Friday, February 13, 2015

Visit to Captain's adda...

Sometime during the second half of Dec, 2014. One fine morning -  ( it could be around 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM ) I visit Captain's "adda".

I enter a non-descriptive ( perhaps gray colored ) 2 or 3 storeyed building on a nice boulevard lined with few of the trees flowering.

It's a bit misty around. Place could be a nice suburb of Coorg, Ooty, Kodai, Bengaluru or Mysuru ( in that order - all is guess work ).
Could be any other place. Say, what about - New Delhi or Shimla.
( Must exclude places that do not have 3-wheeler yellow / green colored autos. And, this is December. )

There are three roads on three sides of this building ( front and two adjacent sides ). Not sure about the back side.

As I enter through the door, on the left side is what seems almost like a quad-circular type reception desk.

There's one fair chap around 30-35 years of age. He could be from either Himachal Pradesh / Uttarakhand. Perhaps, 5' 9" / 10" height.
He is too busy doing something on his laptop. After a deliberate pause.
He looks up at me. He greets me by my name. I feign surprise. I blandly say "You know ? ! ... Well, I know that you know !"

Now, it seems like he is actually surprised. I state that I come here to see the Captain. He nods - OK.

Meanwhile, I become aware of video surveillance units around the reception area.

Meanwhile, he talks to someone on an intercom. Then continues working on his laptop.
There's no place to settle down / sit around nearby. I continue standing there.

After a wait of nearly 3-5 minutes. One gentleman comes down in the reception
area. He could be 6' 1" / 2" . French beard. Very well built. Rather than wheatish, cuprous-colored skin shimmering on his hand & face. He seems like an outdoor type person who loves the sun. And, all sports played in sun. Medium sized & a bit curly crop of deep black hair on head. Eyes show brilliance and dazzle. Must be around 45-50 years of age. He could be a Tamilian or a Bihari ( thought occurs to me ).
He benignly half-smiles and looks at me from some distance. Recognizing me as if he had known me earlier, and acknowledging my presence. Then, quickly withdraws eye contact.

The chap at the reception approaches and meets this senior person. They talk for a few minutes. Then this gentleman goes back the way he came. He sees no need to talk to me.

Thereafter, the fair chap from the reception disappears somewhere without saying a word.

I remain standing there for a while. ( There's no place to sit down and wait. )
Pretty much conscious that a few surveillance cameras are recording my every move.
Someone or quite a few people could be watching me.

I wait for nearly 3-4 mins. for the stoutly well built Captain as I seem to recognize him on his blog to appear out of nowhere and meet me.

That's not happening... And, I am standing there in camera's full glare...

I recall that the Captain keeps talking of "whistle-blower", "IT Sec. 66", "Legal Point",
etc. on his blog. Trying to scare his crew and passengers on his ship.

I know he is, but, a well-intentioned person. Rather than an endlessly playful fellow. Yet, I do not trust him much, though. In fact, I see no reason to trust him at all. With his endless mind-games. I have no reason to trust him, anymore. Now... wherein he revels in endless mind-games. I am, but, a frontal / plain-speaking type.

The thought - "YE CAPTAIN BAHUT HI GUDBUD CHEEZ HAI" occurs to me. Not sure, what game he plays when I am at his "adda". Since he is perhaps busy somewhere; so can clearly state that this is not a DEN. For... those who stay in a den, immediately turn up on any detected intrusion !

Intrigued by the inexplainable absence of the reception chap. When he has not deemed it necessary to even speak any further to me; I decide, to leave...

Felt, possibly, I am NOT really welcome here.

So, I opened the door. Out I go...

On the boulevard, outside... I board a yellow ( and, perhaps green ) colored 3-wheeler auto.
Seems like someone joins me on this auto from nowhere. And her livid voice shouts at me -
"Enough of following this Captain... LEAVE HIM. Lest you get yourself killed. Then you know NOT what happens to us dependents."

I smile, nod and think - ( I know. I know. )

As we move on, the sun is shining through a bit cold and a bit misty and salubrious environs.
It is morning time. Could be 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM based on the sun's location in the sky.
( Just guessing - could be pretty wrong here. )


Date is sometime around the 18th - 25th of December, 2014.
All the above transpired in an almost vivid dream.

I never gave it much thought.
But then, This is for Capt to scrutinize.
Does this correctly describe with some datum upfront  ?

How much- right or wrong ... only he can make out / tell.

( From my perspective, I consider this dream as meaningless. Basically - a BS !! no more no less.
 Rest assured - it is true, per description and my memory. )

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