even seek an explanation or apology from him.

Of course... there were muted whimpers.

After all "presstitutes" sounds/ rhymes much like 'prostitutes' and could have been an implied term, in one of the inferred contexts.

What happened then...

Phut teacher Captain and mates caught flu or what ?


Ever wondered... Who owns these media channels and the news papers and magazines and the internet URLs and blogs... who are selectively highlighting the J&K security situation ?

There certainly seems to be a (c)overt agenda.

No two doubts about the same.

Basically this pointers towards a 100 % contrived media campaign... as regards selectively / massively highlighting the J&K situation.


Highlighting news selectively... at the expense of almost twice the casualty figures for the North Eastern states ? And, 1.5 times the figure for the naxal prone areas ?

There is a contrived plot to increase the Hindu-Muslim divide, seen in the media.



And, this includes... even the family members of those innocent civilians that have been killed or brutalized by state agencies in the non-J&K counter-insurgency arena.


Does it seem like those from the security agencies that are martyred/ maimed in the naxal belts and the north eastern states are of no consequence for these media watch dogs to merit a respectable mention and due highlighting... in their scope... vis-a-vis those that are martyred/ maimed in the state of J&K ?

For... the officers and the service personnel maimed or martyred hardly find wide-spread mention in print or electronic media... compared to those serving in the state of J&K !!

Why this supposed anti-pathy or dis-interest towards them ?

Are those serving in naxalite infested regions and the north eastern states any less privileged ?

There is something deeply amiss here.

This does not seem all right. Does not fit in the entire picture.

Looks like... there is a game rolling ON.


Prima Facie...
Now... what seems highly likely.

Some ulterior motive and motivations, are those driving quite a few of these media-based machinations/ games/ activities, MUST not be ruled out... when their reporting is observed to be lop-sided, in this context.

Of course and apparently - near, medium and long term (c)overt political and "other-wise" objectives might/ must be the driving impetus for the "much-too-oft" high pitched media narrative in the public domain... is an oft repeating thought that seems all too plausible.

Is this NOT much akin to some lop-sided Goebbels style propaganda machine... churning out contrived and endless media centric discussions and debates.


The moot question to ask is - what ALL are the media houses that have been running incessant stories on the J&K front and perhaps fanning an ostensibly propagandist agenda ? Whilst the naxal story and the north eastern fiasco is likely sent to the back-burner by these same establishment ?

Is it that... the predominantly tribals and low caste people killed in the naxalite infested lands and the north eastern states DO NOT make any dent in the collective conscience of the stalwarts teeming the media houses ( ... that are predominantly manned and owned by a close-knit set of pan India specific caste groupings ) and, therefore, this nation.

Whilst remaining conspicuously silent and almost giving a pass... on the... 4,500 and 6,000 approx. casualties... approx. annual figures... in the naxalite prone belts and as also the north eastern zone ?

This certainly looks like a genocide... if the service personnel are not getting hammered in those theaters, one may presume.

As if that these do not matter i.e. are... way too inconsequential to merit EVEN one-tenth or one-twentieth the coverage and discussions ?

Who decides what these guys show on TV and print on the media and bring out on their internet news portal ? As part of the propaganda to build up a public perception moulding exercise ?

... are a set of questions that requires a HARD look and some outright frank answers.


Statistical Analogy -

A statistical analogy of the Casualty figures over a decade's time-frame in these three different regions follow -
( based on the current or the recent past statistics ).

There is a broad futuristic extra-polations to the current casualty figures.

Whilst the moot idea would have been to look at the historical datum as the reference point.

But then... there is an inherent motive for putting forth this extra-pol-ASS-ion... it sure does make for some fine point.

Casualty figures in the three internal theaters, broadly categorized as -

Jammu & Kashmir Head        => JKH

Naxalite Actvity Toll       => NAT

North Eastern Insurgencies  => NEI

               JKH        NAT       NEI

1 Year  :    3,000       4,500      6,000

3 Year  :    9,000      13,500    18,000

5 Year  :   15,000     22,500    30,000

8 Year  :   24,000     36,000    48,000

10 Year :  30,000     45,000    60,000

One can see... what problems we have at hand... in a varied context.

Rather than act as partially deaf, dumb and blind and consistently subscribe to lop-sided views and view-points.


Prima Facie...

It is, but, imperative to understand that if anyone... or any set of people are running some sort of assortments of campaigns then there has to be couple of factors/ narratives inherently embedded in the underlying script or their ( some facets or aspects of ) core template -

1) This potentially covertly entrenched group MUST be having the (c)overt capabilities and means to start, sustain, run a set of parallel campaigns or narratives; perhaps lead each of the same towards a certain desired/ desirable conclusion or end-pointer... suiting their underlying agendas/ needs/ motives, etc;

2) This group MUST be having the intents, motive, motivations and a deeply driving willingness to run a set of parallel campaigns... each culminating with different set of objectives getting fulfilled... at different points of time... i.e. varied time-lines.

Achieving /meeting diverse and always dynamically varibale milestone(s).

3) After asking - Who's CAPABLE ?

The next in line question that logically follows is - Who GAINS ??

This is the moot question. The heart of the entire stuff. Leads directly to the master-mind framework(s).

Clearly... SC/ST's or dalits might not be in a position to run such a campaign as Captain AV does ?

Would NOT expect the standalone Thiyyas from the Malabar regions of Kerala, too.


Answering... frankly ?

So... who gains might be the one who actually did set me up ?

Apparently... this is 100 % likely.



Now lots of the facts and details are... locked between whatever might have transpired between the 22nd or the 23rd of April, 2014 comment made by one "Sneh Chandel" ### of what might follow... and the 7th of January ( let's say ...any day after 6th of January till the 15th of January; the second half of the first fortnight of the month of January, of the year 2015 ) appearance and the message rendered by the BJP politician Arun Jaitley, that I saw.

At least - both of us are witness to the same fact... I have clearly alluded to this even earlier.

### : I hope that the Captain ( or, even plausibly those in his opposition team ) do NOT come up NOW claiming that the message posted by "Sneh Chandel" was supposed to act as a hook for me... that I latch onto. Btw - I can easily disprove this entire idea.


Again... Captain AV's repeated warnings during Q2/ Q3 of 2014 to the run-away 3rd/ 4th engineer to return back... and that as a reward... he'll be friends forever... is a most notable pointer. ( Why ? Why so ? )


Captain AV's stating that... the previous Captain was all wrecks... the one with all Bong crews.

Then... as soon as he undertook the charge of the ship captain, he undertook a fact finding mission : -

What ? Who dunnit ?

Done What ?


Well... I did NOTHING.

You only...  Captain AV - asked/ requested for it ( sort of demanded to partake... of the campaign )... and... you got it.

It is none of my business or understanding that a very senior IPS officer is sitting in Captain's chair for FOUR months' tenure.

For... I do not have access to close relatives or friends ( influential ones ) who can pass on important info. back to me, in this context or others.

It's Captain's probable mistake that it was at his glitzy message board rather than the Times Of India bottom fishing message board/ wall that he directs his avid followers or 'desh-drohis' to !!

I asked for nothing... and I am getting endless... deep $hit in the form of "invasion of privacy" of my entire family members.

( Why so ? )

"Invasion of privacy" is an extremely serious punishable offense.

Hardly matters that those in secret services, fatigues/ uniform or judiciary or the Govt. ordered this.

Someone or a set of people are to be... and, must be... held accountable for this continuing act.

And... they must be punished.


It is HIGH TIME that the Indian secret services ( manned at the top by very senior IPS officers ) MUST be rendered some much needed surgical procedures by the elected representatives of the country.

There definitely seems to be a clique or coterie quite well entrenched in Captain's team. It is time that some sanity is brought back to the functioning of these same surveillance organizations. And...they know their position in the scheme of things... this entire country setup... rather than over-shooting every time.

This requires a 100 % people's Govt. at the centre... not a puppet set put forth by Captain AV... using some set of EVM rules that are essentially determined by him and his mates.

His Mojo ?

<< SEVEN : >>

Once I went to hear the current RSS Chief speak in a public... RSS-affiliated function, some 2.5+ years back.

The RSS Chief Shri Mohan Bhagawat must have gotten to know of my presence at the venue. For...during the course of his speech... he said something that I recall having told my wife a couple of times... over that past month.

Apparently... immediately... I did unmistakably inferred and concluded that... what I talk and do in my household setup... trickles back even to the RSS Chief.

Is it... courtesy the Captain AV and mates ? Surely... and... apparently.

Now... whilst the RSS Chief did state that...


I am NOT actually SURE he realized/ recalls or NOT that my maternal grand mother's three younger brothers were active freedom fighters during the British Raj.

They were amongst those lot... who sacrificed a lot to get this country liberated from the most oppressive British rule.


Swa-Desh, Swa-Rashtra, Swa-Abhimaan, Swa-Shaasan, Swa-Tantra, Swa-Tantra-ta, etc. MUST have been the core principles which led many such countless youngish men and women to give up their future and life... to fight and dislodge the oppressive British misrule, plunder and anarchy... from this holy land.

