On dreams ...
HERE... I relate that I had a dream quite vivid in nature...
I had no inclination to put the same forth. To share them.
But, then, I am doing so, here forth, so that R&D researchers and scientists involved in such line of work might get any ( subtle, perhaps ) inputs out of it. In case,any such merit is inherent in this.
Some 5 years back I had this vivid dream ( Like for dreams, I have forgotten say 90 % of the same, as I did not attach much importance to it then. Even so now. )
Basically some elderly scientist explaining to me in dream the working of his "Hydrogen", HHO generator.
Something of a tank containing two cylindrical electrodes ( optimally placed ). The butts / heads facing each other ( at top and bottom of the tank ).
There is an aqueous solution. Perhaps highly refined and some mildly treated / doped form of HHO. Or, is it HOH ? ( But, certainly may NOT be H2O ). Say, 2-10 % of some aqueous solution ... ?
No idea.
( This was what was interpreted by me in the dream. )
Now, as and when an engine's ignition is turned on - there are electrical surges between the electrodes ( Largely visible current sparks visible in water at the beginning; then I guess this tapers down / peters out ).
This basically breaks the HHO in the constituents - Hydrogen & Oxygen.
I 'see', that there is a mechanism wherein the oxygen is mopped up by a conduit at the front top-end of the tank. And hydrogen is led out to the combustion chamber through the conduit at the top back-end of the tank. Or, was it vice versa ? Perhaps... to some storage tank.
How H & O are identifiably led through different placed / spaced conduits ?
How are they sucked out ? What makes up for the differential outflow ? No idea.
Also, the rate of HHO decomposition into the constituents - H & O was determined by the actual needs of the combustion engine. Partly had to do with the actual current made to pass though the electrodes ( maybe).
Most important of all - I saw that the bottom electrode would, over a period of time, peter out with usage. And, some metallic deposit ( some metallic, shining - Silver looking metallic coating ) accrues to the other electrode. Not uniformly - perhaps, on the middle, etc. sections. Not really over the "butt" head and around of the electrode ! This, I interpreted, must / is ( not sure here - whether 'must' or 'is' ? ) a rather slow process.
The bottom electrode that gradually peters out and ( at a future date ) needs to be replaced is some oxidized form of Nickel ( Nickel Dioxide, etc. ? Is there even something called Nickel Dioxide ? )...
Not sure what oxidized form of Nickel, here.
[ Btw - how can an oxidized form of Ni serve as an electrode ? ( my take ). Conduction requires free metal content. ]
Not sure what dioxide or oxide.... But, this is the main thing that starts off as a catalyst but then very gradually decays off in the process. Nonetheless - lasts a pretty long time.
This bottom electrode need to be replaced after it is 'exhausted'.
The top electrode is likely to be recycled again, into reuse. ( Metal coating needs to be extracted and the electrode 'retreated'. )
The other ( top ) electrode is ( not sure here ) Chromium based. Maybe, some oxidized form. The composite compound might even have Carbon as one of the components ( Not really sure ).
With another metal as well. ( perhaps Cadmium - guessing here ).
The formulation for the same was perhaps 'seen in the air'. Not remembered by me now. Perhaps, mainly of non-pure-metallic make. Two metals could probably be there, in the composite compound making the top electrode rod.
Basically, everything is environment friendly. Non-toxic. And, cheaply available.
Scientist was, perhaps, some 65-70 years old man. Perhaps of
Indian or Western origin.
( I guess - if he was some very fair Indian Brahmin or an American, perhaps, a Texan. )
The most curious part is... he did not speak... only gestured at me... and all the knowledge became obvious / apparent to me. It was a live demo...
This is ALL I am able to recall. Nothing more....
I never gave much thought to it, as those days I was engrossed in thinking on the lines of "clean energy". So, I took this dream as a produce of my sub-conscious mind.
I would consider it trash. Yet, I expose it for scrutiny for any insightful / fruitful gleanings for mankind ( in case, this has got any remotely inherent merit ).
It's certainly NOT made up. As, I did experience such a dream. It was not wakeful sleep, I understand. Not a trance.
