Tuesday, July 28, 2015

WHO's this ze CAPTAIN ??

WHO's this ze CAPTAIN ??

A) IS ze Captain indeed ze Captain as everyone would like to understand/ believe ?

A retired merchant navy Captain ?

Therefore, he has the same passion and drive which many of his ardent followers have. But then, he MUST explain... if the follwers are loyal to ze Captain then is he NOT duty-bound to reciprocate the same to his loyalists ?


Is he going to back-stab one ? IF, ze Captain can back-stab one loyal follower, then possibly he can do in... almost ANY/ ALL his followers - loyalists or not.

Later, I'll explain how AND why.


Do, we interpret it ... this way ? ze Captain.

Mutual trust and mutual faith MUST be both ways. Cannot be one way street !!

TRUE or FALSE ?? ze Captain.


B) Is he but one "BEWDAA" ( Drunkard ) type former merchant navy Captain ?
Who in some drunken brawl/ revelry was caught on the wrong side of the law by our "DESHBHAKT" security agencies.

Who, thence-on forced their "friendship" onto him.

Who all, thence-on, forced him to be their mouth-piece @ "HIS" TANKER.

He is sure enjoying it. Can't run. Can't hide. Add- nowhere to go.

NOTE - "BEWDAA" as well as hot-headed are sure shot concoction for getting all messed up AND land up in some deep trouble.

This also possibly explains that too many IPS officers are his dear friends.
Is he possibly in these IPS officer's net ?

Talk of Stockholm syndrome...


C) IS, he but... a FISHERMAN from the backwaters, at best.
Being the face of the DESHBHAKT security agencies' tanker.

Forced to stay on the "DESHBHAKT security agencies's hook, ever since, after being caught in a drunken brawl/ revelry. As was his usual wont.

That means that the ze Captain could be the "Chief Fisherman".
Who... hardly knows to read and write in English language.

He's, at best, happy to see himself flexing his muscles on the mast of his ( decoyed ) fishing ship ( or, say... tanker ).

An old-style fisherman could very well imply that he is bound to have a few golden teeth. And, be a confirmed "BEWDAA" to boot.


WHO is the owner of ze CAPTAIN's TANKER ??

Some extrapolations... here...

1 ) ze Captain once said that the Kerala DGP is his friend.

2) Another instance, he has boasted how he taught swimming to the pretty daughter of one of the Kerala cadre IPS officers.

This IPS officer's daughter, now grown up, is happily married and resides in the USA.

The IPS officer is having the last name as Srivastava ( is he perhaps from Bihar ? ).

Thinking ALOUD - Is this the IPS officer who OWNS your tanker ?

Whilst, you are, at best a paid OR on the leash Captain who steers the ship via the comments column.

The crew, mates, etc. prepare the content for the tanker. Here, blog posts.

The visitors are those who visit the tanker ( nay, blog ).

Is it possible that the person penning the "taught swimming" info. in the ze Captain's blog is the same IPS officer from Kerala cadre ( last name is Srivastava ) ?
Not sure if that is the case.

SO, if this is possible...
That makes it true that IPS officer Srivastava himself trained his daughter swimming !!
And, the blog readers believe that it is the ze Captain ?

Is this officer deputed in the IB, now ? In central Govt. ?

Is it possible that very many senior IPS officers, officers from armed forces, senior diplomats, etc. log on to ( implying - have access to ) ze Captain's blog and write to/ respond to anything/ everything. Sometimes, one of these people put out bait lines for
the public ???

Is it possible that...
These individuals are assigned some pre- determined setup time for accessing/ logging
onto the blog for some specific duration ?

there's a token going around. Someone takes hold of the token. (S)he is released the password.
manages the tanker's comment's section for some small/ medium duration ?

Is this possible ? Makes sense ?

Whilst... the blog readers get the sense that it is the ONE AND ONLY, MOST MACHO
ze Captain ? So, dutifully doing his duty.

3) ze Captain, proudly talks of two brothers who are IPS officers.

They are his friends. One of them was DIG or IG of CRPF or CISF posted at Kolkata. ( Other one I am not able to recall, now ).

Is he now deputed in the IB, now ? In central Govt. ?

Both these IPS officers are ( perhaps ) from Bihar or eastern UP.
Their last name ends as SRIVASTAVA.

Seems like lots of Srivastava IPS officers are actually in Captain's inner circle.

Or, is it the other way round ?

i.e. lots of IPS officers with their name ending as Srivastava are having ze Captain in their inncer circle ?

Is it possible that this is the way, ze Captain tell who is in command ?

ze Captain's implicitly telling his inner coterie and those in the know - who's in command.

Who all are in ze Captain's inner circle ?

4) I was watching TV couple of months back.

On RSTV( or, was it LSTV ), there was one program on the freedom fighters of India. In particular - Shaheed-e-Azaam Bhagat Singh.

Therein, observed one gentleman IPS officer ( last name ending in Srivastava ) making a LIVE statement on the TV in this context.
He had something to add onto these legendary freedom fighters, as I watched him.

In retrospect I believe that, he was watching, too.

This individual, donning spects, had a slight though perceptible cleft as part of his chin.

Smart looking and perhaps well read. He could be around 52-55 years of age.

Could be possible that he is from Patna ( a guesstimate ) ?

Is this IPS officer of the rank of IG in the Intel. Bureau  ( IB ) ?

NOW... is this the individual who is ze Captain's bosom friend ? or, vice versa ?

Perhaps, he the Captain's handler ??

Is he the owner of the tanker, all its contents ? All the hooks ? and, the fishing nets ?

Is he the one running the CAMPAIGN ... ?? since the past 12-15 months ?

Or, is that he has ze Captain as part of the team... ?

Many questions. Few answers.

5) Is ze Captain's mission and vision, a part of RSS's agenda ?
Therefore, RSS is the owner of the Captain's ship ?

Or, some other agenda ? He seems more like an impostor.

ze Captain's father was proudly part of the RSS.
( Even, someone told me, one of my relatives ( late Bhu... ) was a founder member of RSS.
 Not really sure, whether this is true or false. )

Whilst there's a marked campaign ( for underlying POLITICAL objective ALONE )
for very ulterior motives/ motivations. As I have ALWAYS seen it.

You see - state elections are nearby.

A set of couple dozen people pointing fingers - mistake, blunder, outstanding blunder, etc.

NOT true. Whatever... you cannot have the cake and eat it too !! And, blame other...

You asked for it. You got it. You enjoyed it. Should have stayed content with it.


DO anyone of you you RECALL - "... one is fooled but does not know that he is fooled..."

" ... ( excitedly ) he removed the post... !! "

"... ( croc. ) tears... "

Trying to be the CyberOrg ( from the movie "Terminator" ) who calls out in impersonated voice
"JOHN" ...

... ... ...


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