Thursday, February 12, 2015

Repeated Hacks, OLD LOGS...

Discovered the following instances of irregularities on my PC, previously observed AND logged by me.

Right during the fourth quarter of 2013... onwards till Q1 2014.

Must you understand... ???

1) On 16-10-2013 ( NOTE -> 2013 )

   VirTool     : Win32 / Obfuscator.XX ( Themida License )
   Alert Level : Severe
   Status      : Active

2) On 15-11-2013; Friday. ( NOTE -> 2013 )

   VirTool     : Win32 / Obfuscator.XX ( Themida License )
   Alert Level : Severe
   Status      : Active

3) Noticed the following on 25-NOV-2013 ( NOTE -> 2013 )

   One of the web browsers on my PC, which should be having the latest version as - Opera 18.XX;

   INSTEAD has Opera 12.16 !!

Precautionary Step : Had to get the Operating system and the antivirus re-installed, patched and updated within a week's time. One day wasted on this.

4) DEC, 2013 ( NOTE -> 2013 )

On my wife's social media account...

Under "Active Sessions" ...

Login location : New Delhi, India.

ON the Dates : 01-12-2013 AND 04-12-2013

ILLEGAL login - TWICE. Using a mobile phone having WinME as the OS.

Knew then and there only ... something is cooking big time.

Someone is hellbent on cooking something... big time !!

5) Early Jan and Feb, 2014

  There were 3-4 instances of the comp. monitor flickering wildly.

  Incident spread over a week, 10 day period. Then, again, in Feb, 2014.

6) On 15-JAN-2014 ( WednesDay )

   There is windows software update. Then, after RESTART, got the following POP-UP MESSAGE ...

   Windows Cannot find -


   "Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again."

   The start-up process hung up at this time.

   NOTE --> Had to reset the comp., in order to force normal restart.

Also, again, found the following application ( inexplainable ) in the Windows Task Manager -

Akamai Net-Session client -> "netsession_win.exe"

7) On 15-FEB-2014 ( SaturDay )

Wildly flickering comp. monitor display observed.

8) On 16-FEB-2014 ( SunDay ).

PC startup problem observed. Monitor/ display paralyzed.
Comp. boot-up fails and the display is blank.

The anti-virus software crashes with the following error -> OXCOOOOOOD

Very first time observed. 

The next day - noticed wildly flickering comp. screen, yet again.

9) On 21-FEB-2014 ( Friday )...

NOW I understand this. A BIGGER, STURDIER CAT moved in-house.

HAS very SHARP eye-sight and superfine ears.

Did not noticed it then ( failed my observation ). Could not find out till recently.
But knew, it should be there. The ubiquitous CAT !!

I am near MAD NOW. Not sure how best to get rid of this CAT from mE bedroom.

10) 14-MARCH-2014

    Got the error on my PC : -

    Error : ox80070057 : The parameter is incorrect.

11) Third week of March, 2014...

    My desi anti-virus programme FAILED to update on THREE consecutive days. 20th to 22nd.
    So much for going DESI. This is no mean anti-virus... it is a notch higher... AN internet security.

    And, it found files to be quarantined... for the first time. What files... ? No idea. These

    files were uploaded to the support server !

    Rest of the stuff, I have already put forth in the May, 2014 post " Repeated Hacks, what NeXt"


Overtly concerned, I raised the incident #11 to Capt AV. 

Muff Captain, as he is.
He refused to publish my concerns ( in-house messages / comments ) on his blog site on two occasions( by the 23rd MARCH; 2014 ). But you see that he is wise enough to publish another message/ link that I had passed along ONLY for his perusal. And, once he read that post; that's it - it's purpose was up and over. And, I had removed the post thereafter. I have written mostly for the Capt. ( I know the Capt. will read this, as well. )

But then he puts the link on HIS FLASHY BILLBOARD - A mere poor postcard coming from a smallish catamaran.

And, has been trying to pull me up with endless mind-games !!

12) 02-APRIL-2014 ( WednesDay )

Some ostensibly suspicious files ( perhaps ) noticed under the home folder of my Opera web browser.
I uninstalled the browser. Re-installed it, again.


Having been accustomed to using PCs' since quite a while, I am overtly surprised as these instances
kept on coming, one after the other.

Hey ... what's the idea ? What motive, intent, motivations ???

NOTE -> This post was due out in MAY, JUNE 2014. Most of it. Purposefully delayed it.


...End of Logging...

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