Friday, September 23, 2016

Listen to this... and listen good

Listen to this... and listen good

At the outset... let's get a few facts straight...

1) A perspective -

Prior to 2013/ 2014, there has been almost NIL instance of my ever being on any social networking site. Have never used- twitter, facebook, blogger, etc. to express any of my views how-so-ever (in)significant. Or, even to interact with any persons known or unknown to myself. In case ever required, I would call up someone known to me directly or, else reach by means of any of the free e-mail access providers. The usual norm.

But, this changed in 2013 when I chose to follow the 'friendly' Capt AV's blog. Later in 2014... when I started blogging, but, with a purpose.

Why blog ?

When... obviously there are pretty much highly knowledgeable, skilled and renowned experts in every field I might have touched upon in my blog posts ( and, 100 % reactively posted - mark this ) over the last 2-3 years. If these experts are like the sun in their fields... comparatively, I happen to be an insignificant individual with insignificant knowledge, means and ways of expression of the meager knowledge I possess. Ever being humble. I am.

And, there is no way I would make fool of myself and embarrass myself by touching on those areas which are rather not or have never been my domain. In fact, even in my own domain of knowledge/ understanding.... I have never, till date, bothered to write anything (in)significant and post the same on the internet. For, I have always been quite a discreet individual. My inherent nature, to be ever preferring the shadows.

And... undoubtedly I know that there are way too smarter, knowledgeable and highly expert people engaging in writing and posting articles on the internet as also in the MSM. Day in and day out. Perhaps as part of their hobby or job. Never mine.

Point remains that... I would never risk to embarrass myself by touching on subjects that are someone else's domain of expertise until and unless I know that I am almost the best. Or, I might have something urgent that merits to be disclosed or discussed. i.e. if I have got something which is worthwhile to be put forth.

And, that's how I have always thought... and even so now, think. Period.

<< Brief perspective over.

In this context...
Perhaps, recurring thoughts on the Kedarnath tragedy wherein nearly 50,000-60,000 people perished propelled me to air a certain view. Was that to be a mistake on my part ? 100 % true. Seems like, in this country you have to feign to be deaf, dumb/ mute and blind.

And... thenceforth there was NO peace for me.

And... ask anyone who knows me significantly... whether I would blog ? I guess, almost 100 % of them will say NO, Never.

So... initially... what subsequently followed was... someone puts his foot in my router as also the computer and takes almost complete control. And... sensing bigger trouble down the line... apprehensive, I am way too jittery.

Later... these same set of guys invade my privacy. Now, labeling me deshdrohi.

Now... is this... Captain and mates ?

Do you ALL expect me to keep mum and take things lying down ?

See... if I made a mistake of the first degree ( that per you all qualifies me to be labelled a deshdrohi )... then why MUST you ALL not be considered to be the highest degree traitors... at say... hundred degrees ?

"RAKSHAK BAN GAYA BHAKSHAK"  is wrong. Actually - "Rakshak ban gaya Takshak" !! is more apt !! in Capt's and mates case.

For... you ALL have been much more wiser and in the know of things... as they were and are ?

Why must you all mindlessly frame me up ? you think this is good fun ? Part of the games and the mind games the Captain and mates engage in ? Really ? Really so ?

Pray... why NOT engage the same with any of your family members and/ or close relatives and friends ?

And... still is it taking you almost close to three years to finally get at me ? Even, by the massive amount of overt and covert propaganda unleashed by all and sundry !!

This speaks volumes about you ALL guys.

The world is watching intently !!

If you ALL think that you'll put me in a ring to fight, on your behalf and as per the rules set up by you. Can you be sure - that I may better choose NOT to fight at all. Else, to fight on all the fronts. Come what may ?

You ALL want to set me up as a gladiator and see the legal 'Tamasha' ?

Are there NO honorable men and women remaining in our armed forces ? Then how may you ALL best serve the country and save the country's honour in times of crisis ?

Are you ALL people really good enough ? Upto the mark ?

I highly doubt !!

What you choose to dole out... you ALL get back with compound interest one day. The sooner... the better.

