Friday, February 6, 2015

Repeat, FYI

Repeat, FYI

Since early June, 2014 I have chosen to be away from the ship.

Captain may not best know why. We may differ on this, so let me put forth a few points -

1) Being on ship, getting to understand / learn stuffs and occasionally engaging with the Captain has been an engrossing and quite a TIME consuming affair.

I had to sooner or later take a call to slowly disengage what became an addiction.
( viz. visiting the ship ). It had a huge TIME overhead for me.

Major issue is - Captain seems to be knowing everything. I hardly know the Captain.
I have been guessing, all along, at best.

2) With Capt's take on - "psycho-analysis" as a dig at my supposed intention,
motive and motivations. ( Even I heard NaMo using the term "Manovaigyaanik Vishleshan")
I understood that there is some issues somewhere in my explaining things or in the way the Captain seems to interpret me, or both.

Incidentally, this also meant that I could be open to being run down, brow beaten in future as well. In case Captain mis-interprets me again. Clear frequency mis-match observed.

I did not feel the urge remaining there to explain how I saw that specific tele-serial to be place for some innovation / renovation to be the best trend-setting teleserial.
I could have tried to put forth my views. I refrained. I'll do so someday soon.

Ultimately, KS and team have gone the way I knew he/ they would for sure.

( Same with the "Solanki / Hemu" stuff. )

3) Observed that the Captain seemed to be disconcerted by some vibes or some coincidences not to his liking, once in a while.

Also, observed that someone had a penchant for putting foot in the wrong places.

Noting this and other pressing concerns, I have decided to be away from Captain's ship.

Have conscientiously been trying to enforce De-addiction. Only suspicion is - in case I keep visiting ship again and again then it becomes a regular affair. And, I am bound to exchange words with the Captain, sooner or later.
And, then it becomes a regular time engaging affair.

Exception has been -
once / twice in end July, 2014. And, once / twice during 1st / 2nd week of Aug, 2014 . Then, mid Dec, 2014. Only briefly.

So, since I have written only for the Captain. Captain writes for everyone.
As such, I decided to discontinue writing. You see - loss of appetite.

At moments, I had been livid. In those circumstances engaging with the Captain would not have been conducive, anyway. I could be prone for a slip up. It would have meant there could be loss of decorum aboard the ship. Least desirable.
I would never do it.


So, decided to leave straight into frigid waters. Though, I have found a ( this ) catamaran with next to nil supplies.

And, being busy with mundane affairs - I have decided to keep away from the Captain's ship.
For, I have got this feeling that he wants it that way. Is it possible that I am wrong ?
Not sure !


( The NSA, via FISA. And,...
  the NTROs' CMS would have laid threadbare my digital life/ info. to start with.
  Do I foresee a lots of additions and deletions ? Maybe. Maybe not. )

2. MaRo -> what 2-month old wish fulfilled ? What did you achieve @ 02 / 04 - Aug - 2014 ?

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