Monday, February 20, 2017

Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan... Jai Bhagwan

Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan... Jai Bhagwan

Per my memory -
Former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri gave us the slogan - "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" !! around the ** 1965 Indo-Pak war.

This popular slogan - "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan" !! translates to -
"Hail/ Victory to the Soldier, Hail/ Victory to the Farmer"

This sounds too good... and... great.

** Was it not in the 1965 Indo-Pak war : When the USA had provided the presumably ( or, so called ) impregnable/ unbeatable/ invincible Patton tanks brigades to Pakistan and at around the same time we were faced with a dire country-wide food-grains scarcity/ crisis.

Former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri gave the slogan to raise an apt nationalistic, patriotic pitch.

For... just in the after-math of the 1962 Indo-China war... the nation was faced with yet another war in 1965; within a span of 2-4 short years.

This sloganeering provided for a much needed morale booster to our farmers and our armed forces.

Frankly -
The underlying strength of any armed forces is - the trust, respect and a sense of honor the armed forces derive from the general masses of any nation. ... this translates into the best of all the strengths ( = "Bals" ) that is - MANOBAL. Which has to remain high, at all times. This determines the fighting spirit of any forces.


Note this-
was reading in the newspapers few days back... that a group of COBRA para-troopers ( after attending a rigorous training program ) who were enroute ( via the railways route ) to join their base camp. Perhaps... to fight the Naxalites in their later postings; deserted the journey mid-way instead of completing the train journey and reporting at the base camp for later forwards area posting in the Naxal-prone areas of eastern India.

It is another matter that the newspaper reported, again, a few days later that now ALL the 'missing' troopers returned back to their base camp. Without giving as much - any explanation or idea as to why everyone of these guys chose to give their itinerary ( iz. - reporting at the para-military base camps ) a miss.


Again -
Chivalry/ valor/ fearlessness is, but, a by-product of AATM-BAL... and... MANOBAL.

So... have the people of this country... not always ensured that the MANOBAL of our armed forces remain ever high ?

In general, the general populace... almost 100 % often and almost always ascertain so.


Let's see things from another perspective shall we ... ?

In our country there is this concept of... "Bhagwan".

"Bhagwan" translates to... sort of... God.

In the Sanatana Dharma there is the concept of the trinity of God-head -

1) The Creator as Lord Brahma, &
2) The Sustainer as Lord Vishnu/ Narayana, &
3) The Destroyer as Lord Mahesh/ Shiva,

Now... each and every aspect of this universe ( leave alone earth or a specific country on the face of it ) is managed by the triad of the divine forces, be it - Creation, Sustenance or Destruction of any subtlest aspect throughout the BrahmAnd.

Now... the triad of the divinity ( the "tridevs" ) are born out of the primordial force of energy we oftentimes refer to as the "Adi Shakti". And... "Adi Shakti" is regarded as the mother of the triad of the divine forces.



Let's see the things in the same context, different scenario.

The Britishers left behind the Indian subcontinent into two ever-warring nations - India and Pakistan in August, 1947.

Frankly speaking - the two nations still remain and retains the "dominion" status of the British Crown's "common wealth", till date.

When the Britishers were forced on to relinquish full control over the sub-continent ( remember - these same guys relinquished control of Hong Kong in 1997 or 1999 to the PRC !! ) ... might have been forced on them... by a plethora of events/ factors around the entire globe, against them and their overall interests.

Frankly... the Anglo-Saxons have a knack of thinking/ planning... years, decades ( perhaps centuries, too ) in advance. This... of course... from a position of strength- they have gotten/ gathered  and acquired over and across the last 2-3-4-5 centuries.

Or, perhaps since the times of the German regent - Ferdinand the 18th "The Great" since the 17th/ 18th century ? ( is a thought that occurs again. Btw - not sure about the veracity of this same thoughts. But there has to be some basis for this. )


The moot question remains - who earned us our freedom, for us... and gave us a country called "India" ?

No matter as to how we see things... the best answer shall always be - "Our veneered Freedom Fighters". Period.

