Friday, September 30, 2016

Jungle me Mangal !!

Jungle me Mangal

Implies => Festivity in... Bihar forests !!


1) Over the last few days... we have seen that one of the MOST learned and high-flying ex-judges of the Supreme Court- Janab MarkAndeya Katju Saheb Ji Maharaj made a reference to Bihar and the whole of the Bihar top leaders ( this includes the Bihar CM, the Dy. CM ( Mr LPY's son ) as well; and... SuMo - the BJP Chieftain ) took the gravest exception.

Seems like... that... these Bihar leaders might be sans any real sense of humor... this is... as per Janab Katju Saheb. Further, seemingly... some Bihar people may have inferiority complex of... some sorts... is a question that may arise in anyone's fertile mind, in this context.

Frankly... this is NOT expected of the TOP Bihar leaders. And, they do NOT have to go on to explain Bihar's legacy... and... the Golden past... as some sort of a justification... to the contrary... interpretations ?

What a BULL ?

Actually, perhaps... the Bihar leaders have to set new path-breaking grounds ? And... walk the talk ?

Perhaps... they are not really upto it... is that the reason that these Bihar 'leaders' are choosing to... be gloating over Bihar's past ? Golden days ?

What about the present day Bihar ?

Are these leaders... really... AND... truly... representative of Bihar's true legacy ?

What sorts of legacy these leaders might leave behind themselves ? Is something whose answer, to some certain extent, must be sought within this post, by the readers. Which remains... one of the key objectives of this post.


Incidentally, I being originally from Bihar myself - had a hearty laugh... after... quite a while. See... I had told in my previous post/ earlier to watch out for... Janab MarkAndeya Katju Saheb Ji Maharaj. For... his livewire brand of wit, wisdom... and humor. That he has wit is obvious from such a wise crack ( ? ) on a set of fellow Indians - Biharis.


Make no mistakes...

No doubt the best of the military strategeists and think tanks of THE land left Indra-Prastha ( seems like Lord Indra was made to depart from here ) aka  Hastina-Pur ( or, Hasti-Napur ? ) and they smartly chose Patal-i-Putra ( modern day Patna. ) ( Btw... why alluding to 'Patal' and 'Putra' in the word- Patal-i-Putra ? ) as the seat of power of the great Magadhan empires. Owing to... perhaps continual threats and hordes of the marauders appearing on the NWFP and Afghan fronts, courtesy the waves and waves of them... barbarians... of yore.

This was more than 2000 years back. Those times, and even now, best brains of the land resided in Magadha. Like... ( say ) Chana-Kya.

There is a lore that Chana-Kya's father died quite early, whilst he was a kid. Fact is... Chana-Kya was very devoted to his mother. The mother/ son lived in almost abject penury. And... in his early days... when Chana-Kya wanted to get hold of some of his fav. Chanas ( grams ) to satiate his hunger... he was seen going around and asking for Chana... "Chana Kya ?" Hence...

Btw... I guess Chana-Kya was very fond of Sattu.

Would anyone believe that a Kerala Namboodiri priest will have a name like Chana-Kya ? Never.

So... do I make clear... once and for all whether... Chana-Kya was from Bihar or Kerala ?

Be your own judge !!


Now... we have to really assess whether Janab Katju Saheb Ji has any real wisdom ? Knowing that... he is actually an expert on his domain... of the "sea of the laws" ( compared to the "laws of the seas" of ze Capt. )... having waded through them choppy seas/ waters through-out his professional life ? And... using the 'gyaan' and the interpretation... having meted justice to countless people out of his wisdom/ knowledge/ perception / interpretation of the laws of the land ? Over the past 35-50 years of his chequered career ?

How come... after knowing so much of Indian laws... and each and every nuances thereof... he is actually threatened by the Bihar CM and other top leaders... of being booked under sedition laws ? Sans a proper explanation or apology ?

Why ? Why so ?

Why is an explanation or apology sufficient enough for situations that might really require booking Mr Katju ( and, such similarly placed individuals ) under some cock-and-bull sedition law(s) ? Under whatever pretext ?

Seems like- there is some lacuna here ? Sure... there is.

For... there cannot and must not be... any... ifs and buts. Diverse interpretations. One has to see any/ all the underlying (c)overt - intent, motive and motivations ?

But... at the end of this all... bending before the threat of probable/ impending court cases... Katju Saheb Ji chooses to apologise. I guess... he should NEVER have done that... being a former SC judge. Thereby, he himself sets a wrong precedent. Actually... admitting that he made a mistake. By choosing to be pliable... he lost out being a role model... for the naive public, at large. He should have clearly thought out the consequences, before tweeting, being an honorable and highly knowledgeable SC ex-Judge.

This act of his actually implied... that either - 1) he actually really DID made a 'genuine' mistake in the eyes of law ? ; Else... 2) he, in all his wisdom, did not want to get involved with the Bihar 'leadership' and in fighting court cases ? Else... 3) All his life he has NOT been really too good at interpreting laws. Does this imply that this might have impacted his judgments, and meting out justice to all and sundry ? are questions... that obviously arises... and... that might still confront and... confound/ confuse anyone/ everyone.

Seems like... is it that Janab Katju Saheb Ji does NOT know the Indian laws good enough, is a question that confronts all ? Else, why might he make statements that might expose him to the risk of being booked under sedition laws ?

Now... are there to be cases whence... one is booked under 'almost dead and not as per the times' laws under the whims and fancies of anyone in power ? Say... what about... were this to happen to a... Supreme Court ex-judge ? In which case, I guess that ALL the legal luminaries across the country might gang up against the legislature, and well. For... this precedent... exposes them to potential future risks of similar such 'entrapments' ?

Is it possible that... (Mis)use of any law(s) ( esp. draconian laws ) might be construed as having some... underlying criminal or political intent by those in governance consenting to its' application on ( say ) some particular case basis ? is a question and a serious challenge... the legislators and the legal fraternity MUST seek to resolve. Public MUST put adequate pressure for this. In which case there MUST be... severe liability and penalty for those in authority - initiating brazen misuse of laws against peaceful and innocent individuals.

Seems like... Janab MarkAndeya Katju Saheb Ji Maharaj should have used the word "Biharis" instead of "Bihar". That might have still served the purpose, rather well.

Correct ?

Seems like... he was presumably suggestive of the dismemberment of the country. So... sedition laws come into picture ?

One may wonder -
How very insensitive of an ex-justice of the SC to remotely suggest the dismemberment of India ?  ( This is in lighter vein ) Actually, he should have suggested... take along... at least 25 % / 35 % / 50 % of the Biharis along with the Kashmir package.

And... trust me... Biharis are good enough to solve all the Indian problems once inside Pakistan. That might have been a 'REAL' "diplomatic" offer. In effect- sufficient number of Biharis inside Pakistan might have meant... amalgamation of Pakistan with rest of India. So, the Pakistan problem would have become a non-issue within 6-12 years time. And... a truly lasting solution for all the Indian problems in South Asia. I am sure, those who want Kashmir so bad enough might still have agreed. Depends on the level and depth of the Pakistani wit and wisdom. Actually... Punjabi Sunni brand of wit, wisdom and foresight.

But, who am I to question and provide solution to... the likes of... the beguiling suggestions of... Janab MarkAndeya Katju Saheb Ji Maharaj ?

Not sure... if he was really serious ? Or, whether he had any bad blood with any Bihar folks ? And... why so ?


Quite a few legal and politcial animals/ people make and break people's life... at the drop of a hat/ cap... their judgements... and their pen !!

BTW... if the Bihari muslims ( Mozahirs ) had reached Pakistan in sufficient numbers then, I guess, by now Pakistan would have ceased to be a thorn for us Indians ? is a question that may confront any/ all ?

2) Once again... coming from an ex-justice ( honorable ) of the SC Janab MarkAndeya Katju Saheb Ji ( honorable again ) Maharaj is the following pearl of an article on Bihar's prohibition... and the recently (re)enacted prohibition laws -

( Seems like - Janab MarkAndeya Katju Saheb Ji Maharaj has a penchant for things... from Bihar. What might be the real root cause ? )

After reading the above post...

Assuming that the Bihar CM's position on prohibition is guided by his political aims and aspirations rather than social benefits.

Can Mr NK, the Bihar CM, ever hope and aim to win in a major way, in the LS polls in 2019 or even the state assembly polls in 2020 ?

Are the natural questions that comes to one.

3) When I read the above posts... and the nitty-gritties thereof, I recall the wise advice I had receieved vide the blog posts... from Shri Rajeev Kr KulShreshta Ji ( almost more than three years back )... this free advice is... freely available for all... and sundry...

@ , and


else one of his other web-sites... powered by him.

In this post... he advises... in case, one wants to have a peaceful, dignified, contented and happy existence then one MUST willfully stay away from the... "THREE COATS" .

He explained thus... the three coats as -

a) petti-coats

( petty coat ain't that petty he suggested; esp. for those seeking to walk the spiritual path in any manner ).

A veritable trap, of sorts.

Two epic examples follow -

Ravana tried to get Sita. Was eventually ensnared and entrapped. This destroyed him and his entire clan.

Su-Yodhan and Su-Shashan... tried to unravel Draupadi's sari in the court room. This eventually led them being labelled... Dur-Yodhan and Duh-Shashan... and, led to the MahaBharata war... which eliminated the entire clan of the Kauravas.

b) Black-coats

Perhaps... some of the lawyers and their penchant for getting their clients in endless court cases that destroys their clients and renders these black-coats - outwardly happy and peaceful; and... for sure- prosperous and much dignified. Whilst the same/ similar resources are sucked out of their clients, drop-by-drop. For... quite few of these guys... court proceedings are like... open-ended... wind-falls for them... that draws on for, say - 5-10-20-30-40-50 years, on occassions.

Perhaps the post might have implied the judges, as well.

Perhaps the whole trade/ traders of law - all form, format and scale.