'Swa' => Own.

They would NOT ever have anticipated that down the road ... some 65-70 years after getting an independent country of their dreams... their daughters, nieces, grand-daughters, family members and extended family members, etc. would be exposed to shameless politicking and "invasion of privacy" by the GoI.

A Govt. that is put in place by the likes of Captain AV and mates. Courtesy the EVM leverage... is a thought that resounds, again and again.

And... many of those frigged up Indian bastards in the British-time police, British-time armed forces and the pre-independence secret services... during the oppressive British regime... would... for a few pieces of silver... definitely sell their soul to those marauding foreigners... and were always out to destroy the members of the 'uprising' comprising of the active freedom fighters.


Apparently... it seems like... that post the Indian independence...
the future generations and relatives/ extended family of the freedom fighters would NOT be any lesser susceptible... to meting out of the same treatment ... down the line... and times... at the hand of their successors.


Prima Facie...

We speak of...
A plot that is certainly contrived. Smacks of very base politicking... at every levels.


one of these brothers was a ( perhaps "not so well known" or contrarily quite well known ? pan India ) freedom fighter from eastern UP.

In his later years... was once placed in the same organization ( = JanSangh ) at almost the near top.

I am told that he was much senior to the current RSS Chief during his time and in his lifetime.

And... I am not sure whether the RSS Chief and his affiliated political organization ( BJP ) chooses to mock and make fool of us by allowing this brazen "drama" unleashed by Captain AV and mates, to continue.

This same individual ( my maternal grand mother's younger brother => sort of... my maternal grand father ) was the same person who ( few decades back, when he was part of a political party ) denied a party ticket to a 'newbie political aspirer' in preference to an established old hand.

This ticket was...perhaps to fight an assembly election. In the process he chose to select an established, old and proven hand.

I am told that this 'newbie political aspirer' openly reacted like a kid who is not given a candy, then.

It is another matter that this 'then newbie political aspirer' happens to have risen to a key union cabinet minister position in the current NDA-2 Govt. and once was at the helm of BJP top leadership.

Now... is it NOT providential that the then 'newbie' now dons the post of the key 'XYZ' central ministry of this country.

And... am I reminded that some people don't forget ?

This is an informative pointer for BJP and RSS.

Others too. Please do take note.

<< EIGHT >>

This is sometimes in the month of January 2015; around the time Prez Barack Hussein Obama visited India as the Republic Day's Chief/ Special guest.

A) On the 25th or the 27th of January... US state dept. official or perhaps under-secretary of state ( I may be wrong on his actual designation ) Nick Burns appears on the RSTV or LSTV. He looks visibly upset and livid. And froths out something like - "Prez Obama has told that CIA must not torture."

I could NOT understand as to why he was talking of CIA torture and whom he had in mind. Whom he was eying ? And.. why ?

B) One female US official by the name - Ms Elizabeth "?" said something like "We are watching". She seemed visibly upset.

In retrospect... on and after the 31st of January, 2015 ... I got a better perspective of what actually these guys might have been doing or were actually implying ?


C) I hear the Pakistani ( perhaps foreign minister ) Sartaz Aziz talk something on some 'live' TV programme sometime during Q1 2015 ( ? ).


I did NOT care much. But... I got more curious as regards any plausible covert agenda. Some 'common minimum plan' between the popularly elected Govts. across the border ?

Hint - You scratch my back, I scratch yours' type. Between the political parties across the border is always a possibility.



If I were the PM or been part of ruling coterie/ political party running the country... I would probably get anyone to come down and mouth whatever on 'live' TV... to further my own or my/ some political party's interests or agenda.

Of course... this may be set in a reciprocal gesture that may be decked in a situation in a specific context. i.e. beat down ALL plausible opposition ( parties ) and thereby pulverize or malleable-ize them 'to fall in line'... in the respective countries.

Hardly matters if the countries are overt mutual enemies.



So... now... again...

let's recollect/ visit a few vital aspects to my response to a certain situation in March/ April 2014.

1) Edward Snowden defected to Moscow, Russia in June, 2013.


If my recollection is right then the KedarNath incident started off beginning the 16th of June 2013. Spread over some almost 2.5 - 3.5 days' time frame.

Some may link the ultra high tech ionospeheric tinkering to this catastrophe.

Myself and my limited ( as good as obsolete ) knowledge and understanding of the same hi-tech subject found it easy to go by some online info./ cues/ disinfo. ( or propaganda ) in this behalf ?

Possibly... I may have been no exception.


Snowden brought out about startling and mind-numbing info as regards the extent of NSA snooping activities around the entirety of globe. Something around 1,85,000 or so highly classified NSA documents pertaining to this were released by him in the public domain.

Per Edward Snowden... India was amonst the top fifth targeted countries by the NSA. Even the NSA key global surveillance program XKeyScore was located and stationed in New Delhi, India !!

Our UPA Govt. was lame duck in reacting and responding to this set of extremely serious charges/ revelations.

Startling and highly damaging charges.

Does this pointers towards any covert complicity ?

That might mean that the INDO-US so called "deep state = the secret services" are joined at the hip at some certain levels.

2) Incidentally...

...around this same time the Devyani Khobragade ( an IFS officer posted in the USA ) incident was effected by the US establishment. It is known that she was 'cavity' searched ( reference the post on the URL : ) and thrown in a prison cell along with regular detainees/ under-trials/ convicts. Making use of some very base charges levelled against her by the US.

Without consular access of any kind. And, much in contravention to the established diplomatic norms and regulations.

This... highly impacted the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

She was treated as a habitual criminal.

But... is it not true that... the US establishment is used to such damning acts... right through the ages.


BSP Supremo Mayawati fretted, frawned and fumed over this incident.

Apparently... DevKho was a Mahar woman.


Mahar people perhaps come under dalit classification in the state of Maharashtra.

Btw... the fact is that Mahars were Buddhists in the erstwhile Mauryan empires of yore.

I doubt that the Buddhist had any caste differentiation or distinction, ever.


BSP Supremo Mayawati sure had a strong point to make.

For... it would NOT have been way too easy for the USA establishment to render or mete out the same sort of a treatment to a Brahmin caste or a Kayastha caste women IFS officer.

Never... they will dare to do such a thing. And... these same caste people are overly represented in the secret services, as well, in addition to the voluminous numbers of teeming Bhumihars and Rajputs, as well.

The same set since... "Akbar the great" times...

In which case - all the Brahmin &/or Kayastha civil servants ( and such "people groups" which predominate in the civil services/ secret services... all the forms/ formats and scale... since "Akbar the Great's" times ) would have ganged up to cry foul and create 1000s of problems and hurdles for the mighty USA for quite a while.


People have NO idea that the entire western IT industry is the brain child of brilliant ( mostly ) Indian engineers and scientists.

Using the concept of "leveraging" the gains of brain power in a "win-win" manner. ( Btw - who eventually wins ? as per the laid out game plan ? )

What insight... anyone ?

This is a fact.


Nevertheless... this DevKho incident ensured that NSA snooping on India was accorded lesser priority then the DevKho incident... whereby the entire focus might have been deliberately shifted from the NSA snooping activity inside India to the ensuing diplomatic drift and resulting coldness.

And... possibly 'N' number of other issues might have sprung up.

And... the NSA snooping continues unabated in India. Even more so. Talk about their Echelon programs, NWO,... etc.

Was the former US ambassdor to India - Richard Verma a Bihari and/ or belonging to a Kayastha caste background ?

I would NOT be surprised if that were actually so.

In which case... do I have a point ? that is sort of well made.

In what all I am churning out... again and again.

3) Dr APJ Kalam frisked at the US airport.

Former Indian president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam... sometimes... after leaving the offices of the 'President of India' travelled to the USA.

Being an ex-President of the Indian union, he was entitled to certain key protocol requirements and demands.

Alas... the media reported that our ex-President was made to join the passenger queue and was possibly frisked by the American airport authorities.

Much, in contravention of the established diplomatic decorum and norms.

Perhaps... this episode transpired in New York or was it Boston ?

4) Chanced on the news... Doob Ya's pet. Surely elicited quite some response.

The two time president of the USA... George Herbert Walker Bush Jr ( or, II ? ) aka Dubya had a pet dog ( was it a bitch ? ) that was named by him after a country he had a special likeness/ fondness for ? or, perhaps deep-rooted/ deeply-entrenched despication for ?

Not sure whether this pet dog/ bitch was raised by Dubya at his Texan ranch ?

There is also the possibility that this dog/ bitch was perhaps the property or staffer of the White House. On the pay rolls.

If the latter were the case... then surely Dubya might have left that pet dog/ bitch staffer back in the white house... whilst passing on the high offices to President Barack Hussein Obama way back in Jan, 2009.

If that be the case then... what are the chances that President Obama might NOT have tried to cozy upto this pet dog/ bitch or vice versa ?

The probablity is ONE = 100 %.


