Wednesday, January 25, 2017

SUN and the Aaya Ram Gaya Rams

SUN and the Aaya Ram Gaya Rams

(ONE) The real perspective...

In vedic as also in the western astrology - planet SUN is representative of the seat of royal power, authority and might.

Again... planet SUN sustains life on planet earth. And is a visible ( i.e. "pratyaksh" ) devta or deity ( the only - "pratyaksh devta" ).

In the vedic astrology - apart from the soul element, planet Sun is also the representative of the royal authority/ elite and therefore the KING.


Cutting to current times -
In a democratic setup.... there is NO hereditary/ lineage system determining who gets to rule a country or a specific state. And herein- in a democratic setup.... a ruling elitist clique or coterie ( => ruler + ministers + administrators ) is determined by the choice of majority of the people via the route of the ballot boxes in an electoral process.

There may not be any denying that ( as a thumb rule ) generally the "Winning Party" is the one getting the majority seats in polls either at the state/ central level and is the one having a better chance to form the Govt. and rule.

But then, now-a-days, we get coalition parties as partners that coalesces temporarily, for a term, to constitute a Govt.

In essence... the "winning party" is supposed to be a real winner if it goes on to form the Govt.


Now, One important question -
Can we say that, in a democratic setup, the political party having absolute majority or the maximum number of seats is representative of the majority of the people's choice to rule over them ?

And... only the lead political party is vested with the royal authority/ power/ might ( in the truest sense, in today's context ) ? And, therefore, qualifies as the one to be adjudged as the "SUN" amongst all the rest of the pack, that were any-which-ways in the electoral fray ?

One may say that, rather than the actually the ruling Govt. - the really dominant/ major political party leadership is actually representative of the SUN.

So... the answer is - YES.

The really dominant/ major political party at the helm of power ( at state or central level ) = SUN.

So... for instance...

Currently in Bihar, in the "MahaGathaBandhan" coalition - the RJD ( having more seats than the JDU ) leadership might be the actual representative of the people/ Govt. and be akin to planet Sun asmongst the political parties, at the state level.

Talking of political parties being equated with/ to SUN... what are the chances that some political party leadership equates as EQUALS = Shani/ Rahu/ Ketu - across the nation ??

Be advised to be your own judge.


Whilst currently at the center stage, the BJP's core leadership involved in active governance is akin to the SUN.

Their time to shine !! And, yield conclusive results on all fronts - as set out by Captain and mates.


Again... in the previous central Govt. the INC's dominant collective leadership ( rather than the central Govt. itself ) constituted the 'Sun'. ( My take !! )

In this context - one must not forget that there is the concept of a "high command" in many a political parties. And, these "high commands" are more powerful than the Govt. itself or any individual or set of ministers.

Do we talk of - Super Sun then ?


Point one made.  Point two follows.


In politics... there is rather a prevalent term - "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram".

This terminology is historically derived from some repeated instance... wherein... in some state ( perhaps Haryana ) the state's political leadership / authority changing in quick chronological succession. This happened sometime during the Congress rule ? Some 30-50 years back ? Whereby this term came into popular usage.

Importantly, in Hindi language -

"Aaya" means = Come; Again...

"Gaya" means = Gone.

So... can we say that the saying - "Aaya Ram, Gaya Ram" translates in English to = "Came Ram, Gone Ram" ?

This is a core question to mull the answer to ?

Point three follows -


Talking of personalised perceptions and inferences thereof, in the context of the saying - "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram"...

The word "Ram" may be correctly perceived as related to 'male sheep' by the white Christian western audience.

See... importantly there is something called personal perception/ inference/ deduction.

Important point is made here.

In the Indian sub-continent's context -

The word Ram or Rama often and always refers to King Rama of the Solar ( = SUN ) dynasty.

So essentially King Ram or Rama has always been a representative of the planet/ deity Sun ?

Question -
So... do we say that the word Ram ( in the context of - "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram" ) actually refers to -

Ram/ Rama => King Ram => Solar Dynasty => SUN

So... can we state again that... "Aaya Ram Gaya Ram" is congruent to -
translates to English as = "Came Ram Gone Ram" ; this in turn, translates to "Came Sun, Gone Sun"

Basically and frankly -

Now-a-days - the royal power vested with THE ruling party's core leadership ( which is akin to Sun ) come and go every few years i.e. is of ephemeral i.e. temporary nature.

Some ruling political parties ( while still in power; say like the UPA-2 during the years - 2012, 2013 and early 2014 ) and their core leadership... go OVERTLY OVERBOARD in ruling the affairs of the country/ masses... ( with endless scams and corruption ) and in such cases - these parties are subsequently "GONE" for a toss ( with guaranteed net loss ) in the subsequent electoral hustings.


Reference the English language : go > went > gone.

Anti-incumbency adds to and subsequently ratifies this "gone" status, post election. Seen/ pre-saged as what transpired in May, 2014.

(FOUR) Bottom line -

In reality, different people interpret the same things differently. All depends on the mindset of the individual who interprets a context. Any inherent - intent, motive and motivation.

Are there 100 % possibilities that a law enforcing authority &/ or a judicial officer may decide to interpret something purposefully in order to make an issue out of some "context"... so that this suits "someone's" ?? potentially ulterior and/ or malicious "designs" ??

Were these person(s) told or coerced to misinterpret "written matter" by the higher authorities or the ruling party ?

In which case... are there chances that a deep rooted criminal conspiracy is (t)hereby alluded to and... lurks underneath ?

Seems 100 % likely. My view and perception tells me that.

This thought of a deep seated criminal conspiracy, one that could be essentially tantamount to "high treason", might be actually involved, repeats again and again.

