Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Great Game ?

The Great Game ?

Not sure whether for this specific post, I should have used the title of -

An apt case of : Cap Ten's... "Grand Masti" ?

Say, 'Masti' = Game.


Recalling -
We have seen CapTen's 2G ( = G-G ) Masti.

This post completes focus on the Cap Ten's 3G ( = G-G-G ) masti ?






AAA) Who is the 'NETT' gainer ? Out of the Captain's game / mind-games wrt myself ?

Clearly, logically, practically and obviously - it ought to be the mates on his team. Correct !! ??

That's what everyone might conclusively deduce.

For... one would NOT expect that Captain's opponents gain from any of his games/ mind-games/ engagements.

That might, indeed, be a possibility/ a reality if in trying to 'fish' for me ( on whatever pretexts ) the Captain's confirmed - friends or even his (c)overt opponents ( within the same or similar fraternity as his ? ) (un)wittingly entangle Captain, his mates and his chemicals laden tanker ( i.e. blog ) in 'the' certain 'scheme of things'.

Question -
Though, IS it NOT it... that... at the end of it all Captain MUST remain unscathed, every-which-ways ?

Btw, contrarily... that ain't to be the case with me.

This must throw quite some insight into the entire affair... of things that had been... have been... and... are... and what might still be.

I take this 'invasion of privacy' extremely seriously. Hardly matters... on whatever pretext or grounds by the GoI &/ or the Captain and mates.


But, frankly... all this grand 'draame-baazi' i.e. 'masti' has Captain's classical paw-marks ( opposed to pug mark ) aka finger-prints... ? is a thought that confronts.

And... am I inclined to say - YES ?

BBB) And... most importantly...

Who ALL loses out... i.e. is the end LOSERs ? out of the entire episode ?

This... out of any (un)fruitful engagement.

Clearly, logically, practically and obviously - ought to be those ALL on the receiving end.

Now... this certainly includes -

aaa) myself -

1) total peace of mind over the last almost three years = totally destroyed/ compromised;

2) loss of privacy for the entire family ( this all might be a contrived setup so that I, in fact, end up sheepishly as whistle blower on this front. I refused and still do refuse to take the same bet. Clearly... EdSnow... has outrightly alluded to this on www.rt.com as part of his revelations. )

bbb) few of my relatives/ kinsmen who had suffered huge business losses after IT raids. This... curiously... over the last 2-3 years. Things got started moving in late 2013 ( ? ) ... on many fronts.

So... is there any possibility that... these guys ( who had IT raids ) are already on 'some chosen coterie or Special Interest Group's ( SIG ... within the GoI. ... say IT Dept.'s ) dragnet ? and ALREADY under someone's HOOKS ??, &

ccc) Seems like/ likely that... few of my kinsmen / relatives in 'active politics' in the state of Jharkhand who were certainly 'made use of' on 'some or the other' pretext by a certain set SIG/ coterie within the BJP/ RSS ( or even cutting across all political parties. Now... is this covert SIG's elements certainly embedded in Captain's team ? - for sure ) - for sure.

And, did their political careers/ future were clearly compromised and saw a marked nosedive... in the process ?

I am clearly alluding to nearly 4+ ( perhaps : upto 6 ) MLAs out of a total of 80 - 84 in the Jharkhand assembly !!

Well... I 100 % believe so.

100 % looks like that these "non-veteran... budding politicians" might have been clearly (mis)used and cast aside ?

Is it that... to basically compromise and 'strike at the roots' of these "state level budding/ less-seasoned politicians" and make use of them "in some scheme... in some certain ways" I might have been the focal point of some 'deep-rooted' conspiracy ( = Shad-Yantra ) ??

I 100 % cannot negate this firm conviction and belief, on my part.

In fact, I 100 % adhere to this belief right since Q1, of 2105.

RIGHT since Q1... of 2015 !! <- Note this PLEASE.





Three Contextual Questions -

1) Again... what is the probability that these same relative MLAs of mine ( who all are essentially 'less-seasoned' or 'newbie' politicians ) might have been exposed, as well, to heavy dose or throttle of the similar games/ mind-games... unleashed unto me by Cap Ten and mates ?

2) Now... were these to be the games/ mind-games of another kind... suiting to control or easily daze these people in a plethora of one-after-the-other i.e. endless contrived engagements... to basically keep them on tenterhooks... and lead them... haywires ?

Covert Objective ?
Moot underlying motive + motivation might have been/ still is... to seriously compromise these political newbie's own political objectives/ careers/ aspirations in any and every which ways ?

And, coerce these guys to toe the 'covert' SIG's/ coetrie's line ? Are the natural takeaways out of my natural thought process !!

Take note... please.

3) All such thing... have or are... or might have been... a certain possibility/ reality ?

I again suggest to such and many such similar notions/ questions... a resounding YES !!

CCC) Is it possible that - some very senior IPS officers ( with back-rooms supporting coterie ) might have been leading the charge ? Perhaps from the Intelligence Bureau ( IB ), GoI ?

So... is the NSA Ajit Doval ( since he happens to be super cop ) certainly involved ?

Notably, NSA Ajit Doval is priestly class = brahmin.

Btw - NSA Ajit Doval was picked for a position/ job of the NSA... by the current NDA-2.

Again... there might have been dozens of senior IPS officers who might still be as good or better than him for the same job.

Seems like he is Arun Jaitley's pick for the NSA position - my take.


Some elements of judiciary might be non-chalantly assisting them guys... whilst pretending that these same guys in the judiciary are simply doing their ordained official duty.

Again... some high ranking Army and BSF officers and adjunct staffers and as also... those from the (c)overt military and/ or civilian intel units might be certainly involved... as if these guys are discharging the course of their duties, rather normally.

Especially those that are based in/ out of the troubled areas of the state of Jammu and Kashmir... and few adjoining states... even the central level @ New Delhi... is a much recurring thought that arises.

I suggest - YES. 100 % likely.

And, am I inclined to believe that there lies a common thread joining these /them all... key personnel ?

Perhaps some sort of covert aims, machinations, designs, stratagems, etc. ... towards a set of common causes - cause, effect, goals ?

Throw in some or same covert SIG across the segments of - political classes, media, judiciary, etc.

DDD) Could the (c)overt objectives be any/ all of these - essentially political, economic, financial rip off.

Even - siphoning of a national or any particular state's natural wealth and resources to... external locales/ tax heavens.

Some social, political, geo-political short/ medium/ long term objective, etc. cannot be ruled out/ denied.

The range of any/ all the underlying objectives... are too many... to clearly enumerate herein.


I, in fact, believe so. 100 % likely. None can deny this.

<< ONE >>

There is a popular saying in Hindi - "Kahin par nigahen, kahin par nishana"

Above Hindi saying translates into - "Though the focus/ gaze is somewhere else, yet the actual aim/ target is someplace else."

Actually is it implied herein ... the case of Bull's Eye !!

HIT... for... THE "Nishana" => target(s) => the actual target(s) ?

Implied/ implicit herein is the fact that - apparently it seems like I am/ may be/ might have been made the 'focal point' ( = 'nigahen') of some set of people's ( = a select coterie/ SIG ) core agenda; yet...

the ACTUAL fact remains that the covert or underlying REAL AIM/ TARGET... had/ has always been something + someone else... ALL ALONG.

(( ... my pragmatic gleanings... out of this whole episode. ))

And, have the target(s) has/ had/ have been "royally" HIT. As planned ?

And... ALL the (c)overt objective(s) suitably achieved ?

A stoical view states - seems like 100 % so.

As per some " coterie's "/ SIG's covert plan/ agenda.

Way too BAD for "them" targets !

Case of - "Bulls's eye" ??  Looks like - 100 % SO !!

Now... per my stoical/ non-partisan observation -
Did some set of folks ( some of my kinsmen in business and active politics ) related to me got to become the ACTUAL "SHIKAAR" ( = prey, victims  )... by some smart asses' using me as some sort of a hook/ PRETEXT ? ... is the question that confronts.

Truly and correctly inferring, interpreting and stating the same.

The case of... using me as a hook to entrap the "Shikaar...s" ?? ... and rolling out of a rather "markedly subtle" or covert agenda ?

Looks like the same likelihood is... 100 % so.

Moot question is...
who ALL gained/ gains out of this ?

This might certainly pointers towards a certain plot and perhaps the covert plotters.

<< TWO >>

Reference -
my certain online posts, whilst the UPA-2 was in power, during Q1-Q2, 2014 ...

Seems like that the central UPA-2 Govt. did NOT... OVERTLY take any positioning against me till they were in power, per my conscious knowledge ( till May, 2014 ).

Even the successive State Govts. have been supposedly quiet all this while... till Jan, 2015... and even to this day.

Whilst the fact remains that... I had written online openly against the INC party's pre-polls election promises of -

1) providing free food-grains/ food to the poor sections of society... on a massive country-wide scale ( sans an adequate national food-grains storaging and warehousing scheme/ facility that is known to the general masses ), &

2) the promise of reservation in the private sector of the country.

This second set... MUST have brushed off the reservation votaries the wrong way. And... there is GREAT numbers of them in our country. Certainly they might have been baying for my blood. Whilst those who are opposed to reservations might have cheered my take, whole heartedly.


3) I had, during Q1, Q2, 2014 openly supported the-then Gujarat CM NaDa Modi for the position of PM for the April-May, 2014 LS polls.

4) I had openly and categorically stated that the central Govt. must have absolute majority; be broad based and stable.

And, this required that the next Government that is formed (  implicitly implied was... NDA : the BJP & alliance ) MUST get at least 350 LS seats for forming a stable and rather strong central Govt.

In fact if we look at the LS post poll figures for May, 2014 -

BJP ( around 290 seats ), Shiv Sena, TDP and AIADMK winning seats. Then the figure must be around 355-370 MPs !!

Quite a resonance to my own wishes ? !

Question... arose...
Did... obviously the Captain and mates made sure that BJP got the numbers correct ? Wish coming true ??


I made these posts whilst they ( the UPA-2 ) were still in power.

And... I would NOT have been really surprised if the UPA ( i.e. the INC ) regime got me into some sort of serious trouble(s) for thrashing and trashing their pre-polls election manifesto by expressing my disapproval of the same !!


Disapproval ain't dissent. Dissent is not being a dissident.

Again... being dis-approving ain't being tantamount to being a Dissident !!

So... DO NOT confuse.

Never ever con-fuse.

<< THREE >>

Reference point Two.#2 above...

BTW - in most of the erstwhile BIMARU states... and the cow-belt ... as also across the country... a set of the following castes would have cheered my take ( = trashing and thrashing ) on the reservation pre-polls promise politics of the INC. ( As opposed to the SC/ ST/ OBC categories. Personally, I am not part of this brigade. )


Viz. certainly the caste groupings of -

aa) the pan-India priestly class ( = brahmin ),

bb) Bhumihar ( a caste mainly found in Bihar and eastern UP. Jharkhand too. ) who claim descendence from the priestly class.

It is another matter that - some one or two centuries back this same caste was treated as SHUDRAS by the same brahmins. Someone told. Not sure as regards the authenticity of this claim. I guess this is true.

cc) Rajputs.

It is generally observed in the Bihar, UP, Jharkhand plains that generally the rajputs claim descendence from Lord Ram. In general. Most of these guys.

Rajput does NOT mean these guys alone are Kshatriyas out of the Sanatan Dharma system.

