Sunday, April 14, 2019

An exponential force multiplier - regards the LS Polls 2019.

Seems like… the covertly-at-the-core stalwarts of the Congress party and the BJP, RSS stalwarts are having some Common Minimum Programme ( CMP ) sort of understanding between themselves.
Something that might be cannily akin to - you scratch my back… and whilst we come back to power yet again ( that might be so designed to be in a rather… round robin fashion or alternately, so as to preclude the possibility of any other regional parties or a unified third front to form the government, specifically, at the centre of power at New Delhi. ) then we shall scratch your collective backs !!

Say… what ??

And that might explain…

At the cusp of the 2014 LS polls… while the anti-incumbency was running high against the two-term Congress led UPA regime that ruled between 2004-2014… and at the fag end of their term… almost every few months there were some mammoth scams coming to light ( whether – 2G, Coal gate, Common-Wealth Games, Augusta Westland, etc. etc. ).

Yet… all those CBI cases / CAG reports / intrusive investigations etc. have hardly yielded anything substantive that resulted in any conviction.

Have they ?

And, during the NDA-2 rule… they have hardly proved or indicted the complicity of any Congress politician or their affiliated corporate houses… in any such corruption/ wrong-doing charges.

Have they, over the past five years ?

That means the judiciary might have failed in doing the requisite groundwork and deliver as per the expectations.

That might also mean that the investigating government officials ( appointed during the current NDA-2 government ) for investigating all these plethora of scams… might have diluted the serious charges / evidences, etc. in almost majority of the scam cases… so that there potentially remained scope of some loophole for the majority of the alleged culprits to escape the laws. This is the suspicion that confronts.

Considering that Congress, BJP and RSS might certainly have some foundational base set of common factors… one notes that the stalwarts/ think-tanks/ master strategists, etc. at the top of the pyramid of these parties/ organizations are formed majorly from the caste groups of -  brahmins, bhumihars, rajputs, kayasthas, etc.

There remains other salient common foundational factors, as well. Not getting into those.

And… taking serious note of such plethora of factors… some important pointers are raised here… mostly for the consumption of small, medium and regional political parties and social organizations.

We have had the KHAM ( Kshatriya-Harizan-Adivasi-Musalman ) veteran Madhav Sinh Solanki using the same combination to rule Gujarat for nearly 20 years. Perhaps he was at least four times CM of Gujarat.

Similarly, the BHAM ( Brahmin-Harijan- Adivasi-Muslaman ) that has been covertly stitched and put together by Satish Chandra Mishra and BSP supremo Mayawati ensured that Mayawati rose to become the CM of the state of Uttar Pradesh, several times.

( Now, this same very combination might yet try covertly to propel Mayawati to be the PM of a coalition after the LS polls, 2019. This comes from my “not so keen” observation/ perception/ understanding of political matters and nuances thereof. Yet this could turn out to be actually true. ).

And, most importantly… all the while she was the CM of Uttar Pradesh… the brahmin lobby grew stronger and stronger by the day… and pretty much well entrenched in all the departments and organizations of UP, as also at the central government level.

Because these people DO NOT have conflict of interest with the SC, ST folks who belong to the reserved category, especially in matters governmental departments and service. Please deeply understand this !!

This shows that the brahmin caste group are capable of playing games as per the times, terrain and with the vagaries of the blowing wind and speed of the flowing water.

Yet again, why must we implicitly consider them brahmins as the champion of Hindutva and savior of the Sanatana Dharma ??

When these people predominating in Team A ( Say – Congress and the case of BHAM ) collaborate with the muslims to form a political front to get to power.

Having run their course of remaining in power… yet when these people sense adverse situation/ condition or anti-incumbency then they shore up their people predominating in the Team B ( BJP, RSS ) to turn up the OBC, SC, ST Hindu castes against the muslims… and then again by sly subterfuge… and plethora of closely collaborative deft plays/ games… again arrive at the seat of power.

This apparently perceptible fact MUST be taken deep note of, by ALL the OBC groups !!

Thereby these guys prove to be mere political opportunists and psychological manipulators of the masses.


During the times of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb them brahmins requested for a waiver from the high exacting Jaziya taxation that was imposed on Hindus, on the grounds that they being Indo-Iranians like the Mughals ( who projected themselves as actually similar to the Mughals who were – the invading hordes from the Fergana province, Caucasian steppes and plains, Persian lands, etc. belts ) and they claimed that, in fact, they followed the brahmin dharma which was different from the sanatana dharma or the Hindu dharma. They somehow convinced Aurangzeb… and got the waiver on Jaziya tax !!

Again, Megasthenes, the court poet of Chandra Gupta Maurya has written in his book Indica that brahmin race were of Jewish origin and came from central Asia and settledin the foothills of the Himalayas. From where they gradually spread throughout the Gangetic, Narmada, Brahmputra river fertile plains over the millennia.

Point made here –

When the so called and self-proclaimed saviors of Sanatana dharma – rajputs and brahmins can have long-term tie up with the so low caste SC/ STs as also the muslims


What prevents the more than 52 % OBC Hindu castes from within the folds of Sanatana Dharma in having mutually beneficial tie-up with the SC, STs and perhaps some section of the muslims, as well ?

I would like to believe and suggest that – that might be in fact the very need of the hour !!

This is something which has been pretty long overdue !!

This particular blogger post is all about that…

Because… some smart and wily Hindu segments have…  so pretty well entrenched themselves in the Western eco system, over the past 1-2 centuries and yet again… over the past several decades.

To such an extent that sometimes one gets the uneasy feeling that they are the partners of the “deep state” of the Western nations.

Well… this has certainly has extremely serious ramifications for those who are not perceptive enough and are not in a position to extrapolate facts, based on prior history and antecedents thereof.

So… some food for thoughts here… this has three standalone sections.

PART ONE : The failed promises and situations over the last 72 odd years.

(( ONE ))
A look at how the Indian Rupee ( INR ) has depreciated against the current major global currency reserve the USD $, over the past century… and how this much overlooked ( which is certainly a covert complex play by the globalists ) most vexing issue has potentially vacuumed from tens to hundreds of trillions USD $ Dollars worth of net wealth out of the Indian nation, the Indian sub-continent. And, profoundly makes the difference between us Indians / South Asians versus them Westerner folks !!
Put here… across plain and simple.  So…

During the year 1917 : 1 INR = USD $ 17 .

During the year 1947 : 1 INR = USD $ 1 .

Cut to today, 2019 : 1 USD $ = INR 70/-

This indeed… makes or made all the difference !!

Extrapolating the numbers…
1 INR during the year 1917 = USD $ 17 of that same year.
Now… that USD $ 17 would be = INR 17 X 70 = INR 1,190/- of the year 2019

Effectively… our Indian Rupee has depreciated by 1,190 TIMES over the past hundred years.

Conversely… that means that the American USD $ has appreciated by 1190 TIMES our currency, over the past hundred years.

And… that is basically how… enormous amounts of wealth has been siphoned off our country. That is too huge / monumental to be easily grasped and quantified.

