Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Does it pay to be loyal ?

Does it pay to be loyal ?

I have written for the ze Captain. One time, each time and almost all the time.
This blog exists, because someday in early 2013 I stumbled on ze Captain's blog on the internet.

Early last year ze Captain had some issues with one tele show, and the host thereof.

Btw - I never had any issues with that host, what he does and how he does it.
For, I never watched this tele show, save once. The last one.

Some ( if I recall correctly - almost a dozen or so ) of the volunteers ( ze Captain's loyal blog followers ) raised their voices at the comments section of ToI against this tele-show host. ( Recalling data from Captain's blog, itself. )

To show their solidarity with the Captain's cause and loyalty to ze Captain and his call for action.

I also raised hand, promising to do the needful. Although knowing very well that once addicted to Captain's dollops of gyaan, wit, advice, humor, love for THE land, etc.
I hardly ever went to most of the other such web sites, including the ToI.

While raising hand, I thought, I'll also do the needful.
After all, ze Captain does NOT entrust some task often enough.

I recall, I tried to do the needful at the ToI site, a few times.
Wrote something there...
It would not come up. Required some member login id. Did not had that.
So, my work remained unfinished.

Tried to create a member id there. That did not materialize, somehow.

Later... I felt, I saw myself negatively inclined to go there yet again and write something, again. ( Even though, I had volunteered to. )

One   - With Captain's blog abounding, had no time to go to the ToI site, yet again.
Two   - I still had NO member id there.
Three - I saw NIL intention of going there and joining the commenter's list, etc.
Four  - etc., etc.

You see... repeated calls for duty were there. Were they not ze Captain ?

And... I was to / had to redeem my promise. What to do ? How to do ? were questions
confronting me. And... it was already getting a wee bit late.

Around that time, I did not want to displease ze Captain by non-compliance.
Basically... I had volunteered. Had to keep word.

I thought that I'll provide the Captain with something much better, someday soon.
Something that placates him.

So, I made a nice 'piece' for ze Captain having some icing and topping.
Three-tiered, so to say.

Now, I intended to give ze Captain something for ONLY HIS consumption.
It was for HIM ALONE to consume.

Intent, motive and motivation was ONE and ONE alone - let this satisfy ze Captain's appetite. So that this placates / satisfies him.
Possibly, he moves onto something else of more importance rather than that 'bechara kalakar' ( hapless artist ).

Thinking, hoping and wishing that like a lion he'll eat it ( you see - lions prefer eating all alone ). And... be aptly satisfied.
And, happily he forgets the rest of the matter/ any bad blood whipped up.

So... I sent ze Captain an inhouse comment... stating that I've got an edible piece for him at this smallish catamaran nee blog.

What I probably could have added, was - this is meant for ze Captain's consumption ONLY.

Now, Captain, like a lion ate it.
He, however, provided the direction to others, as well.
See... some food ( for thought ) at this catamaran... i.e. the link was shared.

Implicitly, I had left the decision to share the link at his discretion, alone.

ze Captain knows this - it is ALWAYS AT HIS discretion alone.
Whether he wants to share OR bypass a link / message / food / masala, etc.

In fact - between mid-March to April, 2014; ze Captain did not deem it appropriate to publish 3-4 of my messages, per my recollection. Perhaps, he did not like them. 

And, he loved this one... ?

I do not question his judgment. He remains the best judge. Great perception, he has.


Now, I know that...
Had I sent the piece / content directly with the in-house message.
Then, I would have had NO control over it, thereafter.
ze Captain could have decided to put it up there permanently, you see.
That NEVER was the intent.

The piece WAS MEANT to be there till the time Captain had partaken of it.

As soon as I knew that Captain had his take, I SUNK the piece/ remnants in the sea.
For... I had meant the 'piece' for Captain's consumption / satiation ONLY.
NOT for all and sundry. ze Captain - NOTE THIS. MARK THIS.

Some external elements got wind of the 'piece', before it was sunk, and have been complaining about the icing, ever since.

Quite a lot of people have unleashed a campaign trying to question ze Captain and my intent, motive and motivations. What ? Why ? etc.

There is none. It was purely supposed to be an internal communique between ze Captain and ze Capatin's blog follower.

From one perspective, was the reaction NOT foreseen or imagined by either of us ?  NO. NOT.

Anyway, please ask yourself !

Now, Few Points to Ponder

Let's try to postulate a few theories, line of thought, etc. as follows.

1) Now... ze Captain has some implicit faith in me. I know that.
I still have elements of loyalty towards the ze Captain. I hope the Captain understands that.

Plainly speaking...
I do not trust ze Captain fully enough. Though I know that he'll allow me no harm, no matter whatever he says or threatens. I BELIEVE that I will not go wrong on this.

It is possible that I can trust Captain with matters of life and death.
From what I have observed - he won't EVER fail his compatriots.

Putting it plainly / straight -
I do NOT know Captain enough to trust him with the remnants of my pride, dignity and honor. Especially when my chips are down and I have other pressing issues at hand.

Chips down is the most plausible reason for latency in all its format. Else, I would be very swift in (re)action. And, whether I turned out to be right or wrong would have been immaterial then. I would not care. Might have possibly or certainly reacted.

I hope ze Captain understands !

As an aside...
I read Captain's poem, in a post on Az Khan.
And, I knew immediately I am on the same page as the Captain. He'll realize one day.
Maybe, he already knows this.

2) Putting the context simplistically...

