Friday, July 29, 2016

On Food Security

On Food Security

Almost every few months we keep on reading in news or... even watching on TV ... that such and such food-grains are left in the open... to rot.

Are rotting... are rotten... Or... are spoiled... i.e. wasted, as such.

Untimely rains... etc. are blamed... basically... the weather.

Esp. so wrt ... wheat and paddy.

Most of the times... there is NOT enough FCI warehousing facility to properly, scientifically and methodically warehouse the food-grains produce.

Not sure... what is our food grains stocking capacity- for the entire nation's populace.


Wherein we keep on experiencing food-grains, etc. prices inflation.
Which certainly might NOT BE the norm in developed nations; Actually, even under-developed nations.

... considering that even as of today we DO remain a prominent AGRARIAN based economy, as our underlying backbone to the economy...

No matter, what-ever one might think and wish.

Now, watching this endless wastage, pilferage and spoil of the food-grains...

I am NOT sure whether... we have a food-grains stocking capacity for the entire population... ?? And... for how many years ??

This... as part of our national security best practice/ initiative.

My perspective of what stocking capacity we ought to have -
... Say for at least SEVEN and a HALF years ( this has nothing to do with Saturn's seven and half year's cycle i.e. sade-sati. ).

Actually... this is just a figure/ number that keeps on coming back to me.

in this context let me point out a few KEY aspects as to why I think so...

111) We have seen so many COLOR revolutions happening. And... those guys who might have effected it... might be in a EVER hungry mode to enact the same in other countries as well, including here in India.

Of course... in another form, format, scale !!

Having other (c)overt ramifications and strategic needs/ requirements.

They might even actively use foreign-funded NGOs' to effect their ulterior and vicious designs.

These guys might want to try to destabilize the food security in the first place.

As such...
Our food security might be helpful, in a certain way, to counter this perceived threat.

We do not want hungry crowds to go rampant... i.e. on a rampage. On... any internal or external excitations or incitements !!

Let us ALL get this across... at the outset.

Taking into consideration - the possibilities of famine, war-like situations, etc.

222) Around early 2014... I chanced on the news somewhere that there was a research done by some ( mostly- PIOs', NRIs, etc. scholars and research
personnel ) group in UC, Berkeley.

The topic being something that had to do with - "Civil War like situations in India".
From what I vaguely recollect - it had a research on the seeds, causations, eruptions, containment, etc. for a civil war like situation ( massive internal strife ) in a country such as India. Cause, scenarios, etc. might have been discussed.

I guess, the document might still be online.

Now... NOT sure why the UC, Berkeley had to fund such a research topic say... in 2012 or late 2013 !! ??

Can anyone tell... who funded it ? And... why ?

And... who ALL were part and parcels of this research project ? From where they got their inputs, data and key deductions ?

What was the KEY objective for such a research project ?

What mission and vision ?

From my perspective...
this is akin to putting a gun on the temple of the Indian Govt. A veiled threat actually ! If... I am NOT mistaken.


if the Govt of India undertakes this effort...then it might be an intelligence activity undertaken in utmost secrecy by the national security agencies of our country. Say - the IB under the guidance of GoIs' home ministry.

I mention the above specifically here...
To make the point - plain and simple.

Sans adequate food grains security... it might be a piece of cake for our enemies to foment internal trouble and unrest; especially in a famine like situation wherein the monsoons might have failed for 2-3 years, in a row.

A failed monsoon in a country as huge as ours, implies - that rainfall is...
less than 80 % of the expected normal !!

And... this 20 % deficit sure has HUGE implications !!

In such circumstances... any dimwit can expect that food-grains inflation to sky-rocket... And... totally go hay-wires. So, the actual populace requirements
MUST BE BACKED by adequate domestic supplies. And... there MUST be concerted efforts on the part of the authorities to contain and control the price of
essential commodities. On a continual basis. Thereby controlling inflation.

Though I am NOT a finance person...
But is it NOT possible that too much inflation results in the INR to depreciate in value ?  I'd understand  this to be so.

And, any INR depreciation vis-a-vis other major currencies means one thing and only one thing... as per my limited knowledge - LOSS of a nation's WEALTH.

This... only a finance/ economics guy can understand, explain and statistically prove or even disprove.

Let's see...
If, 1 USD were equal to 1 INR then imagine where our national finances might have been ?

