Friday, July 29, 2016

Few really good readable links

Few really good readable links

I chanced across, in the recent past...

A MUST READ BLOG... here...


And, looks like our PM Modi- the face of BJP ( the self proclaimed low caste. Though he might actually be of Solanki lineage ), is actually LED up by ALL the Brahmin Devtas. Are they the brains behind the facade ... nay face of PM Modi ??

So... do I assume that YOU ALL ( Brahmin Devtas ) are behind mE, actually ?

Strangely enough, seems like you ALL are cabal's best friends - as the following web-site tells !!

Now... shall I understand that as the reason why you all are putting heat on me and family and destroying our privacy since the past almost TWO-THREE years ??
Do I understand it that way ? Actually, it seems like that only, to me.

Btw... they has chosen me. Not vice-versa.
Anyways... We shall see !! ??


Look up the URLs -


FURTHER readable links follow...

EYE OPENER - हा हा हा गाय के गोबर में लक्ष्मी

क्योंकि हिन्दुओं की आत्माएं मर चुकी हैं

हाय साँप ने काट लिया

Must READ at the bottom of this post - शेर पकड़ने के तीन तरीके

हिन्दू धर्म के सामने कोई धूल बराबर भी नहीं

भारत का इस्लामिक इतिहास विश्व में सबसे ज्यादा खुनी

कह नानक सुन रे मना दुरलभ मानुख देह

कहत कबीर सुनो भाई साधो - जपो सोहंग सोहंग


शरीर का निर्माण ओहम ॐ से हुआ है । मन का निर्माण -  सोहंग से हुआ है


योगी घटना होने से पहले कैसे जान लेता है ?

भारत पाकिस्तान बंटवारे का जिम्मेदार कौन ?

गीदड़ भी शेर की तरह गुर्राने लगे

भूतों की पूजा करने वाले मर कर भूत प्रेत ही बनते हैं

...  CLEAN YOUR KIDNEYS IN Rs. 1.00 ( few cents ) OR EVEN LESS

हिन्दुओं में शादी 7 जन्मों का पवित्र बंधन

और ये जहर भारत में सबसे ज्यादा बिकता है

1984 सिख विरोधी दंगों का सच

ये कैसा सत्य पुरुष है ? जिसके काबू में कुछ नहीं

 पूर्व जन्म का ज्ञान कराने वाला यंत्र

गिलोय यानी अमृत बेल के फ़ायदे

जिसका अपना कोई धर्म नहीं है

काल पुरुष की कलाबाजियां

योगी भोगी

भारत के परमाणु बम से दूसरे देशों को तकलीफ़


Black foods are the most POWERFUL in nutrients. Powerful Health Info -  Did You Know ? Foods that heal the kidneys are purple plums, purple potatoes, black quinoa, blackberries, black carrots ( purple carrots )  hijiki ( potent seaweed )  black seaweed salad, black grapes, black beans, and black elderberries.

< EoP >

On Food Security

On Food Security

Almost every few months we keep on reading in news or... even watching on TV ... that such and such food-grains are left in the open... to rot.

Are rotting... are rotten... Or... are spoiled... i.e. wasted, as such.

Untimely rains... etc. are blamed... basically... the weather.

Esp. so wrt ... wheat and paddy.

Most of the times... there is NOT enough FCI warehousing facility to properly, scientifically and methodically warehouse the food-grains produce.

Not sure... what is our food grains stocking capacity- for the entire nation's populace.


Wherein we keep on experiencing food-grains, etc. prices inflation.
Which certainly might NOT BE the norm in developed nations; Actually, even under-developed nations.

... considering that even as of today we DO remain a prominent AGRARIAN based economy, as our underlying backbone to the economy...

No matter, what-ever one might think and wish.

Now, watching this endless wastage, pilferage and spoil of the food-grains...

I am NOT sure whether... we have a food-grains stocking capacity for the entire population... ?? And... for how many years ??

This... as part of our national security best practice/ initiative.

My perspective of what stocking capacity we ought to have -
... Say for at least SEVEN and a HALF years ( this has nothing to do with Saturn's seven and half year's cycle i.e. sade-sati. ).

Actually... this is just a figure/ number that keeps on coming back to me.

in this context let me point out a few KEY aspects as to why I think so...

111) We have seen so many COLOR revolutions happening. And... those guys who might have effected it... might be in a EVER hungry mode to enact the same in other countries as well, including here in India.

Of course... in another form, format, scale !!

Having other (c)overt ramifications and strategic needs/ requirements.

They might even actively use foreign-funded NGOs' to effect their ulterior and vicious designs.

These guys might want to try to destabilize the food security in the first place.

As such...
Our food security might be helpful, in a certain way, to counter this perceived threat.

We do not want hungry crowds to go rampant... i.e. on a rampage. On... any internal or external excitations or incitements !!

Let us ALL get this across... at the outset.

Taking into consideration - the possibilities of famine, war-like situations, etc.

222) Around early 2014... I chanced on the news somewhere that there was a research done by some ( mostly- PIOs', NRIs, etc. scholars and research
personnel ) group in UC, Berkeley.

The topic being something that had to do with - "Civil War like situations in India".
From what I vaguely recollect - it had a research on the seeds, causations, eruptions, containment, etc. for a civil war like situation ( massive internal strife ) in a country such as India. Cause, scenarios, etc. might have been discussed.

I guess, the document might still be online.

Now... NOT sure why the UC, Berkeley had to fund such a research topic say... in 2012 or late 2013 !! ??

Can anyone tell... who funded it ? And... why ?

And... who ALL were part and parcels of this research project ? From where they got their inputs, data and key deductions ?

What was the KEY objective for such a research project ?

What mission and vision ?

From my perspective...
this is akin to putting a gun on the temple of the Indian Govt. A veiled threat actually ! If... I am NOT mistaken.


if the Govt of India undertakes this effort...then it might be an intelligence activity undertaken in utmost secrecy by the national security agencies of our country. Say - the IB under the guidance of GoIs' home ministry.

I mention the above specifically here...
To make the point - plain and simple.

Sans adequate food grains security... it might be a piece of cake for our enemies to foment internal trouble and unrest; especially in a famine like situation wherein the monsoons might have failed for 2-3 years, in a row.

A failed monsoon in a country as huge as ours, implies - that rainfall is...
less than 80 % of the expected normal !!

And... this 20 % deficit sure has HUGE implications !!

In such circumstances... any dimwit can expect that food-grains inflation to sky-rocket... And... totally go hay-wires. So, the actual populace requirements
MUST BE BACKED by adequate domestic supplies. And... there MUST be concerted efforts on the part of the authorities to contain and control the price of
essential commodities. On a continual basis. Thereby controlling inflation.

Though I am NOT a finance person...
But is it NOT possible that too much inflation results in the INR to depreciate in value ?  I'd understand  this to be so.

And, any INR depreciation vis-a-vis other major currencies means one thing and only one thing... as per my limited knowledge - LOSS of a nation's WEALTH.

This... only a finance/ economics guy can understand, explain and statistically prove or even disprove.

Let's see...
If, 1 USD were equal to 1 INR then imagine where our national finances might have been ?

Btw... that was EXACTLY the case in the 1940s...

Is it NOT strange that when PM PVN Rao devalued the INR TWICE in 1991-92, the then FM was no other than our UPA-1 & UPA-2 PM !!

Can anyone quantify the reasons for making such MAMMOTH INR devaluations ??

Btw... Russian hyper-inflation post dessolution of USSR, had devalued the rouble massively.
This almost destroyed the Russian economy.

333) We MUST need be wary of the massive change in the weather pattern.
That has resulted in climate change. Actually... vice versa, as well.

This has an unmistakable global pattern. Some blame this on weather modification programs ( like ionisation of the ionosphere by programs like HAARP. Some other countries might have other methods or names. ).

Someone else might... blame this on global warming, etc.

Whatever !! might be. One thing is sure - the arctic caps have melted. Captain blames this on FRACKING and the methane gas leaks.

I believe that as 100 % true.

By the way, FRACKING reminds me of the DANGERS... if we were to engage in fracking in India to pull out the shale gas. ESSENTIALLY and UNDOUBTEDLY we are actually laying the frameworks for medium to large scale earth-quakes in our country. Additionally... fracking might have effects on the water table level, our under-ground aquifers, on the superficial ground water bodies and NOT the least - on the Himalayan tectonic plates.

If we want to court disaster then... we allow to engage in fracking in India.

And... WE MUST NOT allow that in India. In the US... they have NO tectonic plates to deal with. So... let them frack !!


We MUST have food-grains ( all the required essentials )  stocking capacity for ALMOST SIX years. Plus, another 1.5 years food grains buffer stock MUST be deemed as a 'ROTATION-ABLE' buffer.

Those smart enough, may get the idea instantly. As to what I might be implying here.

Now, say...
some set of African or middle-eastern counties have near famine like situation. Then... we MUST be in a position to provide them massive amounts of humane... humanitarian aid.

Essentially in terms of ( almost ) free stocks of food-grains supply.

This might be a situation... something that we come across within\ the next 7-12 years time frame. The way... things are supposed to pan out, per my observation. Actually a broad... guesstimate.


We need to be prepared for the situation, well in advance. And... DO the needful.

And... unlike whatever Captain says... as regards our being a Super Power within 17 years, or what-ever.

We... never ever have to be vying for the super-power status !!

We MUST never intend to be one.

We have always been.

In fact... our Indian wealth SENT OVERSEAS, is powering the entire global economy.
And... that's pretty much TRUE.


We MUST need be a GREAT nation. That, in fact, we ACTUALLY are.

And... aim to become the GREATEST one. Where Indians are admired, loved and respected everywhere !!

What sayst - Chief ?

