Sunday, March 10, 2019

What’s cooking ?

(( ONE ))

I deliberately herein use the terminology “Chitpawan Jews” rather than the term Chitpawan Brahmins for the first time ever… and, the reason follows…

I chanced on this information on the web that the brahmin race/ origin/ caste people in India ( as also else where around the entire world) belong to ostensibly a Jewish origin.

This same info. was outlined by Megasthenes who was the court poet and historian to Seleucus Nikator, one of the generals of the Greek invader Alexander. After Seleucus Nikator was defeated by Chandra Gupta Maurya… he had to offer his daughter Helena in marriage to Chandra Gupta Maurya. Along went Megasthenes too… to the Magadhan court.

This Greek historian Megasthenes wrote an exhaustive book on the Indian nation and people, at that time, that was titled – INDICA !!

 (( TWO ))

In the book Indica, Megasthenes has clearly outlined that the brahmin race of people in India trace their origin to the Jewish tribes of middle east Asia. ( That might currently be the regions around Israel, Iran, Syria, Assyria, Palestine, etc. ).

Per Megasthenes what had historically transpired was… some set of wayward Jewish people were exiled by the Jewish king from his kingdom… and as wanderers these group of Jewish people found shelter first in the Indian Himalayan foothills. From thence on, over the millenniums they moved over to the entirety of the Gangetic plains and later towards southern parts of the country. Even today the bulk of the brahmin caste or race population resides around the entirety of the Gangetic plains. From Gomukh, Gangotri in Uttarakhand to GangaSagar, West Bengal. Perhaps more than 75 % of the brahmin population of the entire country resides around the river ganges and another 10 % around the river Narmada.

Since… these Jewish race people continued worshipping their ancestral deity Abraham. So, highly likely that they were referred to as A-braham by the local Indian populace. Gradually, the word A-braham might have been unwounded to yield the word Brahmin… referring to them set/ stock of folks.

Something like –

A-braham  -> Braham  -> Braham-aham -> Brahm-ham -> Brahmam -> Brahman -> Brahmin !!    

This is sort of tries to extrapolate on the info. that Megasthenes’ book yields in Indica.

Again… one can easily make out that the Iranian religious text of the Parsis – Zend Avesta closely sounds like the shlokas of the earliest Veda – the Rig Veda and vice versa !! This is NOT mere coincidence.

Note - There are 13 or so Tribes of Israel spread around the entire world… and there is that lost tribe too !!

(( THREE ))

The seat of the Chitpawan brahmin power in India was at Poona… where they rose as the Peshwa ( Military Commander ) to the Maratha Kings; while the Maratha Kings ruled from Nagpur.
Cut to today… the Maratha Kings are long gone from Nagpur.

And… do we see that the seat of Chitpawan power base has shifted from Poona to Nagpur ?

Again note - the RSS that is highly dominated by brahmins… especially the Chitpawan brahmins at the very top of hierarchy… are now headquartered in Nagpur.

That reminds me of RSS Chief - Mohan Bhagwat; as also - Nitin Gadkari and Devendra Fadnavis at the forefront… cut to today !!

(( FOUR ))

I find this strange that a Bihar IPS officer ( who might be a distant kinsmen or perhaps belonging to the same caste ) who was in RAW for almost a decade was all of a sudden selected as the Mumbai police chief by the BJP’s Maharashtra CM and RSS ?

Later on… he was rumored to be in the fray for the post of CBI Chief. Now… he has been appointed as Maharashtra DGP.
I sense some covert agenda might be designed for play out by the BJP, RSS stalwarts. Do I smell that something might have been cooking or might still cook down the line, in this context ? Cannot hazard a guess as regards that, at this instance of time.

Incidentally, after the Supreme Court scrapped IT Section 66 A… I chanced on this news that Maharashtra government headed by CM Devendra Fadnavis brought out a fresh legislation that was passed as law to replace this same national level law with a state level implementation. The same state level law has ramifications for the entire country. Even though, the Supreme Court had scrapped the IT Section 66 A !! The RSS and BJP sure seems to have some covert designs with respect to re-framing this law in the state of Maharashtra !! Why they did so is actually puzzling !!
Please take note.

(( FIVE ))

Again… perhaps to soften and perhaps to potentially marginalize and neutralize a national level caste based organization… whose head is based out of Nagpur, Maharashtra… his industrialist son was caught up in a CBI probe some time back. Perhaps last year or… last to last year.

This renders and cripples the entire organization function. Now, the top leadership of this national level ( caste based ) organization might be surely rendered powerless and mute spectator…  so as to seek any demand for public representation in the oncoming LS polls or even for the state level polls. The top leadership of this organization might be sort of, kept on a hook by the BJP, RSS top honchos. This potentially renders their mission and vision as compromised, for the foreseeable future.

And… that’s what is perceptible as the ground reality.

< EndOfPost >

Demonetization and LS Polls 2019...someone had to be writing this. I choose...

THIS POST IS A MUST SEE/ READ... FOR THE EYES ( And... brains, thinking, reasoning, evaluation, assimilation, etc. ) OF -

1) The serving, retired, semi-retired -
a) Civil Servants ( mainly IFS, IRS, IPS, IAS officers ); and 
b) Armed Forces Officers; and
c) Supreme Court and High Court Judges and Lawyers; and
d) From all the Indian Intelligence agencies; and
e) Intelligentsia in the Education domain - teachers, mentors, professors, researchers, etc.

2) Those having deep insight as regards the working of the Capital markets, Currency markets, World Trade, International Finance, Economics and Economic Activities. National Finances.
Working of the Federal Reserve of the USA, Central Banks, etc. ... may evaluate this post.
3) Technical Experts specializing in IT Security and Crypto Currencies. Blockchain development.
4) Better enlightened souls from the IITs, NITs and other such engineering colleges, R&D institutions and diverse scientific organizations - in the country and around the globe.
5) Religious leaders. Heads of religious, socio-religious, socio-spiritual, spiritual Organizations. This includes all the pro-BJP and pro-RSS Hindutva factions, as well.
6) Followers of late Rajiv Dixit and his Bharat Swabhimaan Trust Nyas members.
7) Those in the Government; and all the educated politicians cutting across party lines.

This post briefly touches upon some of these issues –

1) Demonetization, Crypto-Currency, GBP Pound Sterling, BreXit, Rupee denominated Masala Bond listed on the LSE, Pulwama – a false flag attack ?, Currency Printer - De La Rue, Currency King Roberto Giori, , IC-814 Hijacking to Kandhar, JeM;

2) Déjà vu wrt… 1999 ? Intelligence failure in Pulwama ? Profiteering out of massive artificially creation of demand-supply imbalance/ mismatch of a real versus a virtual commodity.