That... one must seriously stay away from these guys. No matter how... and... no matter what ? Those... wearing black coats and robes !! if one has to stay peaceful and not embrolied in any disturbances in life.

I take this advice... rather seriously.

c) White-coats

Not sure here what coat he implied. I recall that he might have referred to the 'white coat' worn by the doctors / nurses.

One must always perennially strive to stay hale... and hearty... and healthy.

i.e. so that one MUST not be ever taken sick or ill. So that... one does NOT have to be under the guidance of a nurse or a doctor ( wearing white coats ).

This way... one is safe from the myriad of the clutches of... these 'white coats'. Always and ever.

To get the real gist of his message... one must visit his blog to find that particular post. Verbatim.


His blogs are... master-pieces of sorts. Going by the depth of his knowledge and the sheer command over the language he possesses.

He... reveals... quite some... truths.

And... he throws quite some light on the spiritual aspects of Sanatana Dharma. At the same time... trashing the religious aspects of spirituality. Tantra... generally and mostly... deals with the religious aspects. It never takes one to SatyaPurush and SachKhand, per him. If I got him right. Tantra... might be all about and around the KAAL PURUSH. To start with... he recommends going through "Anurag Sagar" and... "Kabir Bijak".


Coming to the point... have seriously taken his advice... for good. Knowing that the same is coming from a... SANT.

So... my resolve to stay away from these three-coats... or turn-coats... no matter what... refrains me from getting sucked in any bhortex... nay, vortex that retards may design, create and lay... for ensnaring... some other retards.

Frankly... I do NOT come in the picture. Anyone tries to get me in the picture... chances are... you destroy yourself.

For... am I perhaps... good... from where I come from !! And... am I going to prove how ?


Now... in this context... coming to the 'white coats'... some revelations here...

Fact remains that... my physical well-being was nuked by two allopathic retards... posing as 'expert' doctors. That somehow... seems to have taken me out... from the game of life, over the last so many years. Else... who knows I might have been good enough to float enterprises that might have employed... ze guys who can condense 120 line codes to 4 lines. Many of them... smarties.

Truly and humbly stating.

I suppose it might be time that some of these incompetent docs... face... some real heat. Desirably, intending to engineer a mega-split in their massive earnings.

<< --- End of FEW QUESTIONS and THOUGHTS --- >>


Refernce #2 above...

The current JDU Chief who is the Bihar CM has ruled Bihar as CM for over 10 years, in alliance with NDA ( read, this => BJP => RSS ).

During two consecutive terms, that is - 1) 2005 to 2010 and, 2) From - 2010 to 2015 term. As the Bihar CM.

Over these same years, the revenue accruals of the Excise Dept. went almost TEN folds. From almost INR 500-600 crores/ annum levels in the fiscal 2004-2005 to almost INR 5,000-6,000 crores/ annum levels in the fiscal 2014-2015.
During the same period of a decade long rule under Mr Nitish Kumar, Bihar saw a TEN fold increase in the number of Govt. sponsored liquor outlets. So... a jump from 600+ outlets to something like 6000 outlets !! If this is the bare truth...

Can anyone believe this ? This... Su-Shaasan thingy ?

Was that an indicator of- Mr NK's "Nischay" ( = resolve ) right after... 2005 ? For... Mr NK is known for his "Nischay" ( = resolve ) alone !

In case Mr NK had not imposed prohibition in Bihar and he were to rule for another two terms... i.e. from 2015 till 2025... then might we have seen these outlet numbers increasing to... a whopping 60,000 ?? ( from the current generous level of 6000. Actually- a ten fold increment we have actually seen between 2005-2015 ?? So... similar expectations, based on simple extrapolations.) is a simple question that might not need to elicit any sorts of answer.


Wish... the Bihar GSDP ( Gross State Domestic Product ) had grown similarily ! i.e. TEN folds. Or, is this really the case, under Mr Nitish Kumar ?

Are there any data in this regards as pertaining to Mr NK's "Nischay" ( = resolve ) on Bihar's purported GSDP ?

In which case- one must consider the GSDP metrics to be a measure of the true and real achievements of Mr Nitish Kumar over the period of his rule 2005-2015 . His "Nischay" ?

Otherwise -

Do we consider the ten/ twelve fold, overall, all-round increase in over a decade ( 2005 - 2015 ) to be symbolic of Mr Nitish Kumar's achievements ( = "Nischay" = resolve ) on all the fronts ? Achievements to boast of, in this regards, might include -

a) ALmost TEN to TWELVE fold increase in the number of liquor outlets across the state,

b) ALmost TEN to TWELVE fold increase in the NETT revenue accruals to the State Govt., from the diverse Excise collections across the state of Bihar,

c) ALmost TEN to TWELVE fold increase in the number of people accustomed to, or habituated to the consumption of liquor ( country or IMFL ) over this same period of time ? Is a question that comes naturally and logically... in light of a) and b) above ?


Is the above, the direct- product/ by-product/ middle-product/ end-product of "Su-Shaasan" ? I mean any/ all of -

a) Governance,
b) Better Governance ( compared to the last Govt. ),
c) Good Governance ( by any/ all standards ),
d) Best Governance ( top line, i.e. best in class Governance, pan India !! ); else
e) Worse / Worst Governance ( by any/ all standards ) ?


Is a question that everyone MUST... and ought to ask themselves ? As regards the JDU chief turned CM again ( his win in 2015 is... Hat trick of sorts ) brand of developmental agenda ??

Clearly he believes in walking 100 steps up the ladder ( 10 steps per year for 10 years )... and then demolishing the ladder altogether. And, leaving everyone accustomed and habituated to using the same ladder, in steps... to be in the lurch and in his vicious grips... in terms of the laws enacted by him ?

Seems like... he made some electoral 'promise' that he needed to fulfill. Else... perhaps 'true light' and 'wisdom' dawned on him after all these years of running the Govt. as also after remaining in politics for more than 30 to 40 years ??

One, but, cannot help asking this question.

One can easily comprehend the sort of leadership he is capable of providing. This Su-Shaasan thing. And... what might happen if he were to don the mantle at the centre i.e. he were to ever become the PM of the country. Seems like - by giving this livewire example to the nation... will he ever get to be even someplace near the chair of the PM's seat of this country... ? is a thought that repeats again and again to me.

My answer is a... plausible... NO !!

I think and suggest this to Mr NK - that his inherently worst political enemies posing as 'think-tank' friends have actually put him on the wrong track. By advising and goading him on this prohibition thing. Of which, he is making ALL hue and cry across ALL the other states he has been visiting. As far as blossoming of his political career at the national level goes, it might NOT help him at all. Rather, the contrary, I guess.

My bland observation, sans any and all prejudice. Just... watch out.

In case I were to achieve what he sets out to... i.e. in case I were in his chairs... I certainly might have done this in a rather trend-setting manner. Perhaps - ratcheting down the numbers of the habitual drinkers, gradually, over the years. Tightening screws on them. Increasing the revenues by raising the taxes, heavily. Rather than abruptly putting a full stop to the army of drunkards he has manifested out of thin air over the previous decade of his rule. And, now... making many of these habitual drunkards- criminals overnight; were their craving for some sneaky indulgences with liquor to be netted by any... even... small-time legal authorities.

He is comparing the crime stats ( reduction thereof ) and peacefulness in the villages/ and the overall society compared to the last two regimes.

Ironically... and funnily...
the last two regimes were Mr NK's only.
So... is he comparing his current rule with his past rule ?? Setting a standard !!

Or, shall we say this better ... his current rule with the past ( probably ) misrule and draconian policies of his predecessor ( = himself ), in office ? Wherein what he actually achieved was akin to... "Daaru ka nadi bahaya" i.e. rivers of liquor flowed freely. That might have implied... Nirvana... for many a 'bewdaa-s'.

Has anyone heard anything like this ? Ever before ?

Is that an indicator of - Mr NK's "Nischay" ( = resolve ) @ 2005 and onwards... till 2015 ?

Seems like... the tubelight of the think-tanks behind him and guiding and advicing him... is becoming ON, only after 10 years of his party's rule ?

Ever heard of this style of... "Nischay" = firm resolve ?


Now... after the Captain and his mates have set me up for 'watching' ( = overt surveillance ) and there is NO denying and doubt that the Central Govt. ( BJP + RSS ) are in cahoots... for very BASE political gain. Else... they DO NOT have to be be sitting idle for EIGHT/ NINE months ( till January 2015; after the Jharkhand elections are over and the Jharkhand state Govt. is formed by BJP ), without informing me, in any ways. I would NOT be surprised if... some of these of my kinsmen... who got BJP sops and swords... a few of them might still have some 'gun of sorts' = (c)over threats, directed at them.

Resultant reaction...

Last year... I had most aptly trashed PM Modi's pre-election Bihar special package. PM Modi announced this from Arrah, Bihar as if he were giving money out of his... own deep pockets. Like a MahaRaja... to... some FATICHAR beggars. The way he did this... insulted the Bihar people. And... actually really deeply offended me.

So... I compared the same 'special package' with the bullet train package for Gujarat.

Thereby... openly... trashing BJP's chances in the Bihar polls. This perhaps resulted in some ministerial berths parked with the Jharkhand CM to be passed over onto two 'surya-vanshi' fellows ( who were already heavy-weight minsiters )... at the behest of perhaps our home minister, GoI. So... one sees clearly that WHO ACTUALLY gained. And... who MIGHT BE pulling the strings. Effectively... the carrots of some ministerial berths shown to few of my kinsmen were actually... shoved aside and... passed on to few others. As...  some sort of punishment ? I guess... BJP central and state leadership might be mind-games-managing them even now, having actually thoroughly used them. This is my observation and perception of things as they are. Sounds... much like the Capt.'s and his mates's - games and... endless mind-games.

