Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Bull's Eye ain't Bull's eye - Part Two

Bull's Eye ain't Bull's eye - Part Two ( of Three )

( I hope that I am getting this right - I mean Bull's eye ! And this ain't something else that Capatin AV has in mind )


Please refer my previous post ( last year ) titled "Bull's Eye ain't Bull's eye".

Refer and revisit ALL the URL links for better understanding the perspective.


Especially towards one of the URLs that tell of some coastal area ( sea beach ) Morang ( perhaps ), in Malaysia.

Talking of... people waking up in the dead of mid-night by the loud sound of revving airplane engine... but seeing nothing.


Also... what a URL ... espouses as a theory.

I have NIL idea who runs any of these URLs and how come these people are so very knowledgable.


During the second week and onwards of March, 2014... if anyone had done a thorough google search on the missing airliner... then there are chances that one might have chanced across the following in the web ( = google ) search -

There used to be a Youtube video.

I am not sure whether this youtube video still exists. May or may not be there.

But, there are chances that the same video might have been viewed by thousands, tens of thousands, lakhs or even tens of lakhs of people across the entire world.

If I have seen it. Then others too might have seen this Youtube video. So also many of the Captain's mates.

Coming to/ recalling this youtube video now -

aaa)  This showed the video recordings of a desktop/ laptop screen-shot of the airliner paths taken on a certain date + time. Video made was of a certain web-site - or ( not sure which one ).

Whilst the missing Malaysian airliner MH370 was on due flight course and above the sea...

During those same instances of time whilst the Malaysian flight was under normal flight path progress...
( Perhaps after 30-40-45 minutes, after takeoff from KL )

bbb) There starts off a very high speed ( at least cruising @ 4-7 MACHs; as roughly deducible from the youtube video ) aeroplane. This is almost 4-7 times the speed of the Malaysian airliner. If we assume that the Malaysian airliner was cruising at almost 1 MACH ( = almost 900-1200 kmph ).

This ultra high speed aeroplane starts off from somewhere near the Eastern sea coast of Malaysia.

On checking with any mapping URLs ( say - or ) anyone could have easily observed that this place is overlapping one of the locations mentioned as ( perhaps ) Morang ( not sure I recall the name correctly ). A coastal place clearly mentioned in a few reference URLs ( refer my previous post ).

This, to a certain or great extent, re-inforced and/ or corroborated the info. given in some of the reference URLs ( that are part of the previous posts on this topic ) as true.

All this cumulative info. and some gleanings thereof might have determined my reactions on the Captain's message board ( circa Q1, 2014 ), to some good extent.

My mistake ?

ccc) Again, one can observe that this ultra-high speed military aero-plane intercepts the in-flight Malaysian airliner over the sea.
Both these planes converge at a point - that is no nations's maritime/ radar area overlap.

This implied that this military ultra-high speed aeroplane either missiled the Malaysian airliner out of the sky; ( I recall, Captain had actually stated on his blog - 'blown into smithereens' ). But, what about any remotest wreckage in the sea being ever found ? There was none.

To add to the mystery - the Chinese recorded some 'seismic thud' at the bottom of the the ocean. Some seismic event. One URL proclaimed.

Else, likely that -

this ultra-high speed military aero-plane/ drone/ AWACS ( Perhaps receiving command/ control from the satellites/ some distant ground or maritime airbases, etc. ) had wirelessly taken over the control of the Malaysian airliner. And both of these flew together. Perhaps one below the other, at same cruising speed and in very close proximity/ vicinity to avoid all sort of radars ( civilian or military ) detection.

ddd) Again one notes in this Youtube video, that at the point of interception or convergence, there is a marked deflection in the flight path of the Malaysian airliner MH370 ( or was it the ultra-high speed military aero-plane alone ? or both of them flew together ? )

Flight deflection that could be forty to forty-five degrees sharp V-turn clockwise. Stated again - this is like almost one hundred thirty-five or one hundred forty degrees deflection from the main course towards the left ( reverse ) side.

This same mid-way deflection in the flight path was shown on the TVs for many days in many ( even international ) channels. Day in and day out.

This further corroborated that the Youtube video had elements of truth in it. In congruence with the info. thrown by the reference URLs I had chanced during the google search; and referenced in part -I.

Again -
the youtube video showed this "deflected flight path" of ( perhaps ) the converged entity as going out further in the South westerly direction in the Indian ocean area.