Imagine a ( INR 0.50 ) postcard bearing a message winds through the postal system and lands with the owner of a huge glitzy billboard ( having neon lights )
and lots of messages/ masala and what not ( basically- seen/ observed/ followed by a large number of people ).

Let's say - the owner of the billboard were to display the contents of the postcard.
Or, the postcard itself. Or, the visual links to the postcard content.

Then MAY the postcard author be accountable, if the contents are relished OR NOT relished by a certain set of people ?

Please be your own judge.

3) AGAIN... NOTE...

As I see it...
The problem MAY NOT AS MUCH\ SUCH BE the content itself. Rather, the CONTEXT / ASSOCIATION
of a mere postcard being attached to ze Captain's huge billboard- AS the REAL core issue.

For there are millions of postcards abounding. No one gives any importance to them or the message(s) they carry. Must look around.

And, to note... there ARE some very prominent billboards, as well.

So... the question arises - WHO's this ze Captain ? I may NOT be knowing. Others more knowing have whipped up the problem, you say ?

Was the message inappropriately interpreted ? Exaggerated ? Perhaps. Maybe.

That possibly lent some importance / credence. As if coming from Captain's side or his key aide. Also, those who did interpret could have thought that it probably had Captain's tacit consent.

NOW - is that THE core issue ? I may NOT agree much here.

Quite possibly there are unwanted externals who keep very close watch on ze Captain's blog. Did both of us miss this idea ? Maybe.

Now, statistics tell me that very few read mine. Hardly - 1 to 10, in general.

I guess...
Only our Govt. and the US Govt. has interest in my blog; and in me.
No others come here. They do not know and do not care.
No one would care reading a bland isolated blog.

I NEVER had intentions of writing/ blogging. Or, maintaining one. Will discontinue.

I have written for ze Captain.

4) I understand that ze Captain is NO BIG stalwart of my country so that whatever appears at the Captain's blog - everyone will take notice and react.
For, I never ever heard of him earlier till early 2013.
That too, via his blogging articles/ contents.

Need consider my understanding of ze Captain and who/ what he is and what he does.
That too, what this understanding was almost an year back.

5) It is said by many that those who have ruled us have siphoned off more wealth overseas than what the Colonial powers ever did.

They achieved the same within 60 years, what took the colonial powers 2-3 centuries.
NO idea about the quantum of wealth eroded.

Note -
Now all this wealth ( in all its forms and formats ) resides in the offshore tax havens, swiss banks and locations MOSTLY in the commonwealth nations.
As also, MAJORLY Western nations.

The present NDA Govt. had promised to bring it all back. But then, quite a few people in the helm of affairs of bringing this back could be disguised fronts, who might never allow this to happen. Scuttle it or overtly delay the whole process ?

Do we expect this to-be-reclaimed wealth to become a security risk for our policies, going forward ?

In this context...
The abounding war mongering leaders ( if any ) are the ones that MUST need be keenly watched now. Is there any repeating rhetoric, of historical nature ?

What intent, motive and/ or motivations they had or are still harboring.
Is there any hidden design anywhere ?

Quite possibly... many leaders may be uncovered... drawn out... so to say.
From their actions and reactions.
That possibly has a historical rhetorical line ?

Q-> Whether they really mean good ?

Which path, these leaders ( either side of the fence ) are taking us to... ?

There must NEED be deep introspection within. NOW could be THE TIME.

Must revisit a few of my earlier posts this month.

6) ON... "little BO peep MODI"

Recently, I went to ze Captain's blog. He talks of "little BO peep MODI".

My understanding is... NO it ain't Modi who peeps. Modi won't do such things.

It's got to be some other guy. Is it one of the wannabe-PM ones lingering around ?

... the ones entrusted to bring the nations's wealth, back from overseas ? Not sure.

Well... let's see whether other wannabe-PM types delivers or ruins the BRICS ?
( I could be interpreting incorrectly, here. )

I understand, it won't be Modi who will spoil the BRICS. It may potentially be some other guy(s) who would rather slow down the whole process of allowing the wealth stashed abroad to repatriate back. Am I correct, ze Captain ?

As long as Modi is around, we have hope... we have a future. I give him MORE time.

I understand... he is the one who will redeem the nation's destiny. No person around
matches him.

I DO NOT see any hope with few other people at the helm.

If Modi were to go back to the Himalayas ( let's say ), then what some of these guys will do remain open to be FULLY scrutinised/ questioned/ understood.

What happens in 2019 ? Is anyone's guess.

The incumbent Govt. must understand that 2019 is NOT TOO FAR away.
FEW mistakes they make determines whether they wind back to 150-200 numbers.
Or, whether they move onto - 350+ / 400+ .



THEY MUST NOT think that after all the state elections are over now, they can freely
roughshod with anyone and get away. Big blunder. People are sure to be watching.

Note/ Know this... understand this... ( hope that they are NOT condemned to ) live with it !!

I hope that they do not have to face some home truths in 2019.

As an aside...
Collateral damages on the same side also boils down to - the opposite side wins or has a
winning edge / hand. Putting pretty straight.

7) Putting this one straight...

DO I get the idea that someone ate the 'piece'. Later started a smear campaign trying to smear the icing on my face ? And, hitting the cherry seed in me eyes ?
As if I am the fall guy ?

Maybe. Perhaps so.


I made no mistake, let alone a blunder.

What I had to state ( even with perhaps some deficient understanding sans data on the
ground ) still remains posted there on this blog.
And, if I believed that- let it be there. I cared not.

Look around. You'll get the answers.

