Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Warrior clans of Bharat.

Warrior clans of Bharat

SuryaVanshi, ChandraVanshiya, AgniVanshi, NagVanshi

Pre-Thought to ProLogue :

MangalVanshi, ShukraVanshi ( pipe-dreamers mull/ envisage/ sayst... in the pipeline... from Western Europe, USA, Australia, NZ and Russia ?? ) ...

BudhaVanshi ( in the pipeline... from South America, China, Korea and Japan ?? ) ...

What about... ShaniVanshi, RahuVanshi and KetuVanshi ?? ( in the pipeline... Any takers here ? Say - what about Africa ? )

Is the priestly class aka brahmins giving ears i.e. listening ? I think they have got all this figured out.

After all India has to be Vishwa Guru !! ??

With PM NaDa Modi at helm ( But who says that what Nostradamus predicted had anything to do with BJP PM NaDa Modi ?? ). That may NOT be factually true. What about ArKej ? Why rule him or anyone else out ?

For -
We have seen the cases of "Aaaye Ram, Gaye Ram" way too often enough.


World history ( including Indian, as well ) is replete with somewhat weak &/ or pusillanimous-at-heart ( although ostensibly claiming a valorous lineage ) but foxy local rulers ganging up with invading foreign forces ( case of - were these ever distantly placed brothers ? ) OR... powerful ( somewhat distantly placed ) foreign forces... to gain strength, force, traction and momentum... to basically rout/ root out/ overpower the foxy local ruler's localized and distant ( near and afar ) enemies. Thus... thence on and there-afters... there are no enemies remaining for the combined ( = allied ) forces.

Sometimes... these foreign forces ( say - even the invaders ) are incited, coaxed, cajoled, fooled over or invited to come over !!

The underlying moot idea is... formation of a mighty combo - an alliance/ coalition that is used to root out common foes ( internal as well as external ). Recall - "Kaante se kaanta nikaal-Na".

In the present context - is the "kaanta" still stuck up ?



Sometimes, near-at-home/ neighbouring disturbances or perceptible ( albeit future ) threat/ threat perceptions are created by certain subterfuge, and often cleverly manipulated to GET on-board foreign &/ or neo-imperial forces.

The same foreign forces are then transformatively used, at a much later date ( when the dust is sort of settling down on Round 1, 2... etc. ; after having taken care of Agenda 1, 2... etc. ), against the deeply entrenched foxy "inviting coterie's" close-at-home foes.


So... those having some insight and perception...
Get the gist of what is potentially implied here... and way too goodie goodie well.

This fact... MUST NEVER be forgotten at all.

The same has happened in the past in the Indian sub-continent.

are we at the cusp of seeing the repeat of the same in another form, format and scale ?

Be your own judge. I, but, allude.


For the joining imperial forces... religion has NEVER stood in the way in forming a coalition.



For... the same stock ( = bloodline ) of people may adhere to different religions. And... belong to different, wide apart, locations ( 1000s of miles away ) .

And this is actually seen to be globally true... and rampant.

The same way... we may still witness almost similar (c)overt collaborations ( that existed in bygone medieval, etc. times )... that may have dangerous portends for the majority of the stake holders spanning the Indian sub-continent, who, but choose to sit on the sidelines. Oblivious of what may potentially befall them at a future date.

Never to forget...
there are overt/ superficial collaborations.

But then... the existential chances of a covert collaborations are much higher, in such treacherous times as these. And... it may NOT be possible for ALL the parties on either side to be witness to or factually aware of the under-lying nuances and minutely understand the nitty-gritties of any covert collaborations.

As to how/ why.... this has to be/ was effected... may be a matter of high-stakes high-risk game with massive payoffs ( and potentially mutually accruable gains ) for the covertly engaging parties, unknown to majority of the unsuspecting others of the entire populace.

Very important note alluded to, here.

All Indians - Please take note.


This fact... MUST NEVER be forgotten at all. Especially in the Indian subcontinent, after witnessing the past 200-300-600-800-1200 years' time frame.

Ever since the Gahadwala king PrithviRaj Chauhan ( ruling from Ajay Meru ) chose to ignore the timely forebodings of his mother - that prescience of a dream was 12 years in advance. Drunk with power, he bypassed his Kalchuri mother's advice/ fore-boding/ fore-warning she passed on to her son after a certain dream she had. And, the Indian and the world history has changed, for posterity, since those times.


