Monday, February 20, 2017

Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan... Jai Bhagwan

Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan... Jai Bhagwan

Per my memory -
Former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri gave us the slogan - "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" !! around the ** 1965 Indo-Pak war.

This popular slogan - "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" !! translates to -
"Hail/ Victory to the Soldier, Hail/ Victory to the Farmer"

This sounds too good... and... great.

** Was it not in the 1965 Indo-Pak war : When the USA had provided the presumably ( or, so called ) impregnable/ unbeatable/ invincible Patton tanks brigades to Pakistan and at around the same time we were faced with a dire country-wide food-grains scarcity/ crisis.

Former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri gave the slogan to raise an apt nationalistic, patriotic pitch.

For... just in the after-math of the 1962 Indo-China war... the nation was faced with yet another war in 1965; within a span of 2-4 short years.

This sloganeering provided for a much needed morale booster to our farmers and our armed forces.

Frankly -
The underlying strength of any armed forces is - the trust, respect and a sense of honor the armed forces derive from the general masses of any nation. ... this translates into the best of all the strengths ( = "Bals" ) that is - MANOBAL. Which has to remain high, at all times. This determines the fighting spirit of any forces.


Note this-
was reading in the newspapers few days back... that a group of COBRA para-troopers ( after attending a rigorous training program ) who were enroute ( via the railways route ) to join their base camp. Perhaps... to fight the Naxalites in their later postings; deserted the journey mid-way instead of completing the train journey and reporting at the base camp for later forwards area posting in the Naxal-prone areas of eastern India.

It is another matter that the newspaper reported, again, a few days later that now ALL the 'missing' troopers returned back to their base camp. Without giving as much - any explanation or idea as to why everyone of these guys chose to give their itinerary ( iz. - reporting at the para-military base camps ) a miss.


Again -
Chivalry/ valor/ fearlessness is, but, a by-product of AATM-BAL... and... MANOBAL.

So... have the people of this country... not always ensured that the MANOBAL of our armed forces remain ever high ?

In general, the general populace... almost 100 % often and almost always ascertain so.


Let's see things from another perspective shall we ... ?

In our country there is this concept of... "Bhagwan".

"Bhagwan" translates to... sort of... God.

In the Sanatana Dharma there is the concept of the trinity of God-head -

1) The Creator as Lord Brahma, &
2) The Sustainer as Lord Vishnu/ Narayana, &
3) The Destroyer as Lord Mahesh/ Shiva,

Now... each and every aspect of this universe ( leave alone earth or a specific country on the face of it ) is managed by the triad of the divine forces, be it - Creation, Sustenance or Destruction of any subtlest aspect throughout the BrahmAnd.

Now... the triad of the divinity ( the "tridevs" ) are born out of the primordial force of energy we oftentimes refer to as the "Adi Shakti". And... "Adi Shakti" is regarded as the mother of the triad of the divine forces.



Let's see the things in the same context, different scenario.

The Britishers left behind the Indian subcontinent into two ever-warring nations - India and Pakistan in August, 1947.

Frankly speaking - the two nations still remain and retains the "dominion" status of the British Crown's "common wealth", till date.

When the Britishers were forced on to relinquish full control over the sub-continent ( remember - these same guys relinquished control of Hong Kong in 1997 or 1999 to the PRC !! ) ... might have been forced on them... by a plethora of events/ factors around the entire globe, against them and their overall interests.

Frankly... the Anglo-Saxons have a knack of thinking/ planning... years, decades ( perhaps centuries, too ) in advance. This... of course... from a position of strength- they have gotten/ gathered  and acquired over and across the last 2-3-4-5 centuries.

Or, perhaps since the times of the German regent - Ferdinand the 18th "The Great" since the 17th/ 18th century ? ( is a thought that occurs again. Btw - not sure about the veracity of this same thoughts. But there has to be some basis for this. )


The moot question remains - who earned us our freedom, for us... and gave us a country called "India" ?

No matter as to how we see things... the best answer shall always be - "Our veneered Freedom Fighters". Period.

Repeat... ( important note to be made here )
It was NONE from the "INDIAN" ?? armed forces or "INDIAN" ?? security agencies who got us our cherished FREEDOM, as an enslaved people. ( ALL them guys ostensibly indirectly paid and managed by the colonial powers; to whom those 'job-seeking' guys, in order to make their ends meet, owed allegiance to. ), before circa August, 1947.

Majority of these guys might have had almost scant active role in the freedom struggle of this country.

On even a fair/ fairly noticeable term. Not that we know of.

Forget about what the Captain dishes out as regards the 1946 Navy mutiny. Never really heard of the same before.


If were we to look at the monumental effort that went towards seeking the CREATION of an independent country called INDIA ( out of the vicious and vice-like clutches of the colonial powers ).


Frankly speaking ( before circa August, 1947 ) -
the "INDIAN ??" armed forces and the "INDIAN ??" security agencies were having a pretty much well settled JOBS; being amply and handsomely paid and rewarded by the British masters or any of the princely states that hired them ( who all guys, altogether, in turn had their allegiance to the British CROWN alone !! )

Almost ALL these guys worked... were paid to work... to secure the British prime interests and satisfy their masters.

After all... their loyalties were to the Britisher ( their direct or indirect 'ann-data' ) interests alone. And, most of these guys had scant "JAMIR" or conscience to goad them towards a collectively proactive action towards establishment of own self-rule aka nation-hood. Almost 100 %. That would have been tantamount to risking their not-easily-earned positions/ employments. When I say almost 100 % FACT, I DO mean to state - ALMOST 100 % fact.

For a few pieces of silver ( what to talk fo earning Gold ) and getting onto the good books of the Britishers/ the Princley States/ Zamindars, etc. many of these guys would sell their souls and trade the lives of the fellow "brown" freedom fighters. Whom all these guys destroyed in monumental numbers.


Were it NOT for the most dependable and the loyalest "brown" sepoys/ soldiers and the more loyal "brown" security agencies ( All of whom - almost directly or indirectly paid and managed by the Britishers )... the Britishers ( numbering no greater than 100,000 or 200,000 in the vast Indian sub-continent, with a population of greater than THIRTY crores ) would/ could/ should have been shown the exit door... out of the sub-continent... in NO time.

In a jiffy.

Perhaps, even before the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny.
I suggest that MOST ( if not all ) of these useless guys then ( = "Dharti-Mata / Bharat-mata pe bhaar" types actually ), in effect, - ensured, sustained, prolonged and perpetuated the colonial rule in the sub-continent by more than a century or two !! I guess - their own selfish interests lied in that.

And... thereby and whereby... broadly... these folks collectively failed to "earn their stripe" at the MOST crucial point in the modern history of Bharat ( and, the world ).

Perhaps... it stucks to their DNA ?? is a moot question ??

Cheppandi Garu !! or... NAKKO ??

... this...

"earning the stripes" thingy ??

Where is Captain ?



If we look at the monumental effort that went into the "creation" of the country called India ( even Pakistan )... then, in that context our freedom fighters have always been our REAL heroes. The ONLY sustaining heroes.

For, indeed, they cumulatively/ collectively played the role of Lord Brahma ( the Creator ) in this context !!

Therefore DO they, in fact, not qualify to be termed as 'Bhagwan' ? ... is a question that naturally confronts.

And... am I inclined to say... YES. TRUE.

Frankly... this remains undeniable that our freedom fighters and the mammoth sacrifices they made... ultimately ensured the creation of this country ( And... NOT MK Gandhi alone ).


for instance, if we take this land-mass or country ( liberated off enslavement ) we call India as the "Adi Shakti" that gave birth to her "REAL" sons ( = the freedom fighters ) that secured HER freedom... from the most exacting colonial rule... then DO these venerable set of her "REAL" sons - may be collectively considered as Lord Brahma ?

I would suggest - YES.

In a similar line... the entirety of the Indian populace, thus, may be considered the sustainer of this country/  nation.

So... may the Indian population be termed, overall, as Lord Vishnu/ Narayana ??

I would like to suggest - YES.


In which case - who might be the guys wanting to play out the role of Lord Shiva ( = the destroyer ) ?

I suggest... all those nefarious forces who might knowingly ( or, perhaps unknowingly ) unravel this country and further break it up into myriad of... whatever.

And... we see and hear of them guys in plenty in and around the country. Some even in MSM. With their own set of ulterior agendas...

But then, this might be an extremely serious concern... if were some such guys to be part of any of the Government dispensations ( say some - or any part of our armed forces or security agencies ?? )

In the case that...
some set of a Special Interest Group ( SIG ) guys decide to play truant/ foul for a set of certain parochial ( a narrow band set of ) objectives... much against the broader national interest ??

This may be an extremely treacherous situation that might require a hard look and merit a seriously quick fixation.

Else the precedent that is potentially set might unravel the entirety of this concept of the nation.

The relevant impartial authorities MUST take note.


Some 24 months back I read in the newspaper the RSS chief as stating something like "Now... dalits are also becoming... desh-bhakts" !!

Not sure... what was the context as to why he might have made such a statement. And, who he might have been referring whilst making such a comment/ statement. Cannot ascertain the veracity of the newspaper report, but would take it as true.

Paradoxically, the RSS Chief seems to have a short memory about his predecessors, highly placed in Jana Sangh. One of whom was related folk.


But then... this thought crossed my mind... lots of the cross-breds born out of the erstwhile temple brothels ( with the priests having forced the Devadasis at its helm )... parented by the priests... generally go on to flout their priestly class roots and lineage even now.

Generally so - in the central, eastern central, western central, northern central and southern central plains of India.

Previously... and notably... almost all these areas had been meticulously "cleared off" by sage Parasu Ram... off the ancient Kshatriyas of the land. Perhaps, mostly Haihey vanshiya kshatriyas/ or even the Kalchuris. Over the last - 200-500-800-1600-1900 years : is a recurring thought that confronts ??



How come sage ParasuRam chose NOT to go to Sri Lanka/ Bhutan/ Tibet/ Thailand ? After all he is a chiranjeevi. If we take that Kali Yuga is 4,32,000 years. Then sage ParasuRam was living even during the Dwapar Yuga ( = 8,64,000 man years ) and parts of the Treta Yuga ( = 1,728,000 man years ).

So, anyone can actually ascertain
ParasuRam's 'real' age !!


And... it is observed that generally the dalits and low castes in these central Indian regions/ areas claim that they were previously Buddhists and/ or Jains.

Referencing some site : sponsored 'gyaan' -

And... the temple whores ( = devadasis ) were many a times the immediate women folks from the family of the defeated/ killed members of the buddhist/ jain royalties.

Would NOT be surprised if some set of women of the defeated royalties ( some of them might be perhaps Kalchuris, as well ?? is a question that confronts ?? ) in these locales... ended up as temple whores aka devadasis; is a question that arises if by chance anyone goes through the above website contents.

Btw... the devdasis and their lineage/ ilk are generally taken as dalits, in the past, and... as of todays.


1) Why was the devdasi system ONLY rampant in those areas where Parsuram destroyed those 'tyrannical' Kshatriyas ?

2) Again - in all these liberated areas, Parasuram's mother Renuka is worshipped as either - Renuka, YelAmma, ChinnaMasta, etc.

What is the common thread or line ? What is the catch ?

Someone out to research the devadasi systems' origination in the vast central Indian plains ( beginning / since almost the 9th or the 10th century AD ) coinciding with the rise of Sanatana Dharma and the decline of Jainism and Buddhism.

One point of reference I chanced across was -


Recalling... and Recounting...

During the times of British Raj ( early parts of the last century ), in the eastern parts of the state of UP... there was quite a rich/ prosperous/ well-to-do person. Perhaps, influential member of the society, too.

This gentleman used to covertly aid ( monetarily and otherwise ) the freedom fighters who were fighting to oust the Brits from our land, to end the enslavement of the people.

Now... it so happened that the Britishers, somehow, got wind of the covert help and support this person and his family members were providing to the "freedom fighters".

This info. was enough to anger the Brits and their mates... and this ultimately caused the destruction of all his business activities, riches, etc. by the Britishers. This ultimately led to loss of his wealth and position in society. Being almost reduced to a state of penury. I was told.
This propelled the entire family to move to 'overt' mode.

