Sunday, August 7, 2016

To a certain minister(y)

To a certain minister(y)

This is specifically for the Surface Transport Minister(y) @ GoI.

Few points must need be noted and addressed by the powers that are.

(ONE) Have we ever heard that a human being has ever been culled, simply for the following reasons -

1) Any of his/ her critical organs failed. i.e. either the heart, kidney, liver, eyes, etc. failed.

And... then the 'LEARNED' ( ?? ) doctor DECLARED that this human-being OUGHT to be terminated, as such.

If such were to happen, then everyone might deem this scenario as the case of a BAD/ MAD/ SAD ( SADISTIC, actually ) physician. i.e. a physician who has gone NUTS. For... (s)he cannot diagnose. So... how can (s)he treat the malady existing within the patient.

If such a situation arises, then... the need of the hour could be to surgically remove... nay cull this self same physician for good !! Tantamount to giving him/ her instant gratifying MOKSHA. Before the termination - there might be dire needs ( for the sake of 'public saftey' ) even quantify his/ her IQ level. Whether it has crosssed the 100 level marks ?

Alternatively, is it TRULY possible that the doctor might be having an unholy nexus with those dealing in illegal human-organ trade/ business, as their covert partner and representative. Is something that needs thorough investigation.

This IQ data might be required for... tabulASSion purposes, alone. For 'public safety' records.

Please note that ...
even a 90 year old person has a fitting chance to survive an imminent death threat. And... his/ her life reinforced by a needed organ transplant... might live to hit 100 years or more.

But... if any 'deranged' physician were to terminate the 90 years olders' life... then IS THIS NOT tantamount to MURDER ?
Certainly may not be mercy killing. So... killing under the guise of... ? Whatever ? For... whoever ?

Now... to save... a lot of other people from his/ her whims and fancies - will it not be good idea that (s)he gives up his/ her medical practice ?


2)  Let us move on to another contextual scenario.

How do we account for 10 years old diesel vehicles to be culled OFF the roads, for good ?

Whilst IIT Kanpur research quantifies that of ALL the sources of air pollution, only a meagre 2.2 % of pollution is accruable to ALL ( the sum total of... ) 10 year old diesel vehicles plying ( say ) in the NCR region. <-- Got to chance on this, on the internet.

So... I ask the 'competent' authorities...
what is the moot point of sending almost 2 lakhs diesel vehicles to the junkyard ?


For... is this not true that...
having the privilege to own a motor vehicle does NOT come easy for majority of the Indian populace.

Moreover, this sucks in a huge amount of their savings. Right or wrong ? I believe that 99.9 % of the people will agree with me. And, nod - TRULY said.

So... do I presume that...
Does the minister(y) wants to give a kickstart to the auto industry that way ?


Well... there might be other smart(er) ways to effect that. As I see. Now... not intending to get into that topic of kick-starting the auto sector, here.

Would it NOT make better sense to get the diesel engine of these 10 year old vehicles REPLACED by brand/ spanking new ( lowest emission ) diesel engines ? AS THE RIGHT nay... CORRECT approach/ solution.

Rather than terminating the 10 year old diesel vehicles by sending ALL these to the junk yards, for dismemberment ?

Say what may cost the current owners Rs. SIX lakhs ( say - purchase of a new car, as a replacement ) might be easily achievable in Rs ONE lakh or so ( By... simply replacing the old diesel engine with a brand new one ) ?

Effectively - this does NOT burn a hole in the pockets of those who have been owning a 10 year old diesel vehicle.

And... this solves the problem, as well.

Now... does this solution ring any bells ?? Anywhere ??

I guess that any-days... and... anyways... this might be a WIN-WIN situation for ALL.

Until and unless the minister wants to give a shot to brand new auto sales in the NCR region !!

Time for some affirmative action in this context, on the part of the GoI. Shall we expect ?


Some quantifications here...

1) Expenditure in fixing 2 lakhs diesel vehicles @ INR 1 lakh ( say... for the retrofit of a new diesel engine ) -

= Rs. 200,000 x 100,000 = Rs. 2,000 crores


2) If ALL the ex-car-owners purchase a new diesel vehicle at the average price of Rs. 6 lakhs per vehicle. Then, for 2 lakh new customers to the auto sector... the TOTAL expenditure could be something like...
( Notably... the insurance costs are way TOO high for a new vehicle. As, also the auto loan rates might milk these folks high and dry !! Not to forget. )

= Rs. 600,000 X 200,000 == INR 12,000 crores !!

Overall... roughly INR 16,000 crores in terms of fresh expenditures, from private coffers.

Quite some way... to stoke the economy and control the air pollution levels !!

Btw... is this... the way to go ?? And... govern ??

BJP coterie at the top - must ask AS the... fair 'chosen' RULER !

By RULER, I mean... the ruling party who have got the best opportunity to make a difference in recent times.

What sayst... Vivekananda Institute super brains, nay... think-tanks ?

BTW - nothing lasts forever. Always remember that. Never forget !!

Recently... there was a news that the Surface transport ministry expects to nett almost Rs. 90,000 to 100,000 crores from road/ toll taxes on the highways !!

It seems like the GoI target for/ within a year's time-frame.

the Govt. intends to authorize 'private parties' in this - build, collect and operate toll booths/ plaza.

In this context, a few nagging questions remains unanswered. They follow-

Is it possible that the NETT receivables, in terms of toll taxes receipt, might be ACTUALLY a much higher figure ?

Say - DOUBLE or FOUR times the GoI projected/ expected acrruals, out of this ?


Given the discrepancy in the 'potential' ACTUAL accruals versus the GoI projected figures/ projections. Would it NOT make better sense that -

1) Instead of granting full powers to 'private parties' ( I read that as - BJP loyalists ) .

What we have is...

It is a purely 80 % ( Govt ) - 20% ( Private ) partnership. Or,

90 % ( Govt ) - 10% ( Private contractors ) partnership.

The moot idea is to... MAXIMIZE the toll collected.

2) Traffic through and AT almost all the toll booths are overseen by the state police personnel. Around the clock. This provides a surveillance check of sorts.

3) All the toll-post lanes in almost all the toll plazas are covered by high resolution surveillance cameras.

These same may be connected to the district RTO offices, police head-quarters. Perhaps- state police HQ, as well.

4) Required functionality-

As soon as one pays the toll tax - the payer gets an automated SMS on his mobile as regards the tax paid by him/ her. Automatically generated by the system.

At the same time- the toll tax collected details from every toll plaza MUST reach back to the district RTO head-quarters, to the transport department office; as also - the HQ within the State Govt. And... the cumulative details MUST reach the national transport ministry head-quarters.

This information technology and communication network setup might NOT cost much. Whilst this might enable the maximization of the toll tax collection effort. Therefore... the realizables.

5) Effectively... the moot idea is ALSO to have a high-resolution real-time surveillance of ALMOST the entirety of road networks. This... throughout the highways framework, within the nation.

6) all the toll tax booths are made of dismantale-able building articles ( to be re-used at a future date, somewhere else )

can anyone suggest... which has more merits - what the minister/ ministry desires versus what I did hereby proposed ( that might be in need of several refinements and fine tunings ) ?


I hope you all do not screw it up in 2019 ! The way things are going may not augur too well.

So... I suggest... caution. Rather than outright overt optimism and an unreasonable gung-ho attitude that may NOT be backed by quantifiable achievements.

< EoP >

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