And, certainly all the Kshatriyas are NOT rajputs. Note this.

Apart from the BIMARU state rajputs, there are other clans of Kshatriyas. Here - we do NOT consider these other clans.

dd) the pan-India Kayastha ( the scribesmen ) caste. In different states of the country... the Kayasthas go by different caste name. Though having a common origin. Origin is attributable to DharamRaj's chief accountant/ scribes-man ### ChitraGupta. Btw - the Kayasthas claim descendence from ChitraGupta Ji Maharaj.


I sure do have good terms with any of them folks. And, this is corroborated by the fact that I had opposed the reservASSion system arithmetics propounded by the INC's thought leaders as part of the LS pre-polls promise. And... these guys would have certainly hailed my support to them... and... the BJP. In either case... they happen to be the major-est beneficiaries.

So... was I supporting them in any which ways by dissecting the INC's ( INC party faced huge anti-incumbency ) pre-polls electoral promise of reservation in the private sector ?

And, overtly supporting the BJP ? Btw - BJP is fully dominated by these caste groupings, alone, on pan India basis.

Clearly... I supported these guys... every which ways ?

Supposedly so.

And... the beneficiaries of the reservation system would certainly MUST have deemed so.

Now... importantly...
these FOUR caste groups have the beginner's advantage. And... since the times of Mughal ***"Akbar the Great" they have gained foot-hold, traction, strength, power, etc. by each passing day. That continued even during the course of the British rule. Esp. in those regions in the country... that are currently - Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Eastern UP, Central UP, Madhya-Pradesh, etc. regions.

Now, these same set of guys are FIRMLY entrenched in the helm of the central NDA-2 Govt. as well. Calling the actual shots. After placing the 'a self proclaimed low caste' PM NaDa Modi on the throne.

To befool the mojority of the Indian populace ?

Down the line... these guys may pitch in... next in line after PM NaDa Modi... might be the ex-CM of UP - AkhYad ? What about ArvKej ? This... some 3/ 5/ 7/ 9 years down the line... ? is a question that confronts.


Now... ( the self-proclaimed low caste ) PM NaDa Modi is made to sit on the New Delhi throne and doing all the PR works and endless campaigning and "bhaasan-baaji" on these guy's behalf ? Is a resounding belief that confronts the keenly observant.

Even these same guys might form a good chunk on the Captain's team ?

Seems like...
PM NaDa Modi is under some invisible hook... to lure a certain set of some of those low caste guys onto the BJP band-wagon... especially in the majority of the Indian ( esp. erst-while BIMARU ) states.

PM NaDa Modi riding astride a white horse whilst coming down the Vaishno Devi shrine ( May, 2014 ) does NOT make him the Kalki avatar. If any such projection was supposed to be ostensibly made by his PR team... this does NOT gel with my own reasoning.

Seems like Captain and mates calls the shots ?


*** Mughal "Akbar the Great" : Recall the then remnants/ vestige of the Mughal rule @ 1556 AD. The 9 year old Akbar shehZada later on became "GREAT".

After some set of possibly 'injected' turn-coats/ traitors in HemChandra VikramAditya aka Hemu's own army... whence these traitors might have potentially helped cull HemChandra VikramAditya aka Hemu from the First battle of Panipat.

Thereby... giving the moribund Mughal rule and therefore the Mughals a fresh lease of life... to rule over the throne of Delhi / Indra-Prastha.

And... gradually the destiny of the Indian populace changed thence on.


So... these same ABOVE caste groupings might have been the main ones cheering my rejection of the reservation in the private sector promise by the UPA-2 regime / INC party.

And... these guys constitute almost no greater than 5 % to 6 % of the population of the state of Jharkhand. Yet having a firm, vice-like grip on the bureaucracy, police, judiciary and politics of the state.

For the first time since the inception of the state of Jharkhand...
Of course, this by proxy = indirectly, since DEC, 2014. MARK this, please.

These guys all seem to be stand-alone.

Yet they covertly collude against rest of the others... is a thought shared by the majority of the victims, when on the receiving end from any of these guys. Mark this please.

### ChitraGupta -

111) In Hindi :

Chitra => Picture; Now, since every picture has a story...so shall we interpret that Chitra => ...a story.

Gupt/ Gupta  => Secret

So... ChitraGupta => Chitra + Gupta => Chitra + Gupt => "Secret Picture" or "Secret Story ?"

( Btw - What picture ? What story ?  What is the 'secret' 'story' ? I am yet to glean ? )

222) It is significant to note that one-two days AFTER the festivals of HOLI ( = HO - LI ) and DEEPAVALI/ DIWALI ( = DEEPAVA - LI/ DIWA - LI ) that are spread almost six months apart... in a calendar year...

the Kayasthas community celebrate "ChitraGupta Puja".

And among with perhaps certain others they also celebrate "Bhai Dooj" on perhaps the same day.

Now what is the real story or genesis behind these festival/ ritual is unknown to me. Frankly... the real "Chitra" remains "Gupt" for me. i.e. the story remains secret for me.

I guesstimate that any of these festivals/ rituals must have started off during the later parts of 12th-14th-16th-18th century AD ? - a question that confronts.

100 % so likely. That these are of recent origin. Never earlier to the 12th century AD. Is a thought that confronts ?

<< FOUR >>


Disapproval ain't dissent.

So... MUST NOT confuse.

Again... being dis-approving of something ain't being tantamout to being a Dissident !!


Thence-forth... from Q1, 2014

Subsequent to the UPA-2 rule...
some 8-10 months later ( as in Jan/ Feb, 2015 )... after PM NaDa Modi or NDA-2 came to power in May, 2014  i.e. got to sit on the 'gaddi' / throne.

Is it -
With some '(c)overt coterie' at helms or some backrooms SIG, calling the shots ? Say - the RSS and Captain and mates ?

Seems like the '(c)overt coterie' has put PM NaDa Modi on the throne; while they themselves rule by proxy. Whilst letting the 'self proclaimed low caste' PM NaDa Modi to sit on the throne ?

Who might be this '(c)overt coterie' ? I suggest his -

1) council of a set of BJP senior ministers; (c)overtly aided by a SIG or coterie - from the bureaucracy, the police, the armed forces, the intel agencies, the media, the judiciary, the intelligensia, etc. perhaps predominantly from the erstwhile Bimaru states ( predominantly from the caste groupings of ) -
a. the priestly class ( = brahmins ) and those all that claim lineage from them; like the bhumihars,
b. rajputs, and
c. the kayasthas.

2) a set of corporate houses PM NaDa Modi promotes; in turn they have been endlessly promoting him, etc.


For the best answer - ask the Captain and his 'bosom' mates !



these were pretty normal online posts. Any one would vouch for the same. No breach of any laws, per my understanding. And... I was writing disapproval against the INC party's policies/ pre-poll promises.

My understanding of the legal aspects told\ tells me that I have NOT/ NEVER erred in making any of these posts. Even later ones... till date.

Noting that the Captain is, anyways, the source and sink for any/ all posts ever made by me.

And I never thought or even so now think... that any of these posts might, any-which-ways, land me or ever landed me in any sort of plausible trouble, wherein I may be proved to be erring/ errant/ wrong in any which ways.

Until and unless...
some set of people ( = some coterie or some SIG elements ) malevolently entraps... for potentially fructifying their some set of base agendas.


Fact is...

Disapproval ain't Dissent. And, remaining silent like dumb-heads/ duds ain't NEVER tantamount to tacit consent.

Understand this well !!


Though primarily I was HIGHLY troubled by the TABULASSION items piling up on me; post airing some highly recurring thoughts on the KedarNath tragedy.

In this context...
Captain stated on his blog that the US dismantled their HAARP installation in Alaska.

I do not know why ? Do not care either. For... that is meaningless.

Nevertheless... the popular saying resounds my thought O' sphere -

If there is smoke ... there ought to be some fire nearby/ underneath.

Just making a plain, logical point.



On the back of INR 10,000 - 24,000 crores ( as alleged by many people ) or so electioneering blitzkrieg unleashed by BJP "Maiyya" ( = mother )... PM NaDa Modi comes to power ( during May, 2014 ) -

aaa) On the back of strong anti-incumbency against the UPA-1 & UPA-2 ( ruling for over 10 years ),

bbb) Owing to "There Is NO Alternative" ( TINA ) factor,

ccc) Promise of "Acche Din" i.e. sloganeering - "Acche Dinn... Aane Wale Hain !!",

ddd) Promise of INR Fifteen Lakhs in every Indian's account if the BJP were to come to power; after All the black money stashed overseas will be back in the country.

eee) Making of Ram temple at Ram Janam-bhoomi - per VHP and RSS plan.

fff) Making Bharat a "Vishwa Guru" - per VHP and RSS Grand plan.

etc. etc.

Hey... I have always used to be a blind BJP/ RSS supporter. But... not anymore.


all this while ( 8-10 months later to May, 2014 ) Captain and mates were apparently sleeping.

Shown as a sleeping cat in a basket in one of his posts around the second/ third week of December, 2014.

And, looked like that PM NaDa Modi and... BJP "maiyya" was dishing out the "acche din" promise; and in sleep mode too; wrt myself ??


These guys feigned to be in "active" sleep mode till Prez Barack Obama came calling around the Republic Day during January, 2015. Not sure what ALL deals or treaties our GoI ( = NDA-2 ) signed off during the late January, 2015.

Anyways - that remains irrelevant to me. And, I ... do not care much.

And... on 31st of January I get to understand that I have been under complete direct watch by the GoI.

May I ask -


And... am I more than shocked ?

For... this $shit stinks like hell.

Maybe... it might be pleasant for the Captain and his mates, for they might be ACCUSTOMED/ HABITUATED folks.

Habitual offenders... essentially ?

<< FIVE >>

A new coalition Govt. headed by the BJP is formed in the state of Jharkhand in the later parts ( last week ) of DEC, 2014.

On the day of the announcement of the state election results during the third week of DEC, 2014...

Of itself the BJP was in NO position to form the Jharkhand state Govt. But, even though BJP was the single largest party.

Then.. BJP somehow cooked up the numbers to form the Govt.

This 'cooking up' was done in certain set/ pre-set stages ( say - by certain veterans SIG/ coterie ? ) -

So... here's How ?

AAA) BJP takes in the AJSU party as a coalition partner. ( whose boss Mr Sudesh Mahto often and always positions himself in as the Deputy CM whenever he enters a coalition Govt. as a partner )

Luckily for BJP, Mr Sudesh Mahato loses at the hustings in Dec, 2014, surprising many, from his very bastion/ stronghold. Though he never lost any elections ever in his political career.

BBB) In pre-polls setup -
a coterie/ SIG within the BJP snatches away key people from the JVM party. Very key person to them, who is related to me. Thereby creating bad blood for this budding politician with the JVM party supremo.


Previous to this deed of 'a certain coterie' inside of the BJP party post-election, now we talk of the "pre-election" shenanigans of the same 'certain coterie' inside of the BJP party.

Wherein the BJP think-tanks perhaps got some of my kinsmen to join the party to fight the assembly elections. Not sure they were part of BJP earlier, as well.

One specific case had a very nasty + acerbic undertones/ overtones. Wherein this particular relative was forced ( perhaps using me as a hook ? - I would NOT rule that out ) to leave a political party he had been part of since quite a while.

And, then later he was forced to/ pitted against/ to fight against- his own erstwhile party's supremo in the fray.

