Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Wake Up Call... Addenda

Wake Up Call... Addenda

Btw... some additions... on my post of... "Wake up call"...


let me correctly state this further... Punjabis generally go by their love and penchant for being Punjabis... and Punjabiyat. These folks take immense pride in... Punjabiyat. They must... and they... should.

And... generally Punjabis are way too wary as regards those from eastern UP, and esp. Biharis.

But... let me tell the Punjabis, Sindhis and those belonging mainly from the north Indian states... especially those Khatris and Jats who have descended from the Lunar ( Chandravanshi ) clan... like Bhatia, Talwars, ( perhaps ) Malhotra, etc. ( here I DO NOT have much idea. I am just passing on a clue. And, some these guys have to extract the wider info. out of it )... the truth is that... possibly the
Lunar-origin Khatris have landed in Punjab, Sindh over the past 300-5000 years whilst my ancestors landed in Bihar. 100 %  SAME roots. Different places, languages, culture. Perhaps... different professions.

the priestly class across the country are uni-polar and unified.
As also, the stock of suryavanshi rajputs.
Add... the pan India Kayasthas too.
And... the Marwaris, as a group.


And... whilst it is 100 % true that the Lunar stock of Khatris and us ( refer my previous post... for 'us' ) ... sure do have common descent i.e. ancestry... in case you are a real Chandravanshi/ lunar stock. Looks and color of the skin are beguiling, actually.

What... I suggest to some certain folks... is DO NOT get sucked in by the massive propaganda by certain caste groups from the BiMaRU states ( the original - Bihar, Madhya-Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar-Pradesh ).

those of the coterie of guys who might have a hand in (c)overtly nailing me in 100 % fabrications... have got their political agendas thoroughly fulfilled in the state of Jharkhand. As also... 50 % - 70 % + fulfilled in the state of Bihar. Though, BJP losing in Bihar killed those guys sweet hope of 100 % success.

Ask me and... I will tell the whyS and howS of it ?

Whilst... at the same time... these same people... majorly belonging to the BiMaRU states have been gloatingly successful in fully dishonoring the entire family and kinsmen. Perhaps... their prime motive and motivation ?

These guys have managed to show us our place in the Indian society.

For these guys... even killing off hundreds of Indian people/ soldiers is immaterial... since the motive, motivations and intentions of these closely inter-networked guys were always... 100 % political.
Let me repeat again... 100 % POLITICAL. As also... 100 % intentions to destroy the family's pride, honor and dignity.

Giving further cues to the Khatris ( esp. Lunar clan )... lest you be any FURTHER misled...

In case the Khatris ( Sikhs and Hindus, both ) want to know who we really have been... my maternal or paternal line... go back... 70 to 100 years. As also... most of our relatives then.

Do not be taken in by the vile propaganda of any guys ( esp. ) from the BiMaRU states.

Especially from those belonging to any of - Rajput, Bhumihar, Kayastha caste.

Include the Brahmins also. For... staying mum is tantamount to silent consent. And... 100 % involvement. My take.

The entire nation has NIL idea how extremely castiest people in Bihar really are. Have always been.

Those who have chosen to get at me... have 100 % known what they are doing and why ?

100 % and NOT EVEN 1 % LESS.

And... the lives of hundreds of men are peanuts for these guys. My take. For... what is at stake.

What I am telling you all is... going forward... no one's honor might be remaining safe. Is something that comes back, time and again.

< EndOfPost >

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