Wednesday, January 25, 2017



An Indian's... pondering over certain timelines... spanning centuries... apart...

Circa 1816 :


After the battle of Plassesy, 1757... the Britishers have consolidated positions across the Indian sub-continent. Much before and around the same time the other marauding Europeans - this includes the French, Portugese, Dutch have also consolidated their position = strangle-hold in India. Whereby all these marauding forces make use of all the rules of their book ( unseen and unknown to the Indian state-craft, diplomacy and any/ all military strategy/ stratagem ) - using the DOCTRINES, TREATIES and the AGREEMENTS as the "noose" to ensnare, entrap, round up thereby compartmentalizing the fragmented and largely fragile Indian princely states. One by one. Who all are clueless on the future implications of such treaties, doctrines and the agreements. ( NOTE - typical resonance &/ or congruence to the current times ? )

If any treaty, doctrine, agreement or pact is/ was made. Some bare basics framework is/ was initially provided for/ added. Later on some ( yet another/ another set of ) late entrant ( say ) guys add some more clauses/ digressions... and profusely so. Rather... a sea/ plethora of super fine clauses/ digressions.

And, depending on the 'situational awareness' ( in a rather global, regional and localized sense ) these guys pull off the fruits of the so-called "alliance" or partnership. All this might ( anytime ) happen 1-5-10-15-20-30-40-60-100-120-150 years down the line... from the moment of penning down of mutual acts/ pacts/ treaties/ agreements. !!


Meanwhile there are instances of the majorly mighty kingdoms ( the Sikhs, Marathas, weakened Mughals, etc. ) ever slowly losing their inherent strength, influence, hold and traction over their fiefdom; under the gradual onslaught of Europeans ( majorly - the East India Company ).

The process of gradual decimation by "thousand cuts" on the Indian sub-continent is fully unleashed by the western Europeans. Primarily... the wily/ vile Britishers. Slowly... the Indians are gradually losing their culture, values and the educational system. The Indian educational system has been undergoing massive changes, in the process, been devastated and totally westernized.

The reader of this piece is asked to use his knowledge, thoughts and imaginations to perceive and conceptualize the Indian sub-continent at that ( around the Circa 1816 ) instance of time.


Very few Indians would realize the fact that -

Owing to the fault of one sepoy - Mangal Pandey the entire 1857 "planned uprising" went phut. The planned 1857 uprising was to be "death by thousand cuts" blow to the Britishers. That would have plucked off the Brits off the land. And, we might have been a free nation by 1857 ( ninety years prior to 1947 ).

Frankly... Sepoy Mangal Pandey jumped the gun. What had to transpire at thousand places at one specific instance of date and time. Would have certainly paralyzed the Brits and decimated their raw attacking power.

Sepoy Mangal Pandey destroyed the work of many many months and years ( by the master strategists ) by his wanton act. We Indians lost almost a century of being an independent nation owing to the fallacies of one single man, is a thought that recurs and confronts.

Why I think so - is plain simple if anyone can see. Yet I might explain this at some future instance of time.

Practically ( a cue ) -
To take on a 100,000 strong British presence across the India sub-continent required simultaneous massive losses to them; that might have destroyed any chances of rethink, recoup and reassemble. Where total surrender would have been the ONLY option remaining.

Is it that Sepoys' premature outburst turned the spoil sport for the entire Indian civilization ? By localizing the effort ? Whilst - one massive incision ( to spread the British losses ) at all the locales might have sufficed to decimate them.
Such things are not the ball-game of a mere sepoys and their mercurial acts of randomly spread, managed and directed bravadicio.

Requires master strategists of the highest order. Some military geniuses.

And... who says that the modern armed forces and intel agencies have their history dating back to 1857 ? In which case, that they did not earn their stripes since then ( 1857 )  till 1947 - is a thought that recurs.

Circa 1916 :

In Europe... there is a protracted World War - I ( WW-I : 1914-1918 ).

There have been Indian leaders and ( the covertly partnered ) princely states/ kings ( mainly the 11, 18, 21 gun/ canon-ball salute variety ) who have recruited and sent massive number of Indian soldiers to Europe to fight in WW-I on behalf of the mangy Britishers.

In hind sight... one can easily perceive that... if were it not for the exorbitant "Black Gold" stock in the middle east... WW-I and WW-II might have never ever been conceived, designed, planned, actioned out, orchestrated and taken place.

The end result of WW-I and WW-II had been the creation of the state of Israel, which remains ever covertly backed by the NATO. The strategic Israeli locat‭ion gives Israel/ NATO a sure-foot leverage, hold and sway over and around the entire middle eastern region ( i.e. on the OPEC cartel actually ) and the entire stretch of the region is (c)overtly militarized.


Around the same time... after the failed Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, the East India company has passed on the rule of the entirety of the Indian sub-continent to the British Crown.

Thereby... this establishes without fail that the East India Company ( EIC ) was factually a (c)overt front of the British Crown... actually the Anglo-Saxon ( predominantly Judaic ) "deep state" - "THE" think-tank and their might.

And... these guys ( EIC ) chose the best time to re- consolidate power and transfer the power to the British Crown.


In the Indian scenario - the nationalistic sentiments have touched newer heights. There is demand and struggle made by Indians to free the land off the Britishers. Patriotic Indians are polarizing to pluck off the Britishers off the face of the entire Indian nation.

The then undivided India, majorily occupied and controlled by the Brishers (in)directly, covered present day - Burma ( Myanmar ), BanglaDesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

Almost the entirety of the Indian population have almost foregone their differences and the Hindus + Muslims + Sikhs, etc. and all the diverse groupings are fully aligned to fully/ thoroughly and conclusively rout and expel the Britishers from the entirety of the Indian landscape. There is NIL inter-religious and inter-caste rivalries, as far as the Britishers go.

There have been popular risings.


The reader of this piece is asked to use his knowledge, thoughts and imaginations to perceive and conceptualize the Indian sub-continent at that instance of time, viz. 1916 AD.

Circa 2016 :

In August,1947 we Indians gain independence. Gain or given ? Or, are we still a dominion of the empire - the common wealth ?

Before that... the slimy Britishers have ensured that the Indian civilization... the sub-continent is divided on religious fault-lines into a few separate countries...

East Pakistan and West Pakistan, Burma and Afghanistan are gone from the mainland Bharat... carved off as separate countries.

Does this surprise that Mountbatten is called - "the Earl of Burma" ?