Overtly siding and actively participating with those in the quest of... freedom struggle. And three of this gentleman's sons went on to play active role in the freedom struggle of the country.

Importantly -
these fine men DID NOT choose to join the British services to become a sepoy/ soldier or be part of the covert intel agencies ( perhaps as an underground informer, selling their conscience or "JAMIR" by subsisting or waiting for opportunities to lap up on few pieces of silver, at best ).


These three brothers played active part in the nation's freedom struggle, to oust the Brits. Being jailed/ imprisoned on several occasions.

Whilst at almost ALL the times... always having to be extremely cautious of the covert & intricately laid out underground informers network, by the Britishers.

As also those in the ranks and file of the police & armed forces of the Britishers... all of whom might for sure... for a few pieces of silver thrown at them... never fail to pump bullets into the freedom fighters... given any opportunity, to claim even the most paltry of rewards and earn the 'good books', from their over-lords.


In a highly hostile environs...
Those 'freedom fighters' lived and survived... in such times as those. Wherein everyday and every moment they were in the line of fire and faced liquidation... from their own country men ( "bhaada ka tattoo-s" in uniform ).

Real threat -

there was every chance of being killed or imprisoned at any moment of time.

No one needs elaboration for such a horrendous scenario.

Are we to be ever thankful to such men and women who sacrificed their everything for gaining the independence of this country ?

Or... those in the uniform ?

To redeem the pride, honor and dignity of the entire populace. Th collective - 'Swaabhimaan' of the Indian people !!

'Swaabhimaan'... of the 'brown' race.

What sayst - Captain and powerful mates ?

Is a moot question the entire country must seek an answer to. From their hearts... and... mind.

Without being, any-which-ways, influenced by the Goebbels-like propaganda unleashed by certain vested interests.


Sense of pride, honour, dignity ( epitomized as "Swaabhiman" ) is what drove the multitudes of the 'junta' of this country to sacrifice their almost everything in order to gain the independence of this country.


Brought most of them and their near and dear ones, untold miseries. Whilst they had only one dream...


In the process these guys knew that there is every prospect of getting a bullet any moment. Yet... they cared not. And... dared further.


Contrarily... even if, at best, 10 % - 15 % - 30 % - 40 % of those "bhada-ka-tattos" in uniform and boots and those working covertly as the network of Britisher spies and informers had the desire, inclination, will and unbridled courage to turn their cumulative might against the colonial establishment ( any of these numbers turning against them, could have been quite potent and lethal for the Britishers to survive, any further, on this land. )

Perhaps - leaving aside the greed of regular crumbs and... occasional pieces of silver; as also the tremendous legal/ judicial/ administrative powers these guys wielded whilst serving their Firang masters - the Britishers... whilst these guys donned the uniform/ boots...

... we never ever really needed the millions of those who lost and sacrificed t‏heir lives for gaining the country's independence.

These guys could have chosen to be proactive, from a position of strength... and... earned their stripes. They... miserably failed to do so. In fact - they were trained to muster some collective courage and do the needful.

Had these guys done so or even tried doing so... then, in that case, they might certainly have been qualified to be our heroes... our leaders = "NAYAKS" till posterity. Alas... they lacked in courage THEN.

Seems like... it was NOT in their DNA... what to speak of the aftermaths &
around of independence, circa 1947... the swathes of them guys divided themselves in at least 3-4 countries ( India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, perhaps Burma ) of the sub-continent.

So... it does make for real sense... and is quite imperative that... in the present context...
it's better that some such guys do NOT get the whole cumulative organizations they might be part of or be representing... embroiled in... or be neck deep in... brazen and petty nasty games/ mind-games/ politicking, that might 100 % smack of a political + criminal conspiracy !!

Notably -
I state things as per the subjective understanding of things as they are... were... have been... and... might further unfold / unravel.


Coming back to those three freedom fighter brothers... from eastern UP....

The eldest of them was a prominent freedom fighter... quite feared and wanted ( dead or alive ) by the mangy colonial rulers. He and his mates made the life miserable for the Britshers, to some good extent... someone was telling me.

Widely known amongst the circle of freedom fighters... for his contribution to 'the cause'.


Now... later...
After the country gained independence ( per $$ popular wisdom )... I gathered that at one time this gentleman was offered to become an MP of the Rajya Sabha by one of the 'old goats' ( designated so by the Captain ). He refused... for he felt that his work was done ??

I suppose that he might have made a mistake here.

For... perhaps he survived on the meager freedom fighter pension the GoI dished out to such folks ? is a question that confronts. Else... he might have had other engagements ?

I guess... he made a mistake.

$$ : ( Yet... there are many others who claim that we got transferred to the dominion status circa 1947. Dominion status under the British 'common wealth' - that is... common wealth of the British Crown ).


This eldest of the ( freedom fighter ) brothers joined some soicio-political party, after independence. In due course of time ... was in a some senior position.

Again... sometimes then...
there was a 'nobody'... a newbie/ entrant to politics, couple of ( 3-4 ) decades back. This 'nobody' wanted to fight the local elections and wanted a 'ticket'. I suppose... based on a plethora of factors... this 'nobody' was NOT given the ticket to fight the assembly elections. Someone else got the party 'ticket'.
Crest-fallen... this 'nobody' was in tears. And... cried...

Not sure if that person still carries the angst against the near-and-dear ones of the said 'freedom fighter'. For such guys are known and supposed to keep grudges... and strike whenever they get opportunity.

Someone told me this story almost more than a decade back.

This 'nobody' is NOW a 'somebody'. And aspires to be the PM in NDA-N ( where; N may be 2, 3 or 4 ) . How is that possible - with PM NaDa Modi at helm ?

Simple solution -

a) if PM NaDa Modi is somehow sent back to the Himalayas; else

b) even without PM NaDa Modi at the helm ( say - during mid or later NDA-2 or plausibly... before the elections preceding NDA-3 )... start a small-scale war with Pakistan. Kargil type, at best ?



Now... coming to...
the other two brothers... having spent the fruitful part of their lives in the freedom struggle...

I am not sure as regards the whys or hows... as to what might have compelled them to remain bachelors till old age.

I guess... perhaps no parents thought it wise to offer their daughter in marriage to these two persons ? is a question that confronts.

Having spent their formative and fruitful years in the quest for carving out the nation we live in... I guess post 1947... they might have been faced with lack of engrossingly active engagements... we term as employment, with age.


Again... I have observed these two younger brothers living on and subsisting on meager GoI pensions for the freedom fighters.

In their late 70s and early 80s of age... no one they could call their own family... to look after or dedicatedly care for them.

They had to be depending on others... mostly relatives... take care of them in their old age.

Living and working for others... whilst... they could have raised their own family.

What is the deal they themselves or their father cut for their destiny ? Is the question that could be crossing their heads on occasions ? Shall I assume ?

Frankly... I would NOT expect that any of them would be ever thinking so.

This is a thought that arises in my mind !


Perhaps... their father, being wealthy, could have chosen to play low-keyed and safe... and let others do the work of funding/ aiding the freedom fighters; rather than taking the risk of covertly funding the 'freedom fighters'. Thereby coming in the line of fire of the Firangs.


Cutting to - since the time we gained independence in 1947...

Those ALREADY in uniform and the security agencies ( all BRITISH ) GOT automatically absorbed in GoI jobs. That are pretty well paying by all the standards, yet, without having EVER earning their stripes.

And... since then... doing the needful for the motherland rather then the Firangs ?

Opportunity lost for them generation, then ?


Recently, few months back... in the state capital of one of the eastern Indian states... there was a camp for enlisting soldiers for the armed forces.

For almost like 800 vacancies for soldiers... almost 80,000 unemployed youths turned up. There was quite some ruckus.

What is the REAL situation as regards the employment situation around the country... one must observe... while at any of these camps for recruiting soldiers/ sepoys, etc. around the country.

For - 800 posts and we got approximately 80,000 applicants / contenders !!

Essentially... that is equivalent to - 100 claimants for one position... of a soldier.

Does the saying - "Ek anaar sau bimar" ring a bell ?

( "Ek anaar sau bimar" = One pomegranate, yet there are hundred patients who want to partake of only one fruit. )

Btw - even getting hold of the position of a soldier in our armed forces... ensures that the life of this person is settled with a life-long paying 'job' with a comfortable 'pension' after retirement.

And, in all likelihood some parents are certainly going to offer this new recruit their daughter in marriage. Knowing that he has a well paying job !!

In fact - a Govt. job with lots and lots of subsidized facilities.

And, in the circumstances that the soldier gets killed in the line of duty... then there are potentially many bonanzas in the pipeline for their widowed daughter and her family; people understand this way too well.

Frankly stating this.

Again... the likelihood of someone getting killed after joining the armed forces is way MUCH lesser than the likelihood of many of those who cross the unmanned railway crossings and unceremoniously meeting their ends by an oncoming train. Every year. See the numerical stats. for facts. See the overall numbers. This is a real fact.

One is the case of potentially hostile work environment and the other is the case of abject Govt. apathy on one end and gross public negligence on the other hand.


Btw... someone ought to do a due diligence as to what the rest of the 99 guys, those who do NOT make it to this coveted Govt. position... do... in order to survive the rough ad tumble of this world. The vagaries of eking out an honorable existence !!

Are NOT the hordes of 'some these same' folks getting killed each year ( perhaps, around 60,000 !! ) around the unmanned railway crossings around the country. Yet NDA-2 and our PM NaDa Modi has NO plans to solve this mammoth problem.

Quantitatively, 60,000 /year translates as = 600,000 over a span of TEN years alone !! Quite a number.

I suggest that this casualty figure of 60,000/ year can drastically come down if the GoI were to invest NO GREATER than INR 1,000 to INR 3,000 to INR 6,000 crores at MAX. !!

Assuming that we have, at best, no greater than 6,000 to 60,000 unmanned railway crossings around the country.

In any case - if a proper system is put in place then this mammoth yearly casualty figure of 60,000 can come down to a few hundreds, at best.

100 % for sure !!

< Some bare basic plans to effect this. This might require another post by me. >

Yet... the GoI does NOT think it right to focus on this grave issue wherein massive numbers of lives are lost... Perhaps a covert population reduction strategy of the GoI ?

And... we have got a project that requires an investment of greater than INR one lakh crores, by the way of the bullet train between Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

Way to go... BJP and NDA-2 ! ?


Importantly... quite a lots of these able men ( and, women too ) out of the total of 80,000 contenders/ contestants/ aspirants to be a soldier in uniform... those who do NOT make the cut... many of these guys will move over to metro cities, etc. to make a living.

Many of these same young & old people might be forced to stay on and live on foot-paths. Even sleep there, having no place to call their own. Not even slums / ghettos in places like Delhi or Mumbai.

And... some day some drunkard, after a drinking binge, might have a life-defying knee-jerk moment... whilst (s)he mows them down those pavement dwellers in their sleep... whilst these same 'erstwhile an aspirant-soldier' sleeps on the side of the pavements.

And... no one cares ??

Such instances are common-place in our 'great' country.

And, in case the drunk person... be a moneyed/ powerful person... then (s)he won't be affected by mowing down another set of 10-20 persons in yet another situation/ scenario using his imported car !!

Now... have I made a subtle yet a real important point.

So... those in the 'uniforms' MUST cherish the REAL worth of the same and NOT malign/ sullen their organizations; with any pettiness and base politicking. Honour and respect are hard to gain... but requires almost little efforts to squander.


It is generally portrayed by some that - those people who join the armed forces are doing the rest of the population a favor; and are a cut above the rest.

Really so ??

Well - Not really !!

I suppose that they happen to be PRIVILEGED. Their good luck.

Btw - see the tough competition in the NDA and CDS to get into the ranks of the armed forces. Are those aspirants that are NOT selected, any lesser men or women ?

Not and never true.


Unlike the western countries where the quality of living and per capita income remains quite high... wherein for joining the armed forces ... there are very few takers. In that case - the rest of the civilians hold those who choose to don the uniform... with great respect and admiration. Esp. in the western world.



If I had got the opportunity I myself might have mulled joining the Signal Corps of the armed forces; if not as a commissioned officer in the armed forces.