Fact remains that...
For the allied/ joining imperial forces... religion has NEVER stood in the way in forming a coalition.

We have seen Hindu + Islamic combo in the case of Rajput + Mughal alliance that swamped the entirety of the subcontinent for the last at least 4-5-6-7 centuries. And... these guys have been ruling the roost since then. Say - since after the 12th-14th century AD.

In another form, format, scale - in the present days.


In the current times... ( Mughals had harems full of women. So... leave aside the Mughals and their veiled descendants/ remnants in the Indian society. Who all might be very highly placed in the Indian + Pakistani + Bangladeshi 'system'. )

Now, throw in the Western ( Christian + Judaic ) powers. To, some certain extent the Russian and the formerly USSR empire countries, as well.

Seems obvious that - many of the Islamic nations in the middle east and Africa have been facing the "western-powers-generated-heat" over the past decades and centuries. ( Some Buddhist nations like Vietnam too. ).

 ... With newly induced or aggravated notions of Wahabi Islam. All covertly funded by SIGs, with their tracks almost all covered.

Is it the case of - covert fundings to create a perceptible menace ?

Then venturing forth to solve the same created problem, clubbing up a profitable coalition ?


Are the same set of forces that form the cOre of the "deep state" of the Indian subcontinent... that have been ruling over the sub-continent since the past several centuries. And... who all... might have (c)overtly siphoned off monumental wealth out of India since the past 65-70 ( Even 100-150 ? ) years, tantamount to tens of trillions of US Dollars to ( predominantly ) the Western countries... These same set of "deep state" entrenched personaes... who have their illegimately "OUTSOURCED CAPITAL" i.e. moneys ( Transformed and basically touted as western capital in the form of FDI ) invested in PRC, Japan, Singapore, the middle eastern countries, etc. Almost everywhere ? I do believe and suggest - YES !!

Are these pretty well entrenched in the Indian system "deep state actors"...having a covert alliance with their western "deep state actors"/ partners ?

Are there any chances that these cumulative forces might be trying to create and stoke a India-Pakistan or Indo-China confrontation ? Or, India arrayed against vs ( China + Pakistan ) bloc ?

Then we have but the only natural choice - to sit on the lap of Western countries and Russia ? Is that the moot underlying objective ?

Must NOT be ruled out.


If a country like Vietnam can exist against PRC and fight recurrent wars, then what reason do we have to be apprehensive of any ( China + Pakistan ) bloc or any stupid coalition ?


Important to note -
these "deep state/ non-state actors" in the Indian system ( the "SIGs" ) may have covert allies on the other ( Pakistan and China ) side, as well, working towards a common goal. Sometimes the goal of some such SIGs spans decades and centuries.

Please take NOTE of the above observation.

Now there is a recurring thought... and I am puttig the same here -
Are there any covert machinations/ motive/ motivations to finally get the Western ( possibly Russian too ) combined forces to indirectly aid some SIGs control the entire Indian sub-continent ? Using ( the troika of ) cumulative military/ economic, etc. might ?

This is a question that naturally arises.

Of course, using the pretext of - a) Islamic terrorism or some cooked up external threat, b) The expansionist policies of PRC ( China ) - though this may seem like real but may not be.

This makes us all uncomfortable, etc. etc.

Actually - both these above notions and likelihood do not make any sense, at all.

In which case - there is a contrarian thought - are the Pakistani and the Chinese nation the best bet against the (c)overt machinations of the Indian "deep state" ? ( Indian "deep state" = some SIG that might certainly be in cahoots with some of the mighty external powers/ "deep states" ? )

Actually the "deeply" combined and conjoined - Indian + Western + etc. (?) "deep states" ?

Above is a most natural question to ask.


Above is a question every Indian must seek answer to. For... we are living in an extremely treacherous and tormenting times.

... all the more palpable by the way I have been back-stabbed. And... who ALL did this, whilst the BJP + RSS are at the helm of affairs in the "HinduVadi + RashtraVadi" India, is anyone's guess ?

Do I need to elaborate on that ?