India and Pakistan have had 3-4 wars over the past 70 years, since we gained independence. We are part of the same Indian civilization that constituted of... the same set of brown people... but... "some set of ultra-smart" people have divided regions in collusion with the Britishers ( and/ or is it actually vice versa ? ) on the basis of religion. Just to hog onto power.


Here... below... lies the CRUX of this entire blog piece -


Between the period of 1916 to 2016 ...

The Han Chinese people got together and formed the Communist Party in 1949. After seeing that the Britishers are gone from South Asia. And- India and the Indian civilization is now split into almost half a dozen countries.

With India and Pakistan warring over the valley of Kashmir during 1947-1948. Essentially the Britishers had done their work. And ... well... for the Chinese nation.

And so... in 1950 the Chinese overran Tibet and occupied the entire stretch of the vast Tibetan country.

Tibet existed as an independent country since millenniums.

Meanwhile... the Chinese Red Army ad the Communist Party take 10-12 years to deeply entrench themselves in Tibet ( 1950-1962 ). Meanwhile they chanted "Hindi-Chini bhai bhai" and some "panchsheel" principles. Our Indian PM and the entire Indian leadership was rendered happy and complacent.

In 1962 - for the first time in the annals of history ( per my limited knowledge ) the Indian and the Chinese civilization are facing each other off in a war. Sort of... a great... "Himalayan Blunder".

Clearly ... the Indian leadership failed to anticipate the entire situation. With the then PM clearly under-estimating the real force and the nature of the Chinese intentions/ motive/ motivations. And... their might.

That cost us real dear.


1) The insurgency in the North East and in the Kashmir valley might have been way long back settled if we had a friendly Buddhist country Tibet to our North, rather than Tibet being forcibly occupied by the PRC is a question that confronts ?

2) Is it possible that if India were not fragmented in different countries on the grounds of religion ( by the vile Britishers )... our response to the Chinese occupation of Tibet and their show of force... might / would certainly have been different ?

Quite possibly... Tibet would have still existed as a separate nation. And... completely out of PRC's circle of influence. Similar to Vietnam.

A civilizational failure here ?? !!

Seems like our mutual loss is... the PRC's gain !!

And... PRC is reaping the fruits off our ( Indo-Pak ) fault-lines. To the extent that PRC has decided to run riot thru' the Ghulam Kashmir territory ( illegally occupied regions of North-West Kashmir by Pakistan; and controlled and administered by Pakistan ) the CPEC corridor that links the Baloch port of Gwadar to the Singiang province.

Thereby PRC apparently seeks to mutually - appease and strengthen the Punjabi Sunni Muslim rule over Pakistan... meanwhile, removing the entire world's focus from the Tibetan Buddhist insurgency and their 60-70 years old constant efforts for seeking to effect Tibetan independence from the Han Chinese. And covertly thereby ensuring a more vicious grip over Tibet ( the TAS ) region.

And we Indians are faced with a new sort of mega headache.

What about - some 30-40-50 years down the line the PRC forcibly occupies Mongolia. For... few weeks back PRC blockaded Mongolia over Dalai Lama's visit.

Seems like... is it that the CPEC freight corridor seeks to undeniably block any plausible Indian gateway to the energy rich Central Asian regions around the Caspians ( via Ghulam Kashmir and Afghanistan ) ?

Quite evidently... YES !!

And... it is time the GoI must try mitigate the inherent risk element.


The Chinese seem to be rejuvenating the almost bankrupt Pakistan economy by investing some USD 46 billions in this CPEC freight corridor over a period of time. This is expected to inject some life in the Punjabi Sunni control over their fiefdom called Pakistan.

Why the PRC leadership chose to play spoil-sport to the Indian bid to enter the NSG group beats the understanding ? Meanwhile - the Chinese leadership are supplying Bangladesh with 2 submarines and FDI worth USD 26 billions.

This sounds like way... too much.

I suggest that the PRC is splurging the largesse over these east/ west flanking lands because we Indians are allowing them to. Actually funding them ( the PRC ) to fund Pakistan and Bangladesh. That is... frankly speaking !!

With our ... negative balance of trade in the favor of PRC... to the tune of USD 60-70 billions. Actually... we are financing the Chinese economy. Aside and apart from the Western nations ( with lots of Indian wealth squandered all over ) muscling the China nation.

And... indirectly... the CPEC and the Bangladesh FDI... is an evident truth ? Progeny of the Indian indirect investment in PRC ?

Seems like true.


SOLUTION to the above-mentioned PROBLEM -
In case there is reduction in Indo-China balance of trade numbers/ stats by USD 20-30-40 billion per year, in our favor. Then... this amounts to ( over a decade's time ) USD 200-300-400 billion !!

This is NO mean figure !! And... if the people of India and/ or the GoI is determined... this reduction can be safely achieved. Then... all the investments in our neighborhood might go dry... in no time. Because, the PRC might be compelled to need to invest or manage more in the affairs of their country first.

And... this is 100 % possible.

Again... if we choose to squeeze the Indo-Pak trade then Pakistan economy and establishment will see "the light of the day". But does that help in the long run ?

We are clearly not doing so ? This implies that are we (c)overtly allowing the problem to magnify ?

We need not bank on the West to solve issues like such. Which all... they might further complicate... to their advantage.

And... all this ends to any/ all of the Asian country's disadvantage.


So... let us consider a small example ( how to deal with the hugely negative Indo-Chinese trade ) -

Recently - I came to know that all the 7 Volt batteries ( whether automotive or industrial; used in motor bikes or UPS, etc. ) sold in India are ALL sourced = imported from China !!

No Indian manufacturer produces them any more. The existing producers stopped producing them.

And... how's that ?

As someone was telling...

Actually - in the year 2010 there was a huge country-wide power crisis during summer months. And... so people faced frequent power cuts. This necessitated that people buy and install - inverters + batteries.

During that time phase the Indian manufacturers ( owing to demand glut ) sourced quite some of their stock from China. Later these same manufacturers sensed that it is economical, profitable and less cumbersome to import the same batteries from PRC and then re-label the produce and sell the same in the Indian market to earn the same / similar kind of profits. With NIL headache of manufacturing, labour, supply-chain-management, etc.

So... these guys disbanded their old time manufacturing units ( thereby rendering thousands of their workers jobless ) and thereon started importing the lead-acid, Ni chlriode based, etc. and similar such batteries from PRC. On ensured - economies of scale and some peace of mind.