No doubt... when one thinks of Prez Obama's visit to a country in January, 2015 as the chief guest at the  ceremonies... one unfailingly recalls his call for taking the relationship far... to be the "best of partnership of the 21st century".

Now... what he had in mind... what underlying intentions/ motives/ motivations, etc. the Americans have... he sure must be knowing the best... we may so presume.

But, in retrospect one can decipher that a lots that is ever said and certainly/ never-the-less done remains shrouded in the womb of time... determined by the "deep state" of the countries around the world.

5) People, in general, are well aware that we have got a flourishing Indo-US defence co-operation going on; especially since the NDA2 came to power... the speed of the same has been remarkably hastened.

Talk of LEMOA in the same context.

If in case... any of us are to be confronted with a rising PRC... which many conjecture... might not be a peaceful event.

Even then... the singular motive, intent and motivation of the US certainly seems like creating, fomenting and aggravating an arms race in the entirety of the Asian landscape.

No one can deny this fact.

And, it is primarily the western off-shore manufacturing bases in the PRC that have fattened the PRC FOREX reserves by almost USD $ 3-4 trillions dollar.

This economic muscle ( that translated as scientific and military might ) is apparently the root cause of ALL the problems we Indians are facing vis-a-vis the PRC... over the past 2-3 decades' time.

This seems like a game changer in the Sino-Indian power calculus... and seems like having given the PRC a decisive edge over us Indians every-which-ways.

Say what !


Btw - the Indian wealth that has been vaccuumed out of the country over the past 70 odd years after independence is much more than the PRC's FOREX reserve figure of USD 3-4 Trillion dollars... by almost several TENS of times.

( Baba Ramdev and the late Rajeev Dixit had suitably thrown adequate light on this fact/ aspect. )

So... this remains undeniable...

Seems like that those SIG elements who have ( by covert deceit ) sent the massive Indian wealth overseas have used the same capital to finance and power the entire world economies - whether that be USA, EU, Japan, PRC, etc. economies.

Apparently... in cahoots with their covert Western and Asian partners they command wealth and power even in potentially / hostile / enemy countries like Pakistan and PRC.

This is too arcane a subject to be clearly understood.


Advice -

Confirm with Baba Ramdev.

But then...

After getting 150 civil and criminal cases slapped on himself by UPA-1 and UPA-2... he is trying to lick his wounds.

Now... he has nowhere to go other than supporting BJP maiyya.

For him... BJP in power ( as opposed to INC ) is tantamount to... actually "Acchhe din aa gaye".

There is NO way he wants the UPA back.

So... is he destined to support the NDA-2 on each and every matter, going forwards ?

This...  we must watch out for.



Noting some of these specific above-mentioned references ( perhaps in/ out of context )... how come some of my generic observations could or might have... in anyways contributed to "damaging the Indo-US" relations... as some spokesperson from the US State Dept. ( first name is Elizabeth ) seemed to be opining on the RSTV or LSTV towards the fag end of January 2015 ( or, near abouts that time line ).

How is that ever possible ?

Rubbish. Balder dash.

Am I some important office bearer in the Indian establishment or what... that whatever I opine carries some iota of weight ?

Or, do the entire western establishment wants and expects each and every of the Indians to be as meek, docile and servile as they mostly were... throughout the extent of the British imperial misrule spanning 2+ centuries ?

Do I suggest that...
These are mere baseless allegations... been made with some due underlying set of motives and motivations aimed at creating a public perception...  and nothing more.

Perhaps... is it coming at someone's behest ( most probably from a section of the Indian establishment ) ?

This remains highly likely scenario.

I would personally believe - apparetly so.

<< NINE >>

Sometime around mid-2014, in his "free-for-all" Gyaan tendering blogger and its' comments section ( actually a bottom fishing message board of a chemical tanker nee blog ) -

Captain AV refers to some Pakistani spy woman that was caught in Maldives. And, then adds that she feigned to be insane upon being caught and interrogated.

I actually found that obseravtion... out of context.

And... sort of... contrived.

Certainly... seemed somewhat... part of a bigger plot or game.

Why he must have mentioned that... supposed incident... at that specific instance of time... struck me as rather way too odd... there and then itself ?

In retrospect, I DO glean now that...
from this specific posted comment Captain AV and his think-tank advisor mates were building up an air for unleashing a full time surveillance onto me and the entirety of ALL my family members.

This would have required... scooping out historical records from the buckets of hitorical data ( Reference Edward Snowden's exposure / thoughts on this... continual personalised data collection that is put in buckets. )

And... even bringing out the same in the public domain ? Seems likely so.

I affirmitively believe and do suggest that this public posturing by Captain AV might be part of a plot to create public perception... in order to unleash a case for 100 % surveillance onto me and all my family members. Also most of the people related to me or my acquaintances.

All... please take note and make note... of the Above and below...

Btw... none of the MOST dim-wit-est spy would ever come to board this phut teacher ... nay 'preacher' Captain's tanker of a blog.


How come... if I were to invite, on behalf of the Captain, the Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif for the PM NaDa Modi's inaugaration in May, 2014 as also Selvi JJ... I ever become a suspect figure that elicits surveillance ?

Might it NOT be possible that I certainly did had an urgent need to pointer to... the 64 BALA tabulASSion... lest something hits me on the face... some years down the line.

What sayst phut teacherO ... nay preacherO and similar minded mates ?

<< TEN >>

A) Someday... during the first week of December, 2014. Cannot confirm whether it was the 7th of Dec, a Sunday, of the month. Might have been.

It is around noon time... and I am out on an errand to a place nearby my residence. Once that job is sort of finished... and I am about to return back...

Then as I am about to get into the car's driver seat... all of a sudden a jeep or gypsy comes and stops some place very near to me. And almost about 3-4 heavily armed uniformed personnel perhaps from the armed forces ( or, perhaps para military ? ) scrambled about and around me for more than couple of seconds. Certainly trying to give off the impression that they do/ did intend to scoop or net me.

Though, they hardly said anything to me.

Although their looks were entirely focused onto me.

Then... the head of this party went aside and started using his mobile phone to talk to someone to perhaps give some report and take some further orders. I wait and watch these fellows.

Much puzzled... instead of starting off my car and pushing off... I got out and confronted this person... asking him... what's the matter ?

He smiled sheepishly and said - "nothing". Then I asked him that I have hardly seen people with such fatigues ( such worn by armed forces or para military personnel ) aywhere around. So... essentially what those guys do ?

This, perhaps, Nepali/ Thapa looking personnel gave some vague reply regarding helping in electricity collection drives wherein people do not pay up.

Though I personally inferred that he might be part of some special segment of the armed forces.

All their uniforms had the wordings - "S.A.T." sitting on their collar insignas.


At that time... I did not know and never bothered about what this SAT meant.

This was Dec, 2014 !!

Note this. Please.

B) Someday... during the first week of February or March, 2015. Perhaps... it was the 3rd day of February or of March, 2015.

And... I had gone to witness a program organised by a certain right wing socio-political party-affiliate I subtly identified with then. Since the seating hall was jam packed, as such, I was standing outside watching the mega TV screens.

So... in a certain Govt. designated complex... was watching some Chief speaker dole out some Hindutva/ Sanskaari 'Gyaan'. 

Initially the way I stood... in the middle of an open enclosure... there was no one around me as I was hearing the speaker on the TV mega screen.

Meanwhile... three personnel belonging to police, etc. silently came up from nowhere and surrounded me. They, were also watching the speaker on the mega TV screen; but they did NOT speak anything to me.

One ( perhaps sub-insspector of police ) stationed himself almost 3-4-5 foot towards my right side.

Another one ( this one had the same para-military fatigue I had observed earlier with the words "SAT" sitting on his shoulder insignia ) guy came and silently stood beside me... some three-four foot towards the left side.

After watching and hearing the speaker for a while. I become conscious of the presence of these guys. I thought that these guys are here as part of their duty to provide protection to the crowded venue. With some VIPs abounding.

Inquisitively I asked the person on the left what this SAT means. I recall he said something like "Special Action Team".

I did NOT give much attention to their standing towards my left and right.

What puzzled me much more was ( after some 5 minutes ) was the placement of a police personnel just behind my back. Some 3-4-5 foot exactly behind me.

Now... this really got me puzzled... for their exact motives and intentions.

Did it look like they had none ?

Nevertheless, feeling a bit awkward, after another 5 or so minutes I changed my position and location so as to move out of their centre/ circle... to another location at the side/ periphery.

They did NOT bother to respond to this movement.

Do I suspect that this was sort of Captain's effort to once again 'psyche' me up ? Perhaps so.


Yet I see another angle to these two incidents...

Now-a-days there are very powerful cameras and video recording devices. In retrospect... I would NOT be really surprised if someone were recording the entire incident from quite some distance ( say, what about 25-50-75-100 metres ? ) unknown to all.

This is a repetitive hunch that may NOT be ruled out.

There may be 'N' number of usages of these pictures or videos, ( if any ) that might have been potentially / were made, in diverse context.