The JVM party chief who is an ex-CM was some sort of a political heavy weight but somehow was routed in the hustings from two locales. No one believed this. I still DO NOT believe this.

This was the "high point" of the 'masters of the game'/ veterans of politics.

So... certain 'coterie' elements in the BJP party might certainly have ensured that  -

aa) this was tantamount to... compartmentalizing this non-veteran, newbie politician... and burning the bridges with his former party chief/ supremo and the party,

bb) perhaps ensuring a life-long (c)overt bitterness in the hearts and mind of his former party's supremo and that political party's cadre and cadre base.

Under NORMAL circumstances NO politician would do the same.

QUESTION is - what was NOT... NORMAL in the situation ?

What was the duress, if any ??

Were there some pressure points ? Many such natural question arises.

Most importantly -
Was I ever "USED AS A HOOK" to net some of these guys ? is a natural question that can confront anyone ?

Many such vital questions turn up and that is self explanatory. Requiring bare common sense, at the best.

Yet, that might require a proper and thorough investigation to arrive at the perfect answer.

cc) By using... ALL the tricks of the book. Perhaps some carrot too and some covert stick too... on few of the relatives.

4-6 of the current Jharkhand MLAs are related to me - directly or indirectly. My knowledge tells me that 4 of them are near relatives.

I heard so from others.

CCC) The BJP courts JVM party MLAs into its fold. Thereby breaking up and splitting the party.

Post polls -
As many as 6 MLAs out of the 8 that have won the elections, choose to part ways with the JVM party supremo. Thereby severely crippling the JVM party, as the party is left with only TWO MLAs now.

DDD) And... if the UPA-2/ NDA-2 had anything that had hooked me up in any legal matter directed against me ( not that I know of till date )...

Let me guess some possibilities based on the info-war unleashed onto me by the GoI / Captain -

- PSA of J&K Govt.,

AFSPA on/ by/ against the Captain as well, etc.

To add again -
'RajDroh' ??, 'DeshDroh' ?? - But how come and why ?? etc.

And, why is it that the GoI and the Captain and the mates NOT party to the same/ similar/ exact charges ?

Why leave out the judiciary... when  it allows Captain to run his blog the way he does and incite innocent people, online, who visit his blog site. And, then embeds his hooks by covert design.

And why forget... must include the NSA - Ajit Doval too ?

EEE) Then using ANY/ ALL of the same to certainly force some "set of my kinsmen = relatives" that are in active politics to "follow a certain line". Under abject coercion... is a recurring belief that confronts ?

I 100 % TRUST SO...


FFF) Again...

For preserving the family name and honor these kinsmen = relatives in politics might have been forced to submissively consent.

To basically... 'fall in line'. Be made to... 'fall in line'.

To toe a certain line... though they may openly deny the same now.

Perhaps - were these 'budding political aspirants' turned MLAs ever covertly/ implicitly threatened or given to believe ( just like myself ) that -

aaa) do this and do that; AND/ OR

bbb) do not do this and do not do that...

and things will be fine ? All right ?

... is a thought that naturally comes to any impartial observer.

GGG) Were these kinsmen ever told or might have been promised that ? -

They will take care of every thing ( that might be concerning myself i.e. this blog-owner )... and at the end of it you guys TOO get some 'carrot' as well.

I believe that these relatives of mine who are non-veteran politicians got the stick... rather than the carrot.

They were not assigned to any ministry... as a minister which went to two Rajput MLAs ( after my take on the Bihar special package by PM NaDa Modi ).

And, these people are gradually being down-sized in the party.

I this context...
After the Jharkhand's BJP coalition Govt. completed the 2 years in office in Dec, 2016... a lots of state-wide propaganda was organized by the BJP.

And... some set of ministers/ politicians hogged all the limelight around the state. Whilst... some set of MLAs/ministers were belittled in their own constituency by getting others from other constituencies to enjoy to centre-stage and encroach the other's turf. All with the blessings of a certain coterie/ SIG.

This is clearly happening... even now.

This was much apparent.


After all... known or unknown to ALL and sundry...

'a certain coterie' on the Captain's team ... might be... or probably is... the 'covert mate' of the 'coterie' at the helm at BJP !!

etc., etc.

is the question that confronts. And, I believe - YES.

Cheppandi Garu !!

<< SIX >>  << NOTE THIS DATE - 6th of January, 2015 >>

I understand that - on the 6th of January, 2015 the breakaway faction of the JVM MLAs swears in the Jharkhand Assembly as BJP MLAs. Thereby, closing the routes of reverting back to their mother party - the JVM.

Perhaps the AJSU party's breakaway MLAs' that aligned with BJP were ALSO sworn in as BJP legislators on this date ?

May be.


Incidentally, JVM party is headed by Mr Babulal Marandi who was the first CM of the state of Jharkhand. And, it is believed by many that after the creation of the state of Jharkhand - Mr Marandi's term as the CM was the "golden period" for the state of Jharkhand... till date.

Very very important note here -

Some former/ current/ 'party-deserter-pre-or-post-Dec-2014-polls' JVM and AJSU politicians/ MLAs are related to me.


So... BJP went on to seal the deal... on the 6th of Jan, 2015 thereby entrenching itself as the messiah of the Jharkhand state.

Entrenched as the ruling party. In the most 'mines and minerals' wealthy state in the world.

In the process... some 4-6 MLAs' who are directly or indirectly related to me move over to BJP, in a pre-polls or post-polls scenario.

4-6 MLAs out of a total of 80-84 MLAs is certainly quite a number !!

Note this - NONE OF THEM get to become a minister or hold any important posts.

In fact... they seem like having been thoroughly used by the BJP central 'high command' and state level 'think tank'. My take.

Their political capital seems like - pretty much - used/ diffused/ dissipated in managing 'my affairs' ? is a question that confronts and bothers me endlessly.

Truthfully... the opposite seems like the REAL fact...

i.e. I might have been ensnared in any-which-ways... so that at some future date/ time some political mileage be drawn out of the entire situation. This seems likely the MOST pragmatic view of things.


Seems like... these non-veteran politicians have been thoroughly used / utilized  and thrown by the 'coterie/ SIG' within the BJP and RSS ranks ?? ... is a thought that recurringly confronts me.

And.. do these guys hold me responsible for their situation/ plight ?

I 100 % believe so.


Way TOO BAD !!

Way TOO BAD !!

Way of the HINDUTVA votaries !!


<< SEVEN >>

<< NOTE THIS DATE - 7th of January, 2015 >>

This is just a day later... after the swearings-in in the Jharkhand state assembly by the defecting MLAs ( I have no conclusive knowledge. But, someone was telling that on the 6th of Jan, 2015 the break-away MLAs formally joined and swore as BJP legislators ).

If my recall is correct and my recollection serves me right... ( I am 100 % sure it is !! )

Then... on the 7th of January, 2015... during the evening hours... it might be around 08:45-09:00-09:30 PM time.

As I was watching the TV...
I saw and heard the BJP politician Arun Jaitley telling a select audience ( Cannot state whether it was a live transmission or an earlier recorded clipping; I guess and believe the former ) that-

...someone made an internet post... and this post was read by some 'radical' group members on the other side of the border. As a result of which they were incited ( was it ex-CITED ??) and reverted to cross-border firing/ shelling. In this process some house in the border area was damaged/ destroyed and ( perhaps ) someone was killed.

BJP politician Arun Jaitley talked of what was to be an 'internal note' got read by 'unintended others' = some radical elements !!

Further, BJP politician Arun Jaitley added that -
On being informed about the incident the Commanding Officer ( CO ) of that post/ area near the border... visited the affected familiy/ families to express sympathy + solidarity.

Further this... this BJP politician stated that... as of now we do not know who made the post. Perhaps this post came from someone from overseas. ( He seems like misleading/ misling the probably 'LIVE' audience/ populace - this includes me as well. ) ... and the concerned law enforcement authorities are investigating the matter.

Further...  this 'perhaps live' telecast was followed by quickly splashing and then with-drawing the mug-shot of the said 'offender' in a fashion that one could NOT make out that picture with due clarity.


Time for the BJP to explain things. And... the Captain and his mates as well. In cahoots ?

What's the agenda ?? What's been cooking ?

Especially so... in the light of the fact that... on the 6th of JAN, 2015 BJP party had... sort of 'firmly sealed' up a coalition just the day before in the Jharkhand assembly. Perhaps... getting a 5-year mandate to rule the state of Jharkhand.


Knowledgable persons ought to seek more info. on what transpired on the 6th of Jan, 2015 in the Jharkhand assembly ?

What lead to the same results... viz. BJP gaining majority on the floor of the house ?

And, what was the result accruing or net gain for the BJP out of this entire exercise ?

Did the state BJP Govt. proved its' majority in the state assembly on the 6th of Jan, 2015  ??


Though... as of now more than TWO years have elapsed !! Yet there remains an underlying plot/ story that needs to be thoroughly investigated and uncovered.

For some set of covert connivings ?

There 100 % seems an undercurrent of political + criminal conspiracy or vice-versa... is an interpretation that many might derive ?


Does it seem like that the BJP 'think-tank' & leadership had some ## "hidden" ACES up their sleeves. With the Captain in cahoots ? Perhaps any of his bosom mates ?

Aces against whom ?

Is there any chances that they might have been my relatives in active politics in the state of Jharkhand ?

## hidden ACE : Was that, anyways, myself ? I would NOT be surprised at all. In fact - I have always believed so.

Pre and post the Jharkhand assembly elections....

Whatever might be the cause - certain "core elitist elements" within the BJP party seems like having manipulated, controlled and benefitted by the outcome of the entire electoral process and thereafter, till date.






Very Important Note - Seems like that the BJP politician Arun Jaitley was helped out by the Captain ? Therefore was the BJP party benfitted greatly ?

There are TWO possibilities here -

aaa) Captain and his mates hooked me up... and at a later date... sensing God sent opportunity... the BJP opportunistically made use of this 'catch' = myself;

Or, is it that I was anyways hooked up so that I could be "made good use of" at a later apt date as a political fodder ?

bbb) Those in the opposite camp of the Captain hooked me ( thereby implicitly or explicitly hooking the Captain and his chemical tankers laden blog as well or vice-versa ) for some covert reason that bore fruits in Dec, 2014 - Jan, 2015 in terms of a BJP Govt. in Jharkhand;

That purpose was served by the 6th/ 7th of Jan, 2015.

Inferring by the 'revelations' of the BJP politician Arun Jaitley on the 7th Jan, 2015. Deduced from the TV mono-cast ?


Either or both may be a sure shot possibility that MUST never be denied.

<< EIGHT >>

On the 31st of January, 2015... after Prez Barack Obama left India after having inked some deals/ pacts/ agreements with the BJP central Govt. ... around the 25th, 26th and 27th of January 2015...


Here the two Govts. decided that the INDO-US trade is to be hiked to USD 500 Billions level from the figure of USD 100 billion over FIVE years flat. FIVE Folds. EL PRONTO !! In no time. And... now we have got demonetisation. And, complete digital transaction and solutions thereof.


And this thought resonates again and again that...

some SIG/ coterie well entrenched in India and the USA might want to...

basically IMPORT highly overpriced items from the US at sky high prices... and at the same time...
( Mostly : some obsolete R&D items costing USD $ 100 in the USA might be coming to India at USD $ 1000 or USD $ 5000 , etc. )

For eg. - F-16 comes to my mind. Would we need the outdated F-16 or do we need Su-35 ?? Ask yourself ?