8) Btw, WHO ALL are the hollering guys ? Pointing fingers ? finding fault, etc. ?

They could be the ones we got to be careful of.

The enemy within. As also the one without ( i.e. outside ). The unseen enemy. Period.

To add... Another point.
They could be the ones, under the guise of ... whatever ... possibly lead us to perpetual
subservience. Note this. Mark this.

Friendship/ alliance/ partnership is good as long as it does not lead us to perpetual subservience.

9) I have consciously stayed away from the Capt's blog, since June 2014. Mostly.

Trying my best to DE-ADDICT...

And, know this that if I am there I will certainly engage in the comments column,
with the ze Captain.

And, for sure - motivated... I'll raise issues that personally do me no good.
Certainly not good for my well being in all its form and formats.

Cannot help it. Cannot stop it. That's how I am. That's what I have been doing all along.
Best way has been - to stop visiting ze Captain's blog !!

That's what I have been doing. Crossed the thin/ fine line, perhaps last March.
When I ideated on - cabal, MH370, currency wars, Asian peace, etc.

And, there's no going back. I know this, understand this.

I can, at best, saunter along the circumferential path. Esp. when I am, but, alone .
Rather than going in.

Since, June, 2014 I'd decided that I'll rather be busy with my own affairs than be at Capt AV's blog.

Well, till mid-Dec, 2014 - it never seriously occurred to me that I had to be really writing this post.

Had I seen serious need earlier. This post would have been out in June, July or August, 2014.

Deeply regret the delay.

Fact of the matter is...
Wish I were free from certain issues, then, I could have devoted some of my time
appropriately and fruitfully at ze Captain's blog. Some WIN-WIN accruables.


ze Captain is the best judge. He has the best perception.

...End post...

Friday, February 13, 2015

Visit to Captain's adda...

Sometime during the second half of Dec, 2014. One fine morning -  ( it could be around 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM ) I visit Captain's "adda".

I enter a non-descriptive ( perhaps gray colored ) 2 or 3 storeyed building on a nice boulevard lined with few of the trees flowering.

It's a bit misty around. Place could be a nice suburb of Coorg, Ooty, Kodai, Bengaluru or Mysuru ( in that order - all is guess work ).
Could be any other place. Say, what about - New Delhi or Shimla.
( Must exclude places that do not have 3-wheeler yellow / green colored autos. And, this is December. )

There are three roads on three sides of this building ( front and two adjacent sides ). Not sure about the back side.

As I enter through the door, on the left side is what seems almost like a quad-circular type reception desk.

There's one fair chap around 30-35 years of age. He could be from either Himachal Pradesh / Uttarakhand. Perhaps, 5' 9" / 10" height.
He is too busy doing something on his laptop. After a deliberate pause.
He looks up at me. He greets me by my name. I feign surprise. I blandly say "You know ? ! ... Well, I know that you know !"

Now, it seems like he is actually surprised. I state that I come here to see the Captain. He nods - OK.

Meanwhile, I become aware of video surveillance units around the reception area.

Meanwhile, he talks to someone on an intercom. Then continues working on his laptop.
There's no place to settle down / sit around nearby. I continue standing there.

After a wait of nearly 3-5 minutes. One gentleman comes down in the reception
area. He could be 6' 1" / 2" . French beard. Very well built. Rather than wheatish, cuprous-colored skin shimmering on his hand & face. He seems like an outdoor type person who loves the sun. And, all sports played in sun. Medium sized & a bit curly crop of deep black hair on head. Eyes show brilliance and dazzle. Must be around 45-50 years of age. He could be a Tamilian or a Bihari ( thought occurs to me ).
He benignly half-smiles and looks at me from some distance. Recognizing me as if he had known me earlier, and acknowledging my presence. Then, quickly withdraws eye contact.

The chap at the reception approaches and meets this senior person. They talk for a few minutes. Then this gentleman goes back the way he came. He sees no need to talk to me.

Thereafter, the fair chap from the reception disappears somewhere without saying a word.

I remain standing there for a while. ( There's no place to sit down and wait. )
Pretty much conscious that a few surveillance cameras are recording my every move.
Someone or quite a few people could be watching me.

I wait for nearly 3-4 mins. for the stoutly well built Captain as I seem to recognize him on his blog to appear out of nowhere and meet me.

That's not happening... And, I am standing there in camera's full glare...

I recall that the Captain keeps talking of "whistle-blower", "IT Sec. 66", "Legal Point",
etc. on his blog. Trying to scare his crew and passengers on his ship.

I know he is, but, a well-intentioned person. Rather than an endlessly playful fellow. Yet, I do not trust him much, though. In fact, I see no reason to trust him at all. With his endless mind-games. I have no reason to trust him, anymore. Now... wherein he revels in endless mind-games. I am, but, a frontal / plain-speaking type.

The thought - "YE CAPTAIN BAHUT HI GUDBUD CHEEZ HAI" occurs to me. Not sure, what game he plays when I am at his "adda". Since he is perhaps busy somewhere; so can clearly state that this is not a DEN. For... those who stay in a den, immediately turn up on any detected intrusion !

Intrigued by the inexplainable absence of the reception chap. When he has not deemed it necessary to even speak any further to me; I decide, to leave...

Felt, possibly, I am NOT really welcome here.

So, I opened the door. Out I go...

On the boulevard, outside... I board a yellow ( and, perhaps green ) colored 3-wheeler auto.
Seems like someone joins me on this auto from nowhere. And her livid voice shouts at me -
"Enough of following this Captain... LEAVE HIM. Lest you get yourself killed. Then you know NOT what happens to us dependents."