Why MUST you give the impression that you ALL netted me, on behalf of the Govt. and the 'close group of patriotic Indians at the helm' ? Whereas the truth is simply that... you have been an accomplice... all along. High order ones.

The pure... crystal clear fact. As it is.

So... DO NOT try to put up false pretense to the contrary. Will you ALL ?

And... don't you forget Capt.( and mates ) that everyone knows that you repeated out multiple warnings during Q3, 2014 for the third/ fourth engineer to return back. And... then doled out the carrot that... you'll be friends ever after. Oh really ??

And still again, during Dec, 2014 you questioned the "oopar ka thalla" ?

Do you all guys have "oopar ka thalla" ? Sure... you have lots of power bestwoed with you as long as you enjoy the uniform. Perhaps, even post retirement for a few high flying guys. And, those with the right connections.


Subsequently, per your estimation... you gave... a 'bloodied nose" by invading my and the family's privacy.
On 100 % cooked up pretext. 100 % and NO less.

To hell with the eternal truths of the Sanatana Dharma !! which you guys have been dishing out for the Western world and mostly for the Indians working in the Western countries ( say - NASA, NSA, Silicon Valley, NY, etc. ).

This speaks volumes about you all people. Us all people. Us all Indians, as a whole.

In this context...
And... is THIS perhaps the reason that the Russians refused to get almost nearly 30 millions of Indians settled on their soil ? Was reading, almost two years back on that there were elements in the Indian establishment that were trying to negotiate the settlement of nearly 30 ( or, was it 300 ? ) million of Indians on the Russian territory. The Russians flatly refused. Is that the reason that we are seeing a dip in our bon-homie and defence deals with Russia ?

Seems like... the Americans and the NATO countries of Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, etc. countries might have been able to cut a deal with the new Modi Govt. ?  This is something the majority of the people groups in this country MUST thoroughly understand and investigate. Their future may hinge on the underlying reason/ plot ? Suggestion - touch base with the Russians on this count.

Rummage through - over the past 2-3 years.

Reference or jump to... #9


But... let's be clear... insignificant knowledge and understanding does NOT necessarily mean that one remains deaf and dumb.

Especially... post my postulations on the Kedarnath tragedy... I had a harrowing time... and had to engage myself in tabulassion, in order to keep apt record.

Never did this... tabulassion. Never would do so. But knew that something was terribly wrong. So, it makes sense to better... tabulate events.

In this context... can anyone imagine if someone's licensed firearm is being illegally used by rogue person(s). Now, if one is sure of that usage. But, one cannot make out who this rogue guy happens to be ? Can any wise person tell me... what they might do ? If anyone happens to be in my place ? Having never had brush with law, courts or the police - what MUST one do ? Can the Capt and mates ideate please ?

Especially knowing that any internet connected device, whether be a - desktop/ laptop/ smartphone, tab, etc. can be hacked at the drop of a hat. And, any cyber crime may be committed. And, the victim has NO way and means of knowing that (s)he is actually ever SET UP. Even so, if any set of malignant POWERFUL authorities choose to lodge a police complaint and sit on it for a few years. Meanwhile enjoying themselves by unleashing complete surveillance on their selected victim. Is this the way to go ?

Is this the case I am into ? Actually... seems like way too worse... and much near... to this.

Btw- when I refer to the n-state/ n-count tabulassion... can anyone care to tell me who introduced the SSL sockets flaw in the SSL protocol stack ? And, who all might have been mining this flaw/ information... to their advantage... all these years ? What rare event, in fact, led to the discovery of the 'heartbleed' flaw in March/ April 2014 ? Which security agency had this as part of its' arsenal ? viz. a formidable 'frontdoor' into all the IT-enabled services that required a so-called 'secure' login and password for remote log in ?

In this context -
Can anyone tell or guess as to why would Mr Neel Mehta ( of Google Inc, Bangalore ) who first reportedly discovered and reported this major security flaw would donate his USD 15,000 or so of prize money to charity ? Especially to an organisation that is related to journalists and that entails free jounalistic communications over the internet ?

And... importantly... am I anyways part of this picture ? I may NOT be surprised, but, sure I think and believe that I am. Ask... Mr Neel Mehta @ Google Inc. as to wherein he got the logs or the problem reports on the heartbleed flaw ? Was this my google mail account log ?