For... apart from the sense of immense pride in serving the country as a commissioned officer... do we not know that any position with the armed forces comes with myriad perks, privileges, powers, respect, etc.

Not to speak of the almost 80-90 golf courses they get to enjoy. A present from the bygone British times to our armed forces. And, the jawans are always there to obey and serve the officers.

Most of the people who join the armed forces, in our over-populated country that is having very scarce opportunities for employment, choose to serve their own interests first and foremost - this is common sense.

In the process they are prepared by the system to serve the country in the hours of 'need'.

And... these guys do NOT join these services in order to "kali-pili... baith kar batasha phod-ne ke khatir"... they know the job entails a dose of risk, potentially hostile environments... and rewards certainly galore. And... unparalleled, too.

Most of these guys personally derive their sense of pride, esteem, self-worth, achievement, respectability in society, etc. ... alone by virtue of a mere association with the Indian armed forces. Even their near and far relatives.

Is this NOT TRUE ?

I am sure everyone will state - 100 % so !!


Last year saw three women joining the IAF, for the very first time, as fighter pilots.

I would NOT be surprised that for the same THREE posts... at least 20,000 to 50,000 aspirants might have applied for the same position.

Let's say 30,000 females vied for this position.

In that case... only 3 posts and some 30,000 contenders/ aspirants makes the case of "Ek anaar sau bimar" FAIL !!

It becomes the case of 1 achiever per 10,000 of the contending candidates.

So - "Ek anaar DUS HAZAAR bimar" might be more apt.

Does this make the point plain and clear, Captain and mates.


I have cited the potentially sure albeit covert politicization of the armed forces as a cause of extremely serious concern for the security implications of the entire country, for posterity.

Further... I have stated upright the caste factor endemic in our society, the political process, etc.

Our armed forces and our security agencies, are but, a part and parcel of the society we live in.

Representative of the same macrocosm, is mirrored in the forces as a microcosm, of the same value system we cherish and uphold in our regular lives. Almost.


Alluding here of the assured probability of ...
castiest/ regional differentiation and party-politicking ( either overt or covert ) MUST be part of the culture of the armed forces ?

Shall we assume, then ?

Would not be surprised. Shall we suggest - YES.


Importantly -
Why have brought the aspect of rampant casteism - I am going to state in yet another post.

Though I have been most loathe to ever touch this subject. But, NO POINT running away from this subject. Rather we should face this stuff head on.

Bull's eye manner.


Frankly -
Is it vital for those 'impartial' folks in the security agencies to do a due diligence... a check... as regards the selection process of these females; that were finally recruited to serve as the first batch of women fighter pilots.

Quite a high honor and achievement in our society... ad for the family members of these young officers now.


Needs a thorough 'impartial' investigation by some third party -

1) The caste groupings of these women. ( I sure have a reason for touching on this, outright. )

Were they shown some undue favor in the selection process, that might have paved way for much better aspirants than them to be rejected by the selectors or those that are part of the vetting process ?

2) Had these women had any relatives ( near or far ) in the armed forces or important positions in the GoI ? Some - highly placed IFS, IAS or IPS officers ?

3) Who ALL were the officers who vetted and finally selected these women ? What is "their" background and connections.

4) Is there any possibility that there was any possible 'fix up' amongst the hiring bosses i.e. those responsible for the layers of the vetting process... and the 'power bearers' or 'power brokers' ?

etc. etc. are the questions that confront. Many such similar questions too.

5) Is it that our armed forces are predominantly maned and 'managed' by a set of closely aligned/ knit people ? Since decades ? At the top levels ? Having some common underlying binding factors ?

Would NOT be surprised if that IS the case. That must NOT be so.

In that case - what might be the implications of such a positioning ??

Does that provide for a threat perception ? A RED flag ? I would suggest - YES.

6) If there are parochial groupings in the armed forces and the security agencies... what might be the implications of 'coterie' of the same 'PLAYING GAMES' ? for the national security if these guys ( guided by their own determined 'missions and visions' ) choose to play around and goof up ( in covert cahoots with some set of  the high ranking police/ intel officials and certain 'flavors' of politicians ) ?

Can this nation afford the same ? How best to mitigate the risk ? Before it is too late ?


For... the recent past events have overtly seen like self-suggesting that the armed forces are heavily politicized. Especially the Army.

This is certainly NOT good for the nation. Extremely dangerous precedent. There might be a breakdown.

Think well before playing any further; this MAY not augur well.


Must remind that the best and the brightest in our lands... choose to move to greener pastures. Very few might be part of the armed forces or even the MI complex of the country.
As an aside -
What the NDA-2 Govt. moots as 'Make in India' in the defence sector does NOT sound like way too good for the nation or the exchequer.

I did NOT had the same in mind, whilst espousing the same cause.

Risk element -
This might be tantamount to massive GoI funds pilferage for sure by a set of "coterie" groups.

And... muscling up certain and chosen private players that are close to the "Govt. of the day". Does NOT serve the interests of the country or the armed forces. No ways, it might do.

Example - a Rajya Sabha MP who is heading the committee on defence is on a rather war mongering tone, per media reports. And is being given/ partaking of massive GoI projects and funds for his own privately owned defence outfit.

Extremely dangerous.

Clear - conflict of interest. There are people that may perceive this is a form of corruption.


Certainly... NDA-2 must not think that it can play around on this and get away from the same.


Point to NOTE -
The GoI, the Capatin and mates... have, in fact, chosen to invade the privacy of the family of... the above mentioned three freedom fighter's sister's daughter family.

Ashamedly so.

On pretty much ( 100 % ) cooked up pretext that might be tantamount to a political + criminal conspiracy... elements of the same.

Undoubtedly... the three freedom fighters, in their after-lives, MUST be having their head bowed, in shame, for the "so-called" honors meted out to their sister's daughter's family.

all basically coming from... those in uniform and the security agencies ? I mean Cap Ten and mates ?



There are sure-shot implications for going overboard.


Btw - I perceived / apprehended / saw the veteran actor ( shall I say, one of the very best ) late Om Puri courting ( unknown / potential ) trouble and danger when he tweeted last year ( Q3, 2016 ) on the army.

I recall that he suggested/ stated in his tweets that - no one asked them... or, we have NOT asked anyone to join the army. We have not forced them to... People join when they seek jobs...

He was under great fire for his posts...

At that time only I had a hunch...
I 100 % perceived that he was putting himself in harm's way.


For... neither Om Puri, NaMo or even AmShah has ANY idea about the BIMARU state brand/ flavor of real shitty politicking. That pervades everywhere. Even to hell. What to talk of our armed forces !!

Especially so... in the state of Bihar. Even, in the eastern UP.

<< Btw - If these guys - NaMo or AmShah had any idea - they would NOT have "no ways" lost Bihar in 2015. >>



After going through some online /media reports that are pretty much highly suggestive -
I would NOT be surprised if the late veteran actor ( one of the finest artisans in the country ) Om Puri was paid ( in one 'full and final settlement' ) for telling the obviously genuine fact.

But then, the late actors' line was contrary to THE RUNNING THEME ( with 100 % intent, motive and motivation ) of those who are running ... nay churning out... a Goebbels-like propaganda machine since the past almost 2 - 2.5 - 3 years !!

And... perhaps even quite some overt and covert operations in the state of J&K.

Cheppendi Garu... nay Saar .. I mean understood - is it way too crystal clear ?? !!

< EndOfPost >

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

N-th oldest Enterprise on the Earth.

N-th oldest Enterprise on the Earth

<<< 1 >>>

Personally, I would NOT expect the dalits or any/ all low(er) caste people ( by the priestly class standards ) to be in a position to run/ gun for me. That too, with so much vigor... and... gusto.

This leaves/ leads me to conjecture that... only the well entrenched priestly class might have tacitly allowed this 'invasion of privacy'... to happen. ( Personally I would NOT expect this. As ... I/ we have always had good relations with that of the priestly class and, almost everyone else I might be 100 % suspecting. )

Whilst... the Captain and mates ( else, those in the opposite camp who might have tried nailing me ? ) are in the process of unfolding their grand stratagem... in order to... drive their mission and vision vis-a-vis me.

Capt.'s post on - 'ethos, logos, pathos' had... clearly spells out his strategy for the days/ months/ years ahead, for me.

<<< 2 >>>


Now... I would look at the following people to have potentially allowed 'invasion of privacy'...

Having looked at... who actually gained in Jharkhand ( CURIOUSLY - wherein Mr Arjun Munda and Mr Sudesh Mahato, lost in the Dec, 2014 assembly elections - from their strongholds ).

Obviously and apparently - for the very FIRST time a non-tribal dominated coalition state Govt. was formed by the BJP;controlled by another similar non-tribal "coterie" out of New Delhi and Nagpur.

Certain "core groupings" embedded set of people in BJP, like any other political party, played all the tricks to form the coalition BJP Govt.

And... these people in BJP might have thought that I might NOT go against them in... Bihar.

But, those "smarties" people ( perhaps even within BJP + RSS camps ) who might have had (c)overt role in setting me up... clearly knew that I am going to go against BJP ?

So... did these guys ( as a social group ) cleverly chose to (c)overtly go along with Mr Nitish Kumar @ JDU, in Bihar assembly polls during Q3, 2015 ? I suggest - I SAY YES. I would NOT be surprised if the JDU chief reverts to NDA/ BJP in the oncoming days.

This... one can easily infer. Anyone can. Ask... and... I/ anyone can explain. So... the same set of guys have gained in Jharkhand ( BJP Govt. ) and Bihar ( at the back of JDU; not RJD ). These same set of guys might have great control over the JDU leadership, and therefore, the JDU CM.

Though... their miscalculation wrt me being writing against the bullet train vis-a-vis the "Bihar special package" might have been aptly taken in account by them, with immediate effect.


Importantly - the RSS chief's role... foretold the Bihar result, in advance. WHY ? Why he had to help the opposite camp ? Now... some one else from the RSS camp is harping on the reservation issue before the UP elections. Btw - BSP chief Mayawati fielded almost 100 ( = 25 % ) Rajput and Brahmin candidates alone in UP !! And, the SP is torn to provide greater number of seats to the rajputs.



<<< 3 >>>

NOW... let us look further...

Our honorable President... Sri Pranab Mukherjee - a brahmin.


If we look at the Cabinet Committee on Security ( CCS ). It is made up of...

1) PM - NaDa Modi ( a self-proclaimed 'low caste' from Gujarat )


I suggest /request that all the Indians might want to look up the blog - pretty much THOROUGHLY... to get at the views this blog has on certain top level leaders, we have so diligently voted to power ( on the back of BJP ).

I especially want ALL people -

ALL the 'REAL' Chandravanshi/ Yaduvanshi/ Somavanshi including ALL the - JATTS/ SIKHS/ Jatt Sikhs and Khatri Sikhs/ Chaturth Jains, Vokkaligas, Billavas ( of Kar & Mah states )/ Nadars, Thevars, Gounders ( of TN )/ Thiyyas, Ezhavas ( of Ker )/ all the Marathas/ ALL the... Kalchuri-origin people ( this also includes the Kalchuri Rajus of... AP and Telengana. ), Bhandaris ( of Mah & Guj )/ AP Gouds , etc. Ahluwalias/ Walias from Delhi Punjab. All the Yadavs from arounds the country. And...those from the abounding native trading or mercantile ( Bania ) community throughout the country/ also... ALL the patels across the country/ Hayobansi Kshatriyas nay... Rajputs of Balia dist. of UP... to... THOROUGHLY evaluate some of the contents and posts... in the ABOVE wordpress blog site - .

And... please DO get... your own perspective.


2) Finance Minister - Arun Jaitley ( brahmin )

3) Foreign Minister - Sushma Swaraj ( brahmin )

4) Defence Minister - Manohar Parrikar ( brahmin )

5)  Home Minister - Rajnath Singh ( rajput )

6) Surface Transport Minister - Nitin Gadkari ( brahmin ) or... not sure if Ravishankar Prasad ( kayastha ) is on CCS.

Not sure here... if #6 is part of CCS. Interested people may check the Wiki pages on this.

Importantly... these ALL PEOPLE ARE the REAL faces of the REAL BJP !! NO two minds about it !!