Btw, we MUST continue to be a GREAT nation. And, for that we need to be prepared for the situation as mentioned above.

To show solidarity, largess, goodwill gesture, etc.

Lest someone else is... more well prepared and proactive to do the needful, rather than us.

I guess I am able to convey my point well, across.

444) The GoI food security program that the Congress party so vociferously espoused in the last pre-poll promises ( circa Q1-Q2, 2014 )... I doubt... might have NOT REALLY catered to our bare-basics national security needs ??

I have considered it as HIGHLY "PRAJA-DROHI" for the set of reasons as mentioned earlier. And... "PRAJA-DROHI" actually means "RAJ-DROH" in todays' parlance.

Is that... WAY TOO... aptly and clearly understood by ALL ?

Comprendo !!

Or, shall I NEED to explain in another way ?
The language bhery...nay VERY WELL understood by the masses ??

Now, in this context...
Can the GoI tell the coutry whether we have adequate food stocks for 5.5\ 6 to 7.5 years ?

Even whilst we might have to be considering a short/ medium term war or WW-3 situation at hand ?

pleaJJe ??

And... in case the GoI finds it cumbersome to stock the desired buffer... then... better it is for the massses to buy and stock the same in their houses. For some 5-7 years.

The authorities MUST help, in this regards, those set of populace who may be able to mitigate or reduce the impact of such a huge effort.

This way - the whole effort can be, sort of, deregulated i.e. decentralized. Actually- spread out.

Lots of buffer food stocks MUST lie with a set of really 'responsible' citizenry; who revert the stock to the GoI, on need basis. Or, when asked to.

Now, the moot question-
How can this be made possible ?

< EoP >

Proactively... a much required first-aid kit for snake bite

Proactively... a much required first-aid kit for snake bite

Please refer the following URL -

हाय साँप ने काट लिया

Thanking Shri Rajeev Kr KulShreshtha Ji...

A very good method has been proposed as first-aid treatment for any snake bite.

In this regards, may I request Swami Baba Ramdev ( since he has good logistics supply-chain management through-out the entire country. Reaching to almost every villages, level. ) to provide in the Patanjali stores, a READYly available anti-snake-bite KIT -

This kit MUST have the following articles, something like...

1) Two or three set of specially manufactured surgical syringes ( as mentioned in the above post ) for sucking out ( using suction ) the venom from the location of the snake bite, on the body.

This way - chances are that 50-90 % of the snake venom may be extracted from the body ASAP.

Rather than there be... any latency in the lineup for allopathic treatment. This way... the victim has a fighting fit MORE of a chance at survival.

Remember that this is actually a probability game !!

-> Say these costs 5+5 = INR 10 or,

INR 15 ( For... 3 different set. Three differing hole sizes. Three differing length i.e. volumes. )

2) There MUST be a small sharp razor blade to remove the hair from around the wound of snake bite. Even to make some incisions... actuallly... lacerations around the location of snake bite. So that... the venom-laden blood oozes out MORE readily.

This helps in proper location of the syringe-like apparatus that is used to suck the blood out from the location of snake bite.

Using suction force.

-> This may cost INR 1 or 2

3) Some oil, cream, glycerine, etc. in a small satchet.

Basically a lubricating agent to be applied around the locale of the snake bite.

So that, the suction syringes get due traction for sucking out the poisoned blood.

i.e. this way... the syringe is properly located over the wounded location.

-> This may cost INR 1 or 2

4) Few set of strong strings/ ropes.

The likelihood of being bitten on- toes, fingers, legs, hands, etc. i.e. different locations are to be kept in mind. Necessiating differing sized strings, ropes, etc. with differing length meant for tying up purposes alone.

Accordingly, there must a set of strong threads that may be used in any of the location for tying up purposes alone. So, that the snake poison is prevented from reaching and affecting the brain, heart, etc.

DELAY has to be introduced.

-> This may cost INR 4 to 6

5) Few doses of the homoeopathic medicine - NAJA NAJA. As described in the above post.

-> This may cost INR 20 or 30 ( say )

6) Perhaps a small amount of skin-based STRONG local anasthesia in a powdered or ointment form may be additionally supplied ? So that it helps in #2 ( incisions and lacerations around the snake bite mark ).

Armed with this KIT...
anyone may be able to help him/ her self out if caught in a tricky situation... with a snake bite.

Examples being-

aaa) Agrarian workers/ farmers etc. working the fields can have this handy kit, at hand.

bbb) In rural and semi-urban areas as also those locales wherein lots of snakes abound.
This KIT might find READY NECESSITY.

And, therefore... a good MARKET.

So... if the kit costs something like INR 50 - 80. ( say )

And, assuming that 50 lakhs of such KITs might be needed throughout the country. We are looking at a market potential of nearly INR 250-400 crores !!

And, this is going to save very many lives. Say... at least a few thousands every year.


Can Swami Baba Ramdev put this on the ground... and provide something like this... KIT in ALL the Patanjali stores ?

I know he will take note and do... for sure.

I am sure this will earn him IMMENSE goodwill amongst the masses. Especially the rural and semi-rural ones.

< EoP >

On Nuclear Power Plants

On Nuclear Power Plants

We might have chanced on the following news...

1) CM of Maharashtra ( + GoI ) enabling the setup of a nuclear power plant ( almost 4000-4500 MW ) with ( perhaps ) the French Co. - GE .

In some faraway... coastal part of Maharashtra.

2) Recently, the AP veteran CM- CB Naidu signed up for setting up 6 nuclear power plants in AP. Here... WestingHouse Corp. of the US is involved.

Well... may sound TOO good to the power starved nation. And... in line to our developmental needs.

But NOT really to me !!


Btw, I believe ( not sure here ) that my ideations on TA(P)I led some think-tank to chalk out an I-I ( Chabahar, Iran to Rann of Kutch, Gujarat, India ) a totally under-sea gas pipeline. End to end.

I am NOT seeking credit here. Nor desiring one.

Quite possibly, it was ALREADY in the consideration, as previously. I would like to believe that.

I am duly mentioning the above here, but, for a different purpose.

Please follow...


may I caution our Indian think-tanks and especially the CMs' of these states as regards the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The sort of vicious situation being encountered by the Japanese establishment. I would suggest these CMs' NOT to be TOO gung ho !! on the nuclear power ( esp. from Uranium as fuel ).

I guesstimate that upwards of USD 160-200 BILLIONS might have been sucked in, by now, by this Fukushima nuclear disaster/ meltdown.

More than that... to fully de-contaminate... it MIGHT take another 30-40-50-60 years !!
Please find out from the best scientific ( nuclear + environmental ) advisors/ counsel. The best counsel.

There are reports that the Japanese NOW no longer intend to construct ANOTHER nuclear power plant. Ever AGAIN. On their soil !! Is that understood !!

Ditto... with the French.

Please also refer to one URL that I chanced on...

Please see...
What this guy has to state about the Fukushima nuclear meltdown.

( Recalling the name of the URL. Perhaps a google search might yield the correct URL name. )

I have NIL idea as regards whatever this web-site is telling or claiming is- right or wrong.


It is NOT for this that I am writing this POST...

I would like to submit to the possibility of the following ...

What about locating the nuclear power plants ( MUST NEED BE - tsunami and earth-quake proof ) in the following TWO areas -

AA) Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
BB) Lakshdweep isles.

And... then try getting across the power by - METICULOUSLY laid out undersea, specially designed power transmission lines.

Is there any way we may be able to cut the transmission losses to a minimum using a highly conductive metal ( say )  ? That is tailor-made for this specific purpose.

Challenge : The distances involved might be - 600 or 1200 km ??

What about getting some boosting stations, in between ? And... how ?

The power transmission lines...
can be in an extremely robust enclosure OVER the sea-bed.
More DESIRABLE might be - say few hundred metres UNDER the sea-bed.

Maybe, some very smart set of people can figure this out.

CAVEAT being... for DULY securing the same...
we NEED to MIGHTILY reinforce our naval presence in the area.

Which... ANYWAYs NEED MUST be highly ramped up to cater to any threat scenarios / situation.


Just remember the Union Carbide case. Nothing substantive MIGHT be expected, if anything goes wrong, for whatever reasons.

I might as well propose a way, we may be able to get additional funding for our naval capabilities. And... how ?

< EoP >

What stopped the consecutive think-tanks...

What stopped the consecutive think-tanks...

This nagging thought keeps on coming back to me...

As to why... the best of our think-tanks...

Even, post the 1971 Indo-Pak war... and there-after...
did NOT choose to PRO-ACTIVELY ENACT... a few basic things.

( Noting that these same guys chose to create the state of Telengana over closed parliament doors. Why so ? )

Now... putting across a few of my thoughts here-withal...

Would it NOT have helped if -

AAA) a separate state of Jammu, Leh & Laddakh were created. Separate from the Kashmir valley.

This would have implied that the TENS of thousands of crores that the Hindu, Sikh pilgrims bring to Jammu ( also read - Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, etc.) would have ended up in the develop-ment of the Jammu, Leh and Ladakh region. Rather than the majority of it being sucked up in the Kashmir valley alone ??

Kashmir valley economy is dependant on tourists alone.

The people there may get some income from growing of apple, some dry-fruits, kesar, etc. That add-on income is NOT sufficient enough for the place.

Would NOT expect that even food-grains are growable MOST parts of the year, in the valley.

Essentially Kashmiris have to depend on someone for existence.

It is NOT other way round.

The smart ones amongst the Kashmiris MAY choose to reason out and think !! What is stated as - either true or false ?

The sooner the core realization dawns on them, the better for them.

They MUST be able to see the reality, around the globe.

And... NO LONGER live in the 18th, 19th or 20th century.