Eg. - Usage in some political manipulation context... shall I suspect then ? I may conjecture so.

But may NOT allege forth-rightly.

The above TWO contexts MUST be noted.

This may be important.

Perhaps... awaits some bull's eye.


Again... some time back we heard of Pakistan's BAT team ( Border Action Team ) that snipes at Indian positions and BSF personnel.

Does this provide a clue that the SAT team I have seen comes from the Indian Army or para-military forces ?

Highly likely.


This word "extra judicial killings and/ or encounters" reappears again and again on the mental plane.

Not sure why ?

For... this phut teacher + preacher Captain AV is sure capable of anything.


A) On the 7th of July last year ( 2016 ), I made a post on the blogger.

In context to the same post...

Within the next 24 hours... one upcoming J&K separatist Burhan Wani is gunned down by the security agencies/ the Indian army; and the entire Kashmir valley remains in deep turmoil for the next 8-9 months.


Note :

No one mourns the gunning down of Burhan Wani or the likes of him. If our Army rejoices in gunning down of mercenaries/ separatists/ terrorists... so certainly do I !!


This turmoil in the entirety of the Kashmir valley lasted... till the beginning ofthe UP elections beginning this year ( Q1, 2017 ).

At which time... it subsided off all of a sudden. After rendering hundreds of people dead and hundreds of kids/ students/ people blinded by the pellet guns.

What some vile coincidence...this ?



Would request the honorable ex-CJI Shri JS Khekar to revisit this specific blog post ( made on the 7th of July 2016 )... for some logically derived gleanings... and time for him to take some suo moto cognizance, looking at the prima facie aspects of certain issues.

And... a contrived plot.

B) On the ( perhaps ) 3rd of Dec, 2016... I write a post denouncing the demonetisation effort.

And, openly support the West Begal CM's stand on the same issue.

Even the Delhi CM ArkKej, I suggest, is on the right side in opposing demonetisation. Not to forget that... after all he is an IIT, KGP alumni... and quite smart.

( Please read the post on demonetisation and the planned de-Aurization of India. @ )

At the same time, in the same post... suggested that... if... the then ailing TN CM Selvi JJ comes out openly in favor of the stand taken by the WB CM on the demonetisation issue... then there might be some perceived traction and thus some conclusive strengthening and re-inforcement of their anti-demonetisation positions/ postures at the national level.

This could have lent some pressure on the Modi Govt. for some conclusive actions or reconsiderations for rollback of the demon-eti-sati-on by the Modi Govt. this context.

Alas... within 2 days i.e. on the 5th of Dec... TN CM Selvi JJ is reported as having passed away.

This certainly looks fishy. Big time. I do NOT believe this. Like many others, one is liable to smell a rat ( even a pushy cat ? )... that would have meant... suspecting an underlying conspiracy of some sort.

Point is... what if the then TN CM Selvi JJ had strongly come out against the demonetisation drive of the NDA-2 led Modi Govt. ?

Thereby somehow forcing the Modi Govt. to rethink on this perceptibly fallacious policy ?

Clearly, her premature death... obviated and irretrievably damaged the chances for the rollback of the almost wide-scale demonetisation rolled out by the so-called "nationalist Govt." of PM NaDa Modi... is a question that confronts ?

Selvi JJ, being a very strong and powerful leader from South... her openly voicing dissent agaist the DeMo would have rendered a heavy blow to the sudden demonetisation announced by PM Modi.


I suspect... did PM NaDa Modi announce DeMo... at the behest of the Indian "deep state" ?

Who else ?

Or, did the cabal aka the western Jewish banksters had an influence/ say in forcing this DeMo decision on us ?

After all - PM Modi is obviously APCO branded and paraded.

Contrarily... what about Capatin AV's role in this DeMo business ?

After all when Captain AV directed the BJP's core team to "put the old goats to pasture"... we did saw that, indeed, the real old BJP/ JanSangh stalwarts like MMJ and LKA have been completely sidelined and marginalised within the party. Even Yashwant Sinha. Though his son Jayant Sinha is flourishing in BJP.


Alas... we lost a leader in TN CM Selvi JJ... who sure was a PM material... looking at her remarkable career.

C) The Captain accused me of hitting "Bull's Eye". I said nope.

I stated...
What I state is already on the internet. So... I stated - "Bull's eye ain't bull's eye" on the 25th of January, 2017 blog post.

I am much pained for writing that post ( that was basically undertaken ) in order to disprove the Captain... yet... my gut instinct tells me... that the effort was a waste/ not required/ unwarranted.

Again, I did sense ... that I might have made a mistake in making the post.

What I observed... pains me no end.

For... I/ we might have lost a real friend and well wisher.

Fact remains that...

Blame/ credit, if any, is on the Captain and mates... and... no ways on me.

For hollering around "bull's eye", "bull's eye" !! and... circling the dart, etc. stuff... and... thereby provoking me into a response.

<< TWELVE : Right... pulled off from... my tabulASSion logs ( this is 100 % CORRECT ) >>

Dated 22nd of April, 2014 ( TuesDay )

-> Posted a few comments/ messages on the Captain AV's blog - ( recalling from memory : perhaps around 11:00 AM. Certainly before the noon time ).

-> One person by the name - "Sneh Chandel" made a comment after 2-3 minutes...


Not sure if this gentleman Sneh Chandel is part of or used to be a part of the Captain's team and one of his close mates/ associates or is he on the opposite camp/ side of Captain Ajit Vadakayil ( AV ) ?

Assuming that there is an opposition camp to the Captain's sub-set... all within the context of the same superset.

I suspect, believe and allege that this person "Sneh Chandel" is on Captain's team and perhaps his close mate/ pal/ associate. Perhaps, someone who is known to him.

Again - I would NOT be surprised if Sneh Chandel happens to be part and parcel of any of - the armed forces, police- CID or CBI, national security and intelligence agencies, the Indian secret servcies, etc. or perhaps someone who is closely related, linked and linkaged to some such set of people/ personnel/ groups.

Part of Indian secret services ?

Undeniably YES ?

Btw -

Chandel clan surname reminds one of the Chandellas who somehow usurped the throne of the Kalchuris' seat of power at Tripuri ( Tewar, Near Jabalpur, MP ) around the 12th/ 13th century AD by 'somehow' managing some set of the  amatyas on the Kalchuri payrolls... is a recurrent thought that confronts.

Something akin to... what the wily Britishers effected... the Mir Jafar way... during the battle of Plassey, down some five centuries ( mid eighteenth century ? ) in the terrain of Bengal.

Specifically - during the later medieval period... Kalchuri amatyas predominantly used to be either one from the priestly class ( Brahmins ) or those from the lot of the Kayasthas who all were somehow linked and linkaged to the Kalchuri lineage\ bloodline... somehow or the other.



Not sure if the Chandellas ever were Buddhists or Jains before they marked out their position ?

Were the Chandellas always Hindus, since the very begining ?

What might be the true nature of their origin ?


Considering the last TWO+ millenias... the Kalchuris were seen to be predominantly Jains and Buddhists... and they converted to Hinduism much much later.

( Later onwards... many of them Kalchuris converted to becomes Sikhs and even Christians. Perhaps even Muslims, too.)

Much before "Alexander the Great" came towards India... the Kalchuris sure existed.

Importantly... "Alexander the Great" reminds one of the Magadhan Jain/ Buddhist emperor ChandraGupta Maurya.

Also reminds one of the Greek general Seleucus Nikator who married off his daughter and thereby tried covertly entrenching the Greek/ Roman presence in India in rather a subtle manner.

We still have many Indian Hindu/ Muslim, etc. powerful and quite well entrenched caste &/ or sub-caste groups who derive or (c)overtly suscribe to being Greek or Roman lineaged. And... sometimes even Turkish and Persian.

Important fact, this.


The last Magadhan Mauryan ( Buddhist ) Emperor Brihad-Rath was assassinated by the priestly class ( = brahmin ) commander in chief of the Mauryan army - Pushya-Mitra Shringa ( or, was it Singh ? ).

PushyaMitra Shringa usurped the Magadhan throne. And, declared the brahminical way as the state or Magadhan religion.

This guy PushyaMitra Shringa ruled for almost 30-36 years, it is said, before being decimated by the mighty Kalchuri emperor Kharvel ( who was actually a mighty Jain King ) who ruled from Kalinga, adjoining the Magadhan empire.


One is still NOT sure if the traitor to the Mauryan Kings... PushyaMitra Shringa had any (in)direct affiliations/ linkages/ blood relations / (c)overt alliances with the Greek general Seleucus Nikotar and therefore... the Greeks and the Romans ?

If were that the actual case...
then is it certain that the so called Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism might have come from the middle east and beyond... ? This... might be a natural question confronting any rational, logical thinker.

And, the answer might sound like or BE actually - YES. Even one of the Pandit Ji was confirming this.

Now... if any one were to suggest this in today's time of blind HINDUTVA narrative... then the same set of 'supposedly' "anti-Hindutva" folks would be labeled as - secular or sickular/ left-winged or leftist/ communist, etc. anti-national or deshdrohi. By Capt AV and his loyal mates ?