These guys alone have the clout in governance. And, running the entire Govt. of India !! In cahoots with CapTen ??

Seems like - if one were to remove the PM Modi from throne... then it is plainly apparent and evident what all people/ caste groups are running this country in the name of HINDU-TVA / HINDU-VAAD !!

Plainly apparent !!

Btw - DO NOT forget the top-notch IAS and IPS officers ( esp. in the intel agencieslike IB, CBI, RAW, MIS, etc. ) and those from the armed forces. And their social/ family back-ground.

<<< 4 >>>

Have the majority of the people of India voted the BJP/ INC... so that these above guys allow intrusion in the privacy of... peace-loving and 100 % law abiding Indian citizens. On some pretty much cooked up pretext... ( was it perhaps ??) cooked up and materialized by Capt. and mates ( who apparently might be in overt or covert cahoots ); else he might be framed up ?

Is the Capt. and mates above the country and all the citizens of the country ?

The type of words and expletives and incitements used by Capt. on his blog... may lead anyone to believe that he +mates are some Special Interest Group ( SIG ) i.e. a paltry Hindutva-minded sub-set out of the armed forces. Having the covert backing of the intel agencies and the judiciary.

But... this also implied that... this is a certain faction... a SIG rather than 100 % of the armed forces or intel agencies !!

If this is NOT true Capt. then... please send your blog contents to... boys and teenage girls across the country... Capt.

To all the school head masters, across the country.

Maybe... they and all the students get some real 'gyaan'.

Seems from the above... the Indian people have ( perhaps 100 % mistakenly thus far ) allowed the priestly class to rule, since the past 70 years, after independence !! Whether it be Congress party or the BJP.... the result seems to be the same !! = priestly class ( or, the brahmins ) at the helm !! Else... kayasthas or rajputs, predominantly from the BIMARU states at the central Govt.

These guys account for nearly 60-70 % of the heavy cabinet portfolios, in NDA-2.

Leaving aside PM NaDa Modi, we see the same situation in the current NDA-2 regime ministerial berths.

<<< 5 >>>

The INC ( Congress ) party was predominantly lead and ruled by specific 'dynasty'... which, again, was priestly class. So... for almost 60-70 years these guys are having a roller-coaster ride.

Interestingly... the Congress is accused of pampering the muslims and getting a lot of muslims from Bangladesh settled in India, for vote bank politics.

Now... it has never been that dalits or low caste Hindus have been running the show in the Congress party. Is it ?

Now... when people of the country have had enough of the Congress party : UPA-1 and UPA-2 by the time of 2014.

Then re-enters the BJP + RSS and now they want to solve the problem that their own 'brethrens' in the Congress created ??

Can you believe this ? Can these guys explain ?

Now... who wins... and who loses ??

Better... look at the list of the MOST powerful ministers in BJP, as I have put above. And... one can definitely get the due idea.

Seems like...all these years the muslims were appeased by the INC. Now, the BJP+RSS ( almost entirely headed by the same caste groupings ) wants to solve the same Islamic problem by uniting the Hindus.

Why ?

Wherein - almost always... all of the INC, BJP, RSS are always predominantly been led by the priestly class ?

Some/ same guys create a problem... then they want to solve it. And... these guys take decades to play around.

Take the case of Kashmir... wherein Chacha 'Pandit' Nehru by his marked dithering ( Please refer a great piece by Madhu P. Kishwar on the Kashmir issue @ ) created a huge problem for us... in terms of PoK.

Now, some guys want the USA and Russia to help us out... to solve ??

Do we talk of the clandestinely siphoning off enormous wealth out of the nation, in effecting some "grand strategy" ? is the moot concern of some SIG ?

<<< 6 >>>





<<< 7 >>>


BJP polled almost 30 % of ALL THE POLLED VOTES in the LS polls during Q2, 2014.

Let's re-work this datum. This DATUM translates to...

Assuming that... 65 % average overall voting in poll booths; And... 65 % of the population is eligible to vote. ( i.e. over the age group of 18 years.)

30 % of 65 % of 65 % of 125 crores = 0.30 X 0.65 X .65 X 125 crores = 15.84375 crores approx. ONLY !!

BJP MUST NOT consider that 15.84375 crores people voting for BJP is TANTAMOUNT to a... MAMMOTH MANDATE !!

This also means that almost 128 - 15.84375 crores = 112.15625 CRORES approx. of the INDIAN PEOPLE have -
a) NOT considered BJP to be worthwhile ruling party, OR
b) had NO role in the election process ( => they were underage ), OR
c) did NOT choose to exercise their choice !! or... chose NOTA !!

Now... is this understood by ALL the parties !! Including the... Captain and mates ??

<<< 8 >>>

backed by an electioneering blitzkrieg of the sorts never seen in the Indian history. For which the opposition had alleged that BJP ( and affiliated parties ) spent nearly 10,000 crores in this super duper election melee nay conundrum... in 2014 !!

Moreover... apart from the anti-incumbency factor strongly working against the UPA Govt. - I guess that 50 % of the people who voted for BJP might have thought that they may get the promised Rs. fifteen lakhs in their bank accounts once the BJP comes to power ( headed by the star campaigner and promiser - NaDa Modi ) ??

Can anyone ask the NDA-2 Govt, now... where is ALL the overseas black money ?? And, if people may expect the Rs. 15 lakhs promised ?? If at all, then when ??

Or, was it ALL fake promises ? Then... can these people take back their votes please ?? Or, is this not tantamount to misling people with fake promises and therefore akin to... fraud... ? is... one way of saying it.

After one of my posts few ( 4-6 ) months back... PM Modi spAke in Jamnagar, Gujarat that "Tukda dalna" is part of politics... and to rule... is... not possible with that\ those promises.

So... is it that PM Modi perceives the Indian public ( this includes me, as well ) as dogs or bitches ? Because... "Tukda dalna" is in sync with... the presence of dogs to lap the 'tukda'. Is it not ??

Is this not... highly objectionable and offensive.

Compare -
As opposed to "dana dalna" which implies a bird is given some grains ( say, sparrow or pigeon ) !!

<<< 9 >>>

Not to forget... the RSS is headed by -

Mohan Bhagwat - brahmin ; and

Bhaiyya Ji Joshi - brahmin

And... the RSSs' main think-tank body in USA and UK ( I would NOT be surprised ) has got to be a brahmins predominantly !! Or, else... those born out of the Sambandhams ( Kerala ) or Kulinism ( Bengal ).

Add... predominance of - rajputs and kayasthas in RSS. For sure.

Perhaps those of the guys doing any/ all sorts of liasioning work in the capitals like- Washington DC and London, etc. places.

<<< 10 >>>

I am not sure if the RSS think-tank GovindAcharya was relegated to the back-ground/ sidelined or perhaps kicked out from the RSS by the former PM ABV ? In which case - is GovindAcharya a non-brahmin ? If GovindAcharya Ji happens to be brahmin then... what is the real game behind his ouster from RSS ? Is it... to liaise with the opponents of the RSS and get inputs... their news and views.

Then... there are another set of very intricately-woven embedded RSS elements in almost all the major western capitals. Especially- the USA and UK. As also- Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc. countries.

And... these guys might be having many many interfaces with the native Govt. therein.

<<< 11 >>>

Further, our NSA - Ajit Doval - brahmin

Also... our Chief and Principal Secretary, etc. - Some are Mishras - All are perhaps brahmins.

Plus... almost all the important guys who are part of the Vivekananda Foundation, New Delhi ( in any ways ) sure do HAVE major role in the BJP Govt.'s thinking ( mind = think-tank ) and functioning. I guess... it is mainly made up of brahmins, kayasthas... and some... rajputs.

Btw- the Syed and Shaikhs amongst the muslims are from the same racial stocks as the brahmins. To note.

Is it any doubt, that ( the Hurriyat leaders are) predominantly ( or perhaps all ) - Syeds, Sheikhs and Mirs ? Also - converted Kashmiri pandits ( Example - Dar, from Dhar. Butt or Batt from Bhatt. Removing the 'h'. ).

And... these guys get the GoI sponsored 5-star treatment.


<<< 12 >>>


I personally have very friendly relations with many a members of the priestly class.

But... I would not expect any dalits or even low caste people running or gunning for me. Esp. in this country. Never a Thiyya from Kerala.

Whilst... is it NOT true that... almost all the important and powerful positions are ostensibly occupied by the elements from the priestly class, drawn from all across the country ?

So... may I... as well conclude... that, it is... the priestly class... that has set me up ? Has been... after me ?

To this...
I suggest that... NO !! NEVER !! As far as I know... I will never expect that even any bad apples amongst the priestly class might in any way come after me.

But the fact remains that... even being a silent witness MUST be construed as some sort of a tacit assent. Perhaps... covert complicity... for sure !!

without most of the people's... as... I have mentioned as above... (c)overt consent... this mindless crusade against me is... certainly NOT possible !!


So... these guys have to... have a hand.

For... when $neh Chandel... gloated about being fooled... and knowing not... being fooled. I immediately knew- Captain and his mates will show their true colors and might pull a fast one on me.

And... I had waited for that 'fast one' to come to me !! And the $hit, contrary to his claims, smells like hell, especially to me

<<< 13 >>>

I had serious suspicions and apprehensions of what may follow next... ? In light of the Tabulassion ( post my KedarNath ideations ) I had engaged in. Core of whose seriousness, I suggest, could be the "HeartBleed' mighty IT arsenal. Someone foolish enough... lost that "icing on the cake" in the arsenal, on me ? Aparently... 100 % true. Can... anyone believe that ?

Btw- can anyone imagine that people like IHT run with the Captain yet they remain safe. Look at the kind of vitriolic gall IHT oozes out. Again... I recall that IHT happens to be a Tamilian Brahmin !! So... is it that because he is a Tamilian Brahmin he happens to be safe and secure ??

Thiyya Captain's trusted TamBram ( Iyer ) mate ?

Is the moot question I want everyone in the country to seek answers to ?? !!

Have the people of this country gained independence so that a set of people ( barhmin, rajputs, kayasthas ) rule the roost, in almost every spheres. At the expense of... almost everyone else ?

Is a question I want the people to seek answer to ? And... is it time that people seek solution to overcome this challenge... before it is too late.

<<< 14 >>>

And... frankly I might never expect a tiraiar person ( or, is it tirayan or... thiyya ) Capt AV to exhume truths on the sanatana dharma. For... as far as I know...  thiyya people may NOT be historically having the best of terms with the priestly class. ( I suspect/ guess... he often-times refers to them as the "white invader". )

I suspect... someone may be using a thiyya's name and image... his name and photos on the blog... yet, some underlying guys running the show. These guys... might be perhaps those born out of the Sambandhams in Kerala ( say... Nairs ) or those born out of Kulinism ( as in Bengal areas after the all-Buddhist Yaduvanshi Pala dynasty rule got over; say sometimes... after the... 12th-14th century AD ). So... do I expect some Bhadra-lokas @@ ( brahmin and kayastha ) from Bengal... in Captain's team ?

And... certainly... Bihar ( 100 % sure and certain ) and eastern UP people. Perhaps - Kayastha.

@@ Bhadra-lokas = ( brahmin and kayastha in Bengal ) Does this mean that all the people apart from these two caste are NOT Bhadra-lokas in Bengal ?? Therefore - "A-bhadra" ? Why so ??

<<< 15 >>>

Now... when we talk of the priestly class and their affiliates and their 'Tilism'-like web... We must evaluate...
a few of the socio-economic religious ... cobweb-like contexts...

1) a massive number of socio-economic and socio-religious bodies... whose sole aim is to have huge sets of ever expanding followers. This ensures a MASSive gathering... that has the covert primary aim to be a HUGE money spinner for those guys running ze show. Either overtly or covertly. Secondarily... this helps these guys running the show... in galvanizing their blind followers/ masses on social issues/ political lines, etc.

2) Point #1 MUST also include... a set of Gurus, "Guru-ghantAls", pseudo-Gurus, ASHRAMs, Huge Temple Trusts... and the assortment of 'TILISM' i.e. murky web some set of super-duper smart guys spin around themselves to ensnare and there-after... milch ALL the masses : innocents/ ignoramuses/ God-fearing/ blind-believers i.e. those who go by an other-party imposed 'blind-FAITH'/ 'bhed-chaal' type ever-growing POPULACE.