3) IoT, Cisco Systems, 5 G Technology. Total Surveillance Police State, in a globalized Full Spectrum Surveillance environment by the Big Brother.

Would request the following political leaders to rake up the Demonetization issue to the highest possible pitch ( Someone… please duly inform and minutely update them ) –

1) HD Dewe Gowda,
2) HD Kumarswamy,
3) Mamta Bannerjee,
4) Pinarayi Vijyan,
5) Raj Thackeray,
6) Akhilesh Yadav,
7) Mayavati,
8) Sharad Yadav,
9) Navjot Singh Siddhu,
10) Upendra Kushwaha,
11) Tejashwi Yadav,
12) ChandraBabu Naidu,
13) K C Chandra Shekhar Rao,
14) M K Stalin,
15) Navin Patnaik etc. leaders

As also – some movie stars and cricketers that are supposedly deeply interested in the well being of the country, cutting across all the party lines.

To start with… some Logical Correlation or Analogy :
We sure know that… Sun sustains life on planet earth.
But then – what role water plays in sustaining our day-to-day human life remains equally undeniable.

1) What… water is to life and living beings

2)  What… water and blood ( which is mainly constituted plasma… is made 99 % of water ) is to the human body

3) What plant sap… is to plant life.

4) …the very same role currency plays out in sustaining the economy/ economic growth and well being/ prosperity of a society/ nation… and therefore surely has a direct bearing on every-which/ overall national security implications.

This close correlation and factorization remains undeniable.

Contrarily… we may state thus that…

A) If any living organism or being is deliberately or by some sort of mischance, deprived of water… it tends to die.

B) Again… if blood is drained out of a living organism/ body… it tends to gradually move towards death.

C) Yet again… If sea salt supply is greatly curtailed around the entire country, then people will have no other option remaining but to make use of/ consume the rock salt in their day-to-day food and beverages, as the most suitable supplement/ replacement to sea salt.
But, we all do know that rock salt has very limited production and supply. So… knowing this fact everyone knows that those who might have prematurely hoarded or therefore control the limited stock/ supply of rock salt do surely fore-see a massive spike in the effective demand of the rock salt. Perhaps by a factor of several times.

This, massive spike in demand for rock salt, which ostensibly has limited stock and supply, might see the net effective market pricing ( which is in effect determined by pure constraints of demand-supply paradigm ) or valuation of  rock salt to sky rocket to rather unfathomable levels.

So, in the case that any set of unscrupulous elements who already did had or might have had ( even by means of proxy agents ) near monopoly in hoarding the rock salts in a premeditated manner AND who might have had a direct or indirect hand in effecting the massive supply curtailment of the sea salt that lasted several months… sure had a great confirmed opportunity to make massive amounts of money.

Factually… enormous amount of wealth was generated this way for these set of unscrupulous people… by means of a contrived plot tantamount to hook, crook and… meticulous lock, stock and barrel conspiracy or by a closely conniving close knit coterie !!
Of course… these same guys might have purportedly declared an underlying reason as explanation for curtailing the effective supply of sea salt.

Some lame duck excuse… that could be – presence of certain “unwanted black elements” as trace compound in the sea salt supply chain.

Of course this was never ever quantifiable but always suspected owing to some unverified external illegal manufacturing processes.
But then, some set of smart guys used this as a pretext to altogether almost ( that means - not fully but partially ) ban the usage of sea salt for protracted period of time lasting several months.

This is as plain and simple… as the thing may be put across.

D) Similar as to the case of sea salt… if currency is drained by partially removing from the economy of an economic system… the entire economic structure and system tends to collapse or sort of tends to flatten/ bottom/ peter out or tank.

In all the above four cases – the living body or economy ( if not already dead ) registers an irrecoverable SHOCK which takes quite some time lasting several years to heal, in order to return back to normalcy.

Now… in the backdrop of the draconian Demonetization of high denomination currency notes ( that amounted to the tune of 86 % of the liquidity in the Indian economic/ financial system ) unleashed by the NDA-2 led by BJP, RSS politicians after 8th of November,2016.

The intents, motives, motivations, designs, etc. of the BJP/ RSS led NDA-2 Government needs microscopic/ thorough/ incisive etc. assessment/ investigation/ extrapolation, etc. so that the gains and losses incurred MUST be properly tabulASSioned and sort of quantified.

Two posts written by me, in the month of February, 2019 went in that direction. As also few posts during December of 2016.

I recall once putting out a post whose title was - “Currency as a Commodity”.

Plain question based on reasoning

If the supply of any essential commodity is greatly curtailed, then the same drying up of supply serves as a causative factor for the spike in demand of an alternative/ supplement/ replacement commodity that serves to temporarily supplant the original commodity whose supply has been massively curtailed by a certain design.

In such an eventuality… what shall we consider this ACT of throttling of the supply… as ?

Especially when there is effectively an artificial created shortage in supply for an essential commodity ( here in question is the Indian currency notes ) paving ways for a massive spike in the demand of the Crypto Currencies ( as also other Foreign Currencies. Majorly the USD Dollar $ and the GBP Pound Sterling, etc. currencies ) in the domestic as well as the international markets ( ostensibly resulting in valuations escalation ) that is –

1) greater than 22 times over one year period; and

2) to the tune of at least a HUNDRED times, over a three year period ?


The BJP and RSS may want to run away from revisiting thoroughly this topic of Demonetization that they rolled out at this stage when we are at the cusp of the LS Polls, 2019.

They cannot and They.. MUST NOT !!

There is no escape route remaining. Especially… after my 6th February and the 14th February post.

But, only one exit route choice they may have potentially left –

The cumulative BJP, RSS leadership may want to use the pretext of a plausibly a false flag event that throws them the opportunity to squabble/ engage in endless jingoism/ war mongering hysterics/ limited scale pre-fixed war, etc. with Pakistan or perhaps even with China ( though this remains a faint possibility. Since the Hindu-muslim polarization would not happen in the case of China. So… it remains unimaginable to think about China ), at the cusp of the LS 2019 polls. So that they do not have to remain answerable for their 2014-2019 rule, to the Indian masses. Effectively – they might want to wipe their slate clean, at this stage !!

Alternatively, any dubiously staged false flag event might be used as a ruse to impose national emergency in the country so that any attempts at a public discourse on the Demonetization matter lies buried.

