Wednesday, July 27, 2016



Whilst well-wishers may think -"Emperor has NO clothes;
So... Better it is to be dead than alive, as such."

While those who are against the Emperor might think and wish -

"Long live the Emperor".

Caveat being... it is their wish that the situation persists.


Down the line... in one of my posts I might explain - how NOT to be an Emperor.

The experiences shared might be worth several hundreds of billions USD, provided if it is heeded well. And... reaches the masses !!


These mangy cats... drunk with (??) power... ( Booster dose ?? ) have done what is essentially the gravest unpardonable offence.

And... they want to exhume home truths of Sanatana Dharma !!

And... they are doing all the massive home-work and propaganda ( since the almost past 2-3 years ) before they get at me.

Btw- they have actually got at the family.


Looking at... and expecting - "Breaking Point", are you all ?


Well... in my case - I am looking at the "WAKING POINT" ?

For... ALL my kinsmen are dead asleep.

And... I want to WAKE THEM UP !!


Before... it is too late. Way... too... late to wake up.

And... I am NOT going to wake them up.
You ALL are going to wake them up.

Actually... are FACTUALLY doing so.

They need to be JOLTED. Actuallly... kicked up AWAKE.

And... Rightfully so.

It is WAY TOO DANGEROUS to be asleep in modern times.


A negligence on par to... hara-kiri.

To add...
A set of people are gunning after me ( I guess ).

Perhaps this might be actually Govt. sponsored, for...

- a LOT of my relatives are facing serious
legal and income tax related problems/ heat.

All of a sudden. PRONTO .

This... over the last 3 or so years. Eg. -

111) Ever heard that : 75-80-85 years of age people in the fag end of their life get wrongly implicated in false and fabricated police cases. That too... the charges are non-bailable offences.

SC/ STs' have been perhaps maliciously paid/ used to effect this.

The police officers who have started off this must be brought to book.
There must be due investigation in this.
I hope the CM of the state where I reside, ensures that someone looks into this.

The falsely accused people might spend a lot of their time, money and energies just to somehow stay safe.

222) A few near and distant kinsmen have been almost destroyed by IT raids.
There's nothing to complain here. Only thing is - I understand that indirectly they might be used up ( in bargain ) to soften me up.

Else, (c)overtly might even be used to build public opinion against me. For sure.

In the first week of this year, a distant kinsman faced huge IT raids. I heard that his business was almost destroyed.

Curiously... and factually enough... his (c)overt business partner stayed ALL safe. Perhaps these people had advanced knowledge of the oncoming IT raids. So... they used the same to create quite some "public propaganda" to divert all the media attention to something more grave.

Somehow... I guess... folks in the IT Dept. fears them.
So... these guys spared them-selves rather than sparing them !!

Now... almost the entire business lies covertly in the hands of the business partner ( and a coterie of his own kinsmen ).

Factually TELLing.


SO... as an aside...

Can people make out why the Mughals ruled us... well... for so long ?

And, from toe-hold, foot-hold... moved over to almost the entire length and breadth of the country ??

Mind you... Alexander could not. But, Mughals could. How ?

Alexander was of Greek/ Roman origin.
And Mughals were perhaps Turk/ Tartar/ Mongloid origin.


And... what about the Britishers ??

Is it not strange that they chose to set up base in Calcutta ( rather than Bombay or Delhi or Jaipur ) ? Can anyone make out why so ?

And... once the Britishers were thoroughly done up with us Indians... they moved the capital from Calcutta to Delhi.


Whilst China has problems with ( an erstwhile imperialist ) Japan.
( The Chinese populace had suffered at the hands of the imperialist Japanese for quite some time. )

This reflects in a Chinaman's attitude towards Japan.

But, in India - our key leaders/ political parties/ rulers/ managers/ media, etc.

Almost - every form, format and scale are going head over heels in wooing the Britishers ( Anglo ) and the Americans ( read - Anglo-Saxons ).

Do our covert ELITES choose these guys or what ??


The Britishers do not have to physically come back after 100 years to rule us.

( Heard the same from Baba Ramdev.
 Indian independence and transfer of power, stuff.)

The Britishers might very well achieve the same by proxy. Actually... are they actually on the way ??

They might as well outsource the work to some mangy SET of mis-aligned Indians.

doing so... in cahoots with our best ( purported ) partners... the Americans.

Ever wondered why... the "Angrez RajKumar" was here with family in mid-April this year. And... around the same time- the US defence Secretary was also on
a parallel visit ?

Is this mere coincidence ? I do NOT think so !!

And... our great HOST of our Defence Minister ( read : BJP + RSS ) wants us to sign LSA ( Logistics Support Agreement ) in the form of a new name LEMOA ??

How come all of a sudden the NDA Govt. is so intent in going for LSA or LEMOA ?

What does it achieve ? And... why NOT have such similar agreements with few other BRICS nations, to start with ?

WHY LEMOA ?? Can the defence minister answer the nation ?
And... why NOT include some of the BRICS nations into this ?

For... the defence minister might be known till posterity for his stand in favor of LEMOA and other such IT pacts and agreements he might have inked
with the US.

In this regards...
I am on the side of the former defence minister Mr AK Antony, who has rightfully deplored the need for LSA/ LEMOA. And... similar such pacts.

At this juncture... that is. <- My take.

I recall, quite clearly that the UPA Govt. was dead against this setup. This LSA stuff.

Lot many very senior defence personnel ( read - officers ) considered this a dangerous agreement/ treaty.
This... we have kept reading on... in the media over the past several years.