I guess the people may have the answer... as it requires no justification.


EXPORT of items out of India... that are highly under-priced. Some basic Indian item/ raw material that has an international price of -

- USD $ 100 might be exported to the USA at USD $ 3;

- USD $ 1000 might be exported to the USA at USD $ 10/ 50; etc.

are the thoughts that continually confront.


The BJP seems like coming out of the hibernation/ sleep mode, as far as I am concerned.

Frankly - it is NOT the BJP alone that is sleeping. Seems like - Captain and mates too ?

Well - NOT really !!

Seems like... it is myself... living in a fool's paradise.

Whilst very base 'coterie' politicians used me, with the aid of the topi-wala ? is a question that confronts.

And - I guess everyone has the answer.

I observe the former Pak ambassador and middle-east ( mostly on TV ) expert G. ParthaSarathy and Subramaniam Swamy's daughter ( married to the son of another diplomat-turned senior Congress leader - a muslim. Can anyone tell why there is no rankle of 'love jihad' in this specific scenario ? After all Dr SuSw is a BJP political leader. ) gesticulating, smiling.

I guess both these guys are TamBrams - a plain observation that crosses the mind.

Btw - unlike the Captain... I have high opinions of the TamBrams and rate them extremely well.

This is perturbingly insulting and mocking.

The 'light' of the matter slowly dawns onto me.

Some BJP 'coterie' & Captain in cahoots ??

That these guys have been invading our privacy since quite some while.

Perhaps... most part of the last year... i.e. entire 2014. Perhaps Q3, Q4 2013; as well ?

Way to go... HINDUTVA brigade.

Way to go... ??

Btw... where will this ultimately lead to ?

Shall we see... ??

<< NINE >>

Around the first week or so of February, 2015... some guy ( perhaps a GoI official ) in khadi kurta turns up on some TV channel - perhaps RSTV or LSTV. He looks much like the famous lyricist Gulzar. I would assume that this person must be some senior IPS officer. 100 % so.

And... he uses some threatening language... suggestive of "torture"; and what was left unsaid by him was "police brutality".

I could NOT understand at all why ? Why this cock and bull all of a sudden ?

What's all this cock and bull stuff ostensibly directed at me ?

What I might have done in the most recent past... i.e. around Q4, 2014 or Q1, 2015 ? were the questions confronting me. I had NIL answers what-so-ever.

All I predominantly recalled were - TABULASSION, Captain & $neh Chandel !!

The only thing I recall is passing on some messages to Cap Ten. And, writing a message as a blog piece for passing onto the Captain. But that was Q1 or Q2, 2014.

Nine to twelve months in someone's womb... and then the baby is out ??

Questions -
Who conceived ? Who nourished ? Who supported ? Who rejoiced ? Who gained / gains ? Whose brain child ?

How's that ?


Again I write a post on the MahaShivratri night ( I guess that was 17th late night or 18th of Feb, 2015 ). And, while watching the news on TV early in the morning around 07:00-09:00 AM ( perhaps on either RSTV or LSTV ) I see this same guy again ( perhaps a senior IPS officer in plain clothes ), reading something up and smiling. Then... he watching intently... as I watched him.

As if he were my master and I were at his mercy ??

was this person to be the one... appointed by the NDA-2 Modi Govt. ( rather "one specific coterie"; culled out of the home ministry and the Information & Broadcasting ministry, etc. )... to lead the charge against me ? is the moot question that throws up ?


( Captain's blog had a message by one $neh Chandel. Btw - where is $neh Chandel ? Has he been commenting on the Capatin's blog ? Or, did he delete his google id ? Or, is he in silent mode now ? or, since Q2, 2014 ? If so - why ? Has he disappeared. What is the sources of his opinions. Does this affirm a conspiracy ? Pretty much such hard questions ought to be put forth and sought answers to. )


100 % suggesting that the BJP ( in particular - certain covertly 'coterie' caste groupings within the BJP ) had directly/ indirectly gained out of this entire effort/ episode.


My observation and inference -

This implies a POTENTIALLY criminal and political conspiracy.

This is serious matter.

Question arises -
Certain vested elements from the national intel agencies and the armed forces might be certainly involved to effect this ?

Basically covertly strive at and achieve ulterior political, etc. goals for the benefit of/ for a certain set of people ?


<< TEN >>

I know that I have made all the posts, in the context of the Captain's blog. And, the posts and messages have landed in his blog body or bottom message boards. So, anything I had written... then Captain and mates are 100 % also accountable.

Were/ are any of the posts made by me... at Captain's and his mate's incitation and/ or excitation ?

Be your own judge.

Captain has a history of being a provocateur. Since May 2009 ?

I had almost NIL internet presence ( compared to the current norm or trend )... my entire life, barring certain e-mail addresses for personal communication usage, till I decided to give a certain line on the KedarNath tragedy to Captain... wherein some 60,000 Indian lives were lost.

And... there has been NIL peace of mind for me since then. NIL.


So... it is NOT on the Times of India wall that I wrote. Never.

So... Captain is the source and sink of almost a great number of these posts. Even our NSA - who's allowing the Captain to run amok.

So... if I have made a mistake or blunder... then so has the Captain,the NSA and the Supreme court judges... for sure... for allowing the Captain to run amok ?

And, so has the NSA Ajit Doval in allowing the Captain's blog to run riot. And, this includes the Supreme Court, the President of India, the CMs' of all the Indian states, as well.

Basically - then the entire countrywide legislature, judiciary, executive and the media is at fault. And must be TRULY liable and accountable.

Again... there is to be NO alibi like -

Captain and mates cannot simply say that they are from the armed forces background or the intel agencies ( IB, RAW, Mil-Intel, etc. ) and run riot in the public domain ( over the internet ). And claim that their $hit does NOT smell/ stink.

Has the Captain and any of his mates ( and his / their family/ families ) been penalized in any manners, what-so-ever ?

Has the Captain's privacy or his family's privacy been ever breached ?

What about the NSA or the home minister ?

As also those guys ( particlularly from the Intel Bureau; perhaps senior IPS officers ) who have been passing off live surveillance info. / news to him. Many of these get posted on the Captain's blog-O-sphere.

I believe - NO. And, would say NO.

What might be the implications of this ??

Conclude, do we ? A nefarious criminal act by those that don public servant's attire ??

100 % so.

Does this require/ mandate a tough legal action against them.

100 % MUST. SO.

Does the word - 'HIGH TREASON' ring a bell ??

<< ELEVEN >>

This is understandably a political offensive by a certain SIG/ coterie elements. And, I had/ have NIL intentions of getting caught in an inherently political crusade.

Directed against others but utilising me as the cannon fodder.

Utilising me as a fodder/ cannon against my politician relative's interests and career ?? !!

Seems true. YES !!


Much perturbed by the 'invasion of privacy' I trash the PM Modi sponsored 'special package' for Bihar announced by the BJP star campaigner PM NaDa Modi in July/ August 2015.

In the case... if the BJP were to be voted to power.

As PM NaDa Modi had announced in the run up of the Bihar assembly polls, around August/ Sept, 2015.


And... within a few days it comes to light that a few key portfolios ( at least 3 or 4 ) lying with the Jharkhand CM have been re-allocated to "already heavy-weight" ministers in his ministry.

Incidentally both these 'pre-existing-many-portfolio-laden-ministers' are rajput ( C. P. Singh and Randhir Singh )... this suggests that this decision has been taken or forced on by the BJP central team + RSS on the BJP state team/ leadership.

This implies and clearly establishes that -

My writings have the effect of having a debilitating effect on the careers of my relative MLAs who the BJP has rounded up onto its' band-wagon. Obviously so.

4+ of them MLAs. Out of 80-84.

the Jharkhand BJP CM is acting on the whims, fancies and clear-cut directions from the BJP central team seems plainly evident ?


Is the PM NaDa Modi... similarily placed at the central Govt. level ?

And... as we might be seeing the limitations of the powers exercised by the Jharkhand CM... is PM Modi similarly having his unbridled powers restrained/ restricted/ de-chanelized/ rechannelised by a certain vested 'coterie' Special Interest Group ( SIG ) members covertly belonging from out of / within the BJP/ RSS, the Civil Servants lobby, the armed forces, the intel agencies, judiciary, police, etc. ? The Captain's team ?

Say- by a "overt or covert coterie of SIG people" spanning the BJP, RSS, VHP, Captain and mates ( who are some covert SIG elements of the Indian armed forces, national security agencies, top-notch bureaucracy, diplomats, etc. ), some corporate houses, etc. ??


Further... in this context... observe...

BJP Central politicians -

Rajnath Singh - rajput caste,
Nitin Gadkari - brahmin caste; and
Arun Jaitley  - brahmin caste.

come to cross my mind.

Perhaps at their direct intervention/ behest only... the ministerial 'carrots' were de-allocated and re-allocated and re-assigned ?

100 % CORRECT ?? !!

Btw - I am not letting go the BJP state level ministers -

Saryu Rai - bhumihar caste.


C.P. Singh - rajput caste.

Apparently- they would certainly have pushed for and vetted this entire episode. And given any due go aheads.

My 'novice' take.

So... basically these local 'heavy-weights' in cahoots with the central 'heavy-weights' from the BJP/ RSS/ VHP, etc. team... decide on ALL the important and the least important matters of the state of Jharkhand.

Similar might be the case in other states, as well. Seems like... apparently so.


Apparently... I see this that the probable 'carrots' that were kept for the future doling out to ( probably ) a couple of my MLA kinsmen were "de-allocated" and... then re-allocated to others !!


these "ministerial portfolios were in the safe-keeping mode"... and might have had been doled out... post the Bihar assembly elections @ July/ August, 2015.

In the event that the BJP came to power in Bihar.

Might have been ?

Wherein SuMo might have become the Bihar CM with a dominant set of those BJP state leaders/ ministers coming back onto the Bihar centre-stage ( those... who have been left out in the cold by the likes of Lalu Prasad and Nitish Kumar since the past 25 year... on the back of Mandal-isation ).

BJP returning back... might have resulted in K-mandal-isation of Bihar for the next 20-35-50 years ?

In that situation ( had the BJP made it in the Bihar polls ) -
The probable "Bihar BJP govt. / ministry" might have seen much the same congruence or mirroring to the BJP/ NDA central Govt. - at least, caste wise < 100 % in the offing >.

i.e. Putting Sushil Modi as the CM and then... run rampant... as the central BJP team has been doing after putting PM NaDa Modi on the 'gaddi'.

And, this might have led to finishing off of the political careers of the likes of Mr Lalu Prasad and Mr Nitish Kumar. With their powers and position - going for a toss, accruing nett loss.

In this context - witness what actually happeed in UP, recently.


So... pissed off... I guesstimate that these guys deny my relatives... their "PROMISED" carrot. In terms of a ministerial berth around August/ September, 2015 or perhaps later.

Check that out.

BJP "maiyya" gained Jharkhand by messing with me and misusing me... and lost Bihar by messing with me... ? is a thought that confronts.

And... SuMo would have been the Bihar CM for sure. Might have been better for Bihar ? And... BJP "maiyya" might have got between 140-170 seats. But then, for some unknown reasons the RSS chief played the party pooper, too.