And, if one chances on certain stuff online, then... probably the mass weapon of the future might be a biological epidemic that kills on a massive scale. Culling out selective masses, whilst those needing to remain safe may be silently inoculated/ vaccinated. Btw - inoculation/ vaccination are all very natural processes.


Note... the same stock ( = bloodline ) of people may adhere to different religions ( Hindu, Sikhs, Christian, Judaic, Islamic, etc. )

And this is actually seen to be globally true... and very much rampant in the Indian sub-continent.

The same way... we may still witness almost similar (c)overt collaborations... that may be dangerous for the majority of the entirety of the Indian stake holders, who, but choose to sit on the sidelines. Unaware of what may follow in the oncoming times.


Never forget... that... there are Overt collaborations.

But... the chances of a Covert collaborations are higher, in such treacherous times as these. And... it may NOT be possible for ALL the parties on either side to be witness to the nuances and minutely understand the nitty-gritties of any/ all covert collaborations.

As to how/ why.... this has to be/ was ever effected... may be a matter of high-stakes high-risk game with massive payoffs for the covertly engaging parties, unknown to majority of the others.

Very important note alluded to, here.


<<< ONE >>>

IMPORTANTLY... let us start... here, again... with...

The moot question - why have a separate ShankarAcharya Peetha/ Mutt catering to TamilNadu alone ?

And, unlike the other four Shankar Peetha Acharyas who are also called ShankarAcharyas of their own peethas; the Kanchi, TamilNadu peetha acharya is often referred/ called as the Param Acharya.

The answer could lie in the ancient history ( mostly and certainly obfuscated ) of the royal Tamil Nadar race.

Especially... those of the Nadars. Perhaps... Thevars, too ( a guesstimate here ). Now... had the Nadars NOT chosen to move over to Buddhism/ Jainism. And had they meekly ( as was the wont ) chosen to keeping on patronizing/ appeasing the priestly class... then there is every possibility that the Nadars could have been at the helm of the state of affairs of the Indian sub-continent today.

Importantly, almost 2000 years back the Nadars ruled almost the entirety of the sub-continent. If we believe their story.

Seems like... the priestly classes (c)overtly destroyed them Nadars ( on the back of the Islamic/ Mughal crusades and conquests ) ?? is a question that keeps on coming back to anyone... after going thru' the following URL -

Slow and gradual decimation... by a thousand cuts. All inflicted in various, and... way TOO many guises/ means/ methodologies.

The Nadar story seems plausible...

- the way the Nadars are concentrated in the southern-most parts of TamilNadu suggests that these set of people had been gradually and brutally decimated whilst being pushed down... towards the southern-most periphery of the land.

Perhaps... edged across the sea and... onto north and north-eastern Sri Lanka, as well.

But WHY and WHEN ?? Perhaps during the peak of Delhi/ Deccan Sultanates &/ or Mughal rule. Over the last 800-1000 years ?

Important URL that throws some light here -

See -

Quite interestingly...

the Nadars claim that Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram were from their own tribe or stock ( Tribe/ Stock ...of Vrishnis... of Madhawas...)

Point to ponder -

Does this explain why Lord Krishna is always referred to as - "...the best of the Vrishnis" and "O Madhava" by Arjuna and others.

<<< TWO >>>

Importantly... Lord Krishna is often portrayed as almost black in color ?

And... does this imply that Lord Krishna's race ( a YaduVanshi/ SomaVanshi/ ChandraVanshi ) implies something that has to do with almost dark skin color ?

'Chandra' i.e. moon arises in the night, after dark. And dark night implies... pitch 'black-ness'... 'dark-ness'.

Whereas, Surya implies sun. Daytime. Fair. light.

So... after going thru' the - web-site the question that comes into mind is -

Does ChandraVansha ( the lunar lineage ), in anyways, imply - dark skinned race or almost dark-colored people ?

After all... Lord Krishna was a ChandraVanshi. As well... the Pandavas. And... the Kauravas too. As also the RajRajeshwar Sahastra-Bahu Arjuna too was a Chandra vanshiya ChakraVarti Samrat.

Is it that... these people were/ are of dark or = deep(est) brown in color ?