Can the RSS Chief explain to ALL the Hindu people what has changed all of a sudden to warrant LEMOA ?


the defence minister who happens to be a RSS veteran, comes way too later.


Btw... had heard or read somewhere that...
the Chief RSS StrategistS... nay think-tank ( I guess ) might be a tightly coupled coterie of highly smart and learned Indians based in the USA and
other such western countries.

And... these set of people are highly adept in TECHNOLOGY and FINANCE domains.
And... they are the LEADERS in their respective work domain.

They want to chalk out the future of the country. As... suits them. Is it so ?
Or... for the benefit of ALL the denizens concerned ?

xCuZi pLeaJJe ?? !!


What remains UNSAID...

So...does our defence minister wants the Indians working in the M.I. complex of the USA ( this includes NSA, NASA, etc.; as well ) to cater to all our
defence needs, NOW and... down the line.

Indirectly controlled ?!

By the Americans, Indo-Americans and the (pseudo) Indians working in the US ( who are more Americans than the Americans themselves ).

Rather THAT... we develop our own defence capabilities and preparedness ?

Basically... this is tantamount to outsourcing our defence preparedness in the hands of the Americans.
Nay... it may seem like... Indians working for the Americans.

But it would not be the case. Rather... far from it.

Btw... I myself could have been another one working in the US M.I. complex !!

But then... please do note -
when some-one gives you bread and butter you are NOT supposed to think averse to his wishes, intentions, goals, missions, visons, etc.
However overt or however heinously covert.

Ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome ? in this context.

Again... with respect to LEMOA...

Do I get the impression that some set of key elitist Indians ( say- nerds ) working in the military indutrial ( M.I. ) complex of western countries have
full control over anyone's and everyone's lives and our privacy in India ??
As also - all across the world ?

one's mangy neighbor ( who I have long observed... has a penchant for gathering people of his/ her OWN kind only... "OWN kind" => caste-men ) EVERY single day.

If (s)he wants to screw me or falsely frame anyone of the family members up.

(S)he simply has to make a phone call to any of the high ranking IPS officers ( (s)he, for sure, might have many relatives serving in high positions ) who
are part of our "National Security Agencies".

And... highly likely that (s)he will be obliged, for sure.
And... his/ her connections in the "National Security Agencies" and by proxy his connections in the M.I. complex of the western countries might yield the desired result.

They might be too good to take it from there. Without anyone even getting a whiff of what is actually transpiring.

Do my family members know what sort of extremely base "violation of privacy" they have been exposed to till the past 2-3 years ?

And... WHY ?

Who authorised it ? The President of India ? Or, the CBI Chief ? Or, the Modi Govt ?
Or, our NSA - Mr AD ? Or... ...some base person of law in some remote part of the country ?


Or, is it that the USA wants to watch the whole world as part of their NWO program. Using the global-scale Echelon communications-snooping system ?


And... these mangy law-enforcement guys will do the snooping in a legit way.
Proving themselves to be RIGHT all along.

And... befooling the whole world into believing that...
see we have a fall guy HERE.

Causing irreparable damage to... all his/ her family.


I have been set up to add juice to the whistle-blower Edward Snowden's claims as reagards NSA snooping.

Our nerd Indian guys working in tandem and in cahoots with the US counter-parts are ready with the IoT stuff.

And... then privacy might be a thing of the PAST.

My intuitive guesstimate tells that our "National Security Agencies" might show the URGENCY for importing IoT technolgies ( hardware, sensors, firmware, software, etc. ) plus similar security PLUS defence stufff of... over USD 5.5 TRILLIONS, over the next 9-12-15-18 years !!

I suggest... someone asks either or both - Mr. Snowden and Mr. Assange whether I am right or wrong on THIS figures. And, the moot idea these guys are after me ?

One might know... DOODH KA DOODH... PAANI KA PAANI.


1) The Pathankot incident occured after one of my blog pieces.

And... before that, around that time... PM Modi had visited PM Sharif of Pakistan.

I took that incident... with a pinch of salt.

Newspaper reports told me what others could NOT glean.

My limited perception tells me...
Would NOT expect that Pakistan or ISI is ( directly ) involved, in this.

This is my view.

Pakistan is involved in the insurgecy in the Kashmir valley, though.

Perhaps our NSA - Mr Ajit Doval ( a learned Brahmin from Uttarakhand ) MUST be having precise knowledge/ understanding.

2) The recent Kashmir unrest and stone pelting that claimed almost 40+ lives...

Came a day after one of blog posts, earlier this month.

Quite strange coincidence ?? Is it NOT ?

Since Captain is baying for my blood... I guess as true ?

A set of highly focused people are doing ALL the required groundwork to net me ?
Over the last 2-3 years ?

The question that repeats again and again is...

Is Captain representative of our armed forces ?
As well as the MIS, RAW, IB, etc. ( i.e. Our National Security Agencies ) ?

I think... that might be the case. But... what flavor ?


This means...that all this is very base... reactive mode scenario.

Would NOT expect that Pakistan or ISI is ( directly ) involved, in this. This is my view.

Pakistan is involved in the insurgency in the Kashmir valley, though.

As far as Pakistan is concerned... let me state...

The campaign against me is to net my kinsmen 100 % in BJP folds.
Might be one of the possibilities, I may NOT want to rule out.

Looks like the case. Highly likely. 100 % likely.


Just remember this... seeds have been sown. They will for sure bear fruits.

Time and tide waits for no one.

You might NOT be aware...
Someone is watching... and HE might, in due course of time, deliver the needful response. I do NOT have to do anything at all.

< EoP >

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