Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Current regime missed out on this one ?

Current regime missed out on this one ??

Wanted to post this, before and even much after Modi's visit to Japan last year.

As I see it... the current regime made a miss there...

By not inviting/ involving the Japanese to set up IC FAB units in the country.

( My perspective. Could be wrong. Could be right, as well. )

After the petro-products, ICT imports makes the most of our import bills.

Therefore, a maturing domestic semiconductor industry set-up is a big requirement for the country. Domestic electronics industry would blossom from such a presence on our soils.

Now... do we have a domestic semiconductor industry in our country ?

Here, it is worthwhile to consider...
Imagine Apple Inc. nearing a USD one TRILLION valuation on WALL STREET; while they source all their wares ( primarily the iPhone and iPad ) from Taiwan, China, S. Korea, etc. countries.

Product development. And, product life cycle management at its best, here.

The opportunity is pretty BIG. And, MUST NOT be LOST.

Sooner is better. Preferably, Japanese technology and know-how.
Other countries in the fray - could be much expensive. Though, this may not be apparent at the outset. Further, this could require re-alignment of our strategic policies every now and then.
We do NOT have such a situation with Japanese/ Taiwanese Tech companies.

It is vitally important to set-up and incubate such industries that will take in as input from these specially-fabricated ICs ( Integrated Chips )
for custom made domestic appliances. And, for tailor-made solutions.

This can be done in a tight grid-lock manner. So, that the technology and the auxiliary know-how are not on the loose.

So, once the IC industry/ fabs are in place...

Going forward ( in 8 - 12 years ), we might as well be NETT exporters of lower end, medium range electronic devices/ products. This, might OR might not be that easy, though. But, then, a vast majority of our domestic needs/ requirements can be met
by indigenous products and adjunct services.

This could very well imply that our NETT import bill is drastically pared down and possibly millions of new jobs ( direct, indirect ) created in this sector.

Central India - say, Bhopal ( @ Madhya Pradesh ) or near-about locales could be more suitable locations in order to diversify location against other well populated industrialized locations.

Rather than centralizing almost all the major industries in one place.
This can ensure strategic locale diversification.


Seems like... all the best of IITians- turned bureaucrats had a miss on this one ...
whilst Modi was busy playfully twirling the African kiddo's ears and playing on "NAGADA" in Japan, last year ??

Not sure !! ?? Why or How ?

NOTE - Based on meager on-the-grounds knowledge and info. I possess, which, anyhow is getting obsolete by the day. It may not be that wise if any other countries sets up shop, for the moment.


I am pretty well aware of DTMF tones, there origin/ usage. How, the same concept can very
well be used on a key-board to catch each of the key-strokes, in real-time. @ Any part of the
world. Of course, this will be self-powered wireless transceivers; rather than wireline.

Hard to see and detect. With IoT abounding, now.

If someone believes that the other party will volunteer to be whistle-blower for ... So, that we invest  USD 1.8 to 2.2 TRILLIONS ( guesstimate ), on importing IoT products/ services.

NYET !! 

NOT doing it.

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