I guesstimate that the quantum of these battery imports alone might be to the tune of USD 2-3 billions / annum ( if the person who told of 100 % imports from PRC, is to be believed ).

In that case this is akin to INR 10,000 - 20,000 crores alone of FOREX going out of our hand to PRC !!

This is akin to INR 100,000 - 200,000 crores over a DECADE's time frame. In the case of small sized automotive or industrial batteries, alone !!

If the GoI is seriously determined... then the trade deficit with PRC can be easily halved !!

This potentially / assuredly gives us a lot of leverage in our dealings with PRC... and in our surroundings/ neighborhood.

Apparently... the GoI think-tank does not see any wisdom in effecting this, shall we assume ??


A lot of security experts believe that "China's rise won't be peaceful".

Ask our NSA- Ajit Doval ad he'll agree 100 %.

Our NSA must advice the GoI to drastically reduce the balance of trade with China. This might have greater impact and implications for PRC and therefore on PRC's aid to Pakistan.

In my limited understanding - it is advisable that the Chinese shelve CPEC or go way too slow on the CPEC. Rather than making it any sort of ego issue.

This CPEC thing does not sound anyway good for all the three  of us ( either China, Pakistan or us Indians ) in the long run.


if the Western countries really ever want to squeeze PRC then they'll start pulling off their manufacturing bases off from PRC and relocating these to other Asian or African countries.

Apparently, no matter whatever they say, PRC seems like their BEST STRATEGIC partner. The bottom-line truth. Again... the PRC laps up all the US Govt. Dollar denominated bonds, CDOs, etc. thereby ever increasing the US Dollar currency demand and therefore the US Govt. overall debt ( denominated in the US Dollar ).

Any arms race in the Asian sphere might eventually destroy the Asian countries. As... most of the countries have to choose to either source their arms from the Western Block ( = NATO ) or Russia.

This must not be forgotten.


Over the century - 1916..2016 ...

The extended Indian civilization has fragmented into a set of countries in the Indian sub-continent. Some of these are fully volatile and under foreign occupation ( Afghanistan ). Whilst others have been recurrently warring - India and Pakistan.

Meanwhile -
the Chinese have swiftly moved over to occupy the entirety of Tibet. And, have one foot in the Arabian sea @ Gwadar port, Balochistan, Pakistan. Another port and SEZ in Sri Lanka. And, the way the PRC has decided to invest USD 26 billions in Bangladesh... there are chances that PRC may be toying up with similar idea in the Bay of Bengal region.

And... this does NOT sound too good. We are rendered uncomfortable. Indirectly... the PRC is expanding on the back of Western market of Chinese finished products. Thereby this has continually strengthened the Chinese economy.

Actually ... most of the wealth in the western economies is of Indian origin. ( Recall "the INR 15 lakh in the account" extrapolation I had made previously ).

Indirectly - covertly Indian-origin money/ wealth ( routed via the western tax havens ) as FDI in the PRC economy has muscled up China. And, now we have the Western guys saying that "PRC rise may not be peaceful". Btw - these guys themselves allowed the PRC to rise. Now they want to solve the PRC problem !! By... cobbling up a coalition of Asian countries that might be impacted by PRC's rise.

Thereby starting, abetting and fueling an arms race in the Asian sphere !!

Some real contrarian thoughts...

2) What about - if we Indians had gained independence in 1857 AD ( in case the Sepoy Mutiny had somehow remotely succeeded or had NEVER ever taken place !! ) ? And - there was NO Hindu - Muslim engineered rioting. And, the SAARC nations were one big unified nation.

Quite possibly Tibet might NOT have been EVER overrun by China. And, sensing trouble from the Chinese side - it might have been likely that Tibetans might have joined the Indian union, in all their wisdom.

Tibet might have been - a couple of more states added to a country known as Bharat.

In which case Indian troops might have been co-stationed in Tibet's border with mainland China, even in the 19th century ( post 1857 ).


Further - if the muslims in the sub-continent were able to divide the mainland China in two or three warring countries. Befriending one of these nations ( say - a Buddhist ) ... we brown Indians might have had, by now, established road /corridor to the South China Sea ( through the mainland China ) that started off from the Indian territory of Tibet.

And - what about a fully functional Indian port at Taiwan ( compare this to the Chinese port at Sri Lanka ).

Whilst the two or three warring Chinese ( fragmented ) countries tried managing each other with endless muck raking and war.

Clearly that has NOT really happened !! Whilst the reverse is happening.

We need to wake up. And good.

Clearly... the 19th century was not ours. And... provenly the 20th century was certainly China's. In the sense that PRC has still managed to gobble up Tibet. In the start of the 21st century PRC has set one foot in the Arabian Sea @ Gwadar port, Balochistan, Pakistan.

This has set the stage for PRC... for what all may roll further on, in the oncoming future.

Yet... PRC seems to be in a hurry... yet slowly and steadily they are expanding their reaches...

Seems like that the Han Chinese civilization = "race of people" have shown themselves to be aptly wiser and more unified ( sans the scar of the Islamic conquest and conquistadors in the Indian sub-continent / civilization that divided the people on religious / communal lines ) than all of us - Indians/ Pakistanis/ Bangladeshis/ Afghans/ Iranians/ Bhutanese/ Burmese/, etc. ( essentially brown people ) all rolled into one single entity = Indian civilization.

So... shall we expect that the 21st century belongs to India ? Rather... the Indian civilizational space ? To the Indian sub-continent at large ?

How to actually effect that ? I suggest that the solution might lie in a "Currency Union".

If any person from the sub-continent meets a Han Chinese ( yellow race ) or Western people ( white race )... the yellow and the white guy cannot ( usually ) make out that the person from the Indian civilization ( brown raced guy ) is actually from which country - India or Pakistan or Sri Lanka or Bangladesh or Afghanistan or... ?

This is the REAL fact !!

Seems like eventually Pakistan's Punjabi Sunni leadership is going to be used up and left aside by the PRC leadership is a thought that repeats again and again.

The Sunni Punjabi Pakistanis have failed to do adequate soul-searching whilst allowing the CPEC project. Their only motivation might be to maintain their hold and sway over the rest of the three provinces and people ( whether they be in - Sind, Balochistan or NWFP ) This may be fallacy of the greatest order in the annals of history ( on their part ).

By that time - we Indians might have moved on way too ahead. There might not be NIL catching up or any bon-homie remaining.