Perhaps he provided 100 % covert help to Nitish Kumar ? Why ?

What's the catch ? Perhaps - Bihar CM Nitish Kumar is likely to revert to NDA in the coming months or years ? Maybe. Perhaps.

Btw, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar had full support from the Kayastha, Rajput and Bhumihar caste groupings... someone was telling this.

Seems quite plausible.

<< TWELVE >>

Just before or since the BJP came to power at the center in May, 2014...

NO less than 4-6 of my near kinsmen and/ or relatives have had massive IT raids. This is highly unusual.

In a few instances their businesses have been almost destroyed. Passing on to their competitors/ others. I heard.

And, I believe that their businesses might have actually suffered a heavy loss.

And... these guys might be under the mercy/ beck-and-call of the IT Dept. officers. Basically the central Govt.

Under a vice-like grip. These guys have been "on the hooks" since a while.

Their only flaw is that these people were somehows related to me ?

So... if those in the power ( GoI and... CapTen and mates ) want to squeeze me anyhows... then these guys might be used by the Govt. sponsored machinery ( = the officers who have them in squeeze under some IT scanner/ laws ) to ensure that those related to me are rendered TOO WEAK and fully compromised to, anyways, stand by my side in any hour of need.

(( In case the need ever arose. ))

I suggest that... this might have been one of the core covert objectives of these IT raids.

What might be the other objective - I'll tell outright later.

Contrarily... do these suffering businessmen and their set of all well-wishers are FORCED TO see me as an enemy and are compelled to (c)overtly stand against me ( when called upon or exhorted to do so... under an external stimuli or threat )... for the source of their woes ( = the IT raids and the losses thereof ).

This is the thought that confronts.

I say YES. That might have been one of the primary underlying idea.

I DO BELIEVE that the on-the-losing-end-myRelative-MLAs and the IT-raids-struck-myRelatives-businessmen must be blaming me for their woes.

They may not realise that this is all part of a grand Shad-Yantra = conspiracy.

Even if they do so... they will be collectively too segmented and therefore too powerless /clueless to take any actions.


Prohibition in Bihar. Why ?

After BJP lost in Bihar assembly elections, Q3, 2015.

BJP leader SuMo was higly crest-fallen for he had a sure shot/ 100 % chances of being the Bihar BJP CM.

On the lines of... PM Modi and the Jharkhand CM. All... banias, by caste.

QUESTION arises -
Are these leaders to be simply paper stamp CMs and PM... whilst the real power is wielded by an "elitist coterie".

This same one that has been after me.

100 % seems SO.


So... soon after Nitish Kumar is sworn in as Bihar CM... SuMo nudges the then recently elected CM Nitish Kumar to enforce "Sharaab-bandi" or prohibition... as per his pre-polls promise. He pokes the CM a few times.

And... the Bihar CM consents and concurs. Thereby... falling into a trap ?

And lo... CM Nitish Kumar obliges... PRONTO.

I get the idea that CM Nitish Kumar fell into a trap. Time will tell, if I am right or his decison was correct.


Bihar CM Nitish Kumar enforces... prohibition.

And... the reason that some set of people ( on the JDU MLA team as well ) might have egged the CM Nitish Kumar to enforce the prohibition thing is...

( My perspective )

Some people in the Jharkhand legislative assembly ( at best : one MLA who might be related to me ) might be having business interests in the same trade, in the state of Bihar - this might be plausible. Now... here I am NOT sure. Just speculating, for I do NOT have any of the facts or data, on the grounds.

So...looks like that... this might be a set up ( as well ) in order to clip the feathers of the MLA by stiking at their business interests.

If some set of related  MLAs, who are essentially businessmen-turned-politicians, are hit at the roots of their business that has to do with the liquor trade... then in all the likelihood these people might be forced to be - squirmish\ edgy\ nervous as regards their political aspirations and outlook.

And... in all probability... screws might be gradually tightened on these MLAs/ bussinessmen so that these guys let go of... any of their political aspirations. For good !!


This way, going forwards... these guys might ditch the political arena... leaving the field wide open to others. To fill the vaccuum.

And... there is every likelihood that their already reducing funds marked for political activities may dry up.

So, even if 1-2 of these MLAs out of a total of 3-5 of a particular community are made to leave or let go the arena of politics... then -

aaa) their total numbers might NOT... at a future date, jump to 7-9-10 from a current numbers of mere 4-6; in the Jharkhand/ Bihar state assembly.

Furthermore these guys MIGHT/ MUST NOT be in a position to, stake claim to the LS and RS seats, down the road.

Essentially their position is to be every-which-ways diluted.

Thereby eliminating the risk of these guys ever posing as a viable/ visible opposition candidates to ceratin set of 'well entrenched coterie' = SIG who think that politics/ 'real politics' is ONLY in their DNA. Being 'veteran' politicians since decades, centuries, milleniums.

bbb) The potential removal of these MLAs from active politics by whatever means ( basically cutting their feathers and striking at their roots ) ensures that "those/ some covertly conspiring coterie" and their own set of kinsmen have the field wide open to capture the sweep stakes at the next round of electoral hustings.

... is a thought that repeats.

Especially for ALL the non-reserved seats. Reserved seats are for SC/ STs.

Cheppandi Captain and mates !!

So, basically - this cry of "prohibition" around the country is like a gun being put at their collective heads ? To make them nervous for their business interests ? Seems likely the case.

One can easily discern...
that, in fact, this growing political clamour is... WAY TOO GOOD FOR THEM !! Proided these guys understand how best to use this clamour to their advantage, effectively.

But... this might NOT have any intended impact, in the long run. Per my perception. Likely to bring the affected guys together.

Those who raise the hue and cry... make their desires overt in... putting too much breath in the same cause. Much to the detriment of the other urgent causes.


there are about 80-84 assembly seats in the Jharkhand assembly.

Since some while now...
There is an active consideration by the BJP central leadership/ Govt. to increase this count to 120 / 140/ 150 by the next assembly polls.

Without substantially increasing the number of the reserved seats for the SC/ STs.

I which case - this means that the general seats will be open wide to a set of 'coterie' groups. And... these people sure do know how to eliminate any competition, any which ways, years and decades in advance.

Are these guys downsizing the kinsmen MLAs ? I suggest - YES.

Does this make sound sense ?

Top officers ( honorable ones ) of our armed forces and intel agencies ( all them... cutting across the state, caste, religion, etc. differences )... please note this pointer -> 13.ccc .


One sitting Jharkhad MLA dies mysteriously, almost an year back. Of heart attack ?

The newspapers suggested foul play. Much in line with my own hunch.

Yet... not sure if any police complaint was ever booked.

It might be worth-while to see any changes in this dead MLAs security satffers. Over ALL the months prior to his demise.

There might be some clues. Based on the police guards provided to the deceased MLA... for any pattern.

Apparently... there are chances that he might have been done away. Again... taking subtle cue out of the newspaper reports.

There should have been a CBI inquiry ordered by the Jharkhand CM.

Yet... no one paid any heed.

And, the matter is as good as closed.

There MAY/ MUST be a CBI or judicial probe.

<< FIFTEEN >> These are passing thoughts... and this is related to the point # 13.ccc

I mention this point and the 'prohibition' aspect in this post only owing to pointer 13.ccc . Else this 'prohibition stuff' is completeley out of place, in this post.

To clip the wings further and tighten the screw on these 1-2 MLAs and their kith-and-kin the Jharkhand state govt. wants to start selling liquor in the state govt. sponsored outlets.

Perhaps at the behest of the BJP central leadership ?

Thereby removing/ displacing quite a few number of those guys involved in these businesses, from their businesses.

Whilst the like of minister Saryu Rai ad Arjun Munda are batting for prohibition in Jharkhand... on the lines of Bihar.

Btw -
Former CM Arjun Munda is seen to be a close aide and protege of Rajnath Singh and Nitin Gadkari, per media reports. Even other wise reports.

Why so much interest in the 'prohibition thingy' all of a sudden ? In the Bihar- Jharkhand, UP, MP belt ?

And, what makes CM Nitish Kumar to be a vocal supporter of this ?


Actual... and the REAL truth about prohibition. One small aspect -

Whilst the prohibition in the state of Gujarat is on papers alone. The state exchequer loses out on an undertground/ illicit trade valued at INR 25,000 - 30,000 - 35,000 CRORES, annualy.

Thereby losing out on... perhaps a state revenue accrual of INR 5,000 - 7,000 CRORES, annually. For a ten year period this might sum up to something like =  INR 50,000 to INR 100,000 crore NETT revenue loss in REAL terms.

All going into the hands of private parties aligned with the political leaders/ SIGs within the state Govt./ administration/ police.

This is the STARK reality... about the 'prohibition business'.

Most of the neighbouring states/ UT ( like Daman and Diu ) are massively benefiting in their revenue collections - because of this.


Just making an apt point.



In one of my previous posts... I have clearly mentioned the demographic profile of the state of Jharkhand.

Tribals ( ST ) - 27 %
Dalits  (SC ) - 13 %
Muslims, OBC, MBC, EBC - 54 % to 55 %

The priestly class ( = brahmin ), rajput, bhumihar, kayasth put together = 4 % or 5 % or 6 % .

Coming to the reservASSion situation in the state of Jharkhand...

Wherein 27 % tribals have cut a deal, in the year 2001, wherein they get around 28 % or 29 % or 30 % reservation in any and all the Govt. denominated reservation schemes.

Similarily the dalits ( SC ) get almost 10 % to 12 % reservation benefits in the state.

So, the SC/ ST together get a NET TOTAL of around 39 % or 40 % reservation as opposed to 22.5 % , as is the norm.

Now, the total reservation cap is = 49 % or 49.5 % as per the Supreme Court directive.

So... the OBCs', MBCs and EBCs who altogether number around 55 % of the total population get a MEASLY 8 % or 9 % of the reservation benefits, as against the stipulated 27 % for the OBCs/ MBCs/ EBCs.

Whilst those in the general category who number around 5 % or 6 % have access to around the 51 % of all the available opportunities.

Before, the year 1990 these 5% or 6 % guys ( in the then Bihar's Jharkhand areas ) had access to 77.5 % of all the open opportunities.

The Jharkhand state leadership/ CM being an OBC... still finds his hands tied in upping the stakes... for the OBCs, MBCs and EBCs to 27 %. As many other states like Tamil Nadu and Bihar have done.

He looks at the BJP central high commad for taking the decision.


111) Why is that so ? Considering that the Jharkhand CM is the same caste as the PM NaDa Modi.

PM NaDa Modi is the same self-proclaimed 'low caste' ( resounding from rally to rally ) doing the endless electoral rounds in the state of UP during the LS polls of April/ May, 2014.

Seems like the Jharkhand CM ain't calling the shots on his own.

Rather, the BJP and RSS central team ( all headed and infested majorly with the caste gropus - brahmin, bhumihars, rajput, kayastha, etc. are/ have been calling the ACTUAL shots ).

222) Very Important -

So, apparently, similar to the situation in Jharkhand... is it that PM NaDa Modi is sitting on the throne in lieu of these others ?

Is it that he has been brought in... to sit on the throne @ New Delhi ?

In which case has PM NaDa Modi no active role in taking many critical decisons in the course of discharging his duties ?

Means that... is it that a select set of people within BJP and RSS circles decide and tell him what to do or not to do ?

Seems likely the obvious fact.