These are the serious thoughts that confront.

Else… there is simply next to NIL ways the BJP/ RSS is NOT going to answer the questions that have been raised in the past posts ( February, 2019 )… and still are being raised here, in this post.

Also note that the current COAS Bipin Rawat is in fact ostensibly a political appointment most probably at the behest of Rajnath Singh ( Both happen to be rajput ) and RSS top leadership.

So… once again continuing with the same theme of dissecting the hurriedly enforced Demonetization drive… below…

(( ONE ))

Prima facie… the Pulwama terror attack smacks of being a false flag operation.

The underlying intent, motive, motivations could be one too many that requires a most thorough investigation by an international team of security agencies.

We must not rely totally on our own Indian investigation, the results of which might be either –

a) put under wraps so as to be for consumption of only the top level people in the current government and those very officials that have been appointed by them, or else

b) be much delayed to be of any current use, or else

c)  potentially a skewed or a lop sided cover up that masquerades as an investigation.
etc. etc.

But then, the name of Pakistan based Jaish-e-Mohammed, JeM organization having staged this attack has come up as per a viral video that was released almost immediately after the attack took place. Even the alleged audio and visual lip sync of the purported terrorist do not match. Thereby raising the doubt that this ostensible video attributable to the terror agent, might turn out to be a doctored one.

The Pulwama attack is alleged to be linked to the terror organization Jaish-e-Mohammad ( JeM )… which was formed by one radical element Maulana Masood Azhar who was released ( by our current NSA Ajit Doval ) along with his associates, during the IC-814 Kandhar hijacking in Dec, 1999.

Refer the article at the URL for greater clarity and in-depth details.

(( TWO ))

Few common elements here… in 1999 and yet again during this year 2019 overlap, they being –

a)  NDA government headed by BJP, RSS leadership is at the centre stage; And, once again ( as in NDA-1 ) the Brahmin, Rajput, Bhumihar,  etc. dominant castes of the Hindi belt ( majorly from - UP, MP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, etc. ) are majorly at the helm of running the central government, and are extremely well entrenched too.

b) IPS officer Ajit Doval served as the Director, Special Operations, IB in NDA-1 and today… serves as the NSA in NDA-2 during both these incidents,

c) The currency printing company De La Rue in 2019 prominently figures out as part of the demonetization.
And, as such –the Swiss national Roberto Giori, the owner of this currency printing company De La Rue who was abroad the hijacked plane IC814 and held captive for 8 days during Dec, 1999.

d) Emergence of a crisis/ terror situation… that is attributable to the ISI of Pakistan and originating out of Pakistan.

e) There is an element of playing/ politicking with the Indian public sentiments at the national level.

The nationalistic, patriotic feelings are highly aroused by means of a well orchestrated and oiled propaganda design and the same is cannily channelized, by means of most subtle as well as overtly visible… minutely maneuvered mass psychological subterfuge/ deception… towards building a positive outlook towards those in the seats of power… i.e. the BJP, RSS leadership and the government.

The logical thought arises – are both these hijack/ terror incidents are apparently/ seemingly a contrived plot ? Perhaps so !!

(( THREE ))

It is alleged that the NDA-1 led Govt of India had reportedly paid USD $ 200 millions for the release of Roberto Giori in 1999.

Though, prima facie it apparently seemed like that it was given for the safe release of the hijacked IC 814 air passengers and crew. 

This was the amount that was demanded by the ISI backed hijackers from the Indian Government, then.

Please note that if indeed USD $ 200 millions were paid to those terrorists. Then that is a huge amount that was paid to them back in 1999.

Cut to today 2019, the same amount might be, at a compounded rate of interest over a 20 year period, is equivalent to –

a) USD 774 millions - at 7 % per annum.
b) USD 932 millions - at 8 % per annum.
c) USD 1120 millions - at 9 % per annum.
d) USD 1345 millions - at 10 % per annum.

At the rate USD $ 1 = INR 72 , as of today. USD $ 1000 million = USD $ 1 billion = INR 7200 Crores.

Frankly, an amount of USD $ 200 millions in the year 1999 MUST be equivalent to no less than USD $ 2000 million or USD $ 2 Billions, cut to today (after some 18-20 years - in 2019 ).

This is something like equivalent to something like INR 15,000 crores as of today. And… no less.

Notably, just after their release - the JeM radical organization was formed by Maulana Masood Azhar in February, 2000 and since then it has been involved in various nefarious activities. Perhaps this same Indian money might have gone in to finance this ISI backed terror organization JeM.

One sometimes wonders and suspects whether this JeM has some covert Indian leverage and handlers… perhaps emanating out of the deepest state or the Special Interest Group ( SIG ) within the Indian intelligence and/ or military fraternity.

Do I need to define this deepest state or the Special Interest Group ( SIG ) ?

Be your own judge.

(( FOUR ))

Seems like the British Prime Minister Theresa May was on an official visit to India between the 7th to the 9th of November, 2016.

The demonetization was announced on the evening of the 8th of November 2016, by PM Modi !!

Former CM of Kerela Oommen Chandy had alleged that De La Rue is the same company which was the platinum sponsor of summit between Indian Prime Minister and British Prime Minister Theresa May, held in New Delhi from November 7 and 9, 2016. He had also raised questions on the re-emergence of this blacklisted British currency printing company De La Rue in India around the time the demonetization drive was launched.


1) Is or was the British or Swiss company - De la Rue involved in the printing of the new Rs 2000 notes ?

2) Was the printing done in India or in any one or more than one of the EU countries in 2016 and later on ?

(( FIVE ))

Preceding or just around this talk of BreXit  - Rupee denominated Masala Bonds were listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), in UK.

Both Indian and the UK governments sure do need to drive mutual partnership to raise investment, identify opportunities, and accelerate progress.

UK seed investment financing through mechanisms like CDC, NIIF and UK Export Finance could leverage higher financing from financial markets – including through Rupee Bonds floated on the London Stock Exchange.

Plans were also announced for the London listing of a second wave of Indian rupee-denominated "masala bonds" – that serves as a "vote of confidence" in the UK financial services sector, PM Theresa May said.

How is that so i.e. tantamount to "vote of confidence" ?

The announcement comes after the issuing of more than £ 900 million worth of masala bonds in London since the successful launch in July, 2016 of the world's first Indian offshore bond in the City.

The four new rupee-denominated bonds, worth around £ 600 million, were expected to be listed in London, with the aim of raising finance for investments in India's highway, rail and energy infrastructure.