Does SuryaVansha implied to... comparatively much fairer set of people belonging to a much different racial stock ?

Is a question that cannot escape, in case one goes thru' this above web site.

<<< THREE >>>

Interestingly... note...
Lord Krishna was born in the pitch of the night... middle of the night ( When Chandra or moon was exalted in the  Taurus sign... in the Rohini nakshatra ) !! And... around this time, we are generally in the midst of rainy season. Heavy rains. Krishna Janma Ashtami - Rainy season - July, August time.

Lord Krishna is depicted as either dark in color or having light blue hue !!


Whereas, Lord Rama is born exactly around the time of mid-day, when the Sun is at the peak !! ( And... Sun is exalted in Aries sun sign ). Ram Navami in April-May ( Sun is exalted ).

Mostly... Lord Ram is depicted as being... green in color. Similar to a parrot's feather !!

When one thinks of green, in the context of ancient times. One is often reminded of Persia ( present day - Iran )

"What, then, are the real facts ??"

<<< FOUR >>>

It is important to note that the ( mythical ) Ayodhya is currently claimed to be lying in the eastern part of the state of Uttar Pradesh.

But... I recall reading while I was quite young... some articles... written by some research scholar that was seeking to explore the - 'real' location of Ayodhya in far flung places... of the ancient realm of what was ARYAVARTA !!

This same author researched the whole context and suggested some potential location of Ayodhya... say near to the present day IRAQ !! Can anyone believe this ?? Has anyone heard about this claim earlier ? ( I vaguely recall that I might have read this article - perhaps in the monthly magazine "Kadambini" of late 70s or early 80s )

This was much before the Ram Mandir/ Babri masjid dispute @ 1990.

Thence, I have never heard or read anyone researching and conjecturing the actual/ real locale of Ayodhya.

Why is that ?

And... we have the Ram Mandir issue come as a sure shot political plank for BJP, since 1989, that catapulted the party to power ?

<<< FIVE >>>


And... we have got cases of those guys who call themselves suryavanshi rajputs... claiming that after the times/ rule of Lord Rama... his two sons... princes - Luv and Kush went to Rome ( that is ITALY ) !!

Can anyone imagine and answer - as to why the princes did NOT move over to the present day - J & K or Punjab or even the Afghanistan provinces ? Again... what about China or Japan or Korea ? Or, present day Bangladesh, Burma or Vietnam or Sri Lanka ?

Yet, strangely... these royal solar lineaged princes went "ALL THE WAY" to Rome, Italy to ... settle down !! ??

So... then...
And, these suryavanshi descendants have gone on ( over the last 500-800-1200 years ) to occupy and flourish in western Europe, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, etc. ?? Shall we deduce then ?

Hey - what about Mexico ?

Btw... was northern Africa that far ?



In proclaiming so -
Are the suryavanshi rajputs trying to suggest a link here that... all the royal, etc. Romans/ Europeans as also the extended Roman and the Greek empire... as far as the western Europe... and therefore the people in - USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc. are the same common stock ( = race ) as these guys are ?


Seemingly obviously so !!

BUT - Why ??

What is the truth in this claim/ assertion ?

And... why do these people have to claim this ??

Is this claim a recent one ( arising in the last 50-100-150 years ) or does it have any historical perspective  ?


So... do we take that there might certainly be covert matrimonial alliances between the Indian and the European royalties over the past few or several centuries ? Quite unknown to the general masses.

This is a question that one must NOT let go of ?


In light of the above claim ( anyone can tell/ pin-point the exact source of such claims. Some of which lies in the public domain. )

Reference- a Hindi monthly magazine that is published from a certain capital of a state of central India. Reference- this magazine over the last 5-10-15-19 years' time to get some REAL GYAAN, in this context.

Point to Ponder -
I hope that... in not so distant a future these same set of people may not do a volte face ( U turn claim ) and say... that they, actually indeed, came from Rome, Italy to India ?? is a natural and logical question that confronts one again and again !!

Especially - after reading the sequence of some of these magazines.

<<< SIX >>>

Or, perhaps from the central Asian regions ? And... spread across much of Northern and Central India on the back of Mughal conquests.