Repeat... ( important note to be made here )
It was NONE from the "INDIAN" ?? armed forces or "INDIAN" ?? security agencies who got us our cherished FREEDOM, as an enslaved people. ( ALL them guys ostensibly indirectly paid and managed by the colonial powers; to whom those 'job-seeking' guys, in order to make their ends meet, owed allegiance to. ), before circa August, 1947.

Majority of these guys might have had almost scant active role in the freedom struggle of this country.

On even a fair/ fairly noticeable term. Not that we know of.

Forget about what the Captain dishes out as regards the 1946 Navy mutiny. Never really heard of the same before.


If were we to look at the monumental effort that went towards seeking the CREATION of an independent country called INDIA ( out of the vicious and vice-like clutches of the colonial powers ).


Frankly speaking ( before circa August, 1947 ) -
the "INDIAN ??" armed forces and the "INDIAN ??" security agencies were having a pretty much well settled JOBS; being amply and handsomely paid and rewarded by the British masters or any of the princely states that hired them ( who all guys, altogether, in turn had their allegiance to the British CROWN alone !! )

Almost ALL these guys worked... were paid to work... to secure the British prime interests and satisfy their masters.

After all... their loyalties were to the Britisher ( their direct or indirect 'ann-data' ) interests alone. And, most of these guys had scant "JAMIR" or conscience to goad them towards a collectively proactive action towards establishment of own self-rule aka nation-hood. Almost 100 %. That would have been tantamount to risking their not-easily-earned positions/ employments. When I say almost 100 % FACT, I DO mean to state - ALMOST 100 % fact.

For a few pieces of silver ( what to talk fo earning Gold ) and getting onto the good books of the Britishers/ the Princley States/ Zamindars, etc. many of these guys would sell their souls and trade the lives of the fellow "brown" freedom fighters. Whom all these guys destroyed in monumental numbers.


Were it NOT for the most dependable and the loyalest "brown" sepoys/ soldiers and the more loyal "brown" security agencies ( All of whom - almost directly or indirectly paid and managed by the Britishers )... the Britishers ( numbering no greater than 100,000 or 200,000 in the vast Indian sub-continent, with a population of greater than THIRTY crores ) would/ could/ should have been shown the exit door... out of the sub-continent... in NO time.

In a jiffy.

Perhaps, even before the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny.
I suggest that MOST ( if not all ) of these useless guys then ( = "Dharti-Mata / Bharat-mata pe bhaar" types actually ), in effect, - ensured, sustained, prolonged and perpetuated the colonial rule in the sub-continent by more than a century or two !! I guess - their own selfish interests lied in that.

And... thereby and whereby... broadly... these folks collectively failed to "earn their stripe" at the MOST crucial point in the modern history of Bharat ( and, the world ).

Perhaps... it stucks to their DNA ?? is a moot question ??

Cheppandi Garu !! or... NAKKO ??

... this...

"earning the stripes" thingy ??

Where is Captain ?



If we look at the monumental effort that went into the "creation" of the country called India ( even Pakistan )... then, in that context our freedom fighters have always been our REAL heroes. The ONLY sustaining heroes.

For, indeed, they cumulatively/ collectively played the role of Lord Brahma ( the Creator ) in this context !!

Therefore DO they, in fact, not qualify to be termed as 'Bhagwan' ? ... is a question that naturally confronts.

And... am I inclined to say... YES. TRUE.

Frankly... this remains undeniable that our freedom fighters and the mammoth sacrifices they made... ultimately ensured the creation of this country ( And... NOT MK Gandhi alone ).


for instance, if we take this land-mass or country ( liberated off enslavement ) we call India as the "Adi Shakti" that gave birth to her "REAL" sons ( = the freedom fighters ) that secured HER freedom... from the most exacting colonial rule... then DO these venerable set of her "REAL" sons - may be collectively considered as Lord Brahma ?

I would suggest - YES.

In a similar line... the entirety of the Indian populace, thus, may be considered the sustainer of this country/  nation.

So... may the Indian population be termed, overall, as Lord Vishnu/ Narayana ??