And... let's understand...
who are these Kashmiri people. Essentially they are the original Indian inhabitants... the Buddhists, Kashmiri pandits, etc.

Who chose to convert to Islam- by force or by carrots !

Definitely, very few of them ever came from Afghanistan, Europe or Persia.

That's TRUE. OK !!

BBB) Mulling- Article 370 was to be abrogated.

CCC) Kashmir was made a Union Territory, directly under the Presidential rule.

Was never to be made another Indian state, per se.

DDD) And, just thinking...
our venerable PM InGa deemed it fit to release 90,000 Pakistani PoWs. Without getting back PoK in exchange !!

Whilst the entire demographic profile of the PoK has been dramatically changed by the ( Predominantly Punjabi Sunni ) Pak establishment, meanwhile.
Over the last few decades.

To the extent that the Pak establishment ( read - the Punjabi Sunnis ) NOW calls the shots in the PoK. To some good extent.

i.e. the indigenous Kashmiri population has been diluted with other people settled there !!

Can anyone explain to me - post 1971 ( and, even thereafter ). ( Btw, we became nuclear-enabled in 1974. )

Who stopped the ruling parties to enact something quite SIMILAR to the ABOVE situation, in national interest ?

This way... we might have diluted the bone of contention.

Once. And... for good.

Have we ever sent brain-washed terrorists or compromised naxalites into the PoK or Punjab areas of Pakistan to kill innocent people, at random ?

Basically to inflict cost on the Pak army and their morale ?

Should we have - in a tit for tat manner ? So that the other party settles for no more of monkeying with the wild idea of inflicting 1000 wounds on us, at some point of time.


Of course, it certainly MIGHT have required settlements of other Indian populace in the Jammu and Kashmir areas. Say- predominantly from Punjab,
Uttarakhand, HP and Haryana states.

Looks like, for SURE, our LEADERSHIP allowed the problem to grow, over the years.

Actually... seems like they created a problem. Owing to lack of  PROACTIVE-NESS.

This is another perspective.


Is the moot question everyone MUST seek answer to !!


Compared to that... look what our own Govt./ establishment has done and achieved.

I guess - it has allowed the situation to go overtly out of control. For what-ever reasons.

And... endlessly engaging in fire-fighting !!

That is costing HUGE AMOUNTS to the national exchequer.

And... lots of our armed forces personnel lives are wantonly sucked up in this flame. As also- some Kashmiri life.

Lots of women end up widowed. Lots of kids become fatherless. And, the pain has been ever growing...


This flame/ fire that the incompetent think-tanks allowed to grow over a period of time.

seems like it is way TOO late for fire-fighting !!

it is NEVER to late for any fire fighting !!  ( My take. )

So herwithal, I am providing a taken idea, in order to -

AA) to deter the insurgency in the Kashmir valley.

BB) deter cross-border infiltration efforts,

CC) the separatists might have a rethink and they fall in line.

etc. etc.


Uniquely tricky situation calls for unique fire-fighting methods and methodologies.

So, inspired by some idea from the epic Mahabharata...

This was actually... a game changer.


We MUST recruit "CHAKKAs"... I mean HIJRAs in our armed forces.

What about training them as SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXPERTS especially meant for counter-insurgency ?

Providing them best of the art training... suitably as COMMANDOS.

The armed forces MUST NOT take it... as if I am deprecating any of them... in any form, format, scale...

NO. That is NEVER the case.

The Indian populace have respect ONLY and ONLY for our armed forces.
And... no one else. None what-so-ever. And... that is a FACT. And... I am part of the Indian junta.

I am telling this... on a pretty serious note.

for... the psychological implications of a male insurgent COMBATING special operations experts ( here- Hijra ) and being outwitted, out-gunned, out-smarted and... over-powered by these 'special experts'.

In the process... be... taken alive.

And... stay alive at these 'experts's mercy !!


In effect...
I am trying to pin-point the psychological implications of any ( would-be ) insurgent of thinking 'N' number of times before he chooses to embark on the road that he has been brain-washed, leads to : 72 bharjens in heaven, killing the KAFIRS, etc., etc.

Potential insurgents are going to flip-flop i.e. waver... on his commitment to be an insurgent, 1000nd of times !!

Ask any psychological expert, on this. Especially- one of those pure at heart Indian Muslims ( say ) who can look inside the creation of a jihadi mindset.

Just... from the psychological impact...
that before that 72 number beauties... he has to meet the really 'special' special operatives.

And... the insurgent has to worry - NOT to be taken alive !!

The insurgent's limited thinking capacity MIGHT NEVER overcome this MIGHTY THREAT to their MANHOOD that is meant to be way TOO overtly CHIVALROUS !!

Is this understood !! Well ?

what if these 'special' special operatives choose to play 'vampire-vampire' with the caught insurgents !!

Like cats and ze mouse.

And... once turning them like their mirror image- set them free !! For good !! To get back to their MANLY brethren !!


So... after being totally at their mercy... for a few weeks or months.

Then- what about sending the insurgent back to from where he came from and tell the tales... of his 'so-called' CHIVALRY ??

And... his close encounter with the 'special' special operatives.


Do... I have to tell what happens then ?

I guess...the insurgency might very well trickle down.

Now... this is something...
that they MUST need to figure out before they venture forth in the Indian territory. This will apply to even misguided local populace.

I am 100 % SURE this will work.

And... the wannabe jihadi heroes like @ani, the local and cross border insurgents might as well relocate to some other part of the country and find some suitable employment rather than be taken by the lure of guns, 72 bharjens ( Captain's words ) in heaven, etc. etc.

This is perhaps the BEST anti-dote to the scourge nay menace we have at hand.

Say- unofficially raising some 'special' special forces that are...

10,000-20,000-30,000 STRONG !!

This is thought of...
in the most earnest and sincerest manner. And... on a pretty SERIOUS note.

This might be the best anti-dote to the venom of wanton insurgency in the valley.

< EoP>

A must read for the Hindutva StalWarts

A must read for the Hindutva Stall Warts

The following post MIGHT serve as an EYE OPENER to ALL -  Please go thur' this one...

हा हा हा गाय के गोबर में लक्ष्मी

In this context, we keep on coming across the news that after BJP came to power on the back of PM Modi. ( Or, is it the case of bhice... nay vice versa ?? mE way TOO confused here !! )...

the beef export from India has- actually DOUBLED !!

Is that the case ??

NOW... So...
since I have openly supported PM Modi ( that implies BJP and RSS too ) in the 2014 LS pre-polls, during polls and even later.

The reader is free to take it as the case of vice-versa, actually.

May the country hope to see the report card on this front pleaJJe ??

from the NDA Govt. ( now... this includes PM Modi, BJP, RSS, VHP, BD, etc. )

Can the BJP Govt. put across the same STATS in front of the nation, in case you ALL have nothing to hide. Just to prove or disprove the recurrent media hype, on this.

Btw... UNDERSTANDABLY... 2019 is a wee bit too far.

I understand... if NDA cannot answer even this basic question satisfactorily, then... in the UP and Punjab polls which are to be scheduled down the line... they MUST consider themselves FINISHED.

Nay... WIPED clean. This is just a premonition. And.. from someone who has always been a blind RSS and BJP follower. Always had been.But... no more of blind following. Anymore.

And, it might be time that the other parties will holler "JAI SRI RAM" !!

Take it from mE. For... I can get a hang of things... sometimes.


Btw... the NDA Govt. MUST get the STATS out on this.

The sooner the better, for this might help them.

Btw... would expect that the Hindutva brigade does all that is deemed necessary for spreading the message in the post -

< EoP >

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Immense potential treasure trove

For finding an under-ground treasure of any sorts, the GoI pays the informer a neat 10 % of the assessed amount. As part of the prize money grant.

Is it NOT ?


What if the treasure is above the ground... and in someone's head... as ideas, thoughts, processes ?

Does the GoI pay, in such an instance ?


What about at least 10 % of the 10 % == 1% effective.

That MIGHT be actually TOO MUCH still.

For... I DO intend to put across a few of my thoughts which have portends to change the game. 

And, we are able to get TONS of money in our hands. For the nation to gallop ahead.


Captain can read my mind. Read the words in my mind. He and his team have prescience. Even PM Modi, I guess.

Add to that...
They can view me typing letters on my computer in real-time. Talking about smartly metering mE verses, in ze poems.

< EoP>

Declared... Assets, Told and Left Untold...

Declared... Assets, Told and Left Untold...

During the run-up to the Lok Sabha polls held during May, 2014...

Many a times... the star campaigner promised -

"Vote for us. When we come to power then everyone will get Rs. Fifteen lakhs each, into their bank accounts."

Actually- what was promised was - you'll get the money and after that "you can play on the flute at ease, in peace, for the rest of your life".

"Ram mandir bhi baneNga aur Ram Rajya bhi aayeGa."

Moot point stated being-
Their party's win will surely lead to construction of the Ram mandir at Ayodhya.

And, you see... this might as well usher in the Rama Rajya.

<< Well... from mE persepctive... - "QUITE A PIPE DREAM !!" >>

Pipe dream reminds one of... the Pied Piper of Hamelin.


Well !! I am in NO way getting into the nitty gritties of what was said, promised and/ or delivered. Either in the past, present or as regards the future.

But, I am catching and starting off with the figure - Rs 15 lakhs, apiece, for the desi Indian junta.


And... use that to do mE some calculations.

So... almost everyone has heard the piper lure of... Rs. Fifteen lakhs into their bank accounts. Have we NOT !!

So... let us QUANTIFY the QUANTUM of the Indian money held in ( majorly Western and must read that as - perhaps NATO controlled ) overseas safe
havens... here...

