Wednesday, July 12, 2017



A few passing [ or, contrarily consistent (?) ] thoughts -

1) BJP veteran politician Rajnath Singh is supposed to be a grand "rana-niti-karta" ( = a strategist or master strategist ) for the BJP party, at the national ( => central ) as also at the state level. Esp. having a definitive say and sway over the politics/ matters pertaining to the erstwhile BIMARU states, primarily.

2) Similarly BJP veteran politician Saryu Rai is the strategist/ think-tank for the BJP in the state of Jharkhand and around ( this includes Bihar and eastern UP ). He was supposed to don the mantle of the first non-tribal Jharkhand CM in Dec, 2014.

Somehow, the BJP top stallwarts got another old-timer Shri Raghubar Das ( who belongs to the mercantile community ? from ChhatisGarh ) as the CM... as this was certainly planned and effected by the BJP's top leadership ... to lead to the polarization of the entire mercantile community or the Vaishya class voters enmasse... in the favor of BJP in the oncoming Bihar state assembly elections... that was to be subsequently held in the second half of the year 2015.

For... there was a similar placement of the Vaishya class BJP leader SuMo in the state leadership of Bihar. Which might have catapulted him to the position of being the CM of Bihar... the Bihar pre-elections narrative might have tacitly implied only this... for the Vaishya class oters to assume so.

Perhaps... thereby befooled thus ? As we have seen that amply proved in the UP situation, currently.


Actually, in Bihar ... those who have stayed out of the power circle for almost 25 years or so... saw and sensed opportunity... whilst they saw the PM NaDa Modi 'effected' TSUNAMI to somehow sink the likes of LaPdYa and NiKu. Paving ways... for them to be catapulted back to power... with much fanfare and gusto.

Obviously... the same has been effected in the UP state elections of 2017. Where BSP and SP parties have lost the power after almost two decades.


So is that why Saryu Rai was given a miss for the post of Jharkhand CM ? Looks likey this only. 100 % so.

Nevertheless, it is said that heavy-weight minister Saryu Rai happens to be the top most think tank the BJP has... in the state of Jharkhand.

3) And... there remains no doubt that... for the above mentioned veteran politicians... for any of their political master strokes... almost all or the great majority of their caste folks / kinsmen viz. Rajputs and Bhumihars, respectively... cutting across party lines ( as also... especially those embedded and well entrenched/ positioned in the national security agencies, armed forces, police, judiciary, civil administration, Indian Foreign Services, etc. ) might certainly aid them to the fullest to realize their (c)overt whatever ( say - political, hegemonistic, etc. ) goals.

Especially, when it might concern beating or meticulously down-sizing other social/ adversarial/ caste groups or groupings that may pose potential threat to their own or cumulative hegemony in any form, format or scale.

Even... for the purpose of proactively creating new avenues or opportunities for their entire community.

Notably... and contextually... anyone may clearly observe...

Help is tacitly granted... in certain cases... not asked... this is... BOTH ways.

This is how things have been... are... and might still further be... especially... in the BIMARU states.


Again... as a recap...

A) I have seen BJP politician Arun Jaitley, on TV, trying to shove down ( into... whose ALL collective psyche ? ) some propaganda stuff / info. in the first fortnight of the month of Januray 2015. Around/ on the 7th of January, 2015.

After a lapse of almost EIGHT - NINE months since these guys came to power on 26th of May, 2014.


I have alluded to this matter earlier, in a separate post.

B) Again... in one of the relayed TV programs, the current Indian NSA Ajit Doval talks of his Golden temple engagements... in the process he sounds out a perceptibly veiled threat to the audience.

Whilst ... teacher Captain and mates might be looking very closely at the body language of the audience, meanwhile.

I recall the context.

I state thus... for a specific reason.

Captain's mind games, this ?

C) On yet another instance... I have observed on TV... the Congress or INC MP Ajay Kumar ( a Marwari ex-IPS officer turned MP from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand... now a national spokes-person for the INC party ) discussing about the Public Safety Act ( PSA ) of the state of J&K. Whilst other invitees ( perhaps, mostly from the state of J&K ) are also part of the discussion.

Now... was this grave discussion to be an informative exercise or part of a psyching out activity... essentially... a part of Captain's games ? I guess... both. But, those in the know... sure do know. And... well.

Whilst... the Captain and mates... watcheth-ed.

Perhaps conceived and planned the entire stuff/ plot ?? !!

Looks like 100 % clearly so.

D) Once Again... Recalling of... Critically Important Obseravtion...

The IAF recruited three women as fighter pilot officers, almost an year or two back. This is surely a top honors for these women and their entire families, relatives and caste/ clan/ district/ state, etc.

At the same time... I urge those having any true or potential heart-burn and mis-givings ( and... I am sure there certainly will be thousands and thousands in our much veneered armed forces ).... one must look at this entire episode closely to glean if any close knit set or group of people/ people groups/ caste/ caste groupings/ regional groupings, etc. sure do call the shots in the armed forces' hiring process ?

If that is in any which ways implied...

1) Does this imply that some set of smarties might be pretty much well entrenched in the Indian armed forces... and therefore as a (c)overt group do they call the shots ( as a close-knit or a covertly covert naturally implicit group ? ) at the top echelons of the nation's security apparatus ?

This is a critically important question to ask and seek an answer to !!

2) What about the influence of the Defence Ministry, if any, in the entire hiring process ? Even in the promotion ad critical placement of the of armed forces officers and security/ military intelligence personnel ?

3) What about the prevalence of the same or almost similar hiring situation in our national security agencies ?

E) The above is rather an important observation. Actually... a critical observation.


For we sure do know that a closely held group of NO greater than 200,000 Britishers... - officers, soldiers, administrators, judges, etc. ruled over the entire Indian sub-continent for almost 2-3 centuries.

And... they depleted the wealth of the nation to overseas locales.

There is NO strength in numbers. As, we Indians ( even of the undivided India ) have demonstrated time and again.

So... risk mitigation poser raised here...

MUST we allow any remotest scope of repeat of the same in another form, format, factor, scale and/ or context... in the Indian landscape, post independence.

The people of the entire nation must understand that there MUST be no such covert groupings in our nationl security agencies and our armed forces... that might act in any which ways against the nature and the spirit of the union of India... i.e. the entirety of the people of this country !!


Context of this Post ...

An apt pretext for this post, or... context for whatever has preceded till this point... and what is to surely come down later on... is the baseline narrative starting -

a) Q3, Q4 of 2013,

b) Q1, Q2, Q4 of 2014 ; &

c) Q1 of 2015 .

Here - the contextual narratives churned out by the Captain, his blog, the MSM and the GoI during Q1, Q2, Q4 of 2014 & Q1 of 2015 are really important. And... must need to be recalled and recounted.

Those past narratives may be tried to be overridden ELSE might have been already overridden by another set of fresher narratives... per Captain's goals and objectives and agendas, or lack thereof.

So... now... going 2- 2.5- 3 years back in time as a reference point... to cobble up and putting forth this post.

F) Again... we have seen that Captain has an action item wrt the fate of under-trials... in the process he and his close pals/ mates also risked becoming under-trials for good ? Had the IT Sec 66A not been actually scrapped.

I suggest that the Captain and mates, somehow, decided to have the IT Sec 66A rescinded by the GoI/ SC... for good. Might have actually contrived so... to save their ass and skin.