Because the Anglo-American elites have… by the cleverest subterfuge and endless machinations, got our stuff ( raw material, priceless resources, cheap human labor, etc. )… way to wretchedly cheap !!

To the tune of ( cut to today )…
Roughly, 1200 TIMES cheap over the past hundred years, alone !!

If that were not the case and if the converse had been true… no Indian would be going to the USA for higher education or for working there to earn the freely printed fiat currency by the US Federal Reserve – the greenback… the USD $.

And… their unipolar super power status and world-wide hegemony would never have been such a long-drawn reality… as it is today !! Which threatens world peace and the very existence of human life on planet earth.

Frankly… our wretchedly corrupt Indian politicians and policy makers and masters till date, have wittingly ( perhaps… being all the too pliable and supplicant; and, all too willingly ) or unwittingly… allowed this situation to transpire. Why they chose to do so… only they may ( never ) explain. But… that has sordidly been our collective fate… and the fate of this nation.

(( TWO ))

At the cusp of LS polls 2014 - PM Modi’s talk / pre-polls promise, of INR 15 lakh in every Indian’s bank account.
That actually was indicative of the amount of Black money in the Swiss banks and other such safe havens.
Now, assuming that during March of 2014 : 1 USD $ was = INR 65/-
Then, what PM promised was  = INR 15 lakh = USD $ ( 15 lakh )/ 65 = USD $ 24,038.46
So, for 125 crores ( = 1.25 Billion ) Indian populace that works to around = USD $ 24,038.46 X 1.25 Billions
= USD $ 30,048.077 Billions = USD $ 30 Trillions approx.
Curiously… this is the same amount that the website or some other similar website article claims as having been actually siphoned off the nation in the recent past decades. Perhaps, succeeding the liberalization years starting the early 1990s !
Alternatively… if we are to assume that PM Modi had meant that amount of INR 15 lakhs for the head member or a single person in each and every household ( rather than each and every citizen, the case we have seen earlier ).
And, assuming a average household size of 4-5.
Then… that meant that for 125/4 crores or 125/5 crores family units = 25 to 30 crores family units.
That still works out as equaling =
= USD $ 24,038.46 X 1.25/4 Billions to USD $ 24,038.46 X 1.25/5 Billions
= USD $ 6,009.62 Billions to USD $ 7,512.02 Billions of black money stashed broad.
This is an indicator of what our… supposedly law makers… our corrupt politicians and corporates have actually stashed over the past several decades.
During which time both the Congress and BJP ( RSS, by proxy ) have been in power and calling the shots, at the central stage.

(( THREE ))
Take on Congress party’s / Rahul Gandhi’s NYAY scheme.
1) Congress party promises INR 72,000/- annually in the accounts of the poorest 20 % of the people of the country.
That would be = 20 % of 135 crores = 27 crores poorest people !!
Let’s say Congress party means 25 crore people.
2) Now… giving of free money to the tune of INR 72,000/- annually to 25 crore people, would mean that either the head of the household or perhaps the senior-most woman per family gets the money.
If every family consists of a husband, wife and at most 2-3 children. That means each family is having no less than around 4-5 people minimum.
That would imply that the Congress party wants to benefit a population that ranges from = 25 crore X 4 to 25 crores X 5 people of the country.
That equals roughly – 100 crore to 125 crore people out of a total count of 135 crores of population are to be potential beneficiaries of the NYAY scheme of the Congress
3) Now giving of INR 72,000 ( whether that is equal to INR 6000/- per month for 12 months or INR 12,000/- for six months only ) to 25 crore people is equal to =
= INR 72,000 X 25 crore  = INR 18,00,000/- crores !! ( INR Eighteen Lakh crores ) per annum

Notably –

The same amount of INR 72,000/- for 5 crore people per annum will be = INR 72,000/-  X 5 crores = INR 360,000/- crores per annum
4) This annual money disbursement scheme ( ostensibly to raise bottom poor people out of poverty ?? )…

Over a five year period that would be equal to INR 18,00,000/- X 5 crores = INR 90,00,000 crores

Over a ten year period that would be equal to INR 18,00,000/- X 10 crores = INR 1,80,00,000 crores

Over a fifteen year period that would be equal to INR 18,00,000/- X 15 crores = INR 2,70,00,000 crores

Over a twenty year period that would be equal to INR 18,00,000/- X 20 crores = INR 36,00,00,000 crores

5)  Above is a huge amount of money that the Congress party intends to freely give to the so called ‘poor people’ of the country to raise them out of poverty.

Most important question is – Who defines this “poor people” ? And, on what specific criteria ? That defining this itself, might lead one into endless corrupt mal-practices.

But our current Union budget is something like equaling nearly INR 18-20 lakh crores only. We must NOT get into the GDP numbers here… for that will be entirely flawed reasoning.

Clearly, the Congress party would never have the requisite budgetary support to make such financial largesse in terms of recurrent annual dole outs.

Only way that may be possibly done is printing the Indian currency to the tune of either INR 3.6 / 7.2 / 9 / 18 lakh crores each and every year and distributing the same amongst the so called ( and pretty much ill-defined ) poor sections of society.

6) But printing currency to such a huge amount and putting the same in circulation is fraught with many overt and covert dangers. Much akin to… inflating the economy size thereby making it appear huge… sans a solid enough foundation/ fundamentals.

The first being – with almost up to double the quantum of currency float or liquidity in the market each and every year… the purchasing power of the masses would decline to the same extent.
i.e. thereby the effective purchasing power would be almost up to halved within the first year itself ( say : within no more than 12-15 months. ).

As of 8th of November, 2016 the demonetized higher valued currency notes of INR 500/- and 1,000/-   aggregated to INR 15.6 lakh crores and constituted 86 % of the total currency in circulation.

That would imply that a net of = ( 15.6/86 ) X 100 = INR 18.12 lakh crores of currency was in circulation as of 8th of November, 2016.
And… perhaps that might still be the case as of today after fresh printing of notes that have been re-introduced in the Indian economy ( April, 2019 ).

That is tantamount to stating that the inflation level will certainly increase by up to 100 % … which means that the basic prices of each and every commodity and service might at least up to double in no time.

The most serious concern is : the actual inflated pricing might become - three times or even four times at the end of this five-ten year tenure.

7) Whilst the effective purchasing power ( on a per currency unit i.e. Rupee basis ) of the masses would decline with the net increase in the currency float within the economy.

There are assured chances that the massive inflationary trend that is sought to be knowingly unleashed by the NYAY scheme… which might certainly see the Indian Rupee see a gradual devaluation wrt the major world currencies/ reserve currencies.

And, this becomes sort of a certainty in case the Brent Crude oil pricing escalates in the international market, going forward. Which certainly looks like in the offing… looking at the American jingoistic foreign policy that portends of military action towards Iran and Venezuela and controlling the international demand and supply, at their whims.


Digression - And, perhaps that is the reason the Americans want to extricate their troops from Syria and Afghanistan so that the same exhausted / battle hardened ones could be sent home and a fresh set might be sent for war / redeployment into Venezuela, Iran domains.

Basically, the devaluation of Indian Rupee versus other major currencies might mean that the foreign countries will find it much more cheaper to purchase Indian good and services.

