Thursday, October 8, 2015

Passing thiS ON !!

Passing thiS ON !!

And... there are THOSE ALL who have dared to go overtly overboard... matter who ALL they happen to be...

Just because they happen to be in a position where-in they think that they can cook up... 


...they must. And... they will. And,they have actually done so... !!

And, framed ...  and been WATCHING... !!  And... so... that's what they have been doing indeed !!

I can only state... this...
Extreme blunder. Ye ALL WILL realize. And... there sure is a HEAVY price to be PAID...

Now... take this for true...
These same set of people as also the related institution(s) OR organization(s) WILL, for sure, go overtly over-board sometime in the near or not-so-near future.

THEY ALL HAVE TO !! THEY MUST !! THEY WILL !! AS A GROUP or one of the weaker or the weakest group link(s).

Similar to the current situation wherein ye ALL have been bent on persisting...

Next time it will be one simple mistake... which will turn out to be an egregious BLUNDER...

The cost/ price of that is already SET to a base minimum of = 10 millions heads as of 01st Feb, 2015 .

The cost/ price of 'THAT' blunder will have the potential to reach a maximum realizable count of = 100 millions head count within FIFTEEN years from the date of - 01st of Feb, 2015 .

The low water mark of 10 million is the bare minimum already set to be realizable at a future date; this - as of 01 Feb, 2015 .

Now... this base count of 10 millions is increasing NOT ONLY by the day... hours... but, actually by the minutes.

And... these numbers will mostly and majorly constitute those ALL well related to ye all. Comprendo !!

Now... not telling how !! That must be actually apparently understood !!


Now... note this...
It is quite possible for the sun to rise from the west OR to go supernova in the oncoming 15 years' time. But... NOT possible that the seeds sown DO NOT come to fruition !!

The seeds have been ACTUALLY sown !! Ye ALL have done so.
The evil/ vile/ nefarious KARMA will come back with full force to seek the harvest !!

Just passing this ON !! I am NOT the source of this.
Only the MEDIUM to letting ON the portents !!

And... this is actually NOT coming from me.
I am IN FACT a channel to tell that what MUST, FOR SURE, happen. WILL HAPPEN.
NO power in the entire universe will stop OR can prevent this.

The COUNT is increasing by the minutes... !! And... this count is all in-house plus those ALL externally linked up !!

And... the end result... 'your all' name/ honor/ pride/ dignity will be dirt for nearly one whole century.

Cannot/ would NO longer claim to be - people's pride.

Till someone in my l... comes and redeems and restores the name/ honor/ pride/ dignity for good ( in-house) .
That too, AFTER a century !!

Consider this what you ALL will.


it is time to pass this ONE on... EVER resonating in mE head since 1st Feb 2015.

And, I am NOT the source of this. Rather, a medium throwing off this same onto the cyber space.

Live with it !!

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