Sunday, August 21, 2016

Where is the Ball ?

Where is the Ball ?



Whilst a set of closely networked people seem to have hijacked the whole Indian system... since we gained independence. Seems like... the situation is no different even today. Surely... 100 % political objectives/ motives/ motivations have seen these set of guys invade my ( + the entire family's ) privacy since the past 2-3 years. On whatever ( ?? !! ) "cooked-up" pre-text. This is... quite plainly obvious from Captain's blog. And... still these set of people have the unbridled gall to go along with their almost overt agenda in the most viciously vile a manner.


Factually and frankly speaking...
If... I have made a mistake... then you ALL have blundered. Tantamount to an egregious blunder... which MUST NOT ... and MUST NEVER BE... EVER pardoned.

Remember this... the countdown has started right from the 1st of February, 2015 !! For... certain things are NOT to be ever forgiven and forgotten. The 15 year's reverse count-down has started. Consider this a CURSE. And... duly make note.


I do so believe and... therefore, suggest that...
These set of guys' cumulative (c)overt web has a VICE LIKE GRIP over the ENTIRETY of the ( pan ) Indian -

1) Government ( and, therefore to a great extent... on the governance of the country at the village, town, district, state, regional, national and the international level/ arena... ). All the form/ format/ scales.

2) Vicious (c)overt grip over the... law enforcement agencies/ system ( this includes the police, ALL aspects of policing... and... the legal services, adjunct functions, etc. ),

3) judiciary - any/ all form, format, scale,

4) any/ every facet of the administrative/ legislative wings of the governance - all levels,

5) the national security agencies ( IB, MIS, RAW, etc.),

6) our MUCH veneered and highly decorated armed forces,

7) the diplomatic services ( foreign services ) and... each and every levels of the BABU-dom ( i.e. bureaucracy ),

8) manning the top echelons of all the major and/ or minor corporations ( whether- public, private or joint ventures ),

9) almost all the scientific and R&D institutions around the country; even... a great many overseas ones

10) a massive number of socio-economic and socio-religious bodies... (c)overt platforms whose sole aim is to have huge sets of ever expanding followers. This ensures an almost loyal MASS-ive gatherings/ groupings of followers... that certainly might have the covert primary aim to be a HUGE money spinner for those guys running 'ze' show. Either overtly or covertly !! Secondarily... this tremendously helps these guys 'running the show' in galvanizing their blind followers/ masses on social issues/ political lines, etc.

11) Perception makers and moulders. All pervasive. Every forms/ formats/ scale.

12) Our best of the class educational/ technical institutes,

13) Industries, labor unions and trade bodies,

14) Media, media houses. Journalists. MSM, etc. Movie and entertainment industry/ business, etc.

To say... every position/ situation which has an element of... money, power, influence, 'maal', mullah, etc. at the very core; or... as part of the massive web-like spin-off created by a fully networked sorts of... "Tilismi" set of people.

So... we can see that the list may be... conceivably endless !!


Now... factually speaking...
Some of these set of closely inter-networked people ALONE seems to have the balls. And... these guys are on a major... ball busting spree, (c)overtly.

Doing... left... and... right !! As... people might have observed on the 'tankered blog' of the Captain.

'Tankered'... because the 'quick-to-action' Captain chose to mindlessly run... and blundered... gunning... for me.
If I were in his place as the Captain... I would have patiently waited for 'the distracted loyal follower' to return back, sooner or later. Rather than bellowing out repeated warnings from the tankers' mast pole !! After all... his 'tanker' is akin to a spiraling bhortex... nay vortex, where people are pulled towards to, and return sooner than later.

This 'tinkering' actions i.e. misguided/ malignant crusade potentially causes the so-called tanking of the tanker.
BTW... must also refer to the acute distraction owing to... TABULASSION, 64-count Bala ( rather than kala ).

Now... onto the...



Few days back, chanced upon the following...

Though, I completely agree with the GoI concern. Yet, the GoI may consider having some of them folks ( a highly pared down numbers; past the requisite security clearance ) here... in a very controlled manner, as tourists or pilgrims.

Their numbers may be controlled. Perhaps, increased or decreased as per the guide-lines/ feedback from the security agencies. Say... what about some limited-version... end-to-end guided tour ? This means... the tourists have a tight itinerary as a pretty close group. And any of these groupings... must stick with their own respective group. Must... stick to their own schedules... rather than freely roam around here and there.

Perhaps, this way... gradually... some mutual warmth may be potentially generated.


Some time back our President went on a state visit to... China ( PRC ).

I recall that there he emphasized of viewing Sino-Indian relations from a civilizational perspective. Pretty well stated, actually !! This... actually also meant to imply/ include... any/ all our common areas of interest, mutual agreements and perceived and/or potential disagreements.

The President's statement is of vital importance with lots of hidden insights to glean... and throws enough light on how, the two huge nations maybe able to pare down potential, perceived and existing differences, and perhaps come along in together-ness. In a certain way... on the world stage. And... perhaps it's time we OUGHT to see a few things from some historical perspective, as well.

This way... together... we THE SINO-INDIAN people may move on... ahead. Rather than... unnecessarily and uselessly bogging each other down. Lest NOT our losses or any mutually-accruing loss become... someone else's gain !! For... in the long run... this potentially leads us nowhere. Whilst someone else gains/ wins, at our expense !

In effect, we...
may actively try to become (c)overt partners in leveraging to the utmost- a mutually beneficial progress; rather than be bogged down by - issues, places, clashing interests ( whereas there should be ideally none ), parochial view of things/ issues/ places/ situations, etc. ... perhaps typical of our own inherent and deep-rooted civilizational trait, etc. - inherently natural traits we have been carrying on since centuries or millenniums.