Let me put this straight as regards myself -
Have always have had a... capitalist oriented, pro-Hindutva ( though not blind ), pro-Russia, somewhat pro-Japan, somewhat pro-west, etc. India-first or country-first mindset.


Even apart from that...

if there is a foul play of any sort... then I might or could be inclined to make note of the same.


And... in this context one is reminded of Dr BR Ambedkar who has written in one of his books that the religion of India was always been Jainism and Buddhism over the last 2-3 millenias.

And, the original inhabitants of the land were the Nagas aka the Nagavanshis and their affiliates... i.e. those of the tribal races or begot from them.

Does that mean that... the religion of this land was never... this so called Sanatana Dharma ?

And... might that be the reason that the Bharat Ratna Dr BR Ambedkar chose to become Buddhist, at the fag end of his life ?

I am sure Captain AV may be able to clearly answer to this question relating to Pushya-Mitra Shringa ( or, was it Singh ? ) and the rise of Hinduism in the land of Bharat... King Bharat from the Jain lineage ).

The website states that central Indian Kalchuris were Jain Kings. Never as Hindu kings.

This implies that the Kalchuris predominantly belonged to the Jain racial stock; in the case that they were not buddhists.


This gentleman Sneh Chandel posted a comment ( published on Captain AV's blog site by the Captain... who's on a 4 month tenure or contract on his ship/ blog-site. Captain ostensibly... derives his powers from the President of India ?)...

Something starting off with laughter connotive wordings... "Haa Haa Haa..."

and going on to further stating something like -

"...One is fooled but does not know that one is fooled...".

In this context... he makes reference to a certain cine star also... against whom Captain AV had led an active online campaign.

=> Apparently Sneh Chandel had actually read my blog post I had written at Captain's "order". ( Seems 100 % like true. That was Captain's order. ). The same one I had dished out ( although belatedly. Late by 10-15 days' time frame. ) at Captain AV's specific and targeted request against a certain movie star.

Per my tabulASSion logs...

The timing of this message posted by Sneh Chandel WAS... before noon hours of 22nd of April 2014. Perhaps around 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM.

Though, I have had NIL history of ever writing in the open or public domain prior to or even after boarding Captain's 'chemical-laden-tanker-of-a-blog'.

Have had ( and still now ) next to NIL social media presence.

... in the second half of the same day i.e. the 22nd of April, 2014 ( or, perhaps the very next day i.e. on the 23rd of April, 2014 )

This specific comment by Sneh Chandel was "removed" by Captain AV.

Later, in a subsequent action Captain AV "deleted" this same comment by Sneh Chandel.

This fact can be corroborated by Google Inc. In case Google stores the posted blogger data for certain time frame spanning several years.

This FACT can be easily confirmed. And... do I believe that what Sneh Chandel wrote... pointers to some sort of a conspiracy aimed against myself, my family members and my relatives ?

What are the chances that the same comments link this person "Sneh Chandel" to the J&K unrest... we have seen unfolding... over the past 3-4 years' time frame ?

The probability seems like one = 100 % .


Would NOT be surprised if Sneh Chandel happens to be from the deep state ( the national security agencies of India =  the secret services ). Else he could be part of the armed or para-military forces. Undeniably. Or, is somehow linked to them folks.


Did I clearly sense that something might cook up down the line... perhaps a plot that seems like highly contrived... to somehow ensnare me ?

( What might have been or be the moot or baseline objective ? )

Those thoughts... occupied my mental frame thence-forth. Without doubt.

But as regards the whys or hows ? I had NIL idea.

Much puzzled... I wrote down an entry... so... my tabulASSion log reads... like...

It seemed like -
" Something fishy here ? What Sneh Chandel knows and is otherwise implying ?

Seems like - is he in cahoots with the Captain ?

But, wrt what ?

Are they a team ?

Of what ? For what ?

Why the Captain had to remove the comment on second thoughts ? And, later delete the same ?


This Captain bats for whom ?

He is decoy of what exactly ?


My tabulASSion logs are piling up. One such entry reads...

On the 05th of May, 2014 ( Monday )



On the 06th of May, 2014 ( Tuesday )


-> Is Capt AV going to turn back onto me ?

I would not think/ expect so !

But, I need to be wary !!


FOR, my system seems like hacked. Couple of times in the past 1-2 months.

After my 15th March, 2014 comment on MH370 ( cyber jacked to complete auto pilot; requiring NIL human intervention. ).


My 01st June, 2014, Sunday - tabulASSion log tells -


"He seems to be drawing people out. ENTRAPPING THEM. !!

"Capt AV is at WHOSE payrolls ??" the MOOT question.


In retrospect...

This retired guy... has been moonlighting... as a fisherman chief... was the observation I could make.


My 05th June, 2014, Thursday tabulASSion log tells -

Captain AV is in cahoots with some parts of the Indian establishment ( say, in cahoots with whom ) ?

A covert operative who uses "Extravagant Rhetoric" for "similar minded" guys to "come out" of "rat holes".

Thereby, giving themselves UP !! ...seems like one key aspect of the game plan.

Meanwhile, their PC/ Laptop is infested with unknown malwares.

And, these "guys" come under "active" surveillance.

Perhaps, as probable "votaries of change". Those are marked as - outspoken individuals.

This blogger ( CAV ) guy MUST be having a team of perhaps 20/ 50/ 100/ 150 very sharp "helping hands". Otherwise it is impossible to dish out such a unique/ lengthy blog pieces.

His sole occupation could be embedding some comments in the body of the blog + answering the comments section.

The people assisting him, could be (semi) retired Govt./ semi-Govt. ( perhaps very high ranking ) officials.

With an "ULTERIOR" motive. Some, "HIDDEN AGENDA". !! 

NEED to be overtly careful with this man's ( CAV ) blog.

MUST NOT visit his blog, at all.

-> In light of the above suspicion ONLY, as a "PREVENTIVE MEASURE" ONLY. I DO now re-image my PC once again !!  ( 07:20 AM )


The exact context with timelines may be found in the "64 BALA TABULASSION", I had posted previously.


Around the last days of the Q3 of 2014. Sometimes... during the third week of September...

I get the innate "conclusive understanding" that one specific set of relatives ( going by a certain popular last name ) might witness immense 'mischief'... down the line. This is something that could not escape my gleanings and "clear cut undestanding".

Call this -

a) gut instinct or feeling, &/ or
b) prescience, &/ or
c) premonition, &/ or
d) reading subtle cues or clues in/ on/ off the air,  &/ or
e) potential shenanigans of extrememly crafty and very base set of people. etc.

And... in the oncoming times I see one of my relatives who happens to be a newbie/ budding/ sapling of a politician joining BJP, in the process - turning against his powerful party boss/ supremo ( who happened to be an ex-CM ).

Later this political party boss/ supremo was so infuriated that he fought for the same assembly seat against this 'absconding' or turncoat party member ( = my relative ) who was perhaps falsely portrayed ( in the views of his ex-party chief ) as having actively led the banner of revolt against him and his political party.

In the process... the Corporate houses owned media and a section of the press... used each and every effort to browbeat the ex-CM supremo. The idea ostensibly was to create and widen the rift between these two set of guys, at the mental plane.

Basically, destroy any sort of previous camarderie they enjoyed. Burning the bridges... I clearly saw that happening... ostensibly... covertly perpetrated by some set of external elementals.

Creating lots of heart burn. And a feeling of deep angst was sought to be created between the duo. Specifically so... in the heart and mind of the ex- Chief Minister.

The ex-CM... the party boss, later, somehow lost at the electoral hustings... which might have caused him quite some heart burn and humiliation... thereby the same effect of mutual estrangement... was highly compounded.

Curiously, the ex-CM lost and my relative won to become a BJP legislator. Again... this certainly might have added to ( suppoosedly an undercurrent of ) mutual animosity and heart-burn in the heart and mind of the much powerful ex- Chief Minsiter.

a process of perennially burning the bridges was rolled out by a set of very base smarties ?

There may NOT be any denying this fact, if one were to draw out the nut-shell of the entire endeavor, in an essence.

Now... this ex-CM was/ is provided with Z+ category security by the NDA-2 home minister.

And... this ex-CM... left with only two legislators... whilst six out of his eight MLAs absconded to join BJP... the ex-CM is left with very few options but might be somehow forced to join or revert back to the BJP party.

And... BJP, as usual, has been trying the level best to truncate all the opposition parties everywhere.


This has the effect of dissolving the JVM party in Jharkhand. Now BJP has to contend with INC + JMM + AJSU only.

But JVM + JMM + AJSU + INC combine would have meant that BJP would be certainly shown the door at the next electoral hustings.

But... JVM is much weakened. And, AJSU also lost a couple of leaders to BJP.


For... logically and practically... it is difficult for the JVM party to go from a strength of 2 to 20 in the next assembly elections in 2019. Seems like - JVM is finished as a party ?