I request that this be trashed, in case NO merit emerges out of it.
Possibly, this might be contrary to the available established knowledge...
Can anyone infer any technique / technology inherent in this weird dream ?
Thanks !!!
ADDENDA - 14-MAY-2014
The dreams I mentioned are truly genuinely experienced ones. Not
imaginary or cooked up.
I had not given much importance to the first one. As I do not have the domain expertise really required. Else, I would have fully pursued it were I connected to people in that line of work. Perhaps try to find some merit inherent out of it.
So, does that deter me if I am fascinated and thought on the lines of water as a fuel source, perpetual motion machine / over unity generator, etc. ?
As an aside...
In case of PPM - my thinking is - the very subtle variations in
earth's electro-magnetic fild, the subtlest potential difference ( between earth's core, distance between two points on earth's surface, between different altitues, etc. ) as also harnessing the photonic emissions from Sun could ( as a multiplier ) potentially effect something that borders on a PPM. People in that line of business know better. This is just guesswork on PPM.
Regarding the first dream. Let me state further...
In case any R&D scientist expert in this line of work wants to consider looking into this dream ( who is better qualified than me to understand any hidden mechanisms / ideas into this. Who would not consider this having ALL trash. ) Well...
The whole method / methodology is to be given due importance.
Trying to recall... now ( I may be wrong here ).
The "top" electrode's chemical composition could be potentially made up of 4, 5 or 6 elements. Maybe - 5.
The chemical compound / composite could be like - AB2CDE3 ( Where, CDE could be any of - C, O, etc. ). ( AB ) might have any element with A or L or C letters in them ( Not sure. Wild guess.
Possibly wrong here. )
Not sure - if there was a 2. And, even then where was it placed ? -
after A or B or even perhaps C.
Do not recall any of it. ( Guessing here ) - (CDE ) -> C, O, & E3 as
O3 could be a possibility.
The MAIN thing remains -
1) The electrodes ( one electrode as a slowly 'decaying' catalyst ).
2) Method / methodology ( potential technique / technology )
inherent in this whole 'thing'.
Other things can be worked out.
Regarding the second electrode - the chemical composition formulae had popped off the electrode. Seen "in the air" by me very briefly. At that instance - did not focus much in capturing the formula while I was "visually" more engrossed in analysing the physical characteristics of the electrode. Had not paid much attention to the actual formula then. Had a passing / cursory glance. So, I hardly caught it well, and... so forgot.
There is some possibility that I was doing some mantra chantings (
perhaps not daily and perhaps irregularly around the time I had the
first dream. I am not really sure. As, I did would practice for days altogether... and then would not practice for weeks.
I really feel sheepish to have put such things in the public domain. And, since I did so, and there's criticism. I am forced to state some
datum ( jogging my memory - mostly guess work ) further.
The dream had no inherent benefit for me. Yet, what's the harm in
exposing it in case there's even some merit in it. Perhaps it gives
off some idea to someone, somewhere.
By the way, if anyone gets any gleanings out of it. Do include this
blogsite as well as a potential beneficiary ( perhaps as a potential
source of idea ).
Regarding the second dream, I do not want to state anything further
at this point of time. Have stated enough. I do not have any
intention of courting trouble accruing out of a dream popping out of
NO where. When, I myself have NO idea whether I should interpret it or leave it as it is. That could potentially invite trouble.
Captain's post had been an eye opener to me. I have been stunned
for days... nay weeks. I am yet to digest the post so very well put
up by Captain.
I profusely thank him for the efforts he has taken to put together a
brilliant post, at my request. I stay obliged.
I DID sense my failure to practise on a regular basis...
And, it has shocked and stunned me on my negligence. Courtesy the Captain, I slowly have started to be regular, once again. I thank him for this change.
Read no further for the delay... There's no "ullu banawing".
Till I find a suitable means to secure my online activity and my
comp. system. I'll mostly try to stay off from blogs and of course
our GREAT Captain's blog site. He must understand my concerns.