Especially... after looking at the moustachioned guy below ( Check out ) -

Supposing that such... 100 or 1000 Turkish guys ( say... do we call them... 'turkish rajputs' ? ) move about hither and thither in India speaking chaste Hindi or an adjunct dialect ?

Where or which of the Indian states would one think these guys came from... ?

Leaving aside the southern states and the eastern states of India... in the north Indian states... there is only a couple of places anyone can safely claim that these guys originate from.

And... I would NOT be surprised if such moustachioned Turkish guys are mistaken for the most royal and... the most ferocious... of the Kshatriyas... the localized ( albeit Turkish ) Kshatriyas !!

Most importantly -

Does the term... "young turks" ring a bell ??

<<< SEVEN >>>

Again- if the mythical town of Ayodhya is found to be in Iraq ( say ) and... Hastinapur/ Indra-Prastha is the current New Delhi...

Can anyone tell why...

One MUST also consider why the Indian mega-kingdoms moved their capital from Indra-Prastha ##/ Hastinapur to Pataliputra** ( capital of the Magadh empire ) ??


## Indra-Prastha implies that Lord Indra a) ( was made to ) prasthan = 'leave the place for good'; ELSE b) resided in that place ?

And... we got case of dalits in TamilNadu claiming descendence from Lord Indra ?? How's that ?? !! What's the catch here ?

** Pataliputra : Patal-i-putra : Patal ( means - nether-world ) and putra = son.


What was the moot military or geo-strategic need /objective ? Were the Magadhan kings facing repeated threats coming onto them from the north-western parts of India ?

Looks like this is the real fact !!

Can anyone conclusively answer this ?

And... the Britishers... for the best part... started Indian encroachment/ takeover circa 1757 @ Battle of Plassey from the Eastern parts of India and were based in/ at Calcutta @ Fort Williams !!

Why ? What made them to choose the Eastern part of India to rollout their occupational plan of the sub-continent ?

Were the rulers in Bengal ( and their generals like - Mir Jafar ) the weakest links of all the princley states under the weakened Mughal empire ?

And... the Britishers first conquest in India was in the areas of Bengal. From there... they gradually wound their way to the entirety of the sub-continent. In a vice like grip.

It must be wondered - why did the Britishers NOT start off their conquests from around Delhi or from western or north-western regions of India ?

Ironically the Kings and regents from these regions had the best of alliance with the Britishers ( getting 11, 18, 21 cannon ball salutes ) and provided the Brits with their own standing armies in times of need - both in-the-country &/ or out-of-country onslaught and missions.


And, whilst leaving the subcontinent in 1947 as a set of fragmented dominions ( that is part of the 'common-wealth' ) the Britishers ensured to break up the Indian union into diverse warring factions.

Btw- having already loosening off Burma as a pre-cursor to the entire stratagem. To recount - Lord Mountbatten is called "Earl of Burma". Why is that ?

<<< EIGHT >>>

For the Marwaris... Maharaj Agrasen is the Kul purush or perhaps akin to a Devta = God. Notably... Maharaj Agrasen happens to be a Suryavanshi king. Generally... most of the Rajputs generally claim a Suryavanshi= solar lineage.

Now... is that the reason that the Rajputs and Marwaris ( both from the Rajasthan regions ) go on so... goodie-goodie well ? Some... base commonalities certainly here ?

Say... both these set of people originally hail primarily from... the Rajasthan region. Spread all over... over the rest of the country... over the last five centuries... over the back of an ever-expansive and tyrannical Mughal rule.

And... later... a British time re-consolidation phase.

Now... fully entrenched.

<<< NINE >>>

Interestingly, one member of the priestly class ( = a brahmin ) I know, who must have got some feedback about my latest blogging contents was telling me almost an year back ( of his own accord; though I never told him that I write blogs. ).

Per him ( per what he shared )...
only the suryavanshi rajputs are "the real Kshatriyas" of the Hindu Dharma. Per his venerable knowledge - almost all the Chndravanshiya Kings and people have been either annihilated by ParasuRam or previously turned over to convert to Islam. Very few Chndravanshiyas remaining now. And... that is the main reason that one sees the crescent moon ( = Chandra ) in the majority of the Islamic emblems and flags.

This was stunning info. to me.