BJP will 100 % reap rich dividends for messing with mE. For... BJP's staying ALL quiet till Jan, 2015 means... 100 % complicity with Capt. and mates. Plain and simple.

Seeing that BJP is playing vile and foul...
had openly favored the then Bihar CM, Mr NK ( of JDU ) in his quest/ run-up for the 2015 state assembly polls. Intention/ Motive/ Motivation was ... an antidote to BJP claiming power... in the state of Bihar. There remains NO doubt that this might have eventually and definitely gone in to help Mr NK eventually win the Bihar polls. Importantly here... BJP's messing with me, went in his favour. This is... 100 % fact.

If Mr NK gets the idea that some PK guy helped him win Bihar, again. Whom he rewarded by making a cabinet minister.

Well... well... well... that could be  an erroneous line of thinking. Reformat that. Highly likely that whilst the likes of LPY and his clan will survive and flourish, I doubt, that Mr NK's own political future might be that secure, down the road. Forget... all about any central role... and becoming PM.

This is a thought that keeps on repeating, again and again,
after watching the 'flop-flop' this year.

Seems like... Bihar people got what they actually deserved. King is a mirror of his subjects. And, vice versa.

Bole to...
"Jungle mein Mangal"  or... "Mangal mein Jungle" ?
are words that confront me.

Now... a few of the metrics for real governance could be broadly categorized as -

GOOD GOVERNANCE encompasses the best of JUSTICE and FAIR PLAY. Having the best elements that guarantees LAW and ORDER. And, overall DEVELOPMENTAL well-being, for each and every subject of the state. As also, all non-state people who are an 'ATITHI' to the state.

Now... not being very gifted with words and in the art of playing around with words and their fair play...

The moot question is... has the JDU leadership of Bihar ( this includes the current Bihar CM as well ) been able to deliver... on all the fronts ? Will it ever deliver ? Is a question they MUST ask themselves.

I am least bothered... for I am NO social or any... political animal.

In this context let me put forth a few salient points that merits some keenness of observation -


Since, past 1st of April, 2016... Bihar has become a dry state. Owing to imposition of prohibition. The scale and actual scope of which is aptly measured by the SC Justice Sri Markandeya Katju Saheb in one of his articles on 14th August 2016.

Total prohibition is NO guarantee that people will NOT get the desired 'stuff' in the black or under-ground market. One villager from Bihar, I chanced across in May/ June this year was telling me -

Whilst... it is true that the drinking has come down drastically almost everywhere in Bihar. And almost a great percentage of the bottom of the barrel populace have stopped drinking. But, at the same time - if anyone has money to spend then one may get everything... and... anything... delivered at their house.

Everything and anything means precisely that. Have the right connections and MONEY. Then rest assured... of the services. Perhaps - 24 hours covert, underground services network.

Those who have the right connections with the police are making a huge amount of money. This guy further elaborated that... the country made liquor ( of... 200 ml pouch ) that costs perhaps INR 15 or INR 20 is easily available ( to those in the know ) for INR 70 or INR 80 !!

And, the 400 ml pouch of country liquor worth around INR 35 or 40 is selling for... around INR 120 !!

the Indian Made Foreign Liquor ( IMFL ) that should cost almost like INR 400 or 500 is readily available in the under-ground market for INR 1500 - INR 2000.

So... some political parties and people affiliated to these parties may be making a killing... (in)directly...  by the imposition of prohibition in the state, was something he could NOT outrightly establish or claim. But, his divulgances seemed to state 100 % less-or-so, in that direction.

By... the process of... logical deductions.

Clearly... few set of people could certainly be... "making hay while the sun shines". Now, what might be the extent of this "hay"... is something to actually... statistically figure out.

So... let's quantify... aggregate... based on the raw data supplied.

The Bihar Govt. is losing out at an yearly assured revenue of AT LEAST INR 6000 crores for 5 years. This = 6000 crores X  5 = INR 30,000 crores during the term of Mr NK as CM of Bihar !! Actually, perhaps INR 37,000 to INR 40,000 crores, in fact, over the period 2015-2020 .

With this amount he could have built and adeqautely staffed at LEAST SIX/ EIGHT mega universities like the... Nalanda University... out of this money. During his third... and perhaps the final term as Bihar CM.

Leaving behind a REAL proud legacy behind him. That stays behind, even after 200/ 300 years !!

Do I suggest that -
He has NOT bothered to think out of the box.

But... who am I to tell ? This post is toproide a cue to him, rather than pullhis leg in any manner. After all, I have supported him.

Now... Some STATS...

Now, let us presume that post the prohibition in Bihar... almost 85 % of the habitually drinking people ( consuming especially the country liquor ) and who might majorly consitute the lower economic rungs of the society ( Esp. in the villages and towns; as also in parts of the cities ) might have at least... 85 % curtailed or almost stopped their regular drinking binge. And, the resulting money outflow from their personal coffers. But then, even this 85 % of people now drinking at best 15 % of their previous levels is tantamount to... the nett outflow from their pockets might still be 40 % to 80 % of their previous regular, legal, drinking binges !! Is something... that one may NOT actually rule out !!

Now... does this rough approximation ring a bell ?? !!


Now, 85 % of the confirmed drunkards and occasional people drinking... 15 % of the time and that too covertly... means that for the upto 99.9 % of the habitual drinkers NOT in actual public glare... there might NEVER be any visible signs of the usual drunkenness, and... the drunken brawls.... and, drunkards committing petty or serious crimes, etc. to be seen anywhere in the public domain. Good actually, this way.

Importantly... the 12 % ( say ) of the moderately moneyed people who have a penchant for drinking either the country-made or the IMFL ( foreign liquor )... may curtail their drinking bouts by 70 % to 80 %. Yet... guesstimating that their overall expenses in this regards might be ( for the much tapered... 20 % or 30 % of the previous drinking binges ) perhaps... 150 % to 300 % of their previous monthly drinking expenses.

The 3 % ( say ) of the remnants... those rich, uber rich and some powerful people habituated to drinking liquor. These guys get the things at their place... at the drop of the hat. For... there certainly has to be clandestine networks to effect the same. Now... those for whom money is NOT a problem... their drinking may be curtailed 50 % to 60 %, at best, or NOT at all.
These guys can easily spend almost 250 % to 500 % ( on case basis ) of what they were previously spending on the head of liquor. Understanding that getting their favourite brand requires paying up... and paying up good. These guys may NOT mind paying up perhaps - 2.5 to 4 times the MRP of the brand.

Quantifying on these lines...

Can one draw that the highly covert, underground boot-legging network throughout the state might rake in something like INR 10,000 to 15,000 to 20,000 crore per annum ?

It is likely that this estimate goes down... over the next few years; alternately... do we say that...
Does this translates to almost INR 50,000 / 75,000 / 100,000 crores to be potentially made... (  over a five year term of the incumbent Government ) by the covert networks/ groups !! Is a question that confronts ?

Does this ring a bell ?? Of the quantum of 'maal' to be possibly made...
in case the law enforcing authorities were to look the other side ? ( Say ) Play... deaf, dumb/ mute and blind ... on case-by-case basis ? After all - we are dealing with human beings ?

This, perhaps, or a good part thereof passes down to those who are part of the the "underground", "covert" network that might have spawned all across the state. And... party to this is certainly... quite some political and criminal elements who have the 'right connections'.

And, this cannot easily and really transpire without the covert blessings of a certain part of the law and order machinery of the state.

And... knowing that... HOW almost all the police postings are done in the states like Bihar. HOW... the LOCAL political bosses, over-lords and under-lings decide and determine the officers that are generally posted in their locality. And... most of these guys are not "doodh ka dhula" types ( i.e. sparkling clean and dead honest types ).

Is this prohibition thingy.... tantamount to... the case of ... "Jungle mein Mangal" ?? for quite a few guys ? is a question that confronts any pragmatic person.

BTW - be your own judge.

BBB) In fact this same person was alluding that, how, there have been certain instances of a set of habitual drinkers who organise a rave party in the forest ( = junglee ) areas. i.e. - out of the village/ town... desolate areas. Perhaps... in the dead of the night.

Let there be no misconception - even the most fearless police personnel might NOT venture into such areas... even in day time. In the diverse badlands throughout the state of Bihar. Where endless feud runs high and dry. And... the life of a police-man and any other man... the common factor is... bullet.

And... funnily... this guy was telling that... one of the habitual drinkers, after attending one such party, was singing -

"Jungle mein more nacha kisi ne nahin dekha."

( Peacocks dances in forest; yet no one is there to watch/ notice. )

This was... way too amusing to learn.

CCC) Overall DEVELOPMENTAL well-being

I wish the present Bihar CM had focused on industrializing the state and tried to get a few IT companies to set up shop, with adequate tax concessions. Lot of Biharis might come back and settle back in the state. Helping in growth of the state of Bihar.

Further, I see no initiative by this Got to open national level ( that goes on to become world class ) educational ( esp. technical and high-tech ) MEGA institutions. That might entail massive investments.

This ways... lots of Bihar guys DO NOT have to go to places like Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, etc. for studies and employemnt.

It is high time that the Bihar Govt. creates a suitable environment in some pockets of the state.


Can the CM ask himself and adequately answer... under his previous TWO regimes... how... lots of people have actually taken to drinking. And, that too when it was legit. How is it that overnight they get to come on the other side of the laws, rules and regulations of the state.

Now, in this context that the offenses in these regards are non-bailable... he and his coterie MUST ask himself...

If, 1,000 - 2,500 ( a rough guesstimate ) are booked under the several provisions of the Bihar Excise (Amendment) Act 2016... then we are looking at a number ( of actually innocent people, who are but, habituated to drinking ), something like -

In a year's time : 1000-2500 X 12 = 12,000 to 30,000 people booked and perhaps sent to custody.

This is equivalent to -

In FIVE year's time frame : ( 12,000 to 30,000 ) X 5 = 60,000 to 300,000 people booked and perhaps sent to custody.