Any two nations can possibly come together only when there is immense people to people contact, generating mutual trust and... goodwill. And... good... positive energy vibes.

across the borders... the populace have knowledge, ...have a keen interest and ...revel in each other's language, culture, sports, etc. ...and other popular pastimes.

For instance...
lots of Indians have moved to the Western countries and settled there. And, most of these people know, speak and can understand English pretty well. So... English language serves to bind the Indians with most of the Westerners. But, ironically, we Indians have a tendency to mostly toe their line.

To add... many of the Indian and Western folks, having studied and working together, have inter-married. This act, potentially, creates a strong bridge between diverse set of people, nations and cultures. That brings people together and resolves myriad of difficult and unresolvable issues.

And... this remains a fact.

The fact remains that... an average Indian who intends to go overseas... generally... wants to relocate to a Western nation rather than any Asian country !

Why this... mindset ?

How, may this... change ?

Same is an average Indian's outlook wrt Russia.

The Hindus and the Christians have had no religious wrangles between them. Between them... religion was NOT and never used as a tool to create division between people. Hindus and Christians have never seen reason to fight on religious grounds. ( As far as I know. ) That never has been the case. And... it might never be.

And... Buddhism being an offshoot of the Sanatan Dharma... is at total alignment with the Indian/ Hindus' way of life... and to the eternal... search of truth, leading to enlightenment. The ways and means are different, in either case. The end remains the same. They complement. A case of set and superset, here. Same with the Jains.

This has to be noted. And... noted... way too well. There is a historical perspective. And... a set of commonalities that we Indians and the PRC may fruitfully build on.

Here.... there is no... start from scratch dilemma !!


Some undeniable facts...

The fact remains that... the Islamic conquests in the South Asian arena had an extremely bloody history. Massive numbers of innocent populace - Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and followers of other religions had been executed by the Islamic crusaders. Others had been forcefully converted to Islam, as part of the Islamic crusade against KAFIRS ( the infidels ). Their fair rule used to be - sword or sop.

Whilst it could be 100 % true that the present Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. countries would certainly have been at one point of time - predominantly Buddhist regions. Say... during the Magadh empire and even much later. Say- till around the 9th to the 12th century AD.

And... there is a high degree of likelihood that all the myriad of Buddhist fiefdoms wilted under the Islamic crusade. Possibly... once the Kings and their noblemen were routed/ overthrown or else converted to Islam - majority of the generals, ministers and... the general populace followed suit, sooner than later. Under the force of sword or some... sops.

But, this same might NOT have been easy for the rabid Islamists... to render the same sort of transformation in a conquered kingdom that had majorly a... rigidly multi-layered, hierarchical, pyramidally structured Hindu society. With the priestly class ( the so-called : Brahmins *** ) adorning the top echelons of this pyramidal structure.


*** : From... "Aham Brahm-Asi" = 'I am the Brahm-An' . This was later changed to... "Brahm-Asi Aham" => "Brahm Aham" => Brahm-ham => Brahm-am => Brahm-in => Brahmin ( the current priestly class ).

Aham refers to "I" or I-ness , in Sanskrit. And, Asi means 'am'.


The Hindus fought back rather hard... and quite a few of us valiantly or otherwise survived this "conversion at the tip/ force of the sword".

The Chinese people and their past leadership NEVER had to confront such hordes of Islamic onslaught directed against them. I guess.. never... as the target of them... infidel-baiters.

But the resilience, grit and determination of the Chinese leadership can be gauged by the massive efforts on their parts, spread over centuries, in the construction of the "The great wall of China" . This must have required great energy and drive on their part, sustainable over the centuries. I guess... all this effort... against the pervasive invading Huns and/ or the Mongol incursions, that possibly lasted centuries.

In all the matters and manner of the Islamic expansionist conquests in the Indian sub-continent... religion ( here... Islam ) was used by the invading extraneously foreign Sultans/ BadShahs, etc. to basically entrench their hold /grasp over the newly conquered territory that essentially had a different prevailing religion ( here - Hindu/ Buddhist/ Jain ).

Therein, religious distortion was used by all these Islamic invaders ( using the concept of Kafir. And... blind intolerance towards any and all sorts of infidels ) to gradually force into gradual acceptance... by the conquered and 'converted' masses... that 'this' foreign invading power is NOW actually part and parcel of their 'new-found cult' of Islam. And... this way... the converted people came to identify with the new rulers on some base commonality... rather than keep on considering the ruler... an alien force. This allowed the Islamic rulers to settle down in the newly-conquered Indian regions.

Essentially... this went on to eventually create a wedge between the same set of conquered people - those who converted to Islam and those who did not !!

And... can anyone imagine... the converted ( to Islam ) native Indian people's new found penchant for hunting for infidels ( nay... Kafirs ) for-sure... led to... mutual new-found never-ending wranglings. And... this allowed the Islamic rulers to comfortably settle down. With a... loud guffaw. Settle down good and rendered them well entrenched and greatly re-fortified, in the Kafir territory. This hunt for Kafir... is an endless cycle for the Islamists.

In the present times... with almost all the empires... actually... national maps clearly re-drawn... I am NOT sure how does this eternal quest i.e. differentiation between Kafir / non-Kafir helps the native Muslim populations in the Indian sub-continent ?? !!

Is this understood !! Better... ALL... understand this way too well !!