Factually - for the same amount of USD $, GBP Pound Sterling, Euro, Yen, Yuan etc. currencies MORE of the Indian Rupee will be had, when Indian Rupee is devalued. There are dangers that the Indian Rupee might cross the 80, 90 or 100 per USD $ in a matter of few years, at most. This might wreak havoc on the Indian purchasing power, in the international market.

And, most unfortunately… which might probably preclude any recent future chances of propping the Indian Rupee as yet another world reserve currency.

The same situation is certainly going to favor the already well entrenched World Reserve Currency baskets – primarily the USD $, GBP Pound Sterling, Euro, the Chinese Yuan, the Japanese Yuan, etc.

This is certainly NOT a pretty good scenario to be in. And, must be accounted for.

That scripted overtly veiled dicey situation… and concomitant scenario… could certainly be in the offing… in the anvil… in the case NYAY scheme is ever implemented.

There are added dangers that… inflation might be leading way to hyperinflation ( as we have seen in the case of Venezuela )… in case of any natural or man-made ( artificially generated by means of hyper technology, weather and climate engineering, geo-engineering, etc. ) disasters or calamities, war or war like situation, famine, price of hydrocarbons ( oil and/ or gas ) shooting in the international market, etc.

8) Most important question in the context of NYAY scheme is - Who determines and defines who are the ‘poorest of the poor souls’ in this country ?

Those… who might deserve to be given this dole out of INR 72,000/- per annum ?

Determining and fixing that issue is fraught with endless possibilities of corruption and pilferage of the subsequent government grants to the tune of INR 72,000/- per annum… for this 5 to 25 crores populace beneficiaries.

Lots of “50:50”  or  “50 %, 50 %” corruption chances are certainly there. i.e. some petty government agent or official will get someone on the rolls of receiving the NYAY scheme payment, with the agreement that half of the assured amount is paid back to  - 

a) the local A-NYAY-I agent; or/ and

b) some set of corrupt officials;  or/ and

c)  the political party stalwarts at the state or central level.

9) Overall…  we can deduce that this whole planned Universal Basic Income ( UBI ) scheme smacks of being - impractical, highly flawed and dangerous for the economy as also the currency of the country. With the lacuna that there is no ways to determine the supposed credentials of ‘poorness’ of the potential beneficiaries… and this certainly opens up a can of corruption options at each and every levels.

Who knows – only traditionally known Congress voters might be given the benefits of the same NYAY scheme ?? This certainly is a very dangerous offer precedent.

10) By supporting the NYAY scheme, the former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan ( an IIT Delhi alumnus ) has compromised his moral position on such volatile economic matters.

And… Swarajya magazine article concurs on this fact and I with them.

Perhaps for the politicians who can even promise the moon ( and sure deliver one in your hands ?? )… to get the votes from the general masses and therefore the needed numbers to come back to the seats of power… everything fine as long as it serves a purpose. Let them talk of NYAY !! But no more of implementation.

(( FOUR ))

BJP Manifesto of LS polls 2014 promised  : Two crores jobs each year = 10 crores jobs in five years.

Fact remains that - Unemployment levels at 45 year high.

And, the top most 106 statisticians perhaps from the NSSO have quit their government positions as they refused to fudge the figures.
Demonetization and then the subsequent GST rollout has allegedly caused massive loss of employment to the tune of six crores to eleven crores jobs, at the national level.

The entire economy is in serious doldrums and severe churn at the micro and median levels.

(( FIVE ))

Negative aspects of Demonetization :

1) Slowed down the entire economy and the economic/ manufacturing/ financial cycles; especially in the unorganized sectors. The micro sectors / scale has been severely hit and that sure shows up at the median level sectors… and perhaps escalates into the macro sectors / scale.

2) Resulted in the immediate and ongoing flight of smart capital from the country.

Investors, whether they be… FII or FDI, are concerned with return on their investment. Since… some day they intend to encash on their investment and make profit.

With floundering / uncertain economic scenario and hazy government policies… there had to be massive disruption in the economic, fiscal affairs leading to ‘smart money’ being drawn out and sent overseas.

3) Resulted in massive increase in unemployment, under-employment during Q4, 2016 and Q1, 2017 and the fiscal year 2017-2018 and even subsequent to that.

4) The meager savings that formed the security of the poor, weaker sections of the society for some rainy day events / eventualities… were depleted in no time.

The saved and dearly hoarded money simply slipped away and expended in daily ongoing fixed expenses… when there was NIL income accruing to the poor sections of society. The actual numbers might exceed 80-90 crores people.

And… when these people were hard pressed for work to meet their daily expenses… there was no available work in the market place. So… their monthly fixed expenses mounted. This situation potentially lasted several months.

Yet again… with ill-conceived and planned GST rollout
Businesses were thrown off balance. Moreover, the economic activities and growth immensely suffered.

Cumulative effect of demonetization and GST rollout was like this… doubled or multiple times watering down of the economy, of sorts.

Especially, low-end, medium end businesses and business-cycles and the businessmen/ traders and their dependent employees.

Almost 106 central government senior statisticians ( perhaps, majorly from NSSO ) have quit in the recent past in protest… owing to the NDA-2 government hiding and fudging with the official government statistics. Something which has perhaps never happened in the history of modern India.

(( SIX ))

Educational System.

Especially… Higher Education, Technical R&D education in total shambles… over the past 72 years since independence.

If we are to compare and contrast the strides made by France, Germany, Japan, China over the past 70-75 same odd years... we stand nowhere.

For high technology, pharma, etc. imports we remain dependent on the Western nations.

And, import from them worth Trillions of US $ Dollars over a decades’ time, at least.

(( SEVEN ))

Medical System and Profession.

General Medical Services and availability is actually really pathetic and very expensive.

Ease / cost of medical treatment has gone sky high. Even then, the diagnosis and the diagnostic capabilities of the physicians has gone down.

(( EIGHT ))

Over population.

The Congress and BJP governments have failed to check the explosive rate of population growth which is nibbling at the limited national resources. And, poses a national security threat.

Two child policy must be made mandatory.

Else… the country may face civil war ( especially when we run out of potable drinking water within the next 15 years’ time frame. 

Again… the water table is receding at an alarming rate. ) in not too distant future.

(( NINE ))

Water scarcity.

Ground water table is receding at a very fast pace.

It is predicted that this might be leading to third world war within the next 15-20 years owing to lack of potable drinking water for the masses.

(( TEN ))

Nearly USD $ 30 Trillions or more of national wealth have allegedly moved overseas since the start of the liberalization process, beginning the year 1990-91.

Our Indian wealth is siphoned off to Western nations and the same is used to finance, as FDI or FII, each and every nation around the globe.

In fact, China became the world factory owing to the India wealth landing as FDI in China. When the Western globalists decided to relocate their manufacturing bases to China and other such low cost, low labor Asian countries.

Them smarties have purposefully bulwarked China and these same guys now want us other Asian countries to confront China… on their behalf. Something like a pet puddle by their side. And these same guys and their deeply entrenched agents are citing a threat angle.