PRC must go slow on the CPEC. And, the Russians must stay out of the CPEC. And any/ all related India-specific concerns must be taken care of by the Russians.

A thought -
If we tighten the screws on the already floundering Pakistan economy and at the same time massively cut back on the trade deficit that we have with China - then we DO NOT necessarily need to get into an arms race with any neighboring country ?

Any arms race leads to rejuvenating and adding fuel/ fire to the Western and the Russian economies.

While minimizing any/ all risk - we must be focused on development.

And... in house technology development and production.

Circa 2116 :

Pakistan as a country has long ceased to exist... is a thought that recurs.

Owing to the fallacies of the Sunni Punjabi muslims during 2000-2010-2020 the region is now under complete Chinese sovereignty = indirect or direct rule - is a resounding thought that confronts.

There are Chinese folks ( much like the Britishers in the colonial India ) running the show from the erstwhile Pakistan's territory which has transformed into an adjunct part of the extended PRC.

A vassal statehood might have been a better option.

Frankly, as of todays -

It is for the Pakistani Punjabi Sunni leaders to "make a call with destiny". They won't get another chance. They might have a very small window of opportunity.

The ball is in their court. They must realize this. In the... Punjabi Sunni leadership court. They need to make a call.

They need to get out of this CPEC thing. If they have any vision - they should see what might transpire on account of this, going forwards.

After all we are brown men. Not white or yellow.

Even our Captain is certainly not black. Though he rants against the "white invader". In case the Captain thinks that he is black man then there are chances that someone might call him a ni... an Indian ne..

But then, Thiyyas ( as opposed to the Ezhavas ) claim to have come from Central Asia ( See the Thiyya Mahasabha website from the Malabar region ) and are moderately fair i.e. brown rather than jet black.

< EndOfPost >

AryaVarta, AryaMan - a Currency Union.

AryaVarta, AryaMan - Urgently needed - a Currency Union

If we look up at the URL - ( One may also refer aother URL - )

We see that at the bottom of the website there is an article as to how Neta Ji Subhash Chandra Bose planned to evict the Britishers from India. Thereby bringing self-rule - Swarajya.

And... again...
How Neta Ji's plan might have been effectively thwarted by the American nuclear bombings in Japan ( that immediately brought down the Japanese to knees and forced them to surrender. ).

Though the nuclear bombings were completely unwarranted to even coerce Japan to submission, even if we are to take into account the Pearl Harbour incident. As Japan was anyways on line to be vanquished in a matter of weeks/ months.

Is it that since 1945, Japan, somehow stills happens to be effectively a vassal State of the USA ? Seems likely. Since the USA's military presence since 1945, in Japan.

Every Indian MUST read this masterpiece of article at - .

Esp. the types and likes of Justice Katju who openly writes against Neta Ji and calls him a Japanese agent.

These guys must reformat their thinking on Neta Ji.


Again... had Neta Ji Subhash Chandra Bose succeeded in his efforts @ Aug, 1945 ( and it seems 100 % likely after reading this article that it was a case of 100 % guaranteed success. ) then -

The Britishers would have been completely and thoroughly routed and expelled out of India by the end of August, 1945.

The Indian country = the great Indian state = the "Bruhat Bharat" nation state might have extended from Vietnam in the eastern flanges to Iran in the mid west Asia.

there may NOT be any denying that Tibet might have been till date, an independent country.

Again... PRC might have never invaded and occupied Tibet.

Thereby, there are chances that sensing future trouble arising from the PRC, the Tibetans might have had justifiable reasons to join the Indian union, as a state having some autonomy of its own. Maybe. Perhaps.

This entire stretch of region = "Bruhat Akhand Bharat" ( let's call this country : Arya-Varta ) might be having one single/ unitary currency in usage.


Btw -
Captain trashing Neta Ji's legacy on account of caves of Raboul. Of how the Japs ate nearly 21,000 soldiers of the INA - looks way too far fetched.

I don't buy this line. Never did.

Captain must reformat his thinking on Neta Ji. And, stop dishing propaganda against Neta Ji.


Coming to the main issue of this post -

Some 4-5 months back... the Chinese Yuan was added to the list of currencies in the IMF denominated SDR basket. i.e. the Yuan became an international currency of trade.

This has happened because the western nations have covertly allowed the PRC to achieve this gain. This process has been gradually allowed over ( say - the past 2-3 ) decades, and culminated in this event.

I guesstimate that, going forward, this is going to gradually strengthen the Chinese economy. Frankly - the Western nations seem like covert partners in the Chinese rise and progress. The pace of this progress in the Chinese economy - is 100 % dependent on Western imports made from PRC. By many western owned or financed manufacturing units in the PRC.

And... this quantum does not seem to be slowing down any which ways.

So, similar to the PRC currency Yuan...

Is it not time that the nations spanning from the Eastern flanks of Vietnam to Iran. All inclusive - start using a singular currency in international trade.

Let's call this same currency either - 1) AryaMan, or 2) Acia.

100 "AryaM" s make one AryaMan i.e. 1 AryaMan = 100 AryaM; alternately
100 "AciaM" s make one Acia    i.e. 1 Acia    = 100 AciaM.

Basically, what is being espoused is - all these Asian ( East + South + Mid-East ) countries use a singular currency for international trade and trade settlements, between nations.

Importantly -
All these countries DO NOT have to be replacing their already existing currencies. Their respective national currencies coexist with a new one that comes into vogue. The national currencies are used in house alone.

Again, this newly created currency is to be used ONLY for international trade and payments.

Available only via suitable Govt. banking agencies ( banking system or the reserve bank ), in all the respective countries throughout the entire region.

Importantly -

This seems like the best bet to make and fix our OWN SPOT in the international SDR currency basket, with some alacrity. This achieves the best hedge against the vagaries of international currency demand / supply. Any / all currencies.

Following BrExit, the British Sterling Pound will try to have its own existence and spread, once again.

The Euro used in the EU may see reduction in demand. Same supply. If demand is less- then it becomes cheaper rather than dearer to the US Dollar.

This is certainly going to work in favor of the US Dollar strengthening. Demand rising. If supply is constricted a wee bit - then the US Dollar becomes dearer.

Importantly I guesstimate that apart from the US Dollar that may see marginal gains out of BrExit - all the net gains might be MAJORLY gained by the PRC currency Yuan. Since the Chinese trade and economy is expected to grow in size over the oncoming years - to the number one or two position.