Considering the points # 2 and # 4 : above... it is easy to see the mindless fragmentation of the entirety of the  Indian civilization on religious ( Muslim vs non-Muslims ) lines, in recent times. Led to... disparate geographic chunks like - Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, post the 1947 partition of the Indian civilization; this was... undoubtedly covertly planned and effected by the Britishers in cahoots with their embedded, well entrenched 'desi' stooges.

Whilst... Afghanistan may claim a separate identity. Yet... the fact remains that... Afghans have been part of the Indian civilizational identity since posterity. Whether we talk of queen Gandhari from the Gandhar ( i.e. Kandhar ) province in ancient India ( refer the epic MahaBharat ). Or, we talk much recently of the Bamiyaan Buddhas that were destroyed by the Talebanis.


Can anyone ponder and tell...
the Bamiyan Buddha statues were existing for the last 2000 years approx.
Even at the height of the Sultanate and the Mughal rule these were left untouched. But... the Taliban seems a notch above them all. And... these guys destroyed this monumental historical vestiges of their very own past !!


Since the ancient times... most of the major Indian kingdoms included Afghanistan in its entirety. For way... too long.

Afghans are actually- intrinsically Indian racial stock... from a civilizational perspective.

This is akin to almost common ethnic origin/ race of the Brits, French and the Germans. This is in congruence to - Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Were we to leave aside our own language and culture !! Though these are separate countries.

Frankly speaking...
At one time "AryaVarta" extended to almost the whole of the middle east ( Right from the Tirayan land of Kerala ) Covering/ encompassing the present day Iraq, Persia ( Iran ), Kurdistan, etc. as well.

Factually speaking...

All these places were part of the GREAT Indian civilization !!

This also implies that a common race of people ( ALL of them part of the great Indian civilization, actually ) inhabit almost the whole of South Asia as also a greater part of the middle east. Of course, people are currently divided by the boundaries of - language, religion, newly gained national identities, etc.

As also - extremely devious policies/ politics of the Britishers ( Angrez ) and all their bosom allies. In most of the great chunks of- East Asia, South Asia and the middle eastern nations. The Angrez laid the future foundations for almost 100 years of "neo-imperialist" rule. Sans their active presence in these regions. Now... is it that they rule passively ? By some sort of proxy ?

Be... your own judge.


The MOST devious shenanigans of the MOST crooked amongst them Britishers and their well-entrenched Indian stooges... saw the partition of the country on religious lines in Aug, 1947.

To make the matters irreversible ( this is 100 % certain ) massive riotings and massive blood-sheds were likely pre-meditated, incited and proactively organised through/ by the embedded elements, on purely religious lines.

If the almost one to two million people killed ( in riots - Hindu, Muslim and Sikh populace ) had 'a-prior-i-ly' known that they might end up this way... most likely... they might have (cumulatively) decided that it is BETTER to eliminate the nearly 200,000 ( 2 lakhs only ) Britishers from the face of the Indian nation... Perhaps twenty or thirty years apriori to their own unceremonious end around Aug, 1947. Rather than be wantonly killed in the rioting... a most uneventful termination of their lives. Their lives snuffed out in mindless anger/ hatred and acts ensuing there-from.

All acts... pre-meditated and meticulously carried out... as per the covert agenda of the Angrez, their Indian (c)overt stooges and the neo-elites that went on to ( almost completely ) take over the power strutcure of the newly formed nations.


If the nefarious designs of the Britishers were defeated around 1947, then... there would have been NO division of the Indian union. Might have NEVER been !!

And... with NO wars foisted on the undivided Indian nation... we might have been the leading economic power of the region or the entire Asian arena !! Since... way too long back. As we used to be... till the Britishers landed here.

The Indian civilization might have, meanwhile, also seen Afghanistan ( courtesy... say, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, etc. ) as well join along... on the Indian union band-wagon. Perhaps... by the early 1950s.

Seems like there have been/ are - very devious forces intent on radicalizing Islam for purely political, geo-strategic short/ medium/ long term objective ? is a question that keeps on re-visiting me.

This process certainly started off... a couple of decades back.

And... the majority population in India ( say- Hindus/ Sikhs/ Jains, etc. ) might be forced into a reactive international (re)alignment. Seeking... allies who might have their own set of covert agendas, in disguise ? Is this - one of the desired objectives of those having some secret agenda ?

Can we say that... this serves as some sort of a... pre-requisite ? ( But... leading to what ? What is the hidden game ? likely to be ?

I humbly request the REALLY TRUE Islamic people who are of inherently "indigenous" Indian civilization/ race ... they must ponder and ask themselves, this above question. This is way too dangerous for them. LEST... IT IS TOO LATE !!

And... lest a few mad guys amongst them Muslim people, fed/ led/ paid by covert forces having ulterior designs, labels them all Muslims alike. And... this is already seen to be happening around the globe. And... lands the majority of them in pretty serious trouble. Sooner or later.

Assuming that playing fieleds are/ have been in the process of being carved out...

What is the ENDGAME, designed to be like ?


Is the Indian subcontinent and the extended Indian civilization ( BTW... this truly spreads as far as the majority of the middle eastern regions !! And... we have recently seen the uprooting and near termination of the Yazidis by the covertly created + funded + trained marauding forces. Call them by whatever name ) falling for the self same trap... as in / around 1947 ??

This time... there might be... yet another... form/ format/ scale ?

Different... methodologies/ strategies/ deviations/ distractions-from-the-core-issues/ take-aways ?

This time around...
Once the concerned parties move ahead... there might NEVER be any coming/ going back. As is usually made into the game plan.