Perhaps the Captain and mates are another key task creators /assigners for him ? Apparently seems like so.

333) PM NaDa Modi self-proclaimed himself a low-caste to garner the 'low caste' votes during the run up to the last phase of LS polls in UP... during April-May, 2014.

So... PM NaDa Modi chooses to keep idle and inert when it comes to upping the reservation stakes for the 'low castes' in the states of Jharkhand and UP ?

Actually, the 'low castes' voted for PM NaDa Modi.

So... is it not that PM NaDa Modi must take personal interest in uplifting the status of the so-called 'lower castes' ?

Why not ?

The ball is definitely in his court... in this regards.

Will he be able to ever pull this off ?

I suggest that the 'coterie' that has got him onto the throne... might never allow this to happen... as this goes against their own vested interest.

Cheppandi SaaR !!


CTC vs CTC vs CTS - The actual picture. Some real perspective.

In the Corporate sector the term CTC refers to "Cost To the Company" wrt to a specific employee. This term is self explanatory.

Similarly... we may refer to the term...

Cost To the Country ( CTC ) : When we talk of any/ all the central Govt. employee.

Hardly matters whether these guys are in the bureaucracy, diplomacy, police, intel/ security agencies, judiciary, armed forces, para-military forces, scientfic or research institutes, parliamentarians, doctors, engineers, etc. These guys get handsome pension TOO, post retirement from active service. And, many additional benefits as well are heaped on them.

Cost To the State ( CTS ) : When we talk of any/ all the State Govt. employee.

Hardly matters whether these guys are in the bureaucracy, diplomacy, police, intel/ security agencies, judiciary, scientfic or research institues, MLAs, doctors, engineers, etc. These guys get handsome pension TOO, post retirement from active service. And, many additional benefits as well are heaped on them.

Let's consider the CTS for one Govt. employee of any particular state.

AAA) (S)he gets in active Govt. job in the age group of - 21 to 35. Thereby having a service period of nearly 25 - 39 years. If the age of retirement is 60 years.

Let's take an average of 33-35 years of Govt. service/ duration 

BBB) Assuming that one state Govt. employee may earn a salary + benefits of... anywhere between -

INR 40,000 to INR 75,000 to INR 1,25,000 to INR 1,50,000 per month.

CCC) This is equivalent to, over a ONE YEAR period =

12 X ( INR 40,000 to INR 75,000 to INR 1,25,000 to INR 1,50,000 ) per month

= INR 4,80,000 to INR 9,00,000 to INR 14,00,000 to INR 18,00,000 per YEAR

= INR 4.8 lakhs to INR 9 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs per YEAR

DDD) This plausible yearly amount earnings is equivalent to, over a 33-35 years of Govt. service/ duration =

For over 25 years of service :
25 X ( INR 4.8 lakhs to INR 9 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs ) per YEAR =

= INR 120 lakhs to INR 225 lakhs to INR 350 lakhs to INR 450 lakhs... over the career duration/ span.

= INR 1.20 crores to INR 2.25 crores to INR 3.50 crores to INR 4.50 crores... over the career duration/ span.


For over 30 years of service :
30 X ( INR 4.8 lakhs to INR 9 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs ) per YEAR =

= INR 144 lakhs to INR 270 lakhs to INR 420 lakhs to INR 540 lakhs... over the career duration/ span.

= INR 1.44 crores to INR 2.70 crores to INR 4.20 crores to INR 5.40 crores... over the career duration/ span.


For over 33 years of service :
33 X ( INR 4.8 lakhs to INR 9 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs ) per YEAR =

= INR 158.4 lakhs to INR 297 lakhs to INR 462 lakhs to INR 594 lakhs... over the career duration/ span.

= INR 1.584 crores to INR 2.97 crores to INR 4.62 crores to INR 5.94 crores... over the career duration/ span.


For over 35 years of service :
35 X ( INR 4.8 lakhs to INR 9 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs ) per YEAR =

= INR 168 lakhs to INR 315 lakhs to INR 490 lakhs to INR 630 lakhs

= INR 1.68 crores to INR 3.15 crores to INR 4.90 crores to INR 6.30 crores... over the career duration/ span.


For over 39 years of service :
39 X ( INR 4.8 lakhs to INR 9 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs ) per YEAR =

= INR 187.2 lakhs to INR 351 lakhs to INR 546 lakhs to INR 702 lakhs

= INR 1.872 crores to INR 3.51 crores to INR 5.46 crores to INR 7.02 crores... over the career duration/ span.

EEE) Now... wrt the figures in DDD) above... viz. -

Plausible yearly amount earnings equivalent, putting once again -

a) For over 25 years of service :

= INR 1.20 crores to INR 2.25 crores to INR 3.50 crores to INR 4.50 crores ... over the career duration/ span.

b) For over 30 years of service :

= INR 1.44 crores to INR 2.70 crores to INR 4.20 crores to INR 5.40 crores ... over the career duration/ span.

c) For over 33 years of service :

= INR 1.584 crores to INR 2.97 crores to INR 4.62 crores to INR 5.94 crores ... over the career duration/ span.

d) For over 35 years of service :

= INR 1.68 crores to INR 3.15 crores to INR 4.90 crores to INR 6.30 crores ... over the career duration/ span.

e) For over 39 years of service :

= INR 1.872 crores to INR 3.51 crores to INR 5.46 crores to INR 7.02 crores ... over the career duration/ span.


If this be the amount assured in today's date for one joining the State Govt. services.

Even then this happens to be a pretty good amount of money ASSURED, upfront, by means of a Govt. sponsored job/ service.

Is this... way too clear !!


Now... further to the figures derived above for one State Govt. employee's takeaway during his/ her period of service.

We further on factor a few IMPORTANT elements to the above figures -

AAA) The Rising Inflation. Yearly basis. The upwardly curve... to the cost and price of everything. This has to accomodate the new set of population that is entering the economy.

BBB) The Power of Compounding. As we get to see in the simple interest ( per yearly ) in our bank and postal accounts ( say - savings a/c ). As well as the compound interest we get tosee in or saving schems - NSC, KVP, etc.

CCC) The Pay Panels. And the ever increase in the pay-scales of all the Govt. employees in consonance to the ensuing iflationary levels. Every few years ( say : 4-6-8 years ). Balancing act. This has to accomodate the new set of population that is entering the economy.

DDD) Expenditures on the ex-personnel by the state Govt. on the heads of the Pensions Schemes. After retirements - housing, health, medi-care, etc. benefits.

etc. etc.


The real cumulative power of the aggregates of the broadly FOUR factors mentioned as above... make the NET REAL GOVT. outflow per employee ( on PURELY financial terms ) -

as actually = perhaps 20 to 30 to 60 to 90 to 100 TIMES the figures mentioned as above in the pointER << FIFTEEN >>.

Stated another way...
over a 25/ 30/ 33/ 35/ 39 years State Govt. service; the NETT spent or Govt. out flow ( in REAL financial terms ) by the state Govt on a state Govt. employee might REALLY be =

20 to 30 to 60 to 90 to 100 times ( INR 1.20 crores to INR 4.50 crores to INR 7.02 crores => lifetime PAYOUTS RANGE )

100 % SURE/ CERTAIN !!


So... some 25-40 years down the line...


@ 20 Times = ( INR 1.20 crores to INR 4.50 crores to INR 7.02 crores )

= INR 24 crores to INR 90 crores to INR 140.4 crores !!

@ 30 Times = ( INR 1.20 crores to INR 4.50 crores to INR 7.02 crores )

= INR 36 crores to INR 135 crores to INR 210.6 crores !!

@ 60 Times = ( INR 1.20 crores to INR 4.50 crores to INR 7.02 crores )

= INR 72 crores to INR 270 crores to INR 421.2 crores !!

@ 90 Times = ( INR 1.20 crores to INR 4.50 crores to INR 7.02 crores )

= INR 108 crores to INR 405 crores to INR 631.8 crores !!

@ 100 Times = ( INR 1.20 crores to INR 4.50 crores to INR 7.02 crores )

= INR 1200 crores to INR 4500 crores to INR 7020 crores !!


This is no IDLE money. Rather... this is the compounded effect of the money piled month-on-months on an employee.

Ask Rakesh Jhunjhunwala of the Dalal Street for his opinion. He will corroborate certain facts.

The Govt. shells out something to the tune of INR 36 crores to INR 7020 crores per employee the State Govt. decides to hire on this date... today... on pure financial terms... over the next 25-39-70 years !!

A pretty long term and highly expensive Govt. expenditure/ investment !!

Can anyone tell any business wherein one may be ASSURED of such a payoff in case one were to risk one's own/borrowed/ hard earned money in starting one's entreprise.

Well... nearly 9 out of 10 enterrises fail. And, the owners wind up in some other profession. A real fact of life.

So... cutting to the point... belows...


Assuming that a state Govt. like Jharkhand ( a state having a population of 3.5 crores approx. ) - enrols 10,000 / 20,000 / 25,000 / 40,000 , etc. State Govt. employees each year ( fresh employment across all the services ) .

Then over a FIVE YEAR period. This becomes something like a total of -

5 X ( 10,000 / 20,000 / 25,000 / 40,000 ) fresh appointments .

This is equal to = 50,000 / 100,000 / 125,000 / 200,000  ( say ) fresh state Govt.'s appointments over a state govt.'s term .

Reference, the Final Analysis pointer of the point << Eighteen >> above; Then...

The gross state Govt. probable/ projected outflows ( in PURELY FINANCIAL terms, as nett expenditures ) over the next 25-39-70 years of taking on the...

Fresh state Govt.'s appointments/ employees of around = 50,000 / 100,000 / 125,000 / 200,000 ( say ) during the term of the current BJP state Govt. might be entail expenditure commitment =

( INR 36 crores to INR 7020 ) X ( 50,000 / 100,000 / 125,000 / 200,000 ) approx.

NOT doing any calculations here...

just imagine the amount of money the Govt. pledges to shell out over a five year term... for these 50,000 / 100,000 / 125,000 / 200,000 new Govt. joinees.

This is a figure that arrives in the future... after 25/ 30/ 50/ 70 years from today's date !!

This is... 100 % correct extrapolation/ projections.

I suggest that after a course of some 25-40-70 years... this same amounts of money cumulatively runs into TENS of LAKHS of CRORES !! Perhaps, hundreds of lakhs of crores of Govt. expenses on the head of projected albeit defereed employee payments+ benefits+ pension, etc.

Just... redo the maths.

Any statisticians around !! ??

Again... these Govt. employees get executive/ police/ judiciary powers that exposes many of these guys to be deviant and corrupt. Some of these people make endless cash and do enjoy a plethora of privileges. They certainly have a certain leverage and handle over the common masses, in their jurisdiction = line of duty.

This is covert HARD power.

Sometimes... cumulative/ accretionary/ coalescing power... that certainly runs its covert writ across centuries, on this land.

Hidden war of sorts ?


BABU-DOM ( the Govt. executive machinery ) emerges out of these Govt. sponsored direct employments, as a part and parcel, of the GREAT game.

And... the state Govt. and state runs out of the inherent efficiency of this BABUDOM !!

An able administrator MUST be able to rein in the BABUDOM and get their co-operation and best executive efficiency... to be truly successful in the governance and NOT to run into any anti-incumbency.

This stands true for the central as well as the state governments.

<< TWENTY >>

In the state of Jharkhand...

