Saturday, September 30, 2017

On EVM, Revisted

On EVM, Revisted

<< ONE >>

This one post is... further to the previous elaborate post on the probable/ palpable/ 'for sure', etc. EVM malpractices thrust on the Indian populace... perhaps by Captain AV and mates ?

Apparently... it remains way too difficult... NOT to apprehend/ state that some set of a coterie of ultra smart guys ( from deep within the... 'deep state' i.e. the national security agencies ? ) do not/ would not/ might not be having the EVM master keys in their arsenal. And... that explains their MOJO.

And... this repeating thought that the sometimes... err. oftentimes... roguishly playful Captain and mates ELSE those in his opponent grouping... are having the key... is quite unnerving, though.


Delhi CM ArkKej chooses to remain silent on the EVM issue after having conclusively lost Punjab & Goa assembly elections... ostensibly owing to the EVM tinkering after-effects... as he has outrightly alleged.

As he has rightly pointed out... alright ?

Now... Delhi CM ArkKej is NOT making any further fuss/ news on this EVM fraud/ count.

Is he kept bogged down on other counts ? Apparently seems so.

Else... the likelihood of his being a covert fronts-man of the Captain ( an ace up Captain's sleeve... reserved for future engagements... post the Modi era )... might actually hold true.

Delhi CM ArkKej is avoiding the limelight since the past few months. Why ?

Almost 100 Days now... since he started the EVM fraud harp. Then an eerie silence. What's the catch ?


I suspect that Delhi CM ArkKej is positioned to be the next in line to challenge PM NaDa Modi after the INC's RahGan.

Is it that the Delhi CM ArkKej is positioned to come propped up by the year 2019 or certainly by the year 2024... and he is to be much more strengthened by the year 2024 to claim some central Govt. position ? a frequent thought that arises.

After... UPA1 ( 2004-2009 ) and UPA2 ( 2009-2014 ) ... we have NDA2 ( 2014 - ? )... not sure what we might have in 2019, though ?

But is the Delhi CM ArkKej's career graph sure to rise ?

I suggest... highly likely.


Whilst... expected would have been that...

Delhi CM ArkKej, of all the people in the public domain amongst the political parties, should and could have taken this possible EVM fraud up with the highest sincerity and priority... to have the matter conclusively resolved by the office of the honorable Chief Election Commissioner.

What prevents him from ever doing so ?

While one of his party MLAs ( Mr. Bhardwaj ) runs off to Botswana, to show the EVM vulnerability to the resident Govt. there.

What is the result that has been achieved by that singular sortie ?

Perhaps... we all are misled.

Is it that ArkKej has been somehow 'compromised' by the Captain AV and mates ? ( say - by using some 'historical' facts, figures, data, etc. preceding decades. )

Perhaps... 100 % likely... and most certain. After all... Captain AV has all the access to all the historical data.


Btw - My understanding of 'Captain' is that he and his endless stuff ganged atop the 'kum akal' tanker... is representative of a section of national security agencies and the armed forces.

Basically, a sub-set of them.

Or, is it that 'Captain' is actually representative of ALL inclusive of these cumulative groupings ??

I remain still in doubt as regards the superset part, sans the actual facts on the ground.



Even the BSP supremo hollered... EVM manipulation, post the UP elections. Somehow, she seems to have toned down and stopped on her rhetoric, after some initial hue and cry.

Is it that some... undercurrent agreement might have been mutually reached... as regards 2019 or 2024 elections between her and the 'Captain' and mates ?

By the way, her deputy in the BSP... the chieftain SC Mishra ( a Brahmin Devta ) seems to be her top advisor and her top aide.


Not sure if he alone is having his way and sway in the party ? Albeit covertly ?

For... he must be thoroughly conversant with all the nerves, veins and arteries of the BSP as a party body.

That includes the throttle points and the choke points, as well.


What stops all these guys like - the Delhi CM ArkKej and the BSP Supremo, etc. from stopping short of a conclusive action on this much touted EVM mal- practices ?

Seems like... these guys are NOT able to pursue the matter with the honorable Office of the Chief Election Commissioner.

Perhaps... phut teacher ( => a respectable and honorific teacher gone awry or phut ) 'Captain' and mates... apart from the GoI... advices the honorable CEC ?? Thereby providing some sort of strictures or directives ?