UK Officials expect a global offshore masala bond market, with bonds issued by Indian government-backed corporates, to be worth around £ 81 billion by 2020.

The Rupee denominated bonds, first announced by George Osborne as part of Indian PM Modi's visit to London during November, 2015 – was planned to be used to boost infrastructure investment in India.

Over £900 million of the bonds have already been launched in the UK and have fuelled investment in Indian railways.

The financial product, denominated in rupees, has proved popular with investors in the City of London.

(( SIX ))

QUESTIONS ( yet, I have minimal understanding on this entire issue of bonds, etc. ) –

1) Where do the UK or EU based people get hold of the Indian currency Rupee ( in UK ) to purchase these Rupee denominated masala bonds to the tune of no less than GBP Sterling Pounds 81 Billions, by the year 2020 ??

2) Are the Britishers , EU residents, the PIOs and the NRIs, etc. primarily going to usher in the investment of ( perhaps ) freshly printed Indian Rupee having valuation of nothing less than GBP 81 Billions by 2020 which could be upwardly revised to a few hundred billions GBP, at the very least, over the next couple of years or decade ?

Where do they get access to or hold of this Indian currency Rupee in the UK / EU ? That too to a amount that is tantamount to nothing less than GBP 81 Billions by 2020 ?

3) Any chances that the currency printer De La Rue is still printing currency in the UK/ EU country or region… and might be told to supply the same to the UK/ EU market ? Who tells or decides… thus ? Is it the NDA-2 headed by PM Modi ? Or, are they doing it of their own ( if at all ) ?

4) Since India-UK bilateral trade is not a currency swap in Indian Rupee-UK Pound Sterling… so the question arises – where do the British and/ or the EU residents get hold of the Indian Rupee so as to invest the same in purchasing the Masala Bonds listed on the LSE, that are denominated in Indian Rupees ?

Clearly, purchasing the masala bonds that are denominated in Indian Rupee clearly means that the investor has to offload the Indian currency in order to purchase these bonds that are listed on the LSE.

5) Looking at the cumulative aggregated equivalence/ tune of GBP Pound 81 Billions by the year 2020, in the INR…
Assuming that 1 GBP Pound Sterling equals INR 90/- today…. Then Ten Billion GBP Pound equals INR 90,000 crores approx.  Therefore, GBP Pound Sterling 81 Billion equals around INR 730,000 crores. Where does this kind of money appear in UK ?

6) So… does one expect that some of the UK and EU based NRIs, PIOs Corporate houses or HNIs ( having home bases in India and vice versa ) might be siphoning off their India based currency surplus/ loads overseas to UK, in order to purchase the Indian Rupee denominated Masala Bonds that is listed on the LSE ?
Or, are the same masala bonds supposedly bought/ to be bought by the NRIs, PIOs having major businesses in India as well as the UK and EU, while they are residing in India ?

In case they are doing this way… are they effectively round tripping the liquidity out of India and back into it ? What might then be the underlying intent, motive, motivation, gain ?

7) But what benefits the Indian Corporate houses derive out of this ?

The RBI gets ? The Govt of India gets ? The Britishers get ?
This Masala Bond needs more light be thrown on them !!

8) Again, instead of the BSE and NSE – how does a listing of Rupee-denominated Masala Bond in the London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) serve the Indian nation ? Apparently, it sure seems like it does.

Contrarily, how does this benefit the UK economy by the influx of the Indian currency ? What implications does this have to the UK GBP Pound Sterling currency ?

(( SEVEN ))

The Crypto currencies like – Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc. gained valuation that is ATLEAST hundred times their initial value over a period of three to four years ( evidently borne out of a high precision contrived plot ?  From the looks of it – sure looks like so !! ).

i.e. right through the second half of 2014 till the end of the year 2017… the valuation of these Crypto currency scrips sky rocketed… between one hundred to at best - a few hundred times !!

In the case of the most popular of the crypto-currencies – BITCOIN, I have clearly brought out in one of the previous posts that in the three consecutive years, it appreciated by –
a) 2015 – 2 times, b) 2016 – 3  times, c) 2017 – 22 times.

So, the effective net gain for Bitcoin during this three year period of 2015-2017 was equivalent to roughly = 2 X 3 X 22 = 132 times !!

Say – a net gain of almost 130 approximately.

If we are to take into account the valuation since the beginning of 2014, I am not sure where we stand as far as the effective/ net gain between Jun, 2014 till December, 2017 is actually concerned !!

And… it is highly likely that the demonetization was NOT done all of a sudden, as some sort of a knee jerk action or reaction.

Demonetization was a meticulously planned affair by the BJP, RSS stalwarts. And the India Inc. i.e. the Corporates sure might have kept in very closely entrenched near the heels/ toes of the NDA-2 top leadership.

Those people who have extensive depth of understanding of the capital and currency markets might agree that – prescient or beforehand understanding and knowledge that the currency supply of the Indian currency would be severely squeezed over several months ( lasting six to ten months, at least )

…Highly probable that some coterie set of closely co-operating probably predominantly SIG set of non state actors ( HNIs, Corporate Houses, Western SIG elementals, Stock traders and punters, FIIs, etc. ) might surely have heavily invested and traded in these crypto currencies.

This remains suspect that these covert closely collaborating grouping/ coterie might be having potentially deepest access to the BJP, RSS leadership… could be located anywhere in the planet.
…could be even lazing around in the Bahamas.

These crypto-currency investors -cum- traders-cum-speculators sure would be having very advanced set of trading experience and skills. And surely an in-depth knowledge acquired over decades of operating out of and on the Dalal Street, Mumbai; Wall Street, New York; UK and Singapore Stock Markets, etc.

On must remember that India happens to be the third largest economy in the world !! As such… the daily ongoing currency float requirement is monumental/ gigantic for a plethora of economic activities.

And, some covert groupings ( at best couple of hundreds ) investors-cum-traders might surely could have been using a set of trading methods ( algorithmic, scalping, slicing, positional, range-bound trades, perhaps W D Gann method, etc. ) and strategies ( short, medium and long term speculative/ trading/ investment outlook ) on these myriad sets of crypto currencies that surely / might have enabled them people ( at best a closely co-operating coterie of few hundred people across the entirety of globe ) to MINT atleast USD $ 500-900 Billion and no less out of thin air !! If we are to subjectively consider the tabulASSioning of the spike in ALL the covert and overtly existing crypto-currencies in existence over the period of June, 2014 to December, 2017.  Put more clearly – especially preceding the six months before the 9th November, 2016 rollout of Demonetization to December, 2017.

