Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Watch this... Chief

Watch this... Chief

( Recollecting )

The almost hale and hearty ( media reports suggested that he had no prior ailment ) CMD of a mini-ratna PSU ( the parent PSU of this mini-ratna PSU is one of the gems out of the GoI designated 'nav-ratnas' companies ) passed away last year purportedly owing to a sudden heart seizure or failure.

Lots of eyebrows got raised on account of this sad and tragic incident; after the media raised some pertinent questions.

For... this scientifically temperament-ed CMD was supposed to be an honest office bearer and it was not easy for others to dictate terms to him. Perhaps, even get him into some sort of wrong doing ?

The mini-ratna PSU in question pertains to the mining sector.

Thus any past/ present/ future CMD, in case, (s)he and others in his/ her close coterie/ circle.... decides or chooses or is forced to act so... can make differences worth tens of thousands of crores - to the mining wealth, mining activities based revenue, mining leases, mining related contracts and sub-contracts, etc. - that are to be granted, not granted &/or to be renewed, etc. to private parties/ corporate houses, etc.

Lots of power vest with this position of CMD in the said PSU.


After reading the media reports raising subtle suspicion over the tragic demise of this CMD...

( Just recalling... )
If one searches over the internet, one can chance that a certain intel agency has the capability to freeze anyone's normally working heart using couple of methods without leaving any traces.

Perhaps - using a zap of highly directed powerful electro-magnetic beams focused on the chest region ?

Again...  there is supposedly a western European plant extract that is colourless and odourless and does not yield any traces in the post mortem ( per some Wiki pages chanced across years back ) - but leads to heart seizure resulting in death, in case ingested even in small amounts.


Not suggesting any wrong doing here...

Nevertheless... it is for the non-rogue and patriotic individuals from the Indian security agencies to keep a close tab on this.

Wrote this post... as the same thought kept arising... again and again... that is uncomforting.

END QUESTION : Supposing that there was/ is indeed some covert game as the media report might have implied... then the moot question to ask is...

Who benefits ?
What's the game ?
Gameplan ?

< EoP >

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