The moot idea is to milk them 'aam' JUNTA high and dry. Slowly... steadily... steadfastly... !! The 'aam aadmi'... nay JUNTA has to be offering... money, 'maal' and mullah to their steadily growing and getting powerful by the day... coterie.

So... money trickles out and... leaves the homes of 'aam aadmi'... nay Junta... and these pseudo people... garnering these "millions of... trickles"... as THEIR ever-steadily growing personal WEALTH... actually become the Kings.

Worth... hundreds... thousands... ten thousands of... perhaps... lakhs... of CRORES !!


None of these guys live the life of a REAL sages, like that of... RamaKrishna Paramhans, Shirdi Sai Baba, Ramana MahaRishi, etc.

Their HUGE empire ( temples, ashrams, mutts, etc. ) is built around ever-flowing public money... nay wealth... ever filling their coffers.

<<< 16 >>>


A) In this context - everyone can relate to those 'katha-vachaks' who are worths hundreds or perhaps thousands of crores of Rupees. All of which... milked from the humble and God-fearing masses... on some pretext or the other.

B) NOT to forget that...

There are certain Guru types who want to build... INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CROREs MASSIVE temple towns in India !!

ALL... ostensibly public money. To be got... off from the public. From... thin air... actually !!

Now, just imagine...

Once these sort of people get this HUGE amount of money and build the INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORE TEMPLE town... then ... a self appointed TEMPLE TRUST ( perhaps all of whom could be their own - near and far family members, kinsmen, caste-men and friends ) takes over... FOR ETERNITY.

I guesstimate that an investment of INR FIVE OR SEVEN LAKH CRORE on this MASSIVE temple infrastructure might go on to yield these guys an ANNUAL INCOME...actually PROFIT of... at least INR TEN-FIFTEEN-THIRTY THOUSANDS CRORES and UPWARDS per annum as tourists and pilgrims, from all across the world, throng this MARVEL of a place.

There might be a local town-ship coming up there. And, real estate prices sky-rocketing overnight. Garnering another FIVE-SEVEN LAKH CRORES for the town-ship developers !! And... almost all the local businesses owned by a specific set of inter-networked people. So... few guys get to mint... all the mullah. And... quite some 'maal' too.

Btw... heard on TV... that Guru Ji proclaiming that... INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORES !! are ready for contributions at a moment's notice. Out of... thin air !!


Pray... HOW ??

Actually... five or seven lakh of this Godman's... nay Guru's devotees are already ready with READY CASH... and... will contribute INR ONE CRORE each. On the Gurus' call for ACTION !! And... PRONTO... there is this HUGE AMOUNT of... INR FIVE or SEVEN LAKH CRORES !! for the temple !! All 'that' money in the hands of private devotees... now goes into the hands of the Godman and... practically to his... self-appointed coterie of "blessed near and dear ones" !!

<<< 17 >>>

WISHING HERE... this same type of "Guru" type elements had better invested this same amount of PUBLIC WEALTH in building...

aaa) At least TWENTY to THIRTY super-speciality WORLD-CLASS HOSPITALS ( @ INR FIVE or TEN THOUSANDS CRORE EACH ) throughout the country. So, that even our leaders DO NOT have to go overseas for medical treatments.

And... as such... lots of FOREX is saved to the country. Also... we DO NOT waste precious FOREX on the ( MOSTLY IMPORTED ) allopathic pharma drugs and medical diagnostic equipments. Almost a majority of these imported pharma drugs have serious short/ long-term side effects... and their inorganic contents go on to clog the liver.


This MIGHT also include... MASSIVE R&D efforts on health-care, pharma, disease, disease-control, quest for wonder drugs, etc. !!






There does not seem any element of austerity or penance in their lives. What to speak of their chelas/ disciples ?

Not sure... if any of such people solve the problems of others or they end up solving their own problem... viz. extreme desire for massive wealth and loyalest people as the fiercest followers ( chelas ), etc.

bbb) Create at least TEN super technical/ Engineering/ R & D institues of world class repute. In the country !!

Even at @ INR TEN to FIFTEEN THOUSAND CRORES apiece... these might go on to produce gems... DIAMONDS of alumni along the way. And... even one of these diamonds might go onto change the fate of the entire country... nay mankind.




WHY SO ?? !!

DO people like him and his kind think that ALL this is OK and normal ?? !! The way forward for our country and the country men ??

Do we expect that such spiritual mentors gives us people their own view-point... nay... 'gyaan', publicly... in this regards ?

<<< 18 >>>

What sayst ...   ?




Alternate route for the likes of you all...
I MOST humbly yet out-rightly suggest... why don't "the types of you all" get ALL this money solely from the PANDA ( i.e. priestly class ) samaj abounding in all the Hindu holy spots/ temples !! PLEASE DO THIS !!

For... is it NOT true that...
The PANDAs are fleecing... extracting perhaps LAKHS of CRORES every year from the servile and superstitious Indian populace. In blind faith and trust on outdated and obsolete rituals and karma-kaands.

Anyone... can see this rampant evil practise around our major holy ( i.e. Teerth ) spots and temples. All... in the name of blind faith... the venerable Pandas armed with sweet tongue... entice or force on the populace - religious "this and that" rituals... and... people are enticed/ forced to... spill-over their pockets... and part with their hard-earned moneys, with these 'smart' guys. This is going on since the past almost one-two thousand years. And, this is slowly... destroying the Sanatana Dharma.

<<< 19 >>>

Btw... some of the temple priests and their descendants have good historical perspective and knowledge as regards how come royal women-folks ( pre-dominantly Buddhists... and perhaps some Jains too ) ended up as whores in the temple eco-system ( as... Devdasis. ). This tradition started off around and after the 9th or 10th centuries AD; I guess. Especially so in central Indian regions.

Is it likely that... most of these women were mostly of the chandra-vansha/ yadu-vansha or naga origin ??  Highly likely.

Devadasi practise was quite rampant in quite some or most of the locales... in the present day - Orissa, Chattis Garh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and TamilNadu ?

Btw... the Mughal Bad-Shah Aurangzeb demolished such temple turned whore-houses... by the thousands. Somewhere around 3000-4000 ( perhaps such ) temples were razed to ground. This is a real fact.

How come Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal, Delhi, Rajasthan, Kerala and UP did not had the temple prostitutes nay... devadasis ? But... in quite some of these other locales... even now... half breeds born off the priestly class do not refrain from declaring their priestly-class roots ?

Do I suggest that...

the priestly class took roots again at the back of gradual Buddhist/ Jain kings' decimation by the slow and steady onslaught of Islamic Sultanates... and later... the Mughal rule ? Which... gradually saw the priestly class to regain traction and strength at the villages level, across the country. I suggest that... this has been the way... since those times. ( the 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th century AD ). Whilst... rulers might have come and gone. But... the faith of the general masses has been held at the whims and fancies of the priestly class and those they, anytimes, choose to favor, align to and/ or promote. Truly saying this. After reading some articles on -

Please ... throw some light... nay 'gyaan' !! Will you ? Or... won't you ?? Chief ?? The affaected dalits might as well.

<<< 20 >>>


I thinks... this/ some Guru Ji's.. son who had been lately ( some years back ) been in the news is MORE right !! I guess.

But... in the news... for the WRONG reasons.

I cite this specific case as an example... an eye opener... for the masses. Who ALL might be called upon to invest an amount of INR FIVE / SEVEN LAKH CRORES !!

If this is NOT challenged then tomorrow someone else might come up with an INR TEN or TWENTY LAKH CRORES PLAN !!

So... shall majority of the Sanatana Dharmis convert religions to escape the classical priestly class tyranny and become a Sikh ?

And, go on to chant "Wahe Guru" and...


<<< 21 >>>

ccc) The entire country can be turned into 100 % organic, 100 % non-GMO with 90-100 % vedic humped cows giving best quality milk to almost a good part of the entire populace.

Bringing almost 120+ crores of people health, wealth and better quality of life !!

with this kind of money.

ddd) Spending... say... INR THREE to FOUR LAKH CRORES on defence R&D. And... much needed... internal defence design, development, prototyping, productions, etc.


Btw... the wish-list can be ALL endless.


Can anyone ?? ...

Explore the... COVERT GRAND idea/ reasoning/ intention/ motive/ motivation behind this MEGA INR 7 LAKH crores design / plan ??

<<< 22 >>>

And... to add...

I have nothing personal against any Guru, pseudo-Guru or Guru-types... or even any of the Panda-s and any and all members of the priestly class. Never had !!

I revere them. And, bow to all of them. And, am NOT here to judge any of these fellow human beings.
Some of whom might proclaim themselves as God-incarnates !! Let that be so.


I am just making a point... non-chalantly ... what SOME set of the people DO or INTEND to do with ALL the PUBLIC money.

Actually massive... ever trickling money... WEALTH !!

I guess... is it that these guys are there only for... laying hands on the... public money ?

By using quite some... old book... be a rook... and, using ALL the hook and/ or crook ?


And... our country has lots and lots of wealth... all scattered around.

And... there are plunderers on the prowl !! And... it is NOT so easy to discern these guys.

Each ones... ways and means... are different. Way too... different.

<<< 23 >>>

Not to forget...

Even... ISK..N ?? is into the BUSINESS of building MASSIVE/ MAMMOTH temples. Around the country... and the world.

Almost ALL of these are built using the public money and soliciting MASSIVE donations. Even the land is got for free from the Governments, often-times, at throw-away prices.

And... once the whole temple structure is ready... the same is promoted as a place of pilgrimmage/ a tourist spot/ an architectural marvel, etc. And... these HOLY spots... go on to spin out ENDLESS wealth. That keeps on piling ON... year after year... after year. Almost...  to the tune of THOUSANDS of crores every year !! Can anyone imagine... ALL of which... going into the hands of a set of priestly class... and the private players/ hands !!

And... these people use these public funds... nay WEALTH to build.. even more MAMMOTH temples. And... private temple-owned high-end properties.

What's the use of wasting HUGE amounts of money ( = WEALTH ) in buliding massive temples in an under-developed country like India ?? !!

All in the name of religion and blind faith ??

Wherein only a close set of people DO MAKE ALL the 'maal' and the 'mullah' and get all the respect, too ??

<<< 24 >>>

The list can be an endless one.

And... SOME VIGILANTE journos can easily establish that this WHOLE business, built around BLIND FAITH. This includes even quite some retards who are basically unemployable guys... but go on to make a living @ astrology as a veneered astrologer. Some of these mangy folks... have their foot-print in destroying people by injecting them with either down-right fear ( Shani, Rahu, Ketu, Shani's SADE-SATI ) or complete complascence ( everything is all right/ great ). Btw... I admire the SIKHS who DO NOT believe in astrology.


With humility... ! But let me state...

The amount of money/ wealth the priestly class makes all over the country /world over a decade's time, might be something like -

@ THREE LAKH CRORES per YEAR ; is tantamount to/ translates to = INR THIRTY LAKH CRORES !!

@ FOUR LAKH CRORES per YEAR ; is tantamount to/ translates to = INR FORTY LAKH CRORES !!

@ FIVE LAKH CRORES per YEAR ; is tantamount to/ translates to = INR FIIFTY LAKH CRORES !!

ALL THIS IS 100 % possible and TRUE !! Truly stating !!

Can a set of people TABULATE and QUANTIFY, PLEASE !!

As an eye opener !!

This is a MUCH NEEDED execise. Some smart set of people... ought to get into.

My own rough guesstimate will be, in this regards, as of today -

@ FOUR to FIVE LAKH CRORES per YEAR ; is tantamount to/ translates to = INR FORTY to FIIFTY LAKH CRORES !!

That is the reason these guys have ample time ( and, money too ) to be in politics, etc. and all the diverse fields. See the TV channels and all MSM - you will find them in plenty.

<<< 25 >>>

Some undeniable facts...

The fact remains that... the Islamic conquests in the South Asian arena have an extremely bloody history. Massive numbers of innocent populace - Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and followers of other religions have been executed by the Islamic crusaders. Others have been converted to Islam, as part of the Islamic crusade against KAFIRS ( the infidels ).