And… this might be rather a generous assessment. NO ONE CAN DENY THIS !!

This is a hypothesis - knowing that the Big Brother has a penchant for thinking out of the box… so one must not be surprised that the Bitcoin, etc. crypto-currencies have entire blockchains that have mirror copies specifically catering to certain set of countries or entire continents or a certain set of categorized end users/ beneficiaries. That means that there could be several identical synchronized or non-synchronized copies of the Blockchain of the crypto currencies, pervading the www. This makes the total crypto-currency float to be actually of the order of a few times the declared numbers. And… this may be highly possible, in the realms technical feasibility for a few intel agencies. And, might have to do with how the www is physically, logically and/ or virtually laid out in reality.

Regards this observation –
Please confirm with those guys who might be heavily invested in the Asian – Singapore, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Capital markets/ Stock exchanges… and who might sure be having a pretty good perspective on the Indian economy and currency fundamentals as also crypto-currency trading ad investment.
One may get these same pretty smart folks in Kolkata and Mumbai… but I suspect that they might not hazard a guess !!

(( EIGHT ))

Fact might remain that –
this demonetization thing had to be in the thought process of certain bankers, certain RBI officials, several of the BJP led NDA government politicians and RSS top leadership even before they formed the government in May, 2014.

That might mean the NDA-2 Govt. and the Corporates that closely backed/ co-operated/ financed the BJP, RSS had this in their mind all along… perhaps even before they won the LS polls in May, 2014 that enabled BJP, RSS to form the Government.

Actually, demonetization seems to have been perfectly timed.
We all know that the Ambanis and Adanis and a lot of the big corporate houses are very solidly behind the BJP and RSS and vice versa.

Ironically, many of these corporate houses are majorly the ones having run upon the NPAs that amounted to nearly INR Nine Lakh crores around November, 2016.

But, cut to today that figure might be of the order of INR 14-16 lakh crores ??

Or… what happened to the NPA statistics ??

Question is –
Did demonetization help in solving the NPA issue ? How can that possibly be true and how actually this might have panned out ?? 

What might be the underlying catch ??

Again… how do one NOT suspect that many of these Corporate House bigwigs and the in-house and offshore friends and affiliates of BJP, RSS ( as also some SIGs cutting across party lines and affiliations ) had been accumulating these crypto currencies knowing that their prices are going to see major escalation within an years’ time ?

And, the world is witness to this fact that a massive escalation in crypto currency valuations already DID happen between 2016-2017.

What is MOST important is – who actually owned these crypto currencies that registered massive gains of the order of hundreds of times ?

The gains, in themselves are NOT important while sure they potentially have made way for some coterie set of people to get fabulously rich and wealthy in no time.

To understand what really happened, an example follows –
Today 1 Bitcoin is valued at USD $ 3900 ( say ). Let’s say someone purchases 1 Bitcoin today ( 1st week of March, 2019 ). Let’s say that, one keeps holding this cryptocurrency token/ blockchain for three years ( till the 1st week of March, 2022 ).
After which – if the valuation reached something like = USD $ 3900 X 130 = USD $ 507,000 !!

What that would be called ??

Windfall gains or a potential heist carried off at some massive expense to the nation, ostensibly by a clear cut case of pre-meditated design ??

Be your own researcher and judge !!

(( NINE ))

Recently, we have seen that the ex President ( during the period : 2000-2004-2008 ) of the USA Bill and Hillary Clinton were the personal guest of Mukesh Ambani ( ostensibly invited for the wedding of his daughter ) at Jodhpur royal palace for nearly four days. Do take note.

Again, Mukesh Ambani has a very good friend in the ex-boss of ICICI bank K V Kamath who is heading the BRICS grouping’s NDB ( New Development Bank ) bank perhaps out of Beijing or Shanghai, PRC .

I remain truly skeptical and sure do keep my fingers crossed as regards the leadership and service that is rendered by K V Kamath to the BRICS’ NDB Bank that is supposed to cater to fortifying the BRICS economy… Knowing pretty well that he is Ambani’s close pal.

And, Ambanis are sure known to be way too close or sensitive to the American interests. That might explain that they have altogether stopped importing the Iranian crude oil since last year for all their refinery business, after the US imposed trade sanctions against Iran. If the info. I had chanced on is correct.
The Iranian oil is denominated in INR rather than USD $, so any stopping the import of Iranian oil does not serve the overall Indian national interest. But this is what the private players in the Indian refinery business have actually been doing, as opposed to the PSU oil refineries who all continue to import the Iranian oil at the direction of the Indian government. Point to be noted.

Again, British PM Theresa May who was in India during ( 7th of November to the 9th of November, 2016 ) this demonetization rollout by PM Modi is well known for being a ‘fixer’ and carrying that same image and reputation of a ‘fixer’.
Amazingly, the current defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s husband is an alumnus of London School of Economics… and before moving onto India Nirmala Sitharaman and family were based in the UK for good part of a decade… what a coincidence… this. But, I have no idea that she is in any ways related to the demonetization drive by PM Modi.

(( TEN ))

There is some article ( which I could not correctly assess ) at the URL which talks of demonetization having led to the Indian Govt. or the RBI showing only money to the tune of USD $ 250 Billions and hiding the remainder of USD $ 4000 Billions or USD $ 4 Trillion !!

i.e. net money/ wealth of USD $ 3,750 Billions might have been deliberately hidden ( does that mean – hidden on the books of RBI ? or; does this mean having been secretly numerically understated ?? off by covert subterfuge and some design ?? Cannot fathom/ judge the implications. ) !!

This is pretty serious matter and requires an in-depth understanding and investigation as regards what the author is intending to spell out.

The Indian educated class/ public MUST know/ understand this entire matter very clearly.


Does the article mean to imply that the net ACTUAL Indian currency in circulation amounted to USD $ 4000 billions rather than the USD 250 billions that the Indian Govt. claimed ?
Was this - before or after demonetization?

Btw the total quantum of the high denomination INR 500/- and INR 1,000/- notes that were supposed to come back to RBI coffers were estimated to be around INR 16 lakh crores !!

( Now, at 1 USD $ = INR 68/- ; USD $ 100 Billion = INR 680,000 crores. Therefore, USD $ 250 Billion = INR 17 Lakh crores and this number is near the figure of INR 16 lakh crores that was demonetized !! )

Clearly the total official high denomination notes/ currency in circulation was roughly around INR 16 lakh crores ( or; nearly = USD 250 Billions ).

