Friday, September 23, 2016

Wake Up Call

Wake Up Call

Is "Breaking Point" = "Waking up Point" ?


This MUST start off with a due diligence which I want the reader to undertake.


REGARDING my understanding of CAPTAIN and his core TEAM...

Captain is obviously NOT represented by RETIRED sort of service personnel.
As he surely negated my post - "Pakela, Thakela, Bakela".

Rather... perhaps...
these personnel are in active duty ? ( Did I always suspect that to be so ? ).

Capt AV is just the face on the masthead of the chemical tanker nay blog.

I guess... he is representative of...
1) Perhaps very senior IPS officers as also SENIOR ranks from our- armed forces, para-military personnel, military AND police intelligence.
2) These team also comprises or has full access to the resources who are R&D Scientists, Engineers, Researchers ( primarily from the Defence Establishment ) of our country.
3) As also almost ALL the Indian Foreign Services ( IFS ) personnel.

etc., etc.

So... do we conclude - Capt AV is representative of the official National Security Machinery ?

Say... headed by these set of personnel -

aa) The National Security Advisor ( NSA),
bb) The Chiefs and top ranks of the armed forces,
cc) Heads of the Intel units of our internal/ external - military apparatus and the police. Esp. the intelligence agencies.

etc., etc. ??

Seems like ostensibly so.

Say... WHAT about...
A set of people forming the core national security team. Not sure if they number 10/ 20/ 50/ 100 or whatever ?

My guesstimate is ( say ) - 12 or 25 or 36 !! ??


Most of these people could be UNDERSTANDABLY majorly from Bihar and UP. Especially the IPS officers and senior officers in the armed forces. And, all the intelligence agencies.

As also majority of the core team personnel could be hailing from the BiMaRU states ( States of - Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand ). Actually - mainly the Hindi speaking states.

Perhaps mainly - in the IPS, IFS category, intelligence agencies AND in the armed forces.

And, maybe, courtesy the TABULASSION factored in ( as per my understanding and as also per Capt AV's ) mainly... HAIL from BIHAR, Jharkhand and Eastern UP. ( Capt's gung ho take on CO2 and Methane - alluding to Tulsi and Kabir surely confirms my suspicion ? )

NOTE this. MARK this.

Of ALL things, the Capt and mates love setting up and framing innocent people in order to... WATCH. And... making movies out of it.

As also... allowing the world to WATCH me in my private family space. Is this a tell-tale eye-opener of the sanctity of the Sanatana Dharama ? No matter, how much these set of guys... exhume the truths of Sanatan Dharma.

Is the Captain and team part of... the NDA-2 Govt headed by PM Modi - esp. the Home and the I&B minister ?

So... this actually tells on the type of the NDA-2 govt. ?

Or, is it the other way round. Meaning that our Govt. and our security apparatus has NO control IF any INDIAN can be watched live ( real time ) from anywhere in the world by even other countries ?

I would NOT buy that. There has to be necessarily... a Govt. consent.


111) The NDA Govt. we have voted to power is showing its' true colors.

We people have openly supported and voted it to power. Have we done right ? NO !!

Does it seem like ArKej ( Delhi CM ) was CORRECT in predicting ahead of May, 2014 polls-

"Ye desh nahin bachega" ? In the case that BJP came to power.

As I had stated earlier - the BJP+ parties came to power in mid-May, 2014. Then-after, we had Jharkhand state polls. Where BJP won and formed the Govt. in Dec, 2014.
Till that time everyone was in sleeping mode. Repeat... EVERYONE.

For... almost a great part of a year... everyone of these guys were silently watching me... in my bedroom.

BY everyone - I mean the NDA-2 Govt. as also the Captain with all his team/ mates.

Even the Captain, in one of his blog posts, in Dec, 2014 shows a sleeping cat, in a basket.

Then, on the last day of Jan, 2015 I get to understand that I have been under ACUTE Govt. watch.
Perhaps since Q3 or Q4, 2013 or Q1, 2014.




222) Chief has been thoroughly consistent with his outlook towards myself.

Giving a few examples here -

a) He 'gave a bloody nose' ( perhaps ) to me,

b) I destroyed his ship in the first sojourn itself,

c) He questioned my 'oopar ka thalla' during mid-Dec, 2014. Even - threatening endless court cases that keeps me engaged for decades. And... totally destroys me in the process. Barring an apt explanation.

Explanation for what ? And, why ? And... why... any court case ?

d) Suggesting that...there are people jumpig over ( almost ) dead father,

e) How he has been kind enough so that ... one does not have to report at a police station. Why ?

May I know why ? Please ?

Yet... he has allowed WATCHING since Q3, Q4, 2013 or perhaps Q1, 2014 !!