But, if the same JVM numbers were EIGHT MLAs... then there were fair chances to build up momentum and with some smart alliances... this number might have easily gone from 8 to 20-30... statistically speaking... out of 84 legislators.

Those numbers in the range of 20-25-30+ might have made the JVM party a major one to be reckoned with, in the state of Jharkhand.

Seems like... the JVM party led by one ex-CM has been very neatly truncated and LIMITED.


JVM chief seems to have... limited and narrowed down options now... as regards the innings of the party he founded and assiduously nurtured.


What are the chances that a national level political party may use any rules of the book to gobble up a smallish regional party to strengthen itself at the state level ?

Thereby... strengthening itself at the regional level.

And, therefore, the same act is effectively used as a leverage in strengthening itself at the national level ?

BJP winning and forming the Govt. in Jharkhand... sure helped it in every which way, around the country. Whereas, Jharkhand was NO cake walk for BJP in Q4, 2014, as per on the grounds reports.

And... making use of some "cannon fodder" to make the mark ?

What if... the same "cannon fodder" is none other than myself ?

And... righteously so... a case of... Bull's eye. Achieved.

I affirm that the chances are ONE... i.e. the probability is 100 %.

Now... this is NO allegation.

Would request the honourable Chief Justice of India Shri JS Khekhar ( hardly matters whether he is retired... this POST and all the affiliated blog posts MUST be sent to him by the GoI or any Govt. Official without any DELAY ) to take cognizance of these facts... suo moto... and perhaps order a thorough case he ( or other Judges in the Supreme Court ) sense something fishy here.

Which indeed seems like the case.


In light of the Sneh Chandel's comment... one can easily infer that the ongoing strife in the state of J&K has been given undue media HYPER-hype.

This essentially means that there is probably or certainly seems to be a CONTRIVED PLOT lingering here.

This might be affirmed by the 8-9 month silence ( till about 7th January, 2015 ) on the part of the NDA2 = GoI.

Of course... I might have been the "cannon fodder" used to get at the BULL'S EYE.

This is what I could easily make out of the entire episode/ stuff by January, 2015.


Seems like... four of my relatives who are now BJP MLAs in the Jharkhand legislative assembly... seems FACTUALLY like... they "HAVE BEEN HAD".

Instead of being in the opposition camp... they have been taken 'in' by the BJP stall-warts.

Something akin to controlled opposition that somehow forced unto one's side ( On BJP's rolls. ). But, without being allowed to grow.


And... these set of folks happen to be tamed per the wishes and fancies of BJP top brass.

And... their political careers are made pliable as per the wishes of others... is a question that confronts ?


In the light of my critical assessment of the Bihar special package announced by PM NaDa Modi ( July 2015 )... a couple of ministerial berths/ portfolios parked with the Jharkhand CM Shri Raghubar Das went on to add to the heavy weight ( already laden with multiple ministeries ) portfolio of already heavy-weight ministers - CP Singh and Randhir Singh ( both are Rajputs by caste )... as per the media reports.

This clearly establishes a link between my writings and the negative fallout of the same on some of my relatives who are in active politics... eagerly looking forward to an upswing in their fortunes.

WHY ? WHY SO ? What's the underlying catch ?


... a "first time MLA" ( from a reserved = dalit constituency ) who absconded from JVM to join BJP was given to handle portfolios of SIX ministeries.

Ostensibly... looks like he might be a more pliable guy... given his inexperience... to be managed by the BJP central level stall-warts.

Seems like... a set of the BJP / RSS think-tanks found him way too goodie good.



Now... this gentleman ( dalit ) first time MLA turned heavy-weight minister ( of almost SIX ministeries ) is so pleased that he wants to construct a mega ISKCON temple in his locality as a sign of gratitude to the priestly class.

Perhaps his handlers in the RSS + BJP combine.

ISKCON might spend couple of hundred crores to build the temple. Perhaps even start some "Akshaya Patra" ( A front of ISKCON ) or mid-day-meal scheme programme soon, in Jharkhand. In case they are NOT already doing so.

Reminds one of the PDS scheme... that is a spinner, of sorts.

Way to go...

seems like my MLA relatives "HAVE BEEN HAD" by some top BJP ( perhaps... even RSS ) stall-warts/ think-tanks/ strategeists/ "Rana-neeti-kartas"... as also some set of SIGs in some other political parties... ( Perhaps in covert collusion with some "assets" on the Captain's team...) proabably already used or even now using me as some sort of cannon fodder... is a conclusion that does NOT evade any keen neutral observer. This is no allegation. Seems like an open fact.

No one can, but, deny the same conclusion.

Important tabulASSion Issues & Logs


<< SEVENTEEN : Important Observation >>


I called out a challenge in some previous post... and referred to some vague 'kum akal' tanker Captain as a 'fisherman Chief'...  for I rightly sensed that what this 'gentleman' Captain and a set of his buddies are actually doing may be something tantamount to phising nay fishing... nay... even perhaps ( deep deep... rather way too deep ) phising, as well. And... a slew of other things, as well.


He and mates... happens to be the "master of the game"... I sensed this long back.

That's the reason I always addressed him as "Dear... " in any/ all messages that I ever addressed to him.


This gets this 'topi-walla' gentleman unduly perturbed. After all... he has to cater to and live beyond his publicly built up image, no matter what.

And... he solemnly discloses that rather than being a 'fisherman chief' he is actually a sea warrior or sea farer from the ancient times... ruling the mighty waves rather than belonging to some baser stock or caste that might be frolicking around in the back waters in an attempt to fish... or een for making a living.


In the process... is he trying/ fashioning to... upgrade himself... in the priestly class denominated caste hierarchy ?


Now... he referred to himself as a Thiyya Chief-Tain or Chief-Ten nay... Cap-Ten.


or, was it Tiraiyar ? Btw - Tiraiyar -> Tirai Yar -> Tera Yaar or, 'Thera Yaar' => your friend.

Now... what sort of a backstabbing friend... everyone knows, for sure.


Let that be an eye opener. For those who want to make friends or touch base online. Especially with unknown or unheard of folks.


Moot point being...
this surely reiterates/ establishes that there is some element of caste consciousness deeply entrenched in the Indian psyche- deeply rooted in the subcontinent's Indian Hindu mindset.

Fact remains that - even Hindu/ Jain/ Buddhist converts to Muslim or Christian or Sikh faith... carried and stilldo carry this same mental frame and deeply entrenched outlook.

Been always there. And... seems like... this shall remain so... in the ensuing future.


To re-iterate the point...
... according to the Captain's blog statement... the Ezhavas of Kerala are low caste people.

Ezhavas constitute almost 40 % of the population of Kerala - and the same racial stock of ancients is divided into Hindu, Muslim and Christian faiths.

Btw ( per my limited knowledge and understanding )... the fact remains that... many or majority of the Ezhava populace from the Kerala were Buddhists who were pushed/ flushed out/ edged out... of the southern parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala... during the hey-days or high point of Sultanate/ Mughal/ Islamic rule.

Later on... during the course of British rule... some of these Buddhists from Sri Lanka... moved gradually back to Kerala over the past few centuries... and under the already decimated or declining sway of Buddhism in Kerala and the uprise and re-entrenchment of the Brahminical religion... joined the Hindu dharma... perhaps as...  ( Captain AV refers to these perhaps erstwhile Buddhist people ) low caste lot.

These people had no scope left... but to convert faith/ religion to Hinduism.

And... perhaps the Kerala Namboodiris decided their caste status and heirarchy in the Kerala society ?

And... perhaps devised a new profession for them totally affiliated or fixated to caste ?

Seems 100 % likely so.

Ezhavas' Sri Lanka connection is, but a, 100 % plausible theory or fact. May be deemed as the exact truth.

Chanced on this somewhere. The Ezhavas know best.


In the state of Gujarat...

till sometime back almost 40 % of the IAS and IPS officers belonging to the Gujarat cadre originainally hailed from or were the natives of the state of Bihar.

If one were to consider those civil servants from the state of Jharkhand and eastern UP... the numbers could very well cross 50 % + . Adding those numbers from the erstwhile BIMARU states... this number easily crosses 65+ %

One does not have to explicitly state... what this actually implies... in terms of what set of people groupings ( or, caste groups ) might be involved or firmly entrenched therein, in the Gujarat bureaucracy/ police, etc..

That basically might mean that specific caste groups/ groupings surely have been in an entrenched position and perhaps... potentially ran a parallel government from within the bureaucracy ( babudom ).

And... surely in the entire Gujarat state's policing system/ machinery. Even the secret services. Importantly,  in the secretive police or intelligence gathering head quarters ( HQ ), as well.

And... quite a few of them folks end up in the central Govt. deputation roles.

A recent case is the appointmet of an IAS officer from the Gujarat cadre to head the Aadhar cards project body. Btw - Mr Pandey, an IAS, originally hails from Bihar.



Can anyone tell... why almost all the key persons who have been on the AADHAR cards scheme are all brahmins ?