I smile, nod and think - ( I know. I know. )

As we move on, the sun is shining through a bit cold and a bit misty and salubrious environs.
It is morning time. Could be 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM based on the sun's location in the sky.
( Just guessing - could be pretty wrong here. )


Date is sometime around the 18th - 25th of December, 2014.
All the above transpired in an almost vivid dream.

I never gave it much thought.
But then, This is for Capt to scrutinize.
Does this correctly describe with some datum upfront  ?

How much- right or wrong ... only he can make out / tell.

( From my perspective, I consider this dream as meaningless. Basically - a BS !! no more no less.
 Rest assured - it is true, per description and my memory. )

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Friends... and... Partners...

Friends... and... Partners...

Last Sunday, I was watching Shri RaBa on a TV channel.
I have great respect for him. Wish, we had many more like him.

I readily agree with each single thing he said.

He opinionated -
"Those who love the country, MUST want friendship with America."

( Not sure if "want" or "desire" is the appropriate terminology to be used, here.  Just translating. )

If anyone has read or understood that I have an opposite view. Let me korrect them.

I hold the same line of thought. The same ideology. Period.

<<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<< <<<

You say - "What... ??? Then, what are you up to ... ? "

I state -
You see, I am sometimes a contrarian. A maverick. Someone who wants to swim upstream.
Hold a divergent view/ view-point. Who does not mind going it alone.

That's sometimes a strength. Sometimes a weakness.

And, so... inspite of all the endless provocations, urgings, mind-games, etc. - I chose to remain silent.

Especially so during Dec, 2014 and Jan, 2015.
In any way, there was nothing to be coming from my side till 15th Jan; for sure.

I am no mice or rat that can be lured out. With whatever. Means - WITH WHATEVER !!!
Saw me as jittery ? Depressed ! Big mistake, I say.

I had been looking forward to some unexplained questions/ answers.
Basically, seeking a few answers - first and foremost.

In fact, I have patiently AWAITED that someone makes a very bad mistake.
And... I successfully discover what I knew MUST be there.

You see - the elephant has been always there in the room yet I saw it NOT.
Now, I see it.

Mammoth BLUNDER, I state. Nay, Gargantuan...

Those-so-ever, directly or indirectly involved in any which manner in ALL this - will understand the full implications by "a certain" year from now.
They have no clue what awaits them, going forward. ( Clue : is other-worldly, for sure. )


Know this... Understand this... ( be condemned to ) Live with this.

Btw... the very worst mistake to be made now can NEVER surpass what has/ is been done.

>>> >>> >>>

So, in effect, I maintained silence before Prez BO came and even there-after. Till the 4th or 5th of Feb.

I had NIL intention to pass views on mine or the Captain's blog. Last time I
visited Captain's blog was in mid-DEC, 2014. Then on the 6th of Feb, 2015.

But then, meanwhile, I had discovered the elephant in the room.

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 

Now... coming to the point...

Was delighted to hear Prez BO speak. He, no doubt, is a brilliant orator.
Never knew he is such an outstanding orator.

But then, he went on to say something that did not gel with my line of thinking.
He talked of "... the best partnership of the 21st century".

Was overtly dismayed to hear that. Felt let down.
Did this belittle to nought the tremendous contributions made by the 3 million
strong Indian diaspora to the American economy, culture, way of life, etc. ?
To note - these people have added trillions of USD to the American economy.

Had Prez BO spoken of "... enduring friendship"...
I would have been most delighted. Would have rolled back all my stances and future positioning. And, perhaps all these posts would have never ever come.

And, when he referred to Russia. He should have considered at least once that Russia is considered by many Indians as an enduring friend.
As, Russia sticks with us through thick and thin. We MUST need reciprocate. Period.

( Previously, I tried... tried my best to gel into the Indo-US way. Could not.
  Now, I have put my bet on the RICS basket, primarily. )

At any rate- we know that a friendship is best desirable than an alliance.
And, an alliance serves better than any partnership.

Even though it is, but, to be the best partnership.

Partnership smacks of, but, give and take, at best. Not sure, how this could lead to an
alliance or result in friendship all through circa 2099 or, thereafter ?

Let me not be misconstrued. I have refrained from re-appearance on this blog and put forth views.
As, I do state things up front. And, to the point. I have open palm policy.

I would appreciate if Prez BO were to re-consider his intent, in light of what I stated.

In that case, I have succeeded. I'll bow to him.

As an Indian, I would rather have US as the most trusted friend and partner till 2099 and even after... rather than "the best partnership..."
This is actually coming from my heart.

Of course, without compromising in any-which way on the RICS alliance, that is.
And, of course Indo-Russian friendship.

Hope, I have been able to convey my point across.

Thanks !!

Repeated Hacks, OLD LOGS...

Discovered the following instances of irregularities on my PC, previously observed AND logged by me.

Right during the fourth quarter of 2013... onwards till Q1 2014.

Must you understand... ???

1) On 16-10-2013 ( NOTE -> 2013 )

   VirTool     : Win32 / Obfuscator.XX ( Themida License )
   Alert Level : Severe
   Status      : Active

2) On 15-11-2013; Friday. ( NOTE -> 2013 )

   VirTool     : Win32 / Obfuscator.XX ( Themida License )
   Alert Level : Severe
   Status      : Active

3) Noticed the following on 25-NOV-2013 ( NOTE -> 2013 )

   One of the web browsers on my PC, which should be having the latest version as - Opera 18.XX;

   INSTEAD has Opera 12.16 !!

