Sunday, October 18, 2015

Intrinsically a strategic alliance as against overt subservience

Was that the real nature of Mughal-Rajput union ??

Well... History... not/ never my forte...


This write-up is primarily written for ze Chief/ Captain so that ze Chief exhumes the "home truth"... inherent in this, if any.

This whole post is actually derived out of -

A) PRIMARILY... when I find myself MIGHTILY exposed to petty and pretty dirty election politics ( EVIDENTLY, as I correctly perceive it )...

So... by association... ALL my kinsmen are ACTUALLY exposed as well; AND

B) ze Chief's observation in one of his recent posts that... had the Marathas won the third battle of Panipat, it would have actually led to Maratha-isation of a great part of India over a period of time.

Perhaps... extending till today's modern times, as well.


Note... this... observation by me...
people will soon come to understand/ realize the truth inherent in what I state... when... even as of now or AFTER the Bihar polls are over...

ze Chief, et al comes for me. Of course, it might seem that PM Modi is to blame.
In fact, that may NOT be true. PM Modi may NOT stoop to such base politicking. INC, BJP, RSS might.

Though, some of his party-men could be exception. I can guess who ALL. But, let me NOT guess.

So, do I suspect that ze Chief is actually in cahoots... Yes !!

As I see... ze Chief has actually SET ME UP !! WE'LL SOON SEE HOW ?




BTW - ze Chief and ALL his crew, (in)mates, sailors, etc. remain the co-accused.
That's a minor issue, actually, for him and his mates.

Otherwise... one can guess what might have happened, by now.

Hardly matters... that the purported delay is but to de-couple and show clean hands.

What sayst thou... ze Chief ?? Playing Brutus ?? And, blaming PM Modi ??

ze Chief can read Akashic records and read minds. I bet. I know. He is some sort of a SIDDHA.
Believe and trust me.

Maybe... a KALARi SIDDHA !!

Many a times I have observed that I simply THINK of some word or expression and sooner or later I find it appearing on ze Chief's tanker of a blog !

Kamaaal Hai !!

There's certainly some mind overlap here. Something of a commonality is 100 % there. I might know how and why.


ACTUALLY... I am basically from BIHAR !

There are a set of people who have "framed" for their base intentions, motives and motivations.

For election benefits alone, as I see it. BLUNDER, perhaps. BUT, NOTE THIS... Might DO more harm than good.

...seppuku nee harakiri is perhaps assured.


What ze Chief ? Btw - you also happen to be the co-accused.
So also, all your crew and mates stand accused. This is- coming from me. When you have set me up.

Actually ze Chief and all his mates/ crews will NEVER come to open light. I guess.

They all fire their cannons, howitzers, etc. from the dark. And, change co-ordiates ASAP.

As, I have actually observed...
ze Chief & Co. runs with hares and hunts with hounds...if you know what I mean.

Ze Chief has, seems like, howitzer- walas in his company. Actually represents them ?? Perhaps !!

What flavor ? No idea. Maybe all flavors !!



Actually... this write-up was NEVER supposed to be coming. This has been an INVITED nay actually a  PROVOKED post...


So... did ze Chief NOT imply that the Marathas would have replaced the ruling Kshatriya Kings in most of the areas under their control ? And, the former rulers ( Kshatriya Kings ) would have over a period of time been relegated to secondary or tertiary position in the social order.

In that eventuality...
Of course, the defeated Kings/ Chiefs might have ended up starting off as the vassals of the Marathas and then ceding the total cumulative power in a measured way over a period of time.

Say... down the line in the social hierarchy these vassal kings-turned-chieftains and their kinsmen ( devoid of power ) would have landed up/ relegated to some trade/ commerece/ craftsmen, etc. chore.

Perhaps, ostensibly forced to giving up arms and engaging in some trade or craft or agriculture.

In the current context they might turn out to be socially and perhaps educationally backward.
Just like the backwards of today. ( See, how times changed... Marathas relegated only to Maharashtra are, perhaps, OBC today. Compared to Rajputs of Rajputana who ALL might have moved to all the neighboring territories of UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, MP, CG, HP, etc. and are in pretty good shape in the social/ economic ladder. )

Would that have NOT meant that in most of the states ruled by them, as ON today, Marathas would have certainly entrenched themselves as a major social and political force ?
With sizable populations grown over the last 2-3 centuries.