Whilst, only minimal/ strong advantage might accrue to the US Dollar on the demand or supply side.

So... it behoves the powers that are... to mull a new currency to be used throughout this entire region. For intra-country with the same countries/ international trade .

This way - we may have better control and leverage over the currency demand/ supply. Thereby limit the extent of wealth exiting the entire region.

Most importantly - as a hedge/ bulwark against the undue rise in demand / supply chain of the PRC currency Yuan.

In the current context - more the extent of demand/ supply of currency in the international market. The more resolutely firm and broad-based are the economic foundations of the currency region or union.

Simple rule ? -
Peg the value of this currency AryaMan / Acia against a set of international currencies, to start with. Some historical median over the recent past ( say over 2-3 days/ or a week ) ? Then, being lively pegged ?

Why I wrote this post. I get this strong feeling that -

I guesstimate that down the line the Russians are planning to expand the spread of rouble or rouble like currency in the erstwhile USSR region countries. The Eurasian region. << This is very important, to note. >>

This initiative requires some real courage to see through, by countries panning right across the Vietnam <- India <- Iran stretch.

Again, and importantly any small scale war or battle between adjoining countries might not drastically affect the intrinsic value or demand/ supply of this currency.

In fact - such low grade mis-adventures might be ruled out in the entire region. Esp. between nations. As there are likelihood that other nations that are part of the Currency Union ( this concept is opposed to that of an economic union ) might try to pitch in to solve the mutual issues or even to contain the same, to their advantage.

A currency union may or may not give rise to an economic union at a latter date. And, this lends more stability throughout the region.

< EoP >

Bull's Eye ain't Bull's eye - Part Two

Bull's Eye ain't Bull's eye - Part Two ( of Three )

( I hope that I am getting this right - I mean Bull's eye ! And this ain't something else that Capatin AV has in mind )


Please refer my previous post ( last year ) titled "Bull's Eye ain't Bull's eye".

Refer and revisit ALL the URL links for better understanding the perspective.


Especially towards one of the URLs that tell of some coastal area ( sea beach ) Morang ( perhaps ), in Malaysia.

Talking of... people waking up in the dead of mid-night by the loud sound of revving airplane engine... but seeing nothing.


Also... what a URL ... espouses as a theory.

I have NIL idea who runs any of these URLs and how come these people are so very knowledgable.


During the second week and onwards of March, 2014... if anyone had done a thorough google search on the missing airliner... then there are chances that one might have chanced across the following in the web ( = google ) search -

There used to be a Youtube video.

I am not sure whether this youtube video still exists. May or may not be there.

But, there are chances that the same video might have been viewed by thousands, tens of thousands, lakhs or even tens of lakhs of people across the entire world.

If I have seen it. Then others too might have seen this Youtube video. So also many of the Captain's mates.

Coming to/ recalling this youtube video now -

aaa)  This showed the video recordings of a desktop/ laptop screen-shot of the airliner paths taken on a certain date + time. Video made was of a certain web-site - or ( not sure which one ).

Whilst the missing Malaysian airliner MH370 was on due flight course and above the sea...

During those same instances of time whilst the Malaysian flight was under normal flight path progress...
( Perhaps after 30-40-45 minutes, after takeoff from KL )

bbb) There starts off a very high speed ( at least cruising @ 4-7 MACHs; as roughly deducible from the youtube video ) aeroplane. This is almost 4-7 times the speed of the Malaysian airliner. If we assume that the Malaysian airliner was cruising at almost 1 MACH ( = almost 900-1200 kmph ).

This ultra high speed aeroplane starts off from somewhere near the Eastern sea coast of Malaysia.

On checking with any mapping URLs ( say - or ) anyone could have easily observed that this place is overlapping one of the locations mentioned as ( perhaps ) Morang ( not sure I recall the name correctly ). A coastal place clearly mentioned in a few reference URLs ( refer my previous post ).

This, to a certain or great extent, re-inforced and/ or corroborated the info. given in some of the reference URLs ( that are part of the previous posts on this topic ) as true.

All this cumulative info. and some gleanings thereof might have determined my reactions on the Captain's message board ( circa Q1, 2014 ), to some good extent.

My mistake ?

ccc) Again, one can observe that this ultra-high speed military aero-plane intercepts the in-flight Malaysian airliner over the sea.
Both these planes converge at a point - that is no nations's maritime/ radar area overlap.

This implied that this military ultra-high speed aeroplane either missiled the Malaysian airliner out of the sky; ( I recall, Captain had actually stated on his blog - 'blown into smithereens' ). But, what about any remotest wreckage in the sea being ever found ? There was none.

To add to the mystery - the Chinese recorded some 'seismic thud' at the bottom of the the ocean. Some seismic event. One URL proclaimed.

Else, likely that -

this ultra-high speed military aero-plane/ drone/ AWACS ( Perhaps receiving command/ control from the satellites/ some distant ground or maritime airbases, etc. ) had wirelessly taken over the control of the Malaysian airliner. And both of these flew together. Perhaps one below the other, at same cruising speed and in very close proximity/ vicinity to avoid all sort of radars ( civilian or military ) detection.

ddd) Again one notes in this Youtube video, that at the point of interception or convergence, there is a marked deflection in the flight path of the Malaysian airliner MH370 ( or was it the ultra-high speed military aero-plane alone ? or both of them flew together ? )

Flight deflection that could be forty to forty-five degrees sharp V-turn clockwise. Stated again - this is like almost one hundred thirty-five or one hundred forty degrees deflection from the main course towards the left ( reverse ) side.

This same mid-way deflection in the flight path was shown on the TVs for many days in many ( even international ) channels. Day in and day out.

This further corroborated that the Youtube video had elements of truth in it. In congruence with the info. thrown by the reference URLs I had chanced during the google search; and referenced in part -I.

Again -
the youtube video showed this "deflected flight path" of ( perhaps ) the converged entity as going out further in the South westerly direction in the Indian ocean area.

The TV news channels showed the same "deflected flight path".

Further added by the same TV channels was ...

not sure if the Malaysian flight took the "northern arc" or "southern arc" at some point of time ?

Which might have been deliberately introduced... to add to the confusion and suspicion of the world community ( esp. the Chinese ). <- One view.

Generally the Chinese are suspicious of us Indians and might take most of us as Western stooges. We do not care.

eee) Questions -

What all nations have such capabilities as that exhibited by this ultra-high speed military aero-plane ( perhaps either manned or unmaned; again either a drone or AWACS; perhaps receiving command/ control via an array of satellites/ some distant ground or maritime airbases, etc. ) revving upto 4-7-9 MACHs in no time is anyone's guess ?