( BTW- Baba Ramdev has a pretty good idea. But, after UPA filed almost 150 cases on him and his associates. He stopped in his tracks. Now, he
has put ALL his eggs in BJP's basket.

And... his associate Late Sri Rajeev Dixit is long dead and gone.

Late Sri Rajeev Dixit had the portends and the right intentions to change India's destiny.

If Late Sri Rajeev Dixit were alive then he would have been the rightful PM of this country. He deserved to be. Was... actually destined to be.

I think... the cabal and their vested Indian partners got him.

The same way... they will try to get me one day.
Is that to be so ? NO !! May be not. )


NOW... some cALCULATIONS folLOWs -

Promised money = Rs. Fifteen Lakhs, apiece.

India's Population in 2014 = 122 crores ( say )

Considering TWO cases here...


SO this works out to = Rs. 15 lakhs X 122 crores =

Rs. 1830 LAKH CRORES !! 

Can anyone imagine the amount ofmoney involved here !!

Let me quantify in US Dollar terms.

1 USD ( $ ) = INR 67 or INR 68 as of today.

As such, 1 Billion USD = 1 million X 1 million USD =

@ INR 67 = INR 67 X 1,000,000 X 1,000,000 = Rs. 6,700 Crores

@ INR 68 = INR 68 X 1,000,000 X 1,000,000 = Rs. 6,800 Crores

Therefore, Rs. 1830 LAKH CRORES , IMPLIES =>

@ INR 67 = USD ( 1830 LAKH CRORES / 6700 Crores ) BILLION

= USD 27313.43 BILLIONS !!


@ INR 68 = USD ( 1830 LAKH CRORES / 6800 Crores ) BILLION

= USD 26.912 TRILLIONS !!  << POINT_THREE >>

  << POINT_FOUR >>


Let's assume that the promise was made to ONLY the INDIANS that were in a position to vote in the electoral polls. i.e. they had to be over
18 years of age to be ELIGIBLE for this HEART WARMING offer !!

Assuming that over 65 % of the population is above the 18 year mark. As such... of the voting age.

We get... that the PROMISER had CLEAR awareness that the QUANTUM of Indian money in the overseas tax havens works out to -

( Need not calculate again. So, picking data from Case - A )



Basically... I would buy that the offer was made to the ENTIRE INDIAN populace.

As such - would say/ suggest that -



In case you think and believe that's it.


Then...  what further ?

I do believe that PM Modi gave a very moderate and toned down admission of the quantumn of the money having ever left our shores.

I believe and do suggest that PM Modi might have fumbled in his calculation. i.e. he might as well have factually ADDED up all the monies ever leaving Indian shores and SUMMING them up to a neat ROUND figure. That worked out to Rs. 15 lakhs apiece.

Is it that...
Perhaps the RSS think-tank gave the data to him ?

Imaginary carrots !

Hardly matters.


Now, there is one desi wizard of Dalal Street - Mr Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. Or, some other financial wizard.

Go... ask him whether is the situation as simple as - "THAT'S IT" ??

He might give a prompt answer to this. Provided if he wants to.

So... let me elaborate...

Over the past 65-70 years since we gained independence; if we consider the same span of time period...

And... considering the "POWER of COMPOUNDING"...  of CAPITAL in
the form of money/ assets, net-worth, etc.

As also, the effective price appreciation, inflation, etc.

The same amount of money in consideration MIGHT have COMPOUNDED TEN FOLDS, at least, over the 65 years time period.

So... am I suggesting that the "USD 27 TRILLIONS OF INDIAN MONEY" held overseas has in fact become ALMOST like -


YES !!

DEFINITELY !! and... PRECISELY that !!

This is as per the powerful effect of the "Law of Compounding".

USD 300 TRILLIONS might sound TOO much to be true. So...

If I were to make an assessment - I would put the LOWER CEILING at : USD 80/ 100 TRILLIONS of NET WORTH CONTROLLED OVERSEAS BY
THE INDIAN and INDIAN-ORIGIN ( includes quite a few PIOs ) ELITES.


Lots of the national money/ wealth has been used in building up towns, cities, infrastructures, etc.

Basically... as EXPENDITURES.

And, the remaining rolls and rollicks around the world in the form of CAPITAL... nay... FDI !!

If you think FDI comes cheap ?? Think again !!

That "I" is actually - an INVESTMENT.

And... the purpose of any investment is to make PROFITS alone.










Now... is that to tell this same thing which Baba Ramdev and late Shri Rajiv Dixit had said countless times - I am writing this piece ?


Here goes the reason...




The China Story is like...

USD 20-30 Trillions have been invested in China.

The same is used to power China to a manufacturing hub.

VERITABLE... and UNMISTAKABLY... CHANNE KA JHAAD, over the last 25-30 years !!!

People working very hard under the PLA regime in PRC to sell their products dirt cheap around the world. In the process - they have amassed a Forex reserve of around USD 4 TRILLIONS = USD 4000 BILLIONS !!

In effect, over the last 20-30 years IF AT ALL China has muscled up... then China MUST THANK the Indian ELITES. Who have indirectly allowed
the investments to flow into China. Just to make ze PROFITs off the Chinese sweat-shops, that have mushroomed ALL over.

The INDIAN ELITES are, as such, multiplying the wealth held by them, overseas.

They have very systematically... siphoned OFF this enormous amount of wealth to overseas tax havens.


And... what I am stating is...

With our CORE defence establishment dependent on foreign supplies and all kinds of import restrictions. Can anyone tell where we FACTUALLY stand ?

Does the ELITES now want to incite a Indo-Pak or Indo-Tibet ( read - Chinese ) arms race ? Even... fan a low or medium intensity conflict.

That leads none of us countries ... anywhere or nowhere ?? !!

Meanwhile... the massive populace is conned and distracted from the core issues underlying the nation ?

Conned into... joining the chorus of false JINGOISM. OFTEN-TIMES !!

And... often-times for sure implies - "NOT ACTUALLY ALWAYS".

And...  a set of elitist people, none-the-less, make ALL the mullah.

Seems like the case.
I urge all the responsible people to be ACUTELY wary of this.



Quite a few of our Indian Rajahs, aristocrats, etc. and quite a few people led quite a colorful life during the Mughal and the British Raj.

This... we have might heard... many a times.

Like... someone was telling that Wazid Ali Shah, the Shia Nawab of Awadh (Luck-Now ) had 360 ( yes, true ) females in his "janana-khana" i.e. harem.
Many Gori foreigners too.

There are our desi people groups who have honed their skills in matrimonial alliances. Over the centuries. Way to well.

WAY TO... WELL !! :)

So... the question that arises is - WOULD NOT the Indian Rajahs, Kings, Regents be potentially be in ( covert ) matrimonial alliance with the Western ( read European ) royal blood-lines ??

- is a question that comes back again and again.

Say... the above is done...
In a pretty complex manner, to bely any/ all the public knowledge and attention.

For example / connection -
say... some Rajah dies in an accident with his wife or paramour. ( Say... is presumed to be dead, by the world.)

What if they use this as a guise to escape to Europe - say Switzerland or South of France and start off their regal lives and a new chain of line there on. Further on - engaging in matrimonial alliances with the
royal bloodlines of Europe ?
Unknown to all, except perhaps the closest of their confidantes.

Either side.

many Rajahs had second or third, etc. wives and very many (c)overt concubines.
And, there is 100 % certainty that very may royal marriages between the Indian and the Western royal families MIGHT have COVERTLY taken place.

So... there is definitely a possibility that almost tens of thousands to lakhs of such people born of this alliance DO exist as of today.

In very important and responsible positions in governance, military, industry, corporateS, public life, etc.

Their royal lineage is known to a secretive select few people only, possibly.


There might be white looking PIO's - having pure Indian origin; mistaken as Europeans by us. Who are amongst us.
Whilst at heart they could be Indians aware of their roots. And, working to strengthen the roots.

Similarly, there might be European-origin people looking like Indians. i.e. European people having the white gene but looking and living the life of a Indian.
Whilst (s)he may look like an Indian.

Indian ELITES are having ALL the monies of the world. That's what PM Modi actually left UNSAID.

I see that there is NO way he ever might be able to get this money back.


In case... BJP Maiyya has a definitive plan ??

BJP Maiyya and RSS Dadi/ Bhaiyya share pleaJJe with us INDIAN people !!

Else the 2019 report card might get you knocked OFF !!

I suspect that.

I say this as a matter of good-will as I had always been on BJP and RSS side, 'naturally'. As truly evident... till Jan, 2015.
( Till the time - BJP messed with me. )

This post is NOT written as a bhile... nay vile detractor.

< EoP >



Whilst well-wishers may think -"Emperor has NO clothes;
So... Better it is to be dead than alive, as such."

While those who are against the Emperor might think and wish -

"Long live the Emperor".

Caveat being... it is their wish that the situation persists.


Down the line... in one of my posts I might explain - how NOT to be an Emperor.

The experiences shared might be worth several hundreds of billions USD, provided if it is heeded well. And... reaches the masses !!


These mangy cats... drunk with (??) power... ( Booster dose ?? ) have done what is essentially the gravest unpardonable offence.

And... they want to exhume home truths of Sanatana Dharma !!

And... they are doing all the massive home-work and propaganda ( since the almost past 2-3 years ) before they get at me.

Btw- they have actually got at the family.


Looking at... and expecting - "Breaking Point", are you all ?


Well... in my case - I am looking at the "WAKING POINT" ?

For... ALL my kinsmen are dead asleep.

And... I want to WAKE THEM UP !!


Before... it is too late. Way... too... late to wake up.

And... I am NOT going to wake them up.
You ALL are going to wake them up.

Actually... are FACTUALLY doing so.

They need to be JOLTED. Actuallly... kicked up AWAKE.