Actually... that never actually transpired owing to their loss at the third battle of Panipat.
Else...we might be STILL seeing Maratha people dominating the mainstream in almost a major part of the captured domains. Dominating in all the form, formats and scale.

All over the north and central India. And, playing a major role in central politics.
Yet... we see one central minister late Gopinath Munde dying in a real freak accident.
Else... he was for sure to be the current CM of Maharashtra. So, who lost ? In effect, who gained ?


Having stated that... Now... DO note, mull, chew over... the following historical data upfront ( peppered with some thinking out of the box, some... hypotheses and some data... some info... and some facts.

Hypotheses are... but hypotheses... theories actually !! ) -


< 1 >

NOTE - Reign time-lines of the Mughal Emperors -

Emperor       Birth Year    Reign Years

BABUR               1483         1526 - 1530

AKBAR               1542          1556 - 1605

JAHANGIR         1569          1605 - 1627

SHAH JAHAN    1592          1627 - 1658

AURANGZEB     1618          1658 - 1707


< 2 > Important to note that BABUR ruled Delhi during : 1526 - 1530 AD .

Rule was terminated in the year - 1530 AD.

After Babur, Bairam Khan was the Mughal general and caretaker of the Mughal empire on behalf of Akbar.

If I am correct then- during this period Sher Shah Suri had broken free and consolidated power.
He was an Afghan vassal under the Mughal empire in eastern India, who chose to break away from the Mughal empire.

The Afghans ( from Gandhaar Desh ) were NOT that extreme hard-liners like the Mughals.

Whilst Mughals were deemed as a serious threat to India as their kin were entrenched in Persia, etc. regions.

And, these all external forces could have ganged up together at any time to launch joint attacks on the Indian territories.

And, those days it was not unusual for the Afghan generals/ chiefs to serve the Hindu/ Buddhist/ Jain Kshatriya kings.

Conversely, in fact several instances of Hindu generals/ chiefs serving the Afghan Sultans was common.

Those days - the Afghans were considered more as natives of the country compared to the Mughals.

The Mughals were considered as unwanted foreigners to be kept at bay/ shunned.
Having their origin from the plunderer Tamer Lane.

( 2.A ) Read in ze Chief's post that the fearless Mongol Emperor Changez Khan was Angraj Karna's direct descendant.

- That also meant that Taimur Lane was also in the same lineage.

- And that meant that the Mughals ( who had descendence from Taimur Lane ) would be knowing for sure that they had indeed descended from Changez Khan.

Did the Hindu Kings those days could NOT make out the ancestry of the Mughal dynasty ? Or, did they knew... ?

( 2.B ) After defeating the Mughal ( Akbar's ) army - ( Battle of Delhi ).

HEMU ascended ONTO DELHI throne as HemaChandra VikramAditya on 1556 AD .

( 2.C )
Second battle of Panipat - 1556 AD . Hemu versus Mughals ( actually headed by Bairam Khan )

Hemu's army was FIVE times superior to Akbar's army ( per, Wikipedia. )

At the point of an assured win by Hemu... an arrow hits his eye. He falls unconscious on the elephant howdah.

This is a game changer. And...
leads to a Mughal win, followed by Akbar's coronation at Delhi.


It is near to impossible that a 5:1 army lead by a ground general loses at the crest of glory.

At the point of winning the WAR ( Note here - it was NOT a battle... but a WAR )...

until and unless the arrow is actually coming from home-grown traitor(s) on Hemu's side. !!
( mE take !! )

Hemu's win could have redefined the Indian medieval and modern history.
That was not to be.

It is quite puzzling to note that response of most of the Kings around Delhi...

They would NOT have preferred Hemu to win. Lest Hemu becomes the newly anointed King of Delhi, and then goes on to entrench himself. In Delhi, as also in major parts of North India.

Yet it is really surprising that the Indian Hindu Kings in the vicinity and round-abouts of Delhi had NO prescient plans of their own... i.e. up their sleeves.


i.e. in the eventuality of a Mughal win ... they had every reason to covertly BAND UP together and gang bang the Mughals to non-existece from the Indian scene.

What about - few OR they all gang up and accost the Mughal army headed by Bairam Khan at the moment they
emerge victorious and are war TIRED to boot !!

Would that have NOT ensured...  "Mughaliya saltanat ka kissa khatam... circa 1556 AD !! "

Well... WHY they chose NOT to effect this ??

WHY ??

Did they had some sort of a covert/ sacred pact with the Mughals ?

WHY ? ze Chief ?