The TV news channels showed the same "deflected flight path".

Further added by the same TV channels was ...

not sure if the Malaysian flight took the "northern arc" or "southern arc" at some point of time ?

Which might have been deliberately introduced... to add to the confusion and suspicion of the world community ( esp. the Chinese ). <- One view.

Generally the Chinese are suspicious of us Indians and might take most of us as Western stooges. We do not care.

eee) Questions -

What all nations have such capabilities as that exhibited by this ultra-high speed military aero-plane ( perhaps either manned or unmaned; again either a drone or AWACS; perhaps receiving command/ control via an array of satellites/ some distant ground or maritime airbases, etc. ) revving upto 4-7-9 MACHs in no time is anyone's guess ?

Perhaps of - dismantlable or re-assemblable nature ?


We have seen the color revolutions in the mid east that started off using the social media.

So... the role and influence ( on our psyche ) of what we get to read on the internet cannot be ever discounted.

Importantly -

the info. disseminated in any manner cannot be ignored. There could be covert propaganda in the most nonchalant manner. Disguised as plausible knowledge or allusion thereof.

In this context, a question arises -

Who owns any of these domains - ; &/ or ; &/ or ; &/ or ; &/ or ; &/ or



This means that what info. we get to see or is shown to us ( and the knowledge gleaned therefrom ) can be easily tailor-made by an external vested party seeking to set its own agenda.

This becomes all the more important - especially after a web search using any of the search engines.

What to speak of different nations and regions, even within the same locality, a customized web search result or a specific web news item can be presented to an individual/ set of individuals/ entire region -

based on a specific individual credentials ( mapped to the web-browser id / Computer id /  Laptop id / web-access id - wireless or router/ modem based, etc. )

diverse set of people can be presented with diverse information. So that everyone's perspective on the same matter may be made to be the same and/ or purportedly different ( in graded flavors. Even suiting nationalities ).

Question -
Essentially - the thought ( back in Q1, 2014 ) that immediately occurred is - what I am seeing seems like plain simple. Is this what another guy in any other part of the planet gets to see / is presented with ?

Say - in Malaysia/ Japan/ China/ Russia/ USA/ EU countries/ Mid Eastern countries ?

And - my answer is NO. Perhaps NO. Because search engines ( like google, yahoo, etc. ) use different web servers for different regions/ countries/ locales. All could be programmed differently/ running a different algorithm. All yielding different results.

So... nothing online can easily be verified as true/ the right perspective/ the only perspective.

Any online stuff could be any of -
- good knowledge, &/or
- Propaganda material, &/or
- Bad publicity/ etc. as well.

Not sure - if seeds of suspicion may be further sown ( in diverse conflicting groups ) using the online propaganda mediums/ channels ... then is it easy to do away with the same evoked suspicion so easily ?

So... is it possible that what youtube video that is being discussed here... some other "targeted" audience / individual/ set of people/ region/ nation in some other part of the world gets to see something different ?

Something more or something less ?

Is a question that may/ must not be discounted.

Now -
Is that a bad line of thinking ?


There is a perception that the UPA Govt. was run by the "high command". And, the former PM Dr MMS was more of a puppet on the throne. With the "high command" pulling the strings on the country's throne.

It is another matter that for the first time in his life and career - the former PM Dr MMS is protesting the demonetisation efforts of the current Govt.

Which seems all politically motivated, implicitly at the behest of the "high command" ? is a question that confronts.

Frankly - the swelling banking NPAs pose a national security risk - to the health of the banking system and therefore to the Indian economy. All these NPAs have accrued mostly during the UPA-1 and UPA-2 Govt. years. Majorly.

So, GoI ( hardly matters if it was any of - NDA-2 or UPA-3 ) had to take some decision at some time on this. Most importantly- I suggest that Captain and mates might have goaded and pressed on PM Modi to take an immediate decision. PM Modi would NEVER do such thing on his own volition, my take, that impacts the economy. Seems like - PM Modi was told to ACT by Captain and mates.

The question is - the NDA-2 Govt. had lots of time to prepare for this demonetisation exchange. Not sure why they frittered away advantage, thereby impacting the economy ?

Again... all the foreign funded NGOs ( like PETA ) must be checked at all cost by the GoI. And their fundings stopped/ constricted/ closely monitored.