At the same time these smart asses who have collaboratively siphoned off massive wealth from the country… have systemically weakened and/ or destroyed almost each and every or perhaps all the institutions around the country. Whereas, during the same interval of 70-75 years or even much lesser period of time… other much resource deficit nations have prospered and lifted massive number of their citizenry out of abject poverty. Case to refer is that of Singapore, Japan, Germany, France, etc.

Curiously… 1990 is the same year that the Mandal Commission report was okayed for implementation by the Janata Dal led VP Singh government.

During this same period of time ( Say : 1990-2019 ) the US national debt has ballooned. Now, that stands at USD $ 22 Trillions !!

This debt is majorly financed as loan by the Asian countries… mainly Japan and China.

Again… there was a USD $ 21 Trillions of unaccounted spending funds details. This huge amount went into the secret expenditure account of the above top-secret black ops project in the domain of hyper secretive US military and space projects and technologies. 
That might have been spent in building space based military bases and human colonies.

The cumulative details of the same accounts of the USD $ 21 Trillion expenditure account… are alleged to have went down with the destruction of a wing of Pentagon during the September, 2001 attack.

These are serious matters… to be duly contemplated.

(( ELEVEN ))

The national focus over the past few decades have been –

1) Ram Mandir, Ayodhya, Babri Masjid,

2) Kashmir issue. Article 370 and 25 A of the constitution. Pakistan menace.

3) China. Rise of China. Economic and Military buildup of China.


This seems like overhyped. Because, technically speaking… when China purchases the S-400 air defence system from Russia. Then this tells us of their effective strength and military capabilities. Which is nowhere comparable to Russia and USA.

Factually, China stands nowhere compared to USA or Russia, militarily.

Fact of the matter is - some unipolar neo-imperialist set of regimes want to continue their super-power run by having morally bankrupt and pliable individuals as pet poodles on their side… eating out of their hands… in a set of important and emerging, important, developing countries. Thereby, rendering the top leadership of some such countries as… supplicant and pliable. But then, such individuals end up harming the entire nation… the entirety of humanity, as such.


PART TWO : The Reality bites.

(( ONE ))

Whether it is Congress or BJP… the same set of smart people rule the roost… at least at the national level.

The bulwark or backbone of the Congress, BJP, RSS, CPI, etc. is formed by - the stalwarts/ think-tanks/ master strategists, etc. at the top of the pyramid of these parties/ organizations are formed majorly from the caste groups of - brahmins, bhumihars, rajputs, kayasthas, etc.

There remains other salient common factors, as well.

(( TWO ))

Representation of the SC/ ST/ OBCs in the Central Cabinet ministry.

That’s been almost minimal in the NDA-2 government… compared to the fraction of the national population they form. Something upwards of 85 % to 90 % , it is said.

(( THREE ))

Representation of the SC/ ST/ OBCs in the Central Cabinet Secretariat across all the diverse set of union cabinet ministries.

That overall numbers are almost 2000 senior most secretary level IAS, IFS, IPS, IRS, etc. officers.

Someone opines that there is NIL or almost next to NIL representation of the SCs, STs, OBCs etc.... out of this 2000 senior-most officers that are distributed amongst the different key central government ministries.

Here also – the situation and the offices are dominated by brahmins, kayasthas, rajputs, etc. the preferred coterie or preferential castes.

These are the highest level officers who effectively run the country by framing all the requisite rules, regulations, laws, policies, etc. Whilst, the winning political party are generally more concerned with politicking and how best to remain in power, by retaining the same.

Therefore it is vitally important that a truly OBC led front / coalition of regional parties ( that Hindu OBC castes are representative of more than 54 % of the country’s population ) forms a government at the centre.

Led by an able OBC PM ( say – like the former PM H D DeweGowda, once again ) with at least half of his ministers from the hardworking Hindu OBC castes and communities and a good representation to SC/ ST MPs’ as well, as cabinet rank ministers.

This is only possible with 100 % aid and support from the SC, STs to an OBC led leadership.

Now… this might certainly ensure that at least greater than 70 % - 80 % of the senior IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, etc. officers that man all the diverse critical cabinet ministries of the central government are from the OBC, SC and ST castes and communities.

This MUST remain one of the primary driving objectives of more than 90 % population of this country.

Please take note.

The underlying intention remains –
That way the supposedly more smart or smarter sort of people who are chosen as part of the government, governance, system, etc. offices… because of their rather highly reduced representative numbers ( akin to breakage in monopoly in handling the ‘system’ ) are perhaps forced to be more diligent, punctual, honest, etc. towards their work.

And… the chances of any set of closely co-operating/ collaborative lobbies ganging up and pulling up certain stratagems might be duly belied or the probability of the same greatly reduced.
The above is a vital point.

(( FOUR ))

13-point roster system in Universities.

All the Vice Chancellors in all the Central Universities have been appointed by BJP/ RSS and there has been nil or next to nil instances of SC, ST, OBC appointments.

This results in flagrant discrimination.

An example here –


…Further, highlighting the alleged “atmosphere of hostility and alienation” faced by students and faculty of marginalized sections at the IIT Kanpur and pointing out that only 4 of the total of 394 faculty members at the institute were from the SC/ST/OBC/PWD categories, in violation of the constitutionally mandated reservation policies, the statement..

(( FIVE ))

Representation in Judiciary, higher Judiciary.

Bihar political leader Upendra Kushwaha has led the campaign Halla Bol Darwaza Khol !!

( Which translates as – Invade and open the closed doors. )

Ending of the Collegiums’ System in Judiciary.

Wherein no more than 350 close-knit families are deeply entrenched as part ad parcel of the Indian judicial system landscape, since the times of independence.

Conflict of interest clause must be inserted.

Case of the MP High Court is cited hereby… as reference point.


Recently, the newly formed Congress government in the state of Madhya Pradesh headed by the CM Kamalnath Khatri raised the OBC reservation from 14 % to 27 %. The same orders and law were passed by the Congress government of Madhya Pradesh.

Note –
14 % reservation for OBCs that constitute nearly 60 % of the MP state population, effectively means that the net SC, ST population in the state of MP is = 49.5 % - 14 % = 35.5 % .

Is it NOT ironical that 35.5 % of the SC, ST population gets the reservation benefits in education, higher education, jobs, etc. in proportion to their actual population in any Indian state. Here, the state is MP.

But then, why MUST nearly 60 % of the disparate caste groups of OBCs get ONLY reservation allocation to the tune of 14 % !! ??
Now, at approximately 60 % OBC proportion in the population… the upper caste or general category population in MP is nearly = ( 100 – 60 – 36.5 ) % = 4.5 % !!

Now… in the state of MP – around 4.5 % upper caste ( brahmin, rajput, kayastha, etc. ) population are ironically getting the benefits of 10 % assured reservation for their weaker or poorer sections. 
And again, then the open category numbers of 50.5 % remain open to them.

There seems to be a definitive lacunae in the system… loaded in favor of these pretty well entrenched set of people.
This anomaly must need be rectified… ASAP.


Take note…
When two brahmin commoners - Asita Dubey and Richa Pandey petitioned the Madhya Pradesh High Court against the order that raised the OBC reservation numbers from 14 % to 27 %, by the MP government.

