Friday, October 30, 2015

Concept of Country.

The extensive and expansive landmass... the terra firma... the abounding terrain does NOT maketh a country.

Rather... it is the resident people... and people alone that constitute-th the country.

The security apparatus ( any form, format, scale; and whether internal/ external ) of the country...
who are but part and parcel of the country... whilst serving the country MUST understand this...
that they serve NO physical terrain called the "COUNTRY" ...
in effect, they are there to serve the people. And, people alone.

They should FEEL themselves privileged to be provided the opportunity. For... even without ANY of them...
there are still many many more waiting in the sidelines... and actually much more capable that can take their place gainfully and much more effectively.

For we have a huge country... 1300 million people . There is no dearth of people and talent.

Contrarily... actually a problem of plenty !!

Lots and lots of people would love to enlist and serve... be part of the security apparatus, given an opportunity ( any form, format, scale; and whether internal/ external ).

For... there is actually a dearth of gainful opportunities, overall.

Comprendo !!

It is the people of the country who pay for them, manage them. Not the country's physical map.

They can NEVER, overall, exceed the people and decide to go overtly over-board... the way they choose to... the way they please.



Must NEVER violate people's trust. Especially those who occupy pretty higher places/ offices.

Just because they have been given/ enjoy some special powers and privileges.

They must understand that they, but, serve for a fixed term/ period of time only.

And, what they choose to do... MUST NOT/ NEVER sully the reputation of the entire organization, for posterity.


Never heard that the talons and beak of a bird of prey... alternatively... the claws and the fangs of a beast of prey... preying on the self-same body and mind of the bird/ beast.

In fact, the talons/ beak and/ or the claws/ fangs sustain-eth the existence of the bird and/or the beast.
Not endanger or harm it.


That is counter to the laws of nature. Sooner or later they will be shown their place. Else the bird or the beast is poised to suffer, overall, for this transgression of the natural rules/ laws.

In ways and forms unseen and unheard of.

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