( As usually is always often designed. But, often some of the feeble minds in the Indian sub-continent keep on falling for the same trap. Repeatedly. )



If the Indian union was NOT divided way back in Aug, 1947 on religious lines... then... a few other/ related events might NEVER have transpired/ ensued.


For instance...
Whilst India and the newly formed sibling country ( Pakistan ) were busy with the bloody skirmishes on the issue of ascension of Kashmir to India, in late 1947 as also during 1948...

Gauging a God-sent opportunity...
Then.. in 1949, the ever-vigilante Chinese re-organized and restructured into a solo Communist party. Notably.

And... the very next year... in 1950 they swiftly moved over and occupied an entire country- Tibet.

Tibetan people/ nation, by and large, has often had maintained their own independent existsence... since millenniums.

Perhaps Tibet is the size of - Bihar, Uttar-Pradesh, Haryana and West Bengal, put together !! This gives a rough idea about Tibet.

And, quite possibly... Pandit Nehru was busy with the honeypot foisted on him by the Brits. And... to hide his abject failure on Tibet from the Indian masses, of being brow-beaten... talked of PanchSheel, etc.

Thereby allowing China to comfortably take over the entirety of Tibet. Piece of cake for them Chinese.

And... for the first times in the annals of history we have seen the Han Chinese forces at our doorsteps.

There-after... some set of people raised the slogan - "Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai". But then... I guess - there is a "beech me khai" of Tibet ! But... no one says/ said that.

If one were to look up... the Tibet Autonomous Region/ State ( TAS ) in Wikipedia...
One chances on the unmistakable fact... after looking at point #1 of the 17 point charter... the Han Chinese super-imposed on the taken-by-surprise ( a... defeated) Tibetan leadership in terms of... a one-sided agreement.

Point #1 of the treaty implies/ states something like - the primary purpose of the pact was to prevent ANY "neo-imperialistic" occupation of the Tibetan region !! That seemed to be the primary concern of the Chinese leadership, at THAT time.

Note this !

Now... what the Chinese leadership had in mind, I am not sure on that ??

Perhaps they suspected that Tibet being weak might be forcefully occupied by foreign ( some... imperial ) invading forces. Say... as an example... like Afghanistan and Iraq has been seen currently ? Perhaps totally destabilized in the process, for decades. Thereby, rendering these and the surrounding regions... vulnerable. 

Was that some sort of prescience and fore-sight on the part of the Chinese leadership ? is a moot question that can confront anyone.

Alternatively speaking...
Assuming that Tibet were allowed to stay an independent country, by China... then there are enough indicators that suggest that Tibet might surely have gone the... Iraq, Syria and definitely... the Afghanistan way. Way... too... long back !! Perhaps... with massive military on-the-grounds presence by the 'neo-imperialist forces', which might have been seen lasting for decades ( on... whatever pretext ). An ever enduring presence, indeed.

This might have potentially destabilized the entire Indo-Chinese buffer region of Tibet. Say- for 50-90 years , at least !! A rough guesstimate.

So... do I suspect that...
The Han Chinese, in all there sagacity, might have prevented that from transpiring !

Can we say that ? Maybe. Perhaps. For sure.

I believe that, to a certain extent, the Chinese occupation might have potentially prevented a potential 'Afghanistan-like-situation' in its current form + format, to evolve out of the Tibet region. In a certain way, this could be true.

In the case that... Tibet were allowed to remain an independent ( albeit weak ) nation state.


Tibetans can be factually considered a people of Sino-Indian origin. In fact they are.

For centuries, the regal Buddhist and later the Shaivite Kings in the Kashmir region ruled and influenced a great part of the western and south-western Tibetan areas.

This could be how Buddhism gradually spread over and took roots in these areas.

The alternate route was from the north-eastern periphery of the mighty Magadhan ( and, the later majorly eastern Indian ) empires- to the southern and south-eastern parts of the Tibetan plateau.

In effect- almost the whole of Tibet and a good part of China accepted the Buddhist way of life/ preachings; centered around the core of Gautam Buddha's teachings, morals and principles.

The effect of the mighty Indian Kingdoms since millenniums has been to socially, economically, morally and spiritually guide and shape the Tibetan race. An appreciably venerable influence by means of - culture, religion and spirituality. Rather than by any direct governance, most of the times.

This remains a fact.


And... in the worst hours of the Islamic crusade against the infidels ( Kafirs ), in India...

... lots and lots of our religious/ spiritual treasure-troves and keepers of the knowledge ( transmitted verbally ) had been slowly and silently relocated to the Tibetan regions, for safe keeping.

This is a potential fact/ something that none can refute.

In fact most of the people in eastern parts of the country and Bangladesh regions could have ben potentially those Buddhist people who, centuries back, chose to convert to Islam. By sword or by sops. Majority of these people may not be/ are not rank outsiders. Same is the case in the Kashmir region and Pakistan/ Afghanistan. This... even the Kashmiris must understand.

Btw... the not-too-clear-thinking separatists in Kashmir do not understand that if India ( and, say- Pakistan too ) had chosen to allow Kashmir to exist as an independent self-governing state/ country. Then... by this time I am sure... Kashmir might have certainly gone the Afghanistan/ Iraq way. Rather than Afghanistan undergoing those deep cuts and massive pains. But... these short-sighted guys will never understand this abject and stark reality. Which even a dumb retard might find too easy to see, hear, believe and trust. Provided (s)he has some basic reasoning ability still remaining intact.

Now... does this resonate with your deep-seated line of thinking ? Chief ?


