Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Some plain speaking

Some plain speaking

Whilst I might have missed out on my keenness to build up massively on the electro-magnetics and electronics sci-tech sciences and technologies know-how / knowledge-base.

That might have potentially seen me working in some M.I. complex.

And... there might be thousands of people currently knowing thousand of times better than me on the said technologies ? And... of what is actually... going on ? Compared to me.

Yet... a few thoughts keep on coming back... again and again... so... putting those forth for those in the know ( esp. Capt.'s right thinking mates )... to make something out of it...

1) Some ( almost ) two years back... a two-seater reconnaissance air-plane took off from the Trichy airport. This small IAF recon plane was lost in the sea. Perhaps... spiraled out of control... dived into the sea... to hit bottom.

Without the pilots getting any chance to contact the ATC, Chennai. Media reports conveyed/ implied that.

In this context... the following thought visits me again and again... ( using obsolete knowledge/ understanding )

Is it possible that a highly directed and powerful electromagnetic zap ( = highly-powered beam of EM rays ) coming from a powerful but stealth aircraft/ drone or sub-marine... is able to induce currents and EM fields in the critical circuitry/ equipments/ sub-systems/ systems/ engines/ ICs... that basically has the effects of taking out the underlying (sub)systems... leading to systemic failure ?

Of course... this might entail thoroughly knowing the design of the aircraft. In order to determine the strength and nature of the EM energized pulse.

2) Chanced across this news that...

An INR 1000+ crore IAF ( perhaps ) AWACS-type plane ( some Hercules... whatever ? ) crashed near the NCR region... some two years back. Killing at least... 4 IAF officials.

This IAF plane had gone to participate in the multi-nation MH370 search and find mission... for weeks.

I found this strange that such a robust IAF plane could be simply going down, after a simple SAR mission ? Wherein such sort of planes have active lives for 2-3 decades.

In this context...
Does this imply... that there might be chances that there could be viruses that can be (remotely) injected into any of such plane's sub-systems ? Which... might have a cascading effect. Leading to... multi-systems failure. As and when... desired-to-be-triggered. Rather than allowing to happen on own. I mean... a resident/ holed up flaw that may be anytime utilized. ( Food for thought, here )

Even system critcial ICs may be easily taken out... as and when desired. Say... by sending an EM pulse that interferes with the normal IC currents. And... any such 'additively' induced current may peak out... causing a system critical IC to... actually sort of fail = 'burn out'.

Now... these are two of the circumstances... that comes to mind. Those in this line of work... might conceptualize hundreds of such similar cases.

Not sure... if the same tests may be correctly done... if we are to import the whole thing from some xyz country ? In one piece.

3) Recently an aged IAF AN-32 plane dived into the Bay of Bengal, off the coast, at Chennai. Leading to death of almost 29 armed forces personnel, who were on way to Port Blair.

Cannot sense what... but I can definitely say that something sounds way too fishy here.

These three instances come to mind... and I have already suggested that the GoI MUST have own M.I. complex. Manned by the best Indian minds ( perhaps from IIT or IISc back-ground ). In fact... some such brains should be rewarded based on their true contribution.

It does NOT make sense to mindlessly import military hardwares.

Can anyone tell... France was devastated in WW2. Yet today these guys are selling Rafale planes... and are part of the Airbus consortium. That sells items worth tens of billions. Surely, the French are smart people than us.

And... all this while we have only sent/ pushed the best Indians overseas ( = brain drain ).


Whilst it may be 100 % true that the cabal is behind the attcaks at Pathankot as well as Uri. Cabal plays either side. Fuels them. And... arms them.

Per media reports- NIA suggests that there might have been insiders helping the jihadis who actually came from Pakistan, in both these instances.

Whilst both the countries are in a 'heated' mode...

The Modi Govt. takes this moment as the best opportune moment to reward a Rs 22,000 crore defence ( Rafale related... air defence ) contracts to the junior Ambani.

And... everyone pre-occupied with Uri attack and... Pakistan sponsored terror... fails to take notice.

I 100 % object to this action by the BJP.

Earlier, we have seen during NDA-1... how the Ambanis got the KG-D6 basin allotted to them. Piece of cake... for the Ambanis.

We have NOT voted BJP to power to... empower the Adanis and Ambanis.

And... if the BJP thinks that intense media-driven cries for Pakistan's blood, intense war-mongering and 'pat-on-the-back' by the Govt. will do the trick. Whilst the BJP Govt. allots this INR 22,000 crore package to the junior Ambani. Everyone might be mistaken. This INR 22,000 crores deal might be the beginning of BJP's largesse with the Ambanis.

I suggest that... this is the wrong way to go.

Though... personally everyone, including myself, takes pride and rejoices in the success of our armed forces in the 'surgical strikes'.

It is best that... better reason and judgment MUST prevail. Rather than any base war-mongering on either side.
This might be good for us... best still for Pakistan. In this context... there was a very nice article that I came recently on www.sify.com that told plain outrightly... that anyone wants war with Pakistan... go fight one yourself. For... our soldiers while being martyred are leaving behind widows, orphans and old parents, to be taken care of.

Btw... in our country we always say...

"Jai, Jawan, Jai Kisan..." 

We never say... Jai Fauz or the Fauzi officers. The Jawans are the basis of our Army's power and pride.


I write this... from the point of view of those... who have lost their loved ones in any of the THREE mishaps I have mentioned in the beginning of the post.

The idea is... I have always been 100 % with our armed forces. Anyone can make this out.

Till the time... this 'mistaken' Capt. and his mates chose to back-stab me.

< EndOfPost >

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