During the UPA-1 and UPA-2... the real power was wielded by the "high command".

Our current Foreign Minister Smt Sushma Swaraj gets a great share of the credit; that Ms Sonia Gandhi did not get to become the PM of this country.

Smt Sushma Swaraj had vigorously challenged the appointment of Ms Sonia Gandhi as the UPA-1 or UPA-2 PM. Throwing in stiff opposition. And upped the ante... that if Ms Sonia Gandhi manages to become the PM of India, then she will get her hairs tonsured in protest.

Luckily, our current Foreign Minister Smt Sushma Swaraj's efforts were a success.

I had the same/ similar level of confidence in the UPA-2 Govt. at the latter-most part of their rule ( years 2010-2014 ).

INC leadership is actually controlled by the "high command".

And... many Indians ( including myself ) did NOT trust the INC Govt. that was being indirectly run by a foreign born woman.

One must note how the BJP leader Subramaniam Swamy has gone after this INC President in the past. Even in the present.


Again, an election of the President of the USA can be purportedly impacted - allegedly by the Russian hacking.

Can anyone tell - if the same might NOT have happened in India in 2004, 2009 and 2014 ?

Even in the WB and TN state assembly elections last year. Where the elected Govts. ( of AIDMK and TC ) were facing anti-incumbency. And, yet the sitting parties ( of AIDMK and TC ) and their CM were able to recoup their seats contrary to all the major exit polls that showed that they were on their way out ?


So... how can one say that UPA-3 was NOT in the offing, yet again, post the 2014 LS polls ?

Who might have trusted the UPA-3 to deliver ?

But courtesy the EVM frauds we oftentimes hear - do the same possibility of UPA-3 could be ever discounted ?


Again... there could have been an externally staged event to get us into a situation wherein the LS polls could have been scuttled and that essentially got us into a emergency or a war like situation.

This possibility could NOT be discounted.

Esp. after the US Senator Mr Strobe Tablott aired views that an airliner could be used by rogue elements to launch attacks on the Indian soil. That was at a time when the Malaysian airliner had gone missing.

This portended and was allusive of something big.

I guess US Senator Mr Strobe Tablott is real smart and very knowledgeable, any which ways.

So... his warnings could NOT be discounted. He must have got some inputs from the intel agencies... being part of the Bill Clinton administration he must be having solid old contacts in the then administration, as well.

Again -
whilst noting his pre-bodings... one could not have discounted a power hungry clique ( having support from external powers ) trying or attempting to form a Govt. by any-which-ways and means possible or even plan an emergency.

Question -
How many Indians will trust in an essentially foreign woman at the helm, in times of distress/ emergency/ war ?

Like many of my fellow countrymen, who had NIL trust in the country's top most leadership; that- in times of distress/ emergency/ war they are able to handle the country well ?

So all of my out-pourings on the Captain's message board where in sync with that. Now who has had any problems with that ?


Quite possibly intel agencies around the world knew what had actually happened. Our Indian Intel agencies and the armed forces too. And, this includes the Captain too.

They might have, at best, escalated this to the Indian civilian leadership, by proper channels. With NIL reactions coming from anywhere near the top. As expected.

I thought - this was NOT good. Captain and mates are not doing their job ? As one might have expected. So, I had to pitch in.

Notably -
With every top officials having a near/ far family member in the Western world, it ain't easy for any of them to raise the right flags at the right or the wrong times.

So... what is all this noise about "whistle blower in national security matters" ?

I would not buy that.

I DID YOUR JOB. WHICH YOU COULD NOT DO ? is a question that confronts me.

This means that either you all were going right and I disturbed your long-established policy. Else - you were on the wrong path and I reformatted the approach by airing my thoughts/ views/ opinions.

Captain and mates know better.

For the folks at the helm of running the country are much more smarter and knowledgeable to me in every which way.

Their job.They are PhD in that. I am but a novice. They have the right perspective ( even historical/ current and future ). I do NOT match their knowledge and expertise.

Although- Capatin was done in by the 64-Bala tabulassion.

As regards my outpourings in the context -

"Fools dare in where angels fear to tread".

That sets me and defines me vis-a-vis the angelic Captain.


Addenda -

I might elaborate on the "dream" part in the concluding part of this series. And, what may be gleaned therefrom.

This might be the core piece. Of all the posts.

< EoP >

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