Highly likely.

But then... to what-ever extent ?

<< TWO >>

Dr Sub.Swa ( the BJP mega mouthpiece... and supposedly a TamBram think-tank leader ) had proposed, way back in 2009, to the Supreme Court... for the VVPAT system based paper-trails as a means of visual confirmation to the voter... that assuaged a voter that his/ her vote has been adequately registered in the EVM.

So... essentially the VVPAT system is supposed to put out a paper printed trail of the symbol of the political party... the voter has voted, by pressing the right button on the EVM panel.

The most urgent question to ask is... is this ACTUALLY to be deemed as sufficient ?

Dr Sub.Swa ( an ex-Economics professor from IIT, Delhi. But he is more of a veteran think-tank TamBram politician ) would have us believe that VVPAT system is sufficient and good to prevent the EVM malpractises.

I, like many many others, completely disagree. I would NOT expect that to be so. Hardly ever.

And... this is an end user view as a voter. Based on what I hae observed.

For... the fact remains that...
what the EVM system's EEPROM records in the memory is something the voter does not know and cannot ever discern or actually make out, at the moment of voting.

And... this EEPROM resident voting/ polled data has the potential to be sabotaged anytime and changed. By any number of means and methodologies. Any which moment...

And... many very learned people having huge expertise in the domain of IT Security, nano tech, semi-condutcor tech advances, Telecommunications, Networking, etc. have totally voiced their gravest concerns on this current practice by raising the red flag against this current practice.

Something... which they all point out as... actually inherently flawed. Therefore wrong.

Seems like the VVPAT might be an aide for misleading the masses ?

Something akin to a placebo effect... when we compare and contrast... having actually taking a dud pill versus or against having voted.

So... is it that the VVPAT seems like or might essentially be an eyewash to brazenly fool most of the public who have NIL knowledge and even basic understanding about the high tech advances in any/ all of -

- Wireless Communication technologies; Using... variable Elelctro magnetic Force Fields carrying differential quantaum of power varying with time.

- Nano Technology; Technology advances in Semiconductor industry; Esp. in low power requirements for ultra smart memory segments and self powered memory segment;

- Stand-alone sand grain sized computer systems; Eg. : K-2 Chip from Freescale Semiconductors ?

- Nano or micro circuitry covertly etched out on the PCB layout of the circuit board we may see on the EVM; the intent could be to effortlessly manipulate the EEPROM based data. Perhaps wirelessly rather than having a 'system within another system' do the trick.

- Not to forget mentioning that... any stored data in some special memory segments may be programmed at even atomic level ( as an off /on switch )... owing to the advances in storage technology.

etc., etc.

<< THREE >>

An additional problem with all the VVPAT print out trails might be/ is... that... barring any uniquely identifying id on each one of them... all these VVPAT print-outs might be/ are indistinguishable from each other ( of course - before the voted party symbols are printed on them during the course of voting ).

As none of them potentially carry any distinct mark, key, identity or unique numbering or pattern.

Or... do they ? I am NOT aware that they do.

And, in the case that they do...
then... that the same paper trail id 'uniqueness' info. is highly secured... and ought to be 'securely' audit-able at the poll counting/ results date.

In the case if this VVPAT paper trail id 'secured uniqueness' is NOT maintained. In that case...

... it is pretty much easy for anyone or a set of highly networked coterie ( Using any/ plausible combinations of - 'Saam', Daaam', 'Dand, Bhed', etc. ) to ENTIRELY replace the entire VVPAT trail ballot box with another similar replica, anytime after the voting is over ( Highest probability is : especially so... when this VVPAT ballot box is in transit to the storage location, after voting has concluded ) and replace the same with another one having a different set of the VVPAT paper trails.


Even if 2 % to 5 % of the VVPAT systems based ballot boxes are thoroughly replaced... then this might have serious implications for the entire voting process and the outcome thereof.


Only requirement for the potential WRONG-DOERS might be... one-to-one mapping wrt the actual NUMBER of votes polled is to be strictly maintained... by those in the 'know'... to bely any suspicions as regards any wrong doing what-so-ever.

Of course, the EVM's EEPROM MAY/ MUST be ( say - wirelessly or by whatever available means; like - the manipulation may have on-board elements or a hidden sub-sub-system within another sub-system, per the design. ) re-programmed to corroborate to the VVPAT-system based paper audit trail results.