Now... the really important question...
Did the Captain coerced or provoked me ( either implicitly or explicitly... or in any which manners ) in consenting to be writing at the ToI bottom 'wall' as a part of a crusade against a certain individual ?

This master provocateur sure wants strict loyalty from his online mates, followers and blog readers ?

Frankly... I did never write any times at the ToI wall. Never would. Maestro... aka Chief !!

Though... as desired and coaxed by him... I wrote at his wall.

Coerced or provoked by his request ? Or, as an act of loyalty ? Or... just to keep a word ?

Be your own... keen judge.

This apparently harmless act ( actually a request or a demand fulfillment ) ... harpooned... nay torpedoed his 'kum akal' tanker... as the Chief often-times claims.

Coming from a catamaran... nay - cat... 'maran' ( = killer ) ?

Who believes this ?

No one does.

G) BTW - I have had almost NIL or NIL online presence in the public domain... till I decided to share my thoughts on the KedarNath tragedy with someone ( => the Captain ) whom I thought was perhaps the right sort of covert authority trying to pass off as a 'kum akkal' tanker Captain... in the sea of the internet ( but contradictorily... somehow sounding and reeking of roguishness at times. Even dictatorial. One.. who's been playing around a lot in the public domain ? ).

And... Captain is... in a certain way... the Guru Ji or Guru Ghantaal here, for his loyal blog followers. Say... like IHT ?

H) No doubt... Sec. IT 66A was scrapped to save Captain and mates from harm's way.

Actually... the Captain and mates had contrived to get the IT Sec 66 A annulled. Perhaps... there was a meticulously laid out plot to effect this ? ( Looking at Captain's concern for the under trial prisoners )

Btw... did Captain and mates face invasion of privacy in any form, format and scale that they were NOT aware of ?

Anytimes... in this specific context ?

I affirmatively believe and state so - NO.

This... certainly implies a conspiracy.

The nature of the conspiracy I have clearly alluded to, earlier. 100 % correct.


Invasion of privacy in one's private space is a very serious offense.

A 'certain' rule book states - "death penalty" to the willful offenders/ perpetrators. No questions to be ever asked.


Divine retribution is down the line. Surely... from the spiritual realm. Be fore-warned and advised thus.

100 % faith and trust... on this.

J) QUESTION to the quite upright ( no nonsense type ) Legal Luminaries -

Is there any scope... that some such and affiliated acts be labelled as being tantamount to a criminal conspiracy... scope of which is tantamount to high treason... on the parts of certain people in uniform and/ or authority ?

We shall see.


Leaving the matters as they are... let's see some historical perepectives that have a certain context.

Those who have wit, wisdom, vision, hindsight, foresight might be easily able to get the point that is clearly alluded to here.


This entire post, like many such other previous ones, is an elicited post. Am... forced to write this.

Had NIL intentions ever- motives or motivations churning out such a post as this one.

Certainly... Captain happens to be the root causative source... and sink of all my posts, till date.

The post DOES NOT necessarily throw light on how I personally view certain people. Even... my personal views.

Some postulates... theories... food for thought... etc. which might be 100 % bang on.


ONE : Movie Bahubali.

The recent mega movie 'Bahubali' potentially portrays the HaiHey Vanshi kshatriyas of the erstwhile ancient powerful Mahisha-Mati kingdom ( that was perhaps located in/ around Khargone/ Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh ? ).

Kalchuris belong to the HaiHey Vanshiya Kshatriya ( of the lunar ) lineage.

In the movie... the kings are depicted as very devout Shaivite Hindus. Even... the general populace, too, are depicted as devout Shaivite Hindus.

Whilst the ancient HaiHey Vanshiya Kshatriya ( of the lunar ) lineage stock were 100 % Sanatan Dharmis or Hindus.

But for their descendants... Kalchuris... this might not be actually 100 % true for the later day Kalchuris - who could have been any of Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs or Hindus... at different times and places all across India.

Then, there are/ have been instances of Kalchuris being Buddhists and Jains as well, preceding the much well known Hindu Kalchuri royal lineages of the recent past ( medieval times onwards... till the late 18th century... ages ).

Again we have got Kalchuris amongst the Sikhs as well... as ( probably... though ) the last Sikh Guru - Guru Govind Singh Sondhi ( Not sure if this is correct. But then - someone tells me so. ) and the Misldar Sikh Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, as the more prominent ones.

The web-site tells that... and more.

Whereas we see NIL instances of the Rajputs ( mainly hailing from the Rajputana fiefdoms... who have been spreading inwards into the central, eastern and south eastern regions of India over the last 400-800 years ) having ever been Buddhists or Jains !!

Per my limited knowledge and understanding... this holds 100 % true for the suryavanshi clan of rajputs. Perhaps agni-kulin rajputs who came into existence around the 15th/ 16th century AD atop Mt Abu, as well, were never ever Jains, Buddhists or Sikhs ?

True or false ?

I state - 100 % True.

TWO : Parasu Rama.

Sage Parasu ( Btw : Parasu => 'Farsa' in Hindi. And... 'Faras' in Hindi stands for ancient lands of Persia. ) Ram destroyed the Haihey vanshi ( = a certain lineage of lunar or Chandra-Vanshiya ) Kshatriya clans, their descendants and all their affiliated lineages all linked up by matrimonial alliances... some 21 times... as per the popular lore.

( The fact remains that : Even pregnant Haihey vanshi clan women were killed by the rampaging coalition... on the rolls of sage Parasu Ram. ).

Did sage Vash-Istha lent helping hand to Sage Parasu Ram, in this endeavor ? Perhaps so.

Ikshavakus ( of the solar aka suryavanshi clan ) too, majorly joined in this joint crusade against the HaiHey vanshi Kshatriyas ?

Perhaps, 100 % actually so.

Massive mayhem or annihilation - around the central parts of India. As also in the - east central/ west central/ south central as also the - eastern/ western/ southern parts of India. Over such a wide an area that is almost 35 % - 50 % or more of the current coverage map of India.

All meted out in the form of several thousand cuts... spread over thousands of years ? ... is that the real case scenario ?

Curiously... and notably... these are the same specific regions wherein ( This entire region excludes only the northern and north western parts of India. Does this throw some light ? ) -

1) Sage Parasuram's mother is widely worshiped as - Renuka/ Renukamba/ Yellamma, etc. As also as Chhinna-Masta.

Additionally... there are many/ several female deities worshipped around these places/ locales that are in fact, Sage Parasu Ram's mother Renuka only.

But going by different personifications attributable to - localised names, versions and some diversity in the age old stories and myths spun around the localised deities.

Why are there NO Devdasis in Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma, etc. regions ? Even in northern or north western parts of India ?

2) Curiously...

around these geographies alone... the practice of DevaDasi system had been/ was quite rampant, till the very recent past.

Seems like... the priestly class and their closest stooges used/ utilized the defeated Buddhist &/ or Jain "royal family women-folks" as devadasis in the Hindu temples ?

As some sort of Psych.Ops on the entirety of the defeated populace ?

( Someone seems to be attributing to the same fact being put forth. Please refer site - . Btw - I am no Ambedkarite. Just citing, for reference purposes, to glean... and to make a certain point. )

Did the offspring to these devadasis were accorded the dalit status by the society/ priestly class ?

Perhaps so.

100 % for sure -a pragmatic conclusion.

