Thursday, July 7, 2016

On Brahm-Bhoj in Sanatana Dharma

***** Matter Of Fact. Actually *****

...this write-up was NEVER supposed to be EVER coming.

This has been an INVITED post. Rather... an ELICITED one.

Actually a PROVOKED post...

For I have had NIL intention to offer my ideas on such things which are way TOO out of my domain.


On Brahm-Bhoj in Sanatana Dharma

Few years back, I went for Brahm Bhoj nay 'Daawat' ( = Feast ).

Generally, I avoid attending such "bhoj-bhaats".

Therein, I saw a good wastage of the money by way of giving the Brahm bhoj ( = feast ) by the family of the deceased person.

Brahm-Bhoj is given as a way of ending the 10-13 day mourning session, after soneone's death.

The amount of money spent becomes huge if one considers that if the same spent amount is kept in a bank under a compounding interest scheme for -
20/ 30/ 40/ 50/ 100 years becomes such a huge amount of money.

What money is thus spent ( say this is the PRINCIPAL amount, upfront ) could be otherwise put in a compounding interest scheme in a bank, and
thereby saved.

Money spent MUST be seen as an UPFRONT ( = initial ) principal amount for the investment.

That money can easily be utilised to establish in life a couple of the sons/ daughters/ grand-sons/ grand-daughters ( of the the already deceased person ) in life. For good.

What a waste. What a waste.

All... Whilst certain set of people make merry. The money thus lavishly spent by the dead person's family - goes on to add to the coffers of a certain set of people.

Would it NOT be much more convenient to go for the 4-day Arya Samaj method as propounded by Swami DayaNanda Saraswati ?

Some REAL SMART set of people MUST bring out an AMALGAM between these two methods.

i.e. retaining the 13-day mourning period ( as a NEEDED  < 1 % ) whilst utilizing the Arya Samaj VEDIC method to do the ( so to say > 99 % ) of the needful.


After all - we are NOT living in villages, anymore.
That people gather and mourn for 10/ 13 days, all at one go.

In modern times... life is FAST.

Btw if today someone is told that (s)he be the sole beneficiery of all the money spent by her/ his ancestors over the past 200 - 500 - 1000 years...

The money spent was to be LOCKED in a banking instrument - say, a compounding interest scheme.

Needless to say - today they would be as rich as the Birlas, Tatas and Ambanis, COMBINED.

Am I right on this ?

SANATANA DHARMINs aka Hindus - Just think about it.

We ALL seem to have a perspective on the dowry system.

What about paring of unnecessary expenditure in Brahm bhoj.

This post has been written keeping the rural, agrarian set of people in mind.

Whilst... in case the urban and urbane people start a reformational trend then this percolates back to the villages.

Sooner or later.

SO...  Time for this rip-off to R.I.P. ??


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