Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Served on THE Table... nay... Plate

Served on THE Table... nay... Plate

There are THREE parts of this post. Two parts follow here.

But... the MAIN PART follows later... in another post.

I am laying out a table and some 'dream' to-be-had-items on the table. Then... I go on to tell... who ALL sits on the head of an ALL oval table ? Who are the guys standing ? Who are all the stake holders ? etc. And...how to get the 'dream' to-be-had-items that are laid out... on the table.


Heading the Table

Who gets to sit on the HEAD of the table... i.e. the stake holders...

1) All the remaining freedom fighters of THE "un-partitioned" country. i.e. those who are still... alive... and kicking.

2) The remaining/ existing family members of every of those freedom-fighters already martyred during the cause of fighting the British mis-rule.

3) All the maimed personnel ( alive ) of our armed forces, since the time we gained independence. Else... their dependents.

4) The immediate family members ( widows, dependents, parents, etc. ) of any martyred personnel of the armed forces, since the time we gained independence.

5) All the members of the existing armed forces. Priority shall be using... "bottoms up" approach. That is... the least ranked member of the armed forces ( say - a soldier or a sailor ) gets priority here... over even a General or an Admiral or an Air Marshal.

6) All the Professors and all the teachers in all the major technical/ scientific/ engineering institutes in the country.

7) All the scientists and engineers working in ( esp. Govt. sponsored ) - nuclear, defence, military, ICT, aeronautical, space research, hi-tech R&D, etc. sectors/ space... all across the nation.

8) All the smarter students in all sorts of schools and colleges ( whether - engineering, science & technology, management, etc. ), right across the nation.

9) All the senior citizens, across the nation. The oldest/ olders gets the highest priority, to be invited to sit at or near the head of the oval table.

10) Some well-known and proven(ly) genuine spiritual and religious Heads and Godmen. None of whom are... money and/ or publicity seekers/ types.

11) All the females of the Indian race.

And... not to forget... the eunuchs ( hijras or chakkas ) also get ample space to sit on the table. After all... these fellows have the highest stake !!


NOW... All the others remaining...

I mean that the rest of the population gets no place to SIT on this table. They ALL get to stand and try to partake of/ utilize whatever is laid out on the table.

And... the standing populace have to depend on those folks sitting on the table... to partake of the feast.

And... not so... directly.

Meanwhile... the mangy cats ( perhaps... drunk with the wrong kind of milk ), as usual, must... keep keen watch. For any potential law and order issues/ situations. Sans all their occasional... 'awara-ness' nay... aware-ness and 'bewda-panthi' !!



We have seen dream peddlers... actually... 'sapnon ke saudagar' types. And... the way they are going... these guys are proving to be no better than the others preceding them. Observed... thus far.

Ways and methods are different, though.

here I am laying out a table having certain 'dream' items that are... up for CERTAIN materialization.

So... let me enumerate the listed ITEMS on the table...

The 'dream' ITEM list follows, here-withal...

(ONE)  A fully pan-country bullet train 'secured' network. 100 % fully secure, every which way.

Planned... designed and executed... to be fully rolled out and fully functional within a 7-10 years time frame !!

The planned network is - throughout the country. What I might be implying means that... the NDA-2 planned Diamond Quad will look highly inefficient and ineffective. Not too good time-line, the way the GoI plans and executes deliverables. For... it might take at least 20-30 years to realize the same.

This latency is... NOT really desirable.

For, the way the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train is planned to be rolling out ( by 2023, say ). I guess that... for what I am putting out as THE 'dream' items on the table ... might take eons for the GoI to deliver.

So, let me outline what I have in my mind...

Now... what we are looking at... is... something like...