I guess that...
There is NIL chance that he might ever give an official answer. Google Inc. and the Indian and American authorities will surely prevent him from opening his mouth to speak the truth.

Let's see if he does.


During Q2, 2014...
Much disturbed, and totally exasperated... I had to name a specific security agency for messing with me.

Across the globe, only this agency has some real clout and reach, and could have potentially pulled off the 'heartbleed' coup of sorts, over all these years.

And... the Capt and team says that 'do not assume'. Else... he will put foot in my ass. The Americans too.

Frankly... that was always the case !! Captain !! and, ze Americans.

Esp. wrt my router and the computer. Was it not actually so ?

Shall I disclose my learning to the masses, world-wide ?

Even though you want me to do so... I won't.


Post January, 2015... everyone of the posts ( including this one too ) is an invited post. An elicited one. Possibly a reactive one.

Whilst it is true that...
There is NO way I am going anywhere.

And, there is NO way the GoI can escape by invading my privacy. BJP lost Bihar. UP might NOT be cake walk either.

This has to be understood. And... well.

Btw... did I say GoI. Actually... I understand that it is the Captain and his mates who have set me up. Else.. his opponents... but in the same team/ camp and company. And... since... he does not want to offend these real powerful mates ( perhaps Sikhs or Muslims or Dalits or Punjabi Khatris ? ) on his team. Yet, he goes all out of the way... to totally offend me.

So... am I to be the sacrificial lamb for your perceptible infighting ?

Seems like that !


Now... very importantly...

By staying silent all this while ( till January, 2015 )
and using sops ( some political aspirants in smaller parties joining BJP and getting to become BJP MLAs or else BJP pulls them in their fold post the DEC, 2014 Jharkhand elections ) and swords ( IT raids ) on few of my kinsmen... am I to understand that the BJP/ RSS is going by the motto "make hay while the SUN shines" ?
Not sure if BJP can so easily form the next Govt. in Jharkhand in 2019.

I advice my kinsmen through this post... those that have joined BJP and were shown the carrot of some ministerial berths... which actually passed onto others ( after one of my last year posts. I have mentioned this fact earlier ) to go back and seek their fortunes in the party they initially hailed from. Rather than sticking to BJP / RSS ideology. In which case - they ALL will always be the biggest losers. This is my accurate gleanings of the way of the BJP/ RSS over the past TWO years. After all - the BJP Govt. in Jharkhand is ACTUALLY run by the BJP & RSS bosses @ New Delhi and NOT in fact by the Jahrkhand CM. Who is just a face for the heavy-weights from BJP + RSS out of New Delhi and Nagpur.

a specific set of inter-networked people rule the roost in BJP, RSS and the INC ( Congress ) party. And... those that DO NOT form the part of the covert group will take at least 25-30-40 years to ever reach there. Perhaps they might never ever reach critical postions.


During the time of partition in Aug, 1947 - there were almost 631 odd princely states in the (un)divided country. Not sure on this numbers. So, as many kings'/ regents'/ princes' writ used to run in accordance with the rules and regulations of the viciously vile Britishers.

Post independence of the country and subsequent bifurcation of the country... the power has passed onto a few selective hands. This raw power can be classified as belonging to any and all of - economic/ political/ social/ judicial/ policing/ armed forces/ scientific pool, etc. power. A few set of highly inter-networked people belonging to specific endogamous groups have managed to share the power between themselves. Even so, across all the political parties; and... across each and every layers of the judiciary/ police/ armed forces/ corporate ladders in the private sector and the PSUs, etc., etc.


Now, whilst the dalits ( Btw... I am NO dalit. No low caste either. ) may be jubilant that one dalit lady got to top the civil services exam this time. What is important to note is... who happen to be the remaining nine in the top ten ? or, the top hundred/ five hundred ranking in the Indian Civil Services exam ?

Importantly, what marks these people have ACTUALLY secured in the UPSC interview phase/ process ? The all critical... make or break interview marks that determines one's final UPSC ICS rankings.