Precautionary Step : Had to get the Operating system and the antivirus re-installed, patched and updated within a week's time. One day wasted on this.

4) DEC, 2013 ( NOTE -> 2013 )

On my wife's social media account...

Under "Active Sessions" ...

Login location : New Delhi, India.

ON the Dates : 01-12-2013 AND 04-12-2013

ILLEGAL login - TWICE. Using a mobile phone having WinME as the OS.

Knew then and there only ... something is cooking big time.

Someone is hellbent on cooking something... big time !!

5) Early Jan and Feb, 2014

  There were 3-4 instances of the comp. monitor flickering wildly.

  Incident spread over a week, 10 day period. Then, again, in Feb, 2014.

6) On 15-JAN-2014 ( WednesDay )

   There is windows software update. Then, after RESTART, got the following POP-UP MESSAGE ...

   Windows Cannot find -


   "Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again."

   The start-up process hung up at this time.

   NOTE --> Had to reset the comp., in order to force normal restart.

Also, again, found the following application ( inexplainable ) in the Windows Task Manager -

Akamai Net-Session client -> "netsession_win.exe"

7) On 15-FEB-2014 ( SaturDay )

Wildly flickering comp. monitor display observed.

8) On 16-FEB-2014 ( SunDay ).

PC startup problem observed. Monitor/ display paralyzed.
Comp. boot-up fails and the display is blank.

The anti-virus software crashes with the following error -> OXCOOOOOOD

Very first time observed. 

The next day - noticed wildly flickering comp. screen, yet again.

9) On 21-FEB-2014 ( Friday )...

NOW I understand this. A BIGGER, STURDIER CAT moved in-house.

HAS very SHARP eye-sight and superfine ears.

Did not noticed it then ( failed my observation ). Could not find out till recently.
But knew, it should be there. The ubiquitous CAT !!

I am near MAD NOW. Not sure how best to get rid of this CAT from mE bedroom.

10) 14-MARCH-2014

    Got the error on my PC : -

    Error : ox80070057 : The parameter is incorrect.

11) Third week of March, 2014...

    My desi anti-virus programme FAILED to update on THREE consecutive days. 20th to 22nd.
    So much for going DESI. This is no mean anti-virus... it is a notch higher... AN internet security.

    And, it found files to be quarantined... for the first time. What files... ? No idea. These

    files were uploaded to the support server !

    Rest of the stuff, I have already put forth in the May, 2014 post " Repeated Hacks, what NeXt"


Overtly concerned, I raised the incident #11 to Capt AV. 

Muff Captain, as he is.
He refused to publish my concerns ( in-house messages / comments ) on his blog site on two occasions( by the 23rd MARCH; 2014 ). But you see that he is wise enough to publish another message/ link that I had passed along ONLY for his perusal. And, once he read that post; that's it - it's purpose was up and over. And, I had removed the post thereafter. I have written mostly for the Capt. ( I know the Capt. will read this, as well. )

But then he puts the link on HIS FLASHY BILLBOARD - A mere poor postcard coming from a smallish catamaran.

And, has been trying to pull me up with endless mind-games !!

12) 02-APRIL-2014 ( WednesDay )

Some ostensibly suspicious files ( perhaps ) noticed under the home folder of my Opera web browser.
I uninstalled the browser. Re-installed it, again.


Having been accustomed to using PCs' since quite a while, I am overtly surprised as these instances
kept on coming, one after the other.

Hey ... what's the idea ? What motive, intent, motivations ???

NOTE -> This post was due out in MAY, JUNE 2014. Most of it. Purposefully delayed it.


...End of Logging...

Friday, February 6, 2015

On GM Seeds/ Food/ Crops

ON GM Seeds/ Food/ Crops

Need to be plain and outright straight forward now -

We must understand why China and Russia have stopped the GM food/ crop/ seeds. I'll provide my take here...

Read in Capt AV's blog about fungus implanted in our wheat crops. Across Punjab ( India and Pakistan ) as well.
That had basically wound its way from Africa.

My take-
GM crop can be used as a tool to bring nation states onto knees, at some point of time, going forward, if need be.
For African states this can be much earlier.

With a plethora of 1500+ patents. Very advanced R&D spanning 30-50 years. Where do we stand or measure up ?

Do we know how does a genetically modified seed/ crop behave/ interact with the soil, water & the environment ?
Can we say with enough clarity about the effects on the micro and nano- organisms that have their world of
interdependencies interwoven in their DNAs ? Is there a study on this spanning decades ? Are we capable of this ?
There are innumerable questions that needs to be asked and answered. Only an expert can get into it. But then -
the experts are bound to vary.

Also, the versions of imported manure and insecticides/ pesticides could keep on changing every few years.
Same for the seeds.

There is every possibility that as the GM crops spawn the globe - the underlying soils could undergo permanent changes.
Possibility that the native natural crop yield - is gradually pared down. The crop yield could come down drastically.

This is, but, a minor concern. MAJOR being that -

The import of the GM seeds, manure, insecticides/ pesticides will cost the exchequer a lot. And, is bound to grow by
leaps and bounds.
When a nation state is fully dependant on GM crop. The prices of the base inventories ( seeds, etc. ) can be ratcheted
up at will. Economies of nation states could be siphoned off enormous amount of wealth.

Say - what about USD 10-50-100-300-600-2000-9000 billion of imports some 5-10-15-20-25-30-35 years down the line ?