Perhaps, many thousands of these guys might become criminals themselves... once they get into contacts and influence with the regular jail birds.

Does this sound a reasonable bell ? Be your own judge... for... everyone needs to answer once in a while.

And... it is better to be prepared for the 'days "after"' rather than be power drunk.

Make no mistakes... I might have helped out this time, owing to BJP's skulldudgery... but going forward... I think LPY will survive whilst it might NOT be easy sail for you. My gut feeling.

EEE) Does this NOT make sense that those from the armed forces who get the liquor as rations from ( say ) Danapur military cantonment... be stopped from the drinking bouts.

Why spare them. In fact Mr NK should have started his campaign for prohibition from the Danapur military cantonment.

That might have actually made the best sense. Can he still do that ? Is he up to it ?

I might have never written this post. But for the simple reason that I chose to be on Mr NK's side so that he gets over and even with BJP. I DO NOT gain anything. And, I had NO reasons to make any enemies, unnecessarily. But, is this NOT true that BJP has shown that it is in playing mode ( and, real playing dirty ) by keeping silent till Jan, 2015 ( till... past the Jharkhand state assembly elections ) ??

Is the question everyone MUST seek an answer to. Exposes the real character of those at the helm of BJP ? And, RSS ? And, Capt's mate, as well ? And... no matter what the Capt and his mates might say... seems like he is in close association with BJP/ RSS.

If I were any remotest social, political activist or wannabe leader-types I might have entered the fray long back and utilised any and all opportunties to create new paths and break into new grounds and create ( future ) playing fields for myself. In case I desired - I might be good enough for that ? I am not sure. For... having... never done that. Never intended to ?

Understood !

Reference URLs  : -

1) A real eye opener -

Bihar’s Draconian Prohibition Law Will Only Drive the Liquor Trade Underground

 - By Markandey Katju on 14/08/2016 ( 14th August <- NOTE )

- The US National Prohibition Act of 1920 – more commonly known as the Volstead Act

Read this -
" To my mind such tough prohibition laws will... "


The new prohibition law in Bihar, a prohibition measure had already been enacted in Bihar in March 2016 – the Bihar Excise ( Amendment ) Act, 2016.

2) A Dry Run in Bihar
Policemen recover illicit liquor from a field near Gopalganj

... ( 15th August <- NOTE AGAIN !! What a prescience ?? And, rightfully so !! )

On the night of 15 August, illicit liquor took at least 16 lives across the border in his own state of Bihar, leaving the Chief Minister more than just a little red-faced.

3) Prohibition Politics

4) Prohibition Law: Drunk When

5) Bihar: Going too far
Bihar Excise (Amendment) Act 2016 and the revised Bihar Special Courts Act



< EndOfPost >

Friday, September 23, 2016

Wake Up Call

Wake Up Call

Is "Breaking Point" = "Waking up Point" ?


This MUST start off with a due diligence which I want the reader to undertake.


REGARDING my understanding of CAPTAIN and his core TEAM...

Captain is obviously NOT represented by RETIRED sort of service personnel.
As he surely negated my post - "Pakela, Thakela, Bakela".

Rather... perhaps...
these personnel are in active duty ? ( Did I always suspect that to be so ? ).

Capt AV is just the face on the masthead of the chemical tanker nay blog.

I guess... he is representative of...
1) Perhaps very senior IPS officers as also SENIOR ranks from our- armed forces, para-military personnel, military AND police intelligence.
2) These team also comprises or has full access to the resources who are R&D Scientists, Engineers, Researchers ( primarily from the Defence Establishment ) of our country.
3) As also almost ALL the Indian Foreign Services ( IFS ) personnel.

etc., etc.

So... do we conclude - Capt AV is representative of the official National Security Machinery ?

Say... headed by these set of personnel -

aa) The National Security Advisor ( NSA),
bb) The Chiefs and top ranks of the armed forces,
cc) Heads of the Intel units of our internal/ external - military apparatus and the police. Esp. the intelligence agencies.

etc., etc. ??

Seems like ostensibly so.

Say... WHAT about...
A set of people forming the core national security team. Not sure if they number 10/ 20/ 50/ 100 or whatever ?

My guesstimate is ( say ) - 12 or 25 or 36 !! ??


Most of these people could be UNDERSTANDABLY majorly from Bihar and UP. Especially the IPS officers and senior officers in the armed forces. And, all the intelligence agencies.

As also majority of the core team personnel could be hailing from the BiMaRU states ( States of - Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand ). Actually - mainly the Hindi speaking states.

Perhaps mainly - in the IPS, IFS category, intelligence agencies AND in the armed forces.

And, maybe, courtesy the TABULASSION factored in ( as per my understanding and as also per Capt AV's ) mainly... HAIL from BIHAR, Jharkhand and Eastern UP. ( Capt's gung ho take on CO2 and Methane - alluding to Tulsi and Kabir surely confirms my suspicion ? )

NOTE this. MARK this.

Of ALL things, the Capt and mates love setting up and framing innocent people in order to... WATCH. And... making movies out of it.

As also... allowing the world to WATCH me in my private family space. Is this a tell-tale eye-opener of the sanctity of the Sanatana Dharama ? No matter, how much these set of guys... exhume the truths of Sanatan Dharma.

Is the Captain and team part of... the NDA-2 Govt headed by PM Modi - esp. the Home and the I&B minister ?

So... this actually tells on the type of the NDA-2 govt. ?

Or, is it the other way round. Meaning that our Govt. and our security apparatus has NO control IF any INDIAN can be watched live ( real time ) from anywhere in the world by even other countries ?

I would NOT buy that. There has to be necessarily... a Govt. consent.


111) The NDA Govt. we have voted to power is showing its' true colors.

We people have openly supported and voted it to power. Have we done right ? NO !!

Does it seem like ArKej ( Delhi CM ) was CORRECT in predicting ahead of May, 2014 polls-

"Ye desh nahin bachega" ? In the case that BJP came to power.

As I had stated earlier - the BJP+ parties came to power in mid-May, 2014. Then-after, we had Jharkhand state polls. Where BJP won and formed the Govt. in Dec, 2014.
Till that time everyone was in sleeping mode. Repeat... EVERYONE.

For... almost a great part of a year... everyone of these guys were silently watching me... in my bedroom.

BY everyone - I mean the NDA-2 Govt. as also the Captain with all his team/ mates.

Even the Captain, in one of his blog posts, in Dec, 2014 shows a sleeping cat, in a basket.

Then, on the last day of Jan, 2015 I get to understand that I have been under ACUTE Govt. watch.
Perhaps since Q3 or Q4, 2013 or Q1, 2014.




222) Chief has been thoroughly consistent with his outlook towards myself.

Giving a few examples here -

a) He 'gave a bloody nose' ( perhaps ) to me,

b) I destroyed his ship in the first sojourn itself,

c) He questioned my 'oopar ka thalla' during mid-Dec, 2014. Even - threatening endless court cases that keeps me engaged for decades. And... totally destroys me in the process. Barring an apt explanation.

Explanation for what ? And, why ? And... why... any court case ?

d) Suggesting that...there are people jumpig over ( almost ) dead father,

e) How he has been kind enough so that ... one does not have to report at a police station. Why ?

May I know why ? Please ?

Yet... he has allowed WATCHING since Q3, Q4, 2013 or perhaps Q1, 2014 !!

333) I am NOT sure who ALL people constitute this guy's team. Btw, I would NEVER expect a Thiyya*** to exhume truths on Sanatana Dharma and then go on to back stab me. My only mistake- I chose to be this guy's follower. Whilst I have always had almost NIL internet presence and foot-stamp in my entire life. Esp. in any and all sort of public and social media, till date.

*** Thiyya Mahasabha in the Malabar areas of Kerala claims that the Thiyyas are mainly originated from Kyrgyzstan, etc. countries. Seems like the Malabar Thiyyas have been trying to drive a deep wedge between themselves and Ezhavas !! So that the same thing cascades to other parts of the country.

Again, it seems apparently true that the ancient Buddhist rulers of India ( if NOT already converted to dalits ) might have been shoved up the palm trees to tap the palm arrack/ toddy by the priestly class. Ask the Nadars.

And... the Jain ancient rulers ( say- the Kalchuris ) have been tasked to brew liquor by the priestly class. And... a new breed of kshatriyas have taken root. Seems truly the real picture of this country. But... WHY ? such a segregation ??

I suspect that... going forward the priestly class ( brahmins ) desires to get the Americans+ Europeans+ Australians on board; perhaps as Kshatriyas from Mars ? Russians might become Kshatriyas from... say, mercury or venus ?

If they come from space or by air, all these guys may become Akash-Vanshi Kshatriyas ? Or, perhaps Mangal-vanshi kshatriyas.

Question is - Why ? What might be the root cause. Interestingly this Thiyya Mahasabha as well as the Captain's blog comes up in the year 2009 !! I hope I am right on this.

May, 2009 post on Nikolai Tesla reminds me of the new govt. of Dr MMS ( UPA2 ). And potential EVM frauds.

Recalling - Tesla used -

a) the natural resonant frequency of any item; Perhaps this item may be of magnetic nature.

b) coupled with energized electro-magnetic beams in a/ different frequency/ frequency ranges.

c) Producing an induced emf... actually this translates as... current made to flow wirelessly/ remotely in a distant electrical/ electronic circuit/ system/ sub-system.

The system need NOT be powered on... by traditional means. This means that only sufficient and minimal power is to be generated... to re-work on ( say - the EVMs ) EEPROMs data !!

Does this ring a bell !!

<<<o>>> <<<o>>>


Now... there are 2-4 dominant caste groups in Bihar.
These guys... gained toe-hold... and dominance on the back of Islamic conquest of this region.

Later... they got re-inforced and much re-entrenched by/ during the Mughal rule.

Again, rendered pretty well entrenched during the times of the British rule. Effectively.