I would like to suggest - YES.


In which case - who might be the guys wanting to play out the role of Lord Shiva ( = the destroyer ) ?

I suggest... all those nefarious forces who might knowingly ( or, perhaps unknowingly ) unravel this country and further break it up into myriad of... whatever.

And... we see and hear of them guys in plenty in and around the country. Some even in MSM. With their own set of ulterior agendas...

But then, this might be an extremely serious concern... if were some such guys to be part of any of the Government dispensations ( say some - or any part of our armed forces or security agencies ?? )

In the case that...
some set of a Special Interest Group ( SIG ) guys decide to play truant/ foul for a set of certain parochial ( a narrow band set of ) objectives... much against the broader national interest ??

This may be an extremely treacherous situation that might require a hard look and merit a seriously quick fixation.

Else the precedent that is potentially set might unravel the entirety of this concept of the nation.

The relevant impartial authorities MUST take note.


Some 24 months back I read in the newspaper the RSS chief as stating something like "Now... dalits are also becoming... desh-bhakts" !!

Not sure... what was the context as to why he might have made such a statement. And, who he might have been referring whilst making such a comment/ statement. Cannot ascertain the veracity of the newspaper report, but would take it as true.

Paradoxically, the RSS Chief seems to have a short memory about his predecessors, highly placed in Jana Sangh. One of whom was related folk.


But then... this thought crossed my mind... lots of the cross-breds born out of the erstwhile temple brothels ( with the priests having forced the Devadasis at its helm )... parented by the priests... generally go on to flout their priestly class roots and lineage even now.

Generally so - in the central, eastern central, western central, northern central and southern central plains of India.

Previously... and notably... almost all these areas had been meticulously "cleared off" by sage Parasu Ram... off the ancient Kshatriyas of the land. Perhaps, mostly Haihey vanshiya kshatriyas/ or even the Kalchuris. Over the last - 200-500-800-1600-1900 years : is a recurring thought that confronts ??



How come sage ParasuRam chose NOT to go to Sri Lanka/ Bhutan/ Tibet/ Thailand ? After all he is a chiranjeevi. If we take that Kali Yuga is 4,32,000 years. Then sage ParasuRam was living even during the Dwapar Yuga ( = 8,64,000 man years ) and parts of the Treta Yuga ( = 1,728,000 man years ).

So, anyone can actually ascertain
ParasuRam's 'real' age !!


And... it is observed that generally the dalits and low castes in these central Indian regions/ areas claim that they were previously Buddhists and/ or Jains.

Referencing some site : sponsored 'gyaan' -

And... the temple whores ( = devadasis ) were many a times the immediate women folks from the family of the defeated/ killed members of the buddhist/ jain royalties.

Would NOT be surprised if some set of women of the defeated royalties ( some of them might be perhaps Kalchuris, as well ?? is a question that confronts ?? ) in these locales... ended up as temple whores aka devadasis; is a question that arises if by chance anyone goes through the above website contents.

Btw... the devdasis and their lineage/ ilk are generally taken as dalits, in the past, and... as of todays.


1) Why was the devdasi system ONLY rampant in those areas where Parsuram destroyed those 'tyrannical' Kshatriyas ?

2) Again - in all these liberated areas, Parasuram's mother Renuka is worshipped as either - Renuka, YelAmma, ChinnaMasta, etc.

What is the common thread or line ? What is the catch ?

Someone out to research the devadasi systems' origination in the vast central Indian plains ( beginning / since almost the 9th or the 10th century AD ) coinciding with the rise of Sanatana Dharma and the decline of Jainism and Buddhism.

One point of reference I chanced across was -


Recalling... and Recounting...

During the times of British Raj ( early parts of the last century ), in the eastern parts of the state of UP... there was quite a rich/ prosperous/ well-to-do person. Perhaps, influential member of the society, too.

This gentleman used to covertly aid ( monetarily and otherwise ) the freedom fighters who were fighting to oust the Brits from our land, to end the enslavement of the people.

Now... it so happened that the Britishers, somehow, got wind of the covert help and support this person and his family members were providing to the "freedom fighters".