Btw... that was EXACTLY the case in the 1940s...

Is it NOT strange that when PM PVN Rao devalued the INR TWICE in 1991-92, the then FM was no other than our UPA-1 & UPA-2 PM !!

Can anyone quantify the reasons for making such MAMMOTH INR devaluations ??

Btw... Russian hyper-inflation post dessolution of USSR, had devalued the rouble massively.
This almost destroyed the Russian economy.

333) We MUST need be wary of the massive change in the weather pattern.
That has resulted in climate change. Actually... vice versa, as well.

This has an unmistakable global pattern. Some blame this on weather modification programs ( like ionisation of the ionosphere by programs like HAARP. Some other countries might have other methods or names. ).

Someone else might... blame this on global warming, etc.

Whatever !! might be. One thing is sure - the arctic caps have melted. Captain blames this on FRACKING and the methane gas leaks.

I believe that as 100 % true.

By the way, FRACKING reminds me of the DANGERS... if we were to engage in fracking in India to pull out the shale gas. ESSENTIALLY and UNDOUBTEDLY we are actually laying the frameworks for medium to large scale earth-quakes in our country. Additionally... fracking might have effects on the water table level, our under-ground aquifers, on the superficial ground water bodies and NOT the least - on the Himalayan tectonic plates.

If we want to court disaster then... we allow to engage in fracking in India.

And... WE MUST NOT allow that in India. In the US... they have NO tectonic plates to deal with. So... let them frack !!


We MUST have food-grains ( all the required essentials )  stocking capacity for ALMOST SIX years. Plus, another 1.5 years food grains buffer stock MUST be deemed as a 'ROTATION-ABLE' buffer.

Those smart enough, may get the idea instantly. As to what I might be implying here.

Now, say...
some set of African or middle-eastern counties have near famine like situation. Then... we MUST be in a position to provide them massive amounts of humane... humanitarian aid.

Essentially in terms of ( almost ) free stocks of food-grains supply.

This might be a situation... something that we come across within\ the next 7-12 years time frame. The way... things are supposed to pan out, per my observation. Actually a broad... guesstimate.


We need to be prepared for the situation, well in advance. And... DO the needful.

And... unlike whatever Captain says... as regards our being a Super Power within 17 years, or what-ever.

We... never ever have to be vying for the super-power status !!

We MUST never intend to be one.

We have always been.

In fact... our Indian wealth SENT OVERSEAS, is powering the entire global economy.
And... that's pretty much TRUE.


We MUST need be a GREAT nation. That, in fact, we ACTUALLY are.

And... aim to become the GREATEST one. Where Indians are admired, loved and respected everywhere !!

What sayst - Chief ?

Btw, we MUST continue to be a GREAT nation. And, for that we need to be prepared for the situation as mentioned above.

To show solidarity, largess, goodwill gesture, etc.

Lest someone else is... more well prepared and proactive to do the needful, rather than us.

I guess I am able to convey my point well, across.

444) The GoI food security program that the Congress party so vociferously espoused in the last pre-poll promises ( circa Q1-Q2, 2014 )... I doubt... might have NOT REALLY catered to our bare-basics national security needs ??

I have considered it as HIGHLY "PRAJA-DROHI" for the set of reasons as mentioned earlier. And... "PRAJA-DROHI" actually means "RAJ-DROH" in todays' parlance.

Is that... WAY TOO... aptly and clearly understood by ALL ?

Comprendo !!

Or, shall I NEED to explain in another way ?
The language bhery...nay VERY WELL understood by the masses ??

Now, in this context...
Can the GoI tell the coutry whether we have adequate food stocks for 5.5\ 6 to 7.5 years ?

Even whilst we might have to be considering a short/ medium term war or WW-3 situation at hand ?

pleaJJe ??

And... in case the GoI finds it cumbersome to stock the desired buffer... then... better it is for the massses to buy and stock the same in their houses. For some 5-7 years.

The authorities MUST help, in this regards, those set of populace who may be able to mitigate or reduce the impact of such a huge effort.

This way - the whole effort can be, sort of, deregulated i.e. decentralized. Actually- spread out.

Lots of buffer food stocks MUST lie with a set of really 'responsible' citizenry; who revert the stock to the GoI, on need basis. Or, when asked to.

Now, the moot question-
How can this be made possible ?

< EoP >

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