Saturday, October 10, 2015

Effect of insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers on the eVer receding ground water table

Most of the insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers available and in use in the country are of inorganic nature.

Mostly and majorly these are NOT bio-degradable.

In effect, these percolate down the top soils and get locked into the top and top-to-medium soil layers. Over a period of time these complex inorganic compounds tend to - solidify/ 'calcify'/ encrust.

This implies that perhaps very-very slowly decaying/ degrading complex inorganic chemicals get interlocked with the equally complex compoundedly varying chemical composition of the soil strataS.

Invariably- this results in soil strata getting more harder at varying soil depths.

I effect - during monsoon the water seepage rate or the seep thru' rate on such a soil is bound to be impacted. In effect - most the water will VERY slowly seep thru' to the underlying ground water aquifers. Net result is that most of the water runs off the ground and is thereby wasted.

The underground water table is not adequately replenished as it ought to, as such.


Compare this to the usage of organic-origin & bio-degradable insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers.

Herein, the soil is more porous as there is every likelihood of nano, micro, milli, etc. organisms, earthworms, insects, etc. making the soil stratas more healthy, porous therefore air-soaked and brimming with nano/ micro, etc. living entities all the way downwards.

So... during monsoon or a downpour - most of the water will tend to seep thru' to under ground water tables.
And a greater part of the water is captured by the soil strata rather than been run off as waste- down on to sea.

The soil is mostly soggier here. Implying a greater water retentivity is actualized. Result- better seepage.
As such -higher water table per year. In aggregate - more replenished.

GM crops are extensively water thirsty and the insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers used are very complexly inorganic to boot. And, non-bio-degradable, as well.

In addition they either destroy OR permanently negatively transmute the DNA/ RNA of the soil organisms, worms, insects, etc.

NOW note that...
Only these 'living soil' brimming with the right kind of organisms, worms, insects, etc. ONLY which ALL essentially keep the soil healthy, primarily.


Water wars are in the offing in the oncoming 12-30 years time. This is for sure.

Time to understand the gravity of the situation and prevent it becoming full blown national crisis. 


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