Magnetic Levitation ( Mag. Lev. ) based super-fast bullet trains ( Perhaps Japanese technology, with speed touching 500 kmph ) in ALL of the following nodal lines -

1) New Delhi to Mumbai, 1400 kms, say
2) New Delhi to Kolkata, 1500 kms, say
3) New Delhi to Bengaluru/ Chennai, 2000 kms, say
4) New Delhi to Lucknow/ Kanpur, 350 kms, say ( This might be part of the New Delhi - Varanasi- Kolkata link )
5) New Delhi to Jammu ( via Chandigarh ? ), 1200 kms, say
6) Mumbai to Chennai ( via Bengaluru ), 1500 kms, say
7) Kolkata to Bengaluru ( via Chennai ), 1800 kms, say
8) Chennai/ Bengaluru to KanyaKumari, 600 kms, say
9) Kolkata to Mumbai ( via Bhopal ? ) 2300 kms, say
10) Miscellaneous short distance links around any of these major metros - another 2,500 kms, say

Roughly, totaling to = ( 1400+1500+2000+350+1200+1500+1800+600+2300+2500 ) kms = 15,150 kms approx., say

Let us round this off to an upper limit of 18,000 kms !! of fully networked MagLev based bullet train !!

BTW, as per my knowledge and understanding - Japan has the best technology on MagLev based bullet trains !!



AAA) Few STATS, for due consideration -

The Mumbai-Ahmedabad proposed bullet train is scheduled to be completed by the year 2023 ( almost 8 years in the making ). And... is going to cost something like INR 100,000 crores . On pretty easy terms of loan provided by the Japanese banks.

Currently, USD 1 = INR 67.5

So, USD 1 BILLION = INR 6750 crores

Now... INR 100,000 crores = USD 100,000/6750 BILLIONS = USD 14.82 BILLIONS = USD 14820 MILLIONS ,or

= USD 15 BILLIONS approx.

Now for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad distance of 530 kms ( say ). This works out to -

Per kilometers cost, for the bullet train = INR 100,000/530 crores = INR 188.67 crores / km

Alternatively, in USD terms, this is akin to = USD 14820/530 MILLIONS = USD 27.96 MILLIONS = USD 28 MILLIONS / km

Sometime back I was reading online ( some website ) that the proposed Moscow to Khazan ( Perhaps the capital of Kazhakistan ) is expected to cost USD 16.6 BILLIONS. This costing... for a 770 km stretch.

In this case, the per km cost for this stretch works out to = USD 16,600/770 MILLIONS = USD 21.56 MILLIONS !!

Can YOU ALL see the difference -

1) In India it costs = USD 28 MILLIONS per km of the line,
2) In the Moscow-Khazar link, the per km cost is = USD 21.5 MILLIONS per km of the line,

A difference of = 28.0 - 21.5 = USD 6.5 MILLIONS per km !!

Why SO ?

Can the Govt. explain ? Also... the technical experts. Please !!

So, the Mumbai-Ahmedabad link seems to be costlier by = USD 6.5 X 530 MILLIONS = USD 3445 MILLIONS !!

= INR 3445 X 6.75 crores = INR 23,254 crores !!

Why so ? What's the difference ?

Btw... I am NOT suggesting any wrong-doing here. It may have to do with the underlying technologies involved. As also the terms of the loan and the interest to be paid.

Alternatively, that might not be so. For... we are in India !!


Now, per the above deduced figures of INR 188.67 crores or USD 28 MILLIONS per km of the bullet train line.

For, 15000 km this works out to  =  15000 X ( INR 188.67 crores or USD 28 MILLIONS )

= INR 28,30,050 crores or USD 4,20,000 MILLIONS or USD 420 BILLION !!

POINT to be NOTED !!

But... if we use the system/ costing as between the Moscow...Khazan line then this works out to = 15000 X ( USD 21.5 MILLIONS ) = USD 3,22,500 MILLIONS = USD 322.5 BILLIONS !!

Can one see the difference here... between... USD 420 BILLION and USD 322.5 BILLIONS !!

A difference of almost = USD 97.5 BILLIONS approx. !!

Can anyone explain this, PLEASE ??

BBB) There are massive amounts of sky-high mega buildings/ structures and a very high density of populations around the majority of these... INDIAN MEGA-CITIES.

All these highly unplanned Indian mega-cities have been seen/ and are radially expanding outwards around a certain central core of any of these mega cities. With the exception of the coastal mega-cities... that generally expand in..wards.

And... the pressure on the land on almost all these mega cities is... WAY TOO MUCH !! to ignore.

Importantly... most of these mega-cities in the northern/ eastern/ western parts of the country are sitting on high-danger SEISMIC zones/ belt. Attributable to the tectonic (slow-shifting and continuously colliding) plates in the Himalayan fault lines.