( Just to give a rough idea. )

The farmer suicides will sky rocket ten to twenty to forty fold.
Else the Govt. must subsidise ( basicallly - pay up for ) the GM inventory. There could be massive agrarian uprisings ?

We must need go green, natural and organic ASAP. In the sub-continent. We may have a huge export potential going
forward for our organic produce.


Also note...
It it possible that colder countries will reel mostly under the impact of the GM crop. We could have a huge export
potential down the line - for fresh, natural, green ORGANIC produce.

OF... flies, bees, wasps and hornets

OF... flies, bees, wasps and hornets

There were some way-wards living/ dreaming of living in the medieval times; somewhere near our neighborhood, our backyard.. What a blunder !


And, there were some mango flies in their neighborhood.
You see - some people are allergic to big mango flies.

So, these flies got royally kicked on their butt. They meta-morphed into BEES...
Again, these bees got kicked. Some died, remaining meta-morphed into WASPS...
Now... the wasps got kicked. Many died. The remaining metamorphosed into HORNETS...

BTW- Ever kicked a hornet ? Metamorphosed one ?

Hornets/ wasps/ bees/ flies are to be swatted one by one. Requires close quarters engagement.

Now, we got hordes of hornets in our backyard. Ever increasing. The smart guys who effected these changes now want to leave. Want us to manage the hornets; or, the hornets to manage us ... ???

What do we do ? What options we have... ?

( Auto-suggestion )

Time to chalk out a joint or trilateral strategy ?


Be ready to play into other's hands. What we have been doing all these 7 odd decades.

Hope near at hand issues do not scuttle long-term future !


They saw, They came And ...

They saw, They came And ...

As, I observe the happenings around the world...

There is a recurring thought that resonates my mental framework, Goes here...

They went for my enemies, one by one... I was overtly overjoyed... overwhelmed, I always turned my face in glee. ( Was it bliss ? )

They went for those for whom I cared not, one by one... I did not care to notice at all... I was dispassionately aloof, as always.

They came for my friends and near friends, one by one... I had NO courage to muster strength and pitch along a fight... my heart bled as I saw him/ them go down.

They came for me, bit by bit... and... you see, there was NO one remaining... but me.... as I went down.


YEP ??? or, NYET ???

Repeat, FYI

Repeat, FYI

Since early June, 2014 I have chosen to be away from the ship.

Captain may not best know why. We may differ on this, so let me put forth a few points -

1) Being on ship, getting to understand / learn stuffs and occasionally engaging with the Captain has been an engrossing and quite a TIME consuming affair.

I had to sooner or later take a call to slowly disengage what became an addiction.
( viz. visiting the ship ). It had a huge TIME overhead for me.

Major issue is - Captain seems to be knowing everything. I hardly know the Captain.
I have been guessing, all along, at best.

2) With Capt's take on - "psycho-analysis" as a dig at my supposed intention,
motive and motivations. ( Even I heard NaMo using the term "Manovaigyaanik Vishleshan")
I understood that there is some issues somewhere in my explaining things or in the way the Captain seems to interpret me, or both.

Incidentally, this also meant that I could be open to being run down, brow beaten in future as well. In case Captain mis-interprets me again. Clear frequency mis-match observed.

I did not feel the urge remaining there to explain how I saw that specific tele-serial to be place for some innovation / renovation to be the best trend-setting teleserial.
I could have tried to put forth my views. I refrained. I'll do so someday soon.

Ultimately, KS and team have gone the way I knew he/ they would for sure.

( Same with the "Solanki / Hemu" stuff. )

3) Observed that the Captain seemed to be disconcerted by some vibes or some coincidences not to his liking, once in a while.

Also, observed that someone had a penchant for putting foot in the wrong places.

Noting this and other pressing concerns, I have decided to be away from Captain's ship.

Have conscientiously been trying to enforce De-addiction. Only suspicion is - in case I keep visiting ship again and again then it becomes a regular affair. And, I am bound to exchange words with the Captain, sooner or later.
And, then it becomes a regular time engaging affair.

Exception has been -
once / twice in end July, 2014. And, once / twice during 1st / 2nd week of Aug, 2014 . Then, mid Dec, 2014. Only briefly.

So, since I have written only for the Captain. Captain writes for everyone.
As such, I decided to discontinue writing. You see - loss of appetite.

At moments, I had been livid. In those circumstances engaging with the Captain would not have been conducive, anyway. I could be prone for a slip up. It would have meant there could be loss of decorum aboard the ship. Least desirable.
I would never do it.


So, decided to leave straight into frigid waters. Though, I have found a ( this ) catamaran with next to nil supplies.

And, being busy with mundane affairs - I have decided to keep away from the Captain's ship.
For, I have got this feeling that he wants it that way. Is it possible that I am wrong ?
Not sure !


( The NSA, via FISA. And,...
  the NTROs' CMS would have laid threadbare my digital life/ info. to start with.
  Do I foresee a lots of additions and deletions ? Maybe. Maybe not. )

2. MaRo -> what 2-month old wish fulfilled ? What did you achieve @ 02 / 04 - Aug - 2014 ?

Currency as a commodity

Currency as a commodity

Few months back, NaMo opined on TV - "FDI chahiye... Dollar aaye... Yen aaye... kya farak padta hai... ?"

Whether this was meant to be a poser ( not sure ) ?

Well... it means A LOT !!

So... let me elucidate... belows...

Several countries around the world have come out of slavery / colonization some 60-80 years back, we understand.

Do we understand this right, I ask ?