And... Rightfully so.

It is WAY TOO DANGEROUS to be asleep in modern times.


A negligence on par to... hara-kiri.

To add...
A set of people are gunning after me ( I guess ).

Perhaps this might be actually Govt. sponsored, for...

- a LOT of my relatives are facing serious
legal and income tax related problems/ heat.

All of a sudden. PRONTO .

This... over the last 3 or so years. Eg. -

111) Ever heard that : 75-80-85 years of age people in the fag end of their life get wrongly implicated in false and fabricated police cases. That too... the charges are non-bailable offences.

SC/ STs' have been perhaps maliciously paid/ used to effect this.

The police officers who have started off this must be brought to book.
There must be due investigation in this.
I hope the CM of the state where I reside, ensures that someone looks into this.

The falsely accused people might spend a lot of their time, money and energies just to somehow stay safe.

222) A few near and distant kinsmen have been almost destroyed by IT raids.
There's nothing to complain here. Only thing is - I understand that indirectly they might be used up ( in bargain ) to soften me up.

Else, (c)overtly might even be used to build public opinion against me. For sure.

In the first week of this year, a distant kinsman faced huge IT raids. I heard that his business was almost destroyed.

Curiously... and factually enough... his (c)overt business partner stayed ALL safe. Perhaps these people had advanced knowledge of the oncoming IT raids. So... they used the same to create quite some "public propaganda" to divert all the media attention to something more grave.

Somehow... I guess... folks in the IT Dept. fears them.
So... these guys spared them-selves rather than sparing them !!

Now... almost the entire business lies covertly in the hands of the business partner ( and a coterie of his own kinsmen ).

Factually TELLing.


SO... as an aside...

Can people make out why the Mughals ruled us... well... for so long ?

And, from toe-hold, foot-hold... moved over to almost the entire length and breadth of the country ??

Mind you... Alexander could not. But, Mughals could. How ?

Alexander was of Greek/ Roman origin.
And Mughals were perhaps Turk/ Tartar/ Mongloid origin.


And... what about the Britishers ??

Is it not strange that they chose to set up base in Calcutta ( rather than Bombay or Delhi or Jaipur ) ? Can anyone make out why so ?

And... once the Britishers were thoroughly done up with us Indians... they moved the capital from Calcutta to Delhi.


Whilst China has problems with ( an erstwhile imperialist ) Japan.
( The Chinese populace had suffered at the hands of the imperialist Japanese for quite some time. )

This reflects in a Chinaman's attitude towards Japan.

But, in India - our key leaders/ political parties/ rulers/ managers/ media, etc.

Almost - every form, format and scale are going head over heels in wooing the Britishers ( Anglo ) and the Americans ( read - Anglo-Saxons ).

Do our covert ELITES choose these guys or what ??


The Britishers do not have to physically come back after 100 years to rule us.

( Heard the same from Baba Ramdev.
 Indian independence and transfer of power, stuff.)

The Britishers might very well achieve the same by proxy. Actually... are they actually on the way ??

They might as well outsource the work to some mangy SET of mis-aligned Indians.

doing so... in cahoots with our best ( purported ) partners... the Americans.

Ever wondered why... the "Angrez RajKumar" was here with family in mid-April this year. And... around the same time- the US defence Secretary was also on
a parallel visit ?

Is this mere coincidence ? I do NOT think so !!

And... our great HOST of our Defence Minister ( read : BJP + RSS ) wants us to sign LSA ( Logistics Support Agreement ) in the form of a new name LEMOA ??

How come all of a sudden the NDA Govt. is so intent in going for LSA or LEMOA ?

What does it achieve ? And... why NOT have such similar agreements with few other BRICS nations, to start with ?

WHY LEMOA ?? Can the defence minister answer the nation ?
And... why NOT include some of the BRICS nations into this ?

For... the defence minister might be known till posterity for his stand in favor of LEMOA and other such IT pacts and agreements he might have inked
with the US.

In this regards...
I am on the side of the former defence minister Mr AK Antony, who has rightfully deplored the need for LSA/ LEMOA. And... similar such pacts.

At this juncture... that is. <- My take.

I recall, quite clearly that the UPA Govt. was dead against this setup. This LSA stuff.

Lot many very senior defence personnel ( read - officers ) considered this a dangerous agreement/ treaty.
This... we have kept reading on... in the media over the past several years.

Can the RSS Chief explain to ALL the Hindu people what has changed all of a sudden to warrant LEMOA ?


the defence minister who happens to be a RSS veteran, comes way too later.


Btw... had heard or read somewhere that...
the Chief RSS StrategistS... nay think-tank ( I guess ) might be a tightly coupled coterie of highly smart and learned Indians based in the USA and
other such western countries.

And... these set of people are highly adept in TECHNOLOGY and FINANCE domains.
And... they are the LEADERS in their respective work domain.

They want to chalk out the future of the country. As... suits them. Is it so ?
Or... for the benefit of ALL the denizens concerned ?

xCuZi pLeaJJe ?? !!


What remains UNSAID...

So...does our defence minister wants the Indians working in the M.I. complex of the USA ( this includes NSA, NASA, etc.; as well ) to cater to all our
defence needs, NOW and... down the line.

Indirectly controlled ?!

By the Americans, Indo-Americans and the (pseudo) Indians working in the US ( who are more Americans than the Americans themselves ).

Rather THAT... we develop our own defence capabilities and preparedness ?

Basically... this is tantamount to outsourcing our defence preparedness in the hands of the Americans.
Nay... it may seem like... Indians working for the Americans.

But it would not be the case. Rather... far from it.

Btw... I myself could have been another one working in the US M.I. complex !!

But then... please do note -
when some-one gives you bread and butter you are NOT supposed to think averse to his wishes, intentions, goals, missions, visons, etc.
However overt or however heinously covert.

Ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome ? in this context.

Again... with respect to LEMOA...

Do I get the impression that some set of key elitist Indians ( say- nerds ) working in the military indutrial ( M.I. ) complex of western countries have
full control over anyone's and everyone's lives and our privacy in India ??
As also - all across the world ?

one's mangy neighbor ( who I have long observed... has a penchant for gathering people of his/ her OWN kind only... "OWN kind" => caste-men ) EVERY single day.

If (s)he wants to screw me or falsely frame anyone of the family members up.

(S)he simply has to make a phone call to any of the high ranking IPS officers ( (s)he, for sure, might have many relatives serving in high positions ) who
are part of our "National Security Agencies".

And... highly likely that (s)he will be obliged, for sure.
And... his/ her connections in the "National Security Agencies" and by proxy his connections in the M.I. complex of the western countries might yield the desired result.

They might be too good to take it from there. Without anyone even getting a whiff of what is actually transpiring.

Do my family members know what sort of extremely base "violation of privacy" they have been exposed to till the past 2-3 years ?

And... WHY ?

Who authorised it ? The President of India ? Or, the CBI Chief ? Or, the Modi Govt ?
Or, our NSA - Mr AD ? Or... ...some base person of law in some remote part of the country ?


Or, is it that the USA wants to watch the whole world as part of their NWO program. Using the global-scale Echelon communications-snooping system ?


And... these mangy law-enforcement guys will do the snooping in a legit way.
Proving themselves to be RIGHT all along.

And... befooling the whole world into believing that...
see we have a fall guy HERE.

Causing irreparable damage to... all his/ her family.


I have been set up to add juice to the whistle-blower Edward Snowden's claims as reagards NSA snooping.

Our nerd Indian guys working in tandem and in cahoots with the US counter-parts are ready with the IoT stuff.

And... then privacy might be a thing of the PAST.

My intuitive guesstimate tells that our "National Security Agencies" might show the URGENCY for importing IoT technolgies ( hardware, sensors, firmware, software, etc. ) plus similar security PLUS defence stufff of... over USD 5.5 TRILLIONS, over the next 9-12-15-18 years !!

I suggest... someone asks either or both - Mr. Snowden and Mr. Assange whether I am right or wrong on THIS figures. And, the moot idea these guys are after me ?

One might know... DOODH KA DOODH... PAANI KA PAANI.


1) The Pathankot incident occured after one of my blog pieces.

And... before that, around that time... PM Modi had visited PM Sharif of Pakistan.

I took that incident... with a pinch of salt.

Newspaper reports told me what others could NOT glean.

My limited perception tells me...
Would NOT expect that Pakistan or ISI is ( directly ) involved, in this.

This is my view.

Pakistan is involved in the insurgecy in the Kashmir valley, though.

Perhaps our NSA - Mr Ajit Doval ( a learned Brahmin from Uttarakhand ) MUST be having precise knowledge/ understanding.

2) The recent Kashmir unrest and stone pelting that claimed almost 40+ lives...

Came a day after one of blog posts, earlier this month.

Quite strange coincidence ?? Is it NOT ?

Since Captain is baying for my blood... I guess as true ?

A set of highly focused people are doing ALL the required groundwork to net me ?
Over the last 2-3 years ?

The question that repeats again and again is...

Is Captain representative of our armed forces ?
As well as the MIS, RAW, IB, etc. ( i.e. Our National Security Agencies ) ?

I think... that might be the case. But... what flavor ?


This means...that all this is very base... reactive mode scenario.

Would NOT expect that Pakistan or ISI is ( directly ) involved, in this. This is my view.

Pakistan is involved in the insurgency in the Kashmir valley, though.

As far as Pakistan is concerned... let me state...

The campaign against me is to net my kinsmen 100 % in BJP folds.
Might be one of the possibilities, I may NOT want to rule out.

Looks like the case. Highly likely. 100 % likely.


Just remember this... seeds have been sown. They will for sure bear fruits.

Time and tide waits for no one.