For... in the due course of time... only these IFS, IAS, IPS officers ACTUALLY and EFFECTIVELY run the country. The successive Govts. are mere 'Aaya rams and Gaya rams'. Most of the Govts. are more concerned with the party politicking and "making hay while the sun shines" then learning the real nuances of running the country well.

quite a few of these highly networked IPS officers man and manage the national security agencies as if it were the 'jagir' of their forefathers. Esp. - RAW, IB, CBI, MIS and even the NTRO. And... in all these places blatant nepotism runs way too wild and is too deeply entrenched. Tabulassion as mentioned and alluded by the Captain runs deep and abounds in the appointments, prolifically.

And... there is every likelihood that these guys have high levels of networking even in the armed forces of the country.

Some of these... highly motivated and intentioned people can pull off anything. Anything... means that only... anything !!

Have I made the point ? And... is it well understood ?

5) Important Observation -

Would NOT expect a Thiyya/ Thiraiar/ Tiraiar/ Thirayan/ Tirayan to exhume truths on the Sanatana Dharma. For the same reason that I would NOT expect - Nadars/ Ezhavas/ Billava/ AP's Goud/ Bhandaris, etc. ( actually these are perhaps the sub-set of Somavanshis / ChandraVanshi people - Mark this. ) to exhume truth on the Sanatana Dharma.


By the way... if you look up the Thiyya MahaSabha of the Malabar region. These guys seem to be claiming to have made way to Malabar... from Kyrgyzsthan, Tajikistan, etc. regions ? And... it is apparently open that these guys are trying to drive a wedge with the Ezhavas of the Southern Kerala !! Perhaps Billavas too.


Maybe, I could be wrong on this. But...

For the simple reason that these Thiyya people were the erstwhile rulers of their land. Who might have possibly been initially buddhist or perhaps jains and were on the wrong side of the priestly class ( perhaps Capt refers to the N.I. Brahmins as the white invader ).
After the Islamic Sultanate rule ( past the 10th or 12th century AD ) and the subsequent Mughal rule ( past the 16th century AD ) ... these 'Somavanshi' people gradually lost their kingdom and their regal prowess. Simultaneously... there was the gradual rise of Hinduism over the lands of the ancient Buddhist and Jain rule/ rulers.

I guess that the Buddhist rulers were shoved up the palm, date and coconut trees for 'neera' tapping by the priestly class.
Whereas the Jain rulers were forced into the liquor trade. Like... the Kalchuris were most aptly jain rulers, at some time. And... most of the Kalachuri rulers were done in by their amatyas ( ministers ). Whether we talk about the Palnati Rajus ( Battle of Palnadu ) destroyed in by the advice of the minister Brahma Naidu, or the Jain King Bijjala II done in and destroyed by the brahmin minister Basava. The same story holds... even in the MP and CG areas of Kalachuri rule, too. The amatyas plotted and destroyed the Kalchuri rulers. And... survived with the new rulers.


Here, in order to know some real history of India -

Ask the Nadars about their relation with the Chandellas, Kalchuris, Jats, Abhiras, Madhavas, etc. And... surprise yourself.

Ask the Nadars about Lord Krishna and his clan... and their 30,000 year old royal history and... get some real answers.

Ask about the actual origins of the Lord Buddha and Lord mahavira - to get some real perspective.

Ask about the clan of the Vrishnis of Lord Sri Krishna ? And, about who the Madhavas are actually ?

Why is Lord Krishna referred to as Madhava ?

Would suggest the Abhiras and the Jats in the north Indian states to get some real facts about the Yadu vansh from the Nadars of Tamil Nadu.

This might connect... quite some dots.


Further... let's take the process of exclusion in this regards...

a) Would NOT expect the dalits ( these people constitute 30 % of India's population per the 2011 caste census and the SECC data ) to be exhuming truth on Sanatana Dharma like Capt AV does,

b) Would NOT expect the Muslims ( who constitute almost 16 % of India's population ) to be sitting in the Captain's circle,

c) Would NOT expect the Sikhs/ Jains/ Buddhists and majority of the 'so-called' low caste Hindus to be forming the team that might exhume truth on the Sanatana Dharma.