This info. was enough to anger the Brits and their mates... and this ultimately caused the destruction of all his business activities, riches, etc. by the Britishers. This ultimately led to loss of his wealth and position in society. Being almost reduced to a state of penury. I was told.
This propelled the entire family to move to 'overt' mode.

Overtly siding and actively participating with those in the quest of... freedom struggle. And three of this gentleman's sons went on to play active role in the freedom struggle of the country.

Importantly -
these fine men DID NOT choose to join the British services to become a sepoy/ soldier or be part of the covert intel agencies ( perhaps as an underground informer, selling their conscience or "JAMIR" by subsisting or waiting for opportunities to lap up on few pieces of silver, at best ).


These three brothers played active part in the nation's freedom struggle, to oust the Brits. Being jailed/ imprisoned on several occasions.

Whilst at almost ALL the times... always having to be extremely cautious of the covert & intricately laid out underground informers network, by the Britishers.

As also those in the ranks and file of the police & armed forces of the Britishers... all of whom might for sure... for a few pieces of silver thrown at them... never fail to pump bullets into the freedom fighters... given any opportunity, to claim even the most paltry of rewards and earn the 'good books', from their over-lords.


In a highly hostile environs...
Those 'freedom fighters' lived and survived... in such times as those. Wherein everyday and every moment they were in the line of fire and faced liquidation... from their own country men ( "bhaada ka tattoo-s" in uniform ).

Real threat -

there was every chance of being killed or imprisoned at any moment of time.

No one needs elaboration for such a horrendous scenario.

Are we to be ever thankful to such men and women who sacrificed their everything for gaining the independence of this country ?

Or... those in the uniform ?

To redeem the pride, honor and dignity of the entire populace. Th collective - 'Swaabhimaan' of the Indian people !!

'Swaabhimaan'... of the 'brown' race.

What sayst - Captain and powerful mates ?

Is a moot question the entire country must seek an answer to. From their hearts... and... mind.

Without being, any-which-ways, influenced by the Goebbels-like propaganda unleashed by certain vested interests.


Sense of pride, honour, dignity ( epitomized as "Swaabhiman" ) is what drove the multitudes of the 'junta' of this country to sacrifice their almost everything in order to gain the independence of this country.


Brought most of them and their near and dear ones, untold miseries. Whilst they had only one dream...


In the process these guys knew that there is every prospect of getting a bullet any moment. Yet... they cared not. And... dared further.


Contrarily... even if, at best, 10 % - 15 % - 30 % - 40 % of those "bhada-ka-tattos" in uniform and boots and those working covertly as the network of Britisher spies and informers had the desire, inclination, will and unbridled courage to turn their cumulative might against the colonial establishment ( any of these numbers turning against them, could have been quite potent and lethal for the Britishers to survive, any further, on this land. )

Perhaps - leaving aside the greed of regular crumbs and... occasional pieces of silver; as also the tremendous legal/ judicial/ administrative powers these guys wielded whilst serving their Firang masters - the Britishers... whilst these guys donned the uniform/ boots...

... we never ever really needed the millions of those who lost and sacrificed t‏heir lives for gaining the country's independence.

These guys could have chosen to be proactive, from a position of strength... and... earned their stripes. They... miserably failed to do so. In fact - they were trained to muster some collective courage and do the needful.

Had these guys done so or even tried doing so... then, in that case, they might certainly have been qualified to be our heroes... our leaders = "NAYAKS" till posterity. Alas... they lacked in courage THEN.

Seems like... it was NOT in their DNA... what to speak of the aftermaths &
around of independence, circa 1947... the swathes of them guys divided themselves in at least 3-4 countries ( India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, perhaps Burma ) of the sub-continent.

So... it does make for real sense... and is quite imperative that... in the present context...
it's better that some such guys do NOT get the whole cumulative organizations they might be part of or be representing... embroiled in... or be neck deep in... brazen and petty nasty games/ mind-games/ politicking, that might 100 % smack of a political + criminal conspiracy !!