You might NOT be aware...
Someone is watching... and HE might, in due course of time, deliver the needful response. I do NOT have to do anything at all.

< EoP >

Monday, July 25, 2016

On Water and Electricity Conservation

On Water and Electricity Conservation

Few thoughts on...  Water and Electricity Conservation.


It is predicted by many experts worldwide that... WW-3 will be fought for water and water resources alone.

That might actually be an over-statement per se... albeit... this drives home a crucial/ critical point.

Someone conjectures that 30 years down the line the paucity of fresh potable water, on a global scale, WILL reach a situation that might cause a chain of (re)actions SURELY leading to WW-3.


Well... Well... that might NOT be true. For WW-3 might be actually around the corner. Or, perhaps a toned down i.e. a limited bhersion...
nay version edition might unfold sooner than later.

Say... starting the second week of April, 2017 ( This thought recurs and resounds again and again... so PURPOSEFULLY putting forth this here. )

Of course... WW-3 might be tried to be ignited/ started off in the SCS or E. Ukraine or near around Israel or at the Indo-Pak or the Indo-Tibet border.

We Indians, as responsible global citizens, must try our way best to stay clear... out of it.

Would suggest the same to ALL the Asian nations. Especially Japan and China.


Coming to... how ACTUALLY... we may try to conserve as much of water as possible.

Few stray thoughts follow here-withal...

CASE 1 -

Throughout the world, and especially so in our country...

We have got TENS OF MILLIONS ( => CRORES ) of water storage tanks...

We may find theM water tanks used...

- In our household(s)...
- In the agrarian fields...
- In tall buildings/ complexes ...
- In industrial usage ( Coco Cola, Pepsi, Mineral Water plants, etc. )...
- In any/ all sorts of commercial usage...

etc., etc. places.


Different locales... different situational usages.


There are basically TWO locational possibilities for a water storage tank.

It sits at a certain height ( say - atop a building ) ; OR
the tank is constructed on OR under the ground ( eg. - at or under the ground level ).

there is ONLY one prime motive for a water tank viz. usage as - storage facility ( SECondary )...

Thence-forth, stored water is used for water supply ( PRImary usage purpose ).

When water runs off a full tank ... then the same needs to be replenished.
i.e. the tank needs to be refilled with water, up again.

Many a times man-made underground or on the ground water tanks are used for - Say... watering an agrarian field or replenishing an overhead supply tank atop a building ( residential\ commercial, etc. ),
or a factory ( industrial unit, etc. ), etc. , etc.

Now... there remains only TWO ways these water tanks ( storage-cum-supply ) may be replenished... either by...

111) banking on the periodic ( morning/ evening; mostly - perhaps irregular ) public water supply system. Where one may need to turn ON or OFF a water valve to allow the inlet of water. Also - to stop the flow of water once DONE;
i.e. once the storage tank(s) are full; or

222) draw water from the ground using a JET(tison) pump < jettisoning water from the underground water aquifer to the ground surface and/ or above... onto a building/ highrise >.


Now there may be TWO ways the ( under-ground or over-head ) tank may be filled. viz. -

AAA) By turning ON/ OFF an inlet valve connecting the storage tank, MANUALLY.
In the case if one wants to fill the tank through the public water supply system.

BBB) BY powering ON/ OFF the deep bore ( underground ) jettison electric pump.



CCC) in the case of AAA) above there is certainly going to be the case wherein the ( under-ground or over-head ) tank fills UP in some due course of time.

Chances are... the tank will OVERFLOW, once full. And, with GOOD probability that water is left overflowing to wastage for at least 2-3-5-10 minutes before the same is detected by any concerned person and... then the valve is manually required to be put OFF to stop this spillover/ wastage.

In many such instances... the elapsed time could be MUCH MORE.
Say...  something of the order of... 10/ 20/ 30/ 50 minutes.

This results in heavy wastage of water.


DDD) Ditto, in the case of BBB) as detailed above.

Only thing is that in this case the electric jet pump MUST need be powered OFF MANUALLY to stem the spillover.

The amount of water wasted could be in congruence to the time it overshoots/ exceeds the high water mark of the tank.

Around which location could be the spillover outlet pipe.



Assuming that, on an AVERAGE the storage tank overflows for 2-3 minutes; every-time it is put ON to be filled.

Then we may EXPECT that almost 100/ 125/ 150/ 180/ 200 litres of water shall be wasted EVERY minute ( this remains a rough guesstimate ).

This boils down to, either ANY OF =
= ( 100/ 125/ 150/ 180/ 200 litres ) x 2.5 mins.
= either ANY OF =
= 250/ 313/ 375/ 450/ 500 litres of water going
down the drain EVERY TIME, owing to HUMAN LAPSE/ DELAY alone.

Noting that...
Human cycle either/ or of - SEEING/ HEARING leading to REACTING/ RESPONDING/ ACTING is involved. This involves a certain time lapse. Average of all these could be something like 2-3 minutes ( let's assume - 2.5 minutes. A rough guesstimate. )

SO DEDUCING... that every time the water tank is left to be filled up...

Probability is that ... 250/ 313/ 375/ 450/ 500/ ... litres of water IS going down the drain every time, owing to HUMAN LAPSE/ DELAY only.

Before, someone takes note of this and decides to put OFF this wasteful flow.

This figure might be more on the UPPER side rather than on the down side.

For example... an AVERAGE of 400-500 litres of water going down the drains can be expected.

If the water storage tank is filled 2/ 3/ 4 number of TIMES ( say- within a 24 hour period. What about - 0500 HOURS to 0500 HOURS the next day ).

Then the DAILY water loss, POTENTIALLY, adds upto something like...

TWO times : 2 X ( 250/ 313/ 375/ 450/ 500 ) litres of water
           => 500/ 626/ 750/ 900/ 1000 litres of water EVERYDAY.

Say... an AVERAGE of 2 X ( 400-500 ) litres of water EVERYDAY.
       => 800-1000 litres of water going down the drain, EVERYDAY.

THREE times : 3 X ( 250/ 313/ 375/ 450/ 500 ) litres of water
        => 750/ 939/ 1125/ 1350/ 1500 litres of water EVERYDAY.

Say... an AVERAGE of 3 X ( 400-500 ) litres of water EVERYDAY.
       => 1200-1500 litres of water going down the drain, EVERYDAY.

FOUR times : 4 X ( 250/ 313/ 375/ 450/ 500 ) litres of water
        => 1000/ 1252/ 1500/ 1800/ 2000 litres of water EVERYDAY.

Say... an AVERAGE of 4 X ( 400-500 ) litres of water EVERYDAY.
       => 1600-2000 litres of water going down the drain, EVERYDAY.

FIVE times : 5 X ( 250/ 313/ 375/ 450/ 500 ) litres of water
        => 1250/ 1565/ 1875/ 2250/ 2500 litres of water EVERYDAY.

Say... an AVERAGE of 5 X ( 400-500 ) litres of water EVERYDAY.
       => 2000-2500 litres of water going down the drain, EVERYDAY.

Assuming that an AVERAGE of THREE incidences of water spillover in the tank takes place... we could be looking at ALMOST 1200-1500 litres of water going down the drain i.e. wasted EVERYDAY.


understanding that there possibly are 30/ 40/ 60/ 100 LAKHS of such water tanks throughout the country... under ACTIVE use/ consideration.

every single day the NATION could be looking at an AVERAGE NETT LOSS of water resources, of something like...

1200-1500 litres X ( 30/ 40/ 60/ 100 ) lakh

@ 1200 l = ( 36,000/ 48,000/ 72,000/ 120,000 )
@ 1500 l = ( 45,000/ 60,000/ 90,000/ 150,000 )

LAKH LITRES of water going down the drain EVERYDAY.


@ 1200 l == ( 360/ 480/ 720/ 1200 )
@ 1500 l == ( 450/ 600/ 900/ 1500 )

CRORE LITRES of water going down the drain EVERYDAY.

In effect, this means that in ONE YEAR's time ( = 365 days )

this EQUATES to...

365 X ( 360/ 480/ 720/ 1200 )


365 X ( 450/ 600/ 900/ 1500 )

CRORE LITRES of water going down the drain EVERY YEAR.

This equates to ALMOST...

@ 1200 l == ( 1,31,400/ 1,75,200/ 2,62,800/ 4,38,000 )
@ 1500 l == ( 1,64,250/ 2,19,000/ 3,28,500/ 5,47,500 )

CRORE LITRES of POTABLE drinking-grade water going down the drain EVERY YEAR !!!

THIS... throughout the country !!

Similar figures... or MUCH MUCH more... around the WORLD, cannot be ruled out.


Quite a massive amount of fresh potable ( either - tap supply or underground ) water going down the drain every year !!

Do the civic authorities have any clues as to how to prevent this loss ?
Thereby conserving the water in the underground aquifers, that may last a wee bit longer.

Preventive/ corrective measures taken might actually result in the underlying water table level to go down a wee bit more slowly !!

Thereby lasting longer.

We have less of a problem; if we want to replenish the aquifers say by rain water harvesting, etc. means.



# 1

In case of the underground storage tank, it is easier to use a water inlet blocking system ( using air ball and stop cock - as we see used in toilet flushes ?? ).

In the case of the MANUAL opening/ closing valve operation ( pertaining to public water supply ) for an overhead/ underground tank -

The solution as suggested may NOT be that effective.
There is always the chance that the ( air ball and stop cock ) system may fail sometime ( Btw... this is - least of a concern. Sure... this does involve some latency ).

The PRIMARY issue here being that the ( air ball and stop cock ) system MIGHT HAVE the primary effect of SOMEHOW obstructing the natural in-flow of water to the tank. Perhaps owing to its constricting / constraining design i.e. a restrictively narrower inlet pipe that constricts the water flow. This MUST need be overcome.

