Friday, February 6, 2015


Noting that -

PEACE => PROGRESS => PROSPERITY => PLENTITUDE => PEACE - is pretty much a CYCLICAL affair/ process.

Shall we understand that the strength of what SHOULD/ COULD/ MUST have been a resilient union/ chain is to be determined by what ONE OF THE LINKs claim as a chink ( to be claimed off, as its' own ) off another bulkier link ?

Is the claim REALLY feasible ? What about the COSTS involved ? Does the implicit/ explicit cost necessitates such historical posturings to continue even as of today, and going forward ?

Does this make sense ? Does this claim have divisive seeds that potentially destroys the ( let's say ) proposed chain ?
Why sustain the seed intention ? When there are better ways that dilutes this contention to a point where it can be relegated to becoming a trivial or a non-issue.

Does it NOT make sense that - THE cohesive thread that MUST bind the links together be made STRONGER enough so that the union/ chain of links are more strongly bound together, in many which ways.

Question -
Is there a possibility that as we become more closely ( and cohesively ) linked ( and engaged), this paves the way for a SAARC-based economic union ?

Is this an idea which is clearly pretty much long overdue ? Could have potential to re-invigorate the whole region and economies, thereof.
With enhanced movement of inter-border trade, services, people, etc. serving as the vital binding link ( or, thread ).

This necessitates/ mandates/ requires internal peace and security. IS it possible that the afore-mentioned become a by-product of such a bonding ?

Bottom line is - we must be forming part of an economic/ currency union for the people of the sub-continent to move ahead and have some better lives, peace and pride.

Is formation and continual sustenance of an economic union with a unified/ singular currency - one of the best ways ahead of us ?

Is it possible that such a stronger singular currency would better or BEST serve as ONE key constituent of the BRICS-based reserve currency ?

Perhaps SO ?

There is NO OTHER way. Any (c)overt (proxy) war derails the whole process by 4-10 years at least. Not good. Not desirable.

We ALL may NOT have another chance, as I see it, going forward. Whatever has to be done should be done within the next few months only.
We could be already late into it. This is, but, my gut feeling - for I am NO functional expert at this.

IS economic union feasible ? the way forward ? Singular currency ?


Govt. of the day MUST consider the following two aspects as mandatorily & necessarily enforceable, before thinking of a long standing union :-

1. a mandatorily enforceable two child ( max ) policy; and

2. a median way acceptable to all for a uniform civil code within India.

Those folks who do not agree to 1 & 2 - we must send to friendly neighboring countries in the not so distant future.

Addenda -

If the IPI pipeline had become operational. It would have been a WIN-WIN-WIN situation. We would have had NETT savings/ gains of tens of
billions of US Dollars over a decade's time. What a wasted delay.
Btw, who would NOT allow it to take off ? It seems like we ALL lack balls ?

And... a few gas based power plants would have NOT necessitated the need of and question of whether we need to import Western nuke plants at
exorbitant costs. I suppose - we DO NOT need them at this point of time.

This post was to be delivered during - May, June or July 2014. Already too late !? Or, is it rightly timed !?

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