One of the principal and primary motives of colonial powers was erosion of the wealth / capital in all its form and formats to overseas locations.

Is it possible that even after 60-90 years we have yet to understand, realize that the same continues till date ?
Though in a different form, format and scale ?

It is not the case of old wine - old bottle. Rather, it very well could be -

new wine - new bottle; OR,
new wine - old bottle; OR,
old wine - new bottle.  ?

Or, is it partly a combination/ concoction of all the above items ?

Not sure ? Well... think... !! Think it out !!

We seem to be much content with the idea of self-governance, self-rule. Gloating in tune with the mostly implanted MSM.
Are our views, opinions and aspirations, etc. guided/ motivated by the MSM to a great extent ? Possibly.

Are we blissfully unaware of the system that is in vogue ? Possibly.

Finance/ Markets are not my domain, yet there are several questions that arise and I seem to have no clear answers.

So, have a few set of questions/ suggestions rather than any statements to make... as belows...

Have we failed to understand that major world CURRENCIES have become commodities ? Having intrinsic attributes of demand AND supply ?

Is demand and supply throttled /constricted to get the profits out of the INVESTMENTS ( say, FDI ) ? Is inflation and interest rates but complex manageable tools to profitably aid return on investment ( RoI ) ? Is there a pattern to it ?

Do not know - how, why, where and when ?

And, is the economic downturn periodically engineered ? An effort to reap in the FRUITS of the Investments ?

Throttle, control or constrict the flow of capital, as such ? Particularly a specific set of currencies in the global financial markets.
Say - in particular a specific currency. The de facto currency reserve.

Is that the moot idea ? the real motive, motivations behind all these crises we see around us ?

Effectively, has the world wealth of ( say, imaginary ) USD 04 trillions in early 1930s grown to ( say, imaginary ) USD 900 trillion today ?
While the world population has grown. There is growth in inflation, as well. Almost all the currencies have depreciated and lost value.
Some, much more than many others.

Is there any truth in this - richest people, mega-corps, etc. that held 20-30 % of world wealth now hold > 55-70 % , over the last 70-90 odd years ? ( read somewhere )

How is this possible ? Is it by controlling/ constricting/ managing the demand/ supply of petro products ?
The huge market for ICT products & services ? By controlling the demand/ supply of defense products and wares ?
By means of bio-engineered GM crops and seeds ?

Basically control/ regulate the pricing, demand and supply of these ?

I would bet... yes.

Now... again...

In effect, when the nett quantum of a currency in circulation and in reserve grows - the nett wealth of other nations denominated in that same ( reserve ) currency dwindles. Thus the nation state gains/ holds a bit more of the same currency. While the TOTAL quantum of the same capital ( reserve currency ) has grown out of bounds. Is this the norm since the past 60-80 years ?

This, in effect, dilutes the effective nett annualized wealth gain as also the wealth ( say, currency reserves ) holdings of a nation ?
Is this, but, true ?

Capital ( Other reserve currencies ) have been used to mop up the wealth around the globe. With... gay abandon.

(C)overt economic/ financial/ military wars have been engineered to wreak havoc on economies, nations and currencies.
Affected nations go 5-10-20 years back in development index. And, the war mongering developed nations keeps moving on.

Net effect is - developing nations keep on importing arms, technology, medicines, etc. from the developed nations.
We get poorer. The only option we have seen - we export our best source of the capital ( capital in its best form ) to the developed nations. As well as our minerals, ores, etc.

Are we into the mode of moving into perpetual subservience ( => slavery ) ? Would think so ? NO. NOT.

If so, how do we manage to get out of this ?

In spite of all this knowledge - we want to have wars and/ or proxy-wars. Are we smart or foolish enough ?



We have not seemed to have learnt much from centuries of slavery and abject, brutal subservience.

That means - are we doomed for perpetual subservience on account of some set of people who call the shots in an establishment ?
Can we suspect that there could be some elements/ advisors with unknown motives to the rulers'/ leaders of the day ?

Even the rulers/ leaders have, sometimes, lop-sided vision arising out of hind-sight. They are politicians first AND/ OR military leaders first.

Is this not possible that if someone were part of a military leadership - they would have to design wars to inflate their collective ego or for letting old wounds to heal. Or, for shelling out old arms/ armaments in order to purchase new ones.
Also, to get fundings to design, develop ( R & D ) new lethal ones.

Narrow-minded vision of things ?

It's high time - we all must think about this and redeem our collective future.


Capital in the form of investment is used for two major purposes in-house; either as an -
a) investment, OR
b) expenditure.

The primary motive of those who invest is to reap in the profits of their investment, in a certain time frame.

Now, we see that...
There's a need for FDI worth USD $ 5 trillions over the oncoming 5 years ( someone predicts. Perhaps CII ).
This implies that we could be in need of USD $ 1 trillion per year worth of FDI every year for the duration of the NDA rule.

What immediate/ medium-term/ long-term economic growth this generates MUST be clearly thought out/ designed/ derived at.
At, the end of the day, we got to pay back the investment with the "fruits of investment". That is nothing but our national wealth.
It is purported to be siphoned offshore. Period.

Argentina defaulted recently ? ( if I recall correctly ).

One vital approach for policy makers would be to try to balance out any/ all infusion of FDI. MUST we need to source it
from several nations/ currencies/ currency reserves ? Diversifying the demand/ supply basket from diverse currencies ? In case, we can.
Is this at all feasible ?

This way, we MAY be ABLE to control the flow of capital the way we may want to ?
Is there a WIN-WIN mechanism that allows us to do this ?