Which... (potentially) jealous nations may ostensibly tinker with... using the high-end technology that constitutes their arsenal. In which case... are there chances of mega earthquakes ( above - 7.5 or 8 on the Ritcher scale ) anytime in the current or future times ?

Now... this is something which cannot be ruled out !!

If this were to occur... then such a catastrophe might lead to MASS-ive destruction of life, property, infrastructure, etc.

In effect - the Indian economy will be badly hit. And... several hundreds of billions of USD of re-investment ( mostly... one-time expenditures ) might be required to slowly get back on track by putting back the key infra-structures. And... even this takes at least 5-10-12 years to revert the situation... to a certain normalization.

And... most of this money would required to be taken as expensive loan from World Bank or from the newly formed ADB, etc. !!

So... there MUST need be a SOLID plan for a MOST suitable risk mitigation, in this regards.

I can observe that the GoI has NO such plans... on the ground.

Therefore... this MagLev bullet train network might be highly effective in any further checking and containing the inherently ever expansionist tendencies of all these mega-cities.

What I do propose must be taken with apt seriousness.


CCC) people may live possibly HUNDREDS of kms away from their place of work and commute daily, with ease, to these mega cities. Even so... the regular college going students.

Now... people NO LONGER have to or... need to pay for very expensive real estate ( say... to stay in expensive apartments or rent very expensive offices ) in mega cities and take hours to commute to nearby work locations.

In so much as... now people are deterred from clouding these mega cities, with their presence.
They can very well choose to stay 100-600 kms away from these locales. That is... one or two hours OFF, from the cities.

Effectively...  we are looking at mini and micro satellite cities... all part and parcel of these mega cities.

This allows potentially SEVERAL new micro/ mini town-ships to come up along the actual route of the bullet train.

Every 30-50-70 kms away. This same intra-distance is... a distance that is coverable in say 3-5-8 minutes !!

Same might be the case... say, in Japan.

DDD) The bullet train network must be designed and laid out in a way so that... it takes a MAX. of 6-8 hours to reach FROM any one corner of the nation TO any other location\ corner.

At MAX. - 6-8 hours !!

Say... from Kashmir to... KanyaKumari. Else from... Rann of Kutch, Gujarat to... any parts of the north east !!

This might mean that the domestic airlines industry might go nearly phut. And... rightfully so !!

That ways...
We DO NOT want to be spending 100s of billions of USD in importing Boeing/ Airbus planes and in the process creating mega airports. To handle the ( projected ) domestic airlines industry !! As also, the expensive gasolines that power these airplanes.


EEE) The bullet trains network might provide a mega thrust to the domestic tourism sector/ industry.

With the right kind of tours packaging... highly likely that the international tourist inflow starts to grow exponentially.

This might result in almost hundreds of billions of USD in FOREX earnings, perhaps on an annualised basis !!

Say... we see an exponential growth of intra-country tourism... As... more and more of the rather well-off Indians choose to spend and splurge in domestic locales rather than go to overseas locations, to spend the Indian monies overseas !! There might not be any further... incentive for that.

Most importantly... the international tourist inflow starts to grow massively, on an annualized basis.

All this potentially creates a TOURISM mega-industry that bypasses our agricultural component to the GDP !!

Say... this... within a 20 years' time frame !!

Point MUST be noted !!

FFF) In the present situation... say...

if a big RAJAH ( King ) type land-owner having ( say ) 10,000 acres of agrarian land in some far-flung location of the country... has the land valuation @ INR 1-5 lakh / acre .

Total value of this King's... 10,000 acre fiefdom works out as = INR ( 1-5 ) lakh X 10,000 =

= INR 10,000 lakhs or INR 50,000 lakhs = INR 100 Crores ... TO... INR 500 Crores .

In case, this 'RAJA' gets to make the maximum NETT income or profit of = INR 20,00-30,000 / acre on an annulaized basis.

The maximum he gets to make, annually is = INR 20,000-30,000 X 10,000 =

= INR 2000 - 3000 LAKHS !! = INR 20 - 30 CRORES !!

A maximum of say - INR 50 crores or INR 100 crores !!