Perhaps of - dismantlable or re-assemblable nature ?


We have seen the color revolutions in the mid east that started off using the social media.

So... the role and influence ( on our psyche ) of what we get to read on the internet cannot be ever discounted.

Importantly -

the info. disseminated in any manner cannot be ignored. There could be covert propaganda in the most nonchalant manner. Disguised as plausible knowledge or allusion thereof.

In this context, a question arises -

Who owns any of these domains - ; &/ or ; &/ or ; &/ or ; &/ or ; &/ or



This means that what info. we get to see or is shown to us ( and the knowledge gleaned therefrom ) can be easily tailor-made by an external vested party seeking to set its own agenda.

This becomes all the more important - especially after a web search using any of the search engines.

What to speak of different nations and regions, even within the same locality, a customized web search result or a specific web news item can be presented to an individual/ set of individuals/ entire region -

based on a specific individual credentials ( mapped to the web-browser id / Computer id /  Laptop id / web-access id - wireless or router/ modem based, etc. )

diverse set of people can be presented with diverse information. So that everyone's perspective on the same matter may be made to be the same and/ or purportedly different ( in graded flavors. Even suiting nationalities ).

Question -
Essentially - the thought ( back in Q1, 2014 ) that immediately occurred is - what I am seeing seems like plain simple. Is this what another guy in any other part of the planet gets to see / is presented with ?

Say - in Malaysia/ Japan/ China/ Russia/ USA/ EU countries/ Mid Eastern countries ?

And - my answer is NO. Perhaps NO. Because search engines ( like google, yahoo, etc. ) use different web servers for different regions/ countries/ locales. All could be programmed differently/ running a different algorithm. All yielding different results.

So... nothing online can easily be verified as true/ the right perspective/ the only perspective.

Any online stuff could be any of -
- good knowledge, &/or
- Propaganda material, &/or
- Bad publicity/ etc. as well.

Not sure - if seeds of suspicion may be further sown ( in diverse conflicting groups ) using the online propaganda mediums/ channels ... then is it easy to do away with the same evoked suspicion so easily ?

So... is it possible that what youtube video that is being discussed here... some other "targeted" audience / individual/ set of people/ region/ nation in some other part of the world gets to see something different ?

Something more or something less ?

Is a question that may/ must not be discounted.

Now -
Is that a bad line of thinking ?


There is a perception that the UPA Govt. was run by the "high command". And, the former PM Dr MMS was more of a puppet on the throne. With the "high command" pulling the strings on the country's throne.

It is another matter that for the first time in his life and career - the former PM Dr MMS is protesting the demonetisation efforts of the current Govt.

Which seems all politically motivated, implicitly at the behest of the "high command" ? is a question that confronts.

Frankly - the swelling banking NPAs pose a national security risk - to the health of the banking system and therefore to the Indian economy. All these NPAs have accrued mostly during the UPA-1 and UPA-2 Govt. years. Majorly.

So, GoI ( hardly matters if it was any of - NDA-2 or UPA-3 ) had to take some decision at some time on this. Most importantly- I suggest that Captain and mates might have goaded and pressed on PM Modi to take an immediate decision. PM Modi would NEVER do such thing on his own volition, my take, that impacts the economy. Seems like - PM Modi was told to ACT by Captain and mates.

The question is - the NDA-2 Govt. had lots of time to prepare for this demonetisation exchange. Not sure why they frittered away advantage, thereby impacting the economy ?

Again... all the foreign funded NGOs ( like PETA ) must be checked at all cost by the GoI. And their fundings stopped/ constricted/ closely monitored.

During the UPA-1 and UPA-2... the real power was wielded by the "high command".

Our current Foreign Minister Smt Sushma Swaraj gets a great share of the credit; that Ms Sonia Gandhi did not get to become the PM of this country.

Smt Sushma Swaraj had vigorously challenged the appointment of Ms Sonia Gandhi as the UPA-1 or UPA-2 PM. Throwing in stiff opposition. And upped the ante... that if Ms Sonia Gandhi manages to become the PM of India, then she will get her hairs tonsured in protest.

Luckily, our current Foreign Minister Smt Sushma Swaraj's efforts were a success.

I had the same/ similar level of confidence in the UPA-2 Govt. at the latter-most part of their rule ( years 2010-2014 ).

INC leadership is actually controlled by the "high command".

And... many Indians ( including myself ) did NOT trust the INC Govt. that was being indirectly run by a foreign born woman.

One must note how the BJP leader Subramaniam Swamy has gone after this INC President in the past. Even in the present.


Again, an election of the President of the USA can be purportedly impacted - allegedly by the Russian hacking.

Can anyone tell - if the same might NOT have happened in India in 2004, 2009 and 2014 ?

Even in the WB and TN state assembly elections last year. Where the elected Govts. ( of AIDMK and TC ) were facing anti-incumbency. And, yet the sitting parties ( of AIDMK and TC ) and their CM were able to recoup their seats contrary to all the major exit polls that showed that they were on their way out ?


So... how can one say that UPA-3 was NOT in the offing, yet again, post the 2014 LS polls ?

Who might have trusted the UPA-3 to deliver ?

But courtesy the EVM frauds we oftentimes hear - do the same possibility of UPA-3 could be ever discounted ?


Again... there could have been an externally staged event to get us into a situation wherein the LS polls could have been scuttled and that essentially got us into a emergency or a war like situation.

This possibility could NOT be discounted.

Esp. after the US Senator Mr Strobe Tablott aired views that an airliner could be used by rogue elements to launch attacks on the Indian soil. That was at a time when the Malaysian airliner had gone missing.

This portended and was allusive of something big.

I guess US Senator Mr Strobe Tablott is real smart and very knowledgeable, any which ways.

So... his warnings could NOT be discounted. He must have got some inputs from the intel agencies... being part of the Bill Clinton administration he must be having solid old contacts in the then administration, as well.

Again -
whilst noting his pre-bodings... one could not have discounted a power hungry clique ( having support from external powers ) trying or attempting to form a Govt. by any-which-ways and means possible or even plan an emergency.

Question -
How many Indians will trust in an essentially foreign woman at the helm, in times of distress/ emergency/ war ?

Like many of my fellow countrymen, who had NIL trust in the country's top most leadership; that- in times of distress/ emergency/ war they are able to handle the country well ?