If this can be rectified then ( air-ball and stop cock ) system may suffice for good.


This solution can be useful in the case when there is NO electric motor powering this water inlet. Let's say... water is coming thru' as part of the intricately laid out PUBLIC water supply system, piped network.

Now, in the case we are dealing with electric jet pumps. Then...

# 2


aaa) There MUST necessarily be a Low Water Mark ( LO ) as well as a High Water Mark ( HI ) configurable inside any of the water tanks.

bbb) On reaching the LO or on breaching the HI - there MUST necessarily be some sort of control mechanism ( i.e. a feedback system ) that informs

ccc) The ALARM event is triggered by the feedback control system.
This is of a SECONDARY nature having wireless transceiver ( transmit + receive ) capabilities. Here - Transmit signal capability is a must.

This, in turn, makes use of the inbuilt/ resident intelligence ( being part of a bare basics, embedded electronic system, using minimal power ) having a certain limited wireless range; wirelessly triggering an ALARM 'event', per se.

ddd) This system may be powered by robust ( say - pencil ) batteries.

eee) NOW...

The counterpart to the above is an electronically-controlled electrical ON/ OFF switch ( the PRIMARY module ).

This system might have any/ all of the following functionalities...

1) this paired system ( UNIQUELY paired to the alarm event raising tank resident module ) is supposed to be the PRIMARY member of a dual part feedack based control system. This system, too, must have transceive capabilities.
Any-hows... the Receive signals capability is a MUST, here.

2) On receiving the ALARM event signal, signaling 'HI level reached' level of the water tank -

- there MUST be a visual display ( using LED, LCD or a small light bulb ) along with an AUDIO alarm/ buzzer. Which alerts someone to come over to the location so as to manually switch OFF the electric motor.

Here... the idea is to have someone use the choice of turning OFF the electric motor, manually.

Better idea might be... the incoming alarm event AUTOMATICALLY activates an electric relay that turns OFF the electric jet pump.

3) On receiving the ALARM event signal, signaling 'LO level reached' level of the water tank -

- the visual display ( using LED, LCD or a small light bulb ) along with an AUDIO alarm/ buzzer is ACTIVATED.
This alerts someone to come over to the location so as to MANUALLY switch ON the electric motor.

Here... the idea is to have someone use his/ her choice as regards turning ON the electric motor.

Better idea might be... the incoming alarm event AUTOMATICALLY activates an electric relay that turns ON the electric jet pump.

4) There MAY be a functionality to enable or disable this Alarms- event based automatic turning ON/ OFF of the electric motors ( vide the electro-mechanical
relays ).

In which case this, this bypassing the system, renders it devoid of any intelligent functionality. And, it then must function as a plain ON/ OFF electric

I suggest this as a ways and means to partly address the water crisis that is going to hit us squarely on the face some 10/ 20/ 30 years down the line.

This way... BOTH water and electricity is conserved.


The amount of electricity conserved might go on to power up ( light up actually ) at least 10,000\ 25,000\ 50,000\ 100,000 villages on a daily basis.

At least using ONLY 10 Watt LED bulbs.


Say... a village has an average of 700 households.

- Each house-hold uses 10 ( say ), 10 Watt bulbs
Having a total consumption of 10 x 10 W = 100 W per household.

( Not considering electric fans here. Even one of which might consume something like - 60 or 80 W of power, at least. )

for 700 house-holds the requirement is...

700 X 100 W = 70,000 W = 70 KW every second, to light them up.

another 500 street lights of 10 W LED bulbs each.
This adds up to 500 X 10 W = 5,000 W = 5 KW

Total power consumption equals = ( 70 + 5 ) KW = 75 KW

Now, assuming that we decide to power the villages up between 06:00 PM to 06:00 AM

This 12 hour ( = 12 X 60 X 60 seconds ) period requires a total power of = 12 X 60 X 60 X 75 = 3240000 KW

= 3240 Mega Watt, total.


for 10,000 villages ...
this equates to 10,000 X 3240 Mega Watt DAILY requirement. This equals -

= 32,400 Giga Watts DAILY requirement. <- NOTE-1


for 25,000 villages ...
this equates to 25,000 X 3240 Mega Watt DAILY requirement. This equals -

= 81,000 Giga Watts DAILY requirement. <- NOTE-2


for 50,000 villages ...
this equates to 100,000 X 3240 Mega Watt DAILY requirement. This equals -

= 162,000 Giga Watts DAILY requirement. <- NOTE-3


for 100,000 villages ...
this equates to 100,000 X 3240 Mega Watt DAILY requirement. This equals -

= 324,000 Giga Watts DAILY requirement. <- NOTE-4

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Now considering that an electrically powered motor ( jet ) pump rated at 1200 W ( say. Actually it might be more on the upper side ) is over-run everytime by 2-3 minutes ( AVERAGE ) DAILY. Owing to human latency factors.

And... this happens... THRICE every day.


that is 2.5 X 3 = 7.5 mins ( = 7.5 X 60 seconds ) everyday.

Effectively, each of these motors, OVERRUNING... the WASTAGE is tantamount to -
= 7.5 X 60 X 1200 W = 540,000 W = 540 KW of NET power wasted  !!


And, ASSUMING that we may have about 30/ 50/ 70/ 100 LAKH such motors, installed throughout the country.

Then... the NET ELECTRICAL POWER WASTAGE on a DAILY basis is...

@ 30 lakhs ( 30,000,000 ) motors
This becomes = 540 KW X 30,000,000 = 16200 GW

@ 50 lakhs ( 50,000,000 ) motors
This becomes = 540 KW X 50,000,000 = 27000 GW

@ 70 lakhs ( 70,000,000 ) motors
This becomes = 540 KW X 70,000,000 = 37800 GW

@ 100 lakhs ( 100,000,000 ) motors
This becomes = 540 KW X 100,000,000 = 54000 GW

Above is... the NET ELECTRICAL POWER WASTAGE on a DAILY basis.

( Have deliberately kept the KWH calculations aside, so that everyone can understand. )



Using some mean and averages...

We have seen ( see NOTE-1 above ) that for powering 10,000 villages...


= 32,400 Giga Watts <- NOTE-1

if we take that our country has ( say ) 50 LAKHs electrical jet pumps wherein the DAILY AVERAGE POWER WASTAGE is...

= 27,000 GW ( as arrived at earlier )

( In a population of 128 crores, 50 lakhs is actually a conservative estimate. )

Above is just an attempt to quantify the HUGE amount of electrical power losses on a DAILY basis, on account of human latency.


Average aggregate daily/ yearly water losses is quantified as earlier.

The civic authorities MUST stop this massive wastage.


I guesstimate ( using obsolete idea ) that the same DUAL MODULE wireless system ( the sort of one described as earlier ) may cost something like INR 170.

The best design, that is, if mass produced in India.
( The design and development costs for the prototype are excluded. )

If outsourced to a private party... this might cost something like INR 2000 to the exchequer...nay the Govt. ... actually the people !!

YES !! YES !! TRUE !! ( Again... this is, but, a raw guesstimate. )

So... in effect, everyone gets to make some... 'MAAAAAL'.

But... if we get the same stuff from China. It may cost us about INR 100 or even much less !! ( This is the thought that rings in mE head ).

( Say... we provide them the best design/ solution and let them manufacture and transport to us.
Their quote maybe something like... say, any of - INR 90/ 100/ 110 !! )

Now... time for a SUGGESTION -
The GoI must announce a prize bounty in all the Engg./ Science Colleges...
In the IT hubs, etc. a clear crafted set of requirements for the problem and resolution to be sought thereof.

With a prize money of say -

1) First prize  - INR 2.0 crores,
2) Second prize - INR 1.5 crores, &
3) Third prize  - INR 1.0 crores.

For the BEST efficient and effective design/ methodology.

And, am sure some Engg./ Science College Profs. or students and even others in the industry might be able to dish out some pretty smart and unique solution.

Authorities may potentially take this as one of the steps towards water, electricity conservation.

The electricity departments MUST ensure that all the households using electric jet pumps MUST have these- uniqely paired dual-module electro-mechanical systems having wireless communications capacity.

This surely helps in water, electricity conservation.

The authorities may take note of this issue and one of the potential solutions suggested.



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More on water conservation

On river inter-linking...

River inter-linking might be a DUD idea. Involving a huge amount of money and resources. < This is - my take !! >

For the simple reason that a huge amount of CAPEX is to be made ( PRIMARY concern ).

And... the structual changes ( say - canals, etc. ) made will be permanent structures ( SECONDARY concern ). Does this take into consideration the natural flow of water and the terrain involved ?

Say, from point A to point B. From point B to Point C. From point A to point C... etc. etc. ??

And, perhaps the cost of making permanent structural changes... trying to beat or bypass gravity ??

For...  water surely does seeks its own level...

The way they might try out doing it ... mindlessly constructing canals... as a conduit to free flowing water... does not sound way too good.

Is this really warranted ? The best possible idea and solution thereof ?


So, here suggesting something of an idea that keeps on flashing back onto me....

I am not sure but I do guess that nuclear powered vehicles may be a cheaper option to fossil fuel. This thought recurs again and again.

We must develop our own nuclear technology to the fullest. The way we intend to use nuclear engines in building indigenous submarines.

Similarily we must be able to use similar nuclear based engines to power - HUGE earth excavators.

So much so that...
The types we see in mine excavation sites must look puny in comparison.

Again... these excavators must be having design that manadates an assembly/ dis-assembly facility.

So, a 40-50-60 tonne nuclear powered excavator working in tandem with a smaller bodied nuclear powered truck... say one that can ferry 20-30-40
tonnes of excavated earth at one go can work wonders.