Notably -
I state things as per the subjective understanding of things as they are... were... have been... and... might further unfold / unravel.


Coming back to those three freedom fighter brothers... from eastern UP....

The eldest of them was a prominent freedom fighter... quite feared and wanted ( dead or alive ) by the mangy colonial rulers. He and his mates made the life miserable for the Britshers, to some good extent... someone was telling me.

Widely known amongst the circle of freedom fighters... for his contribution to 'the cause'.


Now... later...
After the country gained independence ( per $$ popular wisdom )... I gathered that at one time this gentleman was offered to become an MP of the Rajya Sabha by one of the 'old goats' ( designated so by the Captain ). He refused... for he felt that his work was done ??

I suppose that he might have made a mistake here.

For... perhaps he survived on the meager freedom fighter pension the GoI dished out to such folks ? is a question that confronts. Else... he might have had other engagements ?

I guess... he made a mistake.

$$ : ( Yet... there are many others who claim that we got transferred to the dominion status circa 1947. Dominion status under the British 'common wealth' - that is... common wealth of the British Crown ).


This eldest of the ( freedom fighter ) brothers joined some soicio-political party, after independence. In due course of time ... was in a some senior position.

Again... sometimes then...
there was a 'nobody'... a newbie/ entrant to politics, couple of ( 3-4 ) decades back. This 'nobody' wanted to fight the local elections and wanted a 'ticket'. I suppose... based on a plethora of factors... this 'nobody' was NOT given the ticket to fight the assembly elections. Someone else got the party 'ticket'.
Crest-fallen... this 'nobody' was in tears. And... cried...

Not sure if that person still carries the angst against the near-and-dear ones of the said 'freedom fighter'. For such guys are known and supposed to keep grudges... and strike whenever they get opportunity.

Someone told me this story almost more than a decade back.

This 'nobody' is NOW a 'somebody'. And aspires to be the PM in NDA-N ( where; N may be 2, 3 or 4 ) . How is that possible - with PM NaDa Modi at helm ?

Simple solution -

a) if PM NaDa Modi is somehow sent back to the Himalayas; else

b) even without PM NaDa Modi at the helm ( say - during mid or later NDA-2 or plausibly... before the elections preceding NDA-3 )... start a small-scale war with Pakistan. Kargil type, at best ?



Now... coming to...
the other two brothers... having spent the fruitful part of their lives in the freedom struggle...

I am not sure as regards the whys or hows... as to what might have compelled them to remain bachelors till old age.

I guess... perhaps no parents thought it wise to offer their daughter in marriage to these two persons ? is a question that confronts.

Having spent their formative and fruitful years in the quest for carving out the nation we live in... I guess post 1947... they might have been faced with lack of engrossingly active engagements... we term as employment, with age.


Again... I have observed these two younger brothers living on and subsisting on meager GoI pensions for the freedom fighters.

In their late 70s and early 80s of age... no one they could call their own family... to look after or dedicatedly care for them.

They had to be depending on others... mostly relatives... take care of them in their old age.

Living and working for others... whilst... they could have raised their own family.

What is the deal they themselves or their father cut for their destiny ? Is the question that could be crossing their heads on occasions ? Shall I assume ?

Frankly... I would NOT expect that any of them would be ever thinking so.

This is a thought that arises in my mind !


Perhaps... their father, being wealthy, could have chosen to play low-keyed and safe... and let others do the work of funding/ aiding the freedom fighters; rather than taking the risk of covertly funding the 'freedom fighters'. Thereby coming in the line of fire of the Firangs.


Cutting to - since the time we gained independence in 1947...

Those ALREADY in uniform and the security agencies ( all BRITISH ) GOT automatically absorbed in GoI jobs. That are pretty well paying by all the standards, yet, without having EVER earning their stripes.

And... since then... doing the needful for the motherland rather then the Firangs ?

Opportunity lost for them generation, then ?


Recently, few months back... in the state capital of one of the eastern Indian states... there was a camp for enlisting soldiers for the armed forces.

For almost like 800 vacancies for soldiers... almost 80,000 unemployed youths turned up. There was quite some ruckus.