So, does the author of the article imply that the unofficial figure of legitimate but illegally inflated currency ( as opposed to fake printed currency ) that was “unofficially” put into circulation was FIFTEEN times exceeding this baseline number of USD $ 250 Billions – i.e. at USD $ 4 Trillions !!

Might that mean that foreign currency printers or even nations like Pakistan were illegally printing the currency overseas and putting the same in the Indian currency market in South Asian countries i.e. wherever the Indian currency was legal tender ?

Question arises - How do we know that the same thing might not happen even now ?

(( ELEVEN ))

1) MNS Chief Raj Thackeray has been going around and telling this around that if NSA Ajit Doval is probed then the truth of Pulwama attack will come out !!

Cannot say but this thought arises one too many time to be ignored…  if the late Shiv Sena Supremo Bala Saheb Thackeray were around he might have actually put the same using strong words like  – interrogated rather than using the much toned down word ‘probed’ which might at best mean investigated !!

2) Telugu cine star turned politician Pawan Kalyan, who is the brother of mega star Chiranjeevi has made the allegation that while he was in BJP two years back, someone in BJP talked of an impending or orchestrated war just before the LS elections in 2019.
Perhaps did Pawan Kalyan rightly linked/ saw the current ratchet up attempt as pointing towards the same plot ??

3) Current BJP Chief of Karnataka and an ex-CM - B S Yedurappa in his unbridled exuberance claims of winning at least 22 seats out of 28 in Karnataka; in the soon to be concluded LS polls… owing to the air strikes carried at Balakot in Pakistan !! Which the IT cell of the BJP has been jubilantly rejoicing it as the Surgical Strike – 2.

Please take note.

(( TWELVE ))

In the local newspapers in North India as also though a plethora of news channels – someone by the name Retd. Major General G. D. Bakshi is making out the case that the Indian nation had Kargil war in 1999 that went on for three months and we defeated the Pakistanis.

Again this person writes that the Pakistani military top brass have luxurious lives living in palaces and driving around in Mercedes etc. German cars with their families and relatives well settled in western nations, etc. and they will never dare to use the nuclear weapons option. No matter how so much ever they might threaten. Again, he states that Pakistan has hardly USD $ 7 Billions remaining in the meager forex kitty. Plus… the Pakistani economy is on the brink of destruction. As such, he makes out the case repetitively that - this is the most opportune time to teach the Pakistanis a lesson.

In effect he is creating the public mindset and sentiment in favor of a limited edition war with Pakistan, as we saw in the year 1999. I have observed that this person has been on this job since the past 4-5 years.

Again… the zingoism in the media is carried on relentlessly by a set of people… since the past 4-5 years. What is their covert agenda ? What fuels them ?

Arnab Goswami ( His media channel The Republic is reported to be majorly financed by the Kerala BJP Chief Rajeev Chnadrashekhar, a sitting Rajya Sabha MP from Karnataka ); Again we have Arnab’s friend from the Delhi University : Major Gaurav Arya.

Even Suresh Chavhanke and his Sudarshan News !! Frankly - I never expected this zingoistic appeal arising from him.
Some ultra-zingoistic martial arts teacher/ trainer ( from whence he appears ? Is he self proclaimed ? or, self professed ? ) for the Indian military - Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj, etc. may be easily recounted.
Today, I read in the local newspaper- the former diplomat Vivek Katju also opining on the same theme, on almost pretty similar lines.

Based on my observation – I do believe and hereby suggest that a set of people that owe clear cut affinity to BJP, RSS and potentially majorly belong to specific set of dominant castes are fuelling this jingoistic trend all along in the MSM, over this last 4-5 years of BJP, RSS rulership.

Never did saw any SC, ST or low caste OBC seeking to get even with Pakistan or even to teach Pakistan a lesson !! Have you ??
Because, predominantly these SC/ ST/ OBC guys who constitute the bulk of the jawans in the Indian army and para-military forces ( rather than being the officers; a good part of whom might be upper caste people ) are more concerned about the grounded bread and butter issues rather than vain glorious talk of revenge and teaching Pakistan some lesson on account of purportedly a false flag event… that too at the cusp of 2019 LS polls. Have never seen them been at this task.

Punjabis… especially and specifically the Sikhs of Punjab please take note. Because, Punjab is going to be hit first by any aggression with Pakistan leading to a Pakistani counter attack on India especially on the border areas of Punjab and Rajasthan… and NOT the hindi heartlands of northern India. I chanced on this info. that Sikhs account for nearly 15 % of the Indian army.

This entire rabble rousing by MSM agents and elementals is plausibly politically orchestrated and motivated. 100 % !!


There seems to be a clearly discernible common thread / template that clear cut defines the NDA-1 ( 1999-2004 ) and NDA-2 ( 2014-2019 ) –

NDA-1 Rule ( 1999-2004 ) :

1)  PEACE - PM A B Vajpayee goes to Lahore and meets Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif perhaps in January, 1999. They start some bus and perhaps train service.

I am sure the then IB director Ajit Doval must have surely accompanied him. ( It is said that as an IPS officer Ajit Doval had been leading an under-cover life in Pakistan for nearly 6-7 years and was instrumental in creating an enormous intelligence network for himself. )

The question that confronts is – Did NSA Ajit Doval or any of his key men/associates had a chance to meet General Pervez Musharraf or any of his closest men/ associates for any personal talks on the sideline - during this Lahore visit ?
This thought/ question just crossed my mind and this must not be trashed.

2) TREACHERY - The Pakistani infiltrations start around this same time of January, 1999 and is reported by the Sikh field Commanding Officer who was posted at either Dras or Kargil. This CO - perhaps some Sardar ji, was reportedly silently transferred to another location. Therefore, the infiltration continues unabated for another 3-4 months, till May of 1999 when this becomes a ‘live’ problem of encroachment of towering heights by the enemy… for the Indian nation.

3) WAR – Three month war ( May to July, 1999 ) follows to evict these infiltrators from those Indian high altitude territories of Dras, Kargil, Tiger Hills, etc. locations.

4) ELECTION – In July or August, 1999 just after the Kargil war when nationalistic/ patriotic sentiments are greatly aroused… BJP/ RSS along with their closely co-operating associates at TDP, AIADMK, Akali Dal, etc. romp back to power by clear cut OVERALL majority.

There is a strong opinion that – without the Kargil war this getting back to the seats of power for BJP, RSS and their close allies might NOT have actually happened. I subscribe to this same opinion !!

Most disturbingly… there seems to be similar template/ narrative that is sort of playing out or is designed to be played out just before/ at the cusp of the oncoming LS polls, 2019.