For, I have wasted quite many weeks trying to set right my system.
Again... and again... and... again.
And, ... I have NIL intention of doing so every few days.
Thanks profusely Captain !!!
And, please be aware - I am NOT scared of even BIG cats. Anyone has to state anything ... please comment on my blog site. I may not publish it. I'll get the message, though. At the same time, I do not want to willfully court any trouble. But, would welcome any on my way. I'll take it as sent by the higher powers. For, I am ASSURED - no one harms me and gets away for free. There WILL be divine dispensation for sure. When and how will be real abstruse to connect and link. It will be ASSURED. I am ASSURED that.
I might discontinue this blog in the weeks ahead, as a new
nationalistic Govt. comes in place in India. I had NIL intention of
blogging. There are higher powers... the indwelling one.
Well.. I might NOT. In case the new Govt. does something inimical to the nation's interests. Like FDI in retail and insurance.
Introduction of GMO...
We do NOT want TATAS, AMBANIS, etc. running our lives some 5-10-15-20 years from NOW.
Well... Mega Corps. overseas control our nation's in house mega houses. These, in turn, control the Central Govt. The Central Govt controls all of us.
So, who controls us... ??
Please extrapolate... and you will get the idea...
NOTE - Dear reader -
By the way - if ever any expletives, wrongful words, wrong
sentiments, etc. comes out of this blog site... please understand that it is not ME. Perhaps someone has wrongful access to my blog.
Of hawks, eagles and vultures...
There are hawkish men ( and, few women too ) ...
There are eagles among them men ( and, few women too ) ...
There are them men who let out the "dogs of war"....
But then, world must be mindful of those "vultures" who stay in the background.
Totally well focused. And, they know when to snoop in... for the feast.
When, the job is done. The hunt is over. They must feast... !!!
Is it possible that the hawks, eagles and the dogs are on the payrolls of the vulture ?
Do the people of this planet have the intellectual understanding to see the unseen ? hear what was not said ? see what may be in the offing ... down the line ?
Have the perception ... ? Please, DO ponder...
Thanks !!!
HERE... I relate that I had a dream quite vivid in nature...
I had no inclination to put the same forth. To share them.
But, then, I am doing so, here forth, so that R&D researchers and scientists involved in such line of work might get any ( subtle, perhaps ) inputs out of it. In case,any such merit is inherent in this.
Some 5 years back I had this vivid dream ( Like for dreams, I have forgotten say 90 % of the same, as I did not attach much importance to it then. Even so now. )
Basically some elderly scientist explaining to me in dream the working of his "Hydrogen", HHO generator.
Something of a tank containing two cylindrical electrodes ( optimally placed ). The butts / heads facing each other ( at top and bottom of the tank ).
There is an aqueous solution. Perhaps highly refined and some mildly treated / doped form of HHO. Or, is it HOH ? ( But, certainly may NOT be H2O ). Say, 2-10 % of some aqueous solution ... ?
No idea.
( This was what was interpreted by me in the dream. )
Now, as and when an engine's ignition is turned on - there are electrical surges between the electrodes ( Largely visible current sparks visible in water at the beginning; then I guess this tapers down / peters out ).
This basically breaks the HHO in the constituents - Hydrogen & Oxygen.
I 'see', that there is a mechanism wherein the oxygen is mopped up by a conduit at the front top-end of the tank. And hydrogen is led out to the combustion chamber through the conduit at the top back-end of the tank. Or, was it vice versa ? Perhaps... to some storage tank.
How H & O are identifiably led through different placed / spaced conduits ?
How are they sucked out ? What makes up for the differential outflow ? No idea.
Also, the rate of HHO decomposition into the constituents - H & O was determined by the actual needs of the combustion engine. Partly had to do with the actual current made to pass though the electrodes ( maybe).
Most important of all - I saw that the bottom electrode would, over a period of time, peter out with usage. And, some metallic deposit ( some metallic, shining - Silver looking metallic coating ) accrues to the other electrode. Not uniformly - perhaps, on the middle, etc. sections. Not really over the "butt" head and around of the electrode ! This, I interpreted, must / is ( not sure here - whether 'must' or 'is' ? ) a rather slow process.