The same petition was heard by two brahmin High Court judges – R S Jha and Sanjay Dwivedi. They passed an order thereby putting a stop to the decision of the MP government.

Quite sarcastically and/ or contrarily… in the case of similar petition challenging the central government providing for the economically deprived upper caste reservation to the tune of 10 % - the Supreme Court has refused to put a stop to the same !!
Clearly… these two brahmin judges have not delivered justice to the aspirations of the OBCs, as any OBC would expect.

Because… there is certainly a conflict of interest paradigm here.


(( SIX ))
The constitution of India, as drafted and finalized by Dr BR Ambedkar, ensured the safety and well being of SCs and STs.

When SC/ ST’s get reservation in education, higher education, jobs, government services, etc. as per the proportion of their actual population to the total population, at the state level. Again… they get political representation as per the proportion of their population, at the state level as also at the national level.

The question arises -
Then why not the same for Hindu OBC groups as well ??

For this…the nation wide Hindu OBC groups must come together as one unit.

Perhaps, get some help and backing from the SC, ST all India level groups to get better numerical representation at the all India level.

And… politicians Tejasvi Yadav and Upendra Kushwaha from Bihar have been demanding the same.

(( SEVEN ))

For the oncoming population census 2021, 2031, etc. onwards – there must be caste wise census.

Rather than OBC centric census that the NDA-2 plans to have, if voted to power.

A senior journalist Dilip Chandra Mandal has clear cut knowledge and deep understanding on this subject.

I once read one person Manoj Abhigyan ( ) writing a detailed article on his facebook site, as regards this commonality of being from the same caste between certain SC in one state being a OBC, EBC castes across different state(s). And, STs in some state are OBC/MBC/EBC in other states and general category in other states.
Manoj Abhigyan is the person who can throw substantive light on this issue.

For instance –

1) Koli caste is OBC in Gujarat but the same caste Koli is SC in Uttar Pradesh. It may be general category in yet another state.

2) Washer-men caste is SC in some states and in other states they are OBC, MBC or EBC.

3) Sudi caste is SC in West Bengal but the same caste is OBC in the state of Jharkhand and Bihar.

4) Rajputs are OBC, EBC in some states and general in some states; in Himachal Pradesh or Uttarakhand regions some come under ST category !!

5) Brahmin gosai/ goswami/ giri is caste is perhaps OBC class in Bihar, Jharkhand. In other states they come under general category.

6) Patidars ( Patels ) are  general caste category in Gujarat; whereas in most of the other states the Patels or Kurmis are in OBC, MBC or EBC category.

etc. etc.

So… the oncoming census 2021, 2031, etc. onwards – there must necessarily be caste wise census.

(( EIGHT ))
Massive amount of wealth have been siphoned off from the country even after we gained independence in 1947, to predominantly Western countries. Specifically those regions that constitute the part and parcel of the Anglo-American neo-imperialist empire as also the tax havens around the globe.

The people who have been instrumental in transferring this wealth abroad… are still having innumerable proxies entrenched and deeply embedded in the current Indian landscape and the entire Indian/ India-Anglo-American, etc. system.

And… one naturally suspects and hereby do suggests that these are the people who want us to ratchet up an arms race in the Indian sub-continent and/ or the Asian region.

Again… the use of religion as a divisive force is amply used by the same set of forces, for easy mass polarization. And, in their relentless propaganda on the so-called threat perception these same set of people are bound to magnify the threat realistically faced by the Indian nation, from Pakistan and China. Which, in all possibilities, might be certainly overhyped.

Whereas the fact remains that our stolen Indian wealth had been round-tripped to China as FDI to make China an economic powerhouse and a huge manufacturing base of sorts.

Still… there is no ways that China can ever have a major or minor show down with us and not itself escape unhurt.

The fact remains that a highly bruised and mauled Vietnam ( after the US mauled and mangled it during the onslaught of Vietnam war ) was able to resist and put a brave face and front vis-Ć -vis China as early as around 1979. And, even then… China could not harm Vietnam much, let alone winning the war with Vietnam.

For a huge country that we are… the whole idea of getting into this LEMOA stuff, etc. smacks of being a pre-meditated plot / pre-requisite to get us onto the Quad and the Indo-Pacific bandwagon.

And, the only plausible underlying idea remains that… the defence spending that the South Asian countries and the ASEAN countries might be getting into would require Trillions of USD Dollars of military hardware being sold to these countries by the military-industrial-espionage-intelligence complex of the Anglo-American folds.

Suggestion and inference is ( based on gut instinct )… we better not get into this.

Again… who knows… that those all folks who are strong votaries of the Quad and the Indo-Pacific certainly might be having some lakhs of their kinsmen or caste people in mind, to be comfortably settled in Western Universities, Colleges, R&D Institutes, etc.

Again, endless possibilities open up to them to latch onto… in the high paying employment opportunities in diverse set of knowledge based industries ( IT, Semiconductor, High Tech, Financial Services, Legal, Pharma, F&O, etc. ).

And… all this remains a true possibility and a certainty of sorts.

Frankly, this freedom of navigation in the South China Sea ( SCS ), etc. seems like an over-hyped plot. Knowing that South Korea and Japan have massive US military bases since the past 70-75 years and are heavily armed, to teeth.

What is apparently perceptible is – in the first part… the USA having created a resurgent and rising China…now in the second part of the plot…these Anglo-American forces ( along with their coalition partners in the Indian sub-continent space… perhaps, from / since the days of the British Raj  )want to club up an Asian coalition to counter China ??

Who are these guys fooling ??

Obviously – in India, more than the 90 % of the population of this country are being brazenly fooled !!

When the Indian leadership is scared to run-over Pakistan which is nuclear capable…then how is it ever possible for the PRC to even remotely harm us without being itself harmed in return ??

The threat seems to be potentially and clearly overhyped by potentially vested sort of interests.

Well… by stating this one does not intend to belittle or mock at any threat perception or angled projection, coming out of potential future developments.

Again, technically speaking… when China purchases the S-400 air defence system from Russia. Then this tells us of their effective strength and military superiority.

Factually, militarily China stands nowhere compared to the USA or even Russia. And, this situation might prevail in the oncoming decade, at least.

Fact might be… some unipolar neo-imperialist set of closely collaborative regimes want to continue their super-power run by having morally bankrupt sold-out set of individuals as pet poodles on their side… eating out of their hands or perhaps covertly engaged in mutually beneficial agreements… in a set of important, emerging and intrinsically very rich and important underdeveloped or developing countries.

Thereby, rendering the top leadership of some such countries as…  supplicant and pliable. But then, such individuals end up harming the entire nation… effectively… the entirety of humanity, as such.

(( NINE ))

Over the past several centuries beginning the Mughal Akbar… as also after independence of India the politics of this land ( whether the party in question is Congress, BJP, CPI, RSS, etc. ) is run, managed and determined by a set of closely co-operating caste lobbies.

And, they happen to be the brahmin and kayastha castes at the all India level.