The most versatile military genius in the subcontinent, who was instrumental in carving out a powerful Sikh empire, during the late(r) medieval period was undoubtedly the Sikh General - Hari Singh Nalwa.

It is commendably gauged by many that...
If he had decidedly chosen so... he could have easily over-ran 'a good many' parts of Europe, what to talk of the middle eastern regions. I am not sure if this is an over-statement.

Now, it is said that when... Hari Singh Nalwa with the mighty Sikh troops 'entered'... nay 'passed through' the western and south-western parts of the Tibetan region...

He and his... sub-ordinate generals/ confidantes chose to revert back from their positions rather than foray further inwards in the deeper reaches of Tibet. But, sooner or later... they chose to retreat from those locales.

Why so ?

The Sikh people had taste. They found no appetite to be there. For... in the icy winters... "not even a blade of grass grew" in those areas. ( NOTE THIS !! ) This might have meant that the Sikhs suspected or perhaps found to their dismay that... their horses ( predominantly from the plains and mountainous terrains of the vast expanses of the north-western India ) might have found difficulty in getting ample of the green grass and fodders they were used to. As also "Chana" i.e. gram could have been lacking there.

This is a secondary reason... another reason could be... the Sikhs, perhaps, found next to none fancy for the woman-folks there in Tibet. That might have egged any or several of them to stay put there... and potentially think of settling down there. Had this not been so... this might have eventually led them to... spreading their out-reach towards the central and... the eastern areas of Tibet, gradually and consistently, spread over some period of time.

If the Sikhs had some keen fore-sight... and chosen to do so... then I guess most of the Tibetan people might have been chanting "Wahe Guru" and shouting "Jo Bole So Nihal... Sat Shri Akal !!"... way too... long back. And... the Tibetans would have loved it. I would believe so and therefore... suggest that the Sikh leadership were... more attuned to the need of the hours than the need to be a visionary. And... actually rightfully so.

Another important reason could have been the meager agricultural produce in the Tibetan region. Especially of their staple diet of wheat, rather than rice. Is another reason... which cannot be neglected, at all.

So... we do hereby perceive that...
A very common-sense and wisely sensible decision by the Sikh generals "at that/ those time"... changed the whole course of the modern history. Impacting our history and the current "situation"... the Indian nation... nay... a greatly dwindled "civilization" is actually faced with currently. What a dilemma. Is this... a potential deadlock situation ??


This may not be true. Perhaps... far from it.


Whilst... reasoning that the Tibetans are Sino-Indian race of people, inter-breeding and mixing that has basically spread over millenniums, quite naturally.

Similarly... can we not safely assume that the Mongols @ Mongolia are perhaps a race of the 'Sino-Russian-Turkish' inter-breed of people ? Perhaps, this includes even Tatars ?

Same can be said... effectively so... over the migrations, cross/ inter-migrations and inter-breeding spread over millenniums of influx/ out-flux/ exodus of people across near/ (a)far places !!

I believe and suggest that... precisely... 'that might be/ IS the case' !!


This is vitally important for ALL to note... while the Han Chinese traveler Hieun Tsang and others like him ( say, Admiral He ) visited India as a traveler and navigator+trader ( say ). And... these people took away the very best from our lands. I suggest that... these people went back to China to gloat about us as a civilization. Frankly and modestly stating this.

We never had any history of any face-to-face armed conflict, with the Chinese people. Never ever had... in the last thousands of years, of our existence.

People from the Indian civilization, nay... race NEVER went and permanently occupied Tibet ( They never had ANY interest to do so - for countless obvious reasons. ) with the directed motive/ aim and intentions of later on... moving ONTO the mainland China and... capturing the lands of the Han Chinese people/ nation/ civilization. Now... this was only possible by... bypassing the Tibetan plateau... and confronting and defeating the Han Chinese people in the battle-fields.

We ( Indians and the Han Chinese ) NEVER ever had need or reasons to get into any direct confrontation/ conflict or face-off. Till... the Han Chinese people overran Tibet in the year 1950... and since then... for the first time in the annals of civilizations... the Chinese people arrive at our doorsteps and confronting us !!

Since 1950 !

And... claiming our lands that have been part of the Indian civilization, since eternity !!

THESE PEOPLE - Already overran Tibet in 1950. Quite easily !! And... unfortunately the "BAAP %%" of the nation was not around. And the 'Chacha' Pandit Nehru was busy... with... ?? 

%% : Why shall we call/ consider a mortal the 'BAAP' of the nation ? When we ALL Indians consider the entire nation as our 'MOTHER or MAA', apart from our biological mother ? This sounds ridiculous. And... stupid. Must this... change or not ?


Unfortunately... all that changed AGAIN... in the year 1962.

Whilst Pandit Nehru was still in the hang-over mode ( perhaps ) day-dreaming of his fairy past(times) with the Angrez-An honey-pot...

His potential incompetence and lack of immediate grasp of real-time facts - as they are... and as... they MUST ought to be/ must be ( i.e. backed by veritable on the grounds data ) shamed the Indian psyche. This 'Chacha' achieved something... in a free India. His and his party's achievement... on two fronts !!


The fact is...
a small time King Porus from the Punjab area gave a crushing defeat to ( Not Too Great ! ) Alexander. So, in effect, the Romans had to turn tail hone back... home.

So, first time ever after independence of our country. And, whilst almost the entire Indian nation were actually a unified force... a "hitherto new" external power was able to surprise and over-whelm us. This is... 100 % attributable... surely to the political naivety of the over-lords and their almost retard cronies/ chums.