Therefore... this corroborates with the EVM readout, for a specific ballot box, as regards the total number of votes polled... on the election results day... in the final audit.

Belying any iota of thoughts regarding any wrong doing.


So... there is a STRICT need for each of the VVPAT paper audit trail print-outs to be uniquely identifiable. And, this identity info MUST be kept secure. The EC must ensure that.

This may be effected by means of having each individual paper trail have a unique identification and/ or serialization number.

The same identification 'secure' info. MUST be securely maintained till the electioneering results are out.

These unique ids' must be selected in such a manner that it is NOT really all that easy and possible to easily replace the entire ballot box with an exactly similar ballot box containing a different set of polled VVPAT paper trails... that easily... any-times after the polling and till the counting takes place on the results day.

<< FOUR >>

Requirements... this ?

While a voter goes for voting at the polling booth... the voter must be provided with a uniquely identifiable voting TAG bearing a barcode or a QR code. This is to be kept secret.


A probable use case scenario follows -

Here... specially/ freshly minted INR 1/ 5/ 10 currency notes having unique serialization numbers, may be used.

Post the polling process - these same may be sent to the banks for disbursement to the general public, for regular usage as currency notes.

A currency bundle contains 100 crisp currency notes.

Punching Machines -
Let there be punching machines that punch out holes in different shapes and sizes... that may be used to punch holes in a bunch of currency notes. The shapes might be any of - star, square, rectangle, parallelogram, etc. - all coming in different sizes.

So... the presiding officer at a polling booth takes a wad of currency notes randomly ( say 25/ 30/ 35/ 50, etc. Any numbers out of 100 ) punches them with a specific shaped punch. Or, perhaps two or more set of diversely shaped punches at different locations.

Now this action... helps set up a unique signature ( that might be hard to copy by an external party sans having a copy of the currency note, who might want to replace the entire VVPAT based ballot box ) for these set of 'uniquely punched wad of currency notes' that are specific to a polling booth &/or a ballot box.


It may not be easy for the ballot box containing the unique paper trails along with the tags... to be so easily replaced.

It MUST be stolen first... then only it may be replaceable.

Got the idea ??

On the results day... post the actual polled votes are counted. The uniquely punched currency notes must need be re-arranged in a serialized manner. And, by visual examination... anyone can safely discern that none of them have been replaced, or not.

This serves as perhaps a single step in a multi-pass security check, in aggregating the security aspects of the entire process in multiple stages. Something sort of a spread over.

In case of any wrong doing... if one looks through the punched holes... there certainly might be an obstruction to the unhindered view... through the punched holes. Some loss of alignment ?

This might easily establish/ confirm some sort of wrong doing/ manipulation/ fraud, etc. having taken place.

Corrective measures, as deemed necessary, may be undertaken, in such an eventuality.

Btw - All of the remaining or unused punched notes MUST necessarily be deposited in the ballot box by the electioneering presiding officials.


<< FIVE >>

we got ATM cards holder being given by banks in a certain plastics casing.

ATM card holder has two pockets... one in the front to keep the ATM/ the credit/ debit card... a similar card place-holder is to be found on the reverse side that may be used to keep the paper trail that we get from the banking ATM machines, post carrying out of a banking related transaction.

Now... in case one goes for voting...

The voter or the presiding officer at the polling booth/ station MUST keep the uniquely identifiable voting TAG at the polling booth in one of the card place-holder pockets.

After the voter has voted and gets hold of a VVPAT paper trail... then (s)he must fold ( to hide the symbol ) this 'unique and secure' VVPAT paper trail and place the unique VVPAT trail that (s)he got from the voting process in the reverse place holder.

Now... this combo ( of the uniquely punched currency tag and the folded VVPAT paper trail ) has to be dropped in the 'Ballot Box' that is kept for collecting all the legal votes.

The aggregates of these ( combo ) votes alone... goes on to account for the actual voting.

This way...

the EVM ballot box is essentially supposed to serve as NO MORE than an input device that interfaces to the VVPAT based system that serves as a PRINTER of the vote paper trail.

Essentially... VVPAT system is a... lame-duck printer... and... no more.

So... as an end voter... one can rest assured that his/ her vote is going to be counted and accounted for.