Out of those numbers who are succesfully enrolled in state Govt. jobs ( we are NOT talking of reservASSion in the entrance exams to the state Govt. affiliated educational institutes for the diverse beneficiaries )

The different categorisations, who in a certain ratio, make use of the benefits are -

Tribals ( ST )            - 27 % ( they get 29 % or 30 % effective reservation )

Dalits  ( SC )            - 13 %

OBC, MBC, EBC             - 54 % to 55 %

Rest ( General category ) - 5 % or 6 %

Together the tribals ( ST ) and the dalits ( SC ) get 40 % to 43 % of reservation benefits out of the total.

This means that every Govt. exam/ post/ position has to have most certainly : 4/10 or 43/100 SC/ST beneficiaries !!

Soon enough... each 4/10 or 43/100 Govt. officials in the Govt. machinery will be SC/ST only !!


Now, the Supreme Court has stipulated a reservation cap of 49 % of the total. A bar to the numbers, actually.

Now... this has effectively restricted the numbers of the OBC/ MBC/ EBC combo beneficiaries ( that numbers 54 % to 55 % of the Jharkhand population ) of ALL the reservation schemes to a mere ( any of ) :

49 % - 40 % = 9 % ; or
49 % - 41 % = 8 % ; or
49 % - 42 % = 7 %

Let's say... 8 % or 9 %

Whilst those in the general/ open category get access to the openings of around 51 %; and no less.

Say... 5 % or 6 % of these guys get to occupy the majority of the positions in the Govt. jobs/ departments - to the tune of nearly 51 % .

Again... this figure used to be around 77.5 % before the year 1990.

During the Mughal and the British rule/ times ( spanning over 4-5 centuries ) this same figure was around 95 % - 99 % for the same set of these guys !!


Again, in the states of Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Kerala, etc. the OBCs' do get their stake to 27 % of the cap. This has effectively raised the reservation cap to nearly 70 % levels in such and similar states.

Wherein these states chose to bypass the Supreme Court imposed stricture/ restrictions by means of effective state Govt. legislations.


Now, if the OBCc' decide to exercise their choice and stake claim to this stake... then their effective reservation may be hiked to 27 % cap limits. Rather than be restricted to the 8 % or 9 % - as in the state of Jharkhand.

In that case the aggregated resevration total might have been something like : -

For the SC/ STs' ( 40 % to 42 % ) + OBCs ( = 27 % ) ==> 67 % to 69 % of the total.

Rather than be fixated at the 49 % marks as stipulated by the Supreme Court.

This means that the OBCs' are losing 2/10 or 20/100 positions to those in the open/ general category.

Extrapolated once again, this means that some decades down the line... out of every 100 Govt. employee; there will be -

40 to 42 SC/ ST ones. ( against their population of 40 % of the total )

ONLY 8 - 10 OBCs employees (  ( against their population of 54 % to 55 % of the total )

Upto 51 'general' category employee ( against their population of 5 % to 6 % of the total )

This actually means that the minuscle 'general' category population... but having a majority positioning in the State Govt. executive/ judiciary/ police, etc. setup... calls the shots. And... if these guys decides to have an alliance with the dalits and the tribals... then the OBCs' ( who are the majority in the state )... are rendered sans any powers as such in the entire state machiery.


In fact...

So... it is highly likely for a tribal or a dalit to form and lead the state Govt. in the state of Jharkhand. Also... there may be a possibility for a 'general' category person to cobble up a coalition to lead a Govt. in the state of Jharkhand. In that case (s)he gets the entire support of the upto 51 % members of the BABUDOM ( = administrative officials ), judiciary, police, etc.

But then, for any OBC guy who gets to become the CM - there are going to be every hurdles created by the SC/STs and the 'general' category officials in the BABUDOM ( = administrative officials ), judiciary, police, etc.

And... it might be very difficult for the same OBC ( say - low caste ) guy to be in a formidable position to effectively have grips over the state's machinery and rule the state with due effectiveness.

In any case he has to seek and bow to the whims and fancies of the tribals/ dalits/ general category politicians or stall-warts who sure might try to use their connections in the BABUDOM ( = administrative officials ), judiciary, police, etc. to their political advantage... to beat down the OBC politician(s).

This is what happens... is happening.


And... this is what is happenig at the centre and in the Jharkhand ?

Where the self-proclaimed 'low-caste' PM NaDa Modi is placed on the throne by the covert benificaries ?

Similarily so... in the state of Jharkhand, is the current CM ( bearing the same caste affilitaion as PM NaDa Modi ) is similarily placed ?


Yet there is a general perception that there are more powerful guys in the helm who actually call the shots. And these guys are placed at the state level and the central levels too.

Four to ten tiered actually -

1) Local state Govt. cabinet ministers and BJP party chiefs and coterie.

Govt. cabinet ministers like -

Saryu Rai   ( bhumihar )
C. P. Singh ( rajput )

BJP party chiefs -

Ganesh Mishra ( brahmin )

2) Centrally placed BJP cabinet ministers and coterie.

Nitin Gadkari ( brahmin )
Rajnath Singh ( rajput )
Arun Jaitley  ( brahmin )

Yashwant Sinha ( kayastha )
Ravi Shankar Prasad ( kayastha )
Jayant Sinha  ( kayastha )

Rajeev Pratap Rudy ( rajput )

3) RSS - headed by -

Mohan Bhagwat    - brahmin

Bhaiyya Ji Joshi - brahmin

4) VHP, Bajrang Dal, etc.

5) Executive officers of the central Govt.

6) The diplomats serving in the foreign countries.

7) heavy weight corporates and business houses.

8) Powerful NRIs.

This is rather quite complex stuff.


We have seen the swiftness with which our Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar along with the BJP top politicain Nitin Gadkari cobbled upa coalition in GOA ( when they were clearly voted out @ 13 seats )... whilst the INC @ 17 seats thought it worthwhile to wait to be 'respectfully' called by the Governor AND were busy with the Holi celebrations... and took their holy time.

And... all this while... when the others were busy playing Holi... the defence minister Manohar Parrikar sewed up a coalition by netting 9 independent MLAs. TAking the count to 22. Thereby BJP formed the Govt. in Goa.

Meanwhile the defence minister has ceded his post of the defence minister to Arun Jaitley ( as if there is NO one lese to handle this post in the entire BJP or the Sangha Parivar ? or is it the case with the Goa chief ministership ? )... till he stabilises the Goa Govt.

Perhaps at a later date he might come back to claim back his ministery... defence minsitery... at the centre... by installing a puppet CM at Goa ?

Just a pointer...

Now who says that some set of politicians would NOT have outreach in the armed forces and the intel agencies ( the vice versa situation is equally true )... to create and nurture a situation for a future rearing and reaping OFF in the state of Jharkhand !! ??

100 % affirmitive... this.

Just a pointer... 4 of the Jharkhand MLAs happen to be my relatives. Another two kinsmen. So total count = 6. I believe that their political stakes have been diluted ( like salt crystals in plain water ) to effect the maximum gains out of them guys.

Nuts tightened.

Lemon Squeezed.

Now... who is enjoying the lemonade ?

This post suggests quite affirmitively.


For a five year term in the state of Jharkhand ( the most mineral rich state in India and perhaps the world )... someone in the helm of affairs... in the ruling seat can effect/ do these following things -

1) Can lease rich mineral areas/ mines for private mining. Or, alternatively.... in wrong hands...  for covert exploitation. This might be worth at least tens of thousands of crores... over a five year term;

2) Give rich coal and iron ore mines to private parties on lease for 5-10 years. Coal worth tens of thousands of crores.

3) Massive number of people ( 30,000 to 50,000 to 100,000 to 150,000 to 200,000 ) can be provided state govt. jobs/ employments.

There are often the cases... whence massive numbers of people do get state level Govt. jobs after providing a massive one time 'fee' to the last link in some established chain/ channel. As we have seen in the case of some other states. Vyapam of MP comes to mind.

In which case - NOTE the amount of gains to be made by the coterie/ SIG "the minority grouping... turned majority" for every 10,000 employees of their kind they get on the state Govt. rolls at the expense of the OBCs !!

Now... this is the heart of the matter. IMPORTANTLY. Quite a motive, motivation. Really so.

Revert to my earlier pointer on the Govt. expenses per employee over a certain period, after life time hirings.

4) Large number of cases of "transfer postings" of Govt. officials throughout the state. Over a 5 year term - this is certainly worth couple of thousand crores.

5) Certain set of people can be positioned in the state machinery so that these coterie group calls the shots even if the current Govt. goes. Yet the Govt. may leave behind an 'implanted cotrie' that remains loyal to them for as long as 10-20-30 years... perhaps the lifetime. This is... important.

6) The entire political roadmap of the state and therefore the course of the country can be determined by the outcomes of a certain state. Any stoical social/ political observer can easily make this out.


So on an so forth... the list is basically quite a long one. Those in the helm of affairs know quite well.

By the way... the take aways for the winner ( who forms the Jharkhand state Govt.) can be a couple of lakhs of crores over a five year term !!

So... raising head on the 7th of January, 2015 is the tell tale sign that the broth was cooked up like swell.

No two doubts about it.

Who cooked this entire stuff up. Who actually partaken it... and are rejoicing... it is time to seriously get into those nitty-gritties.

Crime + Politics or... alternatively... Politics + Crime... are perennially old bed fellows.

There is a thin line, for the perceptible.

What sayst Cap Ten ?? nay... Guru Jee ?? Sleeping cat in the basket... till Dec, 2014 ??


( Using my memory )

Around the 5th of July, 2016 I had written a post...

Importantly... and curiously... ( are these incidents related ?? )

within a few days... I recall that on the 8th of July, 2016 some militant Burhan Wani was gunned down by a set of army or para-military group /officers. This eventaully led to violence in the Kashmir valley and for almost 8-9 months the entire Kashmir valley saw massive disturbancees.

There were frequent stone pelting by the organized groups. Defence minister Manohar Parrikkar, after the demon-eti-sation, on the 8th of November, 2016, had claimed that the stone pelting on the security agencies came down heavily after the demonetisation of INR 500 and 1000 rupee notes effected by the NDA-2.

Now... as the stone-pelters were jobless youths on hire by paying them INR 500 note. Now, since the notes had vanished else rendered useless. So... there was no money to pay the stone pelters... hence... the stone-pelting incident almost stopped !!

Hence, demonetisation was a successful thingy... per defence minister Manohar Parrikkar !!

Way to go BJP !!


Frequent use of pellet guns resulted in hundreds of people losing their eye sights. As also lots of people lost their lives during this disturbance.


It might be entirely pragmatic, necessary and worthwhile to look at the source of the intel inputs for the team that guned down Wani.

Who comprised the leaders of the team ? Who actually ordered them ? What was the moot idea ?

Was there any chances that there might have been a contrived plot ? Why ? What might have been the root underlying objective, after all ?

Is there any loop-back or link-back to BJP gaining power in the state of Jharkhand ? is the question that arises. I sure do have the plausible answer / explanation.

So... it is important to note whether any guys out of the caste group - brahmin, bhumihar, rajput or kayastha were part of the party that terminated Wani ? From the erstwhile BIMARU states ?

In that case... do I believe that even the Khatri personnel might be inclined to lend them (c)overt support ?

Perhaps true.

What about those guys that provided the intel input ? What was the nature of the intel input ?