And... whilst... some guys... Henderson and Brooks wrote a "report" out of this fiasco. Perhaps from an "Angrezi" eye view.

My perspective is/ has been quite simple, plain and out-right...

We Indians do NOT want any more beach-bums ( 'beach-bums'... See... I have told earlier that Captain can lap words off my mental sphere/ mind !! And... this is true !! ) to write any further saga of any future India-China low/ medium order face-off or conflict !! Over popping bottles of... Champagne ?

This is a justifiable concern... that must be recorded with all the due seriousness !

No more beach-bums like ( say )... Collins and Chase... lazing around some beaches in the backwaters of Kerala ( Say, what about... Kovalam ) and providing yet again a "pseudo-Angrez's" eye view !!

Only... this time around... these guys might be a 'pseudo' friend (??) !!
I do NOT want to be explicit in spelling this out. Lest this offends some potential/ 'wannabe'... sort of people.



Can we say with certainty that... the way PRC has (almost) gobbled Tibet, into its fold. As also, the Sinkiang province in the western part of PRC ( This is most near the Central Asian regions of the Caspian sea basin region and near-abouts )... PRC might not one day invade and try gobbling the central Asian nation of Mongolia ??

2. Now...
When I ask myself... what is the probability that PRC might not one day move over to occupy Mongolia ( as it did Tibet towards the south and Sinkiang that was in the western region ) ?

That comes back to me is often always = ONE. This is based on the past history of PRC !!

Though I have no idea as to how much easy or difficult this endeavor/ enterprise might be ? And... importantly... what might be the cost involved in achieving this ?

So... shall I assume that...
Perhaps... some 10-15-20-25 years down the line. Whilst, were Russia to recede in the back-ground as an advanced and economically powerful nation, as it stands today. Are there any chances that Russia may NOT want to protest or confront the Chinese over-whelm and gradual annexation of Mongolia at some future date ?

As of today, this might seem a momentous exaggeration. Totally preposterous. In reality, this might NOT be the case.

And, what if the chances are...
the dictates of the time ( any/ all situational awareness ) forbids Russia to take up positions to counter this... and if the world community were to (meekly) swallow this trespass ??

Does this sound like... too much to be true.

Certainly... may NOT be !!

My own thinking extrapolates this to a ( say ) broadly 15-20-25-35 years time frame 'event'. Can safely be predicted the ways things have been panning out !

And... seems like the Western nations have invested heavily in the PRC to get all the manufactured products at dirt cheap prices/ rates. Thereby... these nations have basically empowered the Chinese people. And... muscled up the Chinese nation. Economically. Militarily. etc.

Empowered them... to get into another bout of... expansive mode. Every which way.

This essentially translates into potential problems for the nearest/ neighboring countries !!

But... see... the Western block of nations are so... kind and considerate. Now... these guys are going to solve the problems/ menace/ threat ( to be ) posed by PRC on behalf of everyone of the parties concerned !! Is this not some contrasting posturing ?

Yet... that requires a couple of USD TRILLIONS of ever-increasing arms race ( All summed up... over a 10 year period, say ) in the Asian pivot/ theater. This actually goes into fueling the economies of the western nations. Thereby swelling their debt burden, even more.

And... with any new and better armaments... the potential of a conflict in the Asian space grows... manifolds !!


Seems like... ostensibly the Western nations are the BEST friends and partners of the Chinese people. No matter, whatever they might want to say openly/ overtly. For... the fact remains that... you never muscle up your avowed adversary or a potential threat !! And... then try to club up a coalition to counter that same threat. A 'threat' one nurtured, created and continues to (mutually) sustain !!

How is that possible ?

Is it NOT ?? !!

If Islam were to spread like wild-fire in the PRC regions. Can anyone imagine what might happen ?

Now... the Chinese have been facing problems ONLY in the Sinkiang province ( by the Muslim native Uighur populace ). Media report tells me that funnily they expect to rope in Pakistan to contain the militant Islamic menace ( in the form of Uighur activists ). Now... supposing that Pakistan does a 'reverse swing of John Galt'  ( now... this is completely different than the 'back' swing. )... and embeds the Islamic Uighur militants with extremely / very rigid ISLAMIC brain-wash... aimed at the propagation of the Islamic faith throughout the PRC territories !! Then, I guess over the next 10-20-30 years time half of the Buddhist and Confucius-an Chinese might end up shouting "Allah hu Akbar" !!

And... then perhaps... the Chinese civilization also breaks up into two or three or four nation states... All newly created along religious and ethnic lines !! ??

Is a possibility that none can rule out !! Based on what we have seen pan out in the Indian civilizational space.



The smallish snippets of the world news suggests to me that the US Prez BO is somehow instrumental in managing things and situations in rather a controlled state. In... not using his discretionary powers to start off something at the fag end of his presidential term.


The US security apparatus, at one time, determined that the Afro-Americans constitute nearly 10-11 % of the total US population and  ( who have a good presence in their armed forces ) are... by and large a dis-enchanted and disillusioned lot, from the national mainstream/ median. Moreover quite a few of these guys are turning towards Islam... for solace. This potentially posed a security challenge for the smartest of the guys in the USA.

These forward thinking guys had to effect a risk mitigation strategy... and lo... out of nowhere we have got Prez BO ... actually Prez B Hu. O !! And... he gets to become the US Prez. And... TWICE. What a serendipitous choice... at the nick of time !!


All that may change after the current US presidential elections and for the first time there is ample likelihood that a female gets to become the President of the USA.