So all of my out-pourings on the Captain's message board where in sync with that. Now who has had any problems with that ?


Quite possibly intel agencies around the world knew what had actually happened. Our Indian Intel agencies and the armed forces too. And, this includes the Captain too.

They might have, at best, escalated this to the Indian civilian leadership, by proper channels. With NIL reactions coming from anywhere near the top. As expected.

I thought - this was NOT good. Captain and mates are not doing their job ? As one might have expected. So, I had to pitch in.

Notably -
With every top officials having a near/ far family member in the Western world, it ain't easy for any of them to raise the right flags at the right or the wrong times.

So... what is all this noise about "whistle blower in national security matters" ?

I would not buy that.

I DID YOUR JOB. WHICH YOU COULD NOT DO ? is a question that confronts me.

This means that either you all were going right and I disturbed your long-established policy. Else - you were on the wrong path and I reformatted the approach by airing my thoughts/ views/ opinions.

Captain and mates know better.

For the folks at the helm of running the country are much more smarter and knowledgeable to me in every which way.

Their job.They are PhD in that. I am but a novice. They have the right perspective ( even historical/ current and future ). I do NOT match their knowledge and expertise.

Although- Capatin was done in by the 64-Bala tabulassion.

As regards my outpourings in the context -

"Fools dare in where angels fear to tread".

That sets me and defines me vis-a-vis the angelic Captain.


Addenda -

I might elaborate on the "dream" part in the concluding part of this series. And, what may be gleaned therefrom.

This might be the core piece. Of all the posts.

< EoP >

SUN and the Aaya Ram Gaya Rams

SUN and the Aaya Ram Gaya Rams

(ONE) The real perspective...

In vedic as also in the western astrology - planet SUN is representative of the seat of royal power, authority and might.

Again... planet SUN sustains life on planet earth. And is a visible ( i.e. "pratyaksh" ) devta or deity ( the only - "pratyaksh devta" ).

In the vedic astrology - apart from the soul element, planet Sun is also the representative of the royal authority/ elite and therefore the KING.


Cutting to current times -
In a democratic setup.... there is NO hereditary/ lineage system determining who gets to rule a country or a specific state. And herein- in a democratic setup.... a ruling elitist clique or coterie ( => ruler + ministers + administrators ) is determined by the choice of majority of the people via the route of the ballot boxes in an electoral process.

There may not be any denying that ( as a thumb rule ) generally the "Winning Party" is the one getting the majority seats in polls either at the state/ central level and is the one having a better chance to form the Govt. and rule.

But then, now-a-days, we get coalition parties as partners that coalesces temporarily, for a term, to constitute a Govt.

In essence... the "winning party" is supposed to be a real winner if it goes on to form the Govt.


Now, One important question -
Can we say that, in a democratic setup, the political party having absolute majority or the maximum number of seats is representative of the majority of the people's choice to rule over them ?

And... only the lead political party is vested with the royal authority/ power/ might ( in the truest sense, in today's context ) ? And, therefore, qualifies as the one to be adjudged as the "SUN" amongst all the rest of the pack, that were any-which-ways in the electoral fray ?

One may say that, rather than the actually the ruling Govt. - the really dominant/ major political party leadership is actually representative of the SUN.

So... the answer is - YES.

The really dominant/ major political party at the helm of power ( at state or central level ) = SUN.

So... for instance...

Currently in Bihar, in the "MahaGathaBandhan" coalition - the RJD ( having more seats than the JDU ) leadership might be the actual representative of the people/ Govt. and be akin to planet Sun asmongst the political parties, at the state level.

Talking of political parties being equated with/ to SUN... what are the chances that some political party leadership equates as EQUALS = Shani/ Rahu/ Ketu - across the nation ??

Be advised to be your own judge.


Whilst currently at the center stage, the BJP's core leadership involved in active governance is akin to the SUN.

Their time to shine !! And, yield conclusive results on all fronts - as set out by Captain and mates.


Again... in the previous central Govt. the INC's dominant collective leadership ( rather than the central Govt. itself ) constituted the 'Sun'. ( My take !! )

In this context - one must not forget that there is the concept of a "high command" in many a political parties. And, these "high commands" are more powerful than the Govt. itself or any individual or set of ministers.

Do we talk of - Super Sun then ?


Point one made.  Point two follows.


In politics... there is rather a prevalent term - "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram".

This terminology is historically derived from some repeated instance... wherein... in some state ( perhaps Haryana ) the state's political leadership / authority changing in quick chronological succession. This happened sometime during the Congress rule ? Some 30-50 years back ? Whereby this term came into popular usage.

Importantly, in Hindi language -

"Aaya" means = Come; Again...

"Gaya" means = Gone.

So... can we say that the saying - "Aaya Ram, Gaya Ram" translates in English to = "Came Ram, Gone Ram" ?

This is a core question to mull the answer to ?

Point three follows -


Talking of personalised perceptions and inferences thereof, in the context of the saying - "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram"...

The word "Ram" may be correctly perceived as related to 'male sheep' by the white Christian western audience.

See... importantly there is something called personal perception/ inference/ deduction.

Important point is made here.

In the Indian sub-continent's context -

The word Ram or Rama often and always refers to King Rama of the Solar ( = SUN ) dynasty.

So essentially King Ram or Rama has always been a representative of the planet/ deity Sun ?

Question -
So... do we say that the word Ram ( in the context of - "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram" ) actually refers to -

Ram/ Rama => King Ram => Solar Dynasty => SUN

So... can we state again that... "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram" is congruent to -
translates to English as = "Came Ram Gone Ram" ; this in turn, translates to "Came Sun, Gone Sun"

Basically and frankly -

Now-a-days - the royal power vested with THE ruling party's core leadership ( which is akin to Sun ) come and go every few years i.e. is of ephemeral i.e. temporary nature.

Some ruling political parties ( while still in power; say like the UPA-2 during the years - 2012, 2013 and early 2014 ) and their core leadership... go OVERTLY OVERBOARD in ruling the affairs of the country/ masses... ( with endless scams and corruption ) and in such cases - these parties are subsequently "GONE" for a toss ( with guaranteed net loss ) in the subsequent electoral hustings.


Reference the English language : go > went > gone.

Anti-incumbency adds to and subsequently ratifies this "gone" status, post election. Seen/ pre-saged as what transpired in May, 2014.