Compared to the above... Now... say...

someone has a 2-5 acre of land in a residential+commercial location in any of these cities - New Delhi/ Mumbai/ Chennai/ Hyderabad/ Bengaluru/ Kolkata/ Pune, etc. mega-cities.

And... (s)he develops the land and constructs a 20 tower high commercial+residential mega complex.

This man can make mightily more money out of this mega complex than the RAJA ( King ) in the village. Easily generating a couple of hundred crores every year !!

Piece of cake for this "smallish kind of" enterprise of the small time ( say ) farmer who inherited this 2-5 acre of agricultural land from his fore-fathers !! Say... some 30-50 years back !!

Can anyone see and make out the palpable difference ?? !!

Btw... with a full-fledged efficient, effective, highly secure and fully-functional bullet train network...

All this vagaries of demand and supply paradigm might soon be seen to be vanishing.

And... the mega prices of all those mega properties ( all highly inflated by land and property sharks ) will... TANK !!

There has to be a way for things to be levelling out !! And... it is... HIGH enough time... for that !!

This... is going to happen in... the near future.

GGG) This potentially provides for... almost greater than two-to-five millions of direct and indirect jobs.

This might mean - the lives and livelihoods of almost 5 to 7 crores or more people might be taken care of, in the Indian economy, going forward !!

I might... roughly... lay out how ?? And... tell how and why ? And... why not ?

Is this ( a rough guesstimate ) a small number... not for the GoI and the Indian people to take note of ??

HHH) The current Indian railways may use the already established rail network for -

- 5-500 km travels . Perhaps, at best, overnight travels.

- the Indian rail network was set up by the Brits for essentially... the movement of goods across the nation.

Going forward... this...
Must be used primarily for the movement of freight and logistcis, mainly, down the line.

III) People may board the high-speed bullet trains with... bare-basics of luggage accompanying them.

For... they may send their luggage in advance, to be picked at the 'luggage pickup offices' somewhere near the destination end-points. The same luggage may be forwarded by the already laid out railways network, to the destination address. At some nominal charges.


(TWO) Massive levels of decongestion of the roads. Across the nation. Perhaps worldwide.

What I am about to propose has... implications that are having a - 100 % worldwide scope.

We have seen almost 25 km of road jams in Gurgaon.
The same in Jakarta, Indonesia around the holidays season around the occassion of holy festival of Id.
Similar ways... for some 20-30 km long end-to-end traffic jam, in some place near-abouts Paris.

Same is observable in many parts of almost all the major Western countries. Esp. the USA.

And... this is a continuous phenomena in many cities or PRC ( per some recent media reports ).

We daily see this... end to end bumper traffic... in almost each and every Indian mega cities. And... smaller ones too.

And... the Govt. and the civic authorities have no clue as to how to successfully and conclusively beat this burgeoning menace !!

And, all these guys around the globe ( the respective Govts. ) seem to be stoking the same fires... in the name of "VIKAS" ( development ) !!

This paradigm... MUST change !! Ought to !!



We may have seen wannabe "IIT under-grads" lining upto Kota classes... and, sometimes, for years... to successfully crack (??) the IIT-JEE 'ek-jam' nay... exam.

Interestingly... for the very first time... we might have seen an IIT alumni running off perhaps to... Shanghai ( or is it Beijing... ? ) as part of his sabbatical... and then after returning back... hollering around... odd... nay even... nay... odd !!

Well... well... it ain't working !! And... I conclusively DECLARE... it won't !! EVER !!

It is NOT supposed and meant to !!


Massive reductions in the levels of the automobile fumes that are emitted. This... on a global scale. Across every major/ minor city/ town across the nation and throughout all the continents.

This... MUST have a positive impact on the global warming scenario.

(THREE) High impetus and thurst on... Research and development of THORIUM based nuclear power reactors.

This has to be used for in-house power generation as also in manufacture of indigenous nuclear sub-marines.

Time frame to 100 % success in about : 5-7 years !! Max !! And... I mean this !!

(FOUR) The number of Indian doctorates ( actually - IIT and IISc grade PhDs ) to be increased by almost 5,000 to 10,000 per year, on year-to-year basis. This might include some good number of... research scholars, too.