The bottom electrode that gradually peters out and ( at a future date ) needs to be replaced is some oxidized form of Nickel ( Nickel Dioxide, etc. ? Is there even something called Nickel Dioxide ? )...
Not sure what oxidized form of Nickel, here.
[ Btw - how can an oxidized form of Ni serve as an electrode ? ( my take ). Conduction requires free metal content. ]
Not sure what dioxide or oxide.... But, this is the main thing that starts off as a catalyst but then very gradually decays off in the process. Nonetheless - lasts a pretty long time.
This bottom electrode need to be replaced after it is 'exhausted'.
The top electrode is likely to be recycled again, into reuse. ( Metal coating needs to be extracted and the electrode 'retreated'. )
The other ( top ) electrode is ( not sure here ) Chromium based. Maybe, some oxidized form. The composite compound might even have Carbon as one of the components ( Not really sure ).
With another metal as well. ( perhaps Cadmium - guessing here ).
The formulation for the same was perhaps 'seen in the air'. Not remembered by me now. Perhaps, mainly of non-pure-metallic make. Two metals could probably be there, in the composite compound making the top electrode rod.
Basically, everything is environment friendly. Non-toxic. And, cheaply available.
Scientist was, perhaps, some 65-70 years old man. Perhaps of
Indian or Western origin.
( I guess - if he was some very fair Indian Brahmin or an American, perhaps, a Texan. )
The most curious part is... he did not speak... only gestured at me... and all the knowledge became obvious / apparent to me. It was a live demo...
This is ALL I am able to recall. Nothing more....
I never gave much thought to it, as those days I was engrossed in thinking on the lines of "clean energy". So, I took this dream as a produce of my sub-conscious mind.
I would consider it trash. Yet, I expose it for scrutiny for any insightful / fruitful gleanings for mankind ( in case, this has got any remotely inherent merit ).
It's certainly NOT made up. As, I did experience such a dream. It was not wakeful sleep, I understand. Not a trance.
I request that this be trashed, in case NO merit emerges out of it.
Possibly, this might be contrary to the available established knowledge...
Can anyone infer any technique / technology inherent in this weird dream ?
Thanks !!!
ADDENDA - 14-MAY-2014
The dreams I mentioned are truly genuinely experienced ones. Not
imaginary or cooked up.
I had not given much importance to the first one. As I do not have the domain expertise really required. Else, I would have fully pursued it were I connected to people in that line of work. Perhaps try to find some merit inherent out of it.
So, does that deter me if I am fascinated and thought on the lines of water as a fuel source, perpetual motion machine / over unity generator, etc. ?
As an aside...
In case of PPM - my thinking is - the very subtle variations in
earth's electro-magnetic fild, the subtlest potential difference ( between earth's core, distance between two points on earth's surface, between different altitues, etc. ) as also harnessing the photonic emissions from Sun could ( as a multiplier ) potentially effect something that borders on a PPM. People in that line of business know better. This is just guesswork on PPM.
Regarding the first dream. Let me state further...
In case any R&D scientist expert in this line of work wants to consider looking into this dream ( who is better qualified than me to understand any hidden mechanisms / ideas into this. Who would not consider this having ALL trash. ) Well...
The whole method / methodology is to be given due importance.
Trying to recall... now ( I may be wrong here ).
The "top" electrode's chemical composition could be potentially made up of 4, 5 or 6 elements. Maybe - 5.
The chemical compound / composite could be like - AB2CDE3 ( Where, CDE could be any of - C, O, etc. ). ( AB ) might have any element with A or L or C letters in them ( Not sure. Wild guess.
Possibly wrong here. )
Not sure - if there was a 2. And, even then where was it placed ? -
after A or B or even perhaps C.
Do not recall any of it. ( Guessing here ) - (CDE ) -> C, O, & E3 as
O3 could be a possibility.
The MAIN thing remains -
1) The electrodes ( one electrode as a slowly 'decaying' catalyst ).
