Monday, January 11, 2016

Mind reading, Universal Mind, Telepathy or What ?

Mind reading, Universal Mind, Telepathy or What

I have sensed on several occasions that sometimes a specific keyword keeps on resounding my mental framework nee thoughts. Say... for days.

On quite some occasions, noted that -
The same word(s) appears to be used by the most honorable Chief in his blogs at a later date.


Contrarily, on yet other times -
I discover that the Chief HAD already used a specific term or a set of words in his blog post or comments column.

And, a few days later -
when I visit his blog- I do see that the same word(s) that were previously impinging my thought plane for a while, were used by the Chief.

How's that possible ? Is this actually possible in reality ?

I state - Yes.

As I clearly observe this happening on at least 6-12 instances over the last several months.

Some possible explanations, here -

1) Reminded one of the Telepathic communications amongst certain 'class' of beings,
2) Reminds one of the MK Ultra ( Mind / thought ) control program one gets to read of, online;
3) Reminds one of the concept of Universal mind/ consciousness. And, how people across the globe could be inexplicably linked. Some inherent commonality could be there amongst certain 'class' of beings. Thinking similar thoughts, words, patterns, etc.
4) Mind readers at the payrolls of the Chief.
5) Thought as a Wave Form; etc. etc.


Now, looking at the item -> 5) 'Thought as a wave form' : -

Imagining and believing that...
Every 'class' of being ( includes each individual human beings also ) has own vibrant natural resonant frequency, I understand.
Call this one's PERSONAL natural vibrational 'carrier' frequency.

On top of this - each and every thought in/ on our mental frame manifests as some sort of a change in our bio-electrical impulse(s).
Boiling down to... arising of milli, micro, nano, etc. bio-electrical waveforms, in certain areas of our brain lobes.

Scientists/ researchers have been working on this for decades.
These bio-electrical waveforms can be captured, recorded and deciphered.

And, even transmitted to a remote end...


In this context, I am reminded of the metallic + enamelled tooth-cap I had got fitted onto one of my molars. This was during Oct, 2014.

Whilst the dentist was in the process of capping the tooth, I did observe a spooky guy who had brought the tooth cap ordered by the dentist on my behalf.
And... the way he was watching the whole process very intently, sitting in some corner.

This "spooky looking guy" thought is too resounding so... needed to mention.

Who knows... there could be an etched micro electro transceiver ( transmitter plus receiver ) in-built in the cap. And, being a self-powered entity ... it does find a way to capture and transmit the thoughts as radio/ electromagnetic signal using any available nearby wireless device's control or signaling channels.

This is a possibility that CANNOT be ruled out.

I, for one, would NOT rule this thought out.

Pragmatically thinking about one of the possibilities here.

Universal mind, telepathy, Mind reading, MK Ultra... these things come much later.

For... I am a pragmatic type, essentially. Not what the NDA Govt. ( who are essentially dream peddlers themselves ) and the Chief would like EVERYONE to believe.


EoP ( End of Post )

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