Was there any sort of (un)known callousness or lapse in allowing the things to be volatile in the Kashmir valley ? Were things incited in a way ( motive unknown ?? ) lest normalcy returned and things settled down ? 

Curiously... the Kashmir valley returned to normalcy... once UP was in the process of going to polls.

Can intelligent minds glean anything out of this ?


Some set of guys take umbrage over the researcher Madhu Kishwar's rather eye-opening post on the Kashmir issue.

Please refer www.swarajyamag.com .


Using some covert hooks she is summoned to some Kashmir court ( by/ using some local court judges/ clerics ) using some local court's directive. There are chances that she might be exposed to life threatening situation whilst in the process of attending the court summons in the Kashmir valley.

Notably... it is alleged that... some section of the Indian intel agencies provoked/ incited/ backed the stone pelters ? ...was reading somewhere. This cannot be easily corroborated. cannot be entirely denied.

Ask... Madhu P. Kishwar.

Btw... J&K has a BJP coalition Govt. Headed by the daughter of late CM Mufti Mohd. SAYYED - A SYED. Ancestors were brahmins. Say... what about 100/ 200 years back ? Who knows.

Again , the J&K deputy CM is Nirmal Singh - a rajput or dogra.

So... lots of space for plays of all kinds.


Another central minister from J&K - Jitendar Singh ( perhaps a rajput ) seems all too concerned about the "human rights" of the security forces in J&K.

Oh really ?? On behalf of the Captain ? Or... are these posturings... as advised by the Captain ?

I think that as a politician he has always been more concerned about the BJP's larger pie in the electoral rolls/ polls... than the security forces. Is it not true ?

In this context...
It might be important to revisit the statements made by this minister during the course of the disturbances over the last 2 - 2.5 years.

This politician might have greater truck with the coterie group within the BJP... esp.from the BIMARU states. Those belonging to a certain set of caste groupings.


Seems like some set of people think that they can do anything and get away with the same.



It might be an important test for the Jharkhand CM ( of the same tagged caste grouping as the PM NaDa Modi ) to prove his grip over the state administration and control.

To prove that he is his own man and... ain't any small-weight directed from New Delhi.

This mandates that he MUST do the following TWO things ( since the self-proclaimed 'low caste' PM Modi and therefore the Jharkhad CM - must think of the well being of the low castes who have been deprived of their human rights over the centuries and millenias. Basically this requires that they be basically empowered ) -

ONE - Increase the stakes for the 54 % - 55 % OBCs in the state reservation chunk to the mandated 27 % cap... up from the measly 8 % or 9 % they get to have at present;

In case that the Jharkhand CM thinks that reservation is a bad thing... then why he must NOT mull abolishing the nearly 40 % reservations for the SC/ STs. ( 4 out of 10 positions ).

Else... the Jharkhand CM Shri Raghubar Das MUST up the cap for OBCs to 27 % thereby taking the cumulative reservation numbers to around 70 %. Even then... I guess that around 30 % readily available for those numbers that make 5 % to 6 % of the population... is a decent and great numbers.

In case the Jharkhand CM is once again looking at the BJP central command to resolve this issue and pass judgement on its behalf... then people certainly know... who is in command... the Jharkhand CM or the central command of BJP/ RSS heavyweights !!


Bihar CM Nitish Kumar introduced reservation in the lower judiciary... so... does it NOT make sense for the Jharkhand CM Shri Raghubar Das to do the same for the lower castes in the state of Jharkhand ?

After all... he is again... of the same stock as PM NaDa Modi.


It is another matter - that the majority of the banias = business community across India... and specifically the telis/ ghanchis in particular... have become 100 % supporter of BJP, before and after PM NaDa Modi was elevated to the post of PM.


In case the Jharkhand CM fails BOTH these tests within a month... then let there be no doubts that even PM NaDa Modi is SIMILARLY led by a certain group... a covert coterie/ SIG that surrounds him.

So... PM NaDa Modi is the soft Hindutva face of the covert ( caste ) groupings that runs this country. Has been running this country since independence ( last almost 70 years ) and... certainly since the past couple of ( 100-200-500-800 ) centuries or the major parts of the last millenia.

This covert group sure have faces that predominantly span certain caste groupings... to the detriment of the rest. ... is a sure certain thought that confronts.

This is rather dangerous for the rest of the stock.

For... in this land... there have been past instances of certain endogamous groupings forming a coalition with an external power/ entity to decimate/ rout out the near at home opponents/ enemies.

As a... Kalchuri clan person... I know and understand the dangers of a repeat of this very same plot ( in a rather different settings, plot, form, format, scale )... way too... pretty well.

Too well. This is how... some set of erstwhile ruling elites lost power.

Were those guys... somehow in power... there would have been no Islamic threat to the Sanatan Dharma. This... in the present context.

My humble take.

Is the implications way to clearly understood ?


6 out of 8 JVM party's MLAs ( in the Jharkhand state ) defected to join the BJP and swore as BJP party MLAs... perhaps on the 6th of January, 2015.

This was ... two thirds of the numbers of the JVM legislators.

Yet... for a successful crossover to another party... even two thirds of the working committee MUST also move over as well.

Importnatly - none of the members of the JVM party's working committe have joined BJP.

In fact the JVM party supremo Shri BabuLal Marandi raised and fighting this issue via legal means for disqualifying the errant MLAs from his party, from joining the BJP.

In a really efficient legal framework... within a month or so the 6 defecting JVM MLAs should have been declared as disqualified.

In such a eventuality -
This might have rendered them to seek re-election on their respective seats... perhaps as independent or BJP candidates.


Disqualification of these MLAs might have resulted in BJP losing the majority in the state of Jharkhand. And, there might have been chances that the leading oppposition party - the JMM along with the ally Congress party might have been called by the Governor to form the next Govt. and given a chance to prove the majority.

Now... if the 6 JVM MLAs and the AJSU party ( mostly a JMM ally ) had NOT been FORCED INTO or chosen to ally or form a coalition with the BJP... in that case the chances of a non-BJP Govt. were quite high...

A combo or coalition of -

aaa) JMM party,

bbb) AJSU party,

ccc) JVM party,

ddd) Congress, INC,

eee) Some independent MLAs,

Lastly there was each and every chance of a split in the BJP party's ranks and a set of dissidents flocking and teaming up with JMM to form the Dec, 2014 Jharkhand Govt.

A possibility that could not have been negated.

Luckily for the BJP/ RSS ?? ...
Is it that some... sectionist elitist groupings... some 'covert coterie groupings' in the armed forces &/or intel agencies netted me on some frivolous/ cooked up pretext ? And... changed the contours of the entire playing fields of Jharkhand Rajneeti.

And ran-neeti ? ? And... the national politics ?

I bet... this is a question... whose answer must be sought !!


Btw - my 4 relatives who have been part of BJP are far from getting any carrots. Rather, their political careers have been potentially sticked... way too badly. My take. If not done so... their political career might see a marked down turn in the oncoming times.

Courtesy the SIG within the BJP / RSS that calls the real shots. With aid from Captain and mates ?? Sure... looks like so.


So... prima facie... the defection by these 6 MLAs to BJP should have been rendered null and void at the outset.

That has NOT happened over the last almost 2.4 years time !!

Seems like the Jharkhand Speaker Dinesh Oraon ( a tribal leader ) is hearing the matter.

Again, there is a judge in the Jharkahnd High Court Shri Aparesh Kumar Singh ( a believe - a rajput ) who is hearing this case of disqualification of the 6 JVM MLAs.

And... this clear cut case is NOT going anywhere. Actually it won't go anywhere... anytime soon. Whilst the BJP stays in power in Jharkhand.

In this context a few observations, per the media report -

aaa) The Jharkhand Speaker Dinesh Oraon ( a tribal leader ) and deputy speaker Vinay Kumar Singh ( a believe - a rajput ) went on a 'study tour' to Switzerland, France and London during Q4, 2016

Another key person who ( perhaps ) joined the BJP and got the ministership was supposed to go on a similar tour during Q1, 2017.

bbb) Some OBC MLA raised the issue of upping the stakes for the OBC in the reservASSion of the Jharkhand state. Seems like the heavy weight minister Saryu Rai ( caste - bhumihar ) gestured at the Jharkhand assembly speaker Dinesh Oraon ( a tribal ) and told this OBC MLA to sit down. The speaker Sri Dinesh Oraon gestured at the OBC MLA to sit down and NOT raise this issue. And... this MLA had NO choice left... but... was forced to sit down.

ccc) The JVM party supremo Sri Babulal Marandi ( an ex-CM of the state ) has been given Z+ category security by the Home ministery, GoI. Is it the Captain ?

Not sure what might be the implications of this ? And... why ?

Perhaps... to keep a nab on his movement ?

Or, any chances of any covert engagements / agreements/ understandings ?

I am too far from understanding these.

Btw - SP ex-leader Amar Singh is again provided with a Z+ category security by the home minister Rajnath Singh.

And... Amar Singh is said ( this is per common talk/ grapevine/ understanding ) to have done his work in the Shri Mulayam Singh's own fort. Creating a pre-polls media turmoil in the process.


Or, is it that seems like Captain wants to have the JVM chief back in the BJP... perhaps as the next CM ?

Does NOT seem too preposterous. Though... tough... with other ex-CMs in the BJP's fold.


So... is the anti-defection laws/ hearing ... a mere eye wash ?

Does it seem obviously so ?? !!

There is every likelihood that just/ judicious hearing might have resolved this case by now.

Much to the detriment and eventual loss to the BJP ?


Per BSP supremo and the other all opposition parties...

BJP won UP owing to EVMs ! And... not owing to demonetisation or the surgical strikes.

I 100 % agree.

Seems like Captain has the keys to the EVMs ?

Curiously, after the last COAS GeneralSuhag retired in Dec, 2016... the BJP appointed the new COAS almost within 10 days of the retirement of General Suhag; against the norm of 90 days. Whilst superceding two generals who might have been the actual COAS.

Citing the disturbance in the J&K as reasons/ grounds of 'operational experience' as the reason for super-ceding the two high ranking generals. Thereby creating and fomenting unrest in the ranks and file of our serving officers ?

Actually... whilst doing so... BJP did NOT leave enough time for the superceded generals to ponder this entire episode and challenge this matter in the Supreme Court.

Very bad precedent... this.

Again... in the case that the newly appointed COAS happens to be a rajput then... I would NOT be suprised that army top or on-the-grounds leadership might follow the ruling party's covert dictates ( that too implicitly )... that anyhows helps the BJP gain in the 2019 hustings.

So... do we see some action in/ around/ across the border in the oncoming 1-2 years time frame ?

I suggest - affirmitive.


Since Captain has labelled this blog as "unseen passage" and the read count on the individual blog posts hover near 0 or at most a few (4, 5, 6 or 10 - MAX )

Not sure if this blog is censored by the home ministery &/ or the Captain ( the armed forces and the intel agencies ).

Anyways... after having written this post... in case the reader is any GoI official... (s)he MUST pass on a copy of this specific blog  post to -

A) The President of India and all the Indian Governors,
B) The current/ sitting Supreme and High Court Judges across the country.
C) the current and former CMs across the country ( over the last 10 years ),


Let Captain explain 'Deshdrohi' and Sun stuff. I have been told that since no Govt. official ever approached me,so there is nothing the Got. has against you.Else they would have NOT been sitting idle.So... GoI MUST explain the invasion of my privacy.

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