If I were to proceed with the process of exclusion then, I can safely derive that almost 95 % - 97 % of the Indian population would NOT be part of those that might be exhuming truths on the Sanatana Dharma. And, thereby deride Kabir Das, Ravi Das, etc. as fake creations.

And... then go on to backstab me.


Seems like that Capt. is perhaps the front of the priestly class ( Nambudiris ? ) or perhaps the nairs or pan-India Kayasthas ? is a question that often keeps on confronting me.

And... I answer... YES.

Alternately, if it is true that he is indeed a Thiyya... then is there any likelihood that the above guys might have indeed netted him ? And me. Recalling the statement "Kaante se kaanta nikaleNga" by our defence minister.

The question arises -
That leaves that only the pan India priesly class ( the brahmins ) and majorly the 'suryavanshi' rajput and the pan-India Kayasthas are pre-dominantly placed on the Captain's team. Can throw in some measure of Khatris, too. Is the thought that confronts me again and again. Esp. in light of the Captain stating on two counts that some Srivastava brothers ( both IPS officers ) are his close friends. And, for another Srivastava IPS officer of Kerala - he taught his daughter swimming.

Is that really so ?

Srivastava surname/ title implies Kayastha caste in North India.

So... do I assume that these are some of the people that are leading the charge ?

Here -
Am I least concerned about the non-Hindus on the Captain's team to be numbering to the extent to make a reasonable difference ? Considering that there may be 20 - 45 people on his team !

6) Most importantly-

When someone talks of Sanatana Dharma... one is expected to be 'human' and humane first. And, NOT and never otherwise.

You cannot backstab. By backstabbing... you defeat the very purpose of your enormous efforts all these while.

And... the world gets the very first lesson on Sanatana Dharma.

I do NOT allow others to put me in a ring to fight.

This is... food for thought.

That, in fact, they should be doing with the political over-lords.

7) Make NO mistakes !!

If you think that I made a mistake and therefore qualified to be a 'DeshDrohi' so that my privacy can be destroyed. To the extent of... the last twenty or more years of digital records. ( That's what I gleaned when the Capt. 'upped the ante' to 1990 ! To find some real 'breaking points' )

Then... there is certainly to be NIL illusion remaining that every person on your team MUST qualify to be the HIGHEST order traitors we might be seeing in modern times.

Considering all your background.

For... you elicited a rightful ( you can label it whatever ) response from me. And... all this while you are part of any acts of any right or wrong doings on my/ our part.

I guess... some of your mates opposed to you... might be trying to get at you; is a question that confronts me.
Of course they MAY NOT be able to harm you or your interests.

And... the end result ( as you so wish ) might be that some Indian rules, laws, regulations might need to be changed by the GoI.

All this... at my expense.

Btw... I am NOT really aware about the MASSIVE propaganda unleashed by the diverse parties, on this count.

At the- state, national and international level.

And... I am sure that my blog is 100 % marked and marooned from the general masses. The read count of the posts- tells me exactly that.

Sometime in 2013 or early 2014 I saw the Capt put a picture on his blog post. This picture showed a few Indian air force officers in sky blue uniforms inaugurating a building in some air force base. The picture showed black granite plaque.

Of course- no one would NOT expect that Pakistan, China or USA air force officers would put up a picture of an Indian air force office inauguration in their blog site.

And... since the Captain is putting the picture... there remains no doubt that Captain and some of those on his team are perhaps - either existing or retired air force personnel.

when I posed the challenge "Pakela, Thakela, Bakela" the Captain's response is a NACK. And... as expected. This confirmed that almost each and everyone on the Captain's team is with... BOOTS ON.

considering that the Captain has been the source and sink of all the public posts I have ever written in my existence till date... can anyone tell me... how is it that I have erred till date ? Without the Captain and all his mates erring at the same time ?

Whilst stating this above... one must look at the a) intent and intentions, and b) motive, and c) motivations when any of you consider any post or 'package' doled out.

Weigh it thus. In fact... you ALL happen to be part and parcel of it... rather than myself alone. Be aware thus.

Fact remains that... like it or not you ALL are technically - accomplices.


when $neh Chandel told that "one is fooled but knows not that one is fooled"... please be aware that by that time ... I had had enough of tabulassions. And, had NIL intentions of carrying on any further.