Again -

I am not those types that can be easily incited to follow someone on the web and make any sort of mistakes or blunder.

Never did. Never would.
Web is MY turf, to some certain extent. Whilst CapTen stakes claim to sea. Hey CapTen what about the SCS ?


There is something called risk mitigation. Remember that. Also remember - TABULASSION engaged by me ( 100 % correct ), as part thereof.

Frankly -
64 Bala TABULASSION actually required that I should have filed a police or judicial complaint as regards criminal activities indulged in by some set of (un)known parties, online, directed potentially against me and my interests. Perhaps by April, 2014.

TABULASSION clearly implies and establishes = Loss of my peace of mind. Terribly so, till date. As a least measure - in CRPC, there is something called "amanat me khayanat" or whatever that comes to my mind.

I would never do anything that potentially causes embarrassment to me or anyone related to me. Or damages my position/ reputation any-which-way in the social frame-work/ context. Never done so. And would never attempt doing so by means of blogging.

Truth is -

Some/ many of my posts are reactive ( Esp. more so - after 01st Feb, 2015 ). Some posts are deliberate/ purposefully penned. Some choice of words by me... ( like - screw, balls, balm, modern day slave trade, etc. ) though seemingly unbecoming of myself... I intend to use 100 % effectively against those who think they have ( anyways ) ever netted me.

Netted me... ? Is that the case CapTain ?


And, I have had no doubt remaining that those set of people who talk of ethos, pathos, etc. have gone on to bring me down piece by piece. Any which ways.

How they do achieve this remains to be seen.

Are we talking of our armed forces and our intel agencies ? I think so though I am not 100 % sure - what faction ? Is it all the factions ? Then surely NSA Ajit Doval - the brahmin devta - ought to be at the helm of affairs.

(FIVE) Reference Points -

Some more clarity. Food for thought.

a) The elected representatives and the Govt. appointed movie censor board allow a song to be unleashed on the Indian populace, much to everyone's horror, few years back.

The one that talks of -

"Bhaag D.K. Bose"

And... can anyone tell how this song was ever... ever... fine and... decent ?

Question -
Why must one see the movie or the context thereof to determine whether any "choice of words" in a song is good or bad ?

Whilst this same is unleashed on the entire country ?

Which Sun ever found this song good ?

b) One movie made by this movie maker Prakash Jha ( one eminent member of the priestly class ) on Bihar background...

"Gangajal"  has repeated use of the seemingly obscene word "madar ..."

Ask anyone in the cow belt what actually that half-baked and unreal terminology might mean or be actually interpreted as ? Might be actually implying ?

I am sure what the masses might interpret of this terminology. Hardly matters whether they watched the movie or not !!

The problem is... herein -

The Govt. controlled censor board ( A Govt. run agency implies the Govt. as such ) allows and unleashes quite some "unbecoming" stuff on the masses.

Contrarily... when one from the "aam junta" calls Sun as SUN... the same is mistaken for some sort of direct insinuation. Why's that ?

Coming to the point -

How come CapTen or any other idiot thinks anytime that the unique term "Sun of Gones" is the same as 'son of gun' ??

Is "Sun of Gones" a written word ? Was the term anytime verbally spelt out so that the person hearing the same thought the same is related to 'son of gun' ?

Captain and mates - you have blundered big time.

Critical analysis question -
Can this term "Sun of Gones" be ever be part of a legal document to mean anything ? Which court or lawyer might allow this ?

Why misinterpret ?


Again, importantly -

If anyone cannot express one's deep apprehension on food ( = national ) security, peacefully... and the same is interpreted by anyone in authority as discontent against the establishment... then let me re-tell again... worst days might be foretold for such nations and people.

Frankly -
If anyone has booked any case against me - the same set of guys must be booked for "high treason". This is 100 % coming from me.

And... I might have exactly done the same, with reverse speed, if any authorities approached me anytime.

If I ever did made a mistake and the authorities knowingly have NOT approached me, then...
I sometimes think that the latency on the part of Govt. agencies might be... to destroy critical evidence that might be part of Google's historical data backup/ maintenance policy. And what data google allows to lapse over a certain time frame. ( One / two / three year ?? Or, never ? )

Am I right on this here ?


And... I have NOT finished with the right perspective on the "food security" part. That being - there are private mega corporations that have the entire historical weather/ climate records in their control ( = their databases ).

So, what little data remains in the public domain may not be really reliable, down the line. And- the greatest problem we are going to chance across is... induced weather/ climate modifications and tinkering with the tectonic plates. And any weather/ climate data that might then emerge as 'historical data' might be tinkered to resonate with the new established norm or the induced weather/ climatic pattern.
Is a thought that repeats again and again.

c) The owner of a certain blog and his close pals think that they anyhows/ somehows netted me.

I suggest that is incorrect. If they tried the same... then there are chances that they are enmeshing themselves in their own trap.

That's what I think might be the reality. Though their covert motivation ( else, real challenge since being technically a co-accused ) might have been changing some defunct British time laws, rules and regulations.


Using the implicated individuals to build up a case/ situation to force the GoI to change British time rules/ laws/ regulations.

Context - Captian's concern for the number of under-trial prisoners whilst ArKej was in Tihar jail for 15 days. And... how Captain wanted the Govt. to do something about it.

How many guys on the Captain's team had to undergo "invasion of privacy" owing to this or any of my related posts ?

I suggest none.

In that case -
Does that imply a criminal mind = mindest and perhaps a criminal conspiracy directed against ( say ) me ?

I am inclined to say - YES. Perhaps that certainly requires a judicial investigation, in public interest.

A PIL item against probable Govt. excesses by using the topmost GoI authorities.. is a thought that resounds.

< EoP >

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