(FOUR) Bottom line -

In reality, different people interpret the same things differently. All depends on the mindset of the individual who interprets a context. Any inherent - intent, motive and motivation.

Are there 100 % possibilities that a law enforcing authority &/ or a judicial officer may decide to interpret something purposefully in order to make an issue out of some "context"... so that this suits "someone's" ?? potentially ulterior and/ or malicious "designs" ??

Were these person(s) told or coerced to misinterpret "written matter" by the higher authorities or the ruling party ?

In which case... are there chances that a deep rooted criminal conspiracy is (t)hereby alluded to and... lurks underneath ?

Seems 100 % likely. My view and perception tells me that.

This thought of a deep seated criminal conspiracy, one that could be essentially tantamount to "high treason", might be actually involved, repeats again and again.

Again -

I am not those types that can be easily incited to follow someone on the web and make any sort of mistakes or blunder.

Never did. Never would.
Web is MY turf, to some certain extent. Whilst CapTen stakes claim to sea. Hey CapTen what about the SCS ?


There is something called risk mitigation. Remember that. Also remember - TABULASSION engaged by me ( 100 % correct ), as part thereof.

Frankly -
64 Bala TABULASSION actually required that I should have filed a police or judicial complaint as regards criminal activities indulged in by some set of (un)known parties, online, directed potentially against me and my interests. Perhaps by April, 2014.

TABULASSION clearly implies and establishes = Loss of my peace of mind. Terribly so, till date. As a least measure - in CRPC, there is something called "amanat me khayanat" or whatever that comes to my mind.

I would never do anything that potentially causes embarrassment to me or anyone related to me. Or damages my position/ reputation any-which-way in the social frame-work/ context. Never done so. And would never attempt doing so by means of blogging.

Truth is -

Some/ many of my posts are reactive ( Esp. more so - after 01st Feb, 2015 ). Some posts are deliberate/ purposefully penned. Some choice of words by me... ( like - screw, balls, balm, modern day slave trade, etc. ) though seemingly unbecoming of myself... I intend to use 100 % effectively against those who think they have ( anyways ) ever netted me.

Netted me... ? Is that the case CapTain ?


And, I have had no doubt remaining that those set of people who talk of ethos, pathos, etc. have gone on to bring me down piece by piece. Any which ways.

How they do achieve this remains to be seen.

Are we talking of our armed forces and our intel agencies ? I think so though I am not 100 % sure - what faction ? Is it all the factions ? Then surely NSA Ajit Doval - the brahmin devta - ought to be at the helm of affairs.

(FIVE) Reference Points -

Some more clarity. Food for thought.

a) The elected representatives and the Govt. appointed movie censor board allow a song to be unleashed on the Indian populace, much to everyone's horror, few years back.

The one that talks of -

"Bhaag D.K. Bose"

And... can anyone tell how this song was ever... ever... fine and... decent ?

Question -
Why must one see the movie or the context thereof to determine whether any "choice of words" in a song is good or bad ?

Whilst this same is unleashed on the entire country ?

Which Sun ever found this song good ?

b) One movie made by this movie maker Prakash Jha ( one eminent member of the priestly class ) on Bihar background...

"Gangajal"  has repeated use of the seemingly obscene word "madar ..."

Ask anyone in the cow belt what actually that half-baked and unreal terminology might mean or be actually interpreted as ? Might be actually implying ?

I am sure what the masses might interpret of this terminology. Hardly matters whether they watched the movie or not !!

The problem is... herein -

The Govt. controlled censor board ( A Govt. run agency implies the Govt. as such ) allows and unleashes quite some "unbecoming" stuff on the masses.

Contrarily... when one from the "aam junta" calls Sun as SUN... the same is mistaken for some sort of direct insinuation. Why's that ?

Coming to the point -

How come CapTen or any other idiot thinks anytime that the unique term "Sun of Gones" is the same as 'son of gun' ??

Is "Sun of Gones" a written word ? Was the term anytime verbally spelt out so that the person hearing the same thought the same is related to 'son of gun' ?

Captain and mates - you have blundered big time.

Critical analysis question -
Can this term "Sun of Gones" be ever be part of a legal document to mean anything ? Which court or lawyer might allow this ?

Why misinterpret ?


Again, importantly -

If anyone cannot express one's deep apprehension on food ( = national ) security, peacefully... and the same is interpreted by anyone in authority as discontent against the establishment... then let me re-tell again... worst days might be foretold for such nations and people.

Frankly -
If anyone has booked any case against me - the same set of guys must be booked for "high treason". This is 100 % coming from me.

And... I might have exactly done the same, with reverse speed, if any authorities approached me anytime.

If I ever did made a mistake and the authorities knowingly have NOT approached me, then...
I sometimes think that the latency on the part of Govt. agencies might be... to destroy critical evidence that might be part of Google's historical data backup/ maintenance policy. And what data google allows to lapse over a certain time frame. ( One / two / three year ?? Or, never ? )

Am I right on this here ?


And... I have NOT finished with the right perspective on the "food security" part. That being - there are private mega corporations that have the entire historical weather/ climate records in their control ( = their databases ).

So, what little data remains in the public domain may not be really reliable, down the line. And- the greatest problem we are going to chance across is... induced weather/ climate modifications and tinkering with the tectonic plates. And any weather/ climate data that might then emerge as 'historical data' might be tinkered to resonate with the new established norm or the induced weather/ climatic pattern.
Is a thought that repeats again and again.

c) The owner of a certain blog and his close pals think that they anyhows/ somehows netted me.

I suggest that is incorrect. If they tried the same... then there are chances that they are enmeshing themselves in their own trap.

That's what I think might be the reality. Though their covert motivation ( else, real challenge since being technically a co-accused ) might have been changing some defunct British time laws, rules and regulations.


Using the implicated individuals to build up a case/ situation to force the GoI to change British time rules/ laws/ regulations.

Context - Captian's concern for the number of under-trial prisoners whilst ArKej was in Tihar jail for 15 days. And... how Captain wanted the Govt. to do something about it.

How many guys on the Captain's team had to undergo "invasion of privacy" owing to this or any of my related posts ?

I suggest none.

In that case -
Does that imply a criminal mind = mindest and perhaps a criminal conspiracy directed against ( say ) me ?

I am inclined to say - YES. Perhaps that certainly requires a judicial investigation, in public interest.

A PIL item against probable Govt. excesses by using the topmost GoI authorities.. is a thought that resounds.

< EoP >