Monday, August 31, 2015

My Political Status, Leanings.

My Political Status, Leanings

Summed up in one word as-of-today - NONE.

But there obviously IS a history. So, a few pointers here...

111) During my college days, first year...

While dining at the mess one of the seniors sitting nearby demanded to know -
"You must have turned 18 years. So, would have voted in the LS elections ? Which party you voted ? "

So... he wanted to know in front of several others ?

Since this was NO sacred knowledge to be kept to myself alone, so... unmindful of diverse others dining there, I said "BJP".

This pleased him a lot. We all discovered then that he was a BJP 'bhakta'.

I resumed dining. After sometime that specific senior student left.

Then, another senior student, who was dining nearby and quietly listening to our "BJP" talks. I guess he was a bit unsettled by our 'so overtly public' opinions/ conversations.

He... all of a sudden came to life...

Growling, glaring and hissing - "Keep your political views to yourself. DO NOT publicly discuss all this stuff. It will be good for you. For... there might be others who will have yet another political leanings. You stand to piss them off unnecessarily."

I realized/ could plain see that he was a BR Ambedkarite, nay... an EVR Periyarite.

To his genuine retort, I nodded OK.


Later I realized that he thought that BJP as a party meant Brahmin, Bania DOMINATED party.
By Brahmin ( ALL the Brahmins ALL across India ). And, Bania meant predominantly Marwari and Gujju Banias <- His take.

Incidentally, and actually this stands even so NOW.

These are the guys who rule the roost.


NOTE NOW :: What a sea change, NOW !!

BJP is hell bent on "Social Engineering". Trying to WOO dalits, mahadalits, tribals, Adi-Dravidars, minorities, Muslims, etc. ALL across INDIA onto its' band-wagon.

222) Last year, just before the LS elections, I got to meet an old friend.

After some conversations...
I inquired ( though knowing well the answer ) - "Which party will you vote in the LS polls ?"

He smilingly answered - "You know- even if a KUTTA (DOG) fights on BJP ticket, I'll vote him."

I smiled.

And... conjectured - "mE too !! ... Difference is... even if she is a bitch !!"

333) Last year, preceding the polls and even later I was a wee bit more inclined towards following news on TV. Mostly related to electioneering.

This deprived my 9 year old son from watching his cartoons on TV.
Even my wife regularly complained mE over-indulgence with Modi on TV.

I never cared.

One day my son, on NOT getting his cartoon prime time slice on TV, gets royally pissed off and thunders-

"Har samay Modi ! Modi !! SAALA !! Ye Modi mar jaye to accha hoga. !!"
( Meaning - All the time you do Modi ! Modi ! it will be good if Modi dies. )

That way I would NOT be watching news/ Modi on TV and he gets to see his cartoons, he had been deprived of since several weeks.

Angrily, I retorted -
"I DO NOT care if YOU die and Modi lives. For Modi will do good for the country."

This... I am telling my only kid !!

He is much angered.

NOTE :: Then, I saw MODI as the best person for the PM position compared to the other wannabe PM. Propped by MAMA MIA.


... end of pointers.





Seems like obvious... and... I am oft reminded of this saying...

Even if you feed milk to a snake with your hands and allow it to grow in strength and therefore flourish... at your expense... At NIL gains whatsoever accruing to you...

Its natural trait is to BITE. And, a snake will NOT hesitate to bite the hands that fed it.
Hardly matters if it was fed one drop of milk OR one bucket full of milk !!

So with men...

Any set of honorable men would have ensured that the pride, honor and dignity of yet another man MUST remain intact as also of his family. A MUST...

The Govt's action smacks of demonic disposition. Demons, monsters, "RAKSHAS-AS" have basically exposed themselves and marked themselves out for full and thorough destruction. As, I see.

As you all WATCH, I see it coming.

In this respects...
There is a CURSE that pervades/ resonates my mind. And... a VOW. Both shall be fulfilled.


Apparently, seems like...

This Govt. seems to be using ME as a bait to arm twist all my kinsmen to either join BJP or vote for BJP !!

Every single individual has his own choice and political leanings.

Especially, keeping those of my kin who are in ACTIVE politics on tenterhooks... seems obvious to me !!

Another thing - is BJP using these set of NETTED folks to network and gather more people in BJP's fold much against their political wishes/ ambitions ??
Thereby, destroying their political future ?

I would NOT be surprised if that be so. It seems like/ expect that SUCH is the state.


Let me tell this straight - by messing with me is BJP inviting its di-section ?? !!

Which is going to happen sooner or later ? People are WATCHING !! No matter what the Govt. says.
And, the word of mouth spreads far and wide... !!

Stating plain and simple.

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