3) Yet... even after 21 times massive annihilation inflicted by Sage Parasu Ram... surprisingly... there are tens of crores ( some figures suggest - greater than 7-14 crores in numbers !! ) of these ancient kshatriyas from the lunar race - having descendence/ affiliation to the Somavanshi RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun lineage in and around the country and around the entire world.

Incidentally... all them guys are divided into diverse population/ caste groupings... and residing in different areas around the country. Somehow... mostly so... totally disconnected from each other... therefore not really an effectively unifying force in the mainstream of the country... and therefore the world.

How come the priestly class or the brahmins did not/ does not classify or consider these ancient kshatriyas as the 'real' kshatriyas... as per the Hindu caste system hierarchical order ?

Why ?

Why so ?

Why their position in the caste hierarchy was relegated to a lower level ?


1) Is it for the simple reason that - most of them had given up the 'priestly-class-at-the-top denominated Sanatan Dharma' and basically moved over to be Jains or Buddhists at some previous or later point of time ?

And... these guys were later on moved onto... or else were coerced to move over onto Hinduism ? i.e. implying under the priestly class folds. Albeit at a lower social level ? ; Or,

2) Is it that... perhaps the Jains' or Buddhists' ruler's nearest kith and kin were annihilated by the invading swarms of the Sultanate/ Mughal armies ? Whilst the Sanatana Dharma gradually rebounded and sprouted back... all at the same time ?

Rendered to them Jains' or Buddhists' royal fellas... by means of a thousand cuts... spread over a thousand years or more ?

a) Actually referencing here - the online posted pdf magazine from "Jain Jaiswal Jagriti"; April-May, 2016 issue. Page # 24 ... actually implicitly pointers towards the same fact. If the narrative on page # 24 is taken as true.

b)  ((

In this context...
Following is a popular Ambedkarite lore that one might chance on at... -

Riding on the 'under-wave' of the Islamic crusades and conquests... was an underlying Hindutva resurgence taking roots, actually, in falling/ fallen Jain and Buddhist kingdoms...

=> On the back of the priestly classes taking over the religious leadership at the villages level, of the newly conquered Jain and/ or Buddhist territories, by the Sultans / Mughals;

=> Mughal presence implied that Rajput Chiefs/ Chieftains/ soldiers had to be necessarily present in a high commanding position near the top of the Mughal leadership;

=> the priestly class hegemony had to be (re)esatablished/ (re)introduced/ (re)inforced as a suitable alternative to replace the Buddhist/ Jain religion in the conquered territories.

This onslaught continued and still continues... over the last 1.5-2-3-5-8-10-11 centuries.

So there is NIL chance of buying long lasting peace ?


Though Gautam Buddha was elevated by the priestly class... as an avatara of Lord Vishnu... yet we DO NOT find many Buddhists in modern India ? What happened of them ?

Contrarily Jains are to be seen in India in some small numbers ( around 70 lakhs total ) at present. How come the ancient Buddhists vanished from our lands ? Except for the Leh and Ladakh areas. And, Bhutan.

What happened of them Buddhists ?


THREE : KalaBhras.

From perhaps the first or third to the eight century AD a branch of the Kalchuris known as the KalaBhras ruled almost the entirety of the present day Tamil Nadu.

The KalaBhras were Buddhist as well as Jain people/ kings. Their rule saw the golden age of Tamil 'Sangam' period/ literature.

They were effectively dethroned by the priestly class who had an interest in introducing the system wherein the priestly classes reigned atop the systemic pyramidal societal structure that they so intricately spawned.

Wherein the priestly class had privileges to sit even on top of monarchs... supersede them... overrule them... and run them down on occasions.

The Buddhist/ Jain Kalabhras would NOT/ NEVER allow that degree of authority to the Hindu priests.

Recurring persistence by the priestly classes over couple of centuries paid off; aided by some plausible weakness on the part of the Kalabhras... the priestly class had come to keenly know of/ understand... rendered them priestly class... back at the helms of affairs around the 8th century AD... over great parts of the present day Tamil Nadu... whilst they were able to overthrow the Kalabhras rule and replace them with a Hindu rule... headed by another ruler who would bow to them.

Contextually of much significance -

1) A branch of the Kalchuris ( not sure if they were referred to as Tiraiyan/ Thiraiar/ Tiraiyan/ Thiyya , etc. or whatever ? ) ... established the famous Buddhist monastery at Tirupati.

That monastery was subsequently taken over by the Hindu priestly class.

We Hindus now go and worship there - Lord Bala Ji / Sri Venkateshwara. And get our hairs tonsured there.

Btw -
Hair tonsuring is a rite that only the Buddhists monks performed at their Sangha... for Dhamma.

The main ( very powerful ) original Buddhist statue is supposed to be at the basement of the Lord Bala Ji temple. Perhaps just below the world famous Lord Bala Ji / Sri Venkateshwara statue.

2) Another branch in Kerala ( not sure if they were the ancient Mushak Men clan ) of these same race of the Buddhist race/ people established the Guruvayur and Sabarimala Buddhist math/ sangha, it is claimed.

Now... this is the world famous Hindu... Guruvayoor and the Sabrimala pilgrimage temple.

I understand that the Tibetan Buddhists and the Indian Jains know best about some/ all these factual aspects of these shrines.

3) Yet another branch of Kalchuris, known as the powerful Kalavar clan ( ostensibly Buddhist faction rather than devout Kalavar Hindus ) helped the funding of and the establishment of the world famous Nalanda university in Bihar.

That world famous seat of learning ( predominantly Buddhist ) was completely routed out and razed to the grounds... during an Islamic Sultanate sack and plunder in the 12th century AD.

Very importantly... there are lots of things that happened simultaneously... in the 12th-13th century AD period... all over the Indian landscape... be that -

a) Decimation of Prithviraj Chouhan by the treacherous Ghori and his stooge. ( Prithviraj Chouhan failed to heed to his Kalchuri mother's solemn fore-bodings... that were some 12 years in advance. )

b) Mutual destruction of the Kalchuri Palnati Rajus' power, in the PalNadu area of AP,

c) Decline of the royal Nadar power in Tamil Nadu started,

d) Kalchuri rule/ power in the MP regions ( say - Tewar or Triprui ) was betrayed by their Amatyas... leading to Chandelas taking over the lead ? ;

e) King Bijjal Dev, a Jain Kalchuri kig, ruling over certain part of the present day Karnataka was culled out treacherously by his priestly class chief amatya or minister Basava. Reference -

etc., etc.

4) King Kharvel ( of present day Odisha ) was a Jain Kalchuri king in the Kalinga area around 3rd century AD.

Perhaps he or any of his predecessors or successors might have established the mega temple at Puri, it is claimed. Not sure about the veracity of the claims.

But, one thing is sure - the structure or the location was once supposed to be a Buddhist monastery or a Jain temple !

Now... we Hindus go there and offer worships to Lord Jagganath.

FOUR : Tewar or Tripuri, Jabalpur. Amatyas.

Kalchuris ruled most of the central Indian plains, at some time or the other.

From the eastwards of the current Chhatish-garh region and into Odisha... to westwards of the Malwa regions of MP and beyond.

From Prayag or Pratisthan-pur ( ? ) or Gorakhpur in the North till the Kanya-Kumari in the south ? The Kalchuris one time or the other... ruled.