And... after the independence of the country... have been calling the shots and gone in an ever expansive mode. Way too good for them, at the expense of rest of the others. Now... quite a few of these guys are pretty well entrenched in almost all the western countries. Say... in the Miltary Industrial ( MI ) complex of many western countries... like the USA... over the past four-five decades.

These are the guys that will surely benefit the most with LEMOA !! As former diplomat MK BhdraKumar Jee might have alluded to this. As these guys will have draconian clout with the Americans, basically... on behalf of the fragile and weak Indian Govt. These guys can get lakhs of own their folks inducted in the MI Complex and the IT industry in India and the USA !!

It is like... they choose to mutually scratch each other's back.

Is this clear !!

Similar dominant caste groups abound in each and every state of the Indian union. And... there is a high degree of overlap in these same caste groups throughout the entire country. And... high degree of cohesion, too.

Now... there is a thumb rule... since these guys have been abounding in all sorts of Govt. jobs... that they do NOT back stab each other. Lest there is fighting between them powerful factions, often based on caste lines. It is NOT that this does not happen. But then.... that is actually gone rare, in due course of time.

So... 100 % likely that any of these guys... can surely gang up and back stab someone else. Especially those that are not organized or highly networked in the society. And... then in that case one cannot do much. Sooner or later... you lose out.

So... I am 100 % sure as regards who all might be behind the expedition against myself.
Esp. after the Jharkhand elections.

In this context... let me suggest that the following people with whom I may TRULY IDENTIFY WITH to a great extent... might be 100 % missing on the Captain's coterie of cats... to a large extent. Even if they were to be on board... they might NOT be believing in the networking as I have seen some staunch caste groups undertake. Hence... they might be mistakenly stab me as well.

( They might have had NO idea that the BJP Govt. at the centre will play around with the kinsmen. And... I have actually earlier written on that aspect. )

Now, in this regards... let me elucidate belows... who all MAY identify with who I may be...


Kalchuri Rajus of Andhra Pradesh. And... those in their line. In this context... reference...


As also - all the Palnati Rajus. Refernce - Palnati Yuddham. Battle of Palnadu.

Is this not strange that the Palnati Rajus destroyed each other's power on the advice of an AMATYA ( Minister ) during their 12th century AD rule.

Whilst at around the same time, another amatya - Basava ( a brahmin ) was instrumental in destroying the Jain Kalchuri ruler Bijjala II. Perhaps by murdering. This ultimately led to the downfall of the Kalchuri power, on the back of rising torrents of VeerShaivism.


Chandravanshiya Haihaya Kshatriyas !!

In this context - the Hayobansi Kshatriyas of the Balia district of eastern UP. Who all... since the 1931 caste census enacted by the Brits. have been calling themselves as - Hayobansi Rajput !! Or, perhaps even earlier.

But... as far as I know they are, indeed, Chandravanshiya Haihaya Kshatriyas aka Kalchuris !!


Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriya
Somavamsha Arya Kshatriya

Bhavasar Kshatriya
Pategar Patvekari Pattegar


Also, refer -

There seems to be NIL networking between these groups.


Chaturth Jains

Oct 22, 2009
The Origin and Culture of Chaturth Jains | Jain Community on Deccan

King Bijjal, a Jain King of Kalchuri clan.

There was another migration when Basava, a Brahmin Prime Minister of Kaluchiri king Bijjal killed the King. Bijjal was a Jain king ruling from Kalyan in Bidar district of North Karnataka. Basava was founder of Veershaivism. After the assassination of Bijjal, there was a civil war between Jains and Veershaiv Lingayats. At this time many Chaturth families migrated to South Maharashtra (Sangli, Kolhapur) and North Karnataka (Belgavi).


The Chaturth Jains site/ community suggests that the dominant Vokkaligas of Karnataka, etc. regions essentially belong to the same racial stock of the Kalchuri Jains who now are called Chaturth Jains.

Check out !! There is a blog link on this.


- Chandravanshiya Haihaya Kshatriyas.

Thathara, Thatera Kasar Kasera Tamera Tambatkar/Tamrakar Tamer Thathera or Thater Tamera





Suggests that the- MudiRajus, ( some or perhaps all the ) Thevars, Gounders, etc. ALL belong to perhaps the same stock of people. The KalaBhras... or the Kalchuris. As also - the Kalchuri Rajus of AP.


Importantly, the following groupings of people, all across the nation MUST take NOTE -

 Kalwar, Jayaswal, Jaiswal, Byahut, Shivhare, Jaiswar
 Ahluwalia, Walia, Somavanshi
 Nadar, Thiyya, Thiyan, Tiyan
 Goud, Shetty Balija, Dadsena, Degsena, Mudiraj, Mutrasi
 Bhandari, Patel
 Kalar, Kalal
 Billava, Villava, Ezhava, Ediga, Idiga, Gowda, Hegde
 Gramani, Sri Sayanas, Idigara, Deevaru, Halepaik, Namadhari, Poojari, Shinde, Deevar, Devaramakkalu, Divaramakkalu, Belchad, Desha Bhandari.
 Shoundik, Sundri, Sundi, Suri
 Rai, Chouksey, Mahajan, Choudhury, Suryavanshi, Malwiya, Jain , Daharwal, Zharya Sahu,
 Purbia, Suwalka, Mewara
 Jaiswal Jain, Sinha, Kosre
 Ediga Gowda ( Gamalla, Kalalee ) Goundla Settibalija


The NATIVE banias of BIHAR. And... elsewhere around the country -

Sudi, Halwai, Rauniyar, Pansari, Modi, Kasera, Kesarwani, Thathera, Patwa, Sinduriya-Bania, Mahuri-Vaishya, Avadh-Bania, Agrahari-Vaishya, Teli.


And... the Nagas... I mean the tribals MUST be awake and watch whilst the BJP/ RSS leadership spars with me. And... this includes the Captain and mates, as well.

It will be good if you all guys... give me some company.

MOST IMPORTANTLY... and... NOT the least... reference the book -

"The Yadavs of India" by Dr SwapanKumar Ghosh

Listing the following Yadavas as part of the great Yadu Vansh ( Lunar race ) -

Ahir/ Ahuk/ Abhira Kings, The Rashtrakutas

Bhojas, Trikutakas

The Kalachuris


The Yadavs of Devgiri, The Yadavs of Vijay Nagar

Bhatti Yadavs, Jat Yadavs

Chedi Kingdom of Kalachuris, Chandellas of Bundelkhand

Chalukyas of Badami, Chalukyas of Kalyani, The Eastern Chalukyas

The Nagas,

The Pals of Bengal, The Ghosh of Bengal, The Varmans ( Barman/ Burman ) of Bengal

The Pallavs, The Maukharis, The Pandyas



Going forwards... I DO intend to incite and... provoke !! Make NO mistakes about it.

Make NO mistakes.

Cap-Ten make note. Please !!

< EoP >

Listen to this... and listen good

Listen to this... and listen good

At the outset... let's get a few facts straight...

1) A perspective -

Prior to 2013/ 2014, there has been almost NIL instance of my ever being on any social networking site. Have never used- twitter, facebook, blogger, etc. to express any of my views how-so-ever (in)significant. Or, even to interact with any persons known or unknown to myself. In case ever required, I would call up someone known to me directly or, else reach by means of any of the free e-mail access providers. The usual norm.

But, this changed in 2013 when I chose to follow the 'friendly' Capt AV's blog. Later in 2014... when I started blogging, but, with a purpose.

Why blog ?

When... obviously there are pretty much highly knowledgeable, skilled and renowned experts in every field I might have touched upon in my blog posts ( and, 100 % reactively posted - mark this ) over the last 2-3 years. If these experts are like the sun in their fields... comparatively, I happen to be an insignificant individual with insignificant knowledge, means and ways of expression of the meager knowledge I possess. Ever being humble. I am.

And, there is no way I would make fool of myself and embarrass myself by touching on those areas which are rather not or have never been my domain. In fact, even in my own domain of knowledge/ understanding.... I have never, till date, bothered to write anything (in)significant and post the same on the internet. For, I have always been quite a discreet individual. My inherent nature, to be ever preferring the shadows.

And... undoubtedly I know that there are way too smarter, knowledgeable and highly expert people engaging in writing and posting articles on the internet as also in the MSM. Day in and day out. Perhaps as part of their hobby or job. Never mine.

Point remains that... I would never risk to embarrass myself by touching on subjects that are someone else's domain of expertise until and unless I know that I am almost the best. Or, I might have something urgent that merits to be disclosed or discussed. i.e. if I have got something which is worthwhile to be put forth.

And, that's how I have always thought... and even so now, think. Period.

<< Brief perspective over.

In this context...
Perhaps, recurring thoughts on the Kedarnath tragedy wherein nearly 50,000-60,000 people perished propelled me to air a certain view. Was that to be a mistake on my part ? 100 % true. Seems like, in this country you have to feign to be deaf, dumb/ mute and blind.

And... thenceforth there was NO peace for me.

And... ask anyone who knows me significantly... whether I would blog ? I guess, almost 100 % of them will say NO, Never.

So... initially... what subsequently followed was... someone puts his foot in my router as also the computer and takes almost complete control. And... sensing bigger trouble down the line... apprehensive, I am way too jittery.

Later... these same set of guys invade my privacy. Now, labeling me deshdrohi.

Now... is this... Captain and mates ?

Do you ALL expect me to keep mum and take things lying down ?

See... if I made a mistake of the first degree ( that per you all qualifies me to be labelled a deshdrohi )... then why MUST you ALL not be considered to be the highest degree traitors... at say... hundred degrees ?

"RAKSHAK BAN GAYA BHAKSHAK"  is wrong. Actually - "Rakshak ban gaya Takshak" !! is more apt !! in Capt's and mates case.

For... you ALL have been much more wiser and in the know of things... as they were and are ?

