Thursday, July 7, 2016

Few notables.

***** Matter Of Fact. Actually *****

...this write-up was NEVER supposed to be EVER coming.

This has been an INVITED post. Rather... an ELICITED one.

Actually a PROVOKED post...


Few notable deaths, killings

AAA) Few IPS Officers -

One Supdt.of Police, one... Mr Gupta of J&K cadre died of swine flu in Dec, 14 or Jan, 15

One ACP in Delhi Police Kills self. Wife jumps to death from 6th floor. No one alive to tell any tales.

Recently, one young IPS officer ( originally from TN ) posted in AP dies under mysterious condition.

BBB) Few MLAs' -

Few months back - one sitting MLA in Jharkhand had a sudden death. Died mysteriously.
Supposedly of heart attack. Highly doubtful. Am skeptical.

Several months back - a speeding truck overran a railway crossing. Rammed into a passing train thereby killing a sitting MLA ( perhaps from Karnataka ), amongst others ( perhaps in AP ).

How so weird/ strange that the truck rammed into an MLA !

CCC) Industrialist -

Lord Swaraj Pauls' son leaps to death in UK.
Read in the newspaper few months back.

Why ? What motive / motivation ?

DDD) Few rationalists -

Dr MM Kalburgi was murdererd last year.

Dr MM Kalburgi was a confirmed intellectual and a rationalist.

Primarily... he was a KALBURGI, and perhaps from Kalburgi. Therefore, more so likely, averse to the priestly class and their machinations.

Hence... a rationalist... a pragmatic individual.

Rather than a blind believer ( ANDH-VISWAASI ).

Dabholkar and Pansare, as well. Could be falling the self same category. Perhaps for the same reason.

Rationalist does NOT mean someone who is averse to SANATANA DHARMA.

Rationalist could very well mean someone who rather has faith in a formless aspect of GOD ( nirakar, nirguna, nirvair,... etc. etc. ).

And... DOES NOT fall under the category of blind believers ( ANDH-VISWAASI ) types.

i.e. - one believes first and later... after "x" years one'll be redeemed ?

EEE) Some political activist -

A common thread amongst the recent killings...

Prashant Poojary, Vaman Poojary, Dr M. M. Kalburgi

Prashant Poojary ( perhaps an RSS activist ) was killed in Karnataka. Suspicion could be political/ social rivalry. Natural suspects could be Muslim activists.

However, the lone eye-witness to his killing; his uncle Vaman Poojary is also removed from the whole picture.

Question is Why ? And... is there more than meets the picture ?

For... the natural result of these killings is...
the Poojarys or the Biilavas as a endogamous social groups and such similar social groups will be markedly polarised in favour of the BJP/ RSS ideology.

Is that the moot idea of these wanton killings ?

Btw... I would NOT expect any stray or organized Muslim activist to kill any of these set of people mentioned in EEE) and achive results in favor of BJP / RSS.


Is there any political party that benefits out of these killings ? Be your own judge.

FFF) Two ex-CMs.

During the outbreak of the deadly swine flu in Dec, 2014 / Jan, 2015

ex-CMs' of two of the Indian states were infected.

Luckily both of them recouped.
( The IPS officer in the J&K cadre was NOT lucky enough ).

It 'll be interesting and worth-while to note these ex-CMs' - social / political decisions thence-forth.

One of these CMs' recently recalled an old buddy ( ?? ), back into the party.

Question is -
Why ?
Why would he do the same whilst... most likely, majority of his close
associates would likely resent this move.

Or,... is this home-coming the payoff of an earlier planted matrimonial alliance ?

"Chakkar kya hai ??"

Is it possible -
Does some set of people, alone, have a potent anti-dote for the 'n'th strain of a bio-pandemic like swine flu ?

As opposed to what is already available ?



All of the above SEEMS to have a common thread ? 

 ( may not be actually true. then this post could be deemed as plain conjecture ) that links them all.

This thought resounds the mental frame. Hence writing this.

Btw - this post is completely out of place. Was not necessary other wise. Yet all these came to me again and again. So, putting forth.


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