And, rajput and bhumihar castes in north India. These guys collectively and collaboratively determine who rules at the helm. 

They often and always collaborate to put someone at the helm of affairs… whilst they might get their designated work or cut out tasks duly accomplished.

Now, when their current plant PM N D Modi ( ostensibly rising through the folds of RSS ) – was vetted by them to be at the helm of affairs, of course backed by India Inc. ( i.e. the Corporate sectors ) . It sounds reasonable.


Almost a decade back I had chanced on a story online…  it goes something like here…

Few centuries back… some Solanki rajput king in Kutch or Kathiawar or some locale of Gujarat had a sudden organization of a royal wedding or some huge regal ceremony at his palace. And, this mandated that a huge feast had to be organized at a short notice. 

But then, the requisite edible oil supply was not to be found in the marketplace neither the oil traders had the same in their stock. Again, the oil quantity sought was not in the regal stock pile, as well. Neither, it was to be had from any of the neighboring kingdoms.

Curiously, being a lean season wherein they had no work… even the traditional oil pressing people had moved to different neighboring kingdoms in search of partial employment/ livelihood.

In such dicey and crisis-like situation… whence they could not find any oil-pressers… almost 150-200 Solanki rajput people loyal to the Solanki king voluntarily gave up their sword and were engaged day and night in this oil pressing work that lasted several weeks. 

Thereby, owing to their hard work these almost two hundred folks were able to press enough oil that was necessary for the feast / ceremony etc. Thereby, tiding over an embarrassing crisis situation that had emerged.

But then, by a quirk of fate…  the rajpurohit or some motley set of brahmins disallowed these 200 odd people to revert back to the warrior social status and take up arms again. Thus, these people were forced to stay as part of the oil-pressers community rather than revert to the warrior’s fold.

Thenceforth…these people and their descendants got engaged in the same oil-pressing and related profession.

The same set of people grew into a small set of wealthy sub set of the oil presser’s community.

Perhaps, these folks constitute the Modh Ghanchis as opposed to the traditional oil pressing caste – the ghanchis.

Not sure if this story or this co-relation is true. It might ceratinly be.
But then… sure… PM ND Modi belongs to this Modh Ghanchi community…

If I am not mistaken… even today… these Modh Ghanchis proclaim descendence from the Solanki rajputs.

Being enumerated in the OBC community does not make the Modh Ghanchis as low caste Vaishya people. They never have been considered low caste in the Gujarat social landscape.

Interpreting by inference… what we have seen in the NDA-2 via PM Modi is a simple trailer of sorts, at best, in lieu of the BJP, RSS stalwarts.

The entire picture lies way ahead to unfold… in the case that NDA manages to form the government, yet again.

I hope and wish…
But then… I suspect that the work that was cut out by the “stalwart coterie” for PM N D Modi during his NDA-2 tenure might have been completed ( demonetization, GST rollout, etc. ), at this stage.

The possibility runs high… that might mean that as of now PM N D Modi could be considered dispensable, anytime after the LS Polls 2019.

In this context… I recall that Capatin Ajit Vadakayil telling in his blogger post ( sounded out like a threat ) that knows what ND Modi did in the year 1976 !!

So… I suspect that he might be somehow taken off the political landscape by some deeply laid out stratagem in case NDA gets the requisite numbers.

Else, on the flip side… the smarties who put him there care not whence the NDA comes a cropper, and PM Modi is made to sit in the opposition benches.

For… sensing adverse wind… the smarties will jump ship to other parties.

Their sole concern remains… maximizing their numbers / count in the Lok Sabha as well as Rajya Sabha. Take note please.

That scenario is highly possible.

In this context –

1) There are chances that Priyanka Gandhi might be made to contest against him from Varanasi and PM Modi might face defeat in his re-election bid… owing to certain caste based factions within the folds of BJP, RSS, Congress, CPI, etc. who want him defeated and out of the race of heading NDA-3. So… these guys may collaborate in getting a huge mass of people to covertly cross vote against him, thereby ensuring his defeat.

The abject truth is - his sole purpose has been to get and garner the OBC votes… for the actual benefit of the savarna castes… so it seems.

And… that job anyways might be done by the 19th of May 2019… the final day of polling.

2) On some technical grounds, etc. like ( say ) Moral Code of Conduct, etc. the Election Commission, EC or some vague judge from some high, etc. court will take up a petition against him and perhaps disqualify his winning !! Eg – take the case of live telecast on the ASAT destroying a satellite, NaMo TV, etc.

Citing violation of some law or rule. This remains a true possibility.

In that case there are chances that the entire political landscape of BJP lands up in the hands of the savarana elites and there could be entrenched efforts by the Rajput group to propel Rajnath Singh or Ajay Singh Bisht ‘Yogi’ to the post of prime-minister-ship.

Conversely, if the brahmin lobby comes out stronger… they might want to project and propel Nitin Gadkari or Sushma Swaraj or Arun Jaitley or Mamta Banerjee to the position of prime-minister-ship.
Actually… this is what they might be actually planning for !!

And, of course PM Modi’s deputy Amit Shah is hooked up in some court cases ( Sohrabuddin fake encounter case, etc. ) which have been pending in the court of laws.

One does not expect that people from Amit Shah’s caste or network are powerful enough to wield enough influence to save him.

In fact he might sort of - be on the hook, and the underlying idea might be that he will simply be compelled to do what he is told to do… by a coterie lobby that are well entrenched in the RSS, judiciary, intelligence agencies, police, etc. They might be planning using him, till the deliverables sought are provided for. Then, he might be politically dumped.

Please note –

Bihar CM Nitish Kumar was allegedly booked in a murder case some twenty years back. Some set of people kept a potential hook on him. Only last month, he was absolved of the same charges… at the cusp of the LS Polls, 2019. It might be important to note the judiciary, the judicial process that allowed him to go off hook, at this nick of time. That might tell some story.

(( TEN ))

I suspect that brahmins, bhumihar caste stalwarts primarily from UP, Bihar and Jharkhand might have cut a deal with Satish Chandra Mishra who is sort of the second in command in the Bahujan Samaj Party ( BSP ) run by its supremo Mayawati; and forms the covert BHAM combo !!

In the past also BSP has fielded nearly 20, 20 each of brahmin and muslim candidates ( that is = nearly 40 of Brahmin + Muslim candidates out of 80 for UP LS polls. Nearly 50 % of the total !! ) for the LS polls during 2009 and 2014 !! Please check out.
That means that whilst brahmins are undoubtedly running the Sangh parivar ( RSS ), BJP, VHP, Bajrang Dal, etc. i.e. the NDA-2…  ( wherein one-third of the senior most and critical cabinet ministries are held by brahmins alone ).

Still… when they sense that this current government has run the course they sense that going forward there might be potential or certain anti-incumbency or change of guard in the offing… these guys change sudden course ( in line with sensing the blowing wind )… and align and partner with the opposite parties and… to vote for the potentially winning constituencies… and the team that potentially goes to form the next government.

Importantly - they do not want to be winners on the loser or losing side.

They want themselves to be winners in the winning team wherein they have the certainty to get the most powerful positions in the ministries of the government as also placing their own folks in the highest levels of bureaucracy, judiciary, etc.