Why must you all mindlessly frame me up ? you think this is good fun ? Part of the games and the mind games the Captain and mates engage in ? Really ? Really so ?

Pray... why NOT engage the same with any of your family members and/ or close relatives and friends ?

And... still is it taking you almost close to three years to finally get at me ? Even, by the massive amount of overt and covert propaganda unleashed by all and sundry !!

This speaks volumes about you ALL guys.

The world is watching intently !!

If you ALL think that you'll put me in a ring to fight, on your behalf and as per the rules set up by you. Can you be sure - that I may better choose NOT to fight at all. Else, to fight on all the fronts. Come what may ?

You ALL want to set me up as a gladiator and see the legal 'Tamasha' ?

Are there NO honorable men and women remaining in our armed forces ? Then how may you ALL best serve the country and save the country's honour in times of crisis ?

Are you ALL people really good enough ? Upto the mark ?

I highly doubt !!

What you choose to dole out... you ALL get back with compound interest one day. The sooner... the better.

Why MUST you give the impression that you ALL netted me, on behalf of the Govt. and the 'close group of patriotic Indians at the helm' ? Whereas the truth is simply that... you have been an accomplice... all along. High order ones.

The pure... crystal clear fact. As it is.

So... DO NOT try to put up false pretense to the contrary. Will you ALL ?

And... don't you forget Capt.( and mates ) that everyone knows that you repeated out multiple warnings during Q3, 2014 for the third/ fourth engineer to return back. And... then doled out the carrot that... you'll be friends ever after. Oh really ??

And still again, during Dec, 2014 you questioned the "oopar ka thalla" ?

Do you all guys have "oopar ka thalla" ? Sure... you have lots of power bestwoed with you as long as you enjoy the uniform. Perhaps, even post retirement for a few high flying guys. And, those with the right connections.


Subsequently, per your estimation... you gave... a 'bloodied nose" by invading my and the family's privacy.
On 100 % cooked up pretext. 100 % and NO less.

To hell with the eternal truths of the Sanatana Dharma !! which you guys have been dishing out for the Western world and mostly for the Indians working in the Western countries ( say - NASA, NSA, Silicon Valley, NY, etc. ).

This speaks volumes about you all people. Us all people. Us all Indians, as a whole.

In this context...
And... is THIS perhaps the reason that the Russians refused to get almost nearly 30 millions of Indians settled on their soil ? Was reading, almost two years back on that there were elements in the Indian establishment that were trying to negotiate the settlement of nearly 30 ( or, was it 300 ? ) million of Indians on the Russian territory. The Russians flatly refused. Is that the reason that we are seeing a dip in our bon-homie and defence deals with Russia ?

Seems like... the Americans and the NATO countries of Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, etc. countries might have been able to cut a deal with the new Modi Govt. ?  This is something the majority of the people groups in this country MUST thoroughly understand and investigate. Their future may hinge on the underlying reason/ plot ? Suggestion - touch base with the Russians on this count.

Rummage through - over the past 2-3 years.

Reference or jump to... #9


But... let's be clear... insignificant knowledge and understanding does NOT necessarily mean that one remains deaf and dumb.

Especially... post my postulations on the Kedarnath tragedy... I had a harrowing time... and had to engage myself in tabulassion, in order to keep apt record.

Never did this... tabulassion. Never would do so. But knew that something was terribly wrong. So, it makes sense to better... tabulate events.

In this context... can anyone imagine if someone's licensed firearm is being illegally used by rogue person(s). Now, if one is sure of that usage. But, one cannot make out who this rogue guy happens to be ? Can any wise person tell me... what they might do ? If anyone happens to be in my place ? Having never had brush with law, courts or the police - what MUST one do ? Can the Capt and mates ideate please ?

Especially knowing that any internet connected device, whether be a - desktop/ laptop/ smartphone, tab, etc. can be hacked at the drop of a hat. And, any cyber crime may be committed. And, the victim has NO way and means of knowing that (s)he is actually ever SET UP. Even so, if any set of malignant POWERFUL authorities choose to lodge a police complaint and sit on it for a few years. Meanwhile enjoying themselves by unleashing complete surveillance on their selected victim. Is this the way to go ?

Is this the case I am into ? Actually... seems like way too worse... and much near... to this.

Btw- when I refer to the n-state/ n-count tabulassion... can anyone care to tell me who introduced the SSL sockets flaw in the SSL protocol stack ? And, who all might have been mining this flaw/ information... to their advantage... all these years ? What rare event, in fact, led to the discovery of the 'heartbleed' flaw in March/ April 2014 ? Which security agency had this as part of its' arsenal ? viz. a formidable 'frontdoor' into all the IT-enabled services that required a so-called 'secure' login and password for remote log in ?

In this context -
Can anyone tell or guess as to why would Mr Neel Mehta ( of Google Inc, Bangalore ) who first reportedly discovered and reported this major security flaw would donate his USD 15,000 or so of prize money to charity ? Especially to an organisation that is related to journalists and that entails free jounalistic communications over the internet ?

And... importantly... am I anyways part of this picture ? I may NOT be surprised, but, sure I think and believe that I am. Ask... Mr Neel Mehta @ Google Inc. as to wherein he got the logs or the problem reports on the heartbleed flaw ? Was this my google mail account log ?

I guess that...
There is NIL chance that he might ever give an official answer. Google Inc. and the Indian and American authorities will surely prevent him from opening his mouth to speak the truth.

Let's see if he does.


During Q2, 2014...
Much disturbed, and totally exasperated... I had to name a specific security agency for messing with me.

Across the globe, only this agency has some real clout and reach, and could have potentially pulled off the 'heartbleed' coup of sorts, over all these years.

And... the Capt and team says that 'do not assume'. Else... he will put foot in my ass. The Americans too.

Frankly... that was always the case !! Captain !! and, ze Americans.

Esp. wrt my router and the computer. Was it not actually so ?

Shall I disclose my learning to the masses, world-wide ?

Even though you want me to do so... I won't.


Post January, 2015... everyone of the posts ( including this one too ) is an invited post. An elicited one. Possibly a reactive one.

Whilst it is true that...
There is NO way I am going anywhere.

And, there is NO way the GoI can escape by invading my privacy. BJP lost Bihar. UP might NOT be cake walk either.

This has to be understood. And... well.

Btw... did I say GoI. Actually... I understand that it is the Captain and his mates who have set me up. Else.. his opponents... but in the same team/ camp and company. And... since... he does not want to offend these real powerful mates ( perhaps Sikhs or Muslims or Dalits or Punjabi Khatris ? ) on his team. Yet, he goes all out of the way... to totally offend me.

So... am I to be the sacrificial lamb for your perceptible infighting ?

Seems like that !


Now... very importantly...

By staying silent all this while ( till January, 2015 )
and using sops ( some political aspirants in smaller parties joining BJP and getting to become BJP MLAs or else BJP pulls them in their fold post the DEC, 2014 Jharkhand elections ) and swords ( IT raids ) on few of my kinsmen... am I to understand that the BJP/ RSS is going by the motto "make hay while the SUN shines" ?
Not sure if BJP can so easily form the next Govt. in Jharkhand in 2019.

I advice my kinsmen through this post... those that have joined BJP and were shown the carrot of some ministerial berths... which actually passed onto others ( after one of my last year posts. I have mentioned this fact earlier ) to go back and seek their fortunes in the party they initially hailed from. Rather than sticking to BJP / RSS ideology. In which case - they ALL will always be the biggest losers. This is my accurate gleanings of the way of the BJP/ RSS over the past TWO years. After all - the BJP Govt. in Jharkhand is ACTUALLY run by the BJP & RSS bosses @ New Delhi and NOT in fact by the Jahrkhand CM. Who is just a face for the heavy-weights from BJP + RSS out of New Delhi and Nagpur.

a specific set of inter-networked people rule the roost in BJP, RSS and the INC ( Congress ) party. And... those that DO NOT form the part of the covert group will take at least 25-30-40 years to ever reach there. Perhaps they might never ever reach critical postions.


During the time of partition in Aug, 1947 - there were almost 631 odd princely states in the (un)divided country. Not sure on this numbers. So, as many kings'/ regents'/ princes' writ used to run in accordance with the rules and regulations of the viciously vile Britishers.

Post independence of the country and subsequent bifurcation of the country... the power has passed onto a few selective hands. This raw power can be classified as belonging to any and all of - economic/ political/ social/ judicial/ policing/ armed forces/ scientific pool, etc. power. A few set of highly inter-networked people belonging to specific endogamous groups have managed to share the power between themselves. Even so, across all the political parties; and... across each and every layers of the judiciary/ police/ armed forces/ corporate ladders in the private sector and the PSUs, etc., etc.


Now, whilst the dalits ( Btw... I am NO dalit. No low caste either. ) may be jubilant that one dalit lady got to top the civil services exam this time. What is important to note is... who happen to be the remaining nine in the top ten ? or, the top hundred/ five hundred ranking in the Indian Civil Services exam ?

Importantly, what marks these people have ACTUALLY secured in the UPSC interview phase/ process ? The all critical... make or break interview marks that determines one's final UPSC ICS rankings.

For... in the due course of time... only these IFS, IAS, IPS officers ACTUALLY and EFFECTIVELY run the country. The successive Govts. are mere 'Aaya rams and Gaya rams'. Most of the Govts. are more concerned with the party politicking and "making hay while the sun shines" then learning the real nuances of running the country well.

quite a few of these highly networked IPS officers man and manage the national security agencies as if it were the 'jagir' of their forefathers. Esp. - RAW, IB, CBI, MIS and even the NTRO. And... in all these places blatant nepotism runs way too wild and is too deeply entrenched. Tabulassion as mentioned and alluded by the Captain runs deep and abounds in the appointments, prolifically.

And... there is every likelihood that these guys have high levels of networking even in the armed forces of the country.

Some of these... highly motivated and intentioned people can pull off anything. Anything... means that only... anything !!

