Thursday, October 1, 2015

RAJAs ( Kings ), AMATYAs ( Ministers ) in BHARAT VARSHA

RAJAs ( Kings ), AMATYAs ( Ministers ) in BHARAT VARSHA

There is a definitive history of Amatyas and Rajas in the history of Bharat varsha.

Whilst... history is replete with...

Kings having perished. Entire royal dynasties destroyed owing to the role of Amatyas. In many an instances, the Amatyas themselves became Kings. In many other instances- the King's rule/ the King-ship/ Kingdom passed onto a foreign invader who became the NEW ruler.
However the amatya retained his cap. Maybe, gained a bigger role/ power/ position/ perks/ rewards/ privileges/ ... ...


Let's take some examples, herewith...

111) Vibhisana was a wise ( and, Hari-bhakta ) minister of King Ravana.

In the epic Ramayana, we see how he becomes instrumental in the whole scale destruction of his elder brother- King Ravana with nearly all his kinsmen.

Yet, at the end he gets to become the King of Lanka. A payoff for him ??

In this context, there is a saying in Hindi...

"Ghar ka bhedi Lanka dhaawe..."

Implied meaning...
>> the informer ( basically a traitor ) from within the house is capable of destroying even a golden kingdom like Lanka.

222) The prime minister ( the chief of the amatyas i.e. the chief amatya ) of the Nanda Kings of the mighty Magadha empire was Amatya Rakshasa.

It is important to note that after the Nanda King was dethroned+destroyed and followed by the ascension to the Magadhan throne by Chandra Gupta Maurya...

Chanakya retained Amatya Rakshasa as the chief of the Amatyas.

So... seems like Amatya Rakshasa pretty well saved his life and went on to retain his amatya-ship. For himself, all his kinsmen and his lineage...

How come he managed this ?? Is a must ponder for any one !!

Could very well imply that he was loyal to the throne of Pataliputra rather than the one sitting on it ?? Or...

Is this to be interpreted that Amatya Rakshasa had a covert ( albeit unspoken ) understanding with Chanakya !!

333) Birbal was yet another amatya in Mughal Badshah Akbar's court.

Made popular by various tales of his wit, wisdom and intelligence.

Even today his lineage continues with gay abandon in the Indian society.
In another form, factor and scale. As, someone was once gloating/ telling.

Although, the Mughals have vanished into nothingness over the same period of time.

444) There was a Southern Kalchuri King BIJJALA II .

( Sometime, during the 12th century AD in the present day Karnataka state. )

King BIJJALA II was often referred to as "Maha-Bhuja-Bala-Chakravarti" aka BAHUBALI.

King BIJJALA II had an amatya by the name of Basavanna. His chief treasurer and confidante.
He would have had many other amatyas, as well.


Now, during the Kalchuri King BIJJALA II's time...
There is an instance of a ruse, a very crafty stratagem employed by someone...
or, perhaps a set of pretty crafty people.

Whilst King BIJJALA II was actually in the process of entrenching himself well AND consolidating his empire.


What transpired was... actually a well crafted setup... something akin to...
A Brahmin man married a lowest caste woman. Something that was NOT allowed those days by the social norms/ rules of the state. Even, by the promulgated royal decree.

There was much furore and social unrest owing to this event...

And, there were demands by ( mainly ) priesthood for tough regal action to deter this.
But, for the majority of the masses this was OK.
This is what they would have wanted viz. Free for ALL ??

Now, whilst...
ANY sane and wise amatya would advise the King to ostracize the couple with some demeaning punishment ( as suiting those days to deter repeat of the such similar offence by the masses ).

And, perhaps best judgement was to send the couple to some other country ( "desh nikala" ).

Seems like... Kalchuri King BIJJALA II was ill-advised and therefore he mis-judged the situation...

And... being a BAHUBALI i.e. "Maha-Bhuja-Bala-Chakravarti" he went with the brawn matter rather than pretty carefully mulling over the future effects of his royal verdict.

( Egregious blunder that would cost him REAL dear and change the course of medieval+modern world history. )

Owing to royal verdict this inter-caste married couple were pronounced to be put to death.
And, this judgment was actually carried out.

Now... it is said/ speculated not without reason that...
there were veiled snakes in disguise who used this instance to foment MUCH unrest throughout his kingdom.

His covert opponents/ enemies used this instance to foment social unrest and create much trouble that weakened his kingdom.
Paved the way for his murder before he could perfectly entrench himself and consolidate his Kingdom.

Ultimately, his premature leave from the royal scene paved the way for the fall of the Southern Kalachuri dynasty, in effect.

Now... as per the URLs...

as also from...