2) Method / methodology ( potential technique / technology )
inherent in this whole 'thing'.
Other things can be worked out.
Regarding the second electrode - the chemical composition formulae had popped off the electrode. Seen "in the air" by me very briefly. At that instance - did not focus much in capturing the formula while I was "visually" more engrossed in analysing the physical characteristics of the electrode. Had not paid much attention to the actual formula then. Had a passing / cursory glance. So, I hardly caught it well, and... so forgot.
There is some possibility that I was doing some mantra chantings (
perhaps not daily and perhaps irregularly around the time I had the
first dream. I am not really sure. As, I did would practice for days altogether... and then would not practice for weeks.
I really feel sheepish to have put such things in the public domain. And, since I did so, and there's criticism. I am forced to state some
datum ( jogging my memory - mostly guess work ) further.
The dream had no inherent benefit for me. Yet, what's the harm in
exposing it in case there's even some merit in it. Perhaps it gives
off some idea to someone, somewhere.
By the way, if anyone gets any gleanings out of it. Do include this
blogsite as well as a potential beneficiary ( perhaps as a potential
source of idea ).
Regarding the second dream, I do not want to state anything further
at this point of time. Have stated enough. I do not have any
intention of courting trouble accruing out of a dream popping out of
NO where. When, I myself have NO idea whether I should interpret it or leave it as it is. That could potentially invite trouble.
Captain's post had been an eye opener to me. I have been stunned
for days... nay weeks. I am yet to digest the post so very well put
up by Captain.
I profusely thank him for the efforts he has taken to put together a
brilliant post, at my request. I stay obliged.
I DID sense my failure to practise on a regular basis...
And, it has shocked and stunned me on my negligence. Courtesy the Captain, I slowly have started to be regular, once again. I thank him for this change.
Read no further for the delay... There's no "ullu banawing".
Till I find a suitable means to secure my online activity and my
comp. system. I'll mostly try to stay off from blogs and of course
our GREAT Captain's blog site. He must understand my concerns.
For, I have wasted quite many weeks trying to set right my system.
Again... and again... and... again.
And, ... I have NIL intention of doing so every few days.
Thanks profusely Captain !!!
And, please be aware - I am NOT scared of even BIG cats. Anyone has to state anything ... please comment on my blog site. I may not publish it. I'll get the message, though. At the same time, I do not want to willfully court any trouble. But, would welcome any on my way. I'll take it as sent by the higher powers. For, I am ASSURED - no one harms me and gets away for free. There WILL be divine dispensation for sure. When and how will be real abstruse to connect and link. It will be ASSURED. I am ASSURED that.
I might discontinue this blog in the weeks ahead, as a new
nationalistic Govt. comes in place in India. I had NIL intention of
blogging. There are higher powers... the indwelling one.
Well.. I might NOT. In case the new Govt. does something inimical to the nation's interests. Like FDI in retail and insurance.
Introduction of GMO...
We do NOT want TATAS, AMBANIS, etc. running our lives some 5-10-15-20 years from NOW.
Well... Mega Corps. overseas control our nation's in house mega houses. These, in turn, control the Central Govt. The Central Govt controls all of us.
So, who controls us... ??
Please extrapolate... and you will get the idea...
NOTE - Dear reader -
By the way - if ever any expletives, wrongful words, wrong
sentiments, etc. comes out of this blog site... please understand that it is not ME. Perhaps someone has wrongful access to my blog.
Of hawks, eagles and vultures...
There are hawkish men ( and, few women too ) ...
There are eagles among them men ( and, few women too ) ...
There are them men who let out the "dogs of war"....
But then, world must be mindful of those "vultures" who stay in the background.
Totally well focused. And, they know when to snoop in... for the feast.
When, the job is done. The hunt is over. They must feast... !!!
Is it possible that the hawks, eagles and the dogs are on the payrolls of the vulture ?
Do the people of this planet have the intellectual understanding to see the unseen ? hear what was not said ? see what may be in the offing ... down the line ?
Have the perception ... ? Please, DO ponder...
Thanks !!!