CHALLENGE ( Seeking ze Chief's RESPONSE )...

Any facts WE ALL do not know or are there any truths to be exhumed here that you know of.

< 3 >

Matrimonial alliance between Rajput and Mughals during the mid-16th century...

( 3.A ) Akbar accomplished 40 royal marriages for him, his sons and grand-sons out of which 17 were Rajput-Mughal alliance. ( per Wikipedia )

After taking Jodha Bai of Amber in matrimony, to start with.

( 3.B ) In the URL -


( 3.C ) Raja Man Singh's aunt Jodha Bai is married to Akbar as part of Rajput-Mughal matrimonial strategic alliance.

And... Akbar eventually becomes... "AKBAR the Great"

And... from "Raja" Man Singh onwards... it is... march to "Maharaja" Jai Singh.

And, the capital of present day Rajasthan is Jaipur. Not, Udaipur or Mewar or Jodhpur, etc.

< 4 >

Conquest of Odisha by Raja Man Singh of Amber, Rajputana ( present day Jaipur, Rajasthan )

( 4.A ) In 1588 AD Raja Man Singh of Amber is appointed Governor of Bengal.

( 4.B ) ManBhoom in West Bengal and SinghBhoom in Bihar were named by/ after Raja Man Singh after reclaiming these. From whom ? No idea.

Maybe from the Sultans or the Magadhan Buddhist Kings. Who were in the lineage of "Ashoka the Great". Seems plausible.

( DO NOT have clear knowledge of history as it actually was. So, assuming here. )

( 4.C ) As ON 17th March, 1594 ( Wikipedia )

Raja Man Singh appointed Governor of present day - **Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha.
** Bengal includes present day - West Bengal and Bangladesh.
Head Quarters - Rohtas, Bihar.

( 4.D ) Raja Man Singh's aunt Jodha Bai is married to Akbar as part of Rajput-Mughal strategic matrimonial alliance.

< 5 >

Mirza Raja Jai Singh of Amber ( present day Jaipur, Rajasthan ) is appointed Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's general.

( 5.A ) Treaty of Purandar- Mirza Raja Jai Singh signs with ShivaJi Maharaj - circa 1665 AD !!

After compromising Shivaji Maharaj Bhonsle's actual strength/ position after confiscating many of his strategic forts, in a series of win by the Mughal army.

And... it was actually Mirza Raja Jai Singh of Amber ( JAIPUR ) who was heading the Mughal expedition
against Shiva JI Maharaj !!

This is the same ShivaJi Maharaj Bhonsle who had the blessings of Samarth Guru Ramdas.
These people and the TEN SIKH GURUS saved the HINDUS from total annihilation, actually.

ALL HINDUS must be EVER thankful to them - Samarth Guru Ramdas, the TEN SIKH GURUS, Shiva JI Maharaj !!


Else, ze Chief would NOT be exhuming truths... What sayst thou ze Captain ??

( I HAD NO intention ever writing blogs or making online posts... it is ze Chief who has the 'pull effect' and got me into ALL this bull... At my expense. )


Actually, almost a thousand years before ShivaJi Maharaj Bhonsle strode this land... it was actually very well predicted/ prophesied that such a King will ARRIVE and save Hindus AND Hinduism.

Comprendo !! ze Chief .

< 6 > 27 year Mughal-Maratha war : 1680-1707 AD
Under Peshwa Baji Rao - present day Gujarat, Rajasthan and Malwa ( present day Madhya Pradesh ) were captured by the Marathas.

IMPORTANT Reference -

( 6.A ) Third battle of Panipat - 1761 AD

-  No support from Rajputs, Jats and Sikhs; to the Marathas. Against the Mughals.

-  A conclusive Maratha win would have decimated the Mughals.
Thereby ending the Mughal rule/ empire.

At the same time, this might have led to MARATHA-ISATION of almost great parts of INDIA.


< 7 > During Aurangzeb's rule -

- Mughal empire went from 1.0 million square kilometers to 3.2 million square kilometers.

- Jaziya tax was imposed primarily to finance the war expeditions in order to extend his domain and dominion.

See in Wikipedia for the map - to see as to how the empire swelled under Aurangzeb's rule.

It is IMPORTANT to note that what territories the Mughals had consolidated and gained under Akbar. The "ALLIANCE" consolidated and gained during the times of Jehangir and Shah Jahan. 50 - 60 years consolidation.

And, were these kings the product of Mughal-Rajput alliance. Maybe so !!