And... needed to attend to myself rather than to carry on mindlessly getting free gyaan off the Captain's blog. Gyaan like - 12 strand DNA maharishis, ancient Vimanas, etc.

If any of you felt that it was any remotest guilt conscience on my part. Let me tell this straight yet again - NO. Not true. Never true.

what I am saying is... let me see how your all "grand masti" keeps on going up... past the Uri attack.

Whilst the NIA has stated yet again that some insider elements meticulously helping out with the attack. Btw, NIA had made similar allusion and clear cut apprehension... even with the Pathankot attack, that took place earlier this year. When the flood lights at the Pathankot Airforce base were turned to the ground or towards the sky allowing the raiding party to sneak in undetected ( as per the newspaper reports ).

Now... is that why the word 'false flag' repeats again and gain in my mental framework ? In these two incidents.

Do I get the idea that -

Some set of people holding the nation to ransom ? At the expense of severe loss of human lives ? is a question that repeats again and again to me.

Btw- I came across a nice piece on the Kashmir problem written by Madhu Kishwar, recently. Everyone MUST read the same.

Would expect that all the 'nationalistic' and patriotic newspapers MUST carry out this piece on the Kashmir issue, for the general masses to be aware about the situation and status thus far.

Quite an eye opener. Seems like - the whole problem is the creation of some nasty set of politicians. Right from the time of Pandit Nehru, even to this date.

9) Continued from #1...

Matter of fact... there are 'Insaan' ( = men = humane guys ), 'Shaitaan' ( = Satan ) and 'Haivaan' ( = Darinda = 'jungli jaanwar' aka - wild beast ) in the guise of men. Some donning uniform of the armed forces. ( I rule the Navy and air force men out of this broader assessment. )

So... take your pick from the above 3 broad categorizations by the following TWO real instances. For... exceptions are shown to prove the rule. Or... is it otherwise ?

AAA) In the beginning of this year... there was a news article widely adorning in the newspapers in the Eastern Indian states - "Rakshak bana Bhakshak".

This was regards to... a love-sick 16 or 17 year old girl from Kolkata who befriended a man in Chandigarh. Online friendship blosommed into love, via facebook contacts. Being love-bitten and love-blind... one day... she ventured out by means of train to... Chandigarh. To meet her 'online' friend and lover. She boarded the train at Howrah. In the same compartment... feeling secure in the company of paramilitary forces... she was raped TWICE by two paramilitary men ( perhaps BSF men, per the media report ). Who perhaps saw golden opportunity.

I think this pretty but naive girl's life remains destroyed and she is completely traumatized for the rest of her existence. As also, the trauma sticks with her parents, siblings and the close ranks of her family and friends for decades.

I am NOT sure HOW this girl and her parents would take things if it were to happen that... Captain and ALL his mates... each and everyone of them, in complete regalia/ uniform... reach out to similar victims like this girl ALL around the country ( raped by those in uniform ) and express solidarity with the victims ( in front of the victim's parents and the entire world ). At the same time, not failing to using such terminologies like -

"Bijli ka Khamba" ,

"Look ma no hands" , etc.

to assuage the victim's sense of being ever wronged. Perhaps, by painting a completely different picture... ralated to the TRUE manliness and fair play of those in uniform. After all... they alone serve the nation.

Seeking pardon from the victims who have undergone such trauma. And... not trying to rake up any controversy with any of the affected women.

Just making a very apt and critical point here.

Samajh me aaya... ?? Nahin aaya ??

Don't any of you think that... I am in-cited or ex-cited. Enraged ( in-raged ) or out-raged.

This... above one... is stated with NIL malice. Repeat... NIL malice to anyone and everyone.

Mere... bland observation. 100 % coldness whilst relating this instance. MUST take note.

So... requesting... please do not read much into it.

Can the Captain and mates... pull off the above one ??  Let's see how you guys really fare at this little exercise ?