On the results day or the counting day... after the ballot box is opened... the VVPAT result is taken out from the collection of VVPAT paper trails straight away.

Again... later on or simultaneously... the uniquely identifiable voting tags ( say - the set of a wad of punched currency notes ) are collected and the same audited then and there only... for any potential (mis)matches i.e. malpractice/ fraud.

Say - an audit of 10 % to 20 % to 30 % of the total punched tags might be sufficient to verify that there has been no malpractices, what-so-ever.

This gives a conclusively effective/ correct result as regards the authenticity of the entire voting process.

In case of any mismatch... some corrective action like... a re-poll may be ordered.

This actually rules out many and most voting related or EVM malpractice in any form, format or scale... we have seen arising over the past 12-15 years' time frame since EVMs have been used ( perhaps since 2004 ? )


So, there is a definitive need for some corrective actions to address this serious issue of recurrent EVM malpractices and fraud.

Above, but, serves as an example.

There may be many more ways to implement a fail-safe system.

The think-tanks in the office of the CEC MUST define and design such a system.

<< SIX >>

There are almost 4,100 or so legislators ( MLAs ) around the entire country.

Again, there are almost 810 parliamentarians ( MPs ) in the country. This includes the members from the Lok Sabha as well as the Rajya Sabha.

A cumulative figure that nears almost 5,000 mark.

Out of these numbers, almost a little less than 25 % of these positions are reserved for the SC/ ST community.

In case of the 'to be' specially appointed RS members... some are eminent nominees, from diverse fields, as well.

Now... out of the remaining 75 % or 77 % of open seats... since the times we gained independence... some set of closely knit and highly networked people seem to be hell bent on hogging the entirety of the same. By any means what-so-ever.

Of course... there are ups and down in the fortune of political parties and politicians.

And, especially for those closely knit and highly networked set of elitist people the success rate, at electoral hustings and therefore at power grabbing, is much more higher than those that are a fragmented lot.

Or, those that are somehow kept fragmented using the principle of... "divide and rule... to conquer". ( How's that ? )

There may be serious threat situation of exclusion for others who are not well represented in the Indian 'deep state'; and the majority of the same positions are gobbled by the elitist set of closely knit people... since the times of "Akbar the Great". Specifically speaking in the context of the so called 'open' 75 % to 77 % seats.

And... is that the reason that we see certain communities, castes and caste groupings, regional groupings and outfits, etc. finding more prominence than others even in the entire political process ?

As an example -
In the state of Gujarat... the Patidars or Patels accounting for hardly 6 % to 10 % of the population ( or is it more ? ) send almost 50 MLAs to the state legislative assembly. Again... the Patels' representation is to the tune of almost 20 MPs in the Parliament ( LS alone ).

Again... in the current Bihar legislative assembly... the Yadavs account for almost 25 % ( nearly 55-58 MLAs ) of the entire strength of the assembly seats ( that is almost = 243 ). Though their nett population is almost 16 % of Bihar population. And, no more.

Similarily, the Brahmins and Rajputs account for more than twice or thrice the parliamentary and legislative seats, in total, in comparison to their entire population across India. This goes on to strengthen their effective hold and sway over many of the states as also the nation.

This is way too much for some sections of society are... overtly represented... at the expense of others.


Whilst in the case of Kalchuri and their affiliated clans/ branches, etc. the entire population throughout the country might be hovering around ... NO LESS than 8 % to 10 % to 12 % to 15 % out of nearly 128 crores ( i.e. in the range of 11 - 14 - 20 + crores ? TWENTY PLUS CRORES IS ACTUALLY RIGHT ) !!

But then... being NOT politically conscious and active... and highly fragmented... they hardly account for even 20 MPs. The cumulative MLA count may hardly cross 100, throughout the country.

Such is the lop-sided scheme of things.

This MUST be rectified.

And... we got smarties well ensconced in the Indian 'deep state' who want their run to continue till eternity.


Having stated that...

Al least... people MUST be able to be assured that their voting is accounted for. Rather than some 'agencies' led by a rougish 'topi-wala' deciding who wins or who is made to lose based on their line of thinking.

And... that is one of the side reasons for writing this post.

Those, who have the beginner's advantage won't so easily relinquish the same. No matter what.

That remains the root of almost all our problems.

It is high time... to solve or resolve this perennial issue/ problem.

< EoP >

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