Whilst it could be 100 % true that the present Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. countries would have been at one point of time - predominantly Buddhist regions. And... there is a high degree of likelihood that the myriad of Buddhist fiefdoms wilted under the Islamic crusaders. Possibly... once the Kings and their noblemen were overthrown or else converted to Islam - majority of the general populace followed suit, sooner or later.

But, the same might not have been easy to transpire in a multi-layered, hierarchical, pyramidally structured Hindu society.

Importantly to note -
At one time the King ( as the earthly representative of the God Almighty ) used to be sitting at the TOP of the pyramidal structure. The priestly class and the warrior classes were subservient to the king.

The King was adviced and guided by the most able- Gurus, Rishis, Munis, Raj-Rishis, BrahmRishis, sages, etc.  All these were having a higher moral authority and position than the King... even in the Sanatan Dharma's pyramidal structure. And, were highly venerated and respectable members of the entire Sanatan Dharma community. Even in any of the self-same, near or far Kingdoms.

Then... there-after...
as the priestly class gradually became more and more dominant and overtly exacting. They came to occupy the highest position of the pyramidal structured society. And... the degradation of Sanatan Dharma started. As a result of which Jainism, Buddhism gained wide-spread and universal acceptance. That was basically - to break free of the jinx, off a certain set of 'spongy' set of people.

Notably- Mahavir ( Jain ), Gautam Buddha and the Ten Sikh Gurus ( all Khatris ) were all belonging to the Kshatriya lineage !! Does this suggest some-thing ?

Does this imply... that they saw NIL spirituality residing with the priestly class ? Only KarmaKands ( rituals) ( mostly centred around the 16 sanskaras ) that were basically a massive rip-off sitting atop the heads of the masses ??

Is something... one may duly make note of. And... investigate.

Again... the spirituality of the Sikh Gurus is centred around the teachings of Sant Kabir, Rumi, RaviDas, etc.
( i.e. the sants and mahatamas )

<<< 26 >>>

With the birth of Adi SankarAcharya @ Kaladi, Kerala in 788 AD !! ( That's correct - Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight AD ). And... subsequent establishment of the ShankarAcharya peethas/ mutts at the five locations.

Fact of the matter remains that...
One of the PRIMARY objectives of any of these Shankar Peethas/ Mutts ( which actually- MUST always be headed by a member of the priestly class or brahmins ) is to ANY-WHICH-WAYS uphold and perpetuate the multi-tiered, pyramidal layered caste structure of the Hindu society.

The priestly classes' already do have... and... might certainly have a covert under-ground network in every / certain geographic regions under them, and they... ( covertly ) affiliate to a certain 'chosen' ShankarAcharya Mutt primarily - potentially might have the minutest details of the history of a specific region. Primarily... the family histories and lineage of all its native populace throughought the past several ( 5-8-12-13 ) centuries... nay the past millenium.

Is this understood... ?? for sure.

<<< 27 >>>

Here again...
The moot question is - why have a separate ShankarAcharya Peetha/Mutt for TamilNadu alone ?

The answer could lie in the ancient history ( mostly obfuscated ) of the Tamil people.

Especially... those of the Nadars. Perhaps... Thevars, too ( a guesstimate here ). Now... had the Nadars chosen to move over from Buddhism. And had meekly chosen to keeping on patronizing the priestly class.... then there is every possibility that the Nadars might have been at the helm of the state of affairs of India today.

Seems like... the priestly classes (c)overtly destroyed them Nadars ( on the back of the Islamic/ Mughal crusades and conquests ) ?? is a question that keeps on coming back to me... after going thru' the following URL -

Slow and gradual decimation... by a thousand cuts. All inflicted in various, and... way TOO many guises.

Seems plausible- the way they are concentrated in the southern-most districts/ parts of TamilNadu suggests that these set of people had been gradually and brutally pushed down... towards the southern-most periphery of the land. Perhaps... edged across the sea and... onto north and north-eastern Sri Lanka, as well. During the course of the Islamic Sultanate... and later... the Mughal conquests/ rule.

But WHY ??

And, a 'coterie' out of our central Govt. policies basically allowed the Sri Lankans to basically sort of rough up and almost subjugate and destroy the Tamil ( basically Indian ) populace settled in north and north western Sri Lanka. No other country/ race will ever do such a thing.

WHY ? Who was at helm @ GoI then ? And the IAS, IFS who called the shots then ?

<<< 28 >>>

Important URL that throws some light here -

See -

Quite interestingly...
the Nadars claim that Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram were from their own tribe or stock ( of Vrishnis... of Madhawas...)

( Does this explain why Lord Krishna is always referred to as - "...the best of the Vrishnis" and "O Madhava". Importantly... Lord Krishna is often portrayed as almost black in color ? )

And... does this imply that Lord Krishna's race ( a YaduVanshi/ SomaVanshi/ ChandraVanshi ) implies something that has to do with almost dark skin color ?

'Chandra' i.e. moon arises in the night, after dark. And dark night implies... pitch black-ness... dark-ness.

So... is it that the Chandravanshis were darker complexioned people ?

Btw - the Pandavas, Kauravas, Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram = the Yadavas, RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun, were all of the lunar ( = chandra-vanshi ) lineage.

<<< 29 >>>

Whereas, Surya implies sun. Daytime. Fair. light. Implies relatively... much fairer complexion ?

So... after going thru' the - web-site the question that comes into mind is -

Does ChandraVansha in anyways, imply - dark skinned race or almost black-colored warrior race ? Alteratively,
after all... Lord Krishna was a ChandraVanshi. As well... the Pandavas.

Does SuryaVansha implied to... comparatively much fairer set of people belonging to a much different racial stock ?

Is a question that cannot escape, in case one goes thru' this above web site.

<<< 30 >>>

Interestingly... Please note...
Lord Krishna was born in the pitch of the night... middle of the night ( When Chandra or moon is exalted in the  Taurus sign, esp. in the Rohini nakshatra ) !! And... around this time, we are generally in the midst of rainy season. Heavy rains.

Lord Krishna is depicted as either dark in color or having light blue hue !!


Whereas, Lord Rama is born exactly around the time of mid-day, when the Sun is at the peak !! And... Sun is exalted in Aries sun sign on the day of Ram Navami. Sometime in April/ May, each year.

Mostly... Lord Ram is depicted as being... green in color. Similar to a parrot's feather !!

"What are the real facts ??"  Check out please !!

<<< 31 >>>

Btw... the priest who used to do karma-kanda puja rituals at our house-hold for decades. And... I was fond of talking to this Brahmin Devta... and... often-times ( at least 2-3 times ) he used to tell me ( with a mysterious look donning his face and eyes/ stares ) that he is indeed... such-and-such Brahmin and all such Brahmins ACTUALLY came from Germany !!

Truly saying this !! Satyam Vadami !!

And... I could never make out as to how come... this guy whose skin color is not much different than me claim that he and his fore-fathers are originally from Germany ??

Can anyone answer please ?? What is the matter here ?? !!

Is it that most of these priestly class people are inducted ones, As Capt keeps on exhuming ?

<<< 32 >>>

Was reading, almost an year or two back, on that certain forces in the Indian establishmnet wanted the Russian Govt. to allow influx of nearly 30 million ( or, was it 300 millions ) Indians into the  massive Russian territories ? The aricle also suggested that the Russians refused.

Allowing massive number of Indians into Russia ? The question is why ? Who are the people behind such a desire ?

Are these people part of the RSS/ BJP regime or the INDIAN "deep state" ?

Have these same set of people had any potential covert agreement/ workout with NATO set of countries like - the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, etc. ?

Who are the people in the country's establishment who wants to see Indians to be settled overseas ? And... importantly... what sort of Indians ?? And, are these settled populations to ever return back to India ? When ? Why ?
What might have been the terms ?

Are some QUESTIONS that everyone must try to seek HARD answers to ?

< EndOfPost >

Warrior clans of Bharat.

Warrior clans of Bharat

SuryaVanshi, ChandraVanshiya, AgniVanshi, NagVanshi

Pre-Thought to ProLogue :

MangalVanshi, ShukraVanshi ( pipe-dreamers mull/ envisage/ sayst... in the pipeline... from Western Europe, USA, Australia, NZ and Russia ?? ) ...

BudhaVanshi ( in the pipeline... from South America, China, Korea and Japan ?? ) ...

What about... ShaniVanshi, RahuVanshi and KetuVanshi ?? ( in the pipeline... Any takers here ? Say - what about Africa ? )

Is the priestly class aka brahmins giving ears i.e. listening ? I think they have got all this figured out.

After all India has to be Vishwa Guru !! ??

With PM NaDa Modi at helm ( But who says that what Nostradamus predicted had anything to do with BJP PM NaDa Modi ?? ). That may NOT be factually true. What about ArKej ? Why rule him or anyone else out ?

For -
We have seen the cases of "Aaaye Ram, Gaye Ram" way too often enough.


World history ( including Indian, as well ) is replete with somewhat weak &/ or pusillanimous-at-heart ( although ostensibly claiming a valorous lineage ) but foxy local rulers ganging up with invading foreign forces ( case of - were these ever distantly placed brothers ? ) OR... powerful ( somewhat distantly placed ) foreign forces... to gain strength, force, traction and momentum... to basically rout/ root out/ overpower the foxy local ruler's localized and distant ( near and afar ) enemies. Thus... thence on and there-afters... there are no enemies remaining for the combined ( = allied ) forces.

Sometimes... these foreign forces ( say - even the invaders ) are incited, coaxed, cajoled, fooled over or invited to come over !!

The underlying moot idea is... formation of a mighty combo - an alliance/ coalition that is used to root out common foes ( internal as well as external ). Recall - "Kaante se kaanta nikaal-Na".

In the present context - is the "kaanta" still stuck up ?



Sometimes, near-at-home/ neighbouring disturbances or perceptible ( albeit future ) threat/ threat perceptions are created by certain subterfuge, and often cleverly manipulated to GET on-board foreign &/ or neo-imperial forces.

The same foreign forces are then transformatively used, at a much later date ( when the dust is sort of settling down on Round 1, 2... etc. ; after having taken care of Agenda 1, 2... etc. ), against the deeply entrenched foxy "inviting coterie's" close-at-home foes.


So... those having some insight and perception...
Get the gist of what is potentially implied here... and way too goodie goodie well.

This fact... MUST NEVER be forgotten at all.

The same has happened in the past in the Indian sub-continent.

are we at the cusp of seeing the repeat of the same in another form, format and scale ?

Be your own judge. I, but, allude.


For the joining imperial forces... religion has NEVER stood in the way in forming a coalition.



For... the same stock ( = bloodline ) of people may adhere to different religions. And... belong to different, wide apart, locations ( 1000s of miles away ) .

And this is actually seen to be globally true... and rampant.

The same way... we may still witness almost similar (c)overt collaborations ( that existed in bygone medieval, etc. times )... that may have dangerous portends for the majority of the stake holders spanning the Indian sub-continent, who, but choose to sit on the sidelines. Oblivious of what may potentially befall them at a future date.

Never to forget...
there are overt/ superficial collaborations.

But then... the existential chances of a covert collaborations are much higher, in such treacherous times as these. And... it may NOT be possible for ALL the parties on either side to be witness to or factually aware of the under-lying nuances and minutely understand the nitty-gritties of any covert collaborations.

As to how/ why.... this has to be/ was effected... may be a matter of high-stakes high-risk game with massive payoffs ( and potentially mutually accruable gains ) for the covertly engaging parties, unknown to majority of the unsuspecting others of the entire populace.

Very important note alluded to, here.

All Indians - Please take note.


This fact... MUST NEVER be forgotten at all. Especially in the Indian subcontinent, after witnessing the past 200-300-600-800-1200 years' time frame.

Ever since the Gahadwala king PrithviRaj Chauhan ( ruling from Ajay Meru ) chose to ignore the timely forebodings of his mother - that prescience of a dream was 12 years in advance. Drunk with power, he bypassed his Kalchuri mother's advice/ fore-boding/ fore-warning she passed on to her son after a certain dream she had. And, the Indian and the world history has changed, for posterity, since those times.


Fact remains that...
For the allied/ joining imperial forces... religion has NEVER stood in the way in forming a coalition.