BBB) Almost, much more than a decade back, whilst boarding a train at Howrah railway station, in the sleeper bogey. I observed that two persons, from the armed forces background but in civilian dresses, had caught hold of a 10-12 year old boy... all three were holed in the toilet. I had observed that these two guys were forcing the boy to eat up something. Forcing something down his mouth/ throat. This was something in a paper roll ( like a 'pudiya' ) one of the guys was holding in his hand. And trying to forcefully put the same in the boy's mouth. The boy was resisting. And, this thought immediately crossed me... is this some sort of a sedative ? Anyways... this boy resisted hard. In the process the toilet door opened a few times. Sensing my presence and keenness of observation, these two guys left the boy and came to their respective berths. This boy also came to a berth nearby them. After sometime, when the train had gathered speed and covered some distance. Since this bogey had relatively few passengers abounding, in this... some long distance train... these two guys again tried to catch hold of the boy and were physically hauling the boy towards the toilet door. This boy resisted hard. This caught my attention. I sensed that everyone else in the compartment, while noting this, were behaving like dead wood. I DO NOT know what happened... but I lost my cool and confronted these two guys ( thereby imperiling my own safety... for these two guys along with their mates could have simply thrown or nudged me out of the moving train )... curtly asking them " Chakkar kya hai ? " Why are you harassing this boy ? Why are you taking him towards the toilet against his wish ? What's the matter ?

These two donkeys had no answer. Stupefied, they ogled at me like day-time owls... and, these two retards sported long ears and... turned tail. The boy, much relieved, wriggled free from them and went to occupy a berth away from these two retards ( who potentially had some real sinister plans ). The boy... feeling truly relieved. And... these two morons scooted back to their berths ( this was daytime ) and feigning to lay down asleep as if if nothing had happened around, for the rest of the journey.

Another one of their mates, who was lying in a berth and clad in his uniform, was eyeing these guys sheepishly from time to time albeit avoiding a direct eye contact with me. Actually, in the process trying to implicitly convey or state that he had nothing to do with these 'mangy' retards.

The above is a true incident. Truly stating this. Perhaps one of the good things done in my life.

But... diluting the merits of that Karma by exposing the truth here. As, this, I guess required to be mentioned in this post.

Satyam Vadami.

If this is NOT true then... whatever negative the Captain tells about me... please take it as 100 % true. Otherwise, take it as his pure propaganda against me and family.

I put my head... 100 % on the block... on the veracity of this event out of my life.

This is NOT aimed at inciting or provoking feelings.

Stating the above with... 100 % cold sentiments and NIL feeling towards one and all.

I suggest that the Kashmiris and the North-east 'affected' women MUST be helped to provide for some tabulassion, vide a web-site, to bring out the real numbers on this aspect.

10) Litmus Test -

Hey... Captain and mates/ all the political lords and over-lords/ the legal counsels across the country I would consider you and even so of your bloodlines of the highest honor and worth... if you ALL ( each one of you people ) keep the hand on your chest and swear by the name of your parents and ancestors ( this is pitri-paksh time ) that -
had I been you own dear brother or your son would you have still thus befooled me and destroyed my privacy and that of my family members ? Perhaps by implicating me in false "Shadyantras"... 100 % for petty political gains and perhaps ensnaring me for tweaking certain rules of law ?

If you say yes, then let me see your brave faces, in public.

If you say NO then you MUST still show your real face in the public domain. Otherwise, let me tell you straight- I might be highly inclined to use the same term for each one of you ( in chaste Hindi @@ ) that the President of Philippines used for the ambassador of the USA to Philippines ( in case your faces are NOT really dishonorable ) to be hidden behind the facade of Captain's face.

Make no mistakes. Be a man. Do NOT hide behind that of a blogger Capt AV.

The Captain may be exempted : in gratitude. Since his face happens to be in the public domain.

Let me see... let the world see... take the rightful oath... during this time of the year... in the name of your ancestors... that were I your brother or son... still would any of you, personally, have exposed me to all this BULL ??

In case you say NO... then you 100 % deserve to be labelled @@ !!

If you have the courage then... at least show up your faces over the Captain's blog.

Else... till eternity... I do NOT want to say... what your or your offspring might be actually labeled as ?

For... sooner or later... things sure come to light and in proper perspective. No hiding and running around.

Be humane... what fear you people have ?  And... why fear ?