Have I made the point ? And... is it well understood ?

5) Important Observation -

Would NOT expect a Thiyya/ Thiraiar/ Tiraiar/ Thirayan/ Tirayan to exhume truths on the Sanatana Dharma. For the same reason that I would NOT expect - Nadars/ Ezhavas/ Billava/ AP's Goud/ Bhandaris, etc. ( actually these are perhaps the sub-set of Somavanshis / ChandraVanshi people - Mark this. ) to exhume truth on the Sanatana Dharma.


By the way... if you look up the Thiyya MahaSabha of the Malabar region. These guys seem to be claiming to have made way to Malabar... from Kyrgyzsthan, Tajikistan, etc. regions ? And... it is apparently open that these guys are trying to drive a wedge with the Ezhavas of the Southern Kerala !! Perhaps Billavas too.


Maybe, I could be wrong on this. But...

For the simple reason that these Thiyya people were the erstwhile rulers of their land. Who might have possibly been initially buddhist or perhaps jains and were on the wrong side of the priestly class ( perhaps Capt refers to the N.I. Brahmins as the white invader ).
After the Islamic Sultanate rule ( past the 10th or 12th century AD ) and the subsequent Mughal rule ( past the 16th century AD ) ... these 'Somavanshi' people gradually lost their kingdom and their regal prowess. Simultaneously... there was the gradual rise of Hinduism over the lands of the ancient Buddhist and Jain rule/ rulers.

I guess that the Buddhist rulers were shoved up the palm, date and coconut trees for 'neera' tapping by the priestly class.
Whereas the Jain rulers were forced into the liquor trade. Like... the Kalchuris were most aptly jain rulers, at some time. And... most of the Kalachuri rulers were done in by their amatyas ( ministers ). Whether we talk about the Palnati Rajus ( Battle of Palnadu ) destroyed in by the advice of the minister Brahma Naidu, or the Jain King Bijjala II done in and destroyed by the brahmin minister Basava. The same story holds... even in the MP and CG areas of Kalachuri rule, too. The amatyas plotted and destroyed the Kalchuri rulers. And... survived with the new rulers.


Here, in order to know some real history of India -

Ask the Nadars about their relation with the Chandellas, Kalchuris, Jats, Abhiras, Madhavas, etc. And... surprise yourself.

Ask the Nadars about Lord Krishna and his clan... and their 30,000 year old royal history and... get some real answers.

Ask about the actual origins of the Lord Buddha and Lord mahavira - to get some real perspective.

Ask about the clan of the Vrishnis of Lord Sri Krishna ? And, about who the Madhavas are actually ?

Why is Lord Krishna referred to as Madhava ?

Would suggest the Abhiras and the Jats in the north Indian states to get some real facts about the Yadu vansh from the Nadars of Tamil Nadu.

This might connect... quite some dots.


Further... let's take the process of exclusion in this regards...

a) Would NOT expect the dalits ( these people constitute 30 % of India's population per the 2011 caste census and the SECC data ) to be exhuming truth on Sanatana Dharma like Capt AV does,

b) Would NOT expect the Muslims ( who constitute almost 16 % of India's population ) to be sitting in the Captain's circle,

c) Would NOT expect the Sikhs/ Jains/ Buddhists and majority of the 'so-called' low caste Hindus to be forming the team that might exhume truth on the Sanatana Dharma.

If I were to proceed with the process of exclusion then, I can safely derive that almost 95 % - 97 % of the Indian population would NOT be part of those that might be exhuming truths on the Sanatana Dharma. And, thereby deride Kabir Das, Ravi Das, etc. as fake creations.

And... then go on to backstab me.


Seems like that Capt. is perhaps the front of the priestly class ( Nambudiris ? ) or perhaps the nairs or pan-India Kayasthas ? is a question that often keeps on confronting me.

And... I answer... YES.

Alternately, if it is true that he is indeed a Thiyya... then is there any likelihood that the above guys might have indeed netted him ? And me. Recalling the statement "Kaante se kaanta nikaleNga" by our defence minister.

The question arises -
That leaves that only the pan India priesly class ( the brahmins ) and majorly the 'suryavanshi' rajput and the pan-India Kayasthas are pre-dominantly placed on the Captain's team. Can throw in some measure of Khatris, too. Is the thought that confronts me again and again. Esp. in light of the Captain stating on two counts that some Srivastava brothers ( both IPS officers ) are his close friends. And, for another Srivastava IPS officer of Kerala - he taught his daughter swimming.

Is that really so ?

Srivastava surname/ title implies Kayastha caste in North India.

So... do I assume that these are some of the people that are leading the charge ?

Here -
Am I least concerned about the non-Hindus on the Captain's team to be numbering to the extent to make a reasonable difference ? Considering that there may be 20 - 45 people on his team !

6) Most importantly-

When someone talks of Sanatana Dharma... one is expected to be 'human' and humane first. And, NOT and never otherwise.

You cannot backstab. By backstabbing... you defeat the very purpose of your enormous efforts all these while.

And... the world gets the very first lesson on Sanatana Dharma.

I do NOT allow others to put me in a ring to fight.

This is... food for thought.

That, in fact, they should be doing with the political over-lords.

7) Make NO mistakes !!

If you think that I made a mistake and therefore qualified to be a 'DeshDrohi' so that my privacy can be destroyed. To the extent of... the last twenty or more years of digital records. ( That's what I gleaned when the Capt. 'upped the ante' to 1990 ! To find some real 'breaking points' )

Then... there is certainly to be NIL illusion remaining that every person on your team MUST qualify to be the HIGHEST order traitors we might be seeing in modern times.

Considering all your background.

For... you elicited a rightful ( you can label it whatever ) response from me. And... all this while you are part of any acts of any right or wrong doings on my/ our part.

I guess... some of your mates opposed to you... might be trying to get at you; is a question that confronts me.
Of course they MAY NOT be able to harm you or your interests.

And... the end result ( as you so wish ) might be that some Indian rules, laws, regulations might need to be changed by the GoI.

All this... at my expense.

Btw... I am NOT really aware about the MASSIVE propaganda unleashed by the diverse parties, on this count.

At the- state, national and international level.

And... I am sure that my blog is 100 % marked and marooned from the general masses. The read count of the posts- tells me exactly that.

Sometime in 2013 or early 2014 I saw the Capt put a picture on his blog post. This picture showed a few Indian air force officers in sky blue uniforms inaugurating a building in some air force base. The picture showed black granite plaque.

Of course- no one would NOT expect that Pakistan, China or USA air force officers would put up a picture of an Indian air force office inauguration in their blog site.

And... since the Captain is putting the picture... there remains no doubt that Captain and some of those on his team are perhaps - either existing or retired air force personnel.

when I posed the challenge "Pakela, Thakela, Bakela" the Captain's response is a NACK. And... as expected. This confirmed that almost each and everyone on the Captain's team is with... BOOTS ON.

considering that the Captain has been the source and sink of all the public posts I have ever written in my existence till date... can anyone tell me... how is it that I have erred till date ? Without the Captain and all his mates erring at the same time ?

Whilst stating this above... one must look at the a) intent and intentions, and b) motive, and c) motivations when any of you consider any post or 'package' doled out.

Weigh it thus. In fact... you ALL happen to be part and parcel of it... rather than myself alone. Be aware thus.

Fact remains that... like it or not you ALL are technically - accomplices.


when $neh Chandel told that "one is fooled but knows not that one is fooled"... please be aware that by that time ... I had had enough of tabulassions. And, had NIL intentions of carrying on any further.

And... needed to attend to myself rather than to carry on mindlessly getting free gyaan off the Captain's blog. Gyaan like - 12 strand DNA maharishis, ancient Vimanas, etc.

If any of you felt that it was any remotest guilt conscience on my part. Let me tell this straight yet again - NO. Not true. Never true.

what I am saying is... let me see how your all "grand masti" keeps on going up... past the Uri attack.

Whilst the NIA has stated yet again that some insider elements meticulously helping out with the attack. Btw, NIA had made similar allusion and clear cut apprehension... even with the Pathankot attack, that took place earlier this year. When the flood lights at the Pathankot Airforce base were turned to the ground or towards the sky allowing the raiding party to sneak in undetected ( as per the newspaper reports ).

Now... is that why the word 'false flag' repeats again and gain in my mental framework ? In these two incidents.

Do I get the idea that -

Some set of people holding the nation to ransom ? At the expense of severe loss of human lives ? is a question that repeats again and again to me.

Btw- I came across a nice piece on the Kashmir problem written by Madhu Kishwar, recently. Everyone MUST read the same.

Would expect that all the 'nationalistic' and patriotic newspapers MUST carry out this piece on the Kashmir issue, for the general masses to be aware about the situation and status thus far.

Quite an eye opener. Seems like - the whole problem is the creation of some nasty set of politicians. Right from the time of Pandit Nehru, even to this date.

9) Continued from #1...

Matter of fact... there are 'Insaan' ( = men = humane guys ), 'Shaitaan' ( = Satan ) and 'Haivaan' ( = Darinda = 'jungli jaanwar' aka - wild beast ) in the guise of men. Some donning uniform of the armed forces. ( I rule the Navy and air force men out of this broader assessment. )

So... take your pick from the above 3 broad categorizations by the following TWO real instances. For... exceptions are shown to prove the rule. Or... is it otherwise ?

AAA) In the beginning of this year... there was a news article widely adorning in the newspapers in the Eastern Indian states - "Rakshak bana Bhakshak".

This was regards to... a love-sick 16 or 17 year old girl from Kolkata who befriended a man in Chandigarh. Online friendship blosommed into love, via facebook contacts. Being love-bitten and love-blind... one day... she ventured out by means of train to... Chandigarh. To meet her 'online' friend and lover. She boarded the train at Howrah. In the same compartment... feeling secure in the company of paramilitary forces... she was raped TWICE by two paramilitary men ( perhaps BSF men, per the media report ). Who perhaps saw golden opportunity.