What is the REAL situation as regards the employment situation around the country... one must observe... while at any of these camps for recruiting soldiers/ sepoys, etc. around the country.

For - 800 posts and we got approximately 80,000 applicants / contenders !!

Essentially... that is equivalent to - 100 claimants for one position... of a soldier.

Does the saying - "Ek anaar sau bimar" ring a bell ?

( "Ek anaar sau bimar" = One pomegranate, yet there are hundred patients who want to partake of only one fruit. )

Btw - even getting hold of the position of a soldier in our armed forces... ensures that the life of this person is settled with a life-long paying 'job' with a comfortable 'pension' after retirement.

And, in all likelihood some parents are certainly going to offer this new recruit their daughter in marriage. Knowing that he has a well paying job !!

In fact - a Govt. job with lots and lots of subsidized facilities.

And, in the circumstances that the soldier gets killed in the line of duty... then there are potentially many bonanzas in the pipeline for their widowed daughter and her family; people understand this way too well.

Frankly stating this.

Again... the likelihood of someone getting killed after joining the armed forces is way MUCH lesser than the likelihood of many of those who cross the unmanned railway crossings and unceremoniously meeting their ends by an oncoming train. Every year. See the numerical stats. for facts. See the overall numbers. This is a real fact.

One is the case of potentially hostile work environment and the other is the case of abject Govt. apathy on one end and gross public negligence on the other hand.


Btw... someone ought to do a due diligence as to what the rest of the 99 guys, those who do NOT make it to this coveted Govt. position... do... in order to survive the rough ad tumble of this world. The vagaries of eking out an honorable existence !!

Are NOT the hordes of 'some these same' folks getting killed each year ( perhaps, around 60,000 !! ) around the unmanned railway crossings around the country. Yet NDA-2 and our PM NaDa Modi has NO plans to solve this mammoth problem.

Quantitatively, 60,000 /year translates as = 600,000 over a span of TEN years alone !! Quite a number.

I suggest that this casualty figure of 60,000/ year can drastically come down if the GoI were to invest NO GREATER than INR 1,000 to INR 3,000 to INR 6,000 crores at MAX. !!

Assuming that we have, at best, no greater than 6,000 to 60,000 unmanned railway crossings around the country.

In any case - if a proper system is put in place then this mammoth yearly casualty figure of 60,000 can come down to a few hundreds, at best.

100 % for sure !!

< Some bare basic plans to effect this. This might require another post by me. >

Yet... the GoI does NOT think it right to focus on this grave issue wherein massive numbers of lives are lost... Perhaps a covert population reduction strategy of the GoI ?

And... we have got a project that requires an investment of greater than INR one lakh crores, by the way of the bullet train between Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

Way to go... BJP and NDA-2 ! ?


Importantly... quite a lots of these able men ( and, women too ) out of the total of 80,000 contenders/ contestants/ aspirants to be a soldier in uniform... those who do NOT make the cut... many of these guys will move over to metro cities, etc. to make a living.

Many of these same young & old people might be forced to stay on and live on foot-paths. Even sleep there, having no place to call their own. Not even slums / ghettos in places like Delhi or Mumbai.

And... some day some drunkard, after a drinking binge, might have a life-defying knee-jerk moment... whilst (s)he mows them down those pavement dwellers in their sleep... whilst these same 'erstwhile an aspirant-soldier' sleeps on the side of the pavements.

And... no one cares ??

Such instances are common-place in our 'great' country.

And, in case the drunk person... be a moneyed/ powerful person... then (s)he won't be affected by mowing down another set of 10-20 persons in yet another situation/ scenario using his imported car !!

Now... have I made a subtle yet a real important point.

So... those in the 'uniforms' MUST cherish the REAL worth of the same and NOT malign/ sullen their organizations; with any pettiness and base politicking. Honour and respect are hard to gain... but requires almost little efforts to squander.


It is generally portrayed by some that - those people who join the armed forces are doing the rest of the population a favor; and are a cut above the rest.

Really so ??

Well - Not really !!