And, the hi-tech research professors ( around the country ) by almost 1,000. In steps... every year.

(FIVE) Massive thurst IN/ ON the area of Cyber Security.

Indigenous... IC Chip design, development and security in ALL the forms, formats and scale.

(SIX) 100 % Organic Farming throughout the nation. And... 100 % Non-GMO primitive seeds based farming.

Btw... Any GMO tech must be sourced from within the nation's indigenous R&D institutes. i.e. within the... Govt-run frame-work.

We NO WAY WANT to be paying the overseas companies for insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers, seeds, etc.

Thereby... adding to... and... increasing our imports burden.

Must ensure... adequate food security for the entire nation. At least for... 7+ years' of food-grains storage.

Hardly matters... as to how... we may achieve this.

(SEVEN) Thrust on native and indigenous R&D Development and improvisations in the defence sector.

Highest priority...
Indigenous design, development and manufacture of nuclear-powered sub-marines.

And... in-house R&D in the cyber space arena. As also- the space sciences. Those in this line of work can conclusively draw the required focus.

Pointers... Study/ R&D on... the electromagnetically induced EMF... this... wrt a specific frequency... this... coupled with the resonant natural frequency of an object... THIS... as (mis)used in the defence or commercial industries.

Just a pointer... using obsolete knowledge and understanding...
...a high-beam energised and directed electro-magnetic zaps may potentially take critcial IC chips out that may cause the whole system to fail. !!

Are our 'experts' expert in this domain ?? See any reason to develop... in-house IC chips ??

(EIGHT) Accretionary and continual replenishment of our FOREX reserves to new high.

Must be done... piling ON... on an annualized basis.

We must have...
other major currencies, as well, as part of our forex reserve.

(NINE) Thrust towards promoting the tourism sector. As an enabler to- prop up the economy, earn some FOREX, etc.

To get a very rough idea... as regards the tourism potential.


When we factor in the inflow from the whole world... then the cumulative accruable figure goes up four to six times... all upwards !!

I guesstimate... over a 5-7 year time period. Grounds for this have to be prepared.

Btw... many a nations around the globe... and their robust economies, run around... the entirety of the tourism sector/ industry , alone.

This fact...  MUST NEVER be forgotten.

In effect...
Each of the Indian states MUST leverage their inherent potential to the very maximum. How... they achieve this... is up to them.

In this context...  can anyone tell... and throw some light, please...

if an international tourist were to source some liquor while touring through the state of Bihar ( by paying some exorbitant amount of money. Bihar is supposed to be dry. But... for the right kind of price you can get EVERYTHING. This thumb rule works EVERY-WHERE !! )... and (s)he is somehow careless to be subsequently caught by any very diligent and a truly (bh)igilant Bihar police/ authorities... and sent to jail without any bail ( To be found drunk... is a non-bailable offence, in Bihar. As I understand ) Can anyone tell... what happens then ?

To the proposed... Buddhist circuit, as well ?

You screw one guy... and then they go back and yell... and, tell... and... no one comes back for more of India. After languishing in the Bihari jail ( sans a bail ) for... eons ( by that foreigners' standards ).

"Atulya India" i.e. "Incredible India" goes phut here !!


Our endearing entreaties of... "Atithi Devo Bhav" goes for a toss... with all... nett loss !!

Think about it !!

(TEN) Aiming 95%-98 % preservation ( without any loss or spoilage ) of the vegetables and fruits produced throughout the nation

Construction of : Cold storages. Cold chains. Supply-chain management etc. across all the districts in all the states.

And... trying to get to export this ( mostly... 100 % organic ) produce world-wide !!

Must produce organic fruits and vegetables for international markets.

There needs to be fully INDIA-owned markets right across the world ?? But... do we need to see and... quantify the liability in this.

(ELEVEN) Indigenous R&D in the arena of CLEAN-TECH.

Massive thrust on the Solar energy based clean technologies.

Development of highly efficient and effective... indigenous wind based technologies and wind turbines.

Aim and objective is... to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels to the 19th century levels. Say... 0.5 - 1.0 % of the current national consumption.

Within the oncoming... 10-14 years' time frame.

(TWELVE) Greatest focus on - Water conservation and preservation.
Potable drinking water for all.