We have seen Hindu + Islamic combo in the case of Rajput + Mughal alliance that swamped the entirety of the subcontinent for the last at least 4-5-6-7 centuries. And... these guys have been ruling the roost since then. Say - since after the 12th-14th century AD.

In another form, format, scale - in the present days.


In the current times... ( Mughals had harems full of women. So... leave aside the Mughals and their veiled descendants/ remnants in the Indian society. Who all might be very highly placed in the Indian + Pakistani + Bangladeshi 'system'. )

Now, throw in the Western ( Christian + Judaic ) powers. To, some certain extent the Russian and the formerly USSR empire countries, as well.

Seems obvious that - many of the Islamic nations in the middle east and Africa have been facing the "western-powers-generated-heat" over the past decades and centuries. ( Some Buddhist nations like Vietnam too. ).

 ... With newly induced or aggravated notions of Wahabi Islam. All covertly funded by SIGs, with their tracks almost all covered.

Is it the case of - covert fundings to create a perceptible menace ?

Then venturing forth to solve the same created problem, clubbing up a profitable coalition ?


Are the same set of forces that form the cOre of the "deep state" of the Indian subcontinent... that have been ruling over the sub-continent since the past several centuries. And... who all... might have (c)overtly siphoned off monumental wealth out of India since the past 65-70 ( Even 100-150 ? ) years, tantamount to tens of trillions of US Dollars to ( predominantly ) the Western countries... These same set of "deep state" entrenched personaes... who have their illegimately "OUTSOURCED CAPITAL" i.e. moneys ( Transformed and basically touted as western capital in the form of FDI ) invested in PRC, Japan, Singapore, the middle eastern countries, etc. Almost everywhere ? I do believe and suggest - YES !!

Are these pretty well entrenched in the Indian system "deep state actors"...having a covert alliance with their western "deep state actors"/ partners ?

Are there any chances that these cumulative forces might be trying to create and stoke a India-Pakistan or Indo-China confrontation ? Or, India arrayed against vs ( China + Pakistan ) bloc ?

Then we have but the only natural choice - to sit on the lap of Western countries and Russia ? Is that the moot underlying objective ?

Must NOT be ruled out.


If a country like Vietnam can exist against PRC and fight recurrent wars, then what reason do we have to be apprehensive of any ( China + Pakistan ) bloc or any stupid coalition ?


Important to note -
these "deep state/ non-state actors" in the Indian system ( the "SIGs" ) may have covert allies on the other ( Pakistan and China ) side, as well, working towards a common goal. Sometimes the goal of some such SIGs spans decades and centuries.

Please take NOTE of the above observation.

Now there is a recurring thought... and I am puttig the same here -
Are there any covert machinations/ motive/ motivations to finally get the Western ( possibly Russian too ) combined forces to indirectly aid some SIGs control the entire Indian sub-continent ? Using ( the troika of ) cumulative military/ economic, etc. might ?

This is a question that naturally arises.

Of course, using the pretext of - a) Islamic terrorism or some cooked up external threat, b) The expansionist policies of PRC ( China ) - though this may seem like real but may not be.

This makes us all uncomfortable, etc. etc.

Actually - both these above notions and likelihood do not make any sense, at all.

In which case - there is a contrarian thought - are the Pakistani and the Chinese nation the best bet against the (c)overt machinations of the Indian "deep state" ? ( Indian "deep state" = some SIG that might certainly be in cahoots with some of the mighty external powers/ "deep states" ? )

Actually the "deeply" combined and conjoined - Indian + Western + etc. (?) "deep states" ?

Above is a most natural question to ask.


Above is a question every Indian must seek answer to. For... we are living in an extremely treacherous and tormenting times.

... all the more palpable by the way I have been back-stabbed. And... who ALL did this, whilst the BJP + RSS are at the helm of affairs in the "HinduVadi + RashtraVadi" India, is anyone's guess ?

Do I need to elaborate on that ?


And, if one chances on certain stuff online, then... probably the mass weapon of the future might be a biological epidemic that kills on a massive scale. Culling out selective masses, whilst those needing to remain safe may be silently inoculated/ vaccinated. Btw - inoculation/ vaccination are all very natural processes.


Note... the same stock ( = bloodline ) of people may adhere to different religions ( Hindu, Sikhs, Christian, Judaic, Islamic, etc. )

And this is actually seen to be globally true... and very much rampant in the Indian sub-continent.

The same way... we may still witness almost similar (c)overt collaborations... that may be dangerous for the majority of the entirety of the Indian stake holders, who, but choose to sit on the sidelines. Unaware of what may follow in the oncoming times.


Never forget... that... there are Overt collaborations.

But... the chances of a Covert collaborations are higher, in such treacherous times as these. And... it may NOT be possible for ALL the parties on either side to be witness to the nuances and minutely understand the nitty-gritties of any/ all covert collaborations.

As to how/ why.... this has to be/ was ever effected... may be a matter of high-stakes high-risk game with massive payoffs for the covertly engaging parties, unknown to majority of the others.

Very important note alluded to, here.


<<< ONE >>>

IMPORTANTLY... let us start... here, again... with...

The moot question - why have a separate ShankarAcharya Peetha/ Mutt catering to TamilNadu alone ?

And, unlike the other four Shankar Peetha Acharyas who are also called ShankarAcharyas of their own peethas; the Kanchi, TamilNadu peetha acharya is often referred/ called as the Param Acharya.

The answer could lie in the ancient history ( mostly and certainly obfuscated ) of the royal Tamil Nadar race.

Especially... those of the Nadars. Perhaps... Thevars, too ( a guesstimate here ). Now... had the Nadars NOT chosen to move over to Buddhism/ Jainism. And had they meekly ( as was the wont ) chosen to keeping on patronizing/ appeasing the priestly class... then there is every possibility that the Nadars could have been at the helm of the state of affairs of the Indian sub-continent today.

Importantly, almost 2000 years back the Nadars ruled almost the entirety of the sub-continent. If we believe their story.

Seems like... the priestly classes (c)overtly destroyed them Nadars ( on the back of the Islamic/ Mughal crusades and conquests ) ?? is a question that keeps on coming back to anyone... after going thru' the following URL -

Slow and gradual decimation... by a thousand cuts. All inflicted in various, and... way TOO many guises/ means/ methodologies.

The Nadar story seems plausible...

- the way the Nadars are concentrated in the southern-most parts of TamilNadu suggests that these set of people had been gradually and brutally decimated whilst being pushed down... towards the southern-most periphery of the land.

Perhaps... edged across the sea and... onto north and north-eastern Sri Lanka, as well.

But WHY and WHEN ?? Perhaps during the peak of Delhi/ Deccan Sultanates &/ or Mughal rule. Over the last 800-1000 years ?

Important URL that throws some light here -

See -

Quite interestingly...

the Nadars claim that Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram were from their own tribe or stock ( Tribe/ Stock ...of Vrishnis... of Madhawas...)

Point to ponder -

Does this explain why Lord Krishna is always referred to as - "...the best of the Vrishnis" and "O Madhava" by Arjuna and others.

<<< TWO >>>

Importantly... Lord Krishna is often portrayed as almost black in color ?

And... does this imply that Lord Krishna's race ( a YaduVanshi/ SomaVanshi/ ChandraVanshi ) implies something that has to do with almost dark skin color ?

'Chandra' i.e. moon arises in the night, after dark. And dark night implies... pitch 'black-ness'... 'dark-ness'.

Whereas, Surya implies sun. Daytime. Fair. light.

So... after going thru' the - web-site the question that comes into mind is -

Does ChandraVansha ( the lunar lineage ), in anyways, imply - dark skinned race or almost dark-colored people ?

After all... Lord Krishna was a ChandraVanshi. As well... the Pandavas. And... the Kauravas too. As also the RajRajeshwar Sahastra-Bahu Arjuna too was a Chandra vanshiya ChakraVarti Samrat.

Is it that... these people were/ are of dark or = deep(est) brown in color ?

Does SuryaVansha implied to... comparatively much fairer set of people belonging to a much different racial stock ?

Is a question that cannot escape, in case one goes thru' this above web site.

<<< THREE >>>

Interestingly... note...
Lord Krishna was born in the pitch of the night... middle of the night ( When Chandra or moon was exalted in the  Taurus sign... in the Rohini nakshatra ) !! And... around this time, we are generally in the midst of rainy season. Heavy rains. Krishna Janma Ashtami - Rainy season - July, August time.

Lord Krishna is depicted as either dark in color or having light blue hue !!


Whereas, Lord Rama is born exactly around the time of mid-day, when the Sun is at the peak !! ( And... Sun is exalted in Aries sun sign ). Ram Navami in April-May ( Sun is exalted ).

Mostly... Lord Ram is depicted as being... green in color. Similar to a parrot's feather !!

When one thinks of green, in the context of ancient times. One is often reminded of Persia ( present day - Iran )

"What, then, are the real facts ??"

<<< FOUR >>>

It is important to note that the ( mythical ) Ayodhya is currently claimed to be lying in the eastern part of the state of Uttar Pradesh.

But... I recall reading while I was quite young... some articles... written by some research scholar that was seeking to explore the - 'real' location of Ayodhya in far flung places... of the ancient realm of what was ARYAVARTA !!

This same author researched the whole context and suggested some potential location of Ayodhya... say near to the present day IRAQ !! Can anyone believe this ?? Has anyone heard about this claim earlier ? ( I vaguely recall that I might have read this article - perhaps in the monthly magazine "Kadambini" of late 70s or early 80s )

This was much before the Ram Mandir/ Babri masjid dispute @ 1990.

Thence, I have never heard or read anyone researching and conjecturing the actual/ real locale of Ayodhya.

Why is that ?

And... we have the Ram Mandir issue come as a sure shot political plank for BJP, since 1989, that catapulted the party to power ?

<<< FIVE >>>


And... we have got cases of those guys who call themselves suryavanshi rajputs... claiming that after the times/ rule of Lord Rama... his two sons... princes - Luv and Kush went to Rome ( that is ITALY ) !!

Can anyone imagine and answer - as to why the princes did NOT move over to the present day - J & K or Punjab or even the Afghanistan provinces ? Again... what about China or Japan or Korea ? Or, present day Bangladesh, Burma or Vietnam or Sri Lanka ?

Yet, strangely... these royal solar lineaged princes went "ALL THE WAY" to Rome, Italy to ... settle down !! ??

So... then...
And, these suryavanshi descendants have gone on ( over the last 500-800-1200 years ) to occupy and flourish in western Europe, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, etc. ?? Shall we deduce then ?

Hey - what about Mexico ?

Btw... was northern Africa that far ?



In proclaiming so -
Are the suryavanshi rajputs trying to suggest a link here that... all the royal, etc. Romans/ Europeans as also the extended Roman and the Greek empire... as far as the western Europe... and therefore the people in - USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc. are the same common stock ( = race ) as these guys are ?


Seemingly obviously so !!

BUT - Why ??

What is the truth in this claim/ assertion ?

And... why do these people have to claim this ??

Is this claim a recent one ( arising in the last 50-100-150 years ) or does it have any historical perspective  ?


So... do we take that there might certainly be covert matrimonial alliances between the Indian and the European royalties over the past few or several centuries ? Quite unknown to the general masses.

This is a question that one must NOT let go of ?


In light of the above claim ( anyone can tell/ pin-point the exact source of such claims. Some of which lies in the public domain. )

Reference- a Hindi monthly magazine that is published from a certain capital of a state of central India. Reference- this magazine over the last 5-10-15-19 years' time to get some REAL GYAAN, in this context.

Point to Ponder -
I hope that... in not so distant a future these same set of people may not do a volte face ( U turn claim ) and say... that they, actually indeed, came from Rome, Italy to India ?? is a natural and logical question that confronts one again and again !!

Especially - after reading the sequence of some of these magazines.

<<< SIX >>>

Or, perhaps from the central Asian regions ? And... spread across much of Northern and Central India on the back of Mughal conquests.

Especially... after looking at the moustachioned guy below ( Check out ) -

Supposing that such... 100 or 1000 Turkish guys ( say... do we call them... 'turkish rajputs' ? ) move about hither and thither in India speaking chaste Hindi or an adjunct dialect ?