Here, is it imperative to have more control over the corporate houses, Govt. institutions, etc. that needs to source FDI ?
So, that they MUST diversify the source of FDI.

There must be a centralized think-tank/ body that acts as a CHOWKIDAAR ?

This (SH/C)OULD be a national security issue, as well.

Those in the helm would understand MUCH better. As, a layman, I have my concerns no matter how-so-ever-much insignificant.
Need to air them. This could be vitally pertinent.

Not to forget that many corporate houses/ bigwigs and those that go in for foreign collaborations have a direct say in the manner in which they tend to decide on the quantum of FDI and how/ why/ what they are able to source it.

Our NatSec agencies must be able to regulate these elements lest they undermine our economic security.
Once economic security is undermined - we know this, all the other facets/ aspects of security are exposed to be undermined.



Noting that -

PEACE => PROGRESS => PROSPERITY => PLENTITUDE => PEACE - is pretty much a CYCLICAL affair/ process.

Shall we understand that the strength of what SHOULD/ COULD/ MUST have been a resilient union/ chain is to be determined by what ONE OF THE LINKs claim as a chink ( to be claimed off, as its' own ) off another bulkier link ?

Is the claim REALLY feasible ? What about the COSTS involved ? Does the implicit/ explicit cost necessitates such historical posturings to continue even as of today, and going forward ?

Does this make sense ? Does this claim have divisive seeds that potentially destroys the ( let's say ) proposed chain ?
Why sustain the seed intention ? When there are better ways that dilutes this contention to a point where it can be relegated to becoming a trivial or a non-issue.

Does it NOT make sense that - THE cohesive thread that MUST bind the links together be made STRONGER enough so that the union/ chain of links are more strongly bound together, in many which ways.

Question -
Is there a possibility that as we become more closely ( and cohesively ) linked ( and engaged), this paves the way for a SAARC-based economic union ?

Is this an idea which is clearly pretty much long overdue ? Could have potential to re-invigorate the whole region and economies, thereof.
With enhanced movement of inter-border trade, services, people, etc. serving as the vital binding link ( or, thread ).

This necessitates/ mandates/ requires internal peace and security. IS it possible that the afore-mentioned become a by-product of such a bonding ?

Bottom line is - we must be forming part of an economic/ currency union for the people of the sub-continent to move ahead and have some better lives, peace and pride.

Is formation and continual sustenance of an economic union with a unified/ singular currency - one of the best ways ahead of us ?

Is it possible that such a stronger singular currency would better or BEST serve as ONE key constituent of the BRICS-based reserve currency ?

Perhaps SO ?

There is NO OTHER way. Any (c)overt (proxy) war derails the whole process by 4-10 years at least. Not good. Not desirable.

We ALL may NOT have another chance, as I see it, going forward. Whatever has to be done should be done within the next few months only.
We could be already late into it. This is, but, my gut feeling - for I am NO functional expert at this.

IS economic union feasible ? the way forward ? Singular currency ?


Govt. of the day MUST consider the following two aspects as mandatorily & necessarily enforceable, before thinking of a long standing union :-

1. a mandatorily enforceable two child ( max ) policy; and

2. a median way acceptable to all for a uniform civil code within India.

Those folks who do not agree to 1 & 2 - we must send to friendly neighboring countries in the not so distant future.

Addenda -

If the IPI pipeline had become operational. It would have been a WIN-WIN-WIN situation. We would have had NETT savings/ gains of tens of
billions of US Dollars over a decade's time. What a wasted delay.
Btw, who would NOT allow it to take off ? It seems like we ALL lack balls ?

And... a few gas based power plants would have NOT necessitated the need of and question of whether we need to import Western nuke plants at
exorbitant costs. I suppose - we DO NOT need them at this point of time.

This post was to be delivered during - May, June or July 2014. Already too late !? Or, is it rightly timed !?

Dharma and "Sarva Dharma Sambhaav"

Dharma and "Sarva Dharma Sambhaav"

The word "Dharma" - does not necessarily imply that,  Dharma = Religion. Or, equals religious bigotry. NOT true.

Concept of Dharma surpasses religion. Religion is but one of the facets of / path leading to Spirituality. Set <-> Superset.
Dharma and spirituality is meant for those who have a broader and wider evolved mind/ mindset/ vision.

Dharma also => rule of law, righteousness. Captain AV has a fantastic article on Dharma on his blog.

I understand Dharma in only one context. Dharma also implies "Sarva Dharma Sambhaav".

In layman terms, this means - tolerance and equanimity between all the religions. As it ought to be.
As has been in our land since time immemorial. Our land is governed by our sages and seers.

These sages/ seers often talk of "Mustika Gyaan" but few bother to live up to it.

Just making a contextual point...
Imagine a Paramhamsa, a self-realised soul saying "Aham Brahmasi" or "Brahmoshmi".
And, then we have a realised Fakir who can proclaim "Anal-Haq", "Anal-hakka".

Sri RamaKrishna Paramhans, Swami Sivananda Saraswati were self-realised souls.
And, then there was Sarmad.

For spirituality, religion is the means, not the end.

"Mustika Gyaan"

Mustika = fist.

Let's say that the Thumb => sages, seers.

The other four finger implies set of people with certain predominant "vrittis" ( natural bent of mind ) coming from
diverse streams - caste/ class groups, religions, clans, tribes, etc.

Index Finger ->

Middle finger ->


The four fingers must join together in mutual cohesion and in accordance with the thumb. This is THE only way. The way forward.