Notice here withal –

NDA-2 Rule ( 2014-2019 ) :

1)  PEACE - PM N D Modi invites the Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif and all the SAARC leaders during his oath taking ceremony as PM, in May 2014.

Again, PM N D Modi unofficially visits Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif and takes part in his daughter or niece’s wedding. He offers shawl to Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif’s mother after touching her feet, as a token of peace.

There could be other instances wherein PM N D Modi might have overtly postured to Pakistan and Pakistani leadership of being a real gentle peacenik or peace loving dove. That perhaps was… for the consumption of the masses on the either side of the border and the international community.

Misled the guileless bhaktas ??

Again, peacenik and looking-like-loyal to the armed forces PM Modi would go between the Armed forces personnel especially posted in J&K, to celebrate Deepavali to show camarderie, mutual trust and bonhomie, etc.

Well… that was actually politician Modi at work… trying to put them guys onto hallowed pedestal to drive the political mileage out of the same act.

So that… he and mother BJP and father RSS lies above any iota of doubts regards ‘whatever’. And, might never be accused or ever suspected as regards their - intents, motives, motivations, etc. ( This is one way of looking at it. )

The flip side is – that always was a good and welcome gesture coming from the very top of the government and was always certainly laudable !!

2) TREACHERY - The Pakistani backed cross border infiltrations continue unabated to destabilize the state of Jammu and Kashmir. 

The Kashmiri youth in the Kashmir valley are brought to the fore front of militancy. There is a controlled and at other time uncontrollable ratcheting up of the tensions in the state of J&K and across the line of control, LoC.

There had been massive spurt in cross border firing/ shelling.

All this bears a certain well defined and organized scriptwhich translates as a meticulously planned and rolled out low grade conflict.

Then, we have had a cascade of these major incidents -

( For this, see the detailed article at –  )

1) 27 July 2015, Gurdaspur attack,
2) 2 January 2016,Pathankot attack,
3) 25 June 2016, at Pampore,
4) 18 September, 2016 Uri attack,
5) 29 September, 2016 Surgical Strikes,
6) 29 November 2016 Nagrota Army Base attack,
7) July 11 2017, Attack on the AmarNath Yatris,
8) 10 February, 2018 Attack on the Indian Army Camp at Sunjuwan, Jammu
9) Pulwama Fidayeen ( potentially a false flag ) attack on 14th of February, 2019 ( just at the cusp of the LS polls, 2019 )
10) The Indian response in the form of a Surgical Strike at Balakot, Pakistan. Early hours of the 26th of February, 2019
11) This has been followed by heavy cross border on and off mortar shelling. Cross border heavy shelling has become a key feature of the low grade conflict over the past five years. Again, across the LoC aerial strikes on the 27th of February, 2019 that resulted in two fighter jets as having been lost.

12) PM Modi claims that what we have seen thus far is a small pilot project… thereby implying that more heat is sure to come in the oncoming times.
BJP, RSS intention surely seems to be - sort of drumming up the war cries and filling up people with vain glorious jingoistic chants !!

3) OUTLOOK ON WAR – Looking at the impending/ oncoming LS polls wherein the BJP, RSS have got almost NOTHING to show by means of a tangible, verifiable REPORT CARD as against their pre-polls election manifesto/ developmental agenda that were sold as akin to pipe dreams in the run up to the LS polls 2014.

Again… please take note that the national debt and liabilities of around USD $ 1197 Billions has almost doubled to USD $ 2030 Billions !! Almost DOUBLED between the period 2014-2018 under PM Modi !! ( Source . ) under the rule of BJP, RSS under the leadership of PM Modi !!

This does NOT bode well for the economy as also the net interest that has to be paid on an yearly basis for this accumulated debt may be pretty high.

One suspects that with another ill-placed central Government economic policies…this national debt could spiral and spin out of control. That might be a crisis situation. This does not bode well for the national financial security.

Also - looking at the outpourings of lots of such souls like - retd. Major General GD Bakshi, Arnab Goswami, ShifuJi Shaurya Bhardwaj, Suresh Chavhanke @ Sudarshan News, etc. one may easily conclude that these guys are making out the case ( for the consumption of gullible Indian masses ) for a limited edition war with Pakistan… as a prelude to the oncoming LS polls.

This leads one to suspect that a false flag event might be used as a pretext for a limited edition and perhaps pre-fixed war with Pakistan that politically serves as a diversionary propaganda medium… for those set of people who are today lodged in power.

I solemnly suggest that these souls be out rightly deployed in the Kashmir valley or the LoC for a month by the Indian Army !! Are these guys game for that ??

To ostensible ploy could be – jingoism laced with a call for a limited-edition war…

that is potentially designed to destroy and deviate all the questions that are raised as regards the BJP, RSS report card during the current term 2014-2019 ?
Yesterday, Rajnath Singh boasted of NDA-2 having done three surgical strikes in Pakistan… over the past five years… in some electoral rally.

There is an exact precedent of this same scenario having already happened, during NDA-1, post the Kargil war in July 1999.

4) ELECTION – When jingoistic sentiments lead to nationalistic/ patriotic emotions to be aroused… BJP/ RSS along with their closely co-operating associates and partners… sure may expect to romp back to power by clear cut OVERALL majority.

Critical point is… any talk by the BJP/ RSS/ the MSM, etc. of nationalism whereby they arouse –
a) a false sense of jingoistic fervor,
b) Taking revenge on the Pakistanis, etc.

might potentially render everything the current NDA-2 government has failed to do or might have promised before LS polls 2014 or even prior to that as – NULL and VOID and inconsequential.

And… those sitting on the throne might have an all too easy chance… actually a cake walk of returning back to power in LS polls 2019 !!

One suspects that the BJP/ RSS might have the same game plans for LS polls 2019.

The ground for which they sure have created over the past 4-5 years’ time frame.


QUESTION , regards the Pulwama terror attack –

1) CRPF had requested air-transit for the attacked convoy which was rejected by top Government officials.

Why was the request rejected ?

Which officials rejected it ?

2) Even before the attack the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the US State Department issued a travel advisory for Americans traveling to Kashmir.

Did US had actionable intelligence about an attack? If so, was it shared with Indian counterparts?

3) A dossier was sent to Financial Action Task Force (FATF) by India with the evidence gathered showing the culpability of Pakistan in the Pulwama terror attack.

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) who took over the case has still not concluded its investigation into the matter. What evidence was included in this dossier, even when the investigation is underway ?

