Sunday, March 10, 2019

What’s cooking ?

(( ONE ))

I deliberately herein use the terminology “Chitpawan Jews” rather than the term Chitpawan Brahmins for the first time ever… and, the reason follows…

I chanced on this information on the web that the brahmin race/ origin/ caste people in India ( as also else where around the entire world) belong to ostensibly a Jewish origin.

This same info. was outlined by Megasthenes who was the court poet and historian to Seleucus Nikator, one of the generals of the Greek invader Alexander. After Seleucus Nikator was defeated by Chandra Gupta Maurya… he had to offer his daughter Helena in marriage to Chandra Gupta Maurya. Along went Megasthenes too… to the Magadhan court.

This Greek historian Megasthenes wrote an exhaustive book on the Indian nation and people, at that time, that was titled – INDICA !!

 (( TWO ))

In the book Indica, Megasthenes has clearly outlined that the brahmin race of people in India trace their origin to the Jewish tribes of middle east Asia. ( That might currently be the regions around Israel, Iran, Syria, Assyria, Palestine, etc. ).

Per Megasthenes what had historically transpired was… some set of wayward Jewish people were exiled by the Jewish king from his kingdom… and as wanderers these group of Jewish people found shelter first in the Indian Himalayan foothills. From thence on, over the millenniums they moved over to the entirety of the Gangetic plains and later towards southern parts of the country. Even today the bulk of the brahmin caste or race population resides around the entirety of the Gangetic plains. From Gomukh, Gangotri in Uttarakhand to GangaSagar, West Bengal. Perhaps more than 75 % of the brahmin population of the entire country resides around the river ganges and another 10 % around the river Narmada.

Since… these Jewish race people continued worshipping their ancestral deity Abraham. So, highly likely that they were referred to as A-braham by the local Indian populace. Gradually, the word A-braham might have been unwounded to yield the word Brahmin… referring to them set/ stock of folks.

Something like –

A-braham  -> Braham  -> Braham-aham -> Brahm-ham -> Brahmam -> Brahman -> Brahmin !!    

This is sort of tries to extrapolate on the info. that Megasthenes’ book yields in Indica.

Again… one can easily make out that the Iranian religious text of the Parsis – Zend Avesta closely sounds like the shlokas of the earliest Veda – the Rig Veda and vice versa !! This is NOT mere coincidence.

Note - There are 13 or so Tribes of Israel spread around the entire world… and there is that lost tribe too !!

(( THREE ))

The seat of the Chitpawan brahmin power in India was at Poona… where they rose as the Peshwa ( Military Commander ) to the Maratha Kings; while the Maratha Kings ruled from Nagpur.
Cut to today… the Maratha Kings are long gone from Nagpur.

And… do we see that the seat of Chitpawan power base has shifted from Poona to Nagpur ?

Again note - the RSS that is highly dominated by brahmins… especially the Chitpawan brahmins at the very top of hierarchy… are now headquartered in Nagpur.

That reminds me of RSS Chief - Mohan Bhagwat; as also - Nitin Gadkari and Devendra Fadnavis at the forefront… cut to today !!

(( FOUR ))

I find this strange that a Bihar IPS officer ( who might be a distant kinsmen or perhaps belonging to the same caste ) who was in RAW for almost a decade was all of a sudden selected as the Mumbai police chief by the BJP’s Maharashtra CM and RSS ?

Later on… he was rumored to be in the fray for the post of CBI Chief. Now… he has been appointed as Maharashtra DGP.
I sense some covert agenda might be designed for play out by the BJP, RSS stalwarts. Do I smell that something might have been cooking or might still cook down the line, in this context ? Cannot hazard a guess as regards that, at this instance of time.

Incidentally, after the Supreme Court scrapped IT Section 66 A… I chanced on this news that Maharashtra government headed by CM Devendra Fadnavis brought out a fresh legislation that was passed as law to replace this same national level law with a state level implementation. The same state level law has ramifications for the entire country. Even though, the Supreme Court had scrapped the IT Section 66 A !! The RSS and BJP sure seems to have some covert designs with respect to re-framing this law in the state of Maharashtra !! Why they did so is actually puzzling !!
Please take note.

(( FIVE ))

Again… perhaps to soften and perhaps to potentially marginalize and neutralize a national level caste based organization… whose head is based out of Nagpur, Maharashtra… his industrialist son was caught up in a CBI probe some time back. Perhaps last year or… last to last year.

This renders and cripples the entire organization function. Now, the top leadership of this national level ( caste based ) organization might be surely rendered powerless and mute spectator…  so as to seek any demand for public representation in the oncoming LS polls or even for the state level polls. The top leadership of this organization might be sort of, kept on a hook by the BJP, RSS top honchos. This potentially renders their mission and vision as compromised, for the foreseeable future.

And… that’s what is perceptible as the ground reality.

< EndOfPost >

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