I suppose that they happen to be PRIVILEGED. Their good luck.

Btw - see the tough competition in the NDA and CDS to get into the ranks of the armed forces. Are those aspirants that are NOT selected, any lesser men or women ?

Not and never true.


Unlike the western countries where the quality of living and per capita income remains quite high... wherein for joining the armed forces ... there are very few takers. In that case - the rest of the civilians hold those who choose to don the uniform... with great respect and admiration. Esp. in the western world.



If I had got the opportunity I myself might have mulled joining the Signal Corps of the armed forces; if not as a commissioned officer in the armed forces.

For... apart from the sense of immense pride in serving the country as a commissioned officer... do we not know that any position with the armed forces comes with myriad perks, privileges, powers, respect, etc.

Not to speak of the almost 80-90 golf courses they get to enjoy. A present from the bygone British times to our armed forces. And, the jawans are always there to obey and serve the officers.

Most of the people who join the armed forces, in our over-populated country that is having very scarce opportunities for employment, choose to serve their own interests first and foremost - this is common sense.

In the process they are prepared by the system to serve the country in the hours of 'need'.

And... these guys do NOT join these services in order to "kali-pili... baith kar batasha phod-ne ke khatir"... they know the job entails a dose of risk, potentially hostile environments... and rewards certainly galore. And... unparalleled, too.

Most of these guys personally derive their sense of pride, esteem, self-worth, achievement, respectability in society, etc. ... alone by virtue of a mere association with the Indian armed forces. Even their near and far relatives.

Is this NOT TRUE ?

I am sure everyone will state - 100 % so !!


Last year saw three women joining the IAF, for the very first time, as fighter pilots.

I would NOT be surprised that for the same THREE posts... at least 20,000 to 50,000 aspirants might have applied for the same position.

Let's say 30,000 females vied for this position.

In that case... only 3 posts and some 30,000 contenders/ aspirants makes the case of "Ek anaar sau bimar" FAIL !!

It becomes the case of 1 achiever per 10,000 of the contending candidates.

So - "Ek anaar DUS HAZAAR bimar" might be more apt.

Does this make the point plain and clear, Captain and mates.


I have cited the potentially sure albeit covert politicization of the armed forces as a cause of extremely serious concern for the security implications of the entire country, for posterity.

Further... I have stated upright the caste factor endemic in our society, the political process, etc.

Our armed forces and our security agencies, are but, a part and parcel of the society we live in.

Representative of the same macrocosm, is mirrored in the forces as a microcosm, of the same value system we cherish and uphold in our regular lives. Almost.


Alluding here of the assured probability of ...
castiest/ regional differentiation and party-politicking ( either overt or covert ) MUST be part of the culture of the armed forces ?

Shall we assume, then ?

Would not be surprised. Shall we suggest - YES.


Importantly -
Why have brought the aspect of rampant casteism - I am going to state in yet another post.

Though I have been most loathe to ever touch this subject. But, NO POINT running away from this subject. Rather we should face this stuff head on.

Bull's eye manner.


Frankly -
Is it vital for those 'impartial' folks in the security agencies to do a due diligence... a check... as regards the selection process of these females; that were finally recruited to serve as the first batch of women fighter pilots.

Quite a high honor and achievement in our society... ad for the family members of these young officers now.


Needs a thorough 'impartial' investigation by some third party -

1) The caste groupings of these women. ( I sure have a reason for touching on this, outright. )

Were they shown some undue favor in the selection process, that might have paved way for much better aspirants than them to be rejected by the selectors or those that are part of the vetting process ?

2) Had these women had any relatives ( near or far ) in the armed forces or important positions in the GoI ? Some - highly placed IFS, IAS or IPS officers ?

3) Who ALL were the officers who vetted and finally selected these women ? What is "their" background and connections.

4) Is there any possibility that there was any possible 'fix up' amongst the hiring bosses i.e. those responsible for the layers of the vetting process... and the 'power bearers' or 'power brokers' ?

etc. etc. are the questions that confront. Many such similar questions too.