Is this why FATF refused to put Pakistan on blacklist, due to lack of conclusive evidence ?

The dossier must be shared in the public domain.


When we are faced with such dicey economic situation, then this seems curious that our former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan and the former Chief Economic Adviser ( CEA ) to the Indian government Arvind Subramaniam ( I guess that both are Tamil brahmins aka Tambrams ) have left the country and are currently based in the USA !!

This is rather… way too puzzling… that their cumulative knowledge, experience, maturity, insight, etc. is NOT utilized  by the Indian nationalistic government of BJP !!

What a waste of talent… which is otherwise used and utilized by alien nations and people… the Anglo-Americans. Why so ??


Questioning –
What are the chances that this whole demonetization rollout was purportedly carried out so that the net effective gains ( by any and all the possible means ) were to be used as some sort of part payment and/ or full payment or perhaps as advance payment for the several Trillions of USD $ Dollars worth of –

1) The billions of Internet Of Things ( IoT ) devices that embed almost everything we may have in our domestic/ household and/ or industrial, etc. use. Mostly, sold by Cisco Systems.
Is that the reason that the ex-CEO of Cisco Systems – John Chambers was given citations, honors by the President of India during the last Republic Day ? Perhaps as a token of the service rendered by him to the Indian nation, in transforming it into a full surveillance/ police state ?

2) As an advance payment or part payment for the soon to be deployed 5G technology that is going to serve to connect these billions of IoT devices and systems together to the intelligence backbone of the Big Brother ?

So much so that any Indians’ life can be minutely and keenly observable by a set of operatives sitting in the USA or UK ( any of the 5 Eyes and/or 12 Eyes consortium countries’ intel agencies ).

Of course the Big Brother is always watching !!

But then at the back side is obviously the NSA of the USA who recently discontinued the phone tapping etc program/ or Prism… as reported by Edward Snowden.

But then –
People must know that there is one - National Geo Spatial Agency ( NGA ) which is supposed to be much bigger and more covert… and pretty much involved in the Full Spectrum Surveillance State that they have rolled out all across the entire world. ( Just chanced on this info. few days back, over the internet. ).

The previous President of the USA Barack Obama never knew of the existence of the ultra secretive NGA, though he was a two term president… per some article. Just search on the 5 G technology.

Few days back the NDA cabinet minister Manoj Sinha implied through a public statement that India shall see a 5 G rollout that costs the Indian nation something like USD $ 1 Trillion ( that equals an import of - at the very least of INR 72 lakh crores of 5 G networking and telecommunications equipments from the Western nations ), at least !!

While the Israeli Jews pioneered the 4 G and the 5 G technology. Still, they are still using the 3G technology and the fiber optics cable to homes for broadband, etc. and have NEVER used the 4 G, 5 G technology in their own systems in Israel. Knowing the very harmful and lethal long term effects of electromagnetic radiation these high powered 4 G ad 5 G systems are designed to emit.

The Indian Govt. should have said NO to 4 G rollout in India. And, we must never deploy 5 G.

But, we have seen that PM Modi rolled out 4 G during his current tenure.

And America’s friend and ally Ambani’s Jio is in the forefront of the 4 G technology in India. As also – Airtel, etc. companies.

Whereas one surely expected that - any set of patriotic peoples friendly central Government should have gone for massive Optical Fiber In the Local Loop drive. That certainly would have been the best choice.

Again, this 4 G, 5 G drive has resulted and will surely further invite the import of Trillions of Dollars worth of telecommunication and networking gears. That have been majorly sourced/ imported from the Western block of countries. As also similar magnitude of Indian wealth has been dissipated in importing of expensive 4 G smartphones.

And soon enough we will spend enormous wealth for the foreign made 5 G smartphone.


Refer to one 6th March, 2019 article at –

Please note - the West Bengal CM Mamta Bannerjee has alleged that demonetization led to the death of 12,000 farmers as they committed suicide and more than two crores people lost their jobs in India.


Now… there are two ways that lies ahead for the BJP, RSS leadership…

1)  They may try avoiding discussions on the plethora of burning issues that sort of make up their Report Card.
From my perspective – I nail them solo using the Demonetization fiasco.

2) Any deviation/ digression to duck these issues by ratcheting up war-mongering that leads to a limited edition and perhaps stage-managed war with Pakistan ( AT THIS STAGE ) would make the BJP, RSS fully suspect for the J&K muscular policies and their hob-nobbings with Pakistan over the past 4.75 years. In fact… for whatever has been happening since the past 4-5 years. And, even what happened earlier in 1999 !!

And, this sort of… exposes them upfront. ( And, any link back to me in this or any related context is as wrongful as ever was. I do not stand loyal to any political party. )

And… the same MUST be deemed as some sort of gimmick/ ploy to claw back at power… especially when this happens whilst we are at the cusp of LS polls 2019 !!

The other probability is that, yet another false flag at this stage might be used as a ruse… since it compels them to declare a state of emergency… and so continue to be in power by proxy.

I hope they are not that foolish to enact this… and in order to dissuade them to even think of so, I mention the same here.
I have stated what should have been done almost a year back.

The BJP, RSS leadership MUST be bold and brave enough to discuss DEMONETIZATION in the public domain and a plethora of critical issues that the opposition parties are seeking answer to !!

They owe it to the nation.

99.90 % of the Indian population would NOT understand or care to understand the bland basic truth and ramifications thereof, of whatever thoughts and extrapolations are espoused here. In case you the reader are in agreement then it is your duty to spread the truth/ knowledge/ insight to the masses.
Thanks !!

Déjà vu… GAMEOVER !! ??

Or… are we looking at a potential false flag yet again… Pulwama-2 as we move on towards LS Polls 2019… as is prophesied by Raj Thackeray, MNS Chief, yesterday 9th of March, 2019.

In which same context he has raised doubt over the NSA Ajit Doval meeting with the Pakistani NSA one-to-one in Singapore during December, 2018 !!

The NDA-2 BJP, RSS leaders claim the tenets of Sanatana Dharma and the saving of Hindutva ( from Islamophobia ) as forming the guiding principles for their political outlook and world view… if these guys have 1 % spirituality remaining in them… they must hold an open discussion on the draconian Demonetization fiasco they imposed on the entire nation of 130 crore souls as also tens of lakhs of people in the Terai of Nepal were affected.

Any takers from BJP, RSS leadership especially those from the Cabinet Committee on Security ( CCS ) ??


1) Pulwama Attack 2019 (updated daily)

2) Gold Wars: From Demonetization To DeAurization. S11

3) The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers

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