Whilst he said that... the question arose -

Is it possible that the native Chandravanshi/ Somavanshi kings and their populace first embraced Jainism and later Buddhism and were mostly out of the Sanatana Dharma ?

Possibly at one time they were Buddhist, later most of these guys converted to Islam ? Under the force of sword or by sops.

This is perhaps possible - if we go by the warring between the priestly class ( represented by Parsuram ) and the Chandravashiya Kshatriyas represented by RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun !!

The pan India priestly class ( = brahmin ) and the ## bhumihar caste ( of North India ) have picture of Parasuram as their emblem.

## bhumihar caste -
they claim descent from priestly class ( = brahmin ).

Another Theory -
There is a theory that around the 12th century AD whilst Bihar regions faced massive Islamic Sultanate attacks. And, the Buddhist seat of learning @ the Nalanda university was sacked and burnt ( the entire books in the colossal library burnt for six months straight ).

There-after there transpired a massive extermination of the ruling Buddhist local populace. In the aftermath, a very large number of the Buddhist female widows/ orpahans/ girls were remaining.

Also there were also landed agricultural people of the "Bhuian" caste/ clan/ tribe. Who were decimated at one point of time, in large numbers. Leaving behind their women folks and land.

There is a theory that lends weight that the bhumihar caste is related to a combination of both these above + the priestly class. Since the 12th - 13th century AD and NOT earlier. The priestly class knows best though they won't tell.

Question -
Why is Bhagal-Pur and Dar-Bhanga ( in Bihar ) named as such ?

Bhagal : to run away; ran away.

Dar    : threshold; door.
Bhanga : to break, broke, breached.

Btw - these areas of Bhagal-Pur and Dar-Bhanga were at the periphery of the mighty Buddhist Pala dynasties of Bengal around the 12th-13th-14th century AD.

Is it that the Buddhist Pala rulers/ rule were decimated from around these locales ?

<<< TEN >>>

BTW - The majority of the population has NO use for such facts, as above !!

And... I had NIL reason or intention to touch on these subjects.


The world history is going to be 100 % impacted and governed by such certain facts.

Do some thorough research.

Please !!



Notably... the Marwari banias finance the BJP and the RSS to a great extent. This ALSO ensures that their business enterprises are in an ever-expansive mode, and... are taken good care by the other "pre-dominant people groups" in the BJP and RSS and INC with whom they have come to form a close bonding... over the last... 30-50-70 years; all around the country and abroad.

<<< ELEVEN >>>

AgniVanshi Clan :

Is this NOT rather strange that the Agni-Kulin Rajputs are born ( or, is it that a clan of Central Asian\ Persian\ or... perhaps a mixed race/ set of people were sworn in, with the sacred fires bearing the witness ? ) out of the Yagya Kunda ( or, sacrificial fires ) on the highs of Mount Abu, Rajasthan around the 15th or 16th century AD by sage Vashisth ( or, was that someone from the priestly class having Vashisth as the gotra, as the presiding priest of this swearing in ceremony ? ... of move-over to Sanatana Dharma ? )...

Whilst the "tri-kaal-darshi" sage Parasuram was aptly engrossed in samadhi ?? or, perhaps lay relaxing in the ***Mahendra-Giri hills with his Parasu ( aka axe ) lying fallow ( barren, and of NO use ) ?

Sage Parasuram got a certain siddhi/ boon from Lord Mahakal, Ujjain after performing an austere sadhana. He got the Parasu as a boon from Lord MahaKaal. = Parasu-Astra .

Seems like that sage ParasuRam has had a soft spot for the Persians and central Asian crusaders. And, certainly for the SuryaVanshi clan people who all allied with him ( along with sage Vashisth ) to defeat the most mighty ChandraVanshi Kshatriyas and their near and far allies.

Chandra-Vanshi HaiHey Kshatriyas were decimated 21 TIMES by the MahaKal provided Parsu ?? !!

Most vile misuse ever of a Lord Mahakaal gifted siddhi ? Why ?

Is this NOT strange that Parasuram thought it fit to slay the Chandra-Vanshi HaiHey Kshatriyas 21 times ( even the pregnant women were NOT spared, I was told by someone )... yet the chiranjeev ( = ever living ) sage or avatar Parasuram sees/ saw NIL reason to come up with a solution to the horde of marauding Islamic crusaders the Sanatan Dharma was faced with ?