So… during / after LS polls 2019… two set of possibilities are there –

1) One clearly senses that they might have an option open wherein they might push Mayawati or Mamta Banerjee ( or, perhaps another brahmin leader ) to be the next prime minister.

In case of BSP supremo Mayawati… even if this time around BSP does not field the requisite number of brahmin ( as was done during 2009 and 2014  polls ), bhumihar candidates in the UP, Bihar, Jharkhand etc. regions …  still they will bank on and might covertly vote for BSP candidate. Yes !! True !!

For them – what matters is getting their own caste people in the largest numbers, to parliament. Any party is of course secondary option for them, but they prefer that the same must be the winning party.

That is the reason they try to manipulate the MSM to build a wave or an incident or a set of incidents is used to create cascading narratives that are meant to generate a certain wave of opinion… so that it becomes much easier to create the notion of a “blowing wind” and therefore much more easier to increase their collective headcount in the wining team !!

Reason being – in the case that they push Mayawati to become the PM…  they might pileup their own people in the central government secretariats that are made of the highest level civil servants.

This way they effectively control the entire central government and the country.

This is what these guys have been effectively doing since we gained independence.

There has been proven instances earlier in the state of Uttar Pradesh – wherein the brahmin and the SC, ST lobby along with a key parcel from the muslim folds ( BHAM combination ) went on to form the state government headed by Mayawati.

But then, the brahmins had the choicest positions in the entirety of the Lucknow and statewide positions and postings. Calling the shots… in no less measure than the BSP supremo Mayawati. And, that empowered them in their dealings with other states and the central government of the day.

2) There is another possibility – that they vote enmasse for the plausibly winning candidates of BSP and the purported opposition parties that somehow club together to form the opposition ( in the process they might jump from the BJP boat, altogether ). In the process they would try to get their folks elected and then be appointed to key union cabinet ministries.

Either of the two ways they get to retain their power structure intact… even after NDA 1… after UPA 1… after UPA 2… after NDA 2… there remains a sure continuity of their power, position and influence.

Who is always the sufferer – predominantly the OBCs !! As is always the case.


Is this not contradictory that the brahmin lobby runs along with the SC, STs and muslims to stay in power… and then again these same guys are heading the Sangh pariwar ( and giving us gyaan on Hindutva and… ancient Bharat and… gracing our home and business ventures as veneered PANDIT JI dabbling in endless karma-kanda rituals !!  What a hypocrisy ?? ), the Congress party, the CPI parties, etc.


(( ONE ))

As we are at the cusp / into the LS polls 2019…

Realistic innate realization of some of the core issues facing the majority of the Indian masses (that is > 90 % - 95 % of the population numbers ) must be based on seriously noting down the key issues that have been tried to be elaborated in PART TWO of this blogger post.

Requesting… to please revisit the same burning issues… to get added clarity of purpose.

In consideration of the parts #ONE and #TWO… the most desirable course of action is outlined in this particular section.

(( TWO ))

There are two concurrent processes to be followed by the Hindu OBC caste groups, as detailed below.

A) The Process Of Picking Of A Most Suitable Candidate,

B) The Process Of Exponential Outreach Method,

The outcome to these same concurrently running and totally synchronized overlapping processes might cumulatively take no more than 3 to 5 to 7 to 9 days, at best.

Nothing less than 4-5 days and NO greater than 10 days to be up and ready !!

If these overlapping processes are done most diligently and effectively by a closely co-operative, collaborative set of people. The same acts as veritable force multiplier… of sorts.


The news and vibes that pervade the corporate owned print media and the MSM i.e. the plethora of TV news channels, etc. as also social media… must be thoroughly ignored and rejected in the oncoming 40-45 days time frame… when these same stories/ narratives might strive to derive the popular or populist perception and mood towards a defined political leaning… in favor of or against a certain political party ( say – BJP or Congress ).

For… some highly pre-meditated, orchestrated lop-sided contrived propaganda ( based on some implanted / artificial / false flag events, etc. ) is certainly bound to take place in a calibrated manner, going forward.

That must be rejected as some sort of MSM initiated, instigated high-octane propaganda effort and exercise to create a certain swing in favor of or against certain political party.

(( THREE ))


1) From all those highly influential grouping primarily from the OBC category ( as also a good numbers of SCs, STs ) government service personnel – i.e. from the Judiciary, police, armed forces, bureaucracy, administration, engineers, doctors, lawyers, academicians, media personnel, politicians, etc. in a particular Lok Sabha parliamentary constituency…

They need to group together and organize a local scale meeting to sort out the candidate choice, first and foremost. For that, they need to have a list of all the possible OBC candidates ( in a non-reserved seat ) that seriously want to fight the elections at the said / local parliamentary constituency.

When they conduct their meeting for candidate selection… the candidates may be preferably present ( in case they are not widely known across the OBC group or in the parliamentary seat or constituency )

2) They need to choose one local level candidate that is the MOST suitable candidate who might fulfill the broad spectrum concerns and aspirations of the people of the nation that constitutes no less than 54 % and above of the marginalized Hindu OBC super-class of the nation… if he were to be elected as an MP from the local constituency.

So… there could be those candidates who are fighting from the established national level parties like – BJP, Congress, CPI, etc. and then some from the regional level parties like – SP, BSP, RJD, JMM, JDU, TMC, BJD, AGP, TRS,TDP, DMK, AIDMAK, JD-S, etc. as well.

The idea is to select one and only one particular candidate out of possibly dozens, for one specific constituency.

3) The so selected candidate may or may NOT belong to BJP or Congress party.

Quite possibly… the candidate of choice could be preferably hailing from a regional party. This regional party may or may not be affiliated to any national party, at least, before the polls.
Alternatively – the best scenario is… the chosen candidate might be a local well-established or quite well known personality who intends to stand as an independent candidate… perhaps from a small or regional level party. And, there is a certain high chance of his or her win-ability.

4) So, an on-the-fly close… an OBC high-powered co-ordination committee may be formed ( in no greater than 3-5 days !! ) from a set of people mainly from the localized OBC groupings ( with external support and close observation from the SC, ST stalwarts… that does not lead to direct interference in the choice of a certain OBC candidate. But, the idea is to make the process much simpler in the entire candidate selection process. ) within the parliamentary constituency.

A set of senior-most people who are part and parcel of retired/ semi-retired/ working, etc. personnel from the following sections of society/ governance –

a) Judiciary, b) Police, c) Administration, d) Intelligence agencies, e) Lawyers, f) Professors/ Educators/ Teachers, f) Any, all government sector and private sector senior employees, g) political and social leaders, h) caste leaders, i) big businessmen, industrialists, corporate, etc.

Important people from the OBC community MUST be informed about the need to form a core grouping, in a high pitched concentrated effort.

This entire effort is supposed to be a boot-strapping effort.
Until and unless the boots are properly strapped… one cannot be prepared to walk… or run… or fight… or ace an onerous marathon. So… this boot-strapping effort / activity is a vital pre-requisite, of sorts.