333) I am NOT sure who ALL people constitute this guy's team. Btw, I would NEVER expect a Thiyya*** to exhume truths on Sanatana Dharma and then go on to back stab me. My only mistake- I chose to be this guy's follower. Whilst I have always had almost NIL internet presence and foot-stamp in my entire life. Esp. in any and all sort of public and social media, till date.

*** Thiyya Mahasabha in the Malabar areas of Kerala claims that the Thiyyas are mainly originated from Kyrgyzstan, etc. countries. Seems like the Malabar Thiyyas have been trying to drive a deep wedge between themselves and Ezhavas !! So that the same thing cascades to other parts of the country.

Again, it seems apparently true that the ancient Buddhist rulers of India ( if NOT already converted to dalits ) might have been shoved up the palm trees to tap the palm arrack/ toddy by the priestly class. Ask the Nadars.

And... the Jain ancient rulers ( say- the Kalchuris ) have been tasked to brew liquor by the priestly class. And... a new breed of kshatriyas have taken root. Seems truly the real picture of this country. But... WHY ? such a segregation ??

I suspect that... going forward the priestly class ( brahmins ) desires to get the Americans+ Europeans+ Australians on board; perhaps as Kshatriyas from Mars ? Russians might become Kshatriyas from... say, mercury or venus ?

If they come from space or by air, all these guys may become Akash-Vanshi Kshatriyas ? Or, perhaps Mangal-vanshi kshatriyas.

Question is - Why ? What might be the root cause. Interestingly this Thiyya Mahasabha as well as the Captain's blog comes up in the year 2009 !! I hope I am right on this.

May, 2009 post on Nikolai Tesla reminds me of the new govt. of Dr MMS ( UPA2 ). And potential EVM frauds.

Recalling - Tesla used -

a) the natural resonant frequency of any item; Perhaps this item may be of magnetic nature.

b) coupled with energized electro-magnetic beams in a/ different frequency/ frequency ranges.

c) Producing an induced emf... actually this translates as... current made to flow wirelessly/ remotely in a distant electrical/ electronic circuit/ system/ sub-system.

The system need NOT be powered on... by traditional means. This means that only sufficient and minimal power is to be generated... to re-work on ( say - the EVMs ) EEPROMs data !!

Does this ring a bell !!

<<<o>>> <<<o>>>


Now... there are 2-4 dominant caste groups in Bihar.
These guys... gained toe-hold... and dominance on the back of Islamic conquest of this region.

Later... they got re-inforced and much re-entrenched by/ during the Mughal rule.

Again, rendered pretty well entrenched during the times of the British rule. Effectively.

And... after the independence of the country... have been calling the shots and gone in an ever expansive mode. Way too good for them, at the expense of rest of the others. Now... quite a few of these guys are pretty well entrenched in almost all the western countries. Say... in the Miltary Industrial ( MI ) complex of many western countries... like the USA... over the past four-five decades.

These are the guys that will surely benefit the most with LEMOA !! As former diplomat MK BhdraKumar Jee might have alluded to this. As these guys will have draconian clout with the Americans, basically... on behalf of the fragile and weak Indian Govt. These guys can get lakhs of own their folks inducted in the MI Complex and the IT industry in India and the USA !!

It is like... they choose to mutually scratch each other's back.

Is this clear !!

Similar dominant caste groups abound in each and every state of the Indian union. And... there is a high degree of overlap in these same caste groups throughout the entire country. And... high degree of cohesion, too.

Now... there is a thumb rule... since these guys have been abounding in all sorts of Govt. jobs... that they do NOT back stab each other. Lest there is fighting between them powerful factions, often based on caste lines. It is NOT that this does not happen. But then.... that is actually gone rare, in due course of time.

So... 100 % likely that any of these guys... can surely gang up and back stab someone else. Especially those that are not organized or highly networked in the society. And... then in that case one cannot do much. Sooner or later... you lose out.

So... I am 100 % sure as regards who all might be behind the expedition against myself.
Esp. after the Jharkhand elections.

In this context... let me suggest that the following people with whom I may TRULY IDENTIFY WITH to a great extent... might be 100 % missing on the Captain's coterie of cats... to a large extent. Even if they were to be on board... they might NOT be believing in the networking as I have seen some staunch caste groups undertake. Hence... they might be mistakenly stab me as well.

( They might have had NO idea that the BJP Govt. at the centre will play around with the kinsmen. And... I have actually earlier written on that aspect. )

Now, in this regards... let me elucidate belows... who all MAY identify with who I may be...


Kalchuri Rajus of Andhra Pradesh. And... those in their line. In this context... reference...


As also - all the Palnati Rajus. Refernce - Palnati Yuddham. Battle of Palnadu.

Is this not strange that the Palnati Rajus destroyed each other's power on the advice of an AMATYA ( Minister ) during their 12th century AD rule.

