Thursday, January 14, 2016

Point to ponder

Point to ponder

What's the result/ use of expending so much energy in writing so many extensive posts, over several years ?

Sanatan Dharma sure has truths that are being exhumed, one by one. That's good. Sounds, for sure, great. Is great. We ALL sure do appreciate it.
And remain... grateful to you and team.


I CAN tell very aptly and concisely why Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, etc. faiths / religions AROSE. Spread and took root. As also Sikhism.

All this suggests that there had to be a vacuum somewhere. A void.


There was a NEED felt by the Almighty - and that NEED was fulfilled  ...was answered.

Whilst going after me... have you people NOT demonstrated YET AGAIN why Dharma failed ?

And... why Sanatana Dharma, overall, failed to deliver to the max potential ?

Point is... what you ALL indulge in is - A-DHARMIC.

So... even if you rave and rant for 10/ 20/ 30 more years...

All will fall flat on the majority of the world audience. As also great deal of the Indian people.

They will see -> observe -> perceive the BASE reality. And interpret. And... infer.

Comprendo !! Chief !!


DO NOT ever think that I shrink from whatever ( ?? ) owing to... whatever ( ?? ).

Ones doing... must not become one's undoings.


I have yet to finish...


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