Where or which of the Indian states would one think these guys came from... ?

Leaving aside the southern states and the eastern states of India... in the north Indian states... there is only a couple of places anyone can safely claim that these guys originate from.

And... I would NOT be surprised if such moustachioned Turkish guys are mistaken for the most royal and... the most ferocious... of the Kshatriyas... the localized ( albeit Turkish ) Kshatriyas !!

Most importantly -

Does the term... "young turks" ring a bell ??

<<< SEVEN >>>

Again- if the mythical town of Ayodhya is found to be in Iraq ( say ) and... Hastinapur/ Indra-Prastha is the current New Delhi...

Can anyone tell why...

One MUST also consider why the Indian mega-kingdoms moved their capital from Indra-Prastha ##/ Hastinapur to Pataliputra** ( capital of the Magadh empire ) ??


## Indra-Prastha implies that Lord Indra a) ( was made to ) prasthan = 'leave the place for good'; ELSE b) resided in that place ?

And... we got case of dalits in TamilNadu claiming descendence from Lord Indra ?? How's that ?? !! What's the catch here ?

** Pataliputra : Patal-i-putra : Patal ( means - nether-world ) and putra = son.


What was the moot military or geo-strategic need /objective ? Were the Magadhan kings facing repeated threats coming onto them from the north-western parts of India ?

Looks like this is the real fact !!

Can anyone conclusively answer this ?

And... the Britishers... for the best part... started Indian encroachment/ takeover circa 1757 @ Battle of Plassey from the Eastern parts of India and were based in/ at Calcutta @ Fort Williams !!

Why ? What made them to choose the Eastern part of India to rollout their occupational plan of the sub-continent ?

Were the rulers in Bengal ( and their generals like - Mir Jafar ) the weakest links of all the princley states under the weakened Mughal empire ?

And... the Britishers first conquest in India was in the areas of Bengal. From there... they gradually wound their way to the entirety of the sub-continent. In a vice like grip.

It must be wondered - why did the Britishers NOT start off their conquests from around Delhi or from western or north-western regions of India ?

Ironically the Kings and regents from these regions had the best of alliance with the Britishers ( getting 11, 18, 21 cannon ball salutes ) and provided the Brits with their own standing armies in times of need - both in-the-country &/ or out-of-country onslaught and missions.


And, whilst leaving the subcontinent in 1947 as a set of fragmented dominions ( that is part of the 'common-wealth' ) the Britishers ensured to break up the Indian union into diverse warring factions.

Btw- having already loosening off Burma as a pre-cursor to the entire stratagem. To recount - Lord Mountbatten is called "Earl of Burma". Why is that ?

<<< EIGHT >>>

For the Marwaris... Maharaj Agrasen is the Kul purush or perhaps akin to a Devta = God. Notably... Maharaj Agrasen happens to be a Suryavanshi king. Generally... most of the Rajputs generally claim a Suryavanshi= solar lineage.

Now... is that the reason that the Rajputs and Marwaris ( both from the Rajasthan regions ) go on so... goodie-goodie well ? Some... base commonalities certainly here ?

Say... both these set of people originally hail primarily from... the Rajasthan region. Spread all over... over the rest of the country... over the last five centuries... over the back of an ever-expansive and tyrannical Mughal rule.

And... later... a British time re-consolidation phase.

Now... fully entrenched.

<<< NINE >>>

Interestingly, one member of the priestly class ( = a brahmin ) I know, who must have got some feedback about my latest blogging contents was telling me almost an year back ( of his own accord; though I never told him that I write blogs. ).

Per him ( per what he shared )...
only the suryavanshi rajputs are "the real Kshatriyas" of the Hindu Dharma. Per his venerable knowledge - almost all the Chndravanshiya Kings and people have been either annihilated by ParasuRam or previously turned over to convert to Islam. Very few Chndravanshiyas remaining now. And... that is the main reason that one sees the crescent moon ( = Chandra ) in the majority of the Islamic emblems and flags.

This was stunning info. to me.

Whilst he said that... the question arose -

Is it possible that the native Chandravanshi/ Somavanshi kings and their populace first embraced Jainism and later Buddhism and were mostly out of the Sanatana Dharma ?

Possibly at one time they were Buddhist, later most of these guys converted to Islam ? Under the force of sword or by sops.

This is perhaps possible - if we go by the warring between the priestly class ( represented by Parsuram ) and the Chandravashiya Kshatriyas represented by RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun !!

The pan India priestly class ( = brahmin ) and the ## bhumihar caste ( of North India ) have picture of Parasuram as their emblem.

## bhumihar caste -
they claim descent from priestly class ( = brahmin ).

Another Theory -
There is a theory that around the 12th century AD whilst Bihar regions faced massive Islamic Sultanate attacks. And, the Buddhist seat of learning @ the Nalanda university was sacked and burnt ( the entire books in the colossal library burnt for six months straight ).

There-after there transpired a massive extermination of the ruling Buddhist local populace. In the aftermath, a very large number of the Buddhist female widows/ orpahans/ girls were remaining.

Also there were also landed agricultural people of the "Bhuian" caste/ clan/ tribe. Who were decimated at one point of time, in large numbers. Leaving behind their women folks and land.

There is a theory that lends weight that the bhumihar caste is related to a combination of both these above + the priestly class. Since the 12th - 13th century AD and NOT earlier. The priestly class knows best though they won't tell.

Question -
Why is Bhagal-Pur and Dar-Bhanga ( in Bihar ) named as such ?

Bhagal : to run away; ran away.

Dar    : threshold; door.
Bhanga : to break, broke, breached.

Btw - these areas of Bhagal-Pur and Dar-Bhanga were at the periphery of the mighty Buddhist Pala dynasties of Bengal around the 12th-13th-14th century AD.

Is it that the Buddhist Pala rulers/ rule were decimated from around these locales ?

<<< TEN >>>

BTW - The majority of the population has NO use for such facts, as above !!

And... I had NIL reason or intention to touch on these subjects.


The world history is going to be 100 % impacted and governed by such certain facts.

Do some thorough research.

Please !!



Notably... the Marwari banias finance the BJP and the RSS to a great extent. This ALSO ensures that their business enterprises are in an ever-expansive mode, and... are taken good care by the other "pre-dominant people groups" in the BJP and RSS and INC with whom they have come to form a close bonding... over the last... 30-50-70 years; all around the country and abroad.

<<< ELEVEN >>>

AgniVanshi Clan :

Is this NOT rather strange that the Agni-Kulin Rajputs are born ( or, is it that a clan of Central Asian\ Persian\ or... perhaps a mixed race/ set of people were sworn in, with the sacred fires bearing the witness ? ) out of the Yagya Kunda ( or, sacrificial fires ) on the highs of Mount Abu, Rajasthan around the 15th or 16th century AD by sage Vashisth ( or, was that someone from the priestly class having Vashisth as the gotra, as the presiding priest of this swearing in ceremony ? ... of move-over to Sanatana Dharma ? )...

Whilst the "tri-kaal-darshi" sage Parasuram was aptly engrossed in samadhi ?? or, perhaps lay relaxing in the ***Mahendra-Giri hills with his Parasu ( aka axe ) lying fallow ( barren, and of NO use ) ?

Sage Parasuram got a certain siddhi/ boon from Lord Mahakal, Ujjain after performing an austere sadhana. He got the Parasu as a boon from Lord MahaKaal. = Parasu-Astra .

Seems like that sage ParasuRam has had a soft spot for the Persians and central Asian crusaders. And, certainly for the SuryaVanshi clan people who all allied with him ( along with sage Vashisth ) to defeat the most mighty ChandraVanshi Kshatriyas and their near and far allies.

Chandra-Vanshi HaiHey Kshatriyas were decimated 21 TIMES by the MahaKal provided Parsu ?? !!

Most vile misuse ever of a Lord Mahakaal gifted siddhi ? Why ?

Is this NOT strange that Parasuram thought it fit to slay the Chandra-Vanshi HaiHey Kshatriyas 21 times ( even the pregnant women were NOT spared, I was told by someone )... yet the chiranjeev ( = ever living ) sage or avatar Parasuram sees/ saw NIL reason to come up with a solution to the horde of marauding Islamic crusaders the Sanatan Dharma was faced with ?

Not to forget -
Sage Parasuram beheaded/ killed his mother &&& Renuka on the directions of his father sage JamadAgni.


&&& Renuka -

<A> Goddess Chinna-Masta is a representation of Renuka, one Swami Ji told. ;

<B> Yell-Amma cult followers, all generally dalits ??, in fact worship Renuka as YellAmma;Most of these dalits could be erstwhile royal buddhist folks/ women folks;

<C> Renuka/ YellAmma/ Chinna-Masta is worshipped in most of the certain plains of - the central, central eastern, central western, central southern, central northern, etc. parts of India.

<D> All these regions had predominant Buddhist + Jain rule several centuries back. Importantly, most of the Devadasi system is found in these areas alone. Not in the Bihar, UP, Punjab, Delhi, Rajastham, etc. states !!

<E> So - what is the catch ?? Seems like after the mayhem of Parasuram - the priestly class set up an elaborate system, in the temples, to psychologically subjugate the defeated masses.

< Ask the dalits or the priestly class - they will tell how ? > I have no clue.


And, by DECEIT ALONE... the most powerful of the Chakravartin rulers of ancient Bharat, that is - RajRajeshwar SahastraArjun, was killed by ParasuRam.

And, for this deed... from "sage" ?? ParasuRam he was promoted to avatar ParasuRam !!

<< I hope that CapTen does not pronounce Parasu Ram as a DALIT; since Parasu Ram's name ends in a "RAM". What CapTen ?? After all - ParasuRam and myself have almost the same DNA. >>

Yet the priestly class endlessly tries to paint the Chakravartin Samrat RajRajeshwar SahastraArjun as a demon ( for having thousand arms ), cow stealer, etc.

Whilst the truth is that it is none of these facts.

Plausible knowledge tells that - Chakravartin Samrat RajRajeshwar SahastraArjun ( a true embodiment of Lord Shiva and Lord Narayana ) entered MahaSamadhi at Maheshwar, MP ( On the banks of the holiest river Narmada ) This fact remains suppressed till date.

*** Mahendra-Giri ( contrary to what the Captain states ) Mahendra-Giri hills lie around the naxal infested areas of Chattisgarh and Orissa and Telengana/ Andhra Pradesh. Not Kerala. )

On NagVanshi -

My limited understanding tells me that Nagvanshi or Naga tribes are the array of varied tribal races abounding the country. Whether they be Gonds, Santhals, Kols, Bhils, Mundas, Oraons, AdiDravidars, etc.

The popular truth may be otherwise.


I have had pretty good relations with everyone of these folks. Never any ill-will. So... why do I have to potentially ( YES ) offend ostensibly friendly guys thus far/ others, without any gain, by touching dicey topic ?

With... mutually assured losses accruing ?

If any reader is offended - please ask yourself WHY ?

In case any of you readers have no clue - I might as well throw light on the "criminal" conspiracy ="ShadYantra" some day soon !!

And, how my family members are still oblivious of the most vile "invasion of privacy" anyone might have seen.
And... I am no ways telling them so.

And, this is going on since the past ( almost ) three years.


It ain't BJP alone. But certain caste groupings that span across political parties. It ain't PM NaMo. Though he is at the helm of NDA-2. But certain parochial Special Interest Groups ( SIGs ) that span multiple parties and are even outside the political main-stream <-- my take. Having strong presence in the armed forces, police, judiciary and the intel/ security agencies.


AND... RSS . AND ... BJP !! ??

BOTTOMLINE - What one sows... one MUST reap !! Law of Karma. Down the line... sooner or later !!

This, above, is a plain reaction !! Though greatly delayed to reduce any / all impacts.

Not to forget that... India is a pre-dominantly Hindu country and not an Islamic one.


My avowed silence is... in a way... sort of... akin to... slapping ALL your collective cheeks !!

To... better wake up... for there are countrymen who will malign and dishonor you given the first opportunity... and possible they might want to decimate and destroy you in cahoots with external forces,perhaps, down the line !!

Plainly stating - vanilla simple way.

Btw -
are there better ways...

< EndOfPost >