Whether that be Nandan Nilekani, RS Sharma, Mr Pandey, etc.

Question :
Quite some companies were assigned some Aadhar related out-sourced work.

Basically... private out-sourcing within India by the GoI appointed cabinet minister of the Aadhar project... what all were the beneficiary organizations and people ?

It is important that... one MUST take/ make note of this fact.


Now the top bureaucrats and those that are part of the secret services want a DNA database of all the Indians.

Why so ?

What's the underlying idea ?

Nowhere in Western Europe or the USA, PRC, Japan or the ROW, etc. the people would allow the elected Govt. to start any of these two schemes.

Why so... the necessity in India ?


There may be possibilities that even the Gujarat state's judiciary might have fallen in line or yielded... down the road... to such deeply entrenched Special Interest Groups ( SIGs ).

Now... if we consider similar set of guys with whom these SIG folks can develop close bondings owing to some common origin &/or ideology &/or agenda... arriving from around the country and firmly entrenched and serving in the state of Gujarat... then this number becomes quite huge.

And, leaving aside the SC and STs' officers... these majoritarian guys alone MUST be calling the ACTUAL shots... in the state of Gujarat... is a natural conclusion to make.


Almost tantamount to a Special Interest Group ( SIG ) if we were to exclude the pan India SC/STs' and the pan India minority communities ( Jains, Sikhs, Muslims, etc.) from the total count of these Bihari officers ( and some similarly related stock/ folks from around the country ) in the state of Gujarat.

So... it is quite possible for these SIG folks entrenched deeply in the subset of the 'deep state' i.e. the intelligence gathering services/ wing/ machinery/ communities... to come up with an offline secret dossier on any individual who happens ( or, who some decades back... from today... previously aspired to ) to be in public life as a very big political/ social leader or a top GoI office bearer.

Actually anyone !!



Btw... does the same situation hold true for the IAS, IPS officers in the state of J&K ? Would NOT be surprised if this, indeed, might actually be the case in J&K.

Anyone... who can tabulate on this ? ... right from the Governor JagMohan's term as the Governor of J&K (1990) and preceding that ... i.e. from 1980+ onwards. With sharper focus on preceding-1990 years and the succeeding-1990 years. Till date.

Anyone who is red faced on this observation ? You ought to be... for what you are plausibly indulging in.


There are always 100 % chances/ probability that some set of the ultra-smart/ scheming/ rogue elements in the intel agencies gang up and compromise the integrity of a set of upcoming individuals having strong political aspirations.


Using some sort of secret leverage on them. Something akin to hooking up anyone using naked intel at their disposal... that is readily available to them as part of their job as intel gathering personnel/ officers.


And... some of these up-start individuals might have been seen as intelligent and smart and well versed and quite well connected. And... with the right kind of oratorial skills and public posturings. Added advantage might be... connections in the industry and corporate world.

Got onto the Chief's hooks ?

This being a rather very recurrent thought. So... merited mentioning here.

The historical records the SIG's may have access to... may go back almost 10-20-30-40-50-60-70 + years of time frame. And... perhaps even much... much beyond that.


The implications of this bland observation... albeit a specific pointer... are quite wide ranging... and highly significant.

Potentially stupefying.

All : Please take note and... sure do make note of this vital aspect.

I sure do hope and wish that I am well negated on this notable pointer.

But... that ain't seen to be happening, I know; given or factoring in... a proper tabulASSion.


In the run up to the Bihar polls during July 2015, I made a critical analysis of the purported Bihar special package announced by PM Modi.

I had likened the same 'special package' to dangling of carrots. Purported peanuts... compared to the "guaranteed dry fruits" in the form of "bullet train package" for Gujarat.


Nitish Kumar, then, managed to come back as the Bihar CM yet again... on the back of MahaGathabandhan alliance in August, 2015.


Some/ almost about twenty months back... someone who's from Bihar and actively understands the Bihar politics blamed me for BJP's debacle in the state of Bihar. Though he did NOT elaborate much.

I could NOT understand... how's that so.

Yet the same gentleman affirmed that the Bihar CM Nitish Kumar is clandestinely aligned with the BJP. And, when the right time arises in the future... Nitish Kumar will/ might ditch the MahaGathaBandhan ( implying the alliance with RJD ) and revert back to BJP fold. Thus... JDU and BJP+ allies will form a Govt. down the line. It's in the womb of time.

He seemed pissed off with me... for being critical of BJP. And, somehow being spoil-sport for BJP in Bihar ? I,  still, could NOT understand how's that possible ?


And... we sure have seen this happening in the recent past. A spate of events became an excuse for the Bihar CM Nitish Kumar to ditch the JDU + RJD + INC alliance.

Meanwhile or preceding the chess game moves... the Bihar Governor had been moved to the Rashtrapati Bhavan. And, the WB Governor Kesari Nath Tripathi was entrenched with the additional role of being the Bihar Governor, as well.

Quite simple and clear.

And, within 24 hours Nitish Kumar is back as the Bihar CM with a new team that includes quite some BJP ministers.


Nevertheless... as soon as Nitish Kumar had been appointed as the Bihar CM yet again in August, 2015... his former deputy CM from the BJP folds repeatedly reminded him of the pre-poll promise that CM Nitish Kumar had made ( whilst in electioneering mode ) as regards imposition of prohibition in the state of Bihar, if voted to power.

And... CM Nitish Kumar acted, as if taking cue, by announcing total prohibition in the state of Bihar beginning 1st April, 2016.

In the process rolling out draconian rules, regulations and laws to enforce strictest prohibition in the state of Bihar. Meanwhile increasing the taxation load on various fronts in order to recoup the state's loss of excise revenue that was almost to the tune of INR 6,000 - 7,000 crore per annum.


To cut the story short... after nearly an year of total prohibition... the matric ( 10th ), +2, etc. students in Bihar had the worst results in decades. Marked with very high failure percentage out of the total students.

Someone attributed this to the fact that the Bihar Govt. did not had enough finances/ funds to pay the Govt. school teachers for months. Read this same in some... news reports.

Even the BJP leader SuMo ( while BJP was in the opposition ) had raised this issue last year that the govt. school teachers are not paid salaries since a few months.


In retrospect... the RJD team's top leadership being framed and charged with innumerable CBI cases... looks like and raises quite a few questions.

Did the key election strategeist Prashant Kishor ( who is Bhumihar by caste )... and team played the role in fixing quite many of these political pathways... keeping the 'post-story' of the MahaGathaBandhan in mind... that concluded in the recent past.

I think that the entire strategy/ episode had the 2019 LS polls in mind... all along.

Quite a finesse. This.


The same "key" election strategeist Prashant Kishor... and his coterie/ team is credited with having played a crucial role via some astute under-cover strategising in getting BJP and PM NaDa Modi atop the seat of power in New Delhi; circa May 2014.

how come PK presumably failed in the UP state elections that were held recently, wherein he was seen to be helping Akhilesh Yadav of SP to make a comeback ?

Do I suggest that he might have actually met his self set covert objectives ?

One being... he might have somehow helped getting the BJP back in power... is a thought that strikes.

At the same time, probably cutting a deal with Akhilesh Yadav to stalemate his co-brother Prateek Yadav... who posed a threat to him in splitting the SP as a party and almost sharing the power base.

Thereby, there were chances that Prateek Yadav ( emerging from the shadows ) would go on to share power equally with Akhilesh Yadav.

Seems like... has Akhilesh Yadav really lost in the UP elections ? If one were to look at the long term horizon ?

To my mind - the answer seems like a resounding NO. Seems like a case of ... "losing to win".

Important is to note that Arpana Yadav lost the elections. This, in fact, might mean lesser problems for Akhilesh Yadav, down the line ?

Even though he could not come trumps up and get to become the UP CM yet again, this time.


BSP Supremo blamed the EVMs for the dismal showing in the recently concluded assembly polls.
She expected to form the UP state Govt.

Similarly, Akhilesh Yadav had done quite well and expected to be voted back as the UP CM.


How come the "key" election strategeist Prashant Kishor delivered for PM Modi ( BJP + RSS ) and Bihar ( in retrospect... the reality seems like... was that for LS polls 2019 ? Obviously so. ) and failed in UP ?


The SP Supremo was under some pressure/ compulsion to get his younger son Prateek Yadav into a suitable key role in the SP party family.

Now, Prateek Yadav's mother i.e. Neta Ji's second wife happens to be a Kalchuri origin lady.

Whereas, Amar Singh had long back ensured that Akhilesh Yadav is married to a rajput woman. So that... in the future... therefore rajputs somehow may get a foothold in the SP parivaar... by the frontdoor or the backdoor... sooner or later. And... quite some say and influence.

The recent role of Amar Singh ( who was provided Z+ category security by the home ministery ) as well as Prashant Kishor might have been to help strengthen Akhilesh Yadav in the SP family... by keeping Prateek Yadav down and out... is an observation that cannot escape. Even if that meant Akhilesh Yadav/ the Samajwadi Party lost the elections.

