Friday, July 29, 2016

What stopped the consecutive think-tanks...

What stopped the consecutive think-tanks...

This nagging thought keeps on coming back to me...

As to why... the best of our think-tanks...

Even, post the 1971 Indo-Pak war... and there-after...
did NOT choose to PRO-ACTIVELY ENACT... a few basic things.

( Noting that these same guys chose to create the state of Telengana over closed parliament doors. Why so ? )

Now... putting across a few of my thoughts here-withal...

Would it NOT have helped if -

AAA) a separate state of Jammu, Leh & Laddakh were created. Separate from the Kashmir valley.

This would have implied that the TENS of thousands of crores that the Hindu, Sikh pilgrims bring to Jammu ( also read - Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, etc.) would have ended up in the develop-ment of the Jammu, Leh and Ladakh region. Rather than the majority of it being sucked up in the Kashmir valley alone ??

Kashmir valley economy is dependant on tourists alone.

The people there may get some income from growing of apple, some dry-fruits, kesar, etc. That add-on income is NOT sufficient enough for the place.

Would NOT expect that even food-grains are growable MOST parts of the year, in the valley.

Essentially Kashmiris have to depend on someone for existence.

It is NOT other way round.

The smart ones amongst the Kashmiris MAY choose to reason out and think !! What is stated as - either true or false ?

The sooner the core realization dawns on them, the better for them.

They MUST be able to see the reality, around the globe.

And... NO LONGER live in the 18th, 19th or 20th century.


And... let's understand...
who are these Kashmiri people. Essentially they are the original Indian inhabitants... the Buddhists, Kashmiri pandits, etc.

Who chose to convert to Islam- by force or by carrots !

Definitely, very few of them ever came from Afghanistan, Europe or Persia.

That's TRUE. OK !!

BBB) Mulling- Article 370 was to be abrogated.

CCC) Kashmir was made a Union Territory, directly under the Presidential rule.

Was never to be made another Indian state, per se.

DDD) And, just thinking...
our venerable PM InGa deemed it fit to release 90,000 Pakistani PoWs. Without getting back PoK in exchange !!

Whilst the entire demographic profile of the PoK has been dramatically changed by the ( Predominantly Punjabi Sunni ) Pak establishment, meanwhile.
Over the last few decades.

To the extent that the Pak establishment ( read - the Punjabi Sunnis ) NOW calls the shots in the PoK. To some good extent.

i.e. the indigenous Kashmiri population has been diluted with other people settled there !!

Can anyone explain to me - post 1971 ( and, even thereafter ). ( Btw, we became nuclear-enabled in 1974. )

Who stopped the ruling parties to enact something quite SIMILAR to the ABOVE situation, in national interest ?

This way... we might have diluted the bone of contention.

Once. And... for good.

Have we ever sent brain-washed terrorists or compromised naxalites into the PoK or Punjab areas of Pakistan to kill innocent people, at random ?

Basically to inflict cost on the Pak army and their morale ?

Should we have - in a tit for tat manner ? So that the other party settles for no more of monkeying with the wild idea of inflicting 1000 wounds on us, at some point of time.


Of course, it certainly MIGHT have required settlements of other Indian populace in the Jammu and Kashmir areas. Say- predominantly from Punjab,
Uttarakhand, HP and Haryana states.

Looks like, for SURE, our LEADERSHIP allowed the problem to grow, over the years.

Actually... seems like they created a problem. Owing to lack of  PROACTIVE-NESS.

This is another perspective.


Is the moot question everyone MUST seek answer to !!


Compared to that... look what our own Govt./ establishment has done and achieved.

I guess - it has allowed the situation to go overtly out of control. For what-ever reasons.

And... endlessly engaging in fire-fighting !!

That is costing HUGE AMOUNTS to the national exchequer.

And... lots of our armed forces personnel lives are wantonly sucked up in this flame. As also- some Kashmiri life.

Lots of women end up widowed. Lots of kids become fatherless. And, the pain has been ever growing...


This flame/ fire that the incompetent think-tanks allowed to grow over a period of time.

seems like it is way TOO late for fire-fighting !!

it is NEVER to late for any fire fighting !!  ( My take. )

So herwithal, I am providing a taken idea, in order to -

AA) to deter the insurgency in the Kashmir valley.

BB) deter cross-border infiltration efforts,

CC) the separatists might have a rethink and they fall in line.

etc. etc.


Uniquely tricky situation calls for unique fire-fighting methods and methodologies.

So, inspired by some idea from the epic Mahabharata...

This was actually... a game changer.


We MUST recruit "CHAKKAs"... I mean HIJRAs in our armed forces.

What about training them as SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXPERTS especially meant for counter-insurgency ?

Providing them best of the art training... suitably as COMMANDOS.

The armed forces MUST NOT take it... as if I am deprecating any of them... in any form, format, scale...

NO. That is NEVER the case.

The Indian populace have respect ONLY and ONLY for our armed forces.
And... no one else. None what-so-ever. And... that is a FACT. And... I am part of the Indian junta.

I am telling this... on a pretty serious note.

for... the psychological implications of a male insurgent COMBATING special operations experts ( here- Hijra ) and being outwitted, out-gunned, out-smarted and... over-powered by these 'special experts'.

In the process... be... taken alive.

And... stay alive at these 'experts's mercy !!


In effect...
I am trying to pin-point the psychological implications of any ( would-be ) insurgent of thinking 'N' number of times before he chooses to embark on the road that he has been brain-washed, leads to : 72 bharjens in heaven, killing the KAFIRS, etc., etc.

Potential insurgents are going to flip-flop i.e. waver... on his commitment to be an insurgent, 1000nd of times !!

Ask any psychological expert, on this. Especially- one of those pure at heart Indian Muslims ( say ) who can look inside the creation of a jihadi mindset.

Just... from the psychological impact...
that before that 72 number beauties... he has to meet the really 'special' special operatives.

And... the insurgent has to worry - NOT to be taken alive !!

The insurgent's limited thinking capacity MIGHT NEVER overcome this MIGHTY THREAT to their MANHOOD that is meant to be way TOO overtly CHIVALROUS !!

Is this understood !! Well ?

what if these 'special' special operatives choose to play 'vampire-vampire' with the caught insurgents !!

Like cats and ze mouse.

And... once turning them like their mirror image- set them free !! For good !! To get back to their MANLY brethren !!


So... after being totally at their mercy... for a few weeks or months.

Then- what about sending the insurgent back to from where he came from and tell the tales... of his 'so-called' CHIVALRY ??

And... his close encounter with the 'special' special operatives.


Do... I have to tell what happens then ?

I guess...the insurgency might very well trickle down.

Now... this is something...
that they MUST need to figure out before they venture forth in the Indian territory. This will apply to even misguided local populace.

I am 100 % SURE this will work.

And... the wannabe jihadi heroes like @ani, the local and cross border insurgents might as well relocate to some other part of the country and find some suitable employment rather than be taken by the lure of guns, 72 bharjens ( Captain's words ) in heaven, etc. etc.

This is perhaps the BEST anti-dote to the scourge nay menace we have at hand.

Say- unofficially raising some 'special' special forces that are...

10,000-20,000-30,000 STRONG !!

This is thought of...
in the most earnest and sincerest manner. And... on a pretty SERIOUS note.

This might be the best anti-dote to the venom of wanton insurgency in the valley.

< EoP>

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