Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Yuga System, Revisited

Yuga System, Revisited


Per Captain, the Kali Yuga ended on Dec the 21st, 2012. And, there is a cusp period of 25 years for the next yuga cycle to kick on.

Of course... this seems to be in complete variance to all the presumptively known knowledge ad understanding on this same topic.


1) Emanating from the likes of Sri Yukteshwara Giri Ji Maharaj ( Reference page # 167, Autobiography of a Yogi by ParamHamsa YogAnanda ), etc.

Wherein Sri Yukteshwara Giri Ji, too, refers to Kali Yuga as = 1200 years !! Albeit beginning around 500 AD and having already ended in 1700 AD.

So, per Sri Yukteshwara Giri Ji - we are already into the gradually advancing times of Dwapar Yuga.

Somehow... I find this hard to digest.

For... if Kali Yuga ended in/ around 1700 AD then what happens of the much awaited/ touted Kalki avatar ?

Who, then, was the avatar Kalki... around 1700 AD ?

We get NIL answers o this.

So... we do negate this theory; though partly.

Never-the-less... do we take Kali Yuga as = 1200 years, as potentially correct ?

We shall see...

2) From the "Hanuman Chalisa" quartet ( chau-pai ) - "Yuga Sahastra Yojan par Bhanu..." ...

Here -
Yuga     => Measure of a Yuga cycle, in years.
Sahastra => Thousand.
Yojan    => Measure of distance, and equals 8 miles. 1 mile = 1.6 km .
Bhanu    => Sun.

This quartet broadly implies -

Distance between the earth and Sun = ( the span of a Yuga cycle, in years ) x ( 1000 ) x ( 8 x 1.6 km )

So... whilst calculating the span of a Yuga cycle-

the same comes out as = ( Distance between the earth and Sun ) / 1000 Yojanas = 14.96 crore km / ( 1000 x 8 x 1.6 km )  = 11,687.5 ( years )

This is short of 312.5 years to round the same to 12,000 years for the yuga cycle.

If that be the case then... how does the 11,687.5 years ( as in # 2 above ) fit in ?

Is it that the cusp years ( in the ratio of 1:2:3:4 for the span of Chatur Yugas = Kali:Dwapar:Treta:Sat Yuga ) for Kali Yuga works out = 312.5 / ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ) = 31.25 years ?? !!

This is in variance with Captain's take of 25 years, for the cusp years for the Kali Yuga, by ( 31.25 - 25 ) years = 6.25 years.

3) Most of the Gita Press publications and several other publications as well, enumerate Kali Yuga = 4,32,000 years.

Having seen that : 1 lunar year = [ (15+15) x 12 ] days = 360 days. This is in variance with a solar year which equals almost 365.4 days.

Assuming that by mistake or by deliberate intent the 4,32,000 years should INSTEAD have actually been stated as = 4,32,000 DAYS for Kali Yuga.

And, this sounds more reasonable.

Tweaking and reworking the info. ... we do see this way...
Kali Yuga calculated as = 4,32,000 days/ 360 days per year = 1200 years.

The figure of 1200 years for the shortest and the darkest yuga or Kali Yuga seems plausible. And, conforms with the previous two numbers and deductions, we have seen earlier.


4) Curiously, if we deduct 1200 years from Captain's version as regards the end date of Kali Yuga date = 21st Dec, 2012 AD ... then we arrive at = 21st Dec, 812 AD ( round about ).

So... what may be so special about the year 812 AD ??

Any clues ?

We shall see further...

We see that Adi ShankarAcharya was born in the year 788 AD at Kaladi, Kerala. ( Was it the Malabar part of Kerala ? I would guess so. )

Again, Adi ShankarAcharya had a life span of 32 years. ( Or, was it 31.25 years = The cusp years ? )

This implies that around the year 812 AD ... Adi ShankarAcharya was = ( 812 - 788 ) years = almost 24 years of age.

( Btw - 24 years is very near 25 years = the cusp years per Captain. )

Factually... Adi ShankarAcharya might have dropped his mortal coil around = 788 AD + 32 years = 820 AD.

Did Kali Yuga started on the day Adi ShankarAcharya passed away... perhaps in 820 AD ?

Now, from this date of 820 AD ... adding 1200 years; we arrive at = 820 AD + 1200 years = 2020 AD ( Give or take one year ) !!