This dual vechiles working in tandem, might go a long way in solving quite a few of our critical problems.


Read over the internet that quite a few of our nuclear scientists keep on turning up dead mysteriously. Yet our deshbhakt media keeps silent on this issue. Even our nationalistic Government !!

What's the matter ?


I guess - 5-8-10 years down the line we must be in a position to make use of thorium based power in a big way. Whatever it takes.


these same nuclear-powered earth excavators may be used to dig out huge holes in the earth i.e. basically huge water tanks in the vicinity of the rivers. All along the river's course.
At critical points down the river's flow... till before the point the river meets the sea.

Say - what about every 5/ 10/ 20 kms on one side.


Every 5/ 10/ 20/ 35 km down the prominent rivers we have huge water tanks. Alternating on the two sides.

left bank has tank every 'x' km ; then after another 'x'/2 kms. the right side of the river has a water tank.

Something like...

0     0     0     0
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
   0     0     0

The size of the tanks could be something like -

Length(m) X Width(m) X Depth(m)

1. 100 X 100 X 10
2. 100 X 100 X 50
3. 200 X 100 X 50
4. 200 X 150 X 40
5. 300 X 200 X 35

etc. etc.

Now, there MUST be some intricate network of ( possibly dismantle-able ) conduits i.e. pipelines leading out from these tanks in a network of
arteries and veins.

These conduits could be made out of concrete ( majorly ) or recyclable stuff like used plastic and used tyres ( in places ) - say.

These conduits or pipelines could be circular in shape; and size could be -
Diameter = 1.0 or 1.5 or 2.0 or 3.0 meter ( say ).

And, along this pipeline there must be minor outlets ( akin to veins , say diameter = 40/ 50/ 60/ 80 cms ) that basically channelize the water out all along the way.

And, there MUST be huge valves for the opening/ closure of smaller vein like pipes. Basically controlling and regulating the outflow from the very main arterial backbone.

This ability may/ must be the corner stone of the river ?? "so-called" ?? inter-linking ??

There could possibly be an element of using huge electric motors ( say partly powered by wind &/ or solar energy ) to power any of these channelized water flow ( having adequate force ) EITHER to beat or aid gravity.

This enables water to be channelized to much greater distace at a quicker rate... compared to the natural flow of water.

And... water can be moved around in a finely laid out grid network to far off places rather than nearby.

Point I am making is...
let's say some area(s) of the North Bihar or part(s) of Assam are under flood conditions.
Or... there is a met. dept. prediction of hevay rainfalls lasting days over/ after the next 24-48 hours.

Then... using meteorological predictions i.e. weather forecasting the water may be sucked up from any of these huge water tanks ( which are anyways, in turn,
connected to the nearby river ).

Thereby reducing the water levels to some extent in these rivers way in advance.

This might also helps in prevention or controlling of the floods. To a certain limited extent.

The same water may land up in any part of the country as deemed fit.

This way... parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan may be made green(er).

The water has to be put onto a grid of huge pipelines traversing the length and breadth of the country.

In arterial => vein form, format and scale.


Intricately laid out complex grid of water-pipes.

These may go on to i.e. be smartly used to recharge the ground water table, as well.

Now... not sure how feasible allthis might be and how cost effective.

That aspect needs to be looked at and worked out.

Needs a very comprehensive study of the whole topography and the underlying aquifers.

A real complex work indeed. And, a real challenge too !!

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CASE 3 -

Sugarcane is quite a water intensive crop.
The govt. may try to ensure that sugarcane is cultivated near the vicinity of major water bodies i.e. adjacent to rivers alone.

Say withn 3-5 kms from the main bodies of major perennial rivers. Especially... in low lying areas.

This way the ground water table would not be much drastically affected. And, the same may be replenished easier; esp. so for perennial rivers.

Add to that- sugarcane cultivation must be discouraged near major towns and cities.

Say within a radius of 15/ 30/ 40/ 50 km from the town center. These already have a huge water burden.

Else the receding speed of the ground water table level might get accelerated.

Authorities must encourage palm, date, coconut based sugar and honey.

Any of these ORGANIC products SURE DOES have huge domestic and overseas export market potential.

Overseas market alone might top much more than USD 10+ billions per annum of exports.

This may turn out to be a small scale industry success story.


CASE 4 -

In medium to large apartments as well as well laid out townships that have intricately planned drainage and sewerage systems...

There may be a look at the need for having a totally separate inlet water supply for the flushes used in the... urinals + toilets.
( There must be a fresh need to distinguish between the two )

This water is meant for usage in flushing purposes ALONE.

The toilet + separate stand-alone ( urinals ) must have separate pipe network. For inlet to the flush tanks as well as outlet ( urinals alone ).


Everyday everyone uses the urinals many more times than we use the toilet for #2. Yet... again and again we flush the toilets. And, the same water goes down
the drain into the sewerage system.

This way... lots of "GOOD GRADE" water is actually wasted.

Not too good an approach... is it ?

What about each housing unit/ apartment must have specially constructed urinals/ commodes ( perhaps - similar or different; either for - male &\or female usage ) through which only fluid ( say urine, water ) can pass thru'.

Then on... using a separate outgoing pipe that is connected to a network of outgoing pipeline leading to a huge tank reservoir.

The diluted urine can be treated here ( by some chemical or electro-chemical process ). The result of which... an odourless, almost clear, chemically treated water is got.

The same is recycled. Stored in another tank. Recycled water from this tank may be used for supplying to a separate storage tank atop the building.

Now... this tank goes on to provide water supply meant for flushing the commodes in the toilets. As also the urinals.

In all the buildings, apartments and housing units.


Just a bit of Stats... to get a raw IDEA.

Supposing that any medium sized housing society or apartment complex has 200 housing units.

And... each unit has 4 members, on an average.

So... a total of = 200 X 4 = 800 members.

Now... say... each member uses the urinals for 5 - 8 times every day ( on an average ).

And, any flush/ half-flush wastes = 10 litres of water, every time.

Then... we are looking at...

So... all the members in the housing society or apartment complex waste something like...

= 800 X 10 X ( 5 - 8 ) litres per day = 8000 X ( 5 - 8 ) litres per day

= 40,000 - 64,000 litres per DAY just for flushing the urinals !!



OK !! Let me help... nay elaborate...

= 365 X 40,000 - 365 X 64,000 litres every year only for flushing the urinals.

= 14,600,000 to 23,360,000 litres wasted every year on the pisses alone !!


I suggest that this same highly diluted urine can be recycled again and using some electro-mechanical + electro-chemical process to reclaim the clear odorless chemically treated water.
Which, in turn, shall be further used again for the toilet flushing purposes ALONE.

In effect - I am suggesting that the toilet FLUSHES MUST have a separate water supply system. This includes the pipelining, as well.

People may have problems with that !!  May be as of today !


This may sound laughable. But, I believe that 7-10 years down the line.
This might become the norm in major land-locked cities like Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, etc. The way they are going up the development indices.
And their water supply is depleting at twice the speed.

Trust me on this.

This small step may duly add to water conZervASSion nay conservation aka preservation ! to some certain extent.

So... norms for housing societies and apartment complexes might be in the offing.


CASE 5 -


This is written for Chemical + Electrical experts ( like ze Chief !? )

Let me see if Ze Chief is able to figure this out... or perhaps get his cats ( ?? what type ?? ) to get their brains whacking out on this.


Every year... the world over... tens of thousands of tonnes of clothe washing powder/ detergents are used.

These are un-reclaimable. Goes down the drain... these chemicals go on to add on to the water pollution existent in the drain water.
All this flows down and joins our river bodies at some place.

These chemicals are... perhaps... major source of city effluents that guts on to the nearby rivers.


Since almost 10/ 20/ 30 years we are now getting accustomed to using washing machines ( either of automatic or semi automatic variety ).

These washing machines have - wash, rinse and spin cycles as part of the washing process.

In these electric washing machines... after washing clothes the same is rinsed with water and the water is drained out.

This effectively removes the dissolved detergent powder and the dirt/ grime out.

After a few rinse cycles the cloth is spun at high speed to remove the water using centrifugal action acting on the water soaked clothes.

Generally there is only one steel drum that is used to complete all the three process iterations. In some instances ( say a semi-automatic machine ) there possibly are other adjoining spinnning drums that caters to the rinse and spin cycles.


Is it possible to have a specially manufactured nano-particles based detergent ? Which might have some unique electro-magnetic/ electro-chemical i.e. charge based characteristics ?

And, IS human ( skin ) friendly too ?

So that... after one or two of the rinse cycles ( say )... the detergent-laden dirty water is led to another adjoining chamber.

Herein, using some special ( ?? ) irradiation technology and some sort of ionisation or magnetisation process...

the dirt/ grime settles down at the bottom.

the dissolved nano-detergent powder is somehow reclaimed. And thru' loopback mechanism is restored back into the main washing machine.

Essentially... we do NOT lose out the washing detergent liquid/ powder ... i.e. it is NOT wasted down with/ as drain water.

Again...  the dirt grime can be highly IONISED to make these coalesce together as some sort of scum that is passed onto another chamber.

This scum/ sludge keeps on getting ADDED up ( say ). 

( This can be manually or automatically removed and cleaned once in a while )

And... what about the possibility of...
the water left in the chamber can be recycled, re-filtered and may be used again for washing, rinsing purpose ?

This part as well as CASE 4 is written...

keeping in mind... the arid/ desert locales devoid of water most part of the year.

Where there ois huge water shortage/ crisis.



Hope that any of these pointers are found useful / helpful.

And, goes on to provoke the right kind of thoughts in the right kind of heads.

Wrong ones... pleaJJE excuZi.


End.Of.PosT <EoP>