For... had Akhilesh Yadav won the elections to form the Govt. in UP... down the line... there was certainty of an open tussle for a key position or stake for Prateek Yadav.

And, at this juncture of time, the SP supremo might have factually ensured that Prateek Yadav got a suitable space and position in the party. This might have surely strengthened Prateek Yadav.

In the process entrenching him to a certain extent, with some faction within the SP perpetually siding with him in the power struggle between the brothers.

Something, Amar Singh, Dimple Singh Yadav ( and perhaps even Akhilesh ) would NOT want.

Now... the result we have is... this entire thing of power splitting and sharing within the SP family seems like deferred by another five years, circa Q1, 2017.

During which time frame BJP remains in power. CM being AdityaNath ( a rajput ) and deputy CM Mr. Sharma ( a brahmin by caste ) will do all that is essential to decimate the SP and BSP combo, forever.

That remains the general take.


Ever wondered... that ever since the BJP came to power...

Now... the going narrative has been -

plausibly engineered Hindu-Muslim riots, gau raksha, Ganga, Hindutva, Pakistan, China and Kashmir, note-bandi, etc.


Just chanced on this news few weeks back...

The newly formed BJP state Govt. in the state of UP, recently appointed nearly 312 Judicial Officers in the Allahabad High Court.

Nearly 160 of these appointees are brahmins or the priestly class. That is nearly 50 % mark for one specific set of people. Another 20%-30% are rajputs, bhumihars and kayasthas caste alone.

Reminds one of the "Akbar the Great" times. Though Akbar is missing and there is no Birbal ( a Kayastha amatya ) now.

All in all...almost 90 % of the appointments are made within the folds of a select few & specific caste groups alone.

So... what does one make out of this ? If one were to extrapolate for the ensuing 5 years' time of the BJP rule in the state of UP ?

On can easily imagine.

Is this a real pointer to the real face of what is following in those all states wherein BJP is coming back to power ? Or, been ruling since some time now.

Quite possible.

Yet... I do not have the actual / real data.

Reminds one of the oft-heard Vyapam thingy... and the BJP ruled state of MP.

<< TWENTY TWO : BLAND OBSERVATION on Confirmed Prescience >>



( Gujarati ) Dhokla.

Coincidence... this... retirement of the honourable justice - CJI JS Khehar ?


The thought oftentimes buzzed in my head countless times that once the honourable Chief Justice of India Shri JS Khehar retires on the 27th or the 28th of August, 2017... then or thereafter the chances of Dhokha-La standoff resolving might materialise.

I COULD NOT comprehend the precise reasoning for that prescient repititive thought... that ever pervaded my mental plane throughout late July and parts of August.

Though I had a set of guesses all piled up... like the oncoming crucial BRICS summit during the first week of Sept, 2017 in the PRC, had to somehow materialise... the publishing of this exact blog post by myself, etc. etc.

But, then, I was NOT really surprised ( or, was I ? ) by the GoI announcement on the 28th of August, 2017 as regards resolution to the Dhokha-La stand-off between the two countries' armies.


If the BRICS summit was NOT there during the first week of Sept, 2017 in the PRC... then the chances of the so-called resolution might have taken atleast another 15-20 days or so ? My prescient observation/ take.


Few days later... again... I was surprsied by the INC politician Manish Tewari's article on the DongLang ( PRC term : the Dog-Lung ) situation wherein he seems to be openly contradicting the publicly espoused GoI position on Dhokha-la.


There seems to be a common thread amomgst some of these Swami Jis', Yoga Gurus, Spiritual masters, saints, etc. -

- Swami RamPal,
- Ram-Asha Bapu aka Asha-Ram Bapu,
- Dera Saccha Sauda's Gurmeet Ram Rahim Insaan,
- Yogi or Swami NityaNanda,
- Baba RamDev, etc.

who have been facing some heat since the past few years.

Curiously observed... all of these people happen to be non-brahmins ( not belonging to the priestly class pedigree ).

To elaborate : -

Swami Rampal : A Jat from Haryana. A Kabir panthi. Having a massive following running into crores.

Swami Ram-Asha Bapu aka Asa-Ram Bapu and his son : A Sindhi saint. Perhaps of mercantile class or bania background. Even his Guru Ji was a Sindhi. Perhaps Bania. Asa-Ram Bapu and his son were and still are having a massive following running crores.

Dera Saccha Sauda's Gurmeet Ram Rahim Insaan : Most of his followers are dalit and low caste folks from the regions of Punjab, Haryana, Western UP, Himachal Pradesh, etc.  Having a massive following running couple of crores. Some reports suggest almost 5 crores.

Yogi or Swami NityaNanda : From Bengaluru. An Arcot Mudaliar. Having a massive following in South.

Baba RamDev : A Yadav from Haryana. A Hatha Yogi. Having a massive following running tens of crores.

Yet another common thread amongst these folks is... there have had been a slew of civil &/or criminal cases been piled up on these guys.

Whilst many have been irreparably defamed and some are serving active sentences/ prison terms.

Some are imprisoned as under-trials.

The last on the list... Baba Ramdev had almost 150 odd cases slapped on him and his organisations by the UPA regime. Now, he seems to have some breather whilst the NDA or the BJP is currently in power.

We never know if he faces some heat again down the line... some years down the line... whence a new dispensation might be at the helm of running the country.


Whilst noting that none/ one/ some of these men MAY be totally innocent.

But one thing that merits to be understood...

The "Dharma" / "Religion" / "Baba-Giri" / "Guru-Giri"/ "Guru-Ghantal-Giri"/ "Saint-giri"/ "Sant-giri", etc. etc. business arena is a highly lucrative domain.

Wherein many of the Yogis, Babas and Bhagawans have made tens of thousands of crores for their organisations and trusts. And... their kinsmen.

And... a few of them have or might still accumulate or gradually garner a NETT wealth to the tune of lakhs of crores of Indian Rupees. With many an overseas assest acquired/ to boast of.

Case in point are : -

a) Ashutosh Ji Maharaj ( A Maithili brahmin from Bihar... last name ending as 'Jha' started some religious-spiritual organisation in Punjab . Now he is rumoured to be in "deep samadhi" since the past few years. ).

His organisation's net worth was said to be in the tune of around 15-20 thousand crores !!

b) Bhagawan Puttaparthi Sai Baba :

His close kinsmen have pre-dominantly inherited the trust founded by him, after he left the earthly plane some years back.

( Not sure on the numbers ) the trust is reported to have already accumulated nearly 40-60-100 thousand crores.

It is another matter that the original Sai baba of Shirdi was a real FAKIR. At the end of the day... he used to distribute everything that was offered to him by the donating visitors to the other needy visitors, who all thronged to have his darshan and seek his blessings, each and every day.

He had no use for any money or wealth.

Similar was the case with RamaKrishna ParamHamsa and the saint from Thiruvanamalai - Sri Ramana Maharishi.

These were the real saints.

c) Even Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ( Art of Living  Foundation ) is building upon a mammoth organisation that may be worth lakhs of crores down the road... as some one once opined.

I am not sure whether this is true.

So... one comes across many an examples that many Godmen and saints built up huge enterprises and wealth when they dabbled in the same said field, mentioned as above.

d) Maharishi Mahesh Yogi started the Transcendental Meditation ( TM ) programme across hundreds of countries. His empire was worth thousands of crores, world-wide.

etc., etc.


In retrospect...

Who wins and who loses ?

In case or after these implicated guys are made to leave their field to spend time in prison... chances are that majority of their disciples or chelas will search for another Guru Ji types or saints or babas... down the line... to stick up to.

And... perhaps... go on to join the burgeoning crowd at one of the other Baba Ji's or Swami Ji's organisations.

... talking of herd mentality/ 'bhed chaal' here.

In the process - a goodish amount of their time, energy and wealth might be made to be given/ donated to some such organisations.

Seems like... the likes of many new day Guru Ji's and babas will have a field day... down the line.

Especially... I sense that there might be an underlying thread that all the current, or... the purported beneficiaries ( obviously... from the above mentioned Guru Ji type's woes ) be all priestly class or brahmins ( ensuring complete monopoly for these guys in these domain )... rather than be non-brahmins ? is a thought that actually strikes.


Think whatever...
but I have had best of terms with the Brahmins. If I purposefully dabble in this... stuff of caste, etc. differentiations and distinctions...

Those who have been following the thread since the past THREE-FOUR years... must be able to reason out why that's so.



I have observed that certain persons belonging to Bhumihar caste group, find me and identify me even in remote locales when I am on the move. Visiting places some 100-200 km away. ( perhaps based on my mobile phone tracking my geo-locations that must be passed on to them by someone on the surveillance team that might be tracking me ).

There are couple of instances that I can easily mention here. Refrain from doing so.

Clearly these people have some linkup back to their kinsmen in the secret services or the Army intel.

This I can easily tell upfront.

Why are these folks so... pretty much elated. And... want an encore with the repeat of PM Modi's preformance in 2109 ?

That others must make out.

< EoP >