Replenshing the underground aquifers, to the fullest. Within the span of 10-14 years time !!

(THIRTEEN) Development of the humped ( desi ) cow.

Best quality R&D to... make them yield more milk per humped/ desi cow.

R&D effort : towards getting them to munch on... green grass.

So... development efforts towards development of lush 2-3 feet long grasses. These type of grasses used to be plentifully found near... rivers, ponds, streams... in days of yore. Some of these strains... might still be around. The challenge might be to have these type of grasses growing in all the regions across the country. With minimal water requirements.

Here... some indigenous GM engineering to enhance the growth might be required.

Green grass is the best fodder for the humped ( desi ) cow. And, then... see the yield.

(FOURTEEN) Massive afforestation drive. Across the nation.

To... increase the green cover... accretionary... and... on an annualized basis.

This has the additional benefit that... the chances of monsoon failing might be... this way... be minimised.

(FIFTEEN) Massive thurst to give boost to/ proliferate- Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, etc. versus Allopathy.
( Angrezi... generally, almost all inorganic medicine that accretionally... settles in the liver !! )

For... prevention is... better than cure.

And... this also further goes on to massively reduce our... drugs or pharma import bill.

(SIXTEEN) Digging of 100,000 to 500,000 small to medium sized ponds, across the nation. On an annualized basis.

Focus on irrigation... as also... this actually replenishes the under-ground aquifers.

(SEVENTEEN) Apiary Development. Bee Farming. Organic Honey Production.

Foucs on- date, palm, coconut, etc. derived bee and honey farming.

(EIGHTEEN) Thrust on the electronics sector. As also - native IT solutions development.

Idea is to massively reduce dependence on... almost all the overseas imports, on these counts.


Design, development and assembling of mobile phones, smart phones, pads/ notepads, laptops, desktops. And... almost all the IT peripherals and adjunct items.

Idea is to... massively reduce dependence on these... overseas imports.

For... all these imports runs into couple of... HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of... USD $$ !!

Need a MOST ROBUST working strategy... to minimize the nett imports on an year-to-year basis.

(NINETEEN) Great impetus to STARTUP culture/ climate/ companies.

Due focus on- Seed funding. Seed capital.

What the NDA-2 Govt. has started off... as "Startup India... Standup India" ... actually the UPA-1 Govt. should have... MUST have started this... almost TEN-TWELVE years back !! At...the very start of... UPA-1.

Truly stating this !!

Then... chances are... we might have been currently seeing at least many matured Indian start-ups that would have become MULTI BILLION USD $$-profitable enterprises/ companies.

And... the sector would have, AS OF NOW, seen some... requisite amount of maturity.

Need to fund... ( with at least INR 10,000 crore seed fund/ corpus )... at least -

- 10,000 companies a year.
- 1,000 companies a year.
- 100 companies a year.

Or, a mix of the above. With some joint private or Govt.-sponsored holdings.

(TWENTY) Construction/ facilitation of world-class MEGA-SPORTS COMPLEXES in every district of every of the states. Around the country.

Thereby ensuring... great thrust on sports and all the related activities !!

Aim here is : We get to be ranking amongst the top 10 or 15 in the next Olympics. Rather than at throw-away ranking of... 67 !!

Every district in the country MUST have at least 2-4 mega sports complexes !! All this... within a 10 years frameworks !!

I might as well outline how some private companies might sponsor some promising sports-(wo)men ( with some minimal investment risk ) so that they may avail of some good amount of tax breaks, as reward.

(TWENTY ONE) Thrust towards production of fruits and nuts. For domestic consumption and export.

This, too, is very very important.


The extended 'dish' list could be potentially much more elaborate and extensive.

Wherein we may have an extensive "Chhappan ( = 56 ) Bhog".

But... we'll rather focus on... and partake of this 21-item dish-list rather than an extended and extensive "Chhappan Bhog...s" ... on the table... nay plates... of every Indian.

If we find that the 21-item dish-list is easily realizable... results seen over a short period of time... rather than a figment of wild imagination... then we shall endeavor to move onto the extensive "Chhappan Bhog" elaborate dishes.




MIND and THOUGHT MATTERS actually !!

Talking of treasure troves... here !!

< EoP >

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