His rule was marked with turbulence, both domestic and social. According the historian Dr. P.B. Desai, Bijjala II became very unpopular with the Virashaiva followers and was assassinated by them. Dr. Desai however does confirm that Basavanna himself was not responsible for this incident.


    Sen, Sailendra (2013). A Textbook of Medieval Indian History. Primus Books. p. 52-53. ISBN 978-9-38060-734-4.

    Dr. Suryanath U. Kamat (2001). Concise History of Karnataka, MCC, Bangalore (Reprinted 2002)



From the above , etc. sections... Can the following be interpreted... ??

In effect... Kalchuri King BIJJALA II's amatya Basavanna who is credited with starting the Virashaiva movement became his nemesis ? IFF, it holds true that the Virashaiva followers
murdered him ? Or, is it perhaps that one of the persons closely related to Basavanna was responsible for the act is a question to ponder ? Someone who had free access to the regal court/ chambers/ the King's resting place ??


Southern Kalachuri Kings reminds one of the Northern Kalachuri Kings...

Kalchuri Kings were Haihaya Vanshiya Kshatriyas.

The Northern Kalchuri Kings... with their centre of power somewhere near the present day Jabalpur, MP ( What about say- TeVar ). They and their Kingdom were ALL replaced gradually and subsequently by Chandelas, Bundelas, etc. dynasties.

But, one will see that perhaps the self-same Amatyas and their lineage flourished and... continued then,
there-after and even to this present day.

How's that possible ?? !!

Well... Well... AMATYA power !! For... AMATYAs DO NOT forget !!


Somavanshi Kalchuri Kings also reminds one of the recent blockbuster movie BAHUBALI.
And, how there are some marked ( uncalled for ) mis-representations in the movie.

555) Minister Vidur was the wisest amatya in Hastinapur's court.

He alone was the ONLY one who clearly recognized, understood and knew that Sri Krishna was NO ordinary person. Rather HE = the PARAM PURUSH. Verily the LORD incarnate HIMSELF.

After the MahaBharata war was over. And, the Pandavas gained the kingdom @ Hastinapur.

Minister ( amatya ) Vidur was retained by the Pandavas. His loyalty lied with the throne.
And, to Dharma. Rather to any person.

666) Amatya Hemu aka HemaChandra Vikramaditya was originally from Sasaram, Bihar.
Actually- a Rauniar bania from BIHAR. Rauniars claim him as their own.

He was a petty officer in the ranks of Adil Shah Suri based in Bihar. Owing to his quick and sharp mind he rose on to become an amatya. Later- the chief amtya.

Later on he was able to consolidate the Afghan fiefdoms under different Afghan chiefs and brought them under one single command viz. under himself.

Consolidating power he went on to reclaim Delhi from the Mughals while Akbar was a "baccha" = kid.
And, Bairam Khan ruled the roost, on Akbar's behalf.

He sure had great military insight and keen strategy. Enthroned himself as a Hindu style Chakravartin Samrat at Delhi in 1556 AD !!

Whilst Hemu was at the cusp of glory. At the point wherein the Mughals were decimated and running helter skelter. So... WIN proclamation WAS but a few moments away.

But then, Hemu had a arrow piercing his eye. He fell inside the elephant howdah.
This was used by the remnants of the enemy to signal a win for themselves.
As such his soldiers panicked. And much disarrayed they dispersed in absence of a veritable field commander.
Whom they took as killed. Hemu was, at best, injured and unconscious.

In effect- he very well was near packing off the Mughals from the Indian scene for quite some while.
Perhaps- for eVer. And, for Good.

This did NOT transpire. Why ?


mE thoughts as a QUESTION -
( food for ze Chief. ze Chief WHO ? Ye ALL know. The maestro truth exhumer. Btw- NOT sure as to his ACTUAL MISSION and VISION !! )

Is it possible that the arrow that hit Hemu came from very near quarters ? Being the sole Commander i.e. a Field General he sure would be having his forces protecting him from any/ all sorts of incoming attack.


Is it possible that a set of few traitors ( having some pre-designs ) going as his men did him in ?

Whilst they saw that he was at the crest of winning the day. They could have taken the opportunity to knock him out from near/ near-to-medium quarters by the best archer ?

Would NOT be surprised if THIS were the case.

NOTE -> In this regards, almost all the Hindu kings of the day in north India did not lend him any tangible military support. Help/ assistance in any form, format and scale.

North Indian Chiefs and Kings especially so from Rajputana, etc. areas were quite strong then.

WHY ? WHAT consideration these North Indian Hindu kings had ?
Was there any ace held by anyone or quite a few of the Kings for future play ?

ze Chief - is there any truth to be exhumed here that you know of ??

In that case- please enlighten by throwing some light !!


There are modern day Amtyas and Rajas in our modern day setup.


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