Thereon... is it likely that... things might be better for the country and the world ? Alternatively, are there chances that the world situation might be the very worst anyone can ever imagine and/ or envisage ? With... new theaters of war, coming up ? Just... plain thinking.

What I am suggesting and trying to put across ( esp. to the BRIC member nations of - PRC and Russia ) is that... a rather small WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY exists for some drastic and dramatic action that ensures world peace.

And... PEACE may be potentially ascertained i.e. MAY be ONLY possible in a truly multi-polar world order situation.



Frankly speaking... and notably...
the Americans and the Western powers used every trick of the trade... till the early to late nineties to contain and check India, and... every which way. ( I guess... till the time Congress Govt. of Mr. PVN Rao opened up the Indian economy to the banksters and their FDI. And, massively devalued the Indian Rupee in the process. See ## . )

There seems to be a change of heart or ways... Now the massive amount of western investments in the PRC ( Btw... all this wealth/ capital is covertly, potentially, jointly held by the Indian elites who are covertly based both in India and the western countries. As I previously suggested - these people believe in regal or otherwise alliances !! Is a fact I have clearly put forth straight out, in an earlier post !! ) have fueled PRC's continual economic rise. This, coupled with PRC's economic ( this often... leads to military ) might... PRC has started to flex its' muscles. Naturally so.

Mean-while... massive amounts of wealth have been drained out of the Indian nation.

In this same process...
By aiding, arming and abetting Pakistan... PRC seems to be deep into the process of containment of India. So that India remains perpetually entangled with Pakistan. On two of the fronts.

Importantly... now the western nations ( esp. the US ) no longer pamper and freely aid/ donate military wares to Pakistan. As they used to... till recently !!

Question that comes back to me...
Does this ostensibly seems like a Chinese ploy... so that Tibet is forgotten forever ? And... for good ? If this Tibet occupation were to persist...then shall we expect that next in the line... goes perhaps- Mongolia ? Taiwan ? etc.

Seems like that... the western nations have ( sort of covertly ) outsourced the work of India's containment to PRC.

For... by massively investing in the manufacturing hubs in the PRC... they have actually chosen the Chinese people as their preferred partners. Way... too long back.

Now... PRC, in turn, seemingly has outsourced India's containment task to Pakistan, additionally. Meanwhile, the frequent media report suggests that Pakistan establishment ( especially the Army and the ISI ) has outsourced this further to several militant groups/ organizations. Using the Muslim/ non-Muslim paradigm. Choosing... infliction by thousand cuts...

If the PRC and Russia want the BRICS or ( even the very backbone = ) RIC to be successful then it is better that PRC stops aiding, abetting and arming Pakistan, to India's detriment. Better... till there is a marked reformat in Pakistan's ( read - Punjabi Sunni Muslim dominated and led army + ISI ) outlook towards India. That satisfies us Indian people.

The sooner this message is understood and appreciated by the Russian and the PRC leadership... the better. They... must ensure this, in order to strengthen BRICS.

And... only then... gradually we may be looking at a TRULY multi-polar world order.

If they choose to ignore these serious Indian concerns... and... until and unless...
it is someone's covert desire that... India becomes a covert NATO member !!

I guess that 98%-99% of Indians might not want this. But... those who have siphoned off the country's enormous wealth and sent the same overseas are looking forward and planning to perhaps effect the same.

BUT... the recent developments ( say... LEMOA, etc. ) seems to indicate ONLY that. Btw... it might prove suicidal choice for BJP. Let this be understood by BJP. And... understood rather well !! If they do not want to be thoroughly routed in 2019 !!

Notably... and btw... BRICS without India might lead to a bare - Russia and China ( with Pakistan in the tow ) alliance. If they want or prefer it that way.

Importantly ( this is for the PRC... )

And... who knows if...
down the line if Russia decides ( @@@ ) to make fresh amends with old time friend India. Then... PRC stands to stand alone, in tow with Pakistan alone. And... perhaps none else. As either friend or partner. And... actually Pakistan may prove to be... neither... to PRC.

And... not to forget...
everyone knows that any export-oriented economy is totally dependent on the world market. And... this may change. Anytime. Based... on any Govt. policies, regulations and people's desire- for or against products sourced from a certain country/ countries. On whatever pretext.

Btw... this potentially leads BRICS and PRC to nowhere !!

DO we want that to be happening ?


@@@ :
Now, here...
Let me give an idea... how much the Russians and Indians are similar. Look at the ethnic Siberian folks in the Russian countryside. One may be surprised at some marked level of similarity to the people inhabiting the J&K, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh people in India. Leave aside- the language or local dialect. Check this out. !!


Importantly... those who have fleeced the country of massive amounts of wealth ( all sitting/ invested in the western block of nations ) surely do want India to (c)overtly accede to every which western think-tank dictates.

And... these people might have been instrumental in even maliciously, calculatingly and gradually destroying the higher technical education/ system in India. Over the past so many decades, since we gained independence.

Meticulously. Methodically. Off-shoring the same to the Western nations and their Universities ?

Moot question - Why so ? Ask... and try to get the REAL answers.


Reference the Congress party rule in 1991...

## : Is not currency devaluation akin to allowing ? -

a) the imports to be more expensive for the country ( one uses up / pays more of the national currency for buying an item from the international market ), and

b) the exports to be cheaper ( overnight, for the same item; the importing foreign nation pays less in terms of the Indian currency than they were used to paying. The nation's currency becomes cheaper in the international market. )

c) On top of the above two... if we factor in the inflation. We see that we have had more of inflation and related maladies than most of the leading world economies. Esp. so in the developed countries. )

If we incorporate the last three factors enumerated above... we may see that all these contributed to massive amounts of accretional ( on an yearly basis ) wealth drained out of the country !! Apparently.