Nevertheless, the Kalchuri kingdom of Tewar/ Tripuri near Jabalpur around 09th - 12th century AD saw a lineage of Kalchuri Shaivite kings predominating.

Perhaps... aligned to the Aghoreshwar form of Lord Shiva worship ! ?

Even now, there is a famous Tripur Sundari Devi temple built ( around the 11th / 12th century AD ) by the Kalchuri King - Maharaja Karna Dev at Tewar, some 5-7 km from Jabalpur, MP.

Curiously... if one looks at the Wikipedia pages of Jabalpur... one can glean that kings and dynasties have come and gone... over the last millenia... but the Amatyas of/ around the Jabalpur regions... have somehow stuck to their positions through almost 700-900 years.

How is this possible ?

Hardly ever.

Looks supposedly tricky/ treacherous scenario... at the base of all affairs.


As an aside -

I would never expect a Kalchuri king to call himself a Rajput king. Kalchuris were not Rajputs. They were ancient kshatriyas of India.

The same way, the kshatriyas ruling over the Bundel-Khand regions called themselves Bundelas. The Bundelas never called themselves Rajputs, when they held complete sway over their kingdom. Perhaps, now they might be calling themselves Rajputs.

Only those from the Rajputana kingdoms called themselves as Rajput. When/ once the Rajputs started to predominate the Indian landscape... under the patronage and alliance of the Mughals... others Kshatriyas, too, started to identify themselves as/ with Rajputs, as well.

FIVE : Ratanpur. Near Bilaspur. Peshwa Baji Rao. "Kaante se kaanta nikala".

Kalchuris ruled at Ratanpur, Bilaspur, CG from 1000 AD to 1741 AD.

Was this one of the longest serving royal dynasties anywhere in India over the last few millenias ? Perhaps so.

Contextual References to Ratanpur Kalchuris -

1) One blog-post piece on the fall of the Ratanpur Kalchuris is @ ( Circa 2008 post )

( The blog writer of the priestly class... tries to dicredit and bring disrepute to the lineage of Ratanpur Kalchuris. Something tantamount to painting the King as a laughing stock... is attempted. See under year 2008 posts. )

2) One facebook post as regards the Ratanpur Kalchuris.


This talks of a a certain 'raaj-droh' or treason by the Chief Amatya of the Kalchuri kingdom. But these references try to paint a different picture, altogether. Perhaps, around 1700 AD ? Or, perhaps a few years or perhaps 1-2-3 decades preceding the termination of Kalchuri seat of power at Ratanpur circa 1741 AD, at the hands of the Chitpavan Peshwas.

Now... this 'raaj-droh' transpired... in the sense that - the chief amatya ( belonging to the priestly class ) treacherously begot a son from the young Kalchuri Queen, sans the knowledge of the already ageing Kalchuri King. Whilst... the royal couple were childless.

( This is considered high treason. The chief amatya should have been immediately killed. No questions asked. ) 

The mentioned blog piece and/ or the facebook article tries to paint a completely differnt picture.

3) Later this Chief Amatya ( who was of the priestly class and whose long line of predecessors must have served in the royal courts of the Kalchuri Kings at Ratanpur or even at Raipur ) tried his level best to instal his illegitimate son as the next in line to the royal throne/ house as the anointed 'Yuvraj'.

The ageing King, though frail and old was NOT actually dead. And, in the nick of time came to know of the "high treason" commited by his Chief Amatya. Perhaps... a deep rooted conspiracy.

What followed is NOT apparently clear... as to whether the -

a) the Chief Amatya fled the scene ? , or

b) was killed ? ; or

c) his house raised to the ground, etc. although the Chief Amatya spared his life ?

As this might have had potentials to turn the populace against the ruling dynasty. Esp. the entire priestly class would have completely sided with the priestly class amatya.

etc., etc.

are some of the natural course of the events that might have actually followed ?


A) The Chief Amatya conspired to explicitly usurp the throne by illegal and surreptitious means and thereby change/ replace the ancient Kalchuri rule ( beginning around 1000 AD ) and lineage with the one by his own blood-line/ lineage,

B) This is 100 % certain that the Chief Amatya ( a member of the priestly class ) must have been heavily punished by the aged Kalchuri King for this dishonourable act that was tantamount to high treason. And, highly dishonouring of the royal family at Ratanpur... and all his near/ far kith and kin.


As is the norm...

owing to close binding arising out of max. networking in the wide segments of the priestly class ( after all they are Brahmin Devtas ) ... this surely must have led to resentment among the lots of the rest of the priestly class - in that kingdom, in the adjoining kingdoms and by association in and around the rest of the country.

After all - the priestly class are the Brahmin Devtas !!

Actually... worldwide... against this vile (?) 'Kalchuri' King... nay race of Kalchuri people ?

For... is it not the belief of some of the power-drunk class of highly networked set of people... ( I am reminded of Captain and mates now ) that their $hit does not stink ?

For... they can surely get away with anything.

And... no one gets away for free, after harming any member of the priestly class. Hardly matters even if the member of the priestly class is/ are 100 % wrong.

In fact they are NEVER ever wrong. Are they ?

And... they sure have a penchant for seeking revenge and meting out retribution at a grandiose level.

For... they can be extremely wrathful and vengeful - as obvious from the massive exterminating exploits of Persia Ram ?


The All World Gayatri Parivar @ Shatikunj, Haridwar website at calls out RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun as a 1000 armed demon. Or, monster ? They stopped short of terming him a millipede.

This is highly objectionable. If RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun is called a demon by this religious organisation then the organisation is selling the notion that the descendants of RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun are also demons. This is wrongful representation of facts and creates immense disharmony in society.

For... there are couple of crores of descendamts of RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun around the country.

AWGP must rectify this wrongful representation, everywhere. And, spell out public apology for this vile mis-representation.



Witness thence-forth...

what followed, in the oncoming few years or decades ( 1-5-10-15-20-30-40-50 years' time frame ) to these branch of Ratanpur ( perhaps, Raipur too ? ) Kalchuris... who had NIL regards for the "boon-giving" pious and benevolent Chief Amatya ( ... of the Brahmin Devta / priestly class lot ? )...


The last of the Kalchuri seat of power/ dynasties at Ratanpur ( near Bilaspur, Chhatis-Garh ) was uprooted by the invading Chitpavan Peshwa led Maratha armies around 1741 AD .

This was 18th century AD !!


Btw - the Ratanpur Kalchuris had/ have their Kul Devi in the MahaMaya temple, Ratanpur, Bilaspur, ChhatisGarh.

The foundation or basement stone sculpture of this old temple has Jain imprints/ motifs.

a) Thereby establishing the fact that an important Jain temple was destroyed to build this temple ? Or,

b) Is it that the Kalchuri lineage were Jains... and they took over to Hinduism at some point in time ?

Highly plausible and likely.

The Jains know better, then, about this temple.


The Maratha army was led by the Chitpavan Peshwa Baji Rao 2 ( of the priestly class lot ).

With his military chief/ commander as Bhaskar Pant ? ( another of the priestly class members ? Bhatts all ? ).

Priestly class Chieftains... these two... yet... struck from a distant 'country'... the Maratha Kingdom... TRULY stating this. Belonging to different languages, cultures and stock of people.

The priestly class chieftain Bro Chitpavan Peshwa Ji came from quite... afar to mete out divine retribution to the 'unjust' Kalchuri king and his kinsmen !!