11) Day before yesterday I heard a Supreme Court Counsel Mr KTS Tulasi on the RSTV. He was advocating that the Govt. use a firm hand in managing certain persons. I guess - he was alluding to me.

Hey... Mr Mr KTS Tulasi... and each and every legal luminaries this country has ever produced and who don the robes either in the Supreme Court or the High Courts.

Seems highly likely... that MOST of you may never have the real and actual perspective of things that are high tech. Leaving aside the sea of laws, that you mostly interpret.

For... it is quite true that many of you have decades of legal practise and legal knowledge. And... one of the best amongst your kind excellencies Shri Markandeya Katju Saheb now blogs profusely. Thereby exposing his wit and wisdom and gyaan to us naive public. His Highness Katju Saheb... nay... excellency.

BTW, he could have been the CJI.

I would solemnly request you ALL to deploy critical technical manpower to make a due and thorough analysis of the nState, nCount TABULASSION post in by blog.

In this context, a few pointers for you all -

aaa) If you make out from Mr. Neel Mehta ( From Google Inc. Bangalore ) the sources of his 'heartbleed' flaw findings.

I might NOT be surprised if you choose to take a contrarian view.

You Sirs, but, think legal.

I, for my part, am highly pragmatic and fully understand that the underlying implications of some of these tabulassions effected by me. Lots of the best of the legal luminaries sans any technical background might take the assistance of those who are experts in the field of IT Security. To fully understand, appreciate and adequately comment on this tabulassion post.

In retrospect, I understand that the US and our own Indian intel services were actively all over me. For... quite some while.

Would request you ALL to confirm the same from the GoI. Point is why may the GoI would so intrusively put foot in someone's router and computer right through Q3/ Q4, 2013 ? and 2014 ?

Why ?

Under what pretext ?


let me tell you ALL in a nutshell... supposing you all have a smartphone having an internet access... with your numbers in public domain. It might be too easy for someone to hack your smartphone by sending a self-deleting SMS to your smartphone. Thereafter the same smartphone can be remotely controlled to commit a cyber crime of any sorts.

And... what about... say... you are located in New Delhi... and an FIR is lodged in the North East. And... the top brass of the Govt. and police sits on the FIR for two to three years without your knowing that you are under complete surveillance. And, then one fine day the cops decide to eithet turn up at your place or shelve the case against you as frivolous.

Now... does this make any sense. Are you all people in the legal fraternity upto it to understand the implications of this acts.

Can you comment on this ?

Btw- let me advice you ALL - put a reasonably priced smartphone with published numbers in the public domain. This must have some internet plan and is used for internet/ web page accesses.

Just ask anyone of the moneyed people to announce a prize ( say, INR 1/ 2/ 5 crores ) to hack and control the smartphone, without ever disclosing their hacking methodology.

I would suggest that the legal luminaries/ counsels/ law makers and setters ( legislators ) please surprise yourself with the result you get within a few days. Will you ?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Who Wins or Benefits ?
What if I go forth to suggest that I am netted so that the BJP nets couple of my kinsmen by sops and swords.
In effect- this seems to be the likely fact. Else- why would they keep mum till after the Jharkhand assembly elections in December, 2014. Showing true colors only after Jan, 2015.

Is it that Captain and mates run the Govt. ? or, is it otherwise ? I understand that the GoI is supreme. Since they have the powers to appoint even the Army chief.

After Jan, 2015 - each one of my posts can be considered a reactive post.

I never had and never so have any intention of wasting my precious time and energies blogging.

Now... is this way too well... understood !!


For... it is good that I am NOT in public domain. Else... you have NO idea... I have a penchant for speaking first... and never thinking back... or recalling what I actually spoke, in the first place.

And... highly likely that everyday... I might have courted legal issues.

Have you ever seen a Captain who destroyed his tanker and blamed it on someone else. Mistakenly, kicking the chief engineer out... who mistakenly left with the tanker bearings as regards the vision and mission of the tanker ? Putting this in lighter vein.

For I had NO bad blood with the Captain, yet some set of smart people chose to back stab me. All I desired was getting back to regularize my daily routine rather than be daily sucked in the Capain's bhortex of a blog... few highly expensive hours daily.

Is this understood ?

< EndOfPost >

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