Are we looking at some monumental event centered around 2019 / 2020 AD ( plus or minus 1 year ) ?

Perhaps advent of THE avatar or start of a major war ?

5) Btw - the next world war will be fought and WON by the usage of celestial weapons or Divya Astras for sure.

And... none of the modern day world powers/ militaries might be having any of these Divya Astras in their arsenal.

These Divya Astras are mostly of Mantric origin. Materialized out of thin air and guided by the mental faculties and power, alone. Some of them Divya Astras might cruise at the speed of thought ?

Then... who has them ?

Of course... Indian Rishis, Munis, Sanyasins, Gurus, ancient warriors, etc. still have this ancient knowledge and astras on them.

Is it... that we might be nearing some massive world-wide holocaust within th next 3-4 years ? or within the oncoming 20-30 years time frame... ? is a question that confronts.

Wherein a good part of humanity might perish ?

So... I suggest that countries ( esp. PRC ) better be on good and friendly terms with us Indians rather than staying opposed to us in any - form/ format/ factor/ scale.

I hope the war mongers get the point across... and well.


Now, since PM NaDa Modi ( of NDA-2 ) has been most considerate in changing nomenclature whereby all the handicapped ( Vikal-Aang ) people around the country ( perhaps the entire world ) have now thus been re-named ... nay re-christened as or re-nomenclatured as = Divya-Aang  !!

In Hindi -

Vikal - Handicap; extremeley harsh physical situation/ condition.

Divya - Celestial; Divine.

Aang or Ang  - Organ; limb.

Overnight the handicapped people or Vikal-Aangs are now referred to as Divya-Aangs.

This does not sound alright.

And, this is rather confusing...
for some of the Divya Astras are so named since their sole purpose is to annihilate the enemies en-masse. And, additionally causing mammoth numbers of people to become zombies/ handicapped, etc. basically 'Vikal-Aangs' for life.


One hopes that the Divya-Astras are NOT now to be freshly nomenclatured as 'Vikal-Astras' by the NDA-2, etc. or any future Indian Govt. ?

So... do we change all our ancient holy scripture wordings ? Substituting 'Divya-Astras'## by 'Vikal-Astra' ?

This is certainly not possible, at all.

## Divya-Astra usage is surely capable of inflicting heavy human casualties.

Quite possibly instead of being rendered Vikal-Aanga by the Divya-Astras; what is the probability that... the newly nomenclatured ( of course... this might never happen ) 'Vikal-Astras' might render some degree of "Divya-ta"  instead of "Vikal-Aang-atwa" to the affected populace ?

...are the thoughts that confronts.

Ponderable End Pointer -

There is a popular saying that the strength of a supposedly strong chain is determined by the durability of its' weakest link. Similarly... the veracity of the knowledge espoused and sold-as-true online by smart 12 strand DNA maha merus... may be proved or disproved by proving or disproving one of the links in their knowledge series.

this specific post has three references to Kali Yuga being = 1200 years and a Yuga Cycle equaling 12,000 years. There seems to quite some consistency in this recurring view.

And... I sure do believe and repose 100 % faith in Hanuman Chalisa.


Again... it is fallacious and wrongful representation to affirm that ONLY sanskrit mantras work... and other mantras do not or may not.

The Jains have their own set of mantras... some in Pali... and they sure do work. Same holds for the Buddhist mantras... they sure do work. Even Islamic Mantras in whatever language works.

Again... we sure got very powerful Sabar Mantras that  that come from the line of Nava Nathas and perhaps the 84 Siddhas. They are highly powerful and much much easier to realize then the Vedic Mantras... given the SadGuru's grace.


So... stated here is the fact that the Yuga Cycle adds up to 12,000 years !! And, not 25,000 or so years as espoused by the Chief. Thereby... I contradict the Chief, yet again.

This surely means that there is definitely lots of questionable knowledge that is espoused as true by a very popular 'propaganda' web-site owned by Chief and mates.

Does the blogger team definitely has other ( viz. probably - fishing, phising, netting, trapping, watching, etc. ) aspects in mind... whilst dishing out individual or cumulative blog piece 'GYAAN'

Hopefully... this specific post throws some light on the - intent/ motive/ motivations on the part of some of those guys on the Captain's team.

And... rightfully so.

< EoP >

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