The OBCs MUST take co-ordinated help from the local SC and ST social and political leadership as well, in getting their clear cut support and votes.

Using mobile phones, smart-phones and WhatsApp to reach out to the locally known people… they can form a crack team in no time. Possibly within a matter of days. Probably, they can do so within a few hours…to at best a day.

5) As far as choosing the right candidate is concerned. There may be many ways and methods…

a) Selecting the most popular and the best fit for the local constituency… who might have the best possible chance to win the elections… and then deliver on the broad spectrum needs and requirements of the > 90 % of the population segment,

b) There are chances that this might be the most tricky stage of the entire process.

So, at this stage… proper discretion must be utilized by “the most expansive core committee of the OBC leadership”  ( having the tacit aid/ support of the SC, ST local leadership ) to bring down the number of choice from those all candidates that want to stand in the elections… and are representative of different caste or groups from within the OBC fold… so that a minimal list of the candidates must be up for consideration of the OBC core committee.

c) Subsequent to which – either one candidate must be selected who has the support of all the OBC representatives from or for the specific constituency. Unanimously !!

In case of a deadlock… which situation might be most likely… the best process could be to… drawing a simple lottery to pick a lucky name, from the possible list of all the OBC candidates.
Whose so ever name comes up in the lottery process… he must be the declared candidate for the LS constituency.

In case the name is not acceptable to the majority of the OBC core-committee by 51% : 49 % ratio ( Even to the SC, ST external monitoring body by even 65 % to 35 %, say ) then… there may be some simple debate to sort out dissent so that an unanimous candidate is chosen for the local Lok Sabha ( LS ) constituency.

And… this MUST have unanimous acceptance, without any heartburn or any misgiving by one and all.

Moot point remains – OBCs must necessarily send one from their folds to the parliament to be the law-maker.

And frankly… in the very same process the OBCs have been successful in NOT sending another one who might not work for their benefit, if the same person were to be elected as an MP... as is generally the norm.

6) There must be localized group OBC core-committee formation at each and every Lok Sabha parliamentary constituency level.

Again… there may be a macro committee formed… from the OBCs stalwarts grouping together from amongst a maximum of four Lok Sabha constituencies / districts to form a single pool.

Skimmed from this section of the local core committee... to oversee the situation and co-ordinate amongst the neighboring FOUR LS parliamentary constituencies.

There could be several macro-level committees formed in each and every state.

Starting from either the east most, western most, northern most or southernmost and converging towards the central core of the state capital.

7) The macro high-level monitoring grouping from this common pool of the four adjacently located parliamentary constituencies must collaborate to maximize sending one from amongst them… to the parliament… from each of these constituencies.

8) The core committee may also choose to send out a whip message for voting against any specific candidate… if he were expected to prove inimical to the interest of the OBCs, in case if the same individual were to be somehow elected.

( This happens if there is no localized consensus between diverse candidates. Else, in the case of a reserved constituency.)

9) The core committee uses the exponential outreach method to tell the already existing tree network  nodes as regards which specific candidate must be voted.

This must be told clearly and unequivocally.

( Perhaps by a WhatsApp group 255 people may be reached at one go !! )

(( FOUR ))


1) The idea is to build up a people network… akin to a networking tree.

Similar to Multi Level Marketing ( MLM ) companies’ tree structure.

2) Catch an important person from the very same OBC only background… and clearly educate him as regards the salient points of # PART TWO of this blogger post… as the first line of effort.
All one has to do is understand extremely well the nuances of the necessity of having SC/ ST/ OBCs grouping as the winning team… at the helm of affairs after the LS polls 2019.

Since the SC, STs anyway get their respective political representation. So… there is a dire need to massively increase the representation of the OBC MPs after the oncoming LS polls. So that the effective tally of SC, ST, OBC MPs reach near 90 % of the total MP seats in the Lok Sabha.

3) Using a rule book of either 3, 5 or 10 iterative steps… within a matter of few days crores of people may be reached. Provided that each and everyone are diligently involved in the same process.

4) All one needs to do is have an outreach of 3, 5 or 10 people. Tell them the urgencies of the matter that are detailed in PART TWO of this blogger post. And, persist with the linked people to have similar outreach to 3, 5 or 10 people they know in their personal network.

In the second stage… one handpicked candidate is to be chosen by the OBC core committee for mass voting by the OBCs... perhaps this entire process is aided and guided externally by the SCs and STs, as well.

That selected person could be from Congress, BJP, regional party or any third party. The standing candidate could belong to no party i.e. he or she could be an independent candidate.

5)  The idea is to have more than 25 % to 50 % of the OBC vote share in a constituency to go in favor of one specific candidate. And, perhaps the same number of 25 % to 50 % of SC, ST votes as well.

That’s it !!

That seals the deal… and seals the fate of the opposition candidate.

6) Again… any person ( say – branch ) in the tree has need to be aware about his up-line person only and the down linked 3, 5 or 10 people… under him or her.

Again, he or she can choose to know his depth number. This could be indicative of the number of people in the networked system… knowing the iterative effect of 3, 5 or 10.

(( FIVE ))

Rule / Power of THREE :

3 X 3 = 9 ( Depth is : 1 )
9 X 3 = 27
27 X 3 =  81
81 X 3 = 243
243 X 3 = 729 (Depth is : 5 )
729 X 3 = 2,187
2,187 X 3 = 6,561
6,561 X 3 = 19,683
19,683 X 3 = 59,049
59,049 X 3 = 1,77,147  ( Depth is : 10 )
 1,77,147 X 3 = 5,31,441
 5,31,441 X 3 = 15,94,323
 15,94,323 X 3 = 47,82,969
47,82,969 X 3 = 1,43,48,907
1,43,48,907 X 3 = 4,30,46,721  ( Depth is : 15 )

(( SIX ))

Rule / Power of Five :

5 X 5 = 25 ( Depth is : 1 )
25 X 5 = 125
125 X 5 =  625
625 X 5 = 3,125
3125 X 5 = 15,625 ( Depth is : 5 )
15,625 X 5 = 78,125
78,125 X 5 = 3,90,625
3,90,625 X 5 = 19,53,125
19,53,125 X 5 = 97,65,625
97,65,625 X 5 = 48,828,125 ( Depth is : 10 )
 48,828,125 X 5 = 24,41,40,625
24,41,40,625 X 5 = 1,220,703,125  ( Depth is : 12 )

(( SEVEN ))

Rule / Power of TEN :

10 X 10 = 100 ( Depth is : 1 )
100 X 10 = 1000
1000 X 10 =  10,000 ( Depth is : 3 ) = Ten Thousand Only
10,000 X 10 = 100,000
100,000 X 10 = 10,00,000  ( Depth is : 5 ) = Ten Lakh Only
10,00,000 X 10 = 1,00,00,000
1,00,00,000 X 10 = 10,00,00,000 ( Depth is : 7 ) = Ten Crores Only

This might yield more than 400-450 Lok Sabha MPs from the folds of SC, ST OBC groupings !!

And… no less. Please take note.

Some set of perceptive, smart, active and result-oriented people must get rolling. Now… is the best of times !!

Thanks !!

< EndOfPost >

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