Not to forget -
Sage Parasuram beheaded/ killed his mother &&& Renuka on the directions of his father sage JamadAgni.


&&& Renuka -

<A> Goddess Chinna-Masta is a representation of Renuka, one Swami Ji told. ;

<B> Yell-Amma cult followers, all generally dalits ??, in fact worship Renuka as YellAmma;Most of these dalits could be erstwhile royal buddhist folks/ women folks;

<C> Renuka/ YellAmma/ Chinna-Masta is worshipped in most of the certain plains of - the central, central eastern, central western, central southern, central northern, etc. parts of India.

<D> All these regions had predominant Buddhist + Jain rule several centuries back. Importantly, most of the Devadasi system is found in these areas alone. Not in the Bihar, UP, Punjab, Delhi, Rajastham, etc. states !!

<E> So - what is the catch ?? Seems like after the mayhem of Parasuram - the priestly class set up an elaborate system, in the temples, to psychologically subjugate the defeated masses.

< Ask the dalits or the priestly class - they will tell how ? > I have no clue.


And, by DECEIT ALONE... the most powerful of the Chakravartin rulers of ancient Bharat, that is - RajRajeshwar SahastraArjun, was killed by ParasuRam.

And, for this deed... from "sage" ?? ParasuRam he was promoted to avatar ParasuRam !!

<< I hope that CapTen does not pronounce Parasu Ram as a DALIT; since Parasu Ram's name ends in a "RAM". What CapTen ?? After all - ParasuRam and myself have almost the same DNA. >>

Yet the priestly class endlessly tries to paint the Chakravartin Samrat RajRajeshwar SahastraArjun as a demon ( for having thousand arms ), cow stealer, etc.

Whilst the truth is that it is none of these facts.

Plausible knowledge tells that - Chakravartin Samrat RajRajeshwar SahastraArjun ( a true embodiment of Lord Shiva and Lord Narayana ) entered MahaSamadhi at Maheshwar, MP ( On the banks of the holiest river Narmada ) This fact remains suppressed till date.

*** Mahendra-Giri ( contrary to what the Captain states ) Mahendra-Giri hills lie around the naxal infested areas of Chattisgarh and Orissa and Telengana/ Andhra Pradesh. Not Kerala. )

On NagVanshi -

My limited understanding tells me that Nagvanshi or Naga tribes are the array of varied tribal races abounding the country. Whether they be Gonds, Santhals, Kols, Bhils, Mundas, Oraons, AdiDravidars, etc.

The popular truth may be otherwise.


I have had pretty good relations with everyone of these folks. Never any ill-will. So... why do I have to potentially ( YES ) offend ostensibly friendly guys thus far/ others, without any gain, by touching dicey topic ?

With... mutually assured losses accruing ?

If any reader is offended - please ask yourself WHY ?

In case any of you readers have no clue - I might as well throw light on the "criminal" conspiracy ="ShadYantra" some day soon !!

And, how my family members are still oblivious of the most vile "invasion of privacy" anyone might have seen.
And... I am no ways telling them so.

And, this is going on since the past ( almost ) three years.


It ain't BJP alone. But certain caste groupings that span across political parties. It ain't PM NaMo. Though he is at the helm of NDA-2. But certain parochial Special Interest Groups ( SIGs ) that span multiple parties and are even outside the political main-stream <-- my take. Having strong presence in the armed forces, police, judiciary and the intel/ security agencies.


AND... RSS . AND ... BJP !! ??

BOTTOMLINE - What one sows... one MUST reap !! Law of Karma. Down the line... sooner or later !!

This, above, is a plain reaction !! Though greatly delayed to reduce any / all impacts.

Not to forget that... India is a pre-dominantly Hindu country and not an Islamic one.


My avowed silence is... in a way... sort of... akin to... slapping ALL your collective cheeks !!

To... better wake up... for there are countrymen who will malign and dishonor you given the first opportunity... and possible they might want to decimate and destroy you in cahoots with external forces,perhaps, down the line !!

Plainly stating - vanilla simple way.

Btw -
are there better ways...

< EndOfPost >

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