Thursday, July 7, 2016

Who Actually rules ? - An eye opener

***** Matter Of Fact. Actually *****

...this write-up was NEVER supposed to be EVER coming.

This has been an INVITED post. Rather... an ELICITED one.

Actually a PROVOKED post... 

Apologies... if anyone is offended.


Who Actually rules ? - An eye opener

Recently, in the Indian state of Jharkhand one came across a peculiarly weird news. If similar were to be the situation in all the other Indian states, then this might serve as a REAL eye opener...

BTW_111 -
I often wonder why the state- Jharkhand was named as "Jhar"+"Khand" and WHY NOT actually as Dev + Khand = DevKhand.

After all - the famous Jyotirlinga at Baidya-Nath Dham is at Deo-Ghar.
... right since the Treta Yuga.

So, DevKhand IS the apt name for the state.


BTW_222 -
the Yuga system reminds me that the Jains have their own Yuga system.

Reference URl - )




What transpired in the State assembly is worth noting VERY importantly -

Some Jharkhand MLAs' demanded raising the SC/ ST/ OBCs'reservation cap from 49 % odd level set by the Supreme Court to 69 % / 72 % levels - as in Tamil Nadu !!

As usual there was HUGE furore over this demand in the state assembly.


And, nothing transpired much out of this.
Which was TRULY expected by almost ALL.
And much cherished/ celebrated by the "minority turned majority".

There are a few notable points to be observed out of this assembly discussions; as I read in the news-papers, which stated... -

One MLA claimed that the demographic profile/ population break up of Jharkhand clearly states that -

Tribals Constitute 27 % of the population.

After the formation of Jharkhand ( after bifurcation of Bihar ); the tribal leaders were able to corner a 30 % reservation chunk for TRIBALS alone, in the state of Jharkhand.

And... NO ONE could oppose it then and even so... till date.

So... 27 % population and 30 % reservation benfits sounds PRETTY GOOD deal for the native tribals.




Bihar was bifurcated to keep resurgent Lalu Prasad Yadav ( LPY ) and Nitish Kumar
( NK ) perpetually out of Jharkhand. Thereby limiting them to Bihar politics.

Some set of pretty smart guys figured out that this is the best was to deter an alliance BETWEEN the ( 27 % ) tribals of Jharkhand and the LIKES of LPY and NK.

And... these guys have been way TOO successful till NOW.

The tell-tale sign indicates that the time is about to run out for them pretty soon. Way too soon.

to corner the MOST mineral-rich Indian state in a few set of collective hands.
That includes some set of politicians in nexus with some potentially favored admininstrative and police officers. Also... does NOT rule out some (c)overt people in the judicial system.

All this is - NETWORKING. Plain and simple.

All this... To fix up or unduly favor someone.


Moving on... the MLAs further contested that...

Dalit population is 13 % in Jharkhand.

So, total SC + ST population = 13 + 27 = 40 %

Add to this...

the OBC+ MBC+ EBC population works out to around 55 % to 57 % .
Maybe 58 %
( per the newspaper report - if true ).

In effect this meant that SC ( 13 % ) + ST ( 27 % ) + OBC ( 55 % or 57 % or 58 % )
population works out to around BETWEEN -
13+ 27+ 55 = 95 % or 13+ 27+ 57 = 97 % or 98 % out of of the TOTAL population.

The MLAs' were complaining that 95% - 98 % of the population is limited to 49 % reservation limit set by the Supreme Court.

Actually... out of this 49 %  - STs alone get a whopping 30 % chunk.

So, in effect, 95% / 98% MINUS the ST quota ( = 27 % ) = 65 % to 68 % of the population are limited to 49 % - 30 % = 19% of the job + educational
opportunities. ONLY. In the reserved category.

Whilst ONLY 2-5 % of the population in open = general category have an open stake in a
whopping 51 % of the opportunities.

etc. etc. etc.

So, some set of MLAs' wanted the reseravtion stake for SC/ST/OBC's to be raised from the 49 % cap to 69 % / 72 % levels as in TamilNadu.

This demand sounded quite logical in the face of the reservation system in place in TamilNadu.

NOT HAPPENING !! the 3 % - 5 % 'minority-turned-majority' EVEN in the Jharkhand assembly, OVERRULED.


And, the Jharkhand CM supported this "NOT HAPPENING !!" clamour.
And helped lay to rest this 'unjustified' demand.

After all he has to save his CM's chair.
For the BJP ( = RSS ) leadership will easily find any numbrer of reasons to dispalce him from his post/ position.
In NO time. Pronto.

In case his voice is in di-consoance with the party leadership.

Thereby the CM proved himself to be the party's man.

Even the CMs' kins-men would have expected...

Any CM should evolve as a mass leader. Rather than a party's appointee.
Mass leaders are ever-green.

NOT aaya-rams and gaya-rams type.


Whilst the MLAs who were of tribal origin MUST have looked amused. Nay... BEMUSED, actually.

Perhaps offering a DONT CARE attitude to the demand of these MLAs'.
Having already got the 30 % share since 2001. They DO NOT have to care. Do they ?

Tribal leaders laughing off ( albeit suppressed ... nay muted. Or, even OPENLY ) the OBC/ MBC/ EBC demand for raising the RESERVASSION CAP !!

Imagining this above ... I HAD a hearty laugh.

Is it possible that the Jharkhand tribals had/ have a covert pact with some set of the elites, which led to the bifurcation of Bihar and creation of an independent Jharkhand state ??

The 30 % RESERVASSION for STs alone in the state of Jharkhand, states exactly the same.


Let the RESERVASSION votaries like LPY and NK figure this RIDDLE out.


End of Part ONE of -

"Who Actually rules ? - An eye opener"


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