For... entire Maratahwada and the Kalchuri kingdom, being far apart, can and MUST be considered 'different countries' in time and space.

Holds true... especially so, in those times.



Similar Situational Context Spanning the Present Times ?

The Western Nations ( Esp. - USA, UK, Australia, France, Germany, etc. ), India, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. are covertly and "predominantly" led by 'some' similar stock or race of people.

To a ceratin extent... the PRC as well ??

They covertly call the shots. Been covertly... calling the shots since centuries.

Who all might have diverged out of the Saraswati Valley civilisation or beyonds after the Saraswati river dried up after a massive earthquake near its source ?

And, is that how the Indus Valley Civilization came to an end ? ...are questions that actually confront.

Note this.


Is it that the 'justice' meted out to the Chief Amatya ( of the priestly class lot ) of the Ratanpur Kalchuri royal house was avenged by another set of the priestly class lot who belonged to a different country ( read - kingdom ), linguistic group, cultures, social setup, race, etc.

And... who were in a position to mete out 'instant justice' ?

Btw - the priestly class lot aka the Brahmin Devtas are having an underlying/ covert network spanning the entire length and breadth of the entirety of South Asia and even outside it. Perhaps worldwide ?

This still remains a fact.

But then...
Who tells an enraged Kalchuri Hindu ageing King who has been treacherously wronged by his prime minister... that he must have allowed the royal rage NOT to overpower his reasoning as far as the rascal amatya... the offender is concerned.

Perhaps sober down ? Blame the same on his advancing age ? Or, his much younger queen ?

Btw - would you ? Who would ?


Seems like that the entire priestly class lot went hammer and tongs against the Kalchuris around the country, since those times ? is a natural thought that recurs again and again.

Reinforced... yet again, in light of... Parasu Ram's past contextual well-planned exploits.


Now, few things are noticeable here -

1) ChitPavan Peshwa Baji Rao used the theory of - "Kaante se kaanta nikala" ( => using a thorn to remove another embedded thorn. Thereafter, casting them both aways. ).

In the sense...
By using the Maratha army to destroy the Kalchuri ( who are Hai Hey Vanshi origin ) seat of power at Ratanpur, near Bilaspur, ChattishGarh.

And... this WAS the LAST remaining Kalchuri seat of power in India @ 1741 AD.

With one of his deputies and close confidante Bhaskar Pant ( again... certainly of the priestly class Bhatt lot ? ) leading the charge or taking completely over the reigns of the bygone Ratanpur Kalchuri kingdom ?


Btw Bhaskar Pant completely overran the Somavanshis or Panduvanshis of the Odisha region.

If I am not mistaken... to this day the Somavanshis or the Panduvanshis still have to recover the social status losses incurred some 250 years back. They have been pushed down the social hierarchy and their position taken over by others ? ...are the questions that confronts one ?

Looks likely so.



In irrecoverably inflicting heavy losses on the Kalchuri people /race... did the Peshwa Baji Rao + Bhaskar Pant duo - (c)overtly avenge the treatment meted out to their own kind... the rascal... former "Chief Amtya" by the Ratanpur Kalchuri King ?

After all the Chief Amatya was from their own lot. And... Brahmin Devtas are... you see... often and... always right !!

2) The ChitPavan Peshwas who made their base at Poona, MahaRashtra, were basically of the priestly class... Bhatt lot.

Generally they are seen as belonging to the Chitpavan brahmin lot.

Yet, there is another theory to the origin of the Chitpavan Peshwas... goes belows -

When the Maratha king Shiva Ji ( before he became - Chhtrapati Shiva Ji Maharaj ) wanted to be coronated ( of course only a Kshatriya King/ lineage person could be coronated, per the brahminical strictures or as per the ancient customs or scriptures ) as a King, with a Chhatra ...

Then, almost all the members of the priestly class community around the entire country refused to preside over the coronation ceremony. Citing that the Maratha leader Shiva Ji was NOT of the 'Hindu' Kshatriya lineage / stock to be considered fit for performing the coronation ( "ChhtraDhari" ) ceremony.

Perhaps, not sure if the priestly classes considered the King Shiva Ji Maharaj and his entire clan/ race as of belonging to a lower status wrt - caste/ race/ clan at that point of time, per their opinion/ judgement ? ... is a question that naturally arises.

one reknowned Bhatt priest from Varanasi agreed to proclaim king Shiva Ji as belonging to the 'Kshatriya' lot, after all king Shiva Ji was upholding the Sanatan Dharma by destroying the Islamic invaders, whilst all the other priestly class scholars and leaders had refused.

This priest presided over and enabled king Shiva Ji to be coronated as the ChhtraPati King.

It is said that this same priest was gifted huge amount of wealth and land by Chhtrapati Shiva Ji Maharaj, as a token of gratitude and as some apt 'dakshina' for his priestly duties. Some others may consider it a suitably concealed endearment or bribe.

The moot point is...
This enabled the priest to get hold of a decently sized Jagir. And down the road... he became quite wealthy... akin to a Jagirdar.

And his descendents were the ones who were appointed as the 'Peshwas' of the Maratha Bhosle Kings.

Not sure about the veracity of this lore/ tale. But, there might be elements of truth inherent in this story.



1) How come that after the overturn of the Ratanpur ( Bilaspur, CG ) kingdom by the ChitPavan Peshwas... were the Kalchuris and their military power was gradually destroyed in/ around the same region... during the course of the Peshwa rule and even later ? Once the Kalchuris completely lost power ?

Understandably... even though the Kalchuris were pretty much well entrenched in the ChhatisGarh region ( and, perhaps even in great parts of MP ), Odisha, erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, etc. areas for at least upto 700-800 years.

i.e. the Maha Koshal region. Or, the Tri-Kalinga region. Lord Rama's mother Kaushalya belonged to this region.

2) Perhaps... is it that... the majority of the Kalchuris, who had been well entrenched there over the past 700-800 or so years ( even so at the height of the Mughal rule; say between 1556-1741 AD ), chose to migrate to other regions around the country ?

Having had to give up arms and having had to choose some baser work as means for livelihood ?

Why would a long line of ancient Kshatriyas do that ? Hardly seems palusible, at all.

Does NOT make sense.

3) Curiously...

How come this same did NOT happen in the Rajputana with the Rajputs when the Marathas overran them ? And, even after the Marathas were routed after the third battle of Panipat... how come the Rajputs came back up in Rajputana and parts of UP and MP ?

Or, did it happen ? What about Western UP and Punjab locales under the Marathas ?

How come the ChitPavan Peshwa and Bahskar Pant leading the Maratha army did NOT choose to occupy the Rewa kingdom in the MP ? Or, did they overran that estate ? I doubt the same.

Now... in case the Maratha army actually overran the Rewa kingdom, how come the Rewa kingdom came back up on their own, after the Marathas were conclusively defeated post the third battle of Panipat ?

Whilst the much longer ruling and pretty much well entrenched and established Kalchuris could not ?

This seems like highly contradictory.

There seems to be some hidden facts and factors.

4) We never chance on any established royal lineages ( of pure Khastriya origin in the Hindu caste system ) of having disappeared from their stronghold until and unless there is to be probably a (c)overt culling of the masses of the defeated folks.

Perhaps, beating their brows, as well. In one form or the other.

Perhaps... tightening the screws from many a sides, all at the same time.

Pure logical thinking... this.