This is something that the best of economists and the finance guys may actually and potentially quantify and tabulate.


For BRICS to be successful... there is a need for massive levels of people to people interactions and... mutual bondings.

When the best and the brightest people choose to study and work... in each other countries. And... choose to pick up the visited member nation's language, culture and the way of life... then BRICS has a fair chance of gaining traction and strength.

Unfortunately... in this context...
the British rule and their near total imposition of the English language on the Indian populace... has ensured that the Indians find some degree of comfort and acceptance in the western block of nations.

This must change. Ought to... going forward.

If BRICS has to... ever gather traction and strength.


Being a strongly emerging power, almost rivaling the US...
Is it not for the PRC to build better relations with all the nations in the SCS and the ECS region ? So that... there is REAL de-escalation. Notably... a MUST with Japan. And... other nations in the vicinity. This reduces the chance of any sorts of mischief. And... any false flags. These nations/ people have been around since eternity. So... it is best to mutually sort issues out... rather than get into any sorts of detrimental arms race.

For us Indians...
We must need to have our sea trade go on unimpeded and unhindered in/ through that region. Even... Japan and South Korea ( Both have US military bases ) have the same concern. A concern that PRC has to take care of.

Any military conflict escalated by anyone in the region, might not be the last one. Rather... the same could be precursor to severe and serious future engagements.

Few months back...noted in the media reports that PRC has relaxed the one-child norm... to a two-child policy. Now... while demography sure serves as an engine of growth. Ill directed and in bad shape... the same may become a mammoth security challenge. In this context... shall I construe this relaxation in norms as a move towards an expansionist ( say... jingoistic ) state policy ?? Seems... likely the case. Is there a need to re-assess this policy... nay... laxity ? I guess so.


Kashmir remains and integral part of India. Even... the PoK remains and integral part of the Indian union. The inept and vision-less Indian leadership ( notably the Congress party... and notably... 'Chacha' Pandit Nehru ) allowed these essential non-issues to occupy the Indian minds/ psyche/ thinking/ strategy since... way too long.

This should have ceased to have been core issues in the sub-continent, way too long back. Cumulative failure seen here.

Similarily... the Gilgit and Blatistan regions of the Jammu & Kashmir state ( that I guess Pakistan has illegally handed over to PRC, is thoroughly unappreciated by the Indian masses ) MUST one day reunite with the rest of the state. All... within the Indian framework.

So... any trespass or permanent constructions in the same region... PRC must consult and perceive the position of the Indian Govt. and... not go against the Indian positions. In any-which way.

Until and unless the Chinese want to see us Indians be forced to toe the western line. Any western line... primarily and necessarily benefits the western nations. Asian/ other nations, may, at best be distant beneficiaries.

PRC is in a position AS OF NOW to change the rules in a WIN WIN situation. Same may not be the case... few months down the line ( My rough guesstimate- say, after Nov/ or Dec 2016. Never in 2017 ! So... not much time actually remains ).

For... as an Indian native... I want to see these regions as ours only... and be rightfully reverted back to us, in some due course of time.

And... I DO BELIEVE that all this is going to happen in the oncoming next... within ten years' time frame.

If, PRC and India see eye to eye on most of the issues confronting us. And... pragmatically so. Then... a lots of 'problems' in the region and around the world might slowly disappear. Leading eventually to PEACE !


If the Indian position and concerns were accommodated, in the entirety, by the PRC leadership...

And... if I were having at all any remotest say in the Indian Govt. ... I would rather explore any of the possibilities of a joint Sino-Indian port in the Rann of Kutch.

This also might facilitate any potential Russia-China-India gas pipeline !! This will be essentially, more secure.

In effect... then PRC need not... and... MUST NOT try to empower India's potential adversaries. Much... against every Indian wishes.

Until and unless PRC has absolutely decided to milk the fault-lines ( viz. - nationhood on the basis of religion ) in the Indian civilization, to its' advantage. As it did... in the case of Tibet.

In that case- I guess BRICS may NOT take off. Unless the Indian views, concerns are taken care of, well.

I am sure... Russians will agree on this.

Would suggest that Tibet or TAS be made at least a joint Sino-Indian 'protectorate' state... for say... 100 years. So that... no neo-imperialist forces may occupy/ ravage the territory for any frivolous reasons. As we have seen in... Afghanistan... Iraq... Syria... and elsewhere.

This might prove to be the best CBM between the two countries.

It is better that rather than the Han Chinese confronting the Indian forces at the border. There be native Tibetan forces manning the check-points region. And... even while policing the area. Better be that way. This reduces the risks of any direct face off.

On the Indian side... there should be Indian troops who have been essentially Buddhists sometime. Like... Mahars. And... what about Gorkhas ? As also, the essentially tribal troops from around the country, etc.

I guess this might provide for some risk mitigation, therein.


I would have wanted to say that the ball is in Pakistan's court. Which may be a fact, actually, even today. Perhaps, may be so... even later. No matter what-ever I might think, write and state as above.

But... as I do see things... as they are... the ball actually seems to be in PRC's court. And... it is vitally important that these people take some judicious decision laced with the characteristic eastern wisdom... so that it is a WIN ALL situation. And... certainly no-which-way detrimental EVER to Indian interests.

NOTE - (1) This WHOLE post is delayed by almost more than a year's time frame.

(2) The Govt. and the Captain has been peeking at this post ( in real-time ) over the last two weeks !!

< EoP >

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