I think this pretty but naive girl's life remains destroyed and she is completely traumatized for the rest of her existence. As also, the trauma sticks with her parents, siblings and the close ranks of her family and friends for decades.

I am NOT sure HOW this girl and her parents would take things if it were to happen that... Captain and ALL his mates... each and everyone of them, in complete regalia/ uniform... reach out to similar victims like this girl ALL around the country ( raped by those in uniform ) and express solidarity with the victims ( in front of the victim's parents and the entire world ). At the same time, not failing to using such terminologies like -

"Bijli ka Khamba" ,

"Look ma no hands" , etc.

to assuage the victim's sense of being ever wronged. Perhaps, by painting a completely different picture... ralated to the TRUE manliness and fair play of those in uniform. After all... they alone serve the nation.

Seeking pardon from the victims who have undergone such trauma. And... not trying to rake up any controversy with any of the affected women.

Just making a very apt and critical point here.

Samajh me aaya... ?? Nahin aaya ??

Don't any of you think that... I am in-cited or ex-cited. Enraged ( in-raged ) or out-raged.

This... above one... is stated with NIL malice. Repeat... NIL malice to anyone and everyone.

Mere... bland observation. 100 % coldness whilst relating this instance. MUST take note.

So... requesting... please do not read much into it.

Can the Captain and mates... pull off the above one ??  Let's see how you guys really fare at this little exercise ?

BBB) Almost, much more than a decade back, whilst boarding a train at Howrah railway station, in the sleeper bogey. I observed that two persons, from the armed forces background but in civilian dresses, had caught hold of a 10-12 year old boy... all three were holed in the toilet. I had observed that these two guys were forcing the boy to eat up something. Forcing something down his mouth/ throat. This was something in a paper roll ( like a 'pudiya' ) one of the guys was holding in his hand. And trying to forcefully put the same in the boy's mouth. The boy was resisting. And, this thought immediately crossed me... is this some sort of a sedative ? Anyways... this boy resisted hard. In the process the toilet door opened a few times. Sensing my presence and keenness of observation, these two guys left the boy and came to their respective berths. This boy also came to a berth nearby them. After sometime, when the train had gathered speed and covered some distance. Since this bogey had relatively few passengers abounding, in this... some long distance train... these two guys again tried to catch hold of the boy and were physically hauling the boy towards the toilet door. This boy resisted hard. This caught my attention. I sensed that everyone else in the compartment, while noting this, were behaving like dead wood. I DO NOT know what happened... but I lost my cool and confronted these two guys ( thereby imperiling my own safety... for these two guys along with their mates could have simply thrown or nudged me out of the moving train )... curtly asking them " Chakkar kya hai ? " Why are you harassing this boy ? Why are you taking him towards the toilet against his wish ? What's the matter ?

These two donkeys had no answer. Stupefied, they ogled at me like day-time owls... and, these two retards sported long ears and... turned tail. The boy, much relieved, wriggled free from them and went to occupy a berth away from these two retards ( who potentially had some real sinister plans ). The boy... feeling truly relieved. And... these two morons scooted back to their berths ( this was daytime ) and feigning to lay down asleep as if if nothing had happened around, for the rest of the journey.

Another one of their mates, who was lying in a berth and clad in his uniform, was eyeing these guys sheepishly from time to time albeit avoiding a direct eye contact with me. Actually, in the process trying to implicitly convey or state that he had nothing to do with these 'mangy' retards.

The above is a true incident. Truly stating this. Perhaps one of the good things done in my life.

But... diluting the merits of that Karma by exposing the truth here. As, this, I guess required to be mentioned in this post.

Satyam Vadami.

If this is NOT true then... whatever negative the Captain tells about me... please take it as 100 % true. Otherwise, take it as his pure propaganda against me and family.

I put my head... 100 % on the block... on the veracity of this event out of my life.

This is NOT aimed at inciting or provoking feelings.

Stating the above with... 100 % cold sentiments and NIL feeling towards one and all.

I suggest that the Kashmiris and the North-east 'affected' women MUST be helped to provide for some tabulassion, vide a web-site, to bring out the real numbers on this aspect.

10) Litmus Test -

Hey... Captain and mates/ all the political lords and over-lords/ the legal counsels across the country I would consider you and even so of your bloodlines of the highest honor and worth... if you ALL ( each one of you people ) keep the hand on your chest and swear by the name of your parents and ancestors ( this is pitri-paksh time ) that -
had I been you own dear brother or your son would you have still thus befooled me and destroyed my privacy and that of my family members ? Perhaps by implicating me in false "Shadyantras"... 100 % for petty political gains and perhaps ensnaring me for tweaking certain rules of law ?

If you say yes, then let me see your brave faces, in public.

If you say NO then you MUST still show your real face in the public domain. Otherwise, let me tell you straight- I might be highly inclined to use the same term for each one of you ( in chaste Hindi @@ ) that the President of Philippines used for the ambassador of the USA to Philippines ( in case your faces are NOT really dishonorable ) to be hidden behind the facade of Captain's face.

Make no mistakes. Be a man. Do NOT hide behind that of a blogger Capt AV.

The Captain may be exempted : in gratitude. Since his face happens to be in the public domain.

Let me see... let the world see... take the rightful oath... during this time of the year... in the name of your ancestors... that were I your brother or son... still would any of you, personally, have exposed me to all this BULL ??

In case you say NO... then you 100 % deserve to be labelled @@ !!

If you have the courage then... at least show up your faces over the Captain's blog.

Else... till eternity... I do NOT want to say... what your or your offspring might be actually labeled as ?

For... sooner or later... things sure come to light and in proper perspective. No hiding and running around.

Be humane... what fear you people have ?  And... why fear ?

11) Day before yesterday I heard a Supreme Court Counsel Mr KTS Tulasi on the RSTV. He was advocating that the Govt. use a firm hand in managing certain persons. I guess - he was alluding to me.

Hey... Mr Mr KTS Tulasi... and each and every legal luminaries this country has ever produced and who don the robes either in the Supreme Court or the High Courts.

Seems highly likely... that MOST of you may never have the real and actual perspective of things that are high tech. Leaving aside the sea of laws, that you mostly interpret.

For... it is quite true that many of you have decades of legal practise and legal knowledge. And... one of the best amongst your kind excellencies Shri Markandeya Katju Saheb now blogs profusely. Thereby exposing his wit and wisdom and gyaan to us naive public. His Highness Katju Saheb... nay... excellency.

BTW, he could have been the CJI.

I would solemnly request you ALL to deploy critical technical manpower to make a due and thorough analysis of the nState, nCount TABULASSION post in by blog.

In this context, a few pointers for you all -

aaa) If you make out from Mr. Neel Mehta ( From Google Inc. Bangalore ) the sources of his 'heartbleed' flaw findings.

I might NOT be surprised if you choose to take a contrarian view.

You Sirs, but, think legal.

I, for my part, am highly pragmatic and fully understand that the underlying implications of some of these tabulassions effected by me. Lots of the best of the legal luminaries sans any technical background might take the assistance of those who are experts in the field of IT Security. To fully understand, appreciate and adequately comment on this tabulassion post.

In retrospect, I understand that the US and our own Indian intel services were actively all over me. For... quite some while.

Would request you ALL to confirm the same from the GoI. Point is why may the GoI would so intrusively put foot in someone's router and computer right through Q3/ Q4, 2013 ? and 2014 ?

Why ?

Under what pretext ?


let me tell you ALL in a nutshell... supposing you all have a smartphone having an internet access... with your numbers in public domain. It might be too easy for someone to hack your smartphone by sending a self-deleting SMS to your smartphone. Thereafter the same smartphone can be remotely controlled to commit a cyber crime of any sorts.

And... what about... say... you are located in New Delhi... and an FIR is lodged in the North East. And... the top brass of the Govt. and police sits on the FIR for two to three years without your knowing that you are under complete surveillance. And, then one fine day the cops decide to eithet turn up at your place or shelve the case against you as frivolous.

Now... does this make any sense. Are you all people in the legal fraternity upto it to understand the implications of this acts.

Can you comment on this ?

Btw- let me advice you ALL - put a reasonably priced smartphone with published numbers in the public domain. This must have some internet plan and is used for internet/ web page accesses.

Just ask anyone of the moneyed people to announce a prize ( say, INR 1/ 2/ 5 crores ) to hack and control the smartphone, without ever disclosing their hacking methodology.

I would suggest that the legal luminaries/ counsels/ law makers and setters ( legislators ) please surprise yourself with the result you get within a few days. Will you ?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Who Wins or Benefits ?
What if I go forth to suggest that I am netted so that the BJP nets couple of my kinsmen by sops and swords.
In effect- this seems to be the likely fact. Else- why would they keep mum till after the Jharkhand assembly elections in December, 2014. Showing true colors only after Jan, 2015.

Is it that Captain and mates run the Govt. ? or, is it otherwise ? I understand that the GoI is supreme. Since they have the powers to appoint even the Army chief.

After Jan, 2015 - each one of my posts can be considered a reactive post.

I never had and never so have any intention of wasting my precious time and energies blogging.

Now... is this way too well... understood !!


For... it is good that I am NOT in public domain. Else... you have NO idea... I have a penchant for speaking first... and never thinking back... or recalling what I actually spoke, in the first place.

And... highly likely that everyday... I might have courted legal issues.

Have you ever seen a Captain who destroyed his tanker and blamed it on someone else. Mistakenly, kicking the chief engineer out... who mistakenly left with the tanker bearings as regards the vision and mission of the tanker ? Putting this in lighter vein.

For I had NO bad blood with the Captain, yet some set of smart people chose to back stab me. All I desired was getting back to regularize my daily routine rather than be daily sucked in the Capain's bhortex of a blog... few highly expensive hours daily.

Is this understood ?

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