So... toe hold actually became foot hold... and then... actually getting to be well entrenched in 50-60 years time frame during the rules of Jehangir
and Shah Jahan and their times.


New rules and rulers with loyal coterie, at the helm ?? Sure... looks like so.


As part of the strategy of Raja Man Singh at head of Mughals...
after running over a new terrain by the Mughal forces... could be something like...

... the defeated Kshatriya Kings or Chiefs ( could be Hindu/ Buddhist/ Jain ) and their kinsmen had but few options, like...

a) Mughal generals would have wanted them to convert to Islam. For sure. By sword or sops...


b) Is it highly possible... that...

Raja Man Singh would have seen to it that "HIS" key Rajput lieutenants in his (MUGHAL) army got into a matrimonial alliance with the defeated Kings/ chiefs from the royal blood line.

i.e. the defeated king and his kinsmen have to offer the best of their women folks in matrimonial alliance to the Rajput chieftains from the Rajput-Mughal forces.

And, perhaps these "allianced" Rajput chieftains are entreched in the newly gained Mughal territory, backed by a numerically superior Mughal force. i.e. in effect -the "allianced" Rajput chieftains' rule, in effect, IS backed by the Rajput-Mughal troops !! Add to that the newly found matrimonial alliance with the defeated kings and their near kin that is leveraged as a shield against any potential mis-adventure against their NOW newly-begun rule.


the defeated Kshatriya Kings and their kinsmen are either to become a subservient part of this "newly foisted" rule on them... or... made to disperse/ dissipate thence forths ( to minimize the risk of an uprising by these folks who all gang up and attempt to recoup the lost "realm" from the Rajput-Mughal alliance's newly foisted neo Satrap/ troops !! )

Highly possible that quite a lots of these defeated Kshatriyas might lead to another adjoining or distant territories to lead a new life. Sans arms and power. Devoid of troop-power and any actual wealth.

Perhaps... as tradesmen or in commerce or in agriculture...

Having been deprived of their kingdom and the right to wield arms, power, authority... !!!

Whatever trade/ business/ occupation came their way they made it their NEW vocation.

Highly possible... since... in today's India...
many OBCs, etc. in the current situation recall their old past and proclaim a royal Kshatriya association and a royal Kshatriya lineage !! They claim and consider themselves as Kshatriyas.


History is mainly written ( and majorly falsified ) by the Victors. Remember ze Chief's words !

c) This same situation as in b) would have facilitated the Mughal-Rajputs to CONSOLIDATE during the reign of
Jahangir and Shah Jahan in most of the parts of North India, meanwhile, over a span of 50-60 years.

After, having consolidated and amply fortified... did they went onto for the remaining Kshatriya Kings ?

Here - any Afghan/ Sultan rule overrun by the Mughals DID not necessarily mean that the previous Kshatriya
rulers/ chiefs under them and ALL their kinsmen were actually gone from the scene for good.

Chances are... they could have been momentarily weakened and compromised... waiting for the chance to recoup their losses.

No doubt, during the times of Aurangzeb... there was a massive extermination of Hindus.
Especially in eastern and central India.

Sop and swords were used freely. More... the sword.

The jaziya tax was actually imposed to fund this expansionist military campaigns.

In present day Bihar there was massive termination of the native population.
Very few people remained who were non-Muslims.

The native ruling elites were nearly wiped off, some say.

Especially from the lineage of the Buddhist Magadhan kings, during the 15th-16th centuries.
Belonging to the lineage of Ashoka.


So... do we assume that the Rajputs in all of North India are actually originally from erstwhile Rajputana ( present day Rajasthan ) of the medieval times ?

And... the "DEFEATED" native kshatriya rulers have had mostly had no other choice but to change professions to - trade/ agriculture/ business/ commerce, etc.

Most of those people who are actually in "compromised social status" today and claim royal lineage were once the rulers in a certain land or in their lands.
And... indeed belong to a kshatriya lineage as they rightfully proclaim.

< 8 >  Bundela war - in the year 1634 AD .

- Orchha ruler - Jujhar Singh

- Maharaja Chhtrasal ( Bundela ) fought Aurangzeb.

Established kingdom in Bundelkhand. Became the Maharaja of Panna.

< 9 >
     Reference -

Mirza Raja Jaswant Singh of Marwar, who had fought against Aurangzeb in his war of succession and was far uneasy in alliance with Mughals
as compared to the Amber ( present day Jaipur ).