Whilst at around the same time, another amatya - Basava ( a brahmin ) was instrumental in destroying the Jain Kalchuri ruler Bijjala II. Perhaps by murdering. This ultimately led to the downfall of the Kalchuri power, on the back of rising torrents of VeerShaivism.


Chandravanshiya Haihaya Kshatriyas !!

In this context - the Hayobansi Kshatriyas of the Balia district of eastern UP. Who all... since the 1931 caste census enacted by the Brits. have been calling themselves as - Hayobansi Rajput !! Or, perhaps even earlier.

But... as far as I know they are, indeed, Chandravanshiya Haihaya Kshatriyas aka Kalchuris !!


Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriya
Somavamsha Arya Kshatriya

Bhavasar Kshatriya
Pategar Patvekari Pattegar


Also, refer -

There seems to be NIL networking between these groups.


Chaturth Jains

Oct 22, 2009
The Origin and Culture of Chaturth Jains | Jain Community on Deccan

King Bijjal, a Jain King of Kalchuri clan.

There was another migration when Basava, a Brahmin Prime Minister of Kaluchiri king Bijjal killed the King. Bijjal was a Jain king ruling from Kalyan in Bidar district of North Karnataka. Basava was founder of Veershaivism. After the assassination of Bijjal, there was a civil war between Jains and Veershaiv Lingayats. At this time many Chaturth families migrated to South Maharashtra (Sangli, Kolhapur) and North Karnataka (Belgavi).


The Chaturth Jains site/ community suggests that the dominant Vokkaligas of Karnataka, etc. regions essentially belong to the same racial stock of the Kalchuri Jains who now are called Chaturth Jains.

Check out !! There is a blog link on this.


- Chandravanshiya Haihaya Kshatriyas.

Thathara, Thatera Kasar Kasera Tamera Tambatkar/Tamrakar Tamer Thathera or Thater Tamera





Suggests that the- MudiRajus, ( some or perhaps all the ) Thevars, Gounders, etc. ALL belong to perhaps the same stock of people. The KalaBhras... or the Kalchuris. As also - the Kalchuri Rajus of AP.


Importantly, the following groupings of people, all across the nation MUST take NOTE -

 Kalwar, Jayaswal, Jaiswal, Byahut, Shivhare, Jaiswar
 Ahluwalia, Walia, Somavanshi
 Nadar, Thiyya, Thiyan, Tiyan
 Goud, Shetty Balija, Dadsena, Degsena, Mudiraj, Mutrasi
 Bhandari, Patel
 Kalar, Kalal
 Billava, Villava, Ezhava, Ediga, Idiga, Gowda, Hegde
 Gramani, Sri Sayanas, Idigara, Deevaru, Halepaik, Namadhari, Poojari, Shinde, Deevar, Devaramakkalu, Divaramakkalu, Belchad, Desha Bhandari.
 Shoundik, Sundri, Sundi, Suri
 Rai, Chouksey, Mahajan, Choudhury, Suryavanshi, Malwiya, Jain , Daharwal, Zharya Sahu,
 Purbia, Suwalka, Mewara
 Jaiswal Jain, Sinha, Kosre
 Ediga Gowda ( Gamalla, Kalalee ) Goundla Settibalija


The NATIVE banias of BIHAR. And... elsewhere around the country -

Sudi, Halwai, Rauniyar, Pansari, Modi, Kasera, Kesarwani, Thathera, Patwa, Sinduriya-Bania, Mahuri-Vaishya, Avadh-Bania, Agrahari-Vaishya, Teli.


And... the Nagas... I mean the tribals MUST be awake and watch whilst the BJP/ RSS leadership spars with me. And... this includes the Captain and mates, as well.

It will be good if you all guys... give me some company.

MOST IMPORTANTLY... and... NOT the least... reference the book -

"The Yadavs of India" by Dr SwapanKumar Ghosh

Listing the following Yadavas as part of the great Yadu Vansh ( Lunar race ) -

Ahir/ Ahuk/ Abhira Kings, The Rashtrakutas

Bhojas, Trikutakas

The Kalachuris


The Yadavs of Devgiri, The Yadavs of Vijay Nagar

Bhatti Yadavs, Jat Yadavs

Chedi Kingdom of Kalachuris, Chandellas of Bundelkhand

Chalukyas of Badami, Chalukyas of Kalyani, The Eastern Chalukyas

The Nagas,

The Pals of Bengal, The Ghosh of Bengal, The Varmans ( Barman/ Burman ) of Bengal

The Pallavs, The Maukharis, The Pandyas



Going forwards... I DO intend to incite and... provoke !! Make NO mistakes about it.

Make NO mistakes.

Cap-Ten make note. Please !!

< EoP >

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