5) Is it that our armed forces are predominantly maned and 'managed' by a set of closely aligned/ knit people ? Since decades ? At the top levels ? Having some common underlying binding factors ?

Would NOT be surprised if that IS the case. That must NOT be so.

In that case - what might be the implications of such a positioning ??

Does that provide for a threat perception ? A RED flag ? I would suggest - YES.

6) If there are parochial groupings in the armed forces and the security agencies... what might be the implications of 'coterie' of the same 'PLAYING GAMES' ? for the national security if these guys ( guided by their own determined 'missions and visions' ) choose to play around and goof up ( in covert cahoots with some set of  the high ranking police/ intel officials and certain 'flavors' of politicians ) ?

Can this nation afford the same ? How best to mitigate the risk ? Before it is too late ?


For... the recent past events have overtly seen like self-suggesting that the armed forces are heavily politicized. Especially the Army.

This is certainly NOT good for the nation. Extremely dangerous precedent. There might be a breakdown.

Think well before playing any further; this MAY not augur well.


Must remind that the best and the brightest in our lands... choose to move to greener pastures. Very few might be part of the armed forces or even the MI complex of the country.
As an aside -
What the NDA-2 Govt. moots as 'Make in India' in the defence sector does NOT sound like way too good for the nation or the exchequer.

I did NOT had the same in mind, whilst espousing the same cause.

Risk element -
This might be tantamount to massive GoI funds pilferage for sure by a set of "coterie" groups.

And... muscling up certain and chosen private players that are close to the "Govt. of the day". Does NOT serve the interests of the country or the armed forces. No ways, it might do.

Example - a Rajya Sabha MP who is heading the committee on defence is on a rather war mongering tone, per media reports. And is being given/ partaking of massive GoI projects and funds for his own privately owned defence outfit.

Extremely dangerous.

Clear - conflict of interest. There are people that may perceive this is a form of corruption.


Certainly... NDA-2 must not think that it can play around on this and get away from the same.


Point to NOTE -
The GoI, the Capatin and mates... have, in fact, chosen to invade the privacy of the family of... the above mentioned three freedom fighter's sister's daughter family.

Ashamedly so.

On pretty much ( 100 % ) cooked up pretext that might be tantamount to a political + criminal conspiracy... elements of the same.

Undoubtedly... the three freedom fighters, in their after-lives, MUST be having their head bowed, in shame, for the "so-called" honors meted out to their sister's daughter's family.

all basically coming from... those in uniform and the security agencies ? I mean Cap Ten and mates ?



There are sure-shot implications for going overboard.


Btw - I perceived / apprehended / saw the veteran actor ( shall I say, one of the very best ) late Om Puri courting ( unknown / potential ) trouble and danger when he tweeted last year ( Q3, 2016 ) on the army.

I recall that he suggested/ stated in his tweets that - no one asked them... or, we have NOT asked anyone to join the army. We have not forced them to... People join when they seek jobs...

He was under great fire for his posts...

At that time only I had a hunch...
I 100 % perceived that he was putting himself in harm's way.


For... neither Om Puri, NaMo or even AmShah has ANY idea about the BIMARU state brand/ flavor of real shitty politicking. That pervades everywhere. Even to hell. What to talk of our armed forces !!

Especially so... in the state of Bihar. Even, in the eastern UP.

<< Btw - If these guys - NaMo or AmShah had any idea - they would NOT have "no ways" lost Bihar in 2015. >>



After going through some online /media reports that are pretty much highly suggestive -
I would NOT be surprised if the late veteran actor ( one of the finest artisans in the country ) Om Puri was paid ( in one 'full and final settlement' ) for telling the obviously genuine fact.

But then, the late actors' line was contrary to THE RUNNING THEME ( with 100 % intent, motive and motivation ) of those who are running ... nay churning out... a Goebbels-like propaganda machine since the past almost 2 - 2.5 - 3 years !!

And... perhaps even quite some overt and covert operations in the state of J&K.

Cheppendi Garu... nay Saar .. I mean understood - is it way too crystal clear ?? !!

< EndOfPost >

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