And, chose to side with Shiva Ji Maharaj in storming out of Aurangzeb's court when Shiva ji maharaj was purposefully insulted in the Mughal darbar.

< 10 >  POINT TO PONDER...

    In Gujarat - it is Kshatriya ( how come they are all OBCs ? )
        Nepal   - it is Chhetri
        Punjab  - it is Khatri

W. Bengal - is it Ugra Kshatriya or Kshatriya ? Not sure.
Not sure WHERE ALL the actual kshatriyas in the Bangladesh, West Bengal and Odisha have gone ?? All converted to Islam in Bangladesh ? Maybe.
So, does that explain why Hindus are so scarce in Bangladesh region ?
A.P.    - it is Raju ( from Rajulu )

In the states of Bihar, Uttar-Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya-Pradesh,
ChhattisGarh, Odisha - it used to be Kshatriya and Kshatriya alone.
Here... many set of people proclaim ANCIENT kshatriya ancestry.

In the erstwhile Rajputana ( present day Rajasthan ) - it is the Rajputs.
Though there could be others who are proclaimants to ANCIENT kshatriya ancestry.

Bundelkhand - is so named after the Bundelas.
Rajputs in the BiMarU states Bihar, Uttar-Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya-Pradesh, ChhattisGarh, Rajasthan are quite well off and well placed. As they have managed well to stay above the rest of the others. Even during the British rules and there-after.

In fact many gainfully had win-win alliances with the Britishers, even during Mughal times and much later.. as well.

Getting the likes of - 21, 19, 11, etc. canon salutes during British rules.

Is it possible that the Rajputs from Rajputana wound up their way in almost all the North\ Central Indian territories on the back of blood-drenched Mughal conquests ? ze Chief ??

Later... consolidating themselves much better... during and under the British rule ?

Why is it that only Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh ( BiMaRU ) states lagged during the last 40-67 years post independence.

These states were laggards. But who all people went from strength to strength during these years ?
And, have pretty well entrenched.
Alternatively, Who ALL have been major losers ?

Is something the people in these states MUST think out.

< 11 >  Battle of Buxar ( BIHAR ) , 1764

     British East India Company ( EIC ) was led by Hector Munro .

     British EIC troops numbered - 7072 ; this included -

     British EIC Troops  - 857
     Indian Sepoys       - 5,297
     India Cavalry       - 918

     In effect, the Britishers were = 12.12 % of the total strength !!

     AGAINST an alliance of -

     a) Mir Qasim, Nawab of Bengal, and
     b) Nawab of Awadh, and
     c) Mughal King - Shah Alam - II

     Whose TOTAL troops numbered = 40,000 ( Forty Thousand )

     A ratio of 565:100 !!

See... HOW one can do with much less and conquer the world. The sly Brits did it.

< 12 >


What is the common factor between the two -

a) If you go to the Wikipedia pages on Aurangzeb - you see a dagger having a green colored hilt.
How come Aurangzeb got in possession of this dagger ?

Akbar did not had it, it seems.
From whence Aurangzeb sourced this dagger ? From which newly conquered Kingdom ?

b) In the recent movie BAHUBALI - one sees a royal sword having a similarly designed/ shaped hilt.

What is the connection/ point of origin between - Aurangzeb dagger's hilt and the royal sword's hilt ?

From where was Aurangzeb's dagger sourced ?







AAA) A primer on our shameful ‘nobility’

The word “noble” is to be used with caution for this lot. A third-rate nobility for a third-rate nation

Aakar Patel Mail Me Comment E-mail Print Tweet First Published: Wed, Sep 05 2012. 04 20 PM IST



What our textbooks don't tell us: Why the Rajputs failed miserably in battle for centuries
They were defeated by Ghazni, Ghuri, Khilji, Babur, Akbar, the Marathas and the British.

By - Girish Shahane  · May 20, 2015 · 09:00 am








KKK) A primer on our shameful ‘nobility’

The word “noble” is to be used with caution for this lot. A third-rate nobility for a third-rate nation

Aakar Patel Mail Me Comment E-mail Print Tweet First Published: Wed, Sep 05 2012. 04 20 PM IST


MMM) On Wikipedia, see for - Captain A. H. Bingley - origin_of_rajputs

NNN) Refer -

OOO) Refer - Baro-Bhunias of Bengal reminds one of the Bhunia people of Bihar region.

... and how Bhumihar... of Bihar are actually perhaps related folks. Not sure here.


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