5) The Kalchuris of Ratanpur were ancient Kshatriyas. Where are the same Kalchuri Kshatriyas of the ChhatisGarh region who held sway for almost 700-800 years in the ChattisGarh region alone ? Till 1741 AD ?

And Kalchuris once ruled over the adjacent areas of MP, as well.

How come...
Kalchuris are NOT holding strength, power and position in the ChattisGarh region any more ? Are they ?

Incidentally... the Rajput clans seems to have been holding sway in almost all the erstwhile BIMARU states, all these past 2-4-6 centuries ?

More so... ever since 'Akbar the Great' came into the larger-than-life existence.

What's the catch ?

Who extra-polates on this fact ??

6) In a highly caste conscious society as ours... no one in the Hindu caste system wants to be down-graded to a lower caste in the caste hierarchy. Even to a lower profession.

This specially holds true for the royal Kshatriyas.

To give up arms and enter some other profession, would NEVER appeal to long standing line of kshatriyas who had been weilding arms and royalpower for millenias.

Until and unless they are forced into the same categorisation by some sort of elites out of the priestly class ?

Perhaps as a just punishment, whose time came, for them to make a call ? And... judge.


Perhaps... some priestly class line of thinking...

Some day... these guys have/ had to be suitably replaced... for good.

Even if the same takes centuries to effect... hardly matters.

They were replaced as the ruling elites... once another set of Hindu 'noble' warriors made their way ?



Actually and essentially the ever growing numbers of the slave/ shudra/ worker class were mistakenly unheeded by the Kalchuri ruling elites ?

Did a rather new set of people, became or were implanted as the new warrior class, by the priestly class lot at a later date ?

Highly likely.

And... those who were once beggars... seeking everyday alms... became ( in disguise ) the new set of kings or the king makers.

Say what ?

7) So how come Kalchuris are down-graded from Kshatriya-hood until and unless the same is tacitly done in cahoots with the priestly class, by some external powers/ agents.

Probably - lots of wealth changed hands.

Or, there was probably a covert natural ever-lasting agreement to back-scratch... forever... amongst the newer ruling elites and their well entrenched priestly class hosts ?


ChitPavan Peshwa Baji Rao was priestly class.

Btw -
The role model of the priestly class and those begot from them ( like the Bhumihars in Bihar &/ or Nairs in Kerala ) - is sage Parasu Ram.

Did sage Parasu Ram hail from the Persia regions of the ancient Arya varta ? Highly possible and likely.

8) Curiously... the currently known and designated as Kshatriyas ( by the priestly class ) in some of the parts of Madhya Pradesh + Chhatis Garh region... are Rajputs.

None of them happen to be Kalchuris who once ruled the Malwa, the Central plains of Madhya Pradesh, Maha Kosala regions, ( even parts of modern day Gujarat and Karnataka regions ) and the Tri-Kalinga regions of Eastern India ?

All this... over a span of 100-150-200-250-275 years only !!

Incidentally... this is the same time that the Europeans ( specifically - the Britishers, Portugese and the French ) took quite treacherous roots in India.


So... does this lend weight to the fact that Rajputs from Rajputana made merry and expanded 'base' at the back of ( to some extent ) Islamic Sultanate and ( to a greater extent ) under - Mughal/ British conquests and subsequent rule ?

(C)overtly enabled, aided and abetted by the priestly class ?

Truly win-win for them twain set of folks and their offshoot lineages.

100 % feasible... this. Cannot be ruled out.

9) So... did this boil down to - the priestly class allowing to... and implanting Rajputs as the NEW found kshatriyas of the entire ChhatisGarh region ? Perhaps, even in quite some locales of the state of MP and around ?

Say... even in the AP regions ?

How all this was effected is a subject of very serious research; that the Kalchuris themselves must undertake.

10) QUESTION - is Dr Raman Singh - the 13 year long running CM of ChhatisGarh - of Kalchuri stock/ origin ?

I hardly think so.

Perhaps... he ought to be a Rajput, 'originally' hailing from the erstwhile Rajputana estates ? For sure.

Why is it that -
All the Rajput genealogy records is meticulously recorded in the basement of the JayaGadh fort ( at Jaipur, Rajasthan ).

Courtesy Raja Jai Singh of Amer, the able general of Aurangzeb ? Or, since Raja Man Singh and his most able lineages ?

11) And... wherever the Rajputs have gone during the Mughal and the British times... the Marwaris have followed suit... in hordes.

Marwaris are the best evangelists of the Sanatana Dharma.

Seems likely that the Marwaris were never ever Jains or Buddhists.

Have the Marwaris always been Hindus ?

After all their KulPurush is Surya Vanshi King AgraSen Ji Maharaj.

Who answers on this ?

I have noticed that several Marwaris are Jains too.


Is it possible that the Pindaris were used as a tool to plunder and pillage whole swathes of the central Indian regions ( that were mostly ruled or once ruled by the Kalchuris and had considerable Kalchuri population ? ).

At some sort of covert behest or instigation from the Chitpavan Peshwas ? After all the Chitpavan Peshwas partook of a decent portion of the Pindari loot and plunder.

Perhaps as some sort of token fees for letting them run riot in the conquered territories.

Predominantly to be noticed that -
there have had been Pindari instigated pillage, plunder, mass killings in the widespread regions of - ChhatishGarh, Orrissa, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Madhya Pradesh, eastern Gujarat, etc. regions... wherein vast swathes of innocent populace/ people have/ had been looted and massacred.

And, highly likely that a vast number of the native people were made to be dislocated out of the constant apprehension of the marauding Pindaris and the constant impending dangers they posed ?

Pindaris were allowed to be let loose... by the ChitPavan Peshwas ?

Contrarily -
Were the Pindaris active in Western UP, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan ?

Perhaps... were this Pindari exploits... to be a selective culling out... activity ? At whose behest ?

These are the regions from where the Kalchuris have been gradually dissipated and dispersed to other regions. Leading to thinning out of their actual strengths at all these locales.

Potentially at the behest of someone higher up in the line of chains ? is a logical question to ask and seek an answer to.

If Pindaris were the face... of whatever they stood for... who was/ were the brains behind these ugly marauding faces ? The back room grand masters ?

Was it the Chitpavan Peshwas idling... nay... lazing around at Poona ? To some certain extent ? After all... they were supposed to have been receiving a grand part of the Pindari loot and plunder.

This tells all.


This Pindari loot, pillage, plunder and mass killings in the process... MUST have forced large swathes of the un-organised populace to disperse around the entire country to safer locales.

The Kalchuris... in the face of having lost power and their land being occupied by foreign forces ( here Maratha ) whilst simultaneously they faced daily/ regular threats of extermination at the hands of the Pindaris ?

Perhaps, this remains undeniable that... lots and lots of Kalchuri clan people had to cross-migrate from MP+CG+OR+AP areas to other locales around the country.

Leaving behind their lands and properties.

Settling in other locales... in search of new avenues... of livelihoods.

Most of these forced migrants could be the erstwhile Kalchuri race of people. For sure.

I suggest ( based on gut instinct/ feeling ) - 100 % looks likely that... indeed that might have been the case.

So... widely dispersed... the Kalchuris had to give up arms... their profession... and their Kshatriya-hood too ?

Highly possible that the priestly class in the neighbouring or afar kingdoms did NOT allow them to comfortably settle down, even in the new locales.

Seems likely that the Kalchuris were forced to give up arms, for good.


Lots and lots ( though not all ) of Kalchuri people had a sub-human life and existence during the later parts of the 18th century AD and almost the entirety of the 19th century AD.

All inflcited by the priestly class and their stooges ? 100 % likely so.

These atrocities might be minimal for those regions to exclude are - the northeren and north western regions of India ?

Seems likely... that there was a secure covert PLOT to effect the same nation wide.

Had it NOT been for the British takeover that might have served as a distraction... the chances were fair that the Kalchuris might have been wiped off the face of earth... is a question that confronts ?

The Britishers somehow forced the energies of the opposing others to be re-directed/ re-channelised towards the Britsish onslaught. This saved them Kalchuris in very many locales around the country ? ... is a question that seeks to be thoroughly investigated and promptly answered.


What sayst Kalchuris ?

The priestly class ChitPavan Bhatt Peshwas ( with the rajputs in the back-ground; who moved over a wee bit later to fill the effected vacuum ) took over the Kalchuri kingdoms/ regions, using Marathas as a tool... nay 'kaanta', for free ?

Perhaps... for a token fee ?

Am I wrong in thinking / theorising/ postulating thus ?

( Btw - what is the plight of the Marathas today ? Whilst before the 3rd battle of Panipat, they were the dominant power in a huge chunk of the country. Today have they not regressed back as a backward community ? )

This is a question that ALL the Kalchuris MUST ask themselves. Even the Marathas, too.

For some of the Marathas might have the Kalchuri blood coursing through them.


This last holds true for the Chauhan and Chandela clan of Rajputs too.

Several other clan of Rajputs, too, have had close matrimonial alliances with the Kalchuris.

As also the Rajulus of AP. And, Odisha Gajapatis too ?


SIX : Jain King Bijjala Dev. Basava.

Around the 12th century AD the Jain Kalchuri King Bijjala Dev ruled from some central location in the present day Karnataka region.

He was meticulosuly removed or culled out by his Chief Amatya ( of the priestly class/ Brahmin ) minister Basava, ( or, Basavanna ) before he could firmly entrench himself.

Reference -

Thereby paving the way for ending the Kalchuri Jain rule and sway over the entire North Karnataka, the Konkan regions, eastern and south-eastern Maharashtra, Western Andhra Pradesh, etc. regions. This rule had potentials of flowering and mushrooming all over.

Notable Addenda -
around the 12th century AD... the Nadars from Tamil Nadu gradually began losing their royal status to the gradual onslaught of the priestly class takeover of the Nadar overlordship. Nadars had sub-human existence till the start of the 20th century. For almost 2-3 centuries the royal race of the Nadars suffered sub-human and pathetic living conditions. Such was their plight... all effected by the priestly class and their close pals.

Per the Nadars... Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram belonged to the race of Vrishnis... Of... Madhavas. The Nadar race.

The Nadars claim that the Kalchuri Jaiswals, indeed, are the Madhavas.

The Wiki pages on the Jaiswal race have been filled with false propaganda materials to confuse and misdirect the world audience.

Is this understood phut teacher Captain !!

SEVEN : Palnati Rajus. Palnadu, coastal AP.

Around the 12th century AD two factions of the Kalchuri clan fought amongst themselves and routed/ destroyed each other's power. Considerably weakening themselves in the process.

This resulted in other feudotries taking over in due course of time. Thereby the Kalchuri power base, instead of expanding, gradually got decimated, over the subsequent period of time.

Perhaps, one of their ministers or amatyas - Brahma Naidu played tricks and turned each against the other ? rather than defusing the tensions ?

Highly plausible... this.

In the epic Mahabharata - the Chandravanshi dynasty of the Kauravas and the Pandavas destroy each other. Later owing to the curse of Gandhari... the ChandraVanshi Yadavas destroy each other.

Before this... Parasu Ram decimated the Chandravanshi Haihey kings and their lineage for 21 times spanning centuries or millenias.

All this while... the priestly class is growing by leaps and bounds, in numbers. As also, the Suryavanshi clan of rajputs too.

Even they got agni-kulin Rajputs consecrated on top of a holy fire pit @ Mount Abu, Rajasthan around 16th century AD. To save and serve sanatana dharma ? and, of course, the priestly class.


Still... we got almost more than 7-10-14 crores of those ancient 'kshatriyas' that claim descendence from RajRajeshwar SahastraBahu Arjun !!

So... something seems all too fishy in the lores that have been going around since way too long !!

What sayst Chief ?

The Ratanpur Kalchuris are ruling around till 1741 AD.

Yet Sage Parsu Ram Maharaj is in deep Sadhana in the nearby Mahendragiri Parvat surrounded by the deepest forests around CG, OR and AP ( or, TL ) tri-junction ?

Does this lend some cue on the relationship between the Kalchuris and Lord Parasu Ram ?

There is lots of contradiction here.

This means to imply that Lord Parasu Ram never was against the Kalchuris ??

EIGHT : SSV magazine.

There is a monthly Hindi magazine 'Sad... Sid... Vig...' published from the capital of a certain central Indian state. Almost all the old copies of the same are put online in .pdf acrobat readable format for anyone to download and read.

If anyone gets a chance to carefully/ thoroughly read many or all of these magazines... then one thing becomes apparent ( based on the postulations and truth telling or story spreading by those who are running the show @ this magazine's editorials board ) -

1) The magazine states that - after the rule of Lord Rama, his sons Luv and Kush went to Rome and settled there.

Is this NOT true that, this -
Thereby implies that the Romans ( and, perhaps Greeks too ) are the same racial stock as the lineage of King Ram viz. Suryavanshi Rajputs ?

Do we deduce then -
That these same Romans ( or, Suryavanshi Rajputs ) spread from there to most pasts of Europe, central Asian republics, the North Americas, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.

In fact the magazine chief mentor often conclusively refers to the western race/ stock of people as Suryavanshi people/ origin /stock.

2) The non-Suryavanshi stock of people in India are alluded to as "Mallecch" ( => lowly race people ? ).

( Surely - this excludes the priestly class or the Brahmin Devtas ? )

Now, what causes the same line of thinking in public domain is something to be carefully looked at / analysed/ scrutinized by the rest of the populace.

3) Deprecating and denigrating the other races ( other then the Suryavanshi clan rajputs ) as perhaps baser and of lower/ lowest order that are NOT fit to rule or lead the world... is possibly indicated.

Seems like the Suryavanshi rajputs are already having a covert truck with the western folks ? Is it ?

Or, are they the same lot ?

What sayst thou dear brother Guru Ji bhai... what about the yellow race people ?

4) The Western race of people are referred to as Suryavanshi people... in quite some of these references.

Are the Western race people of the Suryavanshi stock ?


Most Important Note -

Btw ... lots of wealth has been siphoned off from India even after we gained independence... by those Indian elitist folks that are the new 'partners' of the global elites... who all might be mostly Jewish.


Something Contextual here -
A section of the Indian think-tanks wants to have strategic tieup with the western world. Perhaps as a counterweight against PRC.

This sounds way too good.

But then, looking at the past 500-800 years history of the sub-continent, I am NOT sure what the underlying/ covert/ long-term 'elistist' strategy/ intentions might be, vis-a-vis the other natives or "Mallecchas" ? Esp. if in truck with the western partners ?

Assuming that the 'native suryavanshis', the priestly class lots and the lot of 'western suryavanshis'...  ( in an alliance ) at a later point of time turn their 'combined' strength and might against the 'other' Indian natives or "Mallecchas" some 10-20-30-50 years down the line ? Is a natural question that confronts.

Is something that MAY or MUST NOT really be ruled out !!

This is coming from a person whose race was routed 21 times by Persia Ram... yet still we Kalchuris sustained and came back up.

Later... the same stock of ChitPavan Bhatt Peshwas ( using the Marathas as some sort of 'Kaanta' or prick ) destroyed the last vestiges of the Kalchuri power in the near past around 1741 AD


Using the massive Maratha army as a 'kaanta' and this is... 100 % sure and certain...

Whilst... Pindaris potentially doing the dirty work in the back ground ?? Gradually nibbling away at the robust base... of the Kalchuri people's strength and power.

Were the Pindaris used as another set of 'kaanta' ? who were later terminated by the British joint army.



Because, seems like... in this country or land, some set of elitist people won't ever appreciate other people.

Call it classical case of INTOLERANCE. That is several millenium years old.

Whilst these same folks may, even for some very base minimalist gain, make new patches/ pacts/ alliances with an erstwhile hostile foreign power/ confirmed adversary.

Something akin to...back swing... or;

Ratcheted forward ho... then massive reverse sweep or swinger... to decimate or obliterate ?

... Understand this above ?

And, there might be covert instances of certain royal families in India having matrimonial alliance with royal families of Europe. Over the last 100-300-500-600 years span.

Perhaps... if NOT their direct royal lines, but a secondary royal line.

For... all these royal people had multiple wives and mistresses out of various races and countries. Even... fathered royal-denominated ( but NOT pure royal lineaged ) offsprings out of many of them females.

This is something that may not be ruled out. Must never be ruled out.

NINE : Priestly class aka Brahmins.

The Saraswat clan of the brahmins in India ( eg. in NDA-2 are - Manohar Parrikar and Arun Jaitley. Incidentally both of them are/ have been defence ministers of India in NDA-2 ) have migrated from the Saraswati valley river civilisation into the present India region, in the past.


River Saraswati bed dried up owing, perhaps, to a massive earthquake in the nearby fault lines/ vicinity/ at the source of the river. Quite possible ... even the Indus valley civilisation ( mostly based in the current Pakistan regions ) got destroyed and displaced by the self same natural calamity.

This necessiated those racial stock people/ folks to migrate from the pretincts of the Saraswati river valley to almost all the locales of the Eurasian region. Whether that be present day - India, Saudi Arabia, Persia/ Iran, Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Rome, Greece, Western Europe, Central Asian republics, Russia, Siberia, Germany, France, etc. ... cannot and must NOT be ruled out/ denied.

Even, a faction of the Jews might be claiming the same lineage as the Saraswat Brahmins. Even - vice versa.

Now - the Jews have been all over the place, the entire world. Quite wide spread over the entire world. Having a truly global foot print.

The Israeli flag uses the Anahat ( heart ) Chakra emblem on it.

Can anyone TRULY make out the power of leverage the Saraswat priestly lots have, around the entire world ? Their lineage spreads out over the past 2000 - 3500 years, and no less.

This might be mind boggling/ mind-numbing.

Honorable SC ex-Justice Shri Markandey Katju Saheb may/ might have better knowledge and understanding on this topic.

Perhaps he can shed more light on the same topic.


Someone was proudly and candidly stating -

Going forwards, NASA ( and, perhaps other key American defense and higher R&D and sci-fi / higher education establishments ) might see Indian brains and talent in them to the extent of 70 % - 80 % - 90 % strength.

So... are these same Indian 'elistist' folks in cahoots with the Indian establishment ( consisting of the elected representatives - via the easy EVM way, the Police complex, the armed forces, the Judiciary, the Indian 'deep state' - consisting of the national security agencies, the R&D base, the mega Corporate houses, etc. ) going to decide and determine the entirety of Indian ( say = our ) collective future and existence some 10-20-30-40-50-70 years down the line ? is the moot question to be asked.

In that scenario - are all the Indians equal stake holders ?

Or, do we see only a select band of elitist, close-knit, covertly networked lot calling the shots at NASA and similar American and global establishments whilst forming a covertly covert coterie ?

Whilst there remain chances that the rest others are excluded from some sort of a think tank/ coterie ?

This concern must be resolved.

Putting this forth here... for adequate / due risk mitigation.

In a way...
This entire post must be seen as some sort of risk mitigation exercise.


We have seen the Semi Conductors Corp. of India Ltd ( SCIL )'s IC- fabricating lab, in Punjab sabotaged/ destroyed/ gutted in some mysterious fire some 2-3 decades back.

Yet, the GoI stall-warts have NOT taken any steps to restart the IC/ Semi-conductors industry in India, in rather a big way.

This has had and is still having a very detrimental effect on the electronics industry in India. Our cumulative electronics related imports are slated to jump to over USD $ 400 Billions by the year 2020-2022 !!

This means a huge quantum of Indian wealth will be made to move overseas, going forward.

Is this huge quantum of Indian wealth going to be jointly commanded by the 'elitist Indians' ( who are strategically placed in-house within the country as also out-house... i.e. in the tech and business domains in pre-dominantly the western world ) in partnertship with their overseas partners ?

Say 50%-50% partnership in joint R&D effort makes for alot of mullah. And, seals the partnership for good... for quite so many decades above the 'curve'.

'Curve' ?

This entire scheme looks like...  a new ( or, perhaps... alreday old ) covert partnership in the making.

Actually the 'partnership' might  already be there. The moot idea might be to strongly cement the age-old bondings.

Is this the reading on the wall ?

Btw - who suffers the most some 1-2-3-4 decades down the line... ? is anyone's guess. Whilst any covert existing partnership might have fully matured, at all the levels, at this current date.

Putting forth the same here... for risk mitigation.


The decimation of SCIL might have nipped in the bud... the expansion of domestic electronics indutry in India, in a major way.

This is for sure.

There seems some certain pattern... here.

The result is that whilst countries like Taiwan, PRC, Japan, etc. have jumped generations ahead of us. Yet... we are forced to import semiconductors/ ICs/ electronics products and gears worth USD $ Hundreds of billions on an year-to-year basis.

Is this NOT akin to siphoning off of enormous wealth from the nation ?

Over a decade this adds up to couple of trillions of USD $ !!

All this is adding to the US national debt, indirectly. Note this please.

How to stop this wealth drain ?

Of course... the same may be practically effected by going 100 % Swadeshi.

100 % true solution for all our woes.


Who does this ? We all must.

That is the reason I write this post.

This is certainly going to ruffle quite some feathers. Let that be.

Awareness is the key.


Again... who stops the population explosion which might cause the country to collapse as an entity ?

We all must. The beginning, as I suggested in a previous post, must be made by the 324 MLAs strong BJP Govt. headed by CM Aditya Nath in UP.

Enforcement of two child norm across UP.

In case he does not kick-start this - then this whole Hindutva tom-tomming is actually a bogey, a sham, a deceit enforced on the majority Hindu masses.

Covertly perpetrated for power grabbing by select set of smarties - my take, who might have alternate or alternative designs... all in the realms of international domain/ realpolitik.

This is a... 100 % likelihood.

The problem is... most of the Indian politicians would